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Cryptography Intruders in Network Security

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Cryptography Intruders in network security.

Intrusion is any set of actions that attempt to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of a computer resource. Intrusion detection, is the attempt to monitor and
possibly prevent attempts to intrude into or otherwise compromise your system and
network resources. Simply put, it works like this: You have a computer system. It is attached to a
network, and perhaps even to the internet. You are willing to allow access to that computer system
from the network, by authorized people, for acceptable reasons. For example, you have a web
server, attached to the internet, and you are willing to allow your clients, staff, and
potential clients, to access the web pages stored on that web server.

You are not, however, willing to allow unauthorized access to that system by anyone, be that staff,
customers, or unknown third parties. For example, you do not want people (other than the web
designers that your company has employed) to be able to change the web pages on that
computer. Typically, a firewall or authentication system of some kind will be employed to prevent
unauthorized access.

Sometimes, however, simple firewalling or authentication systems can be broken.

Intrusion detection is the set of mechanisms that you put in place to warn of
attempted unauthorized access to the computer. Intrusion detection systems can also take some
steps to deny access to would-be intruders(John, 2019).

Why use Intrusion Detection?

The underlying reasons why you might use intrusion detection systems are
relatively straightforward: You want to protect your data and systems integrity. The fact that you
can’t always protect that data integrity from outside intruders in today's internet
environment using mechanisms such as ordinary password and file security, leads to a range of
issues. Adequate system security is of course the first step in ensuring data protection. For
example, it is pointless to attach a system directly to the internet and hope that nobody breaks into
it, if it has no administrator password! Similarly, it is important that the system prevents access to
critical files or authentication databases (such as the NT SAM or the Unix /etc./password or
/etc./shadow files) except by authorized systems administrators.
Further measures beyond those normally expected of an intranet system should always be made
on any system connected to the internet. Firewalling and other access prevention mechanisms
should always be put in place. While it may be acceptable to allow NT logon, file sharing, or telnet
access to a system that is entirely internal, an internet server should always use more
secure mechanisms, such as firewalling off the NT file sharing (SMB protocol) ports such as
TCP/UDP ports 137 - 139, and using secure shell (SSH) instead of telnet for access to Unix

Intrusion detection takes that one step further. Placed between the firewall and the system being
secured, a network based intrusion detection system can provide an extra layer of protection to that
system. For example, monitoring access from the internet to the sensitive data ports of the
secured system can determine whether the firewall has perhaps been compromised, or whether an
unknown mechanism has been used to bypass the security mechanisms of the firewall to access the
network being protected(Margarate, 2019).

Types of Intruders

In an early study of intrusion, Anderson identified three classes of intruders:

i. Masqueraders: An individual who is not authorized to use the computer and who
penetrates a system’s access controls to exploit a legitimate user’s account.
ii. Misfeasor: A legitimate user who accesses data, programs or resources for which such
access is not authorized, or who is authorized for such access but misuses his or her
iii. Clandestine user: An individual who seizes supervisory control of the system and uses
this control to evade auditing and access controls or to suppress audit actions.

Consequences of Intrusion

Intruder attacks range from minimal to the serious. At the minimal end of the scale, there are many
people who simply wish to explore internet and what is out there. At the serious end, intruder may
attempt to do the following:

i. Read privileged data.

ii. Perform unauthorized modification to data or settings.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Intrusion detection is the process of identifying and responding to malicious activity targeted at
resources. It is designed to test/analyze network system traffic/events against a given set of
parameters and alert/capture data when these thresholds are met. They use collected information
and predefined knowledge-based system to reason about the possibility of an intrusion. IDS also
provides services to cope with intrusion such as giving alarms, activating programs to try to deal
with intrusion, etc.

Fig 1.Intrusion detection system

Functions of IDS

i. It detects attacks as soon as possible and takes appropriate action.

ii. It does not usually take preventive measures when an attack is detected. It is a reactive rather than a
pro-active agent. It plays a role of informant rather than a police officer.
Principles of Intrusion Detection Systems.

i. An IDS must run unattended for extended periods of time

ii. The IDS must stay active and secure.
iii. The IDS must be able to recognize unusual activity.
iv. The IDS must operate without unduly affecting the system.

Fig.2 Principles of intrusion detection system diagram

Components of IDS

Basically the main components or modules in an Intrusion Detection System are:

i. Sensor: Responsible for capturing packets and sending to the Console class.
ii. Console: Responsible for analyzing packets captured by Sensor class.It is the class
responsible for displaying GUI and generating alerts.
What types of Intrusion Detection systems are there?

iii. Intrusion Detection systems fall into two broad categories. These are:
iv. Network based systems. These types of systems are placed on the network, nearby the
system or systems being monitored. They examine the network traffic and
determine whether it falls within acceptable boundaries.
v. Host based systems. These types of systems actually run on the system being monitored.
These examine the system to determine whether the activity on the system is acceptable.
vi. A more recent type of intrusion detection system are those that reside in the
operating system kernel and monitor activity at the lowest level of the system.
These systems have recently started becoming available for a few platforms, and
are relatively platform specific.

Network Based Intrusion Detection.

Network based intrusion detection systems are those that monitor traffic on the entire network
segment. A network interface card (NIC) can operate in one of two modes, these being:

 Normal mode, where packets which are destined for the computer (as determined by the
Ethernet or MAC address of the packet) are relayed through to the host system.
 Promiscuous mode, where all packets that are seen on the Ethernet are relayed to the host

A network card can normally be switched from normal mode to promiscuous mode, and vice-
versa, by using a low-level function of the operating system to talk directly to the network card
to make that change. Network based intrusion detection systems normally require that a
network interface card is in promiscuous mode.

Packet Sniffers and Network Monitors

Packet Sniffers and Network Monitors were originally designed to aid in the process of monitoring
the traffic on an Ethernet network. The first of these were two products; Novell LANalyser and
Microsoft Network Monitor. These products basically capture all packets that they see on the
network. Once the packets are captured, a number of possibilities arise:
i. Packets can be counted. Counting the packets that come past, and adding together their
total size over a period of time (including overheads such as packet headers) gives a
pretty good indication of how heavily loaded the network is. Both LANalyser
and Microsoft Network Monitor provide load graphs or meters to show the relative load of
the network.
ii. Packets can be examined in detail. For example, you might want to capture a set of packets
arriving at a web server to diagnose some problem with the server.

Packet sniffing products have become more sophisticated in recent years. These products can
disassemble the insides of various types of packets to show what type of communication is
happening inside that packet. These tools can be used to do evil as well as good. For example,
packet sniffing can be used to find out someone's Unix password by sniffing telnet packets to the
machine that they connect to. Once an attacker has compromised your network, one of the first
things they might install is a packet sniffer of some kind.

Packet Sniffing and Promiscuous Mode

All packet sniffers will require that a network interface is in promiscuous mode. Only in
promiscuous mode will every packet received by the NIC be passed up to the packet sniffer
itself. The packet sniffer normally requires administrative privileges on the machine being used as
a packet sniffer, so that the hardware of the network card can be manipulated to be in promiscuous
mode. Another point to consider is the use of switches, rather than hubs, in a network. Note that
packets received on one interface of a switch are not always sent to other interfaces of the switch.
For this reason, a heavily switched environment, rather than an all-hubs (single segment)
environment, will often defeat the use of packet sniffers.

Network Based Intrusion Detection: The Evolution of the Packet Sniffer

Unfortunately, from a security point of view, a packet sniffer is of limited benefit. The task of
capturing every packet on the network, disassembling it, and manually taking action based on the
contents of the packet is far too time-consuming, even for a horde of specially trained network
gnomes. What if we were to have some software that automated the process for us (after all, that
is what computers are for in the first place, is it not?)
This is basically exactly what a network based intrusion detection package does.

Examples of some of the types of intrusion detection that an IDS engine can perform are:

i. Examine packets that pass through the network.

ii. For legitimate packets, allow them to pass (perhaps recording them for future analysis).
iii. Where a packet endangers the security or integrity of a target system, stop transmission of
the packet by sending TCP "connection closed" or ICMP "port unreachable" messages to
both the target system and the system sending the packet.

In this manner, an IDS can perform an effective second layer defence for a target system when
hosted behind a firewall. Some implementations have also used an IDS in place of a firewall,
which is, however, something that Whitehelm does not recommend. Network based intrusion
detection can perform a few other tasks, for example:

i. Monitoring the network for obvious port scans. Before compromising a system, a cracker
will often port scan the system to determine what vulnerabilities might exist. Port
scan attempts from a host on the internet can often be a signal that a person on such a
host intends to damage your network.
ii. Monitor valid connections for well known attacks. Accessing a web server host on the
web server port (80) might be seen as a relatively harmless activity, but some access
attempts are in fact deliberate attacks, or attempts at attacks. For example, an access that
looks like "GET /../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.0" is probably a bad sign, and should be
iii. Identify IP spoofing attempts of various sorts. The ARP protocol that is used to convert
IP addresses to MAC addresses is often a target for attack. By sending forged
ARP packets over an Ethernet, an intruder who has obtained access to one system can
also "pretend" to be operating as a different system. This can lead to denial of
service attacks of various sorts, as well as system hijacking, whereby an important server
(such as a DNS server or authentication server) is "spoofed". Crackers can use
this "spoofing" to redirect packets to their own system, and perform "man in the middle"
type attacks on what would otherwise be a secure network. By keeping a register of ARP
packets, a network based intrusion detection system can identify the source (ethernet
address) of a compromised system and flush out would-be crackers.

When unwanted activity is detected, network based intrusion detection can take action, including
interfering with future traffic from the intruder, or reconfiguring a nearby firewall to block all
traffic coming from the intruder's computer or network.

Host Based Intrusion Detection

Once a network packet has arrived at the host that it was intended for, there is still available a
third line of defense behind the firewall and network monitor. This is called "host based intrusion
detection", and comes in several flavors.

The two main types of host based intrusion detection are:

i. Network monitors. These monitor incoming network connections to the host, and
attempt to determine whether any of these connections represent a threat.
Network connections that represent some kind of intrusion attempt are acted on. Note that
this is different to network based intrusion detection, as it only looks at network
traffic coming to the host it is running on, and not all traffic passing the network. For this
reason, it does not require promiscuous mode on the network interface.
ii. Host monitors. These monitor files, file systems, logs, or other parts of the host itself
to look for particular types of suspicious activity that might represent an intrusion
attempt (or a successful intrusion). Systems administration staff can then be notified about
any problems that are found.

Monitoring Incoming Connections

It is possible on most hosts to monitor packets that attempt to access the host before those packets
are passed onto the networking layer of the host itself. This mechanism attempts to protect a host
by intercepting packets that arrive for the host before they can do any damage.

Some of the actions that can be taken include:

i. Detect incoming connection attempts to TCP or UDP ports that are unauthorised, such as
attempts to connect to ports where there are no services. This is often indicative of a
possible cracker having a "poke around" to find weaknesses.
ii. Detect incoming portscans. Again, this is a definite issue that should be addressed, and
alerting a firewall or modifying the local IP configuration to deny access from a
possible intruder host (eg: by using ipchains on Linux) is one action to take.

Monitoring Login Activity

Despite the best efforts of the network administrator, and the most recently deployed and
monitored intrusion detection software, occasionally an intruder will slip by and manage to log on
to a system using an unknown type of attack. Perhaps an attacker will have obtained a network
password by some means (packet sniffing or otherwise) and now has the ability to log on to the
system remotely.

Products are available that will look for unusual activity on a system. This type of package
monitors log-in and log-out attempts, and alerts the system administrator to activity that is
unusual or unexpected.

Monitoring Root Activity

The aim of all intruders is to obtain super-user (root) or administrator access on the system that
they have compromised. Well-maintained and reliable systems that are used as web servers and
databases will usually have little or no activity by the super-user, except at particular times of the
day or night for scheduled system maintenance. Fortunately, crackers do not believe in system
maintenance. They rarely stick to scheduled downtime windows and often work at odd hours of
the day. They perform activities on the system that are unusual for even the most propeller-headed
system administrator.

There is one more line of defense: Monitoring any actions performed by the root user or system
administrator. Many Unix systems allow logging or other monitoring of all activity by the root
user, packages are available that can then scan these logs for unusual activity and notify
others about it.

Administrators of open-source operating systems have one final option: alter the kernel to log
specific types of activity. How to do this is outside of the scope of this technology
overview, however speak to your account manager who can arrange for a Whitehelm
consultant who will be able to perform this task.
Monitoring the File Systems

Once an intruder has compromised a system (and despite your best hopes, and the best efforts of
the intrusion detection systems that you have laid down, one cannot discount entirely the
possibility that one day an intruder will compromise a system), then they will start to change
files on the system. For example, a successful intruder might want to install a packet sniffer or
port scan detector, or modify some of the system files or programs to disable some of the
intrusion detection methods that they have worked around.

Installing software on a system usually involves modifying some part of that system.
These modifications will usually take the form of modifying files or libraries on the system.

There are programs available designed to detect when files change on the system, and alert the
system administrator to any changes.

For example, the following approaches can be taken:

i. Create MD5 or other cryptographic checksums of all of the system files, and store these
in a database. When a file changes, its checksum will change.
ii. Store the creation or modification date and time of every system file. Look for any
changes in these timestamps.
iii. Keep a record of any suid (run-as-root) program on the system. If any of these change, or
if new ones are installed, or any are deleted, then there is a problem.

The methods used by the various products vary somewhat, but they are all based on the above
mechanisms. These programs also take care to make sure that the database of known
cryptographic checksums itself isn't compromised in any way. For example, it would be possible
for an intruder with a knowledge of the operating system and the intrusion detection software to
modify the system files and also modify the cryptographic checksum database so that it would
appear that nothing had changed.

Kernel Based Intrusion Detection

Kernel based intrusion detection is a relatively new art form, and one that is starting to become
prevalent, especially within Linux. There are two main kernel based intrusion detection systems
currently available for Linux. These systems take the approach of preventing buffer
overflows, increasing file system protection, blocking signals, and generally making it difficult for
an attacker to compromise a system. One of them also takes steps to prevent certain actions by the
root user, such as installing a packet sniffer or changing firewall rules.

Kernel Protection Vs File System Monitoring

Obviously, systems like LIDS and systems such as Tripwire take a rather different approach to
attempting to achieve the same thing. Both of these packages attempt to prevent a cracker
from using the system for unauthorised purposes.

At first glance, one might think that a system such as Tripwire is less than perfectly useful.
While it is a Good Thing to monitor file systems for signs of abuse, it is readily accepted that once
your system has been compromised by an external intruder, it is time to shut down and rebuild.
The damage has been done, and the system integrity cannot be guaranteed so it is best to re-build
your operating system from the pristine version supplied on CD from your vendor. The
approach offered by LIDS seems much more attractive - to protect the system from damage rather
than to note that the gate was left open after the horse has bolted, so to speak.


John, R. (2019). What is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)? - Definition from Techopedia.

Retrieved 1 August 2019, from


Margarate, R. (2019). What is intrusion detection system (IDS)? - Definition from

Retrieved 1 August 2019, from


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