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Nine-Bus System: 1 General Description

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The document describes a nine-bus power system model including its components, parameters and load flow results obtained using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software.

The single line diagram shows it consists of 9 buses, 3 generators, 3 loads, 6 transmission lines and 3 transformers.

The generator parameters such as reactances, inertia constants and models used are described in detail in tables and text.

Nine-bus System

DIgSILENT PowerFactory *

Abstract 1 General Description

This paper describes the Nine-bus System, which The Nine-bus System was introduced in the book
was introduced in the book Power System Control Power System Control and Stability by P. M. Ander-
and Stability by P. M. Anderson and A. A. Fouad son and A. A. Fouad [1]. It represents a small trans-
[1]. The parameters of the individual elements mission system which consists of 9 buses (nodes), 3
like generators, loads, transformers and lines, as generators, 3 loads, 6 lines and 3 transformers, the
well as the adaptation of their values for input in single line diagram is shown in Figure 1.
the PowerFactory network model are explained.
Results for the load flow calculation and stability
simulation (dynamic RMS phasor simulation) ob-
tained with the Nine-bus System in PowerFactory
are presented.

Figure 1: Single line diagram of the Nine-bus System

* DIgSILENT GmbH, Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9, 72810 Gomaringen, Germany,

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 1

Nine-bus System

2 Model Parameters For RMS simulation, four dynamic models are avail-
able for synchronous generators in PowerFactory
2016: a standard model, a classical model, a 3.3
The nominal voltage of the transmission system is model and a model for asynchronous starting of a syn-
230 kV, the nominal frequency is 60 Hz. The following chronous machine.
subsections describe the parameters of the elements
as used for balanced load flow calculation and RMS • The standard model represents a field winding
simulation. Data have been taken from [1]. in the d-axis, and a damper winding in the d- and
q-axis [2].

• The classical model is a simplified model con-

2.1 Loads sisting of a voltage source behind an impedance
During load flow calculation, the loads of the Nine-
• The 3.3 model contains a field winding in the
bus System have constant active and reactive power
d-axis, two damper windings in the d-axis and
demand [1], they are not voltage-dependent. This is
three damper windings in the q-axis [2].
achieved by disabling the load option “Consider Volt-
age Dependency of Loads” in the PowerFactory load • The model for asynchronous starting contains
flow calculation command. additional impedance branches in the internal
equivalent circuit which are relevant during asyn-
Load data (active power 𝑃 and reactive power 𝑄) are chronous operation of a synchronous machine
listed in Table 1. [2].
The steady-state load flow determines the initial val- To reproduce the examples described in [1], the stan-
ues for the stability simulation (dynamic RMS phasor dard model and the classical model are used in the
simulation). During RMS simulation the loads are con- Nine-bus System in accordance to [1].
sidered as equivalent impedances.

2.3 Transmission Lines

2.2 Generators
Line data are given in per unit (p.u.) on a 𝑆b =
Generator “G1” is the slack machine, voltage 1.04 p.u. 100 MVA system base as represented in Table 6 [1].
and 0 degrees. The other generators are configured As there is no line length given in [1], the length of
to control the active power injection and voltage mag- each line in the PowerFactory model has been set to
nitudes at the connected buses, therefore the active 1 km.
power dispatch and controlled voltage magnitudes at
their terminals are given. For the PowerFactory model input data are required
in Ω/km and 𝜇F/km respectively. Line data have been
The data have been taken from [1] and are listed in recalculated for the network model with the nominal
Table 2 and 4. voltage 𝑈n = 230 kV using Equations (3) – (5).
The reactances 𝑥 of the generators have been
adapted to the generator rated power 𝑆r,gen using
Equation 1. The inertia time constant 𝐻 based on the 𝑈n2 [kV2 ]
𝑅 [Ω] = 𝑟 [p.u.] · (3)
rated active power 𝑃r,gen has been calculated from 𝑆b [MVA]
the stored energy 𝐸 at nominal speed with Equation
𝑈 2 [kV2 ]
2. The results are presented in Table 3. 𝑋 [Ω] = 𝑥 [p.u.] · n (4)
𝑆b [MVA]
𝐵 [𝜇S] = 𝑏 [p.u.] · b · 106 (5)
𝑥[p.u.generator base ] (1) 𝑈n2 [kV2 ]
𝑆r,gen [MVA]
= 𝑥[p.u.system base ] · Lines are assumed to be overhead lines and since the
100 MVA
rated current of each line is not known, it is assumed
to be 1 kA.
𝐻= (2)

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 2

Nine-bus System

2.4 Transformers The vector group of all transformers has been as-
sumed to be YNd5. This leads to an additional phase
Transformer data are given in per unit (p.u.) on a shift of 150 degrees for the voltage angles at the
100 MVA system base as represented in Table 7 [1]. In 230 kV level in the PowerFactory results compared to
the PowerFactory model, the rated power of the trans- the results obtained in [1].
formers has been chosen according to the size of the
connected generators. The reactances 𝑥 of the trans-
formers have been adapted to the transformer rated 3 Load Flow Results
power 𝑆r,trf using Equation 6. Transformer parame-
ters of the PowerFactory model are given in Table 8.
The steady-state load flow is examined by executing
the load flow calculation ( ). The results of the Pow-
𝑥[p.u.transformer base ] (6) erFactory load flow calculation are depicted in Fig-
ure 2 and additionally provided in Appendix B.
𝑆r,trf [MVA]
= 𝑥[p.u.system base ] ·
100 MVA

Figure 2: Results of the load flow calculation

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Nine-bus System

4 RMS Simulations with an AVR model IEEE type 1 Amplidyne

• Standard model of the synchronous machine

A number of different RMS simulations is performed to with an AVR model IEEE type 1 Mag-A-Stat
analyse the transient stability of the Nine-bus System • Standard model of the synchronous machine
and the effect of different excitations systems and of a with an AVR model IEEE type 3 SCPT
power system stabiliser.
The excitation models are taken from the global li-
brary available in PowerFactory and the parameter
4.1 Five Cycles Fault values are modified according to the data provided in
[1]. A three-phase fault with a duration of three cycles
(50 ms) is simulated at the end on the Line 5-7, the
In this study case the Example 2.7 of the book Power
fault is cleared by tripping the faulted line. The results
System Control and Stability [1] is reproduced. In this
are depicted in Figure 4.
example the classical synchronous generator model
is used as described in [1]. In order to reproduce the The results show good consistence with [1]. The max-
classical model described in the book (section 2.5.1) imum rotor angle differs depending on the AVR type
the transient reactance 𝑥′d is used as stator reactance used. This demonstrates the effect which the excita-
(xstr) in the PowerFactory model. tion system has on the transient stability of the gen-
erator. The smaller the maximum rotor angle is, the
A three-phase short-circuit event is simulated at an larger is the margin to the stability limit.
end of the Line 5-7. The fault is cleared in five cycles
(83.3 ms) by tripping the faulted line.

The resulting curves for the rotor angles of genera- 4.3 Impact of an Power System Sta-
tors “G2” and “G3” with reference to “G1” are shown biliser
in Figure 3. The rotor angles of both generators reach
a maximum value and then decrease. Transient stabil- In order to simulate the impact of the Power System
ity of the system is given in this scenario. The results Stabiliser (PSS), a PSS model as specified in [1] is
correspond with [1]. added to the control of the machine. The PSS model
is taken from the global library available in PowerFac-
tory and the parameter values are chosen according
4.2 Impact of the Excitation System to the data provided in [1]. The case with the AVR
model IEEE type 1 Mag-A-Stat was used for this study.
This simulation described in Section 4.1 was carried Results are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The PSS
out without any controller taken into account. How- damps the oscillation of the generator by influencing
ever, in a real system the controls have a big impact the excitation voltage.
on the stability of the system. In the following study
cases with different types of excitation systems are
presented. In these cases the standard model of the References
synchronous machine is used, which allows to con-
nect an excitation system (automatic voltage regula-
tor, AVR) to the generator. [1] P. Anderson and A. Fouad, Power System Control
and Stability, 1st ed. Iowa State University Press,
The following types of the excitation system are mod- Ames, Iowa, U.S.A., 1977.
elled at the generator G2, in order to reproduce results
provided in [1]: [2] DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2016: Technical Refer-
ence Documentation Synchronous Machine, Ver-
• Standard model of the synchronous machine sion 2016, 1st ed., DIgSILENT GmbH, Heinrich-
available in PowerFactory (no additional control) Hertz-Str. 9, 72810 Gomaringen, Germany, 2016.
• Standard model of the synchronous machine

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 4

Nine-bus System

Figure 3: Rotor Angle with reference to the reference machine

Figure 4: Comparison of the rotor angle for different excitation systems

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 5

Nine-bus System

Figure 5: Comparison of the rotor angle with and without PSS

Figure 6: Comparison of the excitation voltage with and without PSS

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 6

Nine-bus System

A Tables with Input Data

Table 1: Load demand [1]

Load Bus P [MW] Q [Mvar]

Load A Bus 5 125 50
Load B Bus 6 90 30
Load C Bus 8 100 35

Table 2: Generator Data (x based on 100 MVA) [1]

Quantity G1 G2 G3
Nominal apparent power [MVA] 247.5 192.0 128.0
Nominal voltage [kV] 16.5 18.0 13.8
Nominal power factor 1.00 0.85 0.85
Type hydro steam steam
Nominal speed [rpm] 180 3600 3600
𝑥d [p.u.] 0.1460 0.8958 1.3125
𝑥′d [p.u.] 0.0608 0.1198 0.1813
𝑥q [p.u.] 0.0969 0.8645 1.2578
𝑥′q [p.u.] 0.0969 0.1969 0.2500
𝑥l (leakage) [p.u.] 0.0336 0.0521 0.0742
′ [s]
𝜏d0 8.960 6.000 5.890
′ [s]
𝜏q0 0.000 0.535 0.600
Stored energy at nominal speed [MW · s] 2364 640 301

Table 3: Generator Data in the PowerFactory model (x based on rated power)

Quantity G1 G2 G3
Nominal apparent power [MVA] 247.5 192.0 128.0
Nominal voltage [kV] 16.5 18.0 13.8
Nominal power factor 1.00 0.85 0.85
Plant Category Hydro Coil Coil
Rotor Type salient pole round rotor round rotor
𝑥d [p.u.] 0.3614 1.7199 1.6800
𝑥′d [p.u.] 0.1505 0.2300 0.2321
𝑥q [p.u.] 0.2328 1.6598 1.6100
𝑥′q [p.u.] - 0.3780 0.3200
𝑥l (leakage) [p.u.] 0.0832 0.1000 0.0950
′ [s]
𝜏d0 8.960 6.000 5.890
′ [s]
𝜏q0 - 0.535 0.600
Inertia Constant H (Rated to Pgn) [s] 9.5515 3.9216 2.7665

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Nine-bus System

Table 4: Generator dispatch and voltage setpoints [1]

Generator Bus P [MW] u [p.u.]

G1 Bus 1 N/A 1.040
G2 Bus 2 163.0 1.025
G3 Bus 3 85 1.025

Table 5: Data of lines based on 100 MVA [1]

From To r [p.u.] x [p.u.] b/2 [p.u.]

Bus 4 Bus 5 0.0100 0.0850 0.0880
Bus 4 Bus 6 0.0170 0.0920 0.0790
Bus 5 Bus 7 0.0320 0.1610 0.1530
Bus 6 Bus 9 0.0390 0.1700 0.1790
Bus 7 Bus 8 0.0085 0.0720 0.0745
Bus 8 Bus 9 0.0119 0.1008 0.1045

Table 6: Data of lines in the PowerFactory model

Line From To R [Ω] X [Ω] B [𝜇S]

Line 4-5 Bus 4 Bus 5 5.2900 44.9650 332.70
Line 4-6 Bus 4 Bus 6 8.9930 48.6680 298.69
Line 5-7 Bus 5 Bus 7 16.928 85.1690 578.45
Line 6-9 Bus 6 Bus 9 20.631 89.9300 676.75
Line 7-8 Bus 7 Bus 8 4.4965 38.0880 281.66
Line 8-9 Bus 8 Bus 9 6.2951 53.3232 395.08

Table 7: Data of transformers based on 100 MVA [1]

Transformer From To Ur HV [kV] Ur LV [kV] x1 [p.u.]

T1 Bus 1 Bus 4 230 16.5 0.0576
T2 Bus 2 Bus 7 230 18.0 0.0625
T3 Bus 3 Bus 9 230 13.8 0.0586

Table 8: Data of transformers in the PowerFactory model

Transformer From To Rated Power [MVA] Ur HV [kV] Ur LV [kV] x1 [p.u.]

T1 Bus 1 Bus 4 250 230 16.5 0.1440
T2 Bus 2 Bus 7 200 230 18.0 0.1250
T3 Bus 3 Bus 9 150 230 13.8 0.0879

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 8

Nine-bus System

B Tables with Results of the Balanced Load Flow Calculation

Table 9: Results of bus voltages provided in [1]

u, Magnitude u, Angle
[p.u.] [deg]
Bus 1 1.040 0.0
Bus 2 1.025 9.3
Bus 3 1.025 4.7
Bus 4 1.026 -2.2
Bus 5 0.996 -4.0
Bus 6 1.013 -3.7
Bus 7 1.026 3.7
Bus 8 1.016 0.7
Bus 9 1.032 2.0

Table 10: Results of bus voltages obtained with PowerFactory

U, Magnitude (line-line) u, Magnitude u, Angle (line-earth)

[kV] [p.u.] [deg]
Bus 1 17.16 1.040 0.00
Bus 2 18.45 1.025 9.25
Bus 3 14.15 1.025 4.64
Bus 4 235.96 1.025 147.78 = 150.00 - 2.22
Bus 5 229.07 0.996 146.02 = 150.00 - 3.98
Bus 6 232.95 1.013 146.31 = 150.00 - 3.69
Bus 7 235.97 1.026 153.69 = 150.00 + 3.69
Bus 8 233.69 1.016 150.70 = 150.00 + 0.70
Bus 9 237.48 1.033 151.95 = 150.00 + 1.95

Table 11: Results of generators provided in [1]

Active Power Reactive Power

[MW] [Mvar]
G1 71.6 27.0
G2 163.0 6.7
G3 85.0 -10.9

Table 12: Results of generators obtained with PowerFactory

Active Power Reactive Power

[MW] [Mvar]
G1 71.60 26.78
G2 163.00 6.70
G3 85.00 -10.90

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 9

Nine-bus System

Table 13: Results of lines

Losses Reactive Losses Capacitive Loading

[MW] [Mvar] [Mvar]
Line 4-5 0.2551 -15.8229 17.9913
Line 4-6 0.1675 -15.5132 16.4196
Line 5-7 2.2969 -19.8453 31.4014
Line 6-9 1.3477 -31.5696 37.4443
Line 7-8 0.4735 -11.5217 15.5328
Line 8-9 0.0885 -21.1783 21.9284

DIgSILENT PowerFactory, r4650 10

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