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0 - HRM Unit 1,2,3 PDF
0 - HRM Unit 1,2,3 PDF
• fixing of responsibilities
Functions of HRM
A) Managerial function
3. Directing
g. Internal Mobility
• Job Evaluation
• Wage and Salary administration
• Incentives
• Bonus
• Fringe benefits
• Social security measures
Functions of HRM
B) Operating function
3. Compensation
It is the process of providing adequate, equitable
and fair remuneration to the employees. It includes
job evaluation, wage and salary administration,
incentives, bonus, fringe benefits, social security etc.
• Job Evaluation
• Wage and Salary administration
• Incentives
• Bonus
• Fringe benefits
• Social security measures
Functions of HRM
B) Operating function
3. Compensation
Job Evaluation
It covers:
• Conducting wage and salary survey.
• Determining wage and salary rates based on
various factors.
• Administering wage and salary programmes.
• Evaluating its effectiveness.
Functions of HRM
B) Operating function
3. Compensation
It includes:
• Formulating incentive payment schemes.
• Helping functional managers on the operation.
• Review them periodically to evaluate
Functions of HRM
B) Operating function
3. Compensation
It includes payment of statutory bonus according to the Payment of
Bonus Act, 1965 and its latest amendments.
Fringe Benefits:
These are the various benefits at the fringe of the wage. Management
provides these benefits to motivate the employees and to meet their
life’s contingencies.
These benefits include:
• Disablement benefit.
• Housing facilities.
• Educational facilities to employees and children.
• Canteen facilities.
• Recreational facilities.
• Conveyance facilities.
• Credit facilities.
• Legal clinics.
• Medical, maternity and welfare facilities.
• Company stores.
Functions of HRM
B) Operating function
3. Compensation
• Quality of life
• Total quality in human resources
• HR Accounting, audit and research
• Recent technique of HRM
Recent Trends in HRM
Job Description
Job Specification
• Personnel needs
• Supply of candidates from within the
• Supply of candidates from outside the
Importance of Human Resource
1. Planning
It helps in identifying the right type of people who will
contribute towards achieving organisational
Most important aspects of demand forecasting is the forecasting of the quality of human
resources (Skills, knowledge, and values).
Forecasting methods includes managerial judgment, statistical techniques, work study
techniques etc.
Process of HRP /Steps in HRP
3. Supply forecasting
This process measures the no. of people likely to be available from within and outside
the organisation after making allowance for absenteeism, internal movements and
promotions, wastages, changes in hours and other conditions of work:
Process of HRP /Steps in HRP
3. Supply forecasting
Process of HRP /Steps in HRP
4. Estimating the Net Human Resource Requirements
a) Reduced work hours – Each worker works less hours and receives less
pay, so jobs are saved.
b) Work sharing – Employees share jobs or two employees work half time
each. It solves problem of retrenchment.
Process of HRP /Steps in HRP
d) Leave of absence without pay: Helps the company to cut labour cost
f) Attrition – It is a process whereby the incumbents leave their jobs for various
reasons those jobs will be kept vacant or unfilled.
e) Data banks
Collect CV from different sources – use as and when
f) Casual applicants
candidates sometimes apply casually for job through mail /
g) Similar organisation
potential candidate from similar orgn.
2. Modern methods of Recruitment
A. Internal methods
a) Employee referrals - Employee refer their friends / relatives
B. External methods
a) Walk-in – direct recruitment process – asked to attend
interviews directly – specified time and place
d) Body shopping
1) Job Analysis
2) Job description
3) Application form
4) Initial interview – ‘at the gate’ candidate – basic information
with a view to identifying the obvious misfits or unqualified.
5) Screening application form
6) Written test
7) Preliminary interview (assess applicants suitability for the job
– done by HR assistant – short time – known as stand-up
8) Business games (select mgt. trainees, executive trainees, etc.)
9) Tests (psychological test, behavioural test)
10) Final interviewing (assess specific requirements of the job)
11) Physical examination
12) Reference Checks
Selection Tests
Tests are used to candidates for an organisation and place or
assign a person to a job for which he is suitable.
Uses of Tests in Selection
• Tests help managers in evaluating a candidate’s suitability to
the job.
• Measure the nature and degree of a candidate, psychological
potentialities, based on psychological factors, essential to
perform a given job situation.
• Help in judging the ability of a candidate in a given job situation.
• Help in ranking the candidates applied for a job.
• Valuable in determining subsequent success on the job,
candidates weaknesses
• Useful when other selection devices of selection fail in
providing valuable information
• Examine a candidate’s intelligence, mechanical aptitude,
clerical aptitude, job knowledge, interest in the job, individual
and group decision making skills and personality.
Types of Test
Types of test
1. Ability Test
2. Aptitude Test
3. Intelligence Test
4. Interest Test
5. Personality Test
6. Projective Test
7. General Knowledge Test
8. Perception Tests
9. Graphology Test
10. Polygraph Test
11. Medical Test
Types of Test
1.Ability Test
• How well an individual can perform tasks related to the
• Also called ‘Achievement Test’
• For secretarial job
• Trade Test – common type of achievement test -
asbestos worker, punch-press operators, electricians
and machinists.
• Aptitude Test
Typing / dictation test for stenographic position.
• Measure the whether an individual has the capacity or
latent ability to learn a given job if given adequate
• Helps to determine a person’s potential to learn in a
given area.
• Ex: GMAT – admission to graduate business school pgm.
• Clerical, numerical, mechanical aptitudes, motor
coordination, finger dexterity and manual dexterity –
Types of Test
3. Intelligence test
• Helps to evaluate the traits of intelligence.
• Mental ability, presence of mind, numerical ability,
• Standardised test in the industry
• Judge numerical skill, reasoning memory and other
4. Interest Test
• To find out the likes and dislikes of candidates towards
occupations, hobbies etc.
• Indicate which occupations are more in line with a
person’s interest.
• Measure an individual’s activity preferences
• Particularly useful for students considering many
careers /employees deciding upon career changes.
Types of Test
5. Personality Test
8. Perception Test
1) Employee Expectations:
If the employee expects high salary, independent
and challenging and the job offers low salary
dependent and routine work, the employee finds
himself misfit to the job.
Problems Involved in Placement
3) Change in Technology:
Technological changes bring radical changes in
the job description and specification. These
changes result in the mismatch in the employee
and the job.
4) Changes in the organization structure:
Business grand strategies like mergers,
acquisitions, downsizing, etc., result in
organizational structure and there by changes in
jobs. These changes result in the misfit between
employee and job.
5) Social and Psychological Factors:
The social and psychological factors involved in
team work or group formation sometimes results
Meaning of Training and Induction
• Every organization needs the services of trained persons for
performing the activities in a systematic way.
• To promote a feeling of belonging and loyalty to the
• To build up the new employees’ confidence in the
organization and in himself so that he may become an
efficient employee.
• To bring an agreement between the organization goals
and personal goals.
• To give the new employees information regarding
company its structures product, policies rules and
• To introduce the new worker to the supervisor.
• To lessen or reduce the cost of replacing the worker in
the early impressionable period because of lack of
information or incorrect Business impression.
Need for Training
The need for training arises due to the following
1. Increasing Productivity:
Increase their level of performance on their present
job assignment. - Increased human performance
often directly leads to increased operational
productivity and increased company profit. - most
efficient and effective ways of performing their jobs.
1. Role Playing: given a role to play where he has to exact the role with the
help of his own written script.
Ex. role of the managing directors the trainee has to assume that he is the MD
and act and give his solution to problem as a MD.
2. Resignation
Resignations are usually put in voluntarily by the
employees due to various reasons like physical
disability, on grounds of health, better
opportunities elsewhere or mal adjustment with
company policy and officers, or for reasons of
marriage; or they may be compulsory when an
employee is asked to put in his resignation if he
wants to avoid termination of his service on the
ground of gross negligence of duty on his part, or
some serious charge against him.
3. Discharge and Dismissal
A discharge involves permanent separation of an employee from
the pay-roll for violation of company rules or for inadequate
A discharge becomes necessary :
i. Volume of business does not justify the continuing
employment of the persons involved;
ii. fails to work according to the requirements of the job / no
suitable place where he can be transferred
iii. violation of a basic policy often involving the safety of
others, the morale and discipline of a group
5. Retrenchment
It means a permanent termination of the services
of services of an employee for an economic
reason in a going concern. The Industrial Disputes
Act, 1947, define retrenchment as thetermination
by the employer of the services of workman for
ny reason.”
6. lay-off