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Name: ___________________________________________________ Score:

INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before each number. USE CAPITAL LETTERS.
_______1. This refers to a balanced group of voices that recite any rhythmic literature with unity and beauty.
a. Choral group b. Vocal Choir c. Speech group d. Speech choir
_______2. It is said that speech choir is similar to ____________________.
a. an musical group b. a band c. an orchestra d. an ensemble
_______3. Who is the author of the poem “Invictus”?
a. Ernest William Henley c. Henley Ernest William
b. William Ernest Henley d. William Henley Ernest
_______4. It is a responsive choral arrangement where one group says their lines followed by the other.
a. Antiphonal b. Line-a-Child c. Refrain d. Part-Whole
_______5. In this arrangement, all members have their own exposures by giving each of them one or more solo lines.
a. Refrain b. Line-a-Child c. Antiphonal d. Part-Whole
_______6. When the lines are divided to the members according to the tone, pitch, and mood, it is called a/an
_______________ arrangement.
a. antiphonal b. refrain c. part-whole d. unison
_______7. This type of choric presentation makes use of visual effects such as stage props and costumes.
a. Dramatic b. Visual c. Conventional d. Traditional
_______8. A ______________ voice usually expresses a floating and easy-going atmosphere.
a. normal b. very light c. medium d. light
_______9. What is the other name for dramatic presentation?
a. Modernized choir b. Choreographed choir c. Scripted choir d. Visual choir
_______10. Conventional presentation is widely considered as the _____________________________.
a. “real” speech choir
b. “perfect” speech choir
c. “common” speech choir
d. “first” speech choir
_______11. This classification of voice is used for narrations and refrains.
a. light voice b. high voice c. low voice d. medium voice
_______12. It refers to the basic notation which tells how loud or soft a passage will be recited.
a. Line assignment c. General directions
b. Phrase marks d. Working script
_______13. Which of the following lines from “Invictus” prove that the author holds responsibility of himself?
a. “I thank whatever gods may be c. “And yet the menace of the years,
for my unconquerable soul.” finds and shall find me unafraid.”
b. “I am the master of my fate; d. “In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I am the captain of my soul.” I have not winced nor cried aloud.”
_______14. These are good practices for an effective poetry recitation EXCEPT _________________________.
a. speaking at slow speed so the performance would be clear
b. maintaining correct posture all throughout the performance
c. always looking at the eyes of the viewers while reciting
d. using only few but proper facial expressions for emphasis
_______15. Why do poetry recitations mostly recite pieces with rhythm and rhyme? It is because
a. they are the required poetry pieces c. they are perfect for poetry recitation
b. they are common recitation pieces d. they are very fun and challenging
The Sea
Choir I: Why does the sea laugh Mother, as it glints Choir II: It recalls the sorrows of the world and weeps
beneath the sun? forever more
Choir II: It is thinking of the joys, my child, that it wishes Choir I: Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother, as if it were
everyone. fast asleep?
Choir I: Why does the sea sob so, Mother, as it breaks on Choir II: It would give your tired heart, dearest child, the
the rocky shore? comforts of the deep.

_______16. What type of choral arrangement is used in the above selection?

a. Part-Whole b. Refrain c. Unison d. Antiphonal
_______17. Which of the following is WRONG about dark or low voice?
a. It expresses a sad feeling.
b. It can be used in refrains.
c. It shows a serious mood.
d. It is usually used by men.
_______18. Which is NOT a correct statement about Conventional presentation?
a. It is considered a common type of presentation.
b. It is the hardest and most challenging type of presentation.
c. It only uses voice and facial expressions when reciting.
d. It does not apply too many gestures/body movements.
_______19. Which is the BEST reason why we need to use different voices when reciting in a speech choir?
a. It makes the audience greatly enjoy the speech presentation.
b. It makes the speech choir presentation more entertaining.
c. It makes the audience know the feelings being expressed.
d. It makes the speech choir presentation sound sophisticated.
_______20. What is the major role of the conductor in a speech choir?
a. He/She controls the speed, volume and rhythm of the speech choir.
b. He/She sets the schedules of the practice of the choral speaking.
c. He/She cues and signals the group in all of their performances.
d. He/She experiments to find out the effective variation for the group.
_______21. What is the main function of a script in a speech choir?
a. To help the conductor in managing his/her choir.
b. To assist the members in their speech choir delivery.
c. To aid the members with their word phrasing.
d. To guide the choir for their over-all presentation.
_______22. Teacher Nena instructed her Grade 9-Diamond class to recite Psalm 23 in front. What type of choral arrangement
would you tell them to appropriately use for the piece?
a. Refrain b. Unison c. Antiphonal d. Part-Whole
_______23. Ralph wants to learn the meaning of the word “frigate” in the title of their poetry recitation, which is “There is No
Frigate Like a Book.” What is your BEST advice for him to easily know the complete meaning of the word?
a. Ask an English professor about the definition. c. Connect to the internet and Google the word.
b. Get any kind of dictionary and look for the word. d. Read how the word is described in the poem.
_______24. There is a city-wide speech choir contest being held in Naga City today. Given the task of a judge, what would be
the first and primary thing that you should judge in the performances?
a. vocal quality b. facial expressions c. props and costumes d. body movements


Set A Set B

1. D 1. B
2. C 2. A
3. B 3. D
4. A 4. C
5. B 5. D
6. C 6. A
7. A 7. C
8. D 8. B
9. B 9. D
10. A 10. C
11. D 11. B
12. C 12. A
13. B 13. D
14. A 14. C
15. C 15. A
16. D 16. B
17. B 17. D
18. B 18. D
19. C 19. A
20. A 20. C
21. D 21. B
22. B 22. D
23. C 23. A
24. A 24. B

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