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Chapter I The Problem and The Review of Literature

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Working while studying gives you a dissimilar perception¬¬ on the institute experience.
Varying friends to classes and jobs, all working students will comprehend how complicated it
can get. It is of great concern for the students who are pursuing their education and earning at the
same time is that. The prime advantage of working while learning is that they groom themselves
as they enter into their professional lives. It is not as easy to work and educate yourself at the
same time you have to compromise many other things just for the sake of the betterment of your

Life of a working student is so complicated. They barely give time to anything or anyone.
No communication with friends, less show up to family and play a complete hide and seek game
with books. Their educational life is always on complete risk. They seek for unusual excuses
from their teacher, resulting in throwing their names to the end of the list of punctual students.

Student’s involvement in employment has a positive impact to develop career-related

skills. It’s a hands-on experience that cannot be gained in the classroom alone. Whatever the
reasons the students have taken part-time jobs, there is a popular belief that students with part-
time jobs do not tend to have higher academic achievement because their time of study has been
divided with their working time. Better academic achievement only can be achieved by students
who spend more time on academic-related activities outside of class.

A student’s job has become a sort of trend among students around the world, who want to
work while studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is the “Earn and Learn” policy. Other
reasons why student’s jobs are popular among students is they help to cope up with the constant
increase in tuition fees, and a way to afford further education.

These, for basic working student problems highlight issues they faced every day; students
have to make schedules from time to time, to work out on multiple tasks. In short, they have to
be spontaneous with their work-life as well as student life. Sleep-deprived, sleep is a non-existent
factor in the life of working students and their work plus studies never let them have complete
sleep hours, working students are stressed to complete all their tasks in given time priorities,
working late hours or double shifts affect studies in a great way and sometimes can lead to big-
time failure. It is therefore necessary for working students to seek professional assistance
regarding setting priorities.

The researchers have referred to several related literature and studies to examine what
factors and variables were considered by other researchers in doing their respective studies.

The student’s situation is daunting enough. Yet not as daunting as when the student has
something equally important to busy himself or herself with. Many students have to do jobs in
order to see themselves through school – the working students. If the term "working student"
does not seem to elicit sympathetic feeling anymore, it may be because the number of these
extraordinarily hard-pressed young people have grown so much that they have already become
commonplace. Or, in a poor country like the Philippines, working students have come to be
expected; otherwise, young people would only seal their fate in the poverty they were born into.
But poverty is not the only 'qualification' for one to be a working student. One also needs to be
doggedly determined and of solid personal qualities to be able to face up to the challenge. A
working student necessarily lives two lives all at the same time - as worker and as student. The
worker needs to be good in the performance of his or her job, so that he or she may keep the job.
The student needs the income to defray the expenses entailed in going to school. And at school it
is important for the student to do well, too, in order to justify the hard-earned money spent in his
or her studies. ( /08/31/1619016/-

A student’s life is a mixture of self-discovery, school errands, and educational

milestones. However, not all students can go to school and support their basic needs. Thus,
becoming a working student these days is a norm. (You Go to Bed Tired and Exhausted).
Balancing work and school errands are tiring. You start your day as early as possible and may
even feel that the hours devoted aren’t enough. You are one of those who wish for few extra
hours to catch more winks. A working student usually goes to bed tired from the long list of
errands they need to finish. (You Overuse the Statement “Hindi ako pwede, may work ako e.” to
your friends). Your friends can agree on hearing this line from you every time they ask you to
hang out. Juggling school and job takes up most of your time, so you just want to spare those
extra few hours to rest. Some can also relate that being a working student lags your social life
and it’s all right. (You Prefer Working Overtime Than Participating in Extracurricular
Activities). If you are a working student, you know how working overtime sounds better than
your school’s extracurricular deeds. Of course, it’s not because you don’t want to join those
enticing and fun events, but that extra salary can help you big time in terms of financial. (Your
Homework, Projects, and School Reports Are Overwhelming). It’s frustrating to have a pile of
school works plus that statement of account you need to settle before the weekends. Students,
most especially the working ones, can relate to the pressure of meeting the amount you need
before you can take the examinations. (You Suffer from Sleep Deprivation and Other Health
Complications). Across industries, sleep deprivation eats a large slice of our problems. Students
suffer from sleep deprivation because of school errands; however, working students struggle
more. You go home tired and exhausted plus you have few hours for yourself.
Working while studying could have positive effects on one thing and negative on another,
and that it would affect different kinds of students differently (Lederman, 2009). Studies show
that students who work are more confident and possess better time-management skills than
students who are not employed. In addition to receiving an income, some independence and
satisfaction, a part-time job can provide both training and experience. Working teaches students
about responsibility and can also reinforce what they are learning in school. (Frigilano, Ciasico
& Nulada, 2015).

Being a working student is a responsibility of many less fortunate but willing young adult
and adult individuals. The reason is the economic-scarcity of funds, scarcity of financial
resources. Working and studying at the same time can augment the income or their sources for
matriculation or other needs. (Velasco, 2014).

These student commonly encounter many problems about their work and their studies.
Acording to Baum (2010), some of these are awarded “work” as part of their financial package;
other students either do not recieve work-study funding or find such awards insufficient to cover
the cost of attendance. This creates high level of stress and anxiety making them vulnerable to
sickness and failure in pursuing their college degrees. Working while studying has its positive
and negative sides. When students have a job they will earn money, some of these student need
the money to pay for expensive school, while other students need it to make their life easier.

These are the common challenges a working student encounter in daily basis. (1)
Spontaneity, having a set work schedule every week doesn't leave much room for spontaneous
trips, or even random coffee dates with friends who don't have that commitment. Even friends
who share the same problem, who have committed schedules for work, find difficulty in finding
time to share with you amongst other friends because of conflicting work schedules. The only
way you ever really have free time to spend with friends is when you take a weekend off of work
in order to take a break and relax with the friends you hardly get to see. (2) Sleep, is nonexistent
to working college students. I can't remember a night I went to bed before 3 a.m. Nights are long
and mornings are dreaded. The only time we ever get any kind of rest is on the weekends and
even then it’s possible that we might have an early morning shift. When we get home we still
have to work on homework, and if it doesn't take hours to finish then maybe we’ll have time to
go out with some friends later that night. The question then would be, would we rather catch up
on much needed sleep or have some fun and test ourselves on how much longer we can last
through our sleep-deprived days? (3) Stress, unfortunately, having to balance a social life, work,
school, and family time is extremely stressful. It’s not hard to get overwhelmed, especially when
you have next-to-no time just to relax. There’s always something going on and you constantly
feel as though you’re being pulled in every direction just waiting to see how long you can last
before you’re stretched too thin. This probably isn’t a very healthy lifestyle, but hey, what can
you do? Work is necessary for a large portion of college students in order to afford the pretty
penny that college costs. Spending time with friends is an important part of our late-teen, early-
adult years. Seeing your family, or even face-timing with them, can be a nice, much needed
reminder of home, especially when feeling homesick. Learning to deal with the stress that
follows with being a working college student, and making sure you have at least one night off a
week, can bring down your stress levels ten-fold. Don’t try to overextend yourself. You know
your limits, don’t pass them. (4) Priority, typically when I have a paper, or a load of homework,
that’s due by the end of the week, I try my best to study and finish everything the previous
weekend so that I don’t have to stay up extremely late during the week. This isn’t always
realistic. Working double shifts are painful, but sometimes we need those extra hours for our
next paycheck. On weekends that I work double shifts, it’s likely that I’ll be way too exhausted
to do my homework when I get home. Time management revolves around our minimal sleep
schedules. Trying to muster the maximum amount of sleep when your schedule doesn’t allow for
more than 5 hours almost every night can impact your studies, and energy level, in a negative
way. There’s not enough hours in the day to allow us to do everything we need, as well as want,
to do. We have to prioritize the most important things against the not-so-important things.
Writing an essay for one of your classes, as opposed to watching the next show on Netflix that
made your list, is probably worth higher priority. (Mitchell, 2016).

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