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Safe Work Method Statement Hot Works: OST Constructional Projects LLC

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OST Constructional Projects LLC

Safe work method statement


The purpose of this procedure to prevent harm or injury occurring to people, equipments or the environment as a result of shuttering,
Reinforcement of steel and concrete casting or related activities to strengthen the column at customer service store at ground floor
and 2nd floor slab casting being performed within Etisalat Data Center at Hor Al Anz Dubai.

This Procedure applies to Etisalat Data Center Customer Service Store, 2nd floor slab and related construction area.


Competent Person: An elected employee responsible for representing employees within a designated work group.
Hazardous Area: An area in which flammable liquid vapours, gases, combustible material, dust, fibres or other flammable or
explosive substance may be present.
Hot work: any work that may create an ignition source e.g. welding, thermal or oxygen cutting or heating, grinding, and other related
heat or spark producing operations.
Safe Work Method Statement: A document which describe the high risk work being performed , the health and safety risks
associated with the work and the risk control measure that will be applied to ensure the work is carried out in safe manner.
Work area: A work area requiring a hot work permit is the immediate area around the equipment being worked and extends
10meters in all directions.

Hot work and other related Hazard identification and rest assessment

OST Constructional Projects LLC

Safe work method statement

This SWMS is a site-specific statement that must be prepared before any high-risk construction work is commenced.
Person responsible Eng. Ahmed (Project Manager) Date: 05/09/2011
for ensuring
Eng. Adnan (Project Engineer)
compliance with
this SWMS: Mr. Ramesh (Safety Officers)
High-risk job: Location: Customer service store at ground
Shuttering of column and slab floor

Reinforcement of column and slab 1st floor

Concrete casting of column and slab
What are the tasks involved? What are the hazards and risks? How will hazards and risks be controlled?
Think about the worksite and each stage of the project, including preparation and clean-up.
Column strengthen at Customer service store at ground floor

1)RISK ASSESSMENT of work site  Failure to do a job safety Use appropriate PPE
 Conduct a task risk assessment in the work site and Assessment or Risk Not:
fill in the Risk assessment form. Identify and record assessment prior to 1)Long hair must be tied back when operating the
all hazard identified within work area. commencing the work. working with machinery
2) Personal Protective Equipment  Unsafe use of equipment 2) Jewellery must be removed when working with
Safety equipment /clothing mandatory for performing the  Fire machinery.
tasks below. Include but not limit to.  Explosion All equipments shall be used in accordance with
 Foot-ware (steel capped foot ware) relevant UAE (DM) standard and the manufacture
 Protective clothing instructions.

OST Constructional Projects LLC

 High visibility clothing to be worn at all time

 Gloves suitable for the purpose
 Safety harness

Fire / explosion  Ensure that work area already covered and all
 Ensure personal have read and understood this combustible material already removed and a
procedure starting the work activities space of minimum 2meter provided between
column and fence to carry out the work
activities easily.
Prior to work ensure that  Ensure that the building central Fire alarm
system is off to avoid unnecessary disturbance.
 All personal protective equipment is serviceable &  Ensure that work activities shall carry out by
ready for use. Safety harness should be used properly. competent person.
Do not wear loose fitting clothing
 Ensure all 2 way radios and mobile phones
 All equipment, including, safety Harness is which are taken out to the work site have a
serviceable and ready for use. fully charged battery and have emergency
 Make ensure emergency phone numbers are phone numbers programmed into the phone.
accessible. Enter emergency phone numbers in to
mobile phone.  Ensure a ‘responsible person’ identifies and
 Ensure a responsible officer is at the work site at all checks all hazard sources with a well
times while the work is being carried out. The maintained gas meter. Record all findings on
responsible officer shall be a person who has a the Hot Work Permit.
satisfactory knowledge of hazard associated with
work at height.
 Ensure the concentration of any flammable
 Ensure that scaffold, ladders are inspected and gas or flammable vapour is less than 5% of its
approved by authorised person. lower explosion limit (LEL).
 Ensure that the access is safe and all material
removed from access rout.
 Report any problems to your supervisor
 Ensure the lifting procedure is explain and understood IMMEDIATELY and wait for instructions.
by workers involved in operation.
 Ensure that lifting equipments/gares already inspected

OST Constructional Projects LLC

and a competent operator available for operation.  Arrange the fire retardant screens and/or
 Ensure the stability of lifting equipments. blankets around the work area, ensuring that
the screens & blankets are of ample size to
prevent sparks, slag and hot metal pieces
DURING THE OPERATION from rolling beneath them or penetrating
openings in them.
Shuttering and Reinforcement of column and
 Using crane without suitable
and correct lifting points for  Ensure that the building ventilation system
slings in running condition.
 Lifting and transportation of material
 Fixing of shuttering and reinforcement  Using unsafe chain, rope or
materials. lifting gear to lower or raise
 Work at height or as means of suspension in
rigging equipments
 Concrete casting
 Use of power operated and hand tools.  Using substandard under  If you experience shortness of breathe,
rated hooks, rings, welded dizziness, or any other ill feeling,
or mechanical coupling immediately move to an open area where
links and other attachments there is fresh air.
with alloy steel chains
 Exceeding the rated capacity  Ensure storm water drains on/or near
of alloy steel chains given the worksite are covered/ protected
by manufacturer from contaminants produced from the
 Fail to provide safe access hot work operation.
roadways and grade for
movable mechanical plant  Have a suitable spill kit on site in case
and equipment of an emergency
 No Roll over Protective
Structures for mobile  Identify ropes within/ close to the work
mechanical equipments zone that are supporting a load, scaffolding
or guy ropes
 Operation of heavy
equipments by untrained/
 DO NOT work outside the area specified on
unauthorized persons
the HOT WORK permit. If the work area
 Using machines without needs to be altered the ‘responsible officer’
distinguishable reverse must issue a new hot work permit

OST Constructional Projects LLC

sound horn  The authorised fire watcher SHALL NOT

 Deployment of operators, leave the job unless relieved by an
bank’s men, who are not authorised person
 competent for safe operation
of forklift
Use of Grinder.  Allowing people to work or
stand near the operating
 Pre-operation walk-around inspection, clean any crane
cutter surrounding machine and check for visible  Using worn out alloy steel
signs wear. chains, which has more than
 Examine the grinder to see that the tools rest is set at 10% reduction in diameter
the required height  Fail to comply with the safe  Further testing, including continuous
 Adjust safety guard above grinding wheel. working load monitoring SHALL be undertaken during
 Turn switch to “on” position recommendation of the duration of the hot work, as required by
 Grind the work by moving the work back and forth manufacturer the’ responsible officer’
across the face of the wheel
 Using wire rope with visible
 Turn switch to “off” Position broken wires exceeds 10%  If the flammable gas/vapour concentration
 Clean shavings from area of the total number of wires, exceeds 5% LEL, the hot work SHALL
signs of excessive wear, cease and the Hot Work Permit cancelled
corrosion, or defect.
 If the flammable gas/vapour concentration
 Usage of synthetic webbing
exceeds 5% LEL, (and after the immediate
slings without uniform
ceasing of the hot work and the
thickness and width
cancellation of the Hot Work Permit),
 Using webbing rope with corrective action SHALL be taken to
broken, worn stitches ,tears reduce the concentration of the flammable
or cuts gas/ vapour.
 Using hooks without
devices to prevent the  Report any problems to your supervisor
displacement of slings or IMMEDIATELY
loads from the hook
 unstable lifting appliances
 Providing unsafe platforms

OST Constructional Projects LLC

for the crane operators and

 Using crane structure as
part of scaffolding or
support for any access or
means of access
 Using crane structure as
part of scaffolding or
support for any access or
means of access
 Gas cylinders must b handle bay a
competent person

 Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders should be

stored separately with the protective valve
caps in place. Except when in use, oxygen
and fuel gas cylinders should be stored at
least 20 feet apart or separated by a non-
combustible wall at least 5 feet high

 Cylinder carts equipped with a cylinder

restraint, such as a chain or strap, should be
used for all transporting of compressed gas
 Cylinders should be secured from tipping,
 Slip, trip or fall in machine in an upright position
 Tool slipping between the  Regulators must be compatible with the
wheel and tool rest cylinder and its contents. Many regulators
are similar in design and construction.
 Exceeding max R.P.M Check the regulator’s model number and
speed listed on grinding compare that with the cylinder’s
wheel requirements

OST Constructional Projects LLC

 Eye injury from metal

shavings or sparks flying  Clean/clear work area/surface of tools. Use
from grinding wheel continuos good housekeeping practices
 Bodily injury from metal
shavings.  Ensure the tools rest close enough to the
wheel to prevent the work from slipping

 Ensure that the safety guard on the grinder

is adjusted to permit clear vision and safety
eye wears is worn

 Ensure no flammable are in the vicinity

 Wear leather gloves, safety eye wear
(helpers/observers/ other workers in area of
the machine as well.

Steps for filling out

Plants and equipments: The equipments use for the operation are ,compressed gas cylinders, welding machine, torch, grinders, drill machine and manual
hand tools
PPE Requirements: PPE Requirements are Safety helmet, shoes, lather gloves, face shield, safety glasses, high visibility vest, and safety harness
First aid Requirements: The First aid kit provided by OST Constructional projects is deemed sufficient for the work, Kit available at site store and Mr.
Ramesh is Certified First aider.
Emergency Procedure: The existing site procedure is sufficient.
Security: Existing site etisalat Security Procedure is sufficient. Access to works site the etisalat HSE/Security Policy will strictly follow only the authorised
Personal those who have access pass from Etisalat Security will access work site. The timing of construction activities will be within store staff working hours.
Environmental Issues: No specific environmental controls are necessary, wast will be disposed of by utilizing the principle contractor’s skip.
Assistance from Etisalat:
Ensure that all Combustible material already removed from the work area at least 2meter around the column and one meter from the fence.
Ensure that easy access provides and all materials removed from the access routs.
Ensure that all store staff instructed about on going activities especially hot works activities.

OST Constructional Projects LLC

Control levels

1. Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with construction work.

2. Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
 Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
 Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guard railing, or
 Using engineering controls, such as mechanical or electrical devices.
3. Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
4. Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.
5. Brief each team member on this SWMS before commencing work. Ensure team knows that work is to immediately stop if the SWMS is not being followed.
6. Observe work being carried out. If controls are not adequate, stop the work, review the SWMS, adjust as required and re-brief the team.
7. Retain this SWMS for the duration of the high-risk construction work.


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