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Biophotons in Radiobiology Inhibitors, Communicators and Reactors

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The document discusses the history of research on biophoton emission from living systems, proposed mechanisms of biophoton production via processes like lipid peroxidation and oxidative metabolism, as well as potential applications in radiation protection and therapy.

Biophoton emission, also called ultraweak photon emission, refers to the spontaneous emission of photons in the ultraviolet and visible range from living systems. Early research in the 1930s first documented this phenomenon using basic detection equipment and found photon emission could be detected from various biological materials. Interest waned until the 1950s when more sensitive photomultiplier tubes enabled more reliable detection and characterization.

Leading candidates for intracellular biophoton production include the generation of excited chemical species through processes like lipid peroxidation and oxidative metabolism, which then relax to stable states while emitting photons. Biophoton production is thought to be linked to biological processes rather than purely physical expectations based on quantities of materials.

Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2019), pp. 1–6 doi:10.




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Carmel Mothersill1,*, Michelle Le1, Andrej Rusin1 and Colin Seymour2
Department of Biology, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L83 4K1, Canada
Medical Physics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L83 4K1, Canada

*Corresponding author:

Radiation-induced bystander effects refer to the production of signals from irradiated cells which induce responses in unirra-
diated, or bystander, cells. There has been a recent resurgence of interest in low-energy photon biology. This is due to con-
cerns about health effects, increased use of biophoton imaging techniques, and the fact that biophotons can act as a bystander
signal. This review discusses the history of light signaling in biology and potential mechanisms involved in the generation and
transduction of signaling mechanisms. The role of photons in signaling in the animal and plant kingdoms is also reviewed.
Finally, the potential to harness these mechanisms in radiation protection or therapy is discussed with emphasis on promising
future directions for research.


VanWijk et al. demonstrated significantly greater pho-
ton emission from tumor cells than normal cells even
The phenomenon of spontaneous ultra-weak photon when each type of cell was maintained at the same
emission (UPE) by biological systems was first docu- quantity(13). Such results suggested that photon emis-
mented in the 1930s where the photons from bio- sion was linked to biological processes and could not
logical materials were measured using Geiger–Mueller be explained purely based upon physical expectations.
counters fit with quartz windows(1, 2). These pioneer The phenomenon of biological photon emission was
experiments revealed that the photon fluences emitted given a name in 1984 when the German biophysicist
from biological materials were relatively low, ranging Dr Fritz-Albert Popp coined the term biophotons to
from 101 to 103 photons cm2 s−1(1, 2), the emitted refer to the weak fluence of UV and visible range
photons were either UV or contained a UV compo- photons emitted from biological systems(14). Up until
nent(3), and the photon emissions could be detected then, this phenomenon was often referred to as
from a variety of biological materials including UPE(10), although the name did not indicate specificity
blood(4), bacteria(5) and tumor tissue(6). These photon to the photons’ biological origin. Presently, the two
emissions were distinguished from luciferin- luciferase- terms are used interchangeably in the field of biopho-
attributed bioluminescence since the photon yields in tonic research.
this system were 103–106 times weaker than the levels Following the confirmed existence of biophotons,
characteristic of luciferin–luciferase luminescence(7). the question of how the photons were being produced
During the 1930s, the reports of positive photon emis- and whether they had any downstream biological
sion were also challenged by negative results observed effects arose as the two predominant lines of inquiry.
by other researchers(8, 9). In the 1930s, the detection Based upon the available literature, the leading candi-
systems were all developed and constructed manually, date for intracellular biophoton production is the
thus it is likely that the detectors in each research generation of excited species and their subsequent
group possessed different sensitivity and possibly relaxation to a stable state. Lipid peroxidation and
explains the variability among the results observed(10). oxidative metabolism in the mitochondria can both
Nevertheless, presence of evidence disproving the phe- lead to the production of electronically-excited states
nomenon led to a diminishing interest in the effect in biological systems(15). Both singlet oxygen (1O2)
and scientific investigation into photon emission from and carbonyl compounds in the triplet state have been
biological materials was not revived until the 1950s identified as sources of biophoton emission by the
when photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) became widely measurement of spectral emission following the use of
available for measuring photon sources with relatively various excited species scavengers (i.e. β-carotene) and
low fluence(11, 12). Only following the application of sensitizers (i.e. rotenone)(16). Mitochondria are con-
PMTs did detection of biological emissions become sidered as a key source of biophoton emission because
more reliable and reproducible(10). Further character- of the abundance of molecular oxygen (ground state
ization of these photon emissions demonstrated a triplet oxygen, 3O2) present in the mitochondrial
qualitative dependence upon biophoton signal strength respiratory chain. The oxygen involved in the respira-
that did not adhere to the laws of linear physics. tory chain therefore predisposes the mitochondria to

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an increased probability for 1O2 generation. Excitation The involvement of UV biophotons in eliciting
and subsequent change in electron spin of one of the optical intercellular communication has been further
electrons in 3O2 results in the production of 1O2(17). supported by subsequent studies. Wainwright and col-
Because the probability for excitation of 3O2 is asso- leagues demonstrated the induction of visible light
ciated with oxidant activity in the mitochondria, a rela- emission by bacteria separated from fungus by a layer
tionship therefore exists between photon emission and of quartz glass(28). However, upon separation of the

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mitochondrial metabolic activity(17). bacteria from the fungus by UV-impermeable glass,
Nakano and colleagues provided evidence to sug- the effect was no longer observable(28). Belouuov and
gest that excited tryptophan and excited tyrosine, Baskakov also reported a marked induction of acceler-
produced as a result of oxidation by peroxidase, are ated frog egg division (cleavage) upon exposure of
candidate sources of biophoton emission. Their bystander eggs to the biophotons emitted from a dense
research supports these amino acids as potential bio- cluster of cleaving eggs; the two egg populations were
photon sources since the emissions they observed separated by quartz glass(29). Shen et al. have also
from sea urchin eggs undergoing fertilization (a pro- shown that biophotons are capable of triggering stress
cess associated with lipid peroxidation) coincided responses in optically-coupled cell populations(20).
very closely with the reference emission spectra of Since it has become apparent that not all biophoton-
excited tyrosine (478–500 nm) and excited trypto- mediated intercellular interactions result in proliferative
phan (550–610 nm)(18). The contribution of trypto- endpoints, it is suggested that it may be more suitable
phan, tyrosine, singlet oxygen and excited triplet to refer to these effects collectively as biophoton-
carbonyls collectively demonstrate the ability of cells mediated communication effects as opposed to mitoge-
to emit biophotons ranging from UV all the way to netic effects.
infrared (IR) wavelengths(19). While it is apparent Further research has demonstrated a role for bio-
that the spectral distribution of biophoton emission photonic exchange of information by wavelengths
spans the UV, visible and IR regions, specific details extraneous to UV in inducing effects in biological
pertaining to the signal strength and fluence rate at detectors, suggesting that the signal was not chem-
each wavelength still remain difficult to determine. ical in nature but electromagnetic(21).
In the 1980s, Fritz-Albert Popp suggested that The idea that multiple biophotonic frequencies may
DNA should be an important factor in the consider- be employed in the endeavor to communicate cellular
ation of a potential source of biophotons(14). His work information is one that has been proposed widely in
demonstrated evidence for the involvement of DNA an effort to explain the ability of such low fluence sig-
conformation in mediating biophoton emission. nals to induce significant and observable biological
modifications(14, 30–32). Popp was the first to propose
the coherence of light as a means of communication
and information transfer within biological systems(14).
The concept of coherence describes the cooperative
action of multiple subunits in a given system to carry
Several papers suggest biological systems communi- out a function(32). Following this framework, Bajpai
cate with each other via the exchange of biophoton proposed the role of quantum coherence in the ability
signals(6, 20–24). The first documented evidence of of biological systems to communicate with each other
intercellular communication via optical signaling via biophotons and subsequently regulate biological
was reported by Dr Alexander Gurwitsch in 1923. processes(32). While extensive discussion on the topic
Gurwitsch reported the ability of an onion root of quantum biology is beyond the scope of this
meristem to induce a 20–25% increase in the mitosis review, a brief explanation of the observed effects that
rate of a neighboring onion root meristem placed are difficult to rationalize using classical mechanisms
2 mm away for a 2-h duration(6). He noted that the prescribes to the quantum coherence of light follow-
surface of the recipient onion root that was exposed ing absorption by a recipient cell, and the use of that
to the sender onion root exhibited a greater number coherence to maximize the efficiency of a given bio-
of dividing cells than did the opposite surface. logical process by enacting simultaneous pathways in
Further investigation led to the suggestion that the an effort to achieve the desired outcome or effect(33).
responsible factor was light in the UV range since A hypothesis such as that proposed by Bajpai is con-
the insertion of a glass plate 0.3 mm thick resulted in ceivable based upon the elucidation of a role for
the elimination of the effect while insertion of a thin- quantum coherence in explaining the efficiency of
ner (tens of μm) glass plate did not(25). Gurwitsch photosynthesis(34). Another proposed mechanism of
called this observed phenomenon the mitogenetic cellular communication via biophotons is the encod-
radiation theory after the observation that light ing of information in photon bursts resembling
could stimulate mitosis(6). It was later confirmed that binary-encoded data. Mayburov characterized photon
UV light is indeed emitted from living cells upon emission from fish and frog eggs using a PMT sensi-
detection with sensitive photon counters (PMTs)(26, 27). tive to both UV and visible light to find that the

photon emission signal integrated over all of the MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE
wavelengths exhibited fluctuations in strength over ELECTROMAGNETIC BYSTANDER EFFECT
time(35). The time-dependent spectrum over 400 s CAUSED BY IONIZING RADIATION
revealed distinct bursts of light at randomly inter-
The experiments performed by our group strongly
spaced intervals and subsequent analysis of reporter
suggest that the mitochondria are critically import-
egg populations revealed an ability of the biophotons

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ant in the transduction of the ionizing radiation
to synchronize growth among those bystander eggs(35).
energy to induce bystander effects(38–43). There is
While typical biophoton fluence rates are relatively
also considerable evidence that p53 status of the cells
low, the proposed mechanisms for communication pro-
is critical to the mechanism(44–48). Mitochondria are
vide a means of ascertaining how they may be capable
known to generate ATP for chemical signaling path-
of eliciting effective signaling between biosystems.
ways(49–51). Recent studies in our laboratory have
The research on biophoton communication pre-
demonstrated that the biophotons generated by ion-
sented thus far has focused primarily upon effects
izing radiation can completely inhibit complex 1
that result following exposure of bystander systems
activity of the OXPHOS pathway with downstream
to spontaneous, or unperturbed, sources of biopho-
consequences for ATP synthase activity(52). Coupled
tons. However, biophoton emission leading to inter-
with the work on the production of bystander effect-
cellular communication of effects can also be
inducing exosomes (BEIE) by cells receiving biopho-
induced by various stressors. Kaznacheev reported
tons generated by exposure of physically separated
distant intercellular electromagnetic interaction
flasks to ionizing radiation(47) this suggests that sup-
between optically-coupled healthy human fibroblast
pression of OXPHOS activity leads to release of
cells and human fibroblasts which were infected with
BEIE, i.e. exosomes with a different profile from
the Coxsackie A-13 virus or injured with mercuric
control exosomes and with an ability to induce a
chloride(23). Interestingly, the unperturbed bystander
bystander effect. The suggested mechanism is
fibroblasts exhibited mitotic inhibition, nuclear con-
depicted in Figure 1.
densation and subsequent cellular fragmentation;
effects that are all characteristic of a cellular
response to the Coxsackie A-13 virus. Further inves- POTENTIAL TO HARNESS FOR MEDICAL
tigation was unable to isolate any viruses from the OR RADIATION PROTECTION PURPOSES
bystander cultures(23), eliminating the possibility that
the virus could have traveled from the infected popu- While the mechanisms involved in the generation
lation to the bystander population via chemical and signal transduction of biophotons induced by
means such as transfer of volatile molecules. It was ionizing radiation are fascinating, they may have
noted that the effects mimicked by the bystander major relevance in a practical sense for medicine.
cells manifested following a 12–14 h temporal delay. The generation of biophotons along a track of ioniz-
Reproduction of the same experiment using mercuric ing radiation in a tissue means that in addition to
chloride revealed the induction of granular and direct damage along the track, there will be effects
vacuolar degeneration in the bystander cells follow- produced by the interaction of the biophotons with
ing receipt of biophotons signals through quartz mitochondria or other organelles in cells along the
glass(23). These cellular symptoms again reflected the track and in any cells which received biophoton
manifestations characteristic of direct cytotoxicity by energy. Depending on the photon energy, they could
mercuric chloride. A collective analysis of these potentially travel distances up to millimeters in the
results leads to the inference that the effects directly tissue(53, 54). This effectively produces a bystander
induced in the primary population by a nominal effect in cells in a targeted tissue, which did not
stressor can lead to the mimicking of such effects in receive a direct ionizing track. Given what we know
a non-exposed bystander population that is optically- about biophoton effects, there could be wide impli-
coupled to the former biosystem. It is thus logical to cations for cellular and tissue level response and
suggest that the observation of mirroring effects therefore implications in the considerations of
would be expected in bystander cultures exposed to humans and other organisms in radiation protection
biophotons produced secondarily to insult of a pri- policies. There may also be targets for new drugs
mary culture by any biological stressor, particularly which could amplify or suppress these biophoton
ionizing radiation. effects.
Very recent work by our group confirms that
irradiated cells emit biophotons which can cause
bystander effects in flasks placed on top of the irra-
diated flasks but where no medium contact is The discussion above suggests several avenues for
involved. This again confirms that an electromagnetic further research. To date photons collection has
signal is involved(36, 37) but the physical processes been gated to 340 ± 5 nm wavelengths. However, we
involved remain to be elucidated. have evidence that photons are emitted along the


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Figure 1. The proposed mechanism of action of bystander exosomes. Under controlled conditions, exosomes are released
which do not contain factors that can induce bystander effects in recipient cells. Under biophoton irradiation, signalling
pathways acting downstream of suppressed ATP synthase produce signalling molecules which are packaged in exosomes.
These “bystander exosomes” can be taken up by unirradiated cells and produce bystander effects due to the release of sol-
uble signalling factors; these factors contribute to signalling in bystander-related pathways.

electromagnetic spectrum so it is clearly important CONCLUSIONS

to identify the spectral emission profile. It is also
There is ample evidence since the 1930’s for the
important to discover in our system what is absorb-
emission of biophotons from organic material and
ing the biophotons. Earlier research suggests the
for their biological activity. Recent results suggest
tyrosine and tryptophan are likely candidates but
that they can also be produced following exposure of
these may be more involved in generation of the
cells to ionizing radiation and that in this situation
photons due to excitation decay rather than absorp-
they can induce bystander effects in unirradiated
tion of already generated photons. The factors lead-
cells. The mechanisms by which biophotons produce
ing to the change in exosome profile due to
bystander effects involves mitochondrial OXPHOS,
absorption of the biophotons by cells also need
p53 status and the production of exosomes with

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