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English 16 Literary Criticism-2

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Holy Cross of Davao College

Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City


English 16
Literary Criticism

Name: ________________________________ Score.___________ Rating:__________

Course and Year: ________________________ Date and Schedule of Exam:_________
Instructor: Dr. Cristina M. Pendor Permit No. _______________________

I. IDENTIFICATION: Scan the following lines to determine the poetic foot and the meter and
then choose from the list the letter which contains the answer
corresponding to your answer. (20 points)

Choices for the poetic foot: Choices for the meter

A. iambic A. monometer F. hexameter

B. trochaic B. dimeter G. heptameter
C. anapestic C. trimeter H. octameter
D. dactylic D. tetrameter I. nonameter
E. spondaic E. pentameter J. decameter
F. pyrrhic


____________ ___________ 1. Double, double, toil and trouble

____________ ___________ 2. In the forest, the lady awakes

____________ ___________ 3. In a park where the peach blossoms grow

____________ ___________ 4. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel.

____________ ___________ 5. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see.

____________ ___________ 6. No longer mourn for her when she is dead.

____________ ___________ 7. The falling out of faithful friends, renewing is love.

____________ ___________ 8. Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb.

____________ ___________ 9. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts.
____________ ___________ 10. Ha! how the breath of these Saxons and Celts,

like the blast of the east wind.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE : From among the four choices, choose and write the letter
which contains the word corresponding to your answer. ( 60 points)

________ 1. The figurative meaning of a poem refers to

A. denotation C. paraphrasing
B. connotation D. interpretation
________ 2. The figure of speech where the meaning is dictated by the sound
A. pun C. assonance
B. alliteration D. onomatopoeia
________ 3. The regular recurrence of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
A. rhyme C. repetition
B. rhythm D. figure of speech
_________ 4. The affirmative expressed by the negation of its opposite is called….
A. litotes C. allusion
B. sarcasm D. metonymy
_________5. Paradise Lost is classified as a/ an
A. epic C. song
B B. novel D. allegory
_________6. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories that are classified as a / an
A. fairy tale C. metrical romance
B. metrical tale D. dramatic monolog
________ 7. Which literary approach points out the similarities and differences of two or
more stories written by the same author?
A. judicial C. sociological
B. internal D. comparative
________ 8. Which literary approach studies the rites, rituals, ceremonies, etc. practiced by
a tribe?
A. moral C. symbolical
B. sociological D. archetypal
________ 9. Which literary approach is used to analyze the role of women in the story?
A. gender C. archetypal
B. thematic D. sociological.
________ 10. Which literary approach studies the evil or the goodness of man's actions?
A. moral C. thematic
B. gender D. psychological
________ 11. Which literary approach proves that one of the characters is the author himself?
A. thematic C. biographical
B. psychological D. sociological
________ 12. Which literary approach emphasizes the social practices in a story?
A. moral C. archetypal
B. thematic D. sociological
________ 13. Which literary approach focuses on the behavior and personality of a character?
A. moral C. biographical
B. comparative D. psychological
_________14. Which type of literary criticism judges how well a literary work follows the
accepted literary standards?
A. judicial C. external
B. internal D. technical
_________ 15. Which type of literary criticism determines the authenticity of a literary work?
A. judicial C. external
B. internal D. technical
_________ 16. To which type of literary criticism does the reaction paper belong?
A. external C. rhetorical
B. comparative D. impressionistic
________ 17. Which figure of speech consists of talking to the dead as if alive, to the absent as
if present and to inanimate objects as if they have life?
A. allusion C. apostrophe
B. euphemism D. personification
________ 18. Which device involves creating images in the mind?
A. aside C. soliloquy
B. imagery D. leitmotif
________ 19. Which poetic foot consists of syllables which are all stressed in a line of poetry?
A. trochaic C. pyrrhic
B. spondaic D. iambic
________ 20. Which figure of speech involves the clever play on words?
A. pun C. assonance
B. litotes D. alliteration

________ 21. Which faculty is used in the reconstruction and combinations of stored ideas?
A. emotion C. expression
B. thought D. imagination
_______ 22. Which term also means value judgment?
A. ethical C. utilitarian
B. didactic D. aesthetic
________ 23. Which term refers to the literal meaning of a poem?
A. literary C. denotative
B. figurative D. connotative
________ 24. Which literary approach is used to study issues on graft and corruption, vices,
A. moral C. archetypal
B. symbolical D. sociological
________ 25. Which literary approach is used in studying the deeper meanings of names,
colors, actions, objects, etc.
A. thematic C. sociological
C B. symbolical D. psychological
________ 26. Which element conveys the writer’s attitude towards the subject?
A. tone C. atmosphere
B. emotion D. point of view
________ 27. Which type of judgment is used to determine whether an issue is right or wrong?
A. ethical C. judicial
B. aesthetic D. utilitarian
________ 28. Which sonnet is known as the English sonnet?
A. Petrarchan C. Elizabethan
B. Spencerian D. Shakespearean
________ 29. Which narrative poem could be sung?
A. ode C. elegy
D B. song D. ballad
________ 30. Which emotion is purged by catharsis?
A. fear C. sorrow
B. anger D. jealousy
_________ 31. Which emotion is expressed in an elegy?
A. joy C. anger
E B. praise D. sorrow
_________ 32. The following are qualities of literature except
A. artistic C. suggestive
B. universal D. intellectual
_________ 33. The following are examples of fiction except
A. myth C. legend
F B. fable D. journal
_________ 34. The following are examples of conflict except
A. social C. psychological
G B. manual D. environmental
_________ 35. Which is not an element of poetry?
A. emotion C. scansion
B. thought D. expression
_________ 36. The following are examples of dramatic poetry except
A. comedy C. ballad
H B. melodrama D. tragedy
_________ 37. The following could be considered as symbolical except
A. color C. action
I B. words D. object
_________ 38. Which is not a tonal device?
A. litotes C. alliteration
J B. assonance D. onomatopoeia
_________ 39. The following are stanza forms except
A. tercet C. sestet
K B. sonnet D. octave
_________ 40. The following are parts of the plot except
A. climax C. complication
M B. dialogue D. denouement
_________ 41. Which of the following is not an element of the plot?
A. chance C. surprise
N B. conflict D. atmosphere
_________ 42. The following are examples of lyric poetry except
A song C. ballad
B. elegy D. sonnet
_________ 43. Which image is considered kinesthetic?
A. wishing C. deafening
O B. climbing D. electrifying
_________ 44. The following refer to kinds of characters except
A. flat C. artistic
P B. stock D. developing
_________ 45. The following are figures of speech except
A. pun C. litotes
Q B. chance D. euphemism
_________ 46. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
O lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud
A. pun C. alliteration
B. climax D. onomatopoeia
_________ 47. The phrases “informal settlers “ and “differently abled” are examples of
what figure of speech?
A. oxymoron C. allusion
B. euphemism D. synecdoche
_________ 48. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
William wins whenever Wilma weeps.
A. climax C alliteration
B. . repetition D. onomatopoeia
_________ 49. If a poet speaks of “sweet sorrow “ and “victorious defeat ” he is using
which literary device?
A. oxymoron C. hyperbole
B. euphemism D. personification
_________ 50. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
It was the age of wisdom; it was the age of foolishness.
A. litotes C. antithesis
B. assonance D. apostrophe
_________ 51. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
Democracy is a government off the people, buy the people and fool the people.
A. pun C. apostrophe
B. oxymoron D. alliteration
_________ 52. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
Mathematics is his waterloo.
A allusion C. anti-climax
B. alliteration D. personification
_________ 53. Using alliteration, complete this statement about a girl named Tonette.
A. cried all night C. gave a good report
B. studied in HCDC D. tried to tell a tall tale
_________ 54. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
She promises that on Valentine’s Day, she will give you her heart.
A. climax C synecdoche
B. metonymy D. anti-climax
_________ 55. Which is not a euphemism?
A . love child C. floor manager
B. domestic artist D. violent torture
_________ 56. What figure of speech is present in this example?
He is so thoughtful that he forgot my birthday.
A. irony C. metonymy
B. oxymoron D. synecdoche
_________ 57. Which line does not include a personification?
A. The waves are chasing her..
B. His gentle guitar weeps
C. The ship went down like lead.
D. All the trees are swaying with the breeze.

For the following items (58, 59,60) determine the rhyme scheme:

A) a b c b
B) a a b b
C) a b b a
D) a b a b

_________ 58. Others abide our question. Thou art free.

We ask and ask – Thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge, for the loftiest hill,
Who to the stars uncrowns his majesty
_________ 59. Come dear children, let us away;
Down and away below!
Now my brothers call from the bay,
Now the great winds shoreward blow
_________ 60. Creep into thy narrow bed,
Creep and let no more be said!
Vain thy onset! All stands fast.
Thou thyself must break at last.

III. ESSAY: Perform what are being asked for. (20 points)

A. Prove or Refute: The direct method of characterization is more effective than the
indirect method. Support your answer fully.

B. Discuss what is meant by the images or symbols or materials of concretization in

the analysis of a poem. Support your explanation by citing examples.
Holy Cross of Davao College
Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City


English 16
Literary Criticism

Name: ________________________________ Score.___________ Rating:__________

Course and Year: ________________________ Date and Schedule of Exam:_________
Instructor: Dr. Cristina M. Pendor Permit No. _______________________

I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the image/symbol/ material of concretization of the

underlined words by choosing (from the list) and writing the letter which contains
the word corresponding to your answer. (20 points)

A. visual E. auditory
B. thermal F. gustatory
C. visceral G. kinaesthetic
D. olfactory H. erotic-sensual

_______1. They glide to the wind.

_______2. Looked up in perfect silence at the stars
_______3. Small birds hide and dodge.
_______4. And the sheets of rain whine in the wind
_______5. Clang of bell and roar of gun.
_______6. He rocked his only world, and every one’s
_______7. Little souls who thirst for fight.
_______8. Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment
_______9. Brushed tenderly across my lips
______10. Smile o voluptuous cool-breath’d earth
______11. Then he flung outward, feet first.
______12. Each beautiful slender body sheeted with flame.
______13. We passed the fields of gazing grain
______14. And the slam of the hammer all the day beset the people’s ears
______15. He sees the world as a boisterous place
______16. I only know there came to me / A fragrance such as never clings.
______17. Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning
______18. The night whose sable breast relieves the stark white stars.
______19. A violet by a mossy stone half hidden from the eye in the howling storm.
______20. And the big rain in one black wave / Fell from the sky and struck her grave

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: From the four options, choose and write on the blank the letter
which contains the word corresponding to your answer. (40 points)
________1. The emotion expressed in an elegy is
A. joy C. anger
R B. praise D. sorrow
________2. The expression of the beautiful
A. art C. beauty
B. poetry D. painting
________3. Another term for value judgment.
A. ethical C. utilitarian
B. didactic D. aesthetic
________4. Another term for figurative meaning.
A. literal C. denotative
B. literary D. connotative
________5 . The English sonnet is also known as
A. Petrarchan C. Elizabethan
B. Spencerian D. Shakespearean
________6. A narrative poem that could be sung
A. ode C. elegy
S B. song D. ballad
_______ 7. The process of creating mental pictures.
A. imagery C. photography
B. imagination D. extra-sensory perception
_______ 8. Quality of literature which makes it appeal to all people in all places at all times.
A. artistic C. universal
B. suggestive D. intellectual
_______ 9. Type of judgment used to determine whether an issue is right or wrong
A. ethical C. judicial
B. aesthetic D. utilitarian
_______10. The stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are classified as a
A. ballad C. metrical tale
T B. tragedy D. metrical romance
_______11. Criticism to which the reaction paper belongs.
A. external C. rhetorical
B. comparative D. impressionistic
_______12. Criticism where interest lies on the contents of the literary work.
A. judicial C. external
B. internal D. technical
_______13. Criticism that judges how well a literary work follows the accepted literary
A. judicial C. external
B. internal D. technical
_______14. Criticism that determines the authenticity of a literary work.
A. judicial C. external
B. internal D. technical
_______15. The faculty whereby reconstruction and combinations of ideas stored take place.
A. thought C. expression
B. emotion D. imagination
_______16. Anything which when perceived pleases and arouses in man a noble emotion
A. love C. truth
B. beauty D. peace
_______17. Analysis done to determine whether or not a literary work was truly written by a
particular author.
A. judicial C. internal
B. external D. technical
_______18. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
Go, Go, Go.
A. climax C. alliteration
B. repetition D. onomatopoeia
______ 19. The word “bittersweet” and the phrase “be cruel to be kind” are examples of
what figure of speech?
A. allusion C. oxymoron
B. antithesis D. synecdoche
______ 20. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore.
A. litotes C. antithesis
B. assonance D. apostrophe
______ 21. Milton defined rhyme as “the jingling sound of like endings.” What figure of
speech could be defined as “the jingling sound of like beginnings?”
A. allusion C. alliteration
B. synecdoche D. onomatopoeia
______ 22. What figure of speech is illustrated in the line “ He has the patience of Job”.
A. allusion C. alliteration
B. anti-climax D. personification
______ 23. The affirmative expressed by the negation of its opposite is called
A. litotes C. allusion
B. sarcasm D. metonymy
______ 24. Using alliteration, complete this statement about a guy named Philip.
A. lived in Digos C. grew stronger than an ox
B. toward the fields he ran D. found five fingers fractured
______ 25. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
The weary, way –worn wanderer.
A. alliteration C. climax
B. onomatopoeia D. anti-climax
______ 26. If a poet speaks of “the departed” instead of harshly saying “the dead” he is
using which literary device?
A. euphemism C. hyperbole
B. alliteration D. personification
______27. What figure of speech is illustrated in this line?
The only singers now are crows crying “caw, caw”
A. pun C. alliteration
B. climax D. onomatopoeia
______ 28. Which is not an oxymoron?
A. planned chaos C. joyful trouble
B. macabre torture D. trained incapacity
______ 29. What figure of speech is present in this example?
As he fled, he ran right into the law.
A. hyperbole C. metonymy
B. oxymoron D. synecdoche
______ 30. Which line illustrates apostrophe as a figure of speech?
A. So Doc, what’s up?
B. A thousand smiles greeted her.
C. And thou, Dejection, begone!
D. Unhand her, you brutish knave!
______ 31. What figure of speech did Carl Sandburg use when he wrote of “pigs so thin the
farmer had to tie knots in their tails to keep them from crawling through the
cracks in their pens”?
A. simile C. alliteration
B. hyperbole D. metonymy
______ 32. Choose the example of a metaphor.
A. tall as the truth C. light winced on their knives
B. clockwork men D. dead fish are polished marble
______ 33. Metonymy is exemplified in which line?
A. our dearly departed C. the gnashing of teeth
B. to live by the sword D. not in a thousand years
______ 34. What figure of speech is illustrated in these lines?
Malacañang categorically denied it.
The White House issued this report.
We demand action from City Hall.
A. metaphor C. metonymy
B. hyperbole
D. synecdoche
______ 35. What literary device is used in this example?
The Puritans hated bear fights not because it gave pain to the bears but
because it gave pleasure to the spectators.
A. antithesis C. apostrophe
B. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia
______ 36. Which line does not include a simile?
A. He looked like he had fallen.
B. Like a gazelle, she ran away.
C. The ship went down like lead.
D. Ben ran like a frenzied windmill.
______37. The following are stanza forms except
A. tercet C. sestet
U B. sonnet D. octave
For the following items (38, 39, 40), determine the rhyme scheme:
A) a b c b
B) a a b b
C) a b b a
D) a b a b
_______38. Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart that is cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul which is fearful?
_______39. Maud Muller, on a summer’s day,
Raked the meadow sweet with hay
Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth
Of simple beauty and rustic health
_______40. Nothing my step to miss
Nothing in my way,
I have known no day
In all my life like these dreams.

III. ESSAY: Answer the following questions briefly but concisely. (20 points)
A. Explain the tonal devices used in poetry.
B. Explain why literature is equated with life.

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