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The 18th Birthday

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The 18th Birthday of Ms. Janille A.


"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May we have your

attention please. We are about to begin Janille's 18th Birthday
Party Celebration so please find your seats or table numbers and
make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the rest of the evening."

"A very good evening to each and everyone, I am Ms. Charmaine

Banes, your host for tonight and welcome to Janille's Debut
Party. We would like to thank everyone for gracing this very
momentous occasion because as they say, you only get to be 18

To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please
stand for the Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings to

Good evening to all of us. Welcome to Mico’s Place. Welcome to

the PARTY of our charming debutant who is now turning into a
fine lady. This is quite a very important event in her life and she
is very much honor for your presence. Like Wendy in the movie
Peter Pan, no more fairy tale stories every night. She is now a
real lady as she stepped onto the much higher level of what we
call LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back as we groove, jive and
enjoy her party for tonight…

And now…. family, friends, guests, ladies and gentlemen, let us

all stand as we welcome the debutant as a woman of grandeur,
now hot and legal….escorted by her father, Mr. Jimmy V.
Clavecillas…. Let’s give a big round of applause Miss Janille A.

Before we formally start with our program proper, let us first

have the unveiling ceremony by our debutante, Ms. Janille A.

A round of applause please, ladies and gentlemen.

To give us her welcome address, may I call on the beautiful
mother of Janille, Mrs. Grace A. Clavecillas to formally welcome
us all. Let us give her a big hand.

Thank you very much. At this point, I would like to acknowledge

the presence of family and friends of our lovely debutante,
Janille. (refer to seperate copy)

Let us keep the ball rolling. First up, the 18 roses. The 18 roses
symbolizes the debutante’s coming up of age. It also represents
the readiness of a girl in the area of romance. 18 roses from 18
gentlemen who play an important part of Janille’s life will now
begin. Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 roses and the royal dance,
starting off with Mr. Jimmy A. Clavecillas, her father.

Thank you gentlemen. Janile, you may now seat for a while.
What is the essence of this celebration without further knowing
some of the important information of our debutant? The perfect
person to tell us Janille’s life story would be her mother. So ,
ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome with a big round of
applause, Mrs. Grace A. Clavecillas for Janille’s life story.

At this point, may I request everybody to direct your attention
to the white screen for an audio visual presentation. You will be
surprised about some of the most undisclosed information and
intriguing revelations of Janille. I know you will love it and will
love Janille too.

A round of applause please. Such a wonderful girl growing up.

The next part of our program will be the 18 candles and wishes.
(as you give your wishes to Janille, we would like to request to
keep it short, thank you)


The 18 candles signify the 18 women that will be her guiding
light in her journey towards fulfilling her dreams. Ladies and
gentlemen, the 18 candles. STarting with her sister, Ms. Camille

At this point, we will all be entertained by
______________________________ as they give us their
intermission number.


Such great talent. This time, I would like to invite Janille to stand
beside her wonderful cake. Before you blow your candle,
remember to make a wish. As before that, I would like to invite
everybody to please stand as we sing the happy birthday song to
Janille. (bithrday song)

"Happy Birthday Janille! Let us give 18 claps for Janille. Thank

you very much. You can now blow your (18) candle(s) and make
a wish. It is now time to cut the cake. As Janille has reached the
age of maturity, she will now cut the cake and give a portion to
her parents as a symbol of her love and gratefulness to them."

Such a great way to show gratefulness to your parents who

raised you well to become a young lady. Now, as we have about
to have our dinner, may I ask you again to please stand up for
the blessing of the food to be led by


While you are enjoying our sumptous dinner, we will again have
an intermission number by _____________________, let us give
them a big round of applause.

Gifts symbolize ever flowing love, caring and admiration. Gifts
presented to our debutante represent the friendship between
the debutante and the giver. These gifts will also help her in the
future as she would face her womanhood. Ladies and gentlemen
to offer the 18 Treasurers, let us call in the following:

Thank you very much. And now it is Trivia time!!! I would be
asking questions about our dearest debutante, and if you know
the answer please come forward to give the answer. Let us now
start, first question…

Balloons have many metaphorical meanings. Balloons can be
used to describe both holding on and letting go. And to
represent Janille’s Circle of Important People of her Life, let us
welcome the following persons who will hold on and will never
let her go as they share their wishes.

This time, we will now listen to our dear debutante as she give
her words of thanks. Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Janille A.

And with that, our program has officially concluded. In behalf of

the family, I would like to thank you all for making it to this
wonderful celebration of Janille's 18th birthday. For those who
are going home, may God bless you. Be safe everyone. And for
those who are staying, the night is young and the floor is now
open for dancing. This is your host, Ms. Charmaine, signing off.
Thank you and have a blessed night."


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