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Thank You For Contacting Me

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Mohan Harihar <moharihar@gmail.


Thank you for contacting me

Mohan Harihar <> Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 11:45 AM
To: Elizabeth Warren <>
Cc: Nairoby Gabriel <>, Nora Keefe
"" <>, NewYorkComplaints
Dojoig <>, theresa watson3 <>,
andrew lelling <>, mary murrane <>, sydney levin-
epstein <>, lori trahan <>, ayanna
pressley <>,, igo-,,,,,, Arthur T
Deguglielmo <>, "Jeffrey B. Loeb" <>, david
fialkow <>

Dear Senator Warren,

Thank you for your prompt response and I appreciate the invitation to contact you again, should I
have additional questions/concerns. After reading through your July 19, 2019 email (Attached below),
I want to make sure that I'm understanding you correctly, as your response raises a number of red
flags and appears to re-affirm my evidenced nonfeasance claims against you and the Legislative
Branch of government. Before moving forward with my concerns, I respectfully want to remind you
that a new complaint is being prepared for filing in the US Court of Federal Claims - against The
United States. This new complaint evidences failures in all three (3) branches of both State and
Federal government, all documented by court record - and with the help of social media, has been
regularly evidenced in full public view for over eight (8) years. These referenced failures are all
associated with the following Federal (Civil) Complaints:

1. HARIHAR v US BANK et al - Certiorari Petition No. 18-7752, Appeal No. 17-1381, Lower
Court Docket No. 15-cv-11880;
2. HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES - Appeal No. 17-2074, Lower Court Docket No. 17-cv-
11134; and
3. HARIHAR v CHIEF JUDGE JEFFREY R HOWARD, et al, Docket No. 18-cv-11109

In summary, I have evidenced systemic failures at every level of the Judicial Branch, including a
broken process for addressing judicial misconduct. The severity of these evidenced claims involving
judicial officers includes criminal Treason under ARTICLE III and warrants informing Congressional
leaders under ARTICLE II. As your Constituent, I am compelled by Federal law to bring these
evidenced crimes to your attention, as well as to the attention of the Executive Branch, including the
Department of Justice (DOJ) and the President of The United States - Donald J. Trump. The
referenced letter delivered to your attention on April 29, 2019, was intended to inform you - a United
States Senator, of these systemic judicial failures, for the purpose of bringing to the attention of
Congress - specifically, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, as these evidenced
allegations (at minimum) show cause for Impeachment and Removal from the Bench under
ARTICLE II of the US Constitution. You are also respectfully reminded Senator, that the first Federal
Judge to be formally accused of Judicial Treason (and also the first Federal Judge to later RECUSE)
- the Hon. Allison Dale Burroughs, came at your recommendation to the Bench in 2014.
In your email, you state the following:

"However I regret to inform you that I cannot be of service to you. As a United States Senator, I
am unable to dictate actions to federal, state or local agencies"

To be clear, I re-state that as a matter of record, I have NEVER asked for you to dictate actions to
ANY federal, state or local agency. I have however, asked for you - as my United States Senator, to
INFORM Congress of systemic failures within the judicial branch, including matters which are
perceived to impact National Security. Certainly, you can understand my legal concerns over your
above-referenced response.

Another concern is your continued silence on the Intellectual Property/Trade Secret known as the
"HARIHAR FCS MODEL". As you know, this economic framework is designed to assist the Nation
with recovery and growth from damages incurred during the US Foreclosure Crisis of 2008. Your
Senior Economic Advisor - Bruno Freitas, strongly suggested that I present this plan to you
personally. It is unclear as to WHY, multiple efforts through the years to formally meet with you were
ignored. You are respectfully reminded that if the HARIHAR FCS MODEL were to be implemented as
intended, the result would conservatively deliver over $5T in economic growth to the Nation,
while also bringing much needed relief to the millions of Americans irreparably damaged from
the fraudulent foreclosures by Big Banks. All can be successfully implemented without the need of
single US tax dollar or any new legislation. You are aware that as a matter of record, NO ONE - from
my local Congressional Office to the Executive Office of the President (EOP) has been able to poke a
single flaw in the framework of this IP. As a legislator (and 2020 Presidential Candidate) who
historically has been very outspoken about Wall street and the evidenced misconduct of Big
Banks, you can certainly understand my concerns over your silence. Respectfully, I look forward
to your clarification and have attached a copy of the IP presentation (overview) originally presented
to former VP Joe Biden. There remains a substantial opportunity to implement this IP, perhaps even
templating it here in the Commonwealth. Successful implementation will be nothing shy of historic.

Thank you, Senator Warren - I look forward to scheduling a time to meet with both you and Governor
Baker to discuss these matters further.




Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
617.921.2526 (Mobile)
[Quoted text hidden]

Harihar FCS Model.pdf

Mohan Harihar <>

Thank you for contacting me

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:24
Elizabeth Warren <>

Dear Mr. Harihar,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding your ongoing legal matter.

In order for me to best represent the citizens of Massachusetts, it is vital that I receive opinions and
concerns such as yours. I am honored by the opportunity to serve the people of our Commonwealth,
and I am always interested in doing so more effectively.

However I regret to inform you that I cannot be of service to you. As a United States Senator, I am
unable to dictate actions to federal, state or local agencies; therefore I feel it would be inappropriate
for me to intervene in matters such as yours. Members of Congress are precluded from inquiring into
matters pending before the courts. Unfortunately, my involvement in your present situation may be
viewed as interference in the judicial process, and I regret that I cannot be of more assistance to you
at this time.

Thank you again for bringing this matter to my attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if
I can be of future assistance to you.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

Boston, MA Springfield, MA
Washington, DC
2400 JFK Federal Building 1550 Main Street
309 Hart Senate Office Building
15 New Sudbury Street Suite 406
Washington, DC 20510
Boston, MA 02203 Springfield, MA 01103
Phone: 202-224-4543
Phone: 617-565-3170 Phone: 413-788-2690
Mohan Harihar

M HARIHAR - Response to July 18, 2019 Voicemail

Mohan Harihar <> Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:59 PM
To: elizabeth warren <>
Cc: Nairoby Gabriel <>, Nora Keefe
"" <>, sydney levin-epstein
<>, lori trahan <>, ayanna pressley
<>, NewYorkComplaints Dojoig
<>, theresa watson3 <>, andrew lelling
<>, mary murrane <>, christina sterling
<>,,,,,, igo-,, Arthur T Deguglielmo
<>, "Jeffrey B. Loeb" <>, david fialkow

Dear Senator Warren,

I am respectfully responding to you directly, after receiving a phone call/voicemail yesterday July
18, 2019, from your Regional Director - Nairoby Gabriel, who requested that I call your office to
discuss the reasons for regular updates to you directly involving the ongoing Federal/State litigation -
HARIHAR v US BANK et al, throughout its EIGHT (8) year history. I wish to clarify for the record the

1. I have NEVER asked for you to interfere with the referenced (or ANY) litigation.
2. As a matter of record, you have been directly informed (either by phone, email or social
media) of judicial abuses of power evidenced at every level of the Massachusetts State and
Federal Judiciary, including the Supreme Court of The United States - all related to the
above-referenced litigation.
3. As a matter of record, you are aware that these referenced judicial abuses have shown cause
to bring judicial misconduct complaints against FIFTEEN (15) Federal Judges (First Circuit),
TWO (2) Massachusetts State Judges and all NINE (9) US Supreme Court Justices.
4. As a matter of record, you are aware that evidenced Judicial TREASON claims have been
formally raised under ARTICLE III against Twenty (20) judicial officers - 9 Federal, 2 MA
State and all 9 Supreme Court Justices for continuing to rule after jurisdiction had been
LOST. As required by federal law, I have reported these Treason claims to the Court,
Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA), President Donald J. Trump and previously to
President Barack Obama.
5. As a matter of record, you are aware that these evidenced judicial misconduct claims have
resulted in an unprecedented ELEVEN (11) RECUSALS (9 Federal, 2 State).
6. As a matter of record, you are aware that not one judicial officer has denied a single
misconduct claim, including Treason.
7. As a matter of record, you are aware that I have evidenced a broken process for addressing
judicial misconduct in the First Circuit, including failures by the First Circuit Executive and
the Administrative Office of US Courts.
8. You are respectfully reminded that on April 29, 2019 a letter was delivered to your direct
attention, informing you of these egregious abuses and as evidenced, a failed judicial system
- calling for you to address these issues before Congress under ARTICLES II and III (See
9. Included in the same letter was a reminder of the Intellectual Property known as the
"HARIHAR FCS MODEL" which is also considered a Trade Secret – protected under the
Economic Espionage Act. The referenced IP is designed to assist The United States with
economic growth and repair from damages resulting from the US Foreclosure Crisis – while
also delivering substantial relief to illegally foreclosed homeowners Nationwide. You are
reminded that this IP/Trade Secret was favorably presented to: (1) your Senior Economic
Advisor - Bruno Freitas; (2) Senior advisors to former Massachusetts AG Martha
Coakley; (3) the Office of former US Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (D-MA); (4) Former
Deputy Chief Counsel to the House Financial Services Committee - Gail Laster; and (5)
to the Executive Office of the President (EOP) per the specific request of former VP
Joe Biden (Obama Administration). You are aware that evidenced Economic Espionage
claims have been brought against all Defendants in the referenced federal litigation, including
Defendants - Commonwealth of Massachusetts and former AG Martha Coakley.
10. You are aware that I have evidenced - in full public view failures in all three (3) branches of
government. Besides systemic judicial failures, the DOJ/MA AGO has refused to bring
criminal indictments for evidenced criminal complaints of record - and the 8-year
email/social media trail indicates that legislative leaders here in the Commonwealth have
consciously chosen to exemplify nonfeasance, by turning "a blind eye" to these failures.
11. Collectively, I have shown cause to bring a NEW complaint against The United States in the
US Court of Federal Claims.
12. Recently, some of the named Defendants have expressed an interest having a mutual
agreement discussion. While under no obligation to do so, I have similarly (in Good Faith)
offered the Commonwealth (referencing the June 29, 2019 letter to Gov. Baker) and
separately, the Federal Government (referencing the July 2, 2019 letter to President Trump),
the same opportunity for a mutual agreement discussion. You have received copies of both
13. I have stated from the beginning that my legal intentions have been (and remain) twofold: (1)
To recoup damages suffered from my identified illegal foreclosure; and (2) To ultimately gain
alignment with the State/Federal Government involving my referenced Intellectual
Property/Trade Secret, designed to deliver substantial economic growth to the
Commonwealth and to The United States (including substantial relief to illegally foreclosed
homeowners Nationwide).

As an American-born citizen and resident of this Commonwealth, these systemic failures are
unacceptable. It remains unclear as to why it has taken this long for your office to respond. In her
voicemail, your Regional Director asked what could be done help. I respectfully request a formal
meeting with both you and Governor Baker - to discuss these evidenced failures in all three (3)
branches of State/Federal government, and also to see if there may be a potential path for a mutual
agreement with the referenced litigation. As a US Senator representing this Commonwealth and
Presidential Candidate for the upcoming 2020 election, I think that would be a good start. Thank you,
Senator Warren - I appreciate your time and look forward to your response with great anticipation.



Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
617.921.2526 (Mobile)

4-29-19 Letter to Sen Warren RE Systemic Judicial Abuses.pdf


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