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Govt. First Grade College, Dharwad Ba /Bcom/Bba/Bsc I Sem Basic English List of Synonyms

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First Grade College, Dharwad

BA /BCom/BBA/BSc I Sem Basic English

List of Synonyms

1. Abandon = Leave, forsake

2. Accept = Receive
3. Adversity = Misery, misfortune
4. Apology = Regret, pardon
5. Alter = Change, transform
6. Advantage = Profit, gain
7. Actual = Real, certain
8. Absolute = Complete, entire
9. Barren = Infertile, unfruitful
10. Brave = Courageous, bold
11. Barbarous = Savage, uncivilized
12. Beautiful = Pretty, handsome, lovely
13. Belief = Faith, trust, confidence
14. Big = Vast, huge, large
15. Concise = Short, terse
16. Banish = Exile, expel, dismiss
17. Chaste = Pure virtuous
18. Confess = Admit, acknowledge
19. Convict = Criminal, prisoner
20. Cruel = Merciless, tyrant
21. Capture = Seize, arrest, grasp
22. Delay = Postpone, prolong
23. Deed = Work, act, action
24. Discover = Find, disclose, reveal
25. Docile = Gentle, humble
26. Dynamic = Vigorous, forceful
27. Desolate = Solitary, lonely, neglected
28. Enemy = Foe, opponent
29. Endure = Bear, suffer, tolerate
30. Error = Mistake, fault
31. Famous = Popular, eminent, well known
32. Faith = Belief, trust, confidence
33. Force = Power, energy
34. Grief = Sorrow, distress
35. Gentle = Mild, calm
36. Holy = Sacred, pious, godly
37. Hard = Tough, difficult, solid
38. Infinite = Limitless, boundless, endless
39. Joy = Delight, pleasure,
40. Junk = Rubbish, waste
41. Lazy = Idle, slow
42. Liberty = Freedom, independence
43. Normal = Usual, regular, ordinary
44. Option = Choice, preference
45. Peak = Top, summit, climax
46. Quit = Leave, resign
47. Rage = Anger, wrath, fury
48. Strange = Queer, unfamiliar, unusual
49. Strong = Powerful, mighty
50. Target = Goal, aim, object
51. Triumph = Victory, win
52. Unique = Unequalled, matchless, rare
53. Vague = Obscure, unclear
54. Wise = Intelligent, sagacious
55. Wrong = False, incorrect
56. Wealth = Money, property, assets
57. Wicked = Evil, bad, cruel
58. Wisdom = Prudence, foresight
59. Yearn = Pine, crave
60. Zeal = Passion, enthusiasm
Govt. First Grade College, Dharwad
BA /BCom/BBA/BSc I Sem Basic English

List of Antonyms

1. Accept x Reject
2. Ancient x Modern’
3. Arrival x Departure
4. Attach x Detach
5. Blame x Praise
6. Broad x Narrow
7. Bitter x Sweet
8. Blunt x Sharp
9. Beautiful x Ugly
10. Boon x Curse
11. Conquer x Surrender
12. Defeat x Victory
13. Deep x Shallow
14. Domestic x Wild
15. Enjoyment x Suffering
16. Empty x Full
17. Exclude x Include
18. Earn x Spend
19. Failure x Success
20. Foolish x Wise
21. Friend x Foe
22. Fold x Unfold
23. Guest x Host
24. Grand x Simple, ordinary
25. Genuine x Spurious, fake
26. Handsome x Ugly
27. Hope x Despair
28. Heaven x Hell
29. Import x Export
30. Increase x Decrease
31. Inferior x Superior
32. Inhale x Exhale
33. Joy x Sorrow
34. Junior x Senior
35. Knowledge x Ignorance
36. Lend x Borrow
37. Literate x Illiterate
38. Lie x Truth
39. Merit x Demerit
40. Natural x Artificial
41. Negative x Positive
42. Optimist x Pessimist
43. Obey x Disobey
44. Profit x Loss
45. Pleasure x Pain
46. Polite x Rude, impolite
47. Quick x Slow
48. Rough x Smooth
49. Sweet x Sour
50. Soft x Hard
51. Top x Bottom
52. Comedy x Tragedy
53. Weak x Strong
54. Dark x Light
55. Success x Failure
56. Demand x Beg
57. Entry x Exit
58. Famous x Notorious, infamous
59. Create x Destroy
60. Tall x Short

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