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English 9 Summative Test 1

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Name: _________________________________________ Knowledge: _____

Section: _______________Date: ________ Process: _____

English9.: Summative 1 Understanding: _____
A. Write the letter of the correct answer. (12pts.)

A. Angles B. English C. Witans D. Jutes E. Thralls

F. Celts G. Earls H. Chant I. King J. Celtic Druids
K. Blood Money L. Freemen M. Saxons N. Incantations O. Julius Caesar P. Churls

______1. He/She crossed the English Channel and found the land occupied by peace loving people.
______2. These are the peace-loving and agricultural people who occupied the English land.
______3. The council of elders.
______4. The ruling class of warlords.
______5. Class of people allowed to own a land and engage in commerce.
______6. These are bonded servants who worked the land in exchange for military protection.
______7. They are the slaves, usually military prisoners or people being punished
______9. Three Teutonic tribes who invaded England.
______11. A fine could be given by the killer to the family of the man he killed
______12. It assumed the function of storytelling, memorizing and reciting poems to pass their tribal history to
people who cannot read.

B. Enumeration. (8 pts.)
Steps in producing a composition: Steps in writing a draft:
1. ________________________ 1. _____________________________
2. ________________________ 2. _____________________________
3. ________________________ 3. _____________________________
4. ________________________ 4. _____________________________

Expound your answers. (15pts.)

1. What is the significance of literature in our daily lives?


2. In what way is the story of Beowulf similar to your life? How do you feel about it?

3. Like Beowulf what are the dragons in your life? How can you fight these dragons?

A. In 3-4 sentences. Plot out in the line graph below the movement of the plot in the summary of Beowulf.

3. Climax

2. Conflict
4. Denouement

1. Exposition

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