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Lab Manual: Department of Computer Engineering

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Department of Computer Engineering

Lab Manual
Final Year Semester-VIII
Subject: Cloud Computing Laboratory

Even Semester

Institutional Vision, Mission and Quality Policy

Our Vision
To foster and permeate higher and quality education with value added engineering, technology
programs, providing all facilities in terms of technology and platforms for all round development with
societal awareness and nurture the youth with international competencies and exemplary level of
employability even under highly competitive environment so that they are innovative adaptable and
capable of handling problems faced by our country and world at large.

RAIT’s firm belief in new form of engineering education that lays equal stress on academics and
leadership building extracurricular skills has been a major contribution to the success of RAIT as one
of the most reputed institution of higher learning. The challenges faced by our country and world in
the 21 Century needs a whole new range of thought and action leaders, which a conventional
educational system in engineering disciplines are ill equipped to produce. Our reputation in providing
good engineering education with additional life skills ensure that high grade and highly motivated
students join us. Our laboratories and practical sessions reflect the latest that is being followed in the
Industry. The project works and summer projects make our students adept at handling the real life
problems and be Industry ready. Our students are well placed in the Industry and their performance
makes reputed companies visit us with renewed demands and vigour.

Our Mission
The Institution is committed to mobilize the resources and equip itself with men and materials of
excellence thereby ensuring that the Institution becomes pivotal center of service to Industry,
academia, and society with the latest technology. RAIT engages different platforms such as
technology enhancing Student Technical Societies, Cultural platforms, Sports excellence centers,
Entrepreneurial Development Center and Societal Interaction Cell. To develop the college to become
an autonomous Institution & deemed university at the earliest with facilities for advanced research
and development programs on par with international standards. To invite international and reputed
national Institutions and Universities to collaborate with our institution on the issues of common
interest of teaching and learning sophistication.

RAIT’s Mission is to produce engineering and technology professionals who are innovative and
inspiring thought leaders, adept at solving problems faced by our nation and world by providing
quality education.

The Institute is working closely with all stake holders like industry, academia to foster knowledge
generation, acquisition, dissemination using best available resources to address the great challenges
being faced by our country and World. RAIT is fully dedicated to provide its students skills that make
them leaders and solution providers and are Industry ready when they graduate from the Institution.

We at RAIT assure our main stakeholders of students 100% quality for the programmes we deliver.
This quality assurance stems from the teaching and learning processes we have at work at our campus
and the teachers who are handpicked from reputed institutions IIT/NIT/MU, etc. and they inspire the
students to be innovative in thinking and practical in approach. We have installed internal procedures
to better skills set of instructors by sending them to training courses, workshops, seminars and
conferences. We have also a full fledged course curriculum and deliveries planned in advance for a
structured semester long programme. We have well developed feedback system employers, alumni,
students and parents from to fine tune Learning and Teaching processes. These tools help us to ensure
same quality of teaching independent of any individual instructor. Each classroom is equipped with
Internet and other digital learning resources.

The effective learning process in the campus comprises a clean and stimulating classroom
environment and availability of lecture notes and digital resources prepared by instructor from the
comfort of home. In addition student is provided with good number of assignments that would trigger
his thinking process. The testing process involves an objective test paper that would gauge the
understanding of concepts by the students. The quality assurance process also ensures that the
learning process is effective. The summer internships and project work based training ensure learning
process to include practical and industry relevant aspects. Various technical events, seminars and
conferences make the student learning complete.

Our Quality Policy

Our Quality Policy

It is our earnest endeavour to produce high quality engineering professionals who are
innovative and inspiring, thought and action leaders, competent to solve problems
faced by society, nation and world at large by striving towards very high standards in
learning, teaching and training methodologies.

Our Motto: If it is not of quality, it is NOT RAIT!

Dr. Vijay D. Patil

Departmental Vision, Mission

To impart higher and quality education in computer science with value added engineering and
technology programs to prepare technically sound, ethically strong engineers with social awareness.
To extend the facilities, to meet the fast changing requirements and nurture the youths with
international competencies and exemplary level of employability and research under highly
competitive environments.

To mobilize the resources and equip the institution with men and materials of excellence to provide
knowledge and develop technologies in the thrust areas of computer science and Engineering. To
provide the diverse platforms of sports, technical, cocurricular and extracurricular activities for the
overall development of student with ethical attitude. To prepare the students to sustain the impact of
computer education for social needs encompassing industry, educational institutions and public
service. To collaborate with IITs, reputed universities and industries for the technical and overall
upliftment of students for continuing learning and entrepreneurship.

Departmental Program Educational Objectives
1. Learn and Integrate
To provide Computer Engineering students with a strong foundation in the mathematical,
scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze
engineering problems and to prepare them for graduate studies.

2. Think and Create

To develop an ability to analyze the requirements of the software and hardware, understand
the technical specifications, create a model, design, implement and verify a computing system
to meet specified requirements while considering real-world constraints to solve real world

3. Broad Base
To provide broad education necessary to understand the science of computer engineering and
the impact of it in a global and social context.

4. Techno-leader
To provide exposure to emerging cutting edge technologies, adequate training &
opportunities to work as teams on multidisciplinary projects with effective communication
skills and leadership qualities.

5. Practice citizenship
To provide knowledge of professional and ethical responsibility and to contribute to society
through active engagement with professional societies, schools, civic organizations or other
community activities.

6. Clarify Purpose and Perspective

To provide strong in-depth education through electives and to promote student awareness on
the life-long learning to adapt to innovation and change, and to be successful in their
professional work or graduate studies.

Departmental Program Outcomes (POs)

Pa. Foundation of computing - An ability to apply knowledge of computing, applied

mathematics, and fundamental engineering concepts appropriate to the discipline.
Pb. Experiments & Data Analysis - An ability to understand, identify, analyze and design the
problem, implement and validate the solution including both hardware and software.
Pc. Current Computing Techniques – An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools
necessary for computing practice .
Pd. Teamwork – An ability to have leadership and management skills to accomplish a common
Pe. Engineering Problems - an ability to identify, formulates, and s olve engineering
Pf. Professional Ethics – An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social
issues and responsibilities.
Pg. Communication – An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences in both
verbal and written form.
Ph. Impact of Technology – An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on
individuals, organizations, and society.
Pi. Life-long learning – An ability to recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long
Pj. Contemporary Issues – An ability to exploit gained skills and knowledge of contemporary
Pk. Professional Development – Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in
continuing professional development and higher studies.
Pl. Employment - An ability to get an employment to the international repute industries through
the training programs, internships, projects, workshops and seminars.

Sr. No. Contents Page No.
1. List of Experiments 8
Course Objectives, Course Outcomes &
2. 9
Experiment Plan
Mapping of Course Outcomes – Program
3. 10
4. Study and Evaluation Scheme 11
5. Experiment No. 1 12
6. Experiment No. 2 17
7. Experiment No. 3 26
8. Experiment No. 4 30
9. Experiment No. 5 42
10. Experiment No. 6 52
11. Experiment No. 7 64

List of Experiments
Sr. No. Experiments Name
1 To study cloud architecture and cloud computing model

2 Installation and Configuration of virtualization using KVM

3 To study and implementation of Infrastructure as a Service

4 To study and implementation of identity management

5 To study and implementation of Storage as a Service

6 To Study Cloud security management

7 Mini Project

Course Objectives, Course Outcome &
Experiment Plan
Course Objectives:

1. To provide an overview of concepts of Cloud Computing.

2. To make the students understand concepts of virtualization and to use cloud as
Infrastructure, Platform, Software services.
3. To understand the security features, user management of Cloud.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 Student should understand and appreciate cloud architecture.

CO2 Student can create and run virtual machines on open source OS
CO3 Student can implement Infrastructure , storage as a Service.
CO4 Student can study and implement Identity management and User management.
CO5 Student can study and implement single-sign-on.
CO6 Students can install and appreciate security features and user management for cloud using
web application.

Experiment Plan:

Module Week Course Weightage

Experiments Name
No. No. Outcome
To study cloud architecture and cloud 10
1 W1 CO1
computing model

Installation and Configuration of virtualization 10

2 W2, W3 CO2
using KVM

To study and implementation of Infrastructure 5

3 W4 CO3
as a Service

To study and implementation of Storage as a

CO3 5
4 W5,W6 Service

5 W7,W8 To study and implementation of identity CO4 10

6 W9,W10 To Study Cloud security management CO5 10

7 W11,W12 Mini Project CO6 10

Mapping Course Outcomes (CO) -
Program Outcomes (PO)

Subject Course Outcomes Contribution to Program outcomes

Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl

CO1:Student should understand

1 2 3 2 2
and appreciate cloud architecture
CO2:Student can create and run
virtual machines on open source 3 2 2 2 1
CO3: Student can implement
Infrastructure , storage as a 2 2 2 2 2
CO4: Student can implement
Identity management and User 2 1 1 2 2 2
CO5: Student can study and
2 2 2 2 2
implement single-sign-on.
CO6: Students can install and
appreciate security features and
2 3 2 1 2
user management for cloud using
web application.

Study and Evaluation Scheme
Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Cloud Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
CPL801 Computing
Laboratory 01
-- 02 -- -- 01 --

Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme

Term Work Oral Total
Cloud Computing
Laboratory 25 -- 25

Term Work:

1. Term work should consist of at least 6 experiments and a mini project.

2. Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
3. The final certification and acceptance of term work indicates that performance in
laboratory work is satisfactory and minimum passing marks may be given in term

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 1

To study cloud architecture and cloud

computing model.

Experiment No. 1
1. Aim: To study cloud architecture and cloud computing model.

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to

 provide an overview of concepts of Cloud Computing .
 To encourage students to indulge into research in Cloud Computing.

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able to

 understand and appreciate cloud architecture.
 analyze the local and global impact of computing on
individuals, organizations, and society.
 recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Internet

5. Theory:

Cloud computing enables companies to consume compute resources as a utility -- just

like electricity -- rather than having to build and maintain computing infrastructures
in-house. Cloud computing promises several attractive benefits for businesses and end

Three of the main benefits of cloud computing include:

• Self-service provisioning: End users can spin up computing resources for almost any
type of workload on-demand.

• Elasticity: Companies can scale up as computing needs increase and then scale down
again as demands decreases.

Pay per use: Computing resources are measured at a granular level, allowing users to
pay only for the resources and workloads they use.

Cloud computing services can be Private, Public or Hybrid.

Private cloud services are delivered from a business' data center to internal users. This
model offers versatility and convenience, while preserving management, control and
security. Internal customers may or may not be billed for services through IT

In the Public cloud model, a third-party provider delivers the cloud service over the
Internet. Public cloud services are sold on-demand, typically by the minute or the
hour. Customers only pay for the CPU cycles, storage or bandwidth they

consume. Leading public cloud providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS),
Microsoft Azure, IBM/SoftLayer and Google Compute Engine.

Hybrid cloud is a combination of public cloud services and on-premises private cloud
– with orchestration and automation between the two.

Companies can run mission-critical workloads or sensitive applications on the private

cloud while using the public cloud forbursty workloads that must scale on-demand.
The goal of hybrid cloud is to create a unified, automated, scalable environment
which takes advantage of all that a public cloud infrastructure can provide, while still
maintaining control over mission-critical data.

Types of cloud computing:

IT people talk about three different kinds of cloud computing, where different services
are being provided for you. Note that there's a certain amount of vagueness about how
these things are defined and some overlap between them.

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) means you're buying access to raw

computing hardware over the Net, such as servers or storage. Since you buy
what you need and pay-as-you-go, this is often referred to as utility
computing. Ordinary web hosting is a simple example of IaaS: you pay a
monthly subscription or a per-megabyte/gigabyte fee to have a hosting
company serve up files for your website from their servers.

 Software as a Service (SaaS) means you use a complete application running on

someone else's system. Web-based email and Google Documents are perhaps
the best-known examples. Zoho is another well-known SaaS provider offering
a variety of office applications online.

 Platform as a Service (PaaS) means you develop applications using Web-

based tools so they run on systems software and hardware provided by another
company. So, for example, you might develop your own ecommerce website
but have the whole thing, including the shopping cart, checkout, and payment
mechanism running on a merchant's server. (from
and the Google App Engine are examples of PaaS.

 Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

Advantages: The pros of cloud computing are obvious and compelling. If your
business is selling books or repairing shoes, why get involved in the nitty gritty of
buying and maintaining a complex computer system? If you run an insurance
office, do you really want your sales agents wasting time running anti-virus
software, upgrading word-processors, or worrying about hard-drive crashes? Do
you really want them cluttering your expensive computers with their personal
emails, illegally shared MP3 files, and naughty YouTube videos—when you could
leave that responsibility to someone else? Cloud computing allows you to buy in

only the services you want, when you want them, cutting the upfront capital costs
of computers and peripherals. You avoid equipment going out of date and other
familiar IT problems like ensuring system security and reliability. You can add
extra services (or take them away) at a moment's notice as your business needs
change. It's really quick and easy to add new applications or services to your
business without waiting weeks or months for the new computer (and its software)
to arrive.

Disadvantages: Instant convenience comes at a price. Instead of purchasing

computers and software, cloud computing means you buy services, so one-off,
upfront capital costs become ongoing operating costs instead. That might work out
much more expensive in the long-term.

If you're using software as a service (for example, writing a report using an online
word processor or sending emails through webmail), you need a reliable, high-
speed, broadband Internet connection functioning the whole time you're working.
That's something we take for granted in countries such as the United States, but
it's much more of an issue in developing countries or rural areas where broadband
is unavailable.

If you're buying in services, you can buy only what people are providing, so you
may be restricted to off-the-peg solutions rather than ones that precisely meet your
needs. Not only that, but you're completely at the mercy of your suppliers if they
suddenly decide to stop supporting a product you've come to depend on. (Google,
for example, upset many users when it announced in September 2012 that its
cloud-based Google Docs would drop support for old but de facto standard
Microsoft Office file formats such as .DOC, .XLS, and .PPT, giving a mere one
week's notice of the change—although, after public pressure, it later extended the
deadline by three months.) Critics charge that cloud-computing is a return to the
bad-old days of mainframes and proprietary systems, where businesses are locked
into unsuitable, long-term arrangements with big, inflexible companies. Instead of
using "generative" systems (ones that can be added to and extended in exciting
ways the developers never envisaged), you're effectively using "dumb terminals"
whose uses are severely limited by the supplier. Good for convenience and
security, perhaps, but what will you lose in flexibility? And is such a restrained
approach good for the future of the Internet as a whole? (To see why it may not
be, take a look at Jonathan Zittrain's eloquent book The Future of the Internet—
And How to Stop It.)

6. Conclusion:
Cloud computing enables a convenient and on-demand network access to a
wide range of resources. The different services and also the deployment
models allow flexible service provider interaction with minimal human

intervention. It saves costs but also can lead to risk issues and suspension of
resources when in huge quantity.

7. Viva Questions:

 What is Cloud Computing?

 What are the different types of Clouds?
 What are the different cloud services?

8. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010 ,
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 2

Installation and Configuration of

virtualization using KVM

Experiment No. 2
1. Aim: Installation and Configuration of virtualization using KVM

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to,

 Understand the concepts of virtualization.
 Understand KVM architecture and its configuration.

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able,

 To analyze user models and develop user centric interfaces

 To analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals,
organizations, and society.
 To engage in life-long learning development and higher studies.
 To understand, identify, analyze and design the problem, implement and
validate the solution including both hardware and software.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, open source software

KVM, Internet.

5. Theory:

Virtualization is software that separates physical infrastructures to create

various dedicated resources. It is the fundamental technology that powers
cloud computing.
The technology behind virtualization is known as a virtual machine monitor
(VMM) or virtual manager, which separates compute environments from the
actual physical infrastructure.
Virtualization makes servers, workstations, storage and other systems
independent of the physical hardware layer. This is done by installing a
Hypervisor on top of the hardware layer, where the systems are then installed.
There are three areas of IT where virtualization is making headroads, network
virtualization, storage virtualization and server virtualization:
• Network virtualization is a method of combining the available
resources in a network by splitting up the available bandwidth into channels,
each of which is independent from the others, and each of which can be
assigned (or reassigned) to a particular server or device in real time. The idea
is that virtualization disguises the true complexity of the network by
separating it into manageable parts, much like your partitioned hard drive
makes it easier to manage your files.
• Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple
network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is

managed from a central console. Storage virtualization is commonly used in
storage area networks (SANs).
• Server virtualization is the masking of server resources (including the
number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating
systems) from server users. The intention is to spare the user from having to
understand and manage complicated details of server resources while
increasing resource sharing and utilization and maintaining the capacity to
expand later.
Virtualization can be viewed as part of an overall trend in enterprise IT that
includes autonomic computing, a scenario in which the IT environment will be
able to manage itself based on perceived activity, and utility computing, in
which computer processing power is seen as a utility that clients can pay for
only as needed. The usual goal of virtualization is to centralize administrative
tasks while improving scalability and work loads.

6. Procedure:

Installation Steps :
1. #sudo grep -c "svm\|vmx" /proc/cpuinfo
2. #sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager
3. #sudoadduserrait
After running this command, log out and log back in as rait
4. Run following command after logging back in as rait and you should see an
empty list of virtual machines. This indicates that everything is working correctly.
#virsh -c qemu:///system list
5. Open Virtual Machine Manager application and Create Virtual Machine
7. Result:
Step 1 : #sudo grep -c "svm\|vmx" /proc/cpuinfo

Step 2 : #sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager

Step 3 : #sudoadduserrait
After running this command, log out and log back in as rait

Step 4 : #sudoadduserraitlibvirtd
After running this command, log out and log back in as rait

Step 5 : Open Virtual Machine Manager application and Create Virtual Machine
#virt-manager as shown below

Step 6 : Create a new virtual machine as shown below

Step 7 : Install windows operating system on virtual machine

Step 8: Installation of windows on virtual machine

Step 9: Installation of windows 7 on virtual machine

Step 10: Initialization of windows on virtual machine

8. Conclusion:
Installation and configuration of KVM have been done successfully onto Ubantu and
users added. Like this we can create as many virtual machines as possible on OS and
can install any windows onto it.

9. Viva Questions:

 What is virtualization ?
 What is the benefit of desktop virtualization?
 What are the different virtual machines available?

10. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 3

To study and implementation of

Infrastructure as a Service

Experiment No. 3
1. Aim: To study and implementation of Infrastructure as a Service

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to,

 Understand concepts of virtualization and to use cloud as Infrastructure as a
 Learn the technique and its complexity
 Understand the importance of this technique from application point of view

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able,

 To match the industry requirements in the domains of Database management,

Programming and Networking with limited infrastructure.
 To analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals,
organizations, and society.
 To use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Virtual machine,

WAMP/ZAMP server, Any tool or technology can be used for implementation of web
application e.g., JAVA, PHP, etc.

5. Theory:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the three fundamental service
models of cloud computing alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and
Software as a Service (SaaS). As with all cloud computing services it provides
access to computing resource in a virtualised environment, “the Cloud”, across
a public connection, usually the internet. In the case of IaaS the computing
resource provided is specifically that of virtualised hardware, in other words,
computing infrastructure. The definition includes such offerings as virtual
server space, network connections, bandwidth, IP addresses and load
balancers. Physically, the pool of hardware resource is pulled from a multitude
of servers and networks usually distributed across numerous data centers, all
of which the cloud provider is responsible for maintaining. The client, on the
other hand, is given access to the virtualised components in order to build their
own IT platforms.
In common with the other two forms of cloud hosting, IaaS can be utilised by
enterprise customers to create cost effective and easily scalable IT solutions
where the complexities and expenses of managing the underlying hardware are
outsourced to the cloud provider. If the scale of a business customer’s
operations fluctuate, or they are looking to expand, they can tap into the cloud

resource as and when they need it rather than purchase, install and integrate
hardware themselves.

IaaS customers pay on a per-use basis, typically by the hour, week or month.
Some providers also charge customers based on the amount of virtual machine
space they use. This pay-as-you-go model eliminates the capital expense of
deploying in-house hardware and software. However, users should monitor
their IaaS environments closely to avoid being charged for unauthorized

Because IaaS providers own the infrastructure, systems management and

monitoring may become more difficult for users. Also, if an IaaS provider
experiences downtime, users' workloads may be affected.

For example, if a business is developing a new software product, it might be

more cost-effective to host and test the application through an IaaS provider.
Once the new software is tested and refined, it can be removed from the IaaS
environment for a more traditional in-house deployment or to save money or
free the resources for other projects.
Leading IaaS providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Windows
Azure, Google Compute Engine, Rackspace Open Cloud, and IBM
SmartCloud Enterprise.

6. Procedure:

Installation Steps:
a. Openstack using devstack
b. Sudo apt-get install git
c. Git clone
d. Cd devstack
e. Is (you can see in the list)
f. ./
g. Give password as many time it asks
h. ls –ls come out of devstack
i. sudo chmod777devstack
j. cd devstack
k. ./

7. Conclusion:
We have installed Xen as bare metal hypervisor and implemented it. It
provides access to computing resources in a virtual environment. With the
help of Infrastructure as a service we can build our own IT platform. We can
install Windows Operating System on Ubuntu and vice versa.

8. Viva Questions:

 What resources are provided by Infrastructure as a service?

 Which are different deployment models?
 Name few platforms which are used for large scale cloud computing ?

9. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd,

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 4

To study and implementation of Storage

as a Service

Experiment No. 4
1. Aim: To study and implementation of Storage as a Service

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to

 To make the students understand use of cloud as Platform, Storage as a

 To learn the efficient tools to implement the technique

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able to

 Implement Infrastructure , storage as a Service.

 To understand, identify, analyze and design the problem, implement and
validate the solution including both hardware and software.
 To use cloud techniques, and tools necessary for computing practice.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Virtual machine,

WAMP/ZAMP server, Any tool or technology can be used for implementation of web
application e.g., JAVA, PHP, etc
5. Theory:
Collaborating on Word Processing:

You use your word processor most likely some version of Microsoft Word—
to write memos, letters, thank you notes, fax coversheets, reports, newsletters,
you name it. The word processor is an essential part of our computing lives.
There are a number of web-based replacements for Microsoft’s venerable
Word program are available. All of these programs let you write your letters
and memos and reports from any computer, no installed software necessary, as
long as that computer has a connection to the Internet. And every document
you create is housed on the web, so you don’t have to worry about taking your
work with you. It’s cloud computing at its most useful, and it’s here today.
Exploring Web-Based Word Processors:
There are a half-dozen or so really good web-based word processing
applications, led by the ever-popular Google Docs. We’ll start our look at
these applications with Google’s application and work through the rest in
alphabetic order.
Google Docs:
Google Docs ( is the most popular web-based word
processor available today. Docs is actually a suite of applications that also
includes Google Spreadsheets and Google Presentations; the Docs part of the
Docs suite is the actual word processing application. Like all things Google,

the Google Docs interface is clean and, most important, it works well without
imposing a steep learning curve. Basic formatting is easy enough to do,
storage space for your documents is generous, and sharing collaboration
version control is a snap to do. When you log in to Google Docs with your
Google account, you see the page. This is the home page for all the Docs
applications (word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations); all your
previously created documents are listed on this page. The leftmost pane helps
you organize your documents. You can store files in folders, view documents
by type (word processing document or spreadsheet), and display documents
shared with specific people.
Collaborating on Spreadsheets :
If the word processor is the most-used office application, the spreadsheet is
the second most-important app. Office users and home users alike use
spreadsheets to prepare budgets, create expense reports, perform “what if”
analyses, and otherwise crunch their numbers. And thus we come to those
spreadsheets in the cloud, the web-based spreadsheets that let you share your
numbers with other users via the Internet. All the advantages of webbased
word processors apply to web-based spreadsheets— group collaboration,
anywhere/anytime access, portability, and so on.
Exploring Web-Based Spreadsheets:
Several web-based spreadsheet applications are worthy competitors to
Microsoft Excel. Chief among these is Google Spreadsheets, which we’ll
discuss first, but there are many other apps that also warrant your attention. If
you’re at all interested in moving your number crunching and financial
analysis into the cloud, these web-based applications are worth checking out.
Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets was Google’s first application in the cloud office suite
first known as Google Docs & Spreadsheets and now just known as Google
Docs. As befits its longevity, Google Spreadsheets is Google’s most
sophisticated web-based application. You access your existing and create new
spreadsheets from the main Google Docs page ( To create a
new spreadsheet, click the New button and select Spreadsheet; the new
spreadsheet opens in a new window and you can edit it.
Collaborating on Presentations:
One of the last components of the traditional office suite to move into the
cloud is the presentation application. Microsoft PowerPoint has ruled the
desktop forever, and it’s proven difficult to offer competitive functionality in a
web-based application; if nothing else, slides with large graphics are slow to
upload and download in an efficient manner. That said, there is a new crop of
web-based presentation applications that aim to give PowerPoint a run for its
money. The big players, as might be expected, are Google and Zoho, but there
are several other applications that are worth considering if you need to take
your presentations with you on the road—or collaborate with users in other

Google Presentations:
If there’s a leader in the online presentations market, it’s probably Google
Presentations, simply because of Google’s dominant position with other
webbased office apps. Google Presentations is the latest addition to the Google
Docs suite of apps, joining the Google Docs word processor and Google
Spreadsheets spreadsheet application. Users can create new presentations and
open existing ones from the main Google Docs page ( Open
a presentation by clicking its title or icon. Create a new presentation by
selecting New, then Presentation. Your presentation now opens in a new
window on your desktop. What you do get is the ability to add title, text, and
blank slides; a PowerPoint-like slide sorter pane; a selection of predesigned
themes. the ability to publish your file to the web or export as a PowerPoint
PPT or Adobe PDF file; and quick and easy sharing and collaboration, the
same as with Google’s other web-based apps.
Collaborating on Databases:
A database does many of the same things that a spreadsheet does, but in a
different and often more efficient manner. In fact, many small businesses use
spreadsheets for database-like functions. A local database is one in which all
the data is stored on an individual computer. A networked database is one in
which the data is stored on a computer or server connected to a network, and
accessible by all computers connected to that network. Finally, an online or
web-based database stores data on a cloud of servers somewhere on the
Internet, which is accessible by any authorized user with an Internet
connection. The primary advantage of a web-based database is that data can
easily be shared with a large number of other users, no matter where they may
be located. When your employee database is in the cloud.
Exploring Web-Based Databases:
In the desktop computing world, the leading database program today is
Microsoft Access. (This wasn’t always the case; dBase used to rule the
database roost, but things change over time.) In larger enterprises, you’re
likely to encounter more sophisticated software from Microsoft, Oracle, and
other companies. Interestingly, none of the major database software
developers currently provide web-based database applications. Instead, you
have to turn to a handful of start-up companies (and one big established name)
for your online database needs.
Cebase ( lets you create new database applications with a
few clicks of your mouse; all you have to do is fill in a few forms and make a
few choices from some pull-down lists. Data entry is via web forms, and then
your data is displayed in a spreadsheet-like layout, You can then sort, filter,
and group your data as you like. Sharing is accomplished by clicking the Share
link at the top of any data page. You invite users to share your database via
email, and then adjust their permissions after they’ve accepted your invitation.

6. Result:
Step 1: Sign into the Google Drive website with your Google account.
If you don’t have a Google account, you can create one for free. Google Drive will
allow you to store your files in the cloud, as well as create documents and forms
through the Google Drive web interface.

Step 2: Add files to your drive.

There are two ways to add files to your drive. You can create Google Drive
documents, or you can upload files from your computer. To create a new file, click
the CREATE button. To upload a file, click the “Up Arrow” button next to the
CREATE button.

Step 3: Change the way your files are displayed.

You can choose to display files by large icons (Grid) or as a list (List). The List mode
will show you at a glance the owner of the document and when it was last modified.
The Grid mode will show each file as a preview of its first page. You can change the

mode by clicking the buttons next to the gear icon in the upper right corner of the
// List Mode

Step 4: Use the navigation bar on the left side to browse your files.
“My Drive” is where all of your uploaded files and folders are stored. “Shared with
Me” are documents and files that have been shared with you by other Drive users.
“Starred” files are files that you have marked as important, and “Recent” files are the
ones you have most recently edited.
•You can drag and drop files and folders around your Drive to organize them as you
see fit.

•Click the Folder icon with a “+” sign to create a new folder in your Drive. You can
create folders inside of other folders to organize your files.

Step 5: Search for files.

You can search through your Google Drive documents and folders using the search
bar at the top of your page. Google Drive will search through titles, content, and
owners. If a file is found with the exact term in the title, it will appear under the
search bar as you type so that you can quickly select it.

Step 1: Click the NEW button.

A menu will appear that allows you to choose what type of document you want to
create. You have several options by default, and more can be added by clicking the
“More “ link at the bottom of the menu:

Step 2: Create a new file.
Once you’ve selected your document type, you will be taken to your blank document.
If you chose Google Docs/Sheets/Slides , you will be greeted by a wizard that will
help you configure the feel of your document.

Step 3: Name the file.

At the top of the page, click the italic gray text that says “Untitled <file type>”. When
you click it, the “Rename document” window will appear, allowing you to change the
name of your file.

Step 4: Edit your document.

Begin writing your document as you would in its commercially-equivalent. You will
most likely find that Google Drive has most of the basic features, but advanced
features you may be used to are not available.
1.Your document saves automatically as you work on it.

Step 5: Export and convert the file.

If you want to make your file compatible with similar programs, click File and place
your cursor over “Download As”. A menu will appear with the available formats.
Choose the format that best suits your needs. You will be asked to name the file and
select a download location. When the file is downloaded, it will be in the format you

Step 6: Share your document.
Click File and select Share, or click the blue Share button in the upper right corner to
open the Sharing settings. You can specify who can see the file as well as who can
edit it.

Other Capabilities

1. Edit photos
2. Listen Music
3. Do drawings
4. Merge PDFs

7. Conclusion:
Google Docs provide an efficient way for storage of data. It fits well in
Storage as a service (SaaS). It has varied options to create documents,
presentations and also spreadsheets. It saves documents automatically after a
few seconds and can be shared anywhere on the Internet at the click of a

8. Viva Questions:

 What is Saas ?

9. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 5

To study and implementation of identity


Experiment No. 5
1. Aim: To study and implementation of identity management

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to,

 Understand concepts of virtualization and to use cloud as Infrastructure as a
 Learn the technique and its complexity
 Understand the importance of this technique from application point of view

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able,

 To match the industry requirements in the domains of Programming and
Networking with limited infrastructure.
 To analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals,
organizations, and society.
 To use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Virtual machine,

WAMP/ZAMP server, Any tool or technology can be used for implementation of web
application e.g., JAVA, PHP, etc.

5. Theory:

Identity Management
Every enterprise will have its own identity management system to control access
to information and computing resources. Cloud providers either integrate the
customer’s identity management system into their own infrastructure, using
federation or SSO technology, or a biometric-based identification system, or
provide an identity management solution of their own. CloudID, for instance,
provides a privacy-preserving cloud-based and cross-enterprise biometric
identification solutions for this problem. It links the confidential information of
the users to their biometrics and stores it in an encrypted fashion. Making use of
a searchable encryption technique, biometric identification is performed in
encrypted domain to make sure that the cloud provider or potential attackers do
not gain access to any sensitive data or even the contents of the individual
6. Procedure:

1. Deploying the own storage cloud our own cloud(SaaS)

2. reboot pc and enable vtx in bios

3. install virtual box

4. virtual box is type 2 hypervisor

5. cloud is install on virtual box

6. note down the IP address of system

7. we have our own cloud system ready so we will open in virtual box

8. my system

9. continuing

10. need to change the setting in the storage cloud

11. note down the ip address of server is

12. id and password are shown bellow

13. in browser enter localhost:8888

14. local.conf specify the detail

15. ===================================================

16. owncloud client

17. open owncloud in browser

18. now open client

19. select the folder you want to upload

20. create the folder in cloud

21. now sync

22. if you check in browser you will see the paper is uploaded

23. let modify the content of folder already on cloud

24. if you add any content to folder that is sync then you can see change in cloud in

Creating a New User

To create a user account:

• Enter the new user’s Login Name and their initial Password
• Optionally, assign Groups memberships
• Click the Create button

Reset a User’s Password: You cannot recover a user’s password, but you can set a
new one:

• Hover your cursor over the user’s Password field

• Click on the pencil icon
• Enter the user’s new password in the password field, and
remember to provide the user with their password

Renaming a User

Each ownCloud user has two names: a unique Login Name used for authentication,
and a Full Name, which is their display name. You can edit the display name of a
user, but you cannot change the login name of any user.

To set or change a user’s display name:

• Hover your cursor over the user’s Full Name field

• Click on the Pencil icon
• Enter the user’s new display name

Granting Administrator Privileges to a User

ownCloud has two types of administrators: Super Administrators and Group
Administrators. Group administrators have the rights to create, edit and delete users in
their assigned groups. Group administrators cannot access system settings, or add or
modify users in the groups that they are not Group Administrators for. Use the
dropdown menus in the Group Admin column to assign group admin privileges

Managing Groups

You can assign new users to groups when you create them, and create new groups
when you create new users. You may also use the Add Group button at the top of the
left pane to create new groups. New group members will immediately have access to
file shares that belong to their new groups.

Setting Storage Quotas

Click the gear on the lower left pane to set a default storage quota. This is
automatically applied to new users. You may assign a different quota to any user by
selecting from the Quota dropdown, selecting either a preset value or entering a
custom value. When you create custom quotas, use the normal abbreviations for your
storage values such as 500 MB, 5 GB, 5 TB, and so on.

Deleting users

Deleting a user is easy: hover your cursor over their name on the Users page until a
trashcan icon appears at the far right. Click the trashcan, and they’re gone. You’ll see
an undo button at the top of the page, which remains until you refresh the page. When
the undo button is gone you cannot recover the deleted user.

File Sharing

ownCloud users can share files with their ownCloud groups and other users on the
same ownCloud server, and create public shares for people who are not ownCloud
users. You have control of a number of user permissions on file shares:

• Allowing users to share files

• Allowing users to create public shares

• Requiring a password on public shares

• Allowing public uploads to public shares

• Requiring an expiration date on public share links

• Allowing resharing

• Restricting sharing to group members only

• Allowing email notifications of new public shares

• Excluding groups from creating shares

7. Result:
OwnCloud is open source file sync and share software for everyone from individuals
operating the free ownCloud Server edition, to large enterprises and service providers
operating the ownCloud Enterprise Subscription. ownCloud provides a safe, secure,
and compliant file synchronization and sharing solution on servers that you control.
You can share one or more files and folders on your computer, and synchronize them
with your ownCloud server.

Step 2 : By default, the ownCloud Web interface opens to your Files page. You can add,
remove, and share files, and make changes based on the access privileges set by you (if you
are administering the server) or by your server administrator. You can access your ownCloud
files with the ownCloud web interface and create, preview, edit, delete, share, and re-share
files. Your ownCloud administrator has the option to disable these features, so if any of them
are missing on your system ask your server administrator.

Step 3: Apps Selection Menu: Located in the upper left corner, click the arrow to open a
dropdown menu to navigate to your various available apps. Apps Information field: Located
in the left sidebar, this provides filters and tasks associated with your selected app.
Application View: The main central field in the ownCloud user interface. This field displays
the contents or user features of your selected app.

Step 4: Share the file or folder with a group or other users, and create public shares with
hyperlinks. You can also see who you have shared with already, and revoke shares by
clicking the trash can icon. If username auto-completion is enabled, when you start typing the
user or group name ownCloud will automatically complete it for you. If your administrator
has enabled email notifications, you can send an email notification of the new share from the
sharing screen.

Step 5: Five Share permissions are :

Can share; allows the users you share with to re-share.
Can edit; allows the users you share with to edit your shared files, and to collaborate using
the Documents app.
Create; allows the users you share with to create new files and add them to the share.
Change; allows uploading a new version of a shared file and replacing it.
Delete; allows the users you share with to delete shared files.

8. Conclusion:
We have studied how to use ownCloud for ensuring identity management of
the users. We can create multiple groups and provide privileges to view or
modify data as per defined permissions. It also enables simplified look and
feel to be used by anyone.

9. Viva Questions:

 What is identity management ?

 How identity management will help in securing application on cloud?
 What are the main features of identity management?

10. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 6

To Study Cloud Security management

Experiment No. 6
1. Aim: To Study Cloud Security management

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able,

 To understand the security features of Cloud.
 To learn the technique of application security management and its
 To understand the importance of cloud security management from application
point of view

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able to

 Student can study and implement single-sign-on.

 To use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
 To match the industry requirements in the domains of Database management,
Programming and Networking with the required management skills.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Virtual machine,

WAMP/ZAMP server, Any tool or technology can be used for implementation of web
application e.g., JAVA, PHP, etc.

5. Theory:
Cloud computing security is the set of control-based technologies and
policies designed to adhere to regulatory compliance rules and protect
information, data applications and infrastructure associated with cloud
computing use. Because of the cloud's very nature as a shared resource,
identity management, privacy and access control are of particular concern.
With more organizations using cloud computing and associated cloud
providers for data operations, proper security in these and other potentially
vulnerable areas have become a priority for organizations contracting with a
cloud computing provider.

Cloud computing security processes should address the security controls the
cloud provider will incorporate to maintain the customer's data security,
privacy and compliance with necessary regulations. The processes will also
likely include a business continuity and databackup plan in the case of a
cloud security breach.

Physical security

Cloud service providers physically secure the IT hardware (servers, routers,

cables etc.) against unauthorized access, interference, theft, fires, floods etc.
and ensure that essential supplies (such as electricity) are sufficiently robust
to minimize the possibility of disruption. This is normally achieved by
serving cloud applications from 'world-class' (i.e. professionally specified,
designed, constructed, managed, monitored and maintained) data centers.

Personnel security

Various information security concerns relating to the IT and other

professionals associated with cloud services are typically handled through
pre-, para- and post-employment activities such as security screening
potential recruits, security awareness and training programs, proactive
security monitoring and supervision, disciplinary procedures and contractual
obligations embedded in employment contracts, service level agreements,
codes of conduct, policies etc.

Application security

Cloud providers ensure that applications available as a service via the cloud
(SaaS) are secure by specifying, designing, implementing, testing and
maintaining appropriate application security measures in the production
environment. Note that - as with any commercial software - the controls they
implement may not necessarily fully mitigate all the risks they have
identified, and that they may not necessarily have identified all the risks that
are of concern to customers. Consequently, customers may also need to
assure themselves that cloud applications are adequately secured for their
specific purposes, including their compliance obligations.

6. Procedure:

Security using MFA(Multi Factor Authentication) device code:

1) goto
2) click on "My Account"
3) select "AWS management console" and click on it

4) Give Email id in the required field
if you are registering first time then select "I am a new user" radio button
5) click on "sign in using our secure server" button
6) follow the instruction and complete the formalities
(Note: do not provide any credit card details or bank details)
sign out from
7) Again go to "My Account"
select "AWS management console" and click on it
Sign in again by entering the user name and valid password ( check "I am
returning user and my password is" radio button)
Now you are logged in as a Root User
All AWS project can be viewed by you, but you cant make any changes in it
or you cant create new thing as you are not paying any charges to amazon (for
reason refer step:6)
To create the user in a root user follow the steps mentioned below:
1) click on "Identity and Access Management" in security and identity project
2) click in "Users" from dashboard
It will take you to "Create New Users"
click on create new user button
enter the "User Name"
(select "Generate and access key for each user" checkbox, it will create a user
with a specific key)
click on "Create" button at right bottom
3) once the user is created click on it
4) go to security credentials tab
5) click on "Create Access Key", it will create an access key for user.
6) click on "Manage MFA device" it will give you one QR code displayed on
the screen
you need to scan that QR code on your mobile phone using barcode scanner
(install it in mobile phone)you also need to install "Google Authenticator" in
your mobile phone to generate the MFA code
7) Google authenticator will keep on generating a new MFA code after every
60 seconds
that code you will have to enter while logging as a user.

Hence, the security is maintained by MFA device code...
one can not use your AWS account even if it may have your user name and
password, because MFA code is on your MFA device (mobiel phone in this
case) and it is getting changed after every 60 seconds.
Permissions in user account:
After creating the user by following above mentioned steps; you can give
certain permissions to specific user
1) click on created user
2) goto "Permissions" tab
3) click on "Attach Policy" button
4) select the needed policy from given list and click on apply.

7. Result:
Step 1 :goto

Step 2 : Click on "My Account". Select "AWS management console" and click
on it. Give Email id in the required field

Step 3: Addition of security features

Step 4: Sign in to an AWS account

Step 5 : Creation of users

Step 6: Adding users to group

Step 7: Creating Access key

Step 8 : Setting permissions to users

8. Conclusion:
We have studied how to secure the cloud and its data. Amazon EWS provides the
best security with its extended facilities and services like MFA device. It also gives
you the ability to add your own permissions and policies for securing data more

9. Viva Questions:

 How cloud security is managed?

 What is application security?
 What are the different cloud security providers and their features?

10. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013

Cloud Computing Laboratory

Experiment No. : 7

Mini Project

Experiment No. 7
1. Aim: Mini Project

2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able,

 To understand concepts of virtualization and to use cloud as Infrastructure,
Platform, Software as services.
 To learn to Create a web application ,deploy it on cloud and its complexity
 To learn the efficient tools to implement the application on cloud.

3. Outcomes: The learner will be able to

 Install and appreciate security features and user management for cloud using
web application.
 Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
 Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals,
organizations, and society.
 Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning.

4. Hardware / Software Required: Ubuntu operating system, Virtual machine,

WAMP/ZAMP server, Any tool or technology can be used for implementation of web
application e.g., JAVA, PHP, etc.

5. Conclusion:

We have uploaded the mini project on cloud so as to give access to maximum users
and they can avail benefits of the same. It will be easy to add functionality in future if
required. By deploying web application on cloud the web application can run on
minimum hardware and software requirements.

6. Viva Questions:

 What is the benefit of deploying web application on cloud?

 How do you manage the users?
 How do you provide the security to the web application

7. References:

1. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge,2010

2. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley - India, 2010
3. Getting Started with OwnCloud by Aditya Patawar , Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013


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