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Geology of Telangana

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© Govt.

of India PGSI - 383

Controller of Publication 450-2014 (D.S.K. II)

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Published by the Order of the Government of India

© Copyright Government of India, Geological Survey of India (2015)

First Edition: 2015

Compiled by

Kamatham Mahender Reddy


Manuscript Processed for printing by

S.Someswara Rao K.Jagadishwar Babu T.Vaideswaran

Senior Geologist Senior Geologist Superintending Geologist

Under the supervision of

G. Pratap Reddy
Publication Division, SR, Hyderabad,

Under the guidance

M.S Jairam
Deputy Director General & HoD
GSI, Southern Region, Hyderabad

Published by
Director General
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Geological Survey of India
Kolkata – 700016

Price : Inland : ` 162/- Foreign : $ 6.5 / £ 4.25

Front cover : Granite Inselberg resembling the Whale Back at Bhongiri in Nalgonda District, Telangana
(Photo by Shri Kamatham Mahender Reddy, Director).
Back page : Open cast mining of coal, Gautham Khani, Kothagudem, Khammam District.
(Photo by Dr. G. Samuel Sukumar, Supdt.Geologist).
: 19-03-2015

Geological Survey of India brings out Miscellaneous Publication series volume 30

providing concise information on the geology and mineral resources of the states of India. The
present volume, Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana, Part VIII A of the series, for
the state of Telangana is the first edition of the newly formed 29th State of India, carved out
from the state of Andhra Pradesh. The first volume published in 1975 was of the undivided
state of Andhra Pradesh which was later revised in 2005.
Geological Survey of India in its quest of unraveling the geology and mineral resources
of the country carries out its activities in every nook and corner of the country and publishes for
the users. This volume reflects the work carried out by GSI in Telangana State. After completion
of Systematic Geological Mapping on 1:50,000 scale, Specialized Thematic Mapping was taken
up on larger scale in selected areas. The data accrued from field work and laboratory research
studies pertaining to this state has helped in certain revisions in the stratigraphy, particularly in
the Precambrian part and in reconstructing the evolutionary history.
The exploration work carried out in this region to find out mineral resources resulted in
locating several mineral deposits such as the copper deposit in Mailaram, Khammam district,
Iron ore in Bayyaram of Warangal and Karimnagar districts, Limestone deposits of Bhima
basin in Mahaboobnagar and Ranga Reddy districts besides Manganese occurrences of Adilabad
district, coal deposits of Khammam district which is being mined by Singareni Collieries.
Discovery of Kimberlite/Lamproite Field in Narayanpet of Mahaboobnagar district is of
considerable significance which gave impetus for further investigations for the search of
diamonds. Significant Uranium deposit has been discovered in Nalgonda district by Atomic
Minerals Division which is a value addition to the mineral resource of the state.
This publication along with the Geological and Mineral Map of Telangana on 1:2 million
scale, will be of great use to entrepreneurs, professionals and students of geology.

Harbans Singh
Date:19-03-2015 Director General
Kolkata Geological Survey of India

Page No.
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
II. GEOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 2
A) ARCHAEAN ............................................................................................................. 3
Peninsular Gneissic Complex-I .................................................................................. 4
Dharwar Craton .......................................................................................................... 4
Khammam Schist Belt ................................................................................................ 4
Greenstone Belts ......................................................................................................... 4
B) ARCHAEAN TO PALAEO-PROTEROZOIC ...................................................... 7
Peninsular Gneissic Complex-II ................................................................................. 7
Karimnagar Granulites ............................................................................................... 7
Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt .......................................................................................... 7
Khondalite Group ....................................................................................................... 8
Charnockite Group ..................................................................................................... 8
Migmatites .................................................................................................................. 9
Mafic Dykes................................................................................................................ 9
C) MESO TO NEO-PROTEROZOIC ......................................................................... 9
Cuddapah Basin .......................................................................................................... 9
Cuddapah Supergroup ................................................................................................ 9
Kurnool Group .......................................................................................................... 10
Pakhal Basin ............................................................................................................. 11
Pakhal Supergroup .................................................................................................... 11
Penganga Group ....................................................................................................... 12
Sullavai Sandstone .................................................................................................... 12
Bhima Basin ............................................................................................................. 12
Alkaline Rocks/ Kimberlites-Lamproites ................................................................. 12
Alkaline rocks ........................................................................................................... 13
Kimberlites and Lamproites ..................................................................................... 13
Granites ..................................................................................................................... 13
D) LATE CARBONIFEROUS – EARLY CRETACEOUS ..................................... 14
Gondwana Supergroup ............................................................................................. 14
Lower Gondwana Group .......................................................................................... 14
Upper Gondwana Group ........................................................................................... 15
E) LATE CRETACEOUS – EOCENE ...................................................................... 16
Deccan Traps ............................................................................................................ 16
F) QUATERNARY ...................................................................................................... 16
III. STRUCTURE AND TECTONICS ............................................................................... 18
IV. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY ........................................................................................... 19
V. FOSSIL OCCURRENCES ............................................................................................ 22
VI. MINERAL BELTS ......................................................................................................... 24
VII. MINERAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 33
Barytes .............................................................................................................................. 33
Basemetals (Copper, Lead And Zinc) .............................................................................. 34
Building Stones ................................................................................................................ 34
Chromite ........................................................................................................................... 35
Clays ................................................................................................................................. 35
Coal .................................................................................................................................. 36
Diamond ........................................................................................................................... 38
Dimension Stones............................................................................................................. 40
Dolomite ........................................................................................................................... 40
Fuller’s Earth .................................................................................................................... 41
Gem Minerals ................................................................................................................... 41
Corundum ......................................................................................................................... 41
Garnet ............................................................................................................................... 41
Glass Sand/Quartz ............................................................................................................ 41
Gold .................................................................................................................................. 42
Graphite ............................................................................................................................ 42
Iron Ore ............................................................................................................................ 42
Kyanite ............................................................................................................................. 43
Limestone ......................................................................................................................... 43
Manganese........................................................................................................................ 44
Mica ................................................................................................................................. 45
Mineral Pigments ............................................................................................................. 45
Molybdenite ..................................................................................................................... 45
Uranium............................................................................................................................ 45
I Major Occurrences / Deposits of Minerals .......................................................... 46-48
II Minor Occurrences / Deposits of Minerals ......................................................... 49-50
LOCALITY INDEX ....................................................................................................... 51
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES ................................................... 55-56
List of Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 59
PLATE – Geological and Mineral Map of Telangana
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana



Telangana is the 29th State of India which has state characterised by the Eastern Dharwar Craton
come into existence from 2nd June, 2014. It has been composed main the granite /gneissic variants of the
carved out of Andhra Pradesh and has an areal extent Peninsular Gneissic Complex. The granites form the
inselbergs, hills and lowlying mounds, where as the
of about 114,840 sq km lying between 16º 00' and
gneissic terran form the Pediplain-Pedimont. This
20º 00' North latitudes and 77º 00' and 82º 00' East
Plateau is bordered in the west by Deccan basalts
longitudes. It is bounded by Maharashtra in the north which, form the mesa, butte morphology.
Chattisgarh in the East, Karnataka in the west and
The Godavari and the Krishna are the major rivers
Andhra Pradesh to the south. It is broadly divisible
flowing through the State. Originating in the
into two physiographic units namely i) Gondwana neighbouring States, these rivers enter Telangana and
graben and (ii) the Deccan Plateau forming a wide drain the Deccan Plateau and cut across the Eastern
expanse of flat to low-undulatory terrain of plains Ghats in Andhra Pradesh to debouch into the Bay of
and small hills. It has a general altitude ranging between Bengal. Some the minor rivers drains in the state are
200 m and 600 m with a gentle easterly slope. The Manjeera, Musi, Kinnersani, Manair and Munneru.
Plateau region is dotted with hills of low to moderate The State experiences tropical to semi-arid
height, some of which rising to more than 1000 m conditions with temperatures ranging between 42ºC
above MSL. and 48°C during summer and 8º C and 17ºC during
The Gondwana graben which exposes the entire winter. The average annual rainfall varies between
Gondwana sequence having a trend of NW-SE 550 mm and 1500 mm. The rainfall is caused chiefly
direction, hosts one of the country's richest coal by the southwest monsoon between June and
reserves. The major part of Deccan Plateau in the September.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A


The earliest geological account was given by with respect to the N-S trending Closepet Batholith
Bruce Foote (1876) on Geology of parts of Bellary, (Viswanatha and Ramakrishnan, (1976).
Anantapur and Mahabubnagar and Kurnool and he
The craton is covered partly by the Phanerozoic
described under Dharwar System. Mukherjee
Gondwana sediments along the NW-SE Godavari
(1931) of Hyderabad Geological Survey reported
Rift/Graben, which is flanked on either side by the
Dharur and Gadwal Bands of Dharwar rocks.
Proterozoic sedimentary sequences of Pakhal,
Mukherjee, et al., (1936) also accounted geology of
Penganga and Sullavai basins. A small portion of the
eastern portion of Raichur, Nalgonda.
Proterozoic Bhima Basin extends into the State from
The area of Telangana State forms part of Southern Karnataka in the west. The late Mesozoic Deccan
Precambrian Tectonic Province or Southern Trap cover of the central and western India has its
Peninsular Shield and the shield elements are extension marginally into the north-western part of
described under Dharwar Craton consisting of the State. Isolated minor outcrops of the Cretaceous-
greenstone -granite suite with relative stability yielding Tertiary rocks and the Quaternary sediments are
relative older radiometric ages followed by intra confined mostly to the Inland river basins of Krishna,
cratonic basins (Cuddapah, Pakhal, Bhima and Godavari and their major tributaries over a very
Godavari Graben comprising Gondwana sediments); narrow zone bordering them. Laterite and Bauxite
and are bordered by Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt of Tertiary age are formed in certain areas over the
(EGMB) having highgrade granulites with younger Deccan traps.
thermal events. Dharwar Craton is divided into two
tectonic Blocks with reference to its North-South The Stratigraphic succession (Table-I, 2 & 3) and
trend. The Western Tectonic Block (WTB) covering a brief account of the geology of Telangana is given
major areas of Karnataka with two cycles of below, in a chronological order. The Precambrian
greenstones and geosyncline piles and the Eastern stratigraphy is worked out both in WTB and ETB on
Tectonic Block (ETB) relatively narrow linear the modern lines as proposed by Anhaeusser et al.,
greenstone belts diapiric granites and the division is (1969).

Era Supergroup Group Intrusive Lithology
MAFIC DYKES Dolerite, gabbro and
YOUNGER Granite, alkali feldspar granite,
GRANITOIDS quartz syenite
(2500 Ma) Grey to pink granite and
Closepet Granite
TO GHAT CHARNOCKITE Pyroxene Granulites
ARCHAEAN (1850-1950 Ma) Calc Granulites
KHONDALITE Garnet Sillimanite Gneiss,
Quartzite Graphite Gneiss
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Migmatites (banded gneisses,

KARIMNAGAR garnetiferous quartzo
GRANULITES feldspathic gneisses,
(2550 Ma) hypersthene gneiss, quartzo-
feldspathic granulites)
PENINSULAR Peninsular Granite Gneiss,Granite, and
GNEISSIC Gneiss-II it’s variants with enclaves of
COMPLEX (2550 -2600 Ma) Dharwars
Amphibolite, hornblende
schist, chlorite-actinolite schist,
quartz-sericite/chlorite schist,
biotite-chlorite schist, garnet-
biotite schist, kyanite schist,
banded ferruginous quartzite,
DHARWAR metapyroxinite, metagabbro,
(2900 ma) meta-anorthoiste, serpentinite
and talc-termolite schist
ARCHAEAN volcanogenic and sedimentary
rocks), Chimalpahad gabbro
anorthosite complex and other
mafic-ultramafic rocks.
Aplite, quartz vein, pegmatite
Peninsular Gneiss-I granite, granodiorite, tonalite
(3000 Ma) with enclaves of Sargurs.

OLDER Garnet-biotite schist/gneisses,

METAMORPHICS biotite-staurolite schist,
(SARGURS) kyanite-muscovite schist/
(Seen as enclaves quartz, amphibolite+ garnet
in PGC-I) and banded ferruginous
(3300 Ma) quartzite.

A) ARCHAEAN Telangana has shown that the PGC comprises

different suites of gneisses and intrusive granitoids,
Smeeth M.F. (1916) outlined the Geological
the latter predominating over the former. The gneisses
History of Mysore, described gniessic rocks under
are migmatitic, grey, fine to medium grained, banded
Peninsular Gniessic Complex encompassing
to streaky. Tonalite, trondhjemite and minor
basement gneiss corresponding to Peninsular Gneiss- proportion of granodiorite are the compositional
I forming basement for schist belt rocks and younger variants within the gneisses of the Kukkalarugudem
intrusive gneiss and granites corresponding to area. They are generally potash poor and exhibit
Peninsular Gneiss-II of present account. distinct trondhjemitic trend on chemical variation
It includes the undifferentiated gneisses and diagrams. These gneisses were deformed and
gneissic granitoids and is considered older to the metamorphosed along with the associated
greenstone belts. Revision mapping carried out in greenstones.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Peninsular Gneissic Complex – I sedimentary supracrustal rocks located amidst the

gneisses and spread over a linear zone in the area
It mainly comprises the granitic variants and
between Kothagudem-Chimalpahad in the north to
gneisses which have resulted as a consequence of
Thiruvuru, Krishna District, AP in the south and Wyra-
granitisation of the high grade metamorphics, termed
Tallada in the south in Khammam District is referred
as older metamorphics, equivalent of Sargurs. These
to as Khammam Schist Belt. The zone extends in
high grade rocks were subjected to the process of
an N-S to NNE-SSW over a strike length of 75 km
granitisation in multiple phases resulting in variety of with a width of 10 km. The various rock units in the
granites and gneisses. However the undigested parent belt are quartz-garnet-biotite schist, quartz-garnet-
rocks are seen in the form of enclaves and remnants kyanite-muscovite schist, calc-silicate rocks,
within these grantoids. These are seen to the north of magnetite quartzite and quartzite with or without
the Gondwana basin in Adilabad District, which have sillimanite representing meta-sediments and
a geographical continuity into the Central India but amphibolite/hornblende schist constituting meta-
are referred there as Bijapur Gneiss with enclaves of volcanics. Intrusion of granitoids and migmatisation
Bengpals. of the schistose rocks resulted in the formation of
Eastern Tectonic Block of Dharwar Craton biotite gneiss and hornblende gneiss which are
sometimes garnet bearing. Amphibolite, quartzo-
In Telangana the Cratonic part included in the
feldspathic gneiss and feldspathic quartz-mica schist
ETB of the Precambrian segment is essentially a low also form part of the migmatite. The schists and
grade metamorphic terrain exposing schistose rocks gneisses were subjected to multiple phases of
in the form of narrow and linear belts and varied types deformation and were intruded by pink granite,
of granites and gneisses that separate the schist belts. gabbro-anorthosite, ultramafics and the gabbro/
These granitic rocks form bulk of the granite- dolerite dykes. The amphibolite grade schists and
greenstone belts in the State are known by the term gneisses were retrograded along shears that are rich
of Peninsular Gneissic Complex (PGC). The schist in chlorite and epidote.
belts, generally referred to as greenstone belts or
Chimalpahad Gabbro-Anorthosite Complex
supracrustals are metamorphosed to greenschist to
amphibolite facies of rocks. The Chimalpahad gabbro-anorthosite complex,
occupying an area of about 200 sq km was
Khammam Schist Belt
syntectonically emplaced in the Khammam Schist
Schistose rocks containing the amphibolite to Belt, southwest of Kothagudem in Khammam
green-schist facies mineral assemblages and District. It is the biggest Archaean metamorphosed
displaying imprints of multiple phases of deformation layered complex in India and is essentially a
and migmatisation is noticed in the Khammam Schist leucogabbro (gabbroic anorthosite and anorthositic
Belt located in the marginal zone between Craton gabbro) with subordinate anorthosite and gabbro
and EGMB. These rocks have earlier been equated components. These exhibit rhythmic layering and
with the Sargur Group due to their similarity of locally magmatic cross-bedding. The complex is
composition and metamorphic grade with those in intruded by amphibolite ± garnet, pink granite, lenses
the type area in the western part of the Dharwar Craton of ultramafic bodies ± chromite, mica pegmatite and
in Karnataka. All the amphibolite- green schist facies quartz veins. Similar layered gabbro-anorthosite is
rocks are equated with the low grade greenstone also noticed near Sripuram.
belts. Greenstone Belts
Unlike other greenstone belts like Gadwal and The greenstone belts located in Telangana are
Peddavuru, there is no linear belt like configuration part of the Eastern Tectonic Block of Dharwar Craton
as regard to Khammam Schist Belt. Three and are treated as time equivalents of the Dharwar
generations of deformations of gneisses can be Supergroup of the Western Block of the Dharwar
recognised. The slivers of meta-basic and meta- Craton.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

The Greenstone belts consisting mainly of meta- schistosity with attendant PT conditions of greenschist
volcanics with minor proportion of meta-sediments metamorphism. It resulted in F1 mesoscopic neutral
command a special status by virtue of their mineral folds. The regional southerly plunging fold with
potential. A majority of them occur in the western Gadwal and Raichur representing arm of F2 antiformal
and southwestern part of the State in the form of structure due to D2 deformation and syn-tectonic
N-S to NNW-SSE trending sub-parallel belts amidst emplacement of diapiric granite (TGM and MS suites)
the gneisses and granites. The prominent belts include resulted in the development of aureole metamorphism
Gadwal, Peddavuru, Yerraballi and Ghanpur schist as indicated by the development of anthophyllite,
belts. Tholeiitic meta-basalt represented by chlorite- garnet, andalusite, silliminite and cordierite. The D3
actinolite schist and amphibolite predominate over deformation through away the schist belt rocks into
the acid volcanics. The meta-sediments include BIF, broad warps with E-W axial trace. Mafic dyke
quartz-chlorite schist and minor proportion of activity marks the youngest igneous activity cutting
calcareous rocks in association with chert. both granite greenstones but not overlying Cuddapah
rocks. Later deformations are in the form of shears
i) Gadwal Schist Belt and faults and are seen occupied by quartz reef.
Named after Gadwal town, the schist belt has a
total length of about 85 km extending in a general ii) Peddavuru Schist Belt
NNW-SSE direction from Veldurti in Kurnool A linear NW-SE trending Peddavuru schist belt
District in the south to Narayanpet in Mahbubnagar extends over a strike length of 30 km from Juvigudem
District in the north. Further south, it could not be in the north to Ethipothala in the south and depicts a
traced because of Gani Kalva, Veldurti fault. The hockey stick shaped belt. The lithounits in the 2 km
rocks of Gadwal schist Belt are described under wide belt are metabasalt pillowed allthrough,
Gadwal Group with lower Sangala Formation metarhyodacite, quartz-sercite schist and Banded
comprising metabasic volcanics with Pillow structures Iron Formation (BIF). Banded and intensely
at places and Banded Iron Formation (BIF); deformed tonalite gneiss may be older basement
followed by Ulindakonda Formation represented by gneiss occurs as discrete outcrops of small dimensions
Volcanic conglomerate/vent conglomerate/meta- within granodiorite terrain close to the schist belt.
rhyodacite/meta rhyolite with clasts of granite TGM and MS suites show intrusive relationship with
(trondhjomite) possible indicating shattered fragment schist belt rocks. Dolerite dykes trending N-S and
of basement – thus sialic basement is inferred such is E-W cut across the schist belt. The schist belt rocks
the roundedness it can be mistaken for sedimentary are showing three deformations - D1 resulting F1
conglomerate but the matrix (acid volcanic) decided mesoscopic isoclinal folds. The D1 deformation with
it to be vent or volcanic conglomerate. Rounding is attendant development of penetrative regional NNW-
due to fluidization processes. Recent studies enabled SSE trending schistosity with attendant PT conditions
to trace NW-SE trending, intermeittently exposed of greenschist facies. The D2 co-axial fold southerly
schist band connecting Gadwal Belt with Raichur plunging anti-formal fold with NW-SE axial trace with
Belt. Thus defining a southerly plunging Regional syn-tectonic emplacement of TGM and MS suites.
Fold with NW-SE axial trace. Three phases of The D3 deformation through away the schist belt
granite suite - Trondhjomite-Tonalite-Gneiss (TTG), rocks into broad warps with E-W axial trace.
Tonalite-Granodiorite-Monzogranite(TGM) and
Monzogranite-Syenogranite(MS). While TTE is Archaean megacrystic anorthositic dyke is
having similar deformational imprints like schist belt noticed on the left bank of Krishna river near
possibly indicating basement (?) and syn-tectonically Nagarjuna Sagar cutting schistose rocks of
intruded TGM and MS suite. Three phases of Peddavura schist Belt. The megacryst of plagioclase
deformation – D1 Penetrative deformation gave rise is of 10-15 cm in diameter and are analogous to
to NNW-SSE to NW-SE trending regional football anorthosite of Quebec.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

iii) Yerraballi Schist Belt iv) Ghanpur Schist Belt

It is a 8x5 km belt trending N-S, exposed near Ghanpur schist belt in Warangal district is 16km
Yerraballi in Karimnagar District. It comprises long and 1km wide extending from Zafargarh 2km
metabasalt, BIF and quartz-pebble conglomerate. It north of Ghanpur in NNW-SSE direction. It is
is engulfed by intrusive granitoids and bears the characterised by banded iron formation, amphibolite,
imprints of two phases of folding. The rocks are biotite schist with sulphide stains and encrustations.
metamorphosed under PT conditions of greenschist There is a structural unanimity in all these belts
facies. resulting due to Dharwar Orogeny.
Era S Group Formation Group Formation Group Intrusives
G group
P Narji Unconformity S S Lime-
e h stone
R KURNOOL limestone
d a
O h
Banganapalle PEN Putnur e b
T Quartzite a a
GANGA Limestone m d
R GROUP Takkallapalli S R
a Sst.
O Arkose u b
Z b b Congl
g a
O r n Silt-
o p stone
I a
u l
C p i
Srisailam ALBAKA Kimberlites and
Quartzite SANDSTONE lamproites; granite,
—Unconformity— Disconformity alkali feldspar
E Cumbum MULUG Lakhavaram granite; nepheline
S (Pullampet) GROUP Shale syenite, syenite,

O Formation quartz syenite and


NALLA Pattipalli Quartzite

P Barienkonda other alkaline rocks;
R MALAI Enchecheruvu
O GROUP (Nagari) Formation gabbro, gabbroic-
Quartizite anorthosite,
T Polavaram
E Formation pyroxenite, dunite
R Jakkaram Arkose and serpentinite
O (Kondapalli
Z Disconformity Disconformity
PAPA Vempalle Pandikunta Complex); gabbro-
I GHNI Formation (Karlai Shale) norite, anorthosite
C GROUP Gulcheru Gunjeda and pyroxenite
Quartzite Dolomite (Chimakurti
MALLAM (Bayyaram Complex)
PALLI Quartzite) (1800 - 2300 Ma)
GROUP Bolapalli
Gneisses, granitoids, schists and mafic dykes

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

B) ARCHAEAN TO PALAEO- occupy major part of the state. They are massive,
PROTEROZOIC grey to pink, medium to coarse grained and
The Archaean Palaeo-Proterozoic boundary in equigranular to locally porphyritic.The gneisses,
Telangana is not well defined and the Precambrian forming the oldest group among the granitic rocks
terrain, exposing a variety of rocks, presents a within PGC-II, either occur in the form of linear belts
complex geological history. These rocks occurring in parallel to the greenstone belts or occupy the core
different litho-tectonic domains have considerable of some domal structures within the greenstone belts.
overlap in time and space. The domain-wise The gneissic belts are separated from the greenstone
description of the Precambrian rocks is given here, belts by the intrusive granitoids. Here, the second
broadly following the chronological order to the extent group constituting calc-alkaline suite of granitoids
possible. occupies almost entire area between the different
greenstone belts. Some of the domal granitoids within
Peninsular Gneissic Complex-II the greenstone belts, other than the domal gneisses,
The intrusive granitoids of the PGC-II are also belong to this group. In the north, the gneisses
classified into two, an older group dominated by and calc-alkaline granitoids occur in the form of
granodiorite and the younger potassic granite. The enclaves and outcrop-size remnants enclosed within
older granitoids are grey, massive to weakly foliated, the youngest group i.e., the granite - alkali feldspar
medium to coarse grained and equigranular to granite which occupy large tracts. Here again, the
porphyritic or megacrystic. They are locally well calc-alkaline granitoids are predominant in the close
foliated and gneissic due to deformation and vicinity of minor greenstone belts. These gneisses
characterized by the presence of Mafic rich Micro and granitoids have been classified on the basis of
granular Enclaves (MME) and synplutonic Mafic their mineral assemblage, colour and grain size.
Magmatic Dykes (MMD). The composition varies Karimnagar Granulites
from tonalite through granodiorite to adamellite
(monzogranite). They represent typical calc-alkaline Outside the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB),
suite of granitoids and form large syntectonic plutonic the granulites also occur well within the craton in the
bodies emplaced into the gneisses and the greenstone form of large enclaves and linear bands amidst granitic
belts. They are closely associated with hornblendite rocks close to the NW-SE trending Godavari Rift/
- hornblende gabbro - diorite bodies and Graben. They are spread over a linear zone that
microgranitoid dykes and enclaves, which exhibit extends over a length of 200 km with an average
features indicative of magma mingling and/or mixing. width of 40 km in Karimnagar, Warangal and
Khammam districts. The granulite facies rocks here
Based on the field relations, structural and textural include charnockite, enderbite, pyroxene granulite,
characteristics and the types of enclaves present, the sillimanite quartzite with or without garnet, diopside
granitoids are grouped into three suites viz. Tonalite- bearing quartzite and sapphirine granulite. These are
Trondhjemite Granodiorite gneiss (TTG) suite, collectively grouped under Karimnagar Granulites.
Tonalite-Granodiorite-Monzonite (TGM) suite and
Monzonite-Syenogranite (MS) suite. TGM suite is Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt
the compositionally expanded suite ranging from The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) also
tonalite at one end to granite at the other end through referred to as the Eastern Ghat Granulite Belt, is a
granodiorite. The TGM suite is syntectonic and the granulite terrain mainly made up of khondalite,
youngest MS suite is late to post tectonic in relation quartzite, calc-granulite, pyroxene granulite and
to regional deformation. charnockite. The EGMB has a trend of NE-SW
The younger granites include granite and alkali and extends from Brahmini River in Orissa, passes
feldspar granite. They are intrusive into the greenstone through the eastern parts of Telangana upto Ongole
belts, gneisses and the calc-alkaline granitoids and in Andhra Pradesh, for over 900 km. The belt skirts

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

the eastern fringes of Dharwar and Bastar cratons sediments respectively. Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss
and the southern fringe of Singhbhum Craton. It has with or without garnet, biotite, sillimanite, commonly
a maximum width of about 300 km, in Orissa which referred to as leptynite/leptite, also forms a distinct
gradually tappers down to only a few km and litho-unit of this Group.
terminates near Ongole in Andhra Pradesh. It stands The rocks of the Khondalite Group, which
as one of the classic examples of ultra-high constitute the dominant component of the Eastern
temperature (UHT) metamorphic belts. Three broad Ghats, form continuous hill ranges in the Eastern
longitudinal zonations have been made in EGMB Ghats proper and as isolated ridges, hills and mounds
namely, (i)The Eastern Migmatite Zone (EMZ) 40- in the midst of migmatites at lower elevations and in
100 km (ii)Central Khondalite Zone (CKZ) also 40- the adjoining coastal plains. At places, graphite-rich
100 km wide and (iii) Western Charnockite Zone khondalite grades into graphite schist/gneiss which
(WCZ) which is 20-30 km wide. The area occupied locally constitutes small but workable graphite
by the above suites (zones) within the EGMB is 45%,
deposits in the Districts of Khammam.
25% and 30% respectively. The EGMB bears a
tectonic ‘Thrust’ contact with the eastern margin of Charnockite Group
Dharwar and Bastar Cratons. The Charnockite Group includes i) pyroxene-
The EGMB hosts a number of minerals of granulite (basic charnockite) and ii) hypersthene
economic importance such as manganese, graphite, bearing rocks of tonalite, granodiorite and granite
tin-tungsten and apatite. Cainozoic lateritisation composition (intermediate to acid charnockite). They
resulted in the well known and extensive bauxite are interbanded and co-folded with the khondalite
cappings. Besides, pegmatites the rocks of EGMB and migmatite rocks on a regional scale.
are known for their gemstone potential, mostly The pyroxene granulite occurs as small lenticular
sillimanite and chrysoberyl cat’s eye. Many of the bodies or linear bands parallel to the regional foliation
charnockite varieties and leptynites are being within the intermediate and acid charnockites. Many
exploited as dimension stone granites. Radio-active of the pyroxene granulite bands are distinctly gabbro/
mineralisation has been reported from the central part noritic in composition. The intermediate and acid
of EGMB, north of Polavaram. charnockites form large bodies associated with the
The different rock types in the EGMB are khondalites. They can be classified into enderbite,
tentatively classified into Khondalite Group and mangerite, and charnockite based on the proportion
Charnockite Group, which constitute the Eastern of quartz, plagioclase feldspar and K-feldspar. Some
Ghat Supergroup. As they are the most intensely charnockites contain feldspar megacrysts, which
deformed and metamorphosed among all the crustal show crude orientation parallel to regional foliation.
rocks in the State, they have traditionally been They appear to be syntectonic intrusives. Incipient
considered oldest having Archaean ancestry. Of late, charnockitization is also noticed in gneisses along the
it is being realised that the prominent tectonic and flanks of Kannegiri Massif.
metamorphic imprints in them and possibly some of About 200 sq km area of hilly terrain occurring
the charnockites and migmatites are much younger to the south of Chimalpahad Gabbro-Anorthosite
(Meso to Neo-proterozoic). complex in Khammam District and consisting of high
grade metamorphic rocks constitute the Kannegiri
Khondalite Group
Granulite Complex. It falls in the marginal zone situated
The Khondalite Group consists of quartz - between the granite dominated Eastern Dharwar
feldspar - garnet - sillimanite + graphite schist/gneiss Craton in the west and the EGMB in the east. It is
(khondalite), quartzite and calc-gneiss/calc-granulite, bounded by ENE-WSW trending shear zone in the
which represent the metamorphosed equivalents of nothern side with in the PGC and is mostly covered
the original argillaceous, arenaceous and calcareous under soil in the southern side. The Kannegiri lithounits
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

consists of garnetiferous quartzo felspathic rocks and As per the available isotopic data, most of the
mafic granulites. Signatures of both Archaean and mafic dykes fall within the age range of 2200 Ma to
Proterozoic have been reported by various workers 1700 Ma. Meso-Proterozoic and younger dykes
for the Kannegiri Granulites. The Kannegiri block is are also present. Mechanism of emplacement of these
considered to represent a remnant of the thrusted dykes is dilatational via brittle crack filling, related to
block scrapped off during the course of evolution of the periodic extensional tectonics that affected the
EGMB. Dharwar Craton.
Migmatites The dykes traversing the granulite terrain within
Migmatisation of the khondalite, charnockite and the cratonic part have clouded plagioclase feldspar
pyroxene granulite gave rise to a variety of rock types. which imparts an uniform dark grey colour to the
These include: 1) banded gneiss with alternating bands rock. Such dykes are quarried for dimensional stones
of khondalite and quartzo-feldspathic rock, 2) and traded as black granite. A number of quarries of
khondalite with feldspar porphyroblasts, 3) good quality black granite exist in Karimnagar,
garnetiferous quartzo-feldspathic gneiss with Warangal and Khammam Districts.
pyroxene and/or sillimanite, 4) garnetiferous quartzo-
feldspathic gneiss with relict patches of charnockite/
pyroxene granulite. The migmatites, predominantly Meso to Neo Proterozoic sedimentary rocks
occurring along the foothills and coastal plains, are and associated volcanics unconformably overlie the
associated with intrusive granitic rocks. Archaean gneisses, granitoids, schists and Proterozoic
Mafic Dykes mafic dykes. They are distributed in well-defined
sedimentary basins known as Cuddapah, Pakhal and
The granite/gneiss-greenstone terrain of the Bhima. The crescent shaped Cuddapah Basin is
Dharwar Craton in Telangana is intruded by mafic almost entirely located in the residuary Andhra
dyke swarms. They generally do not extend into the Pradesh except for small patches of it, which are
EGMB and are partly covered by the Cuddapah, exposed in the southern periphery of Telangana. The
Pakhal and Gondwana sediments and Deccan basalt. Pakhal and Bhima are exclusively within Telangana
The distribution of these dykes is generally dense
of which the Pakhal Basin developed along the
along the northern, western and southern margins of
Pranhita-Godavari Valley in the northern part of the
the Cuddapah Basin. The dykes exposed in the
State, comprises the rocks of Pakhal Supergroup,
cratonic part extend over long distances in E-W, NW-
Penganga Group and Sullavai Sandstone. The Pakhal
SE, N-S and NE-SW directions.In the northern part
basin is the most significant one because of it’s large
of the State in Mahbubnagar, Ranga Reddy, Medak,
extent and vast mineral potential. Bhima basin is
Nalgonda, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar and
Nizamabad Districts, dykes in all the above said four exposed in the western part of the state over a smaller
directions are of almost equal prominence. area whereas the major part of the basin falls within
the adjoining Karnataka.
Dolerite is the most common variety among the
mafic dykes, gabbro and pyroxenite being locally CUDDAPAH BASIN
present. These dykes are dark grey, dark greenish
Cuddapah Supergroup
grey or black coloured. They are mainly tholeiites
characterised by rich in silica, and low K2O, Na2O The Cuddapah Supergroup of rocks are sub-
and MgO content. A few dykes located in Nalgonda divided into three groups and one Formation namely
District are alkali basalts. The dyke swarms in I) Papaghni Group ii) Chitravati Group iii) Nallamalai
Khammam-Warangal-Karimnagar show lesser Group and iv) Srisailam Quartzite. In Telangana area,
degree of crustal contamination as compared to other Papaghni and Nallamalai groups are exposed in parts
swarms. of Nalgonda district.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

i) Papaghni Group dense and fine to medium grained. The siltstone is

The Papaghni Group named after the Papaghni flaggy and contains frequent intercalations of shale.
River, which is a tributary to the Pennar in A.P., is Kurnool Group
exposed only along the western margin of the basin
The Cuddapah sediments in parts of the Kundair
and is divided into two formations namely, (1)
Valley and Palnad tract mostly in Andhra Pradesh
Gulcheru Quartzite and (2) Vempalle Formation.
are unconformably overlain by the Kurnool Group
The Gulcheru Quartzite is exposed at the of rocks which comprise a 500 m thick succession
southern periphery of the State occupying small areas, of sandstone/quartzite, limestone and shale. The
composed of quartzite conglomerate and grit with Kurnool Group is divided into six formations:
shale intercalations. The basal part of the formation 1) Banganapalle, 2) Narji, 3) Owk, 4) Paniam,
is dominated by conglomerate in the north and 5) Koilkuntla and 6) Nandyal. However in Telangana
quartzite in the south. The quartzite has a thickness the rocks belonging to Banganapalli and Narji
of 60 m. formation occur along the southern periphery over
The Gulcheru Quartzite grades upward into the small areas in parts of Mahabubnagar district.
Vempalle Formation which is shallow occupying small The Banganapalle Formation is 10 to 50 m
areas at the southern periphery. It comprises grey, thick and consists of a thin bed of basal conglomerate
fine grained and flaggy dolomite, dolomitic limestone, followed upward by coarse grit and sandstone.
purple shale, chert and quartzite, in that order of Glauconitic sandstone is also found. The
abundance. Algal structures are observed on conglomerate essentially consists of pebbles of chert,
weathered surface of the dolomite at places. Also quartz, jasper and quartzite. The basal conglomerate
contemporaneous igneous flows and tuffs having and gritty sandstone are a well-known source of
doleritic or basaltic composition and showing chilled diamond, since ancient times.
margins have been found within the dolomite. At
places, dolomite contains high-grade limestone and The Narji Formation includes the blue, grey,
veins of barite. buff and fawn coloured limestones with intercalations
of shale, quartzite and intraformational conglomerate
ii) Nallamalai Group: breccias. The limestone is exposed along the southern
The Nallamalai Group derives its name from the boundary of the state the limestone is massive,
Nallamalai hill range which occurs longitudinally in extremely fine-grained and is high in lime and low in
the middle of the Cuddapah Basin. The Group is magnesia. The limestone is of cement grade.
subdivided into two formations namely 1)
Pakhal Basin
Bairenkonda Formation and 2) Cumbum Formation.
Barenkonda is an arenaceous unit composed The Meso to Neo Proterozoic sediments of the
predominantly of quartzites and the Cumbum is Godavari Rift Valley are classified as Pakhal
argillaceous consisting of shale, slate and phyllite with Supergroup, Penganga Group and Sullavai
thin bands of quartzite, limestone and dolomite. Sandstone. These sediments occur as two parallel
NW-SE trending belts, with about 40 km wide stretch
iii) Srisailam Quartzite:
of the Gondwana sediments in between. The
Srisailam Quartzite derives its name from the southwestern belt extends from south of Khammam
famous Srisailam Temple, located atop an imposing in the southeast to Adilabad and beyond into
plateau, which is constituted exclusively of the Maharashtra in the northwest and the northeastern
quartzite. The unit in Nagarjunakonda is highly pitted belt from a little north of Bhadrachalam in the
and is due to the scooping out of pyrite crystals. southeast to a little beyond Chanda (Maharashtra) in
It is given an independent status in the the northwest. The overall length of the basin is about
stratigraphic sequence. The quartzite is interbedded 350 km and the width is about 100 km including the
with thin siltstone units and is usually thick bedded, intervening Gondwana sediments.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

The Pakhal Basin is represented by 6000 m thick thick) which comprises an assorted assemblage of
assemblage of arenaceous, argillaceous and quartzite, arkose, dolomite, chert and limestone, the
carbonate (dolomite) sediments and is conspicuously individual units being laterally impersistent. The
devoid of limestones and igneous rocks in contrast stratigraphic equivalents of the Pattipalli Quartzite and
to the Cuddapah Basin. Laknavaram Shale in the northwestern belt are
Pakhal Supergroup designated respectively as Somandevara Quartzite
(915 m thick) and Tippapuram Shale (1340 m thick).
The Pakhal Supergroup is divisible into i)
Mallampalli Group, ii) Mulug Group and iii) Albaka The Jakkaram Arkose consists of arkose with
Sandstone. The southwestern belt includes rock units variable proportions of chert, conglomerate,
of only Mallampalli and Mulug Groups and the glauconitic sandstone, quartzite and shale. The
northeastern belt those of the Mulug Group and Polaram Formation is essentially an assorted
Albaka Sandstone. assemblage of silicified shale, chert, shale,
carbonaceous dolomite and quartzite. The
Mallampalli Group Enchencheruvu Formation is predominantly a flaggy
The Mallampalli Group is further subdivided into argillaceous dolomite with interbeds of limestone, calc
three formations i.e. Bolapalli Formation, Gunjeda arenite, calcareous shale, shale and chert. The
Dolomite (Bayyaram Quartzite) and Pandikunta Shale Pattipalli Quartzite is generally an orthoquartzite with
(Kalrai Shale) and attains a maximum thickness of subordinate amounts of ferruginous quartzite. The
about 825 m. Laknavaram Shale consists of a thick sequence of
The Bolapalli Formation is dominantly arkosic shale with numerous interbeds of quartzite and
with subordinate conglomerate, glauconitic subordinate ferruginous sandstone, feldspathic
sandstone, quartzite, chert breccia and dolomite. The quartzite, siltstone and dolomite.
Gunjeda Dolomite is predominantly a dolomite with Albaka Sandstone
interbeds of glauconitic arkose, shale and minor chert.
The Albaka Sandstone forms an imposing plateau
The Bayyaram Quartzite, the stratigraphic equivalent
rising to a height of around 500 m above ground level.
of the Gunjeda Dolomite in the southeastern part of
It is represented by a sequence of alternating red,
the basin, is dominantly an orthoquartzite, followed
brown, green, grey and white sandstones with
by ferruginous quartzite, shale, chert, conglomerate
sporadic partings of shale and siltstone. Minor lenses
and clay. Haematitic iron ore is associated with this
of conglomerate and arkose occur in the basal part.
formation in Bayyaram and Mallampalli areas.
The Mallampalli and Mulug sediments display a
The Pandikunta Shale is predominantly shale with
progressive increase in their intensity of deformation
thin interbeds of dolomite, chert and sandstone,
and metamorphism towards southeast. In the extreme
whereas the Karlai Shale is predominantly shale with
southeastern part of the basin in Yellandlapad and
interbeds of quartzite and occasional carbonaceous
Mailaram areas, talc, actinolite or tremolite bearing
shale, siltstone, arkose and dolomite.
marbles and phyllites with garnet, staurolite or
Mulug Group andalusite are common. These marbles are very
The Mulug Group of the southwestern belt, which much sought after as decorative stones.
has a thickness of about 2830 m is subdivided into Radiometric dating of glauconite from the
five formations: 1) Jakkaram Arkose, 2) Polaram Jakkaram Arkose indicated ages of 1276 ± 30 Ma,
Formation , 3) Enchencheruvu Formation, 4) Pattipalli 1188 ± 14 Ma and 1142 ± 37 Ma (Mathur,1982).
Quartzite and 5) Laknavaram Shale. The glauconite from the Pakhal sediments of
The Jakkaram Arkose, Polaram Formation and Ramagundam area has given K-Ar age of 1330 ±
Enchecheruvu Formation are together represented 53 Ma (Vinogradov et al, 1964). From the study of
in the northeastern belt by Cherla Formation (290 m stromatolitic forms in the dolomites, Chowdhuri

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

(1970) assigned a Middle Proterozoic age to the bands. The well known manganese ores of Adilabad
Pakhal Group. Based on this data and guided by District are hosted in this limestone.
gross lithological similarity and relative stratigraphic Sullavai Sandstone
position, the Pakhal Supergroup is correlated with
the Cuddapah Supergroup. Sullavai Sandstone, the youngest unit of the
Proterozoic sediments along the Godavari Valley is
Penganga Group
well developed along the southwestern belt and is
The development of the Penganga Group is exposed as a NW-SE trending linear belt for a length
restricted to the area around Ramagundam and the of about 110 km on either side of the Godavari River.
Penganga River in Karimnagar and Adilabad districts.
The sandstone has a maximum thickness of
The main lithological difference between the Pakhal
900 m and contains variable proportions of red-
and the Penganga rocks is that the carbonate
brown mottled sandstone, arkose, conglomerate,
component in the former is represented by dolomite
glauconitic sandstone and shale, the sandstone being
and in the latter by limestone. The contact of the
the most dominant member. Red and white bands
Penganga sediments with the older Pakhal is all along
and spotted nature of the sandstone render it attractive
a faulted one. The Penganga Group is considered to
enough to be widely used as a decorative building
be a stratigraphic equivalent of the Kurnool Group.
The Penganga Group is essentially an arkose-
limestone sequence which is divisible broadly into Overlying the Albaka Sandstone of the
two formations, namely (i) Takkallapalli Arkose and northeastern belt occurs as 1375 m thick sequence
(ii) Putnur Limestone. of breccia and sandstone. Based on lithological
similarity, this sequence is considered to be a
The Penganga Group in Adilabad district is
stratigraphic equivalent of the Sullavai Sandstone.
represented by Pranahita Sandstone, Devalamari
Limestone (equivalent to Chanda Limestone), Upper Radiometric dating of glauconite from the Sullavai
shale/siltstone (equvivalent to Sat nala Shale) and Sandstone indicated an age of 871 ± 21 Ma.
Upper dolomite. The Devalmari Limestone extending Bhima Basin
for a strike length of 3 km and width of about 300 m
is of cement grade with CaO content ranging from The major part of the Bhima Basin is in
30% to 53%. The well known manganese ores Karnataka State where the rock formations are
identified in the Penganga Formatioin is found west classified as Bhima Group which is divided broadly
of Ravalpalli, in a zone extending for 250m length into Sedam and Andole Subgroups. In Telangana only
and 3 to 5m width. the Sedam Subgroup is exposed which consists of i)
Rabanapalli Formation and ii) Shahbad Formation.
The Takkallapalli Arkose is a 400 m thick
sequence of heavy arkose with interbeds and lenses The Rabbanapalli Formation is well exposed
of pebbly sandstone and conglomerate whose all along the southern boundary of the Bhima Basin
incidence is more in the basal part. Sporadic and attains a maximum thickness of 35 m to 50 m. It
interbeds of shaly and micaceous sandstone are comprises basal conglomerate followed upward by
common throughout the thickness of the formation. a sandstone, siltstone, purple shale.
The arkose is overlain by a 100 m thick sequence of The Shahbad Formation, the thickest formation
Putnur Limestone, which is characterised by an of the Bhima Group, is about 70 m thick and
overwhelming predominance of limestone and comprises limestone which is flaggy in the lower and
argillaceous limestone with interbeds of shale and upper parts and massive in the middle part. A major
manganiferous chert. The limestone is flaggy to thick- part of the limestone is of cement grade. The
bedded, grey, dark-grey, buff and light pink and is Shahbad Formation is extensively used, after
mostly of cement grade with subordinate flux grade polishing, for flooring of houses.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Alkaline Rocks / Kimberlites - Lamproites The Deccan Kimberlite Province consists of

three fields (i) Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field (WKF)
Several intrusive igneous rocks of distinctive
petrological and petrochemical attributes occur in Anantapur District of AP and (ii) Narayanpet
amidst the granulites, greenstone belts, gneisses and Kimberlite Field (NKF) in Mahbubnagar District of
the Proterozoic sediments. These can be classified Telangana which extends into Gulbarga District of
broadly into (i) alkaline rocks and (ii) kimberlites and Karnataka and (iii) Raichur Kimberlite field falling in
lamproites. Mahabubnagar District of Telangana and Raichur
District of Karnataka. The kimberlites which occur
Alkaline rocks
as pipes and dykes are mostly in the age range 900-
The Precambrian alkaline magmatism in the 1100 Ma in the WKF (Crawford and Composton
granulite terrain of southern Peninsular India is 1973; Paul, 1979) Basu and Tatsumato, 1979; Anil
manifested by several alkaline plutons with variable Kumar et al, 1993 and Chalapathi Rao et al 1996)
rock associations and different silica-saturation levels. and 1360 Ma age in NKF (Chalapathi Rao et al,
The alkaline magmatic activity is considered to be 1996). These bodies are found emplaced mostly
the latest intrusive phase in the EGMB. along the intersection of NE-SW and E-W fracture
A good number of nepheline syenite plutons system. The 32 kimberlite bodies reported by GSI
occur in Telangana which are localised at the contact and 29 by De Beers in the Narayanpet Field, found
between EGMB and Dharwar Craton. Notable in an area are spread over 60 km E-W and 25 km
among them are Kunavaram nepheline syenite pluton N-S and emplaced along the fractures trending NW-
in Khammam District. These nepheline syenite SE and E-W. Out of the 29 bodies, 16 are in
plutons, range in extent from 5 to 85 sq km. Gurmatkal- Yadgiri area and 12 in Wadagera area
The Kunavaram nepheline syenite Pluton has a between the confluence of the Bhima and Krishna
strike length of 16 km with a width of 6 km has the rivers. The Raichur Kimberlite Field encompasses
distinction of being the largest of its kind in the six pipes emplaced along WNW-ESE fracture
peninsular India. The major part of the Pluton forms system. Besides these 14 lamproite bodies are
a part of the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh. reported from near Ramadugu and Somavarigudem
It consists essentially of syenite and nepheline syenite, in Nalgonda District.
the latter being intrusive into the former. Rb-Sr dating Granites
(whole rock) of the syenite indicates an age of 1244
± 55 Ma (Clark & Subba Rao, 1971). A carbonatite Within the late Archaean Palaeoproterozoic
body is located near Tekulapalli in southern flanks of Granite Gneiss terrain, there are isolated bodies of
Kannegiri massif. younger granitoids (undifferentiated) which may range
in age from Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic.
Kimberlites and Lamproites
Some of them are intrusive into the Mesoproterozoic
Kimberlites and lamproites, the two major Cuddapah Basin and occur within and close to the
primary host rocks for diamond are found emplaced basin margin in the east.
into the Archaean-Proterozoic rocks in the eastern
The Precambrian rocks described above occupy
part of Dharwar craton. The kimberlites are intrusive
in to the granite-greenstone terrain within the craton major part of the State. They are covered by the
whereas the lamproites occur close to the eastern Phanerozoic sedimentary sequence in well defined
margin of the craton. Due to their distinct geographic basins situated in the north and along the coast and
distribution, the kimberlite and lamproite bodies form Deccan Trap volcanics in the northwest. The
two separate provinces namely, Deccan Kimberlite stratigraphic sucession of Phanerozoic cover is given
Province and Nallamalai Lamproite Province in Table-3.
(Satyanarayana et al, 1996).
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Alluvium and soil
Laterite and
Palaeocene Basaltic lava
TERTIARY flows with
Late Cretaceous Deccan Traps Sahyadri intertrappean and
Godavari Valley
MESOZOIC Late Cretaceous Chikiala
Early Cretaceous
Upper Unconformity
Gondwana Gangapur
Mid To Late Gondwana Group Formation
Triassic Supergroup
Kota Formation
Maleri Formation
PALAEOZOIC Late Permian Kamthi Formation
To Early Lower Barren Measures
Triassic Gondwana Barakar
Permian Group Formation
Carboniferous Talchir Formation
To Permian

Precambrian basement
D) LATE CARBONIFEROUS – EARLY Besides hosting rich coal deposits, the Gondwanas
CRETACEOUS contain a rich variety of floral remains, based on
which the Gondwana Supergroup is divided into two
Gondwana Supergroup major Groups, namely the Lower Gondwana Group
Rocks of Gondwana Supergroup, spanning in characterised by Glossopteris flora and the Upper
age from the Late Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous Gondwana Group by Ptilophyllum flora. The
and with about 3500 m in thickness are exposed along approximate proportion of various rock assemblages
the Pranhita-Godavari valley as a 55 km wide NW- in the Gondwana mounts to sandstone (60%),
SE trending linear belt extending for a length of 350 conglomerate (17%) and siltstone, clay, coal,
km between Antargaon in the northwest and limestone etc (23%).
Sattupalle in the southeast. They are also exposed Lower Gondwana Group
along the east coast in the Krishna-Godavari Basin The lower Gondwana sequence which is well
and other isolated areas. The Gondwana sediments developed in the Godavari Valley comprises four
of the Godavari Valley are believed to have been formations, namely i) Talchir Formation, ii) Barakar
deposited in alluvial environment and those along the Formation, iii) Barren Measures and iv) Kamthi
coast in marine and fluvio-marine environments. Formation.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Talchir Formation presence of Middle to Late-Permian forms viz.

The Talchir Formation occurs as numerous small Densipollenites Weylandites, Horriditriletes
outcrops along the western margin of the Godavari Osmundacidites etc.
Graben. They also form outliers over the Archaen- Kamthi Sandstone Formation
Proterozoic basement. The sandstone, with a maximum thickness of
The Talchir Formation is 200 m to 370 m thick 2700 m, occupies a major part of the Gondwana
and is represented by boulder bed (2 m to 6m thick) Basin, resting unconformably over the Talchir, Barakar
at the base consisting of boulders, pebbles and or Barren Measures Formations and at places directly
granules of varied lithology, sparsely distributed in an the Pakhals. The Kamthi includes a heterogeneous
unstratified brown to grey silty matrix. Associated assemblage of a variety of sandstone with numerous
with the boulder bed is a 10 m – 250 m thick rhythmite interbeds of conglomerate and silty clay. In contrast
sequence of shale and siltstone which grades upward to the Barakar Formation, this is relatively more
into a 50 m thick light green sandstone. Palynofossils ferruginous and gritty, and less feldspathic. It also
represented by Plicatipollennites, Callumispora contains thin coal seams and is well exposed along
and Parasaccites indicate a Late Carboniferous to the Godavari River near Sondila village.
Early Permian age. Chintalapudi Sandstone is the extension of the
Barakar Formation Kamthi Sandstone in the southern part. Its lower
In the Pranhita-Godavari valley, the Barakar part comprises sandstone and grey shale with thin
Formation is the main coal bearing unit and is exposed lenses and streaks of coal, and the upper part
along the western margin and the southeastern part yellowish brown conglomeratic sandstone which is
of Godavari Graben over an area of about 620 sq ferruginous and feldspathic.
km. It is divisible into two member’s viz. the Lower Upper Gondwana Group
and Upper Members. The Lower Member is 50 m
This Group is well exposed all along the main
to 200 m thick and consists of pebbly sandstone and
Gondwana Basin and comprises four formations
feldspathic sandstone, siltstone and occasional coal
namely I) Maleri Formation, ii) Kota Formation, iii)
laminae. The Upper Member is 200 m to 260 m thick
Gangapur Formation and iv) Chikiala Formation.
and is characterised by fining upward coal-bearing
cyclothems whose number varies from 2 to 16. Litho- Maleri Formation
units present in each cyclothem grades from very The Maleri Formation ranging upto a maximum
coarse feldspathic sandstone at bottom to grey shale/ of 250 m thickness comprises soft, red clays with
carbonaceous shale/coal at top. In each coal seam, lenses of fine to medium grained calcareous
there is an alternation of shale and coal layers. The sandstone. In the northwestern part of the Godavari
rich spore/pollen assemblage, dominated by Valley, the formation is divisible into four Members,
Rhizamspora, Scheuringipollenites, namely the Yerrapalli, Bheemavaram, Maleri and
Indotriradiates and Ibsporites suggests an Early Dharmavaram. The formation is characterised by
Permian age to the Barakar Formation. the amphibia: Metaposaurus, reptiles:
Barren Measures Formation Rhynchosaurus, Phytosaurus and Aetosaur, fish
A 60 to 800 m thick sequence made up of white Parasuchus, Ceratodus and fossil tree trunks which
to light yellow feldspathic sandstone, siltstone, grey suggest Middle to Late Triassic age.
shale with streaks of coal constitutes the Barren Kota Formation
Measures. Its thickness is maximum in Bhimaram The Kota Formation measuring a maximum of
area (500 m) in the northwest and tapers down to 600 m in thickness is well exposed along the eastern
less than 100 m towards southeast. At places, in the bank of the Pranhita River at Kota in Karimnagar
upper stratigraphic levels, the Barren Measures District and extends as far south as Cherla. It is
carries a few coal seams. The spore/pollen represented largely by white, coarse to very coarse
assemblage in this formation is characterised by the grained, pebbly sandstone with lenses of
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

conglomerate and silty clay and thick marker zones of the State covering mainly Adilabad, Nizamabad,
of limestone. The 40m long stretch of the Kota Mahabubnagar and Ranga Reddy Districts. The trap
Formation between the Pranhita and Godavari Rivers rocks are sub-aerially emplaced horizontal to sub-
is one of the richest fossil bearing areas. The fossils horizontal basaltic lava flows. These are dark grey
include, besides flora, a variety of fauna like fishes, and greenish black. A total of seven trap flows of
estherid flying reptiles, dinosaurs and micro-mammals. unweathered nature and another two which are
In course of search and excavation for a dinosaur completely lateritised are identified in the Tandur-
bones in Yamanpalli area, Adilabad district about 840 Vikarabad-Pargi area of Ranga Reddy District. The
skeleton parts belonging to saurapud dinosaurs were individual flows range in thickness from less than a
collected and developed between 1974 and 1980. meter to as much as 50 m. In Medak District, the
Further study revealed that this dinosaur belonged to flows are of “Aa” type whereas in Nizamabad and
a new genus and new species Kotasaurs Adilabad Districts they are of “Aa” “Pahohoe” and
yamanpalliensis. The Kota dinosaurs throws light simple types. Basalts consists of pigeonite augite,
on the time of separation of the Indian Peninsula from andesine- labradorite, brown or green glass,
the rest of the Gondwana land, their occurrence in microcrystalline silica, magnetite and rarely olivine.
India is a positive proof that there were overland Infra-trappean and inter-trappean sediments are
connections between the Peninsular India and other associated with lavaflows and have an aggregate
Gondwana continents during early Jurassic (160 thickness of about 150 m. The infra-trappean
million years old) times. The famous Kotasaurus sedimentary rocks comprising sandstone and
dinosaur fossil is discovered by GSI and is named limestone are exposed in parts of Adilabad,
after this Formation. GSI has also recorded a fully Nizamabad and Ranga Reddy Districts. Marine
preserved Rincopteris from this Formation. fossils such as Turritella, Cardita (C.beaumonti),
Gangapur Formation Rostellaria, Ostrea and other genera of Late
The Gangapur Formation ranging in thickness Cretaceous age are found in these infra-trappean
between 100 m and 250 m, is best developed around beds.
Gangapur-Ralapet area of Adilabad District. It Bulk samples from infra and inter-trappean beds
consists of pebbly sandstone, argillaceous sandstone, at Naskal and Bacharam in Ranga Reddy District
siltstone, carbonaceous clay and claystone. The grey and Tirpol areas of Medak District yielded scores of
clay bands yielded a rich assemblage of well mandibles, maxillae and isolated teeth and limb bones
preserved pollen and spores which include belonging to different orders of vertebrates. GSI has
Acquitriradites, Macrocachyidites, Coptospora, recorded the prescence of Mollusc Physa sp. from
Frangospora etc. and indicate an Early Cretaceous intertrappeans near Shankarpalli. The most
age. important collection from Naskal includes a complete
Chikiala Formation molar and a few fragments of Gondwanatherium, a
The Chikiala Formation is exposed as a narrow truly endemic form of the Gondwana land.
elongated strip for nearly 110 km from Sironcha in F) QUATERNARY
the north to around Chandrupeta in the south. It The Quaternary sediments in Telangana are
comprises friable, coarse grained, brown, red and restricted to narrow linear zones bordering the inland
yellow coloured ferruginous sandstones with river basins of Krishna,Godavari and their major
intercalations of conglomerate and clay. On tributaries in the form of flood plain deposits of fluvial
stratigraphic considerations, this formation is assigned origin.Volcanic ash (3m x 5m) has been recorded
Late Cretaceous age. from a tributary of Kinnersani river near Kothagudem
E) LATE- CRETACEOUS - EOCENE in Khammam district. It is a wind borned deposit
Deccan Traps correlated to Toba Volcanism of Sumatra Islands and
The Deccan Traps occupy an area of about dated to be 70,000 yrs B.P. It is 90% glass and acidic
10,000 sq km in the northern and northwestern parts in composition.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

The petrified wood trunk (5m x 13m) located along the Paloncha - Dammapeta Road,
Khammam District, Telangana State. (Photo by : Palaeontology Division, SR)

Volcanic Ash (3m x 5m) occuring at Murreru River, a tributary of Kinnerasani River,
near Gangaram Village, Kothagudem, Khammam District, Telangana State.
(Photo by : Shri K. Premchand, Director)
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A


Telangana comprises a mosaic of different deformation, which was followed by late shears. The
geologic and tectonic provinces which are divided ductile shear zones, marked by mylonite development
broadly into Eastern Dharwar Craton, Proterozoic with subhorizontal lineation are mostly confined to
Basins, Phanerozoic Gondwana Basin, Deccan Trap the granite-greenstone contacts which greatly
of the Cretaceous Tertiary and Quaternary cover of influenced the localisation of gold mineralisation. The
inland valleys. Each of these provinces is third deformation was much less intense and is
characterised by distinctive litho-assemblages, documented in the form of regional warps on E-W
tectonic impress and metamorphic grades. While axis. The NW-SE trending Godavari Graben defines
the craton, and the Proterozoic basins were affected a Precambrian Crustal weakness activated in different
by intense and polyphase deformation and variable geological times, it is a failed arm (/aulacogens)
degree of metamorphism under compressional/ probably plume-generated tripple junctions of
tensional regimes, the other provinces were practically Precambrian tectonics and served as depository
undeformed and unmetamorphosed. However, environment for Proterozoic and Gondwana
numerous faults/fractures of diverse trends and lengths sediments (Bruke & Dewey, 1973). DSS profile
traverse all the geologic provinces. indicates gravity high shouldering on either side of
A brief account of the structure and tectonics in the Graben (Subramanyam, 1980) and is supported
various geological provinces of the State is given by the distribution of Bhopalpatnam-Karimnagar
below: granulites.
Eastern Dharwar Craton Proterozoic Basins
The contact between the Dharwar Craton and The Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic
the EGMB is a major thrust marked by contrasting sedimentary basins in the state include Pakhal-
lithologies, structural fabrics and metamorphic grade. Penganga-Sullavai and Bhima.
The PGC, the dominant lithocomponent of the craton,
is characterised by NNW-SSE Dharwarian trend. The Pakhal-Sullavai sediments exposed along
The greenstone belts occurring amidst the gneissic the Godavari Valley trend in a general NW-SE
terrain as discrete linear to curvilinear belts display direction in conformity with the structural fabric of
N-S and NNW-SSE trends with steep easterly or the Archaean basement and the regional trend of the
westerly dips. The contacts between the greenstone valley, which is believed to be a graben. The intensity
belts and cratonic gneisses are generally sheared. of deformation increases from northwest to
southeast. Two periods of folding were inferred, the
The cratonic gneisses and the greenstone belts
first giving rise to NW-SE trending folds which were
share a common deformational history and document
later cross folded along E-W axis giving rise to
the imprints of at least three deformations. The early
northerly and southerly plunging folds. The Archaean-
F1 folds were preserved only mesoscopic scale as
Pakhal contact along the northeastern margin is a
isoclinal / recline folds. Some of the lithological
pronounced fault all along whereas along the
components of tonalite-trondhjemite suite could be
southwestern margin, it is partly depositional and
syntectonic with this folding event. The second
deformation, nearly coaxial with the first one, resulted partly faulted. The Pakhal-Sullavai contact in the
in the formation of open upright folds that shaped the area to the south of the Manair River is faulted in
present configuration of the schist belts. The tonalite- NW-SE trending fault, popularly known as Kadam
granodiorite-monzogranite suite with typical calc- River fault. Traversing the Pakhals of the Mailaram
alkaline signatures and I-type characters probably inlier is the NE-SW trending Mallavaram fault with
represent syntectonic magmatism associated with this Archaean granite thrust over the Pakhals.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana


Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of separated, N-S trending, narrow and linear
Telangana which is composed of cratonic, greenstone belts (schist belts) consisting of bimodal
intracratonic and rift controlled sedimentary basins volcanics, chemogenic and clastic sediments that
forming different tectonic provinces of Archaean- deposited in fault-bounded linear basins. These schist
Proterozoic age with subsequent Phanerozoic and a belts with a general greenschist facies metamorphic
narrow Quaternary cover bordering the inland rivers imprint have an age of around 2900-2700 Ma. The
is beset with numerous problems and uncertainties. surrounding granite gneisses also have roughly
An attempt is made here to reconstruct the same with comparable ages. It is believed that this Late
the help of available database. Archaean ensemble formed in an environment similar
to that of the present day convergent plate margins
The Archaean era (4500-2600 Ma) was
and accreted to the craton. The schist belts and
undoubtedly marked by high geothermal gradients
cratonic gneisses were affected by three
with relatively thin crust, perhaps of mafic composition
deformational events probably during 2600-2000 Ma
that was ruptured around 3500 Ma releasing large
during which the gneisses underwent amphibolite
amounts of tonalite-trondhjemite granites punctuated
facies metamorphism accompanied by extensive
by emplacements of mafic-ultramafic volcanics all
migmatisation and potassic magmatism. On account
over the globe that eventually formed the nuclei of
of multi deformational events and subsequent erosion,
proto-continents referred to as cratons. The Indian
the schist belts are preserved in synformal troughs in
Peninsular Shield is one such continent composed of
a vast expanse of granite gneisses and at many places
a few cratonic nuclei-Dharwar, Bastar, Singhbhum
they were completely engulfed by granites. The well
and Aravalli. The continental crust in these nuclei
exposed schist belts from north to south include
was quite thick while in the intervening areas it was
Khammam, Yerraballi, Peddavuru, Ghanpur and
thin and weak - a factor that was responsible for
Gadwal. The Khammam Schist Belt in the northeast
later development of major structural features like
represents the remnants of an originally single N-S
rifts, ensialic basins and mobile belts, which became
trending schist belt that got dismembered during the
locales of extensive sedimentation and intense
development of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and
deformation and tectono-thermal events that
its subsequent deformation.
collectively shaped the crustal architecture of the
peninsular shield. The Late Archaean and Early Proterozoic
(2600-2000 Ma ) precisely, which represents a time
The ETB part of Dharwar Craton is composed
of rigorous crustal growth and reworking of older
dominantly of tonalitic to granodioritic gneisses with
Archaean lithosphere under conditions of high grade
ages of 3000-2600 Ma commonly referred to as
metamorphism, witnessed the development of the
Peninsular Gneisses occupying about 40% of the area
Karimnagar Granulite Belt This granulite belt which
in the State. With intra-cratonic basins represented
is located north of Karimnagar town was later
by sediments of Meso to Neo Proterozoic
subjected to the process of Granitisation was
Cuddapah, Pakhal, Penganga, Kurnool, Palnad,
originally a part of the Dharwar-Bastar-Singbhum
Sullavai and Bhima sediments in the southeast, north
Cratons is constituted of a sequence of repetitively
and west and Deccan Traps in the northwest while
deformed high grade rocks referred to as charnockites
they abut against the Godavari Graben (Pakhal and
and khondalites and their granitised equivalents which
Gondwana) in the northeast and Eastern Ghats
are predominantly seen as enclaves(restites) within
Mobile Belt in the east. In the south the gneisses
the PGC. These rocks are of Archaean ancestry, at
merge with granulite terrain of Karnataka and Tamil
least in part, but affected and modified by younger
tectono-thermal events including granitoid-
The cratonic gneisses enclose a few widely charnockite intrusions and the granite melts generated
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

from two cycles of high grade metamorphism, one absence of volcanism which is an unusual feature for
around 2600 Ma and other 1000 Ma. a rift controlled basin. The Pakhals also were
intensely deformed and transected by numerous fault
The contact between the Cratonic gneisses in
systems, some of which are active even now. The
Telangana and the EGMB in AP is a major tectonic
Pakhal and Cuddapah Basins which are remarkably
feature as borne out by many geological evidences.
similar in several respects were probably connected
It is at places marked by gabbro-anorthosite and
during a substantial part of their evolution. In fact,
alkaline plutons of Middle Proterozoic age (1600-
the intervening area between the Pakhal and
1000 Ma). This testifies that plate tectonics, normally
Cuddapah Basins exposes several discrete slivers of
considered to be in operation only during the last
identical lithology all along a major fault/thrust which
200 Ma was operative in some primitive form even
links the eastern margin of the Cuddapah Basin with
during the Proterozoic. Contemporary ideas on
the south-eastern margin of the Pakhal Basin.
granulite belts-indicate that the EGMB most probably
represents the lower crust of about 30 km depth that During the Meso to Neo-Proterozoic time’s
is exhumed to its present level by some form of thrusts crustal accretion was perhaps at its peak aided by
tectonics associated with continent-continent collision extensional tectonics and high perturbed geotherms
or underplating of an oceanic plate. in the mantle. A manifestation of this is the
widespread basic plutonism seen in the carton, mobile
The geological record for the period between belt and, to some extent, in the Proterozoic basins.
2600 Ma and 2000 Ma is poorly preserved or Kimberlite intrusions of Anantapur district in Andhra
absent. This profound unconformity is universally Pradesh and Mahbubnagar District of Telangana and
known as the Great Eparchaean Unconformity. By lamproitic intrusions within the eastern half of the
around 2000 Ma, the Dharwar Craton and the Cuddapah Basin mostly in Andhra Pradesh are related
EGMB in its primitive form were in existence and to this.
from the general structural trends observed in these
crustal segments, it is deciphered that a general The post-Pakhal tectonic movements in the
E-W compressive force was prevailing during this peninsula resulted in extensive folding, faulting and
period. These forces and possibly some pre-existing uplifting of the Proterozoic sediments in the
major fractures in the craton led to the evolution of southeastern part of the Pakhal Basin. This was
the intra-cratonic Cuddapah Basin in AP. Around followed by the evolution of the Sullavai and Bhima
the same time, the NW-SE trending Godavari Graben Basins during 900-600 Ma.
also came into being in which the Pakhal and Sullavai After the deposition of the Sullavais and Bhimas
sediments in Telangana were laid down. and their uplift, there was a great hiatus in the
Following the intense dyke activity (1900 Ma- stratigraphic history of the area extending for about
1700 Ma) involving dilational tectonics, sedimentation 300 million years. At the end of the Palaeozoic era,
in Pakhal Basin commenced around 1700 Ma. In i.e., towards the Late- Carboniferous, Gondwana
the Pakhal Basin, the early phase of deposition of sedimentation commenced over the super-continent
sedimentation was accompanied by intermittent known as the Gondwana land comprising the present
volcanic activity of basic, acid and barium rich phases. continents of Australia, India, Africa, South America
The strata were deposited all along the basin with and Antarctica. In Telangana the deposition of the
the peripheral basement rocks forming high ground, Gondwana sediments was confined to the NW-SE
which continued up to 1000 Ma when orogenic trending faulted trough (Godavari Graben) along the
movements in the EGMB caused intense deformation Pranhita-Godavari Valley. Inland drainage discharged
of these rocks and also thrusted the intervening its sediments into this new basin, which extended from
cratonic gneisses over them. Asifabad in the northwest in Telangana to Eluru in
A.P. in the southeast. The Gondwana sedimentation
The Pakhal Basin was characterised by the began with a glacial climate. The bulk of the strata,
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

deposited since the dessication of glacial conditions during the eruption of lavas, there came into being
were laid down as a thick series of fluviatile and some streams and freshwater lakes in which fluviatile
lacustrine sediments with intercalated plant remains and lacustrine deposits like sandstone, marl and
which were ultimately converted into seams of coal. limestone were deposited. These are the
By the end of early Cretaceous (150 Ma) India “intratrapeans” and “intertrappeans”. The association
got separated from the Gondwana land and of fossil algae, charophyte and foraminifera with the
commenced its northward journey by opening and intertrappeans near Rajahmundry represented
spreading of the Indian Ocean under the influence of estuarine conditions of deposition.
plate tectonics as a result of which the Bay of Bengal After the cessation of the volcanic activity, there
was formed. The northward drift of India continued was a lull in the geological history of the Indian
till its collision against the Eurasian plate around 65 Peninsula for a brief period. The lateritisation
Ma giving birth to the mighty Himalayas and triggering processes (chemical weathering), which commenced
prolific outpourings though long narrow fissures of during the Tertiary period became vigorous during
enormous volumes of lava that flowed as nearly the Quaternary under the influence of intense
horizontal sheets occupying large areas of western, monsoonal climate giving rise to laterite cappings in
central and southern India. These are basaltic in the upland region. There are evidences of uplift even
composition and are commonly known as the Deccan during the Quaternary and the processes of physical
Traps which are seen in the area to the west and and chemical weathering and deposition continue to
northwest of Hyderabad prior to and intermittently operate and modify the present day physiography.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A


The state of Telangana is endowed with many hirlopeanus, Ceratodus negeshwari; amphibian
fossil occurrences. Various important stratigraphic fossils of Metaposaurs (Upper Triassic) namely
horizons are represented in the Telangana state. Metaposaurus maleriensis; reptilian fossils of
Cynodonts namely Exaeretodon species,
Stromatolites are reported to occur near
Rhyncosaurus, Paradapedon huxleyi, Phytosaurs
Venkatapuram, in the Gunjeda Formation of Pakhal namely Parasuchus hislopi, Pseudosuchians similar
Basin in Khammam district. The Sromatolitic dolomite to Typothorax; Eosuchian namely Malerisaurus
of the Mallampalli Group, Pakhal Supergroup varying robinsonae and Coelurosaurs; invertebrates viz. a
from grey to pink is identified as Colonella in Bejjur Uninoid namely Tikia sp. are present in the Maleri
mandal, Adilabad district. Formation. A portion of the palatine with teeth of
The Trace fossil Planolites is reported from the Rhyncosaur sp. was recovered from lime pellet rock
Banaganpalli Quartzite occurring at the Northwestern near Kushnepalli, Karimnagar.
fringes of Proterozoic Kurnool basin in the vicinity of Fossils of reptiles viz. Archosauria,
Nagarjunsagar. Prosauropods, large Plateosaurid and small
The Gondwana Basin spread over Khammam, Theridontoxurid are present in Dharmaram Formation
Warangal, Karimnagar and Adilabad districts are of Triassic age. Caudal vertebrae and chevrons
reported to contain may vertebrates and invertebrates closely related to Kotasaurus were found near
that are characteristic of Gondwanas. Noteworthy Kurumapally village of Adilabad district.
among them are the fossil wood from Kamthi The fauna from Kota Formation of Gondwanas
Formation in Paloncha, Kothagudem area and the includes fossils of fishes viz. Semionotidae, Lepitodes
dinosaur bones of the Kota Formation, Adilabad deccanensis, Peradapedium egertoni,
district. The Karharbari flora represented by Tetragonolepis oldhami; Pholiodophoridae namely
Glossopteris and Gangamopteris is known from Pholodophorus kingii, Pholodophorus indicus;
Kamthi Formation in Manuguru area, Khammam Coelacanthidae namely Indocoelocanthus robustus;
District. Hybodontid Sharks; reptiles viz. Sauropod dinosaur
namely Kotasaurus yemanpalliensis and
The fossilized skeleton of the dinosaur
Barapasaurus tagorei, dinosaurian teeth belonging
Kotasaurus yamanpalliensis occurring in the Kota
to Ornithischian dinosaurs (Fabrosauridae), three
Formation was discovered by GSI in Yamanapalli
types of isolated teeth belonging to dinosaurs
area of Adilabad district, which was studied,
comparable to Lesothosaurus; flying reptiles viz.
reconstructed and housed at Birla Science Museum,
some fragmentary crocodilian remains,
Hyderabad. An articulated skeleton of
Dimorphodontida viz. Pterosaurs, two isolated teeth
Rhynchosaurus was excavated from Maleri
of Lower Jurassic Pterosaur namely
Formation near Kataram, Karimnagar disrict and is Campylognathoides indicus, Ramphorhynchus
displayed in the museum of Geological Survey of and micromammals including Triconodonts,
India, Southern Region, Hyderabad. Symmetrodonts, Therian, Spalacotheriids and
The rocks of Maleri and Dharmaram Formations Nakunodon. Kota clay samples from Jakkepalli,
of Upper Triassic and the Kota Formation of Jurassic Metpalli and Lingal, Adilabad district yielded
age containing abundant fauna and occur in Ostracodes and Gyrogonites namely Praechara sp.
Kakkepalli, Jilleda, Lingala, Metpalli, Naikampet, Incisors of early Mammals are also reported from
Kalvada and Chinna Inam areas in Pranhita-Godavari Kota Formation. The invertebrates include a few
valley. Fossils of Dipnoi fishes namely Ceratodus fragmentary freshwater molluscan shells belonging
virapa, Ceratodus hunterrianus, Ceratodus to Perreysia sp.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Fragments of limb bone, rib bones and premaxillary from these beds near Mudimiyala in Ranga Reddy
tooth of a carnivore dinosaur; vertebrae of a turtle district and Ada in Adilabad district. Mammalian fauna
and a primitive reptile; fragmentary limb bone of a comprising tribosphenic Eutherian-Metatherian types
turtle; a portion of a mandible from Mesosuchian and nontribospenic Gondwanatheriids and other
crocodyliformes, an isolated tooth of microvertebrate faunas are reported from Naskal,
crocodyliformes; microvertebrates viz. Piscian Bacharam and adjoining areas. Cretaceous
isolated teeth, Pterosaur isolated teeth, Perciformes micromammals including isolated teeth and other
isolated teeth; invertebrates including shells of dental remains of eutherian mammals represented by
freshwater bivalves Perreysia sp.; other microfossils
the genus Deccanolestes viz. tribosphenic molars from
viz. Ostracodes belonging to Cypridacea,
Deccanolestes hispoli and Deccanolestes robustus,
Darwinulacea and Cytheracea and Gyrogonites were
hypsodont, rodent like molars of Gonwanatheriids
recovered from the marly horizon underlying limestone
of Kota formation, NE of Jakkepalli. namely Gondwanatherium patagonium and
Gondwanatherium rangapurensis. Microverte
The Mesozoic Inter and Infra Trappean beds brates known from Naskal include fishes namely
exposed around west of Hyderabad in parts of Ranga Igdabatis indicus, Picnodous sp, Stephanodus sp,
Reddy, Medak and Nizamabad districts are known
Lepidotes sp, Apatedus striatus, Lepisoteus indica,
to contain fossils such as micromammals, invertebrates
Pycnodous lametae and Stephanodus lybycus.
namely Physa sp, Unio sp., Charophytes namely
Sahnitherium, crocodiles and fish ootoliths are
Peckichara varians, Platychara sp., Microchara
and Ostracodes namely Paracypretta jonesei, recovered from intertrappean sediments near
Cyprois sp. Fragments of dinosaurs are also reported Rangapur, Medak district.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A


COAL FIELDS 600 m. The coal from this belt is non-metallurgical

The Pranahita-Godavari Valley Coalfield defines and therefore can be used in power generation,
a major NNW-SSE trending basin belt of cement, fertilizers and railways.
Precambrian platform. This linear belt extends form 2. DORLI-BELAMPALLI COAL BELT
north of Boregaon, Maharashtra in the north up to
An area of about 375 sq km in the
Eluru on the East Coast of Andhra Pradesh. It follows
the course of Godavari and Pranahita rivers for over
Belampalli sector, located in the northern part of the
a length of about 470 km. Though there is a geological
Godavari Valley Coalfields of Andhra Pradesh was
continuity of the Gondwana sediments from one
geologically mapped. A thick pile of Lower
extremity to the other, the sector for a length of about
Gondwana rocks of the Talchir-, Barakar, Barren
350 km lying mostly in Telangana in usually referred
Measure, Lower Kamthi, Middle Kamthi, and Upper
to as the Pranahita-Godavari or Godavari Valley
Kamthi Formations resting unconformably over a
Coalfield, while the adjacent part in Maharashtra is
basement of Pre-cambrian rocks of the Sullavai and
designated as the Wardha Valley Coalfield.
Pakhal Formations are met within the area. The
The Godavari Valley Coalfield covers an area Gondwana rocks of the Ramakrishnapur-
of about 17,000 sq km bounded latitudes 16°38' Mandamari-Somagudem-Belampalli sector
and 19°32' and longitudes 79°12' and 81°39'. The unconformably overlie Sullavai rocks in the southern
coalfield has an average width of 55 km, though there part of the area and Sullavai and, Pakhal rocks in the
is a well defined constriction in the Paloncha- northern part, and are homoclinally disposed with
Kothagudem area where it is only 6 km. low to moderate dips. The strike trend of the
The geomorphic setting of the coalfield is in a Gondwana sediments varies between NW-SE to N-
major graben flanked by Precambrian uplands. The S, the mean trend being NNW-SSE. The dips are
Gondwana basin has a monotonous undulating easterly at angles of up to 29°, the common range
topography and represents a peneplained surface. being 10 - 15°. Much higher dips and erratic strike
trends are noticed in the vicinity of a few faults. The
The coalfield is drained by the rivers Godavari dips are generally much gentler in the northern part
and Pranahita and their tributaries Wardha, Munner, compared to the southern part. There is also
Indravati, Sabari, Kinerasana and Telperu etc. considerable variation in strike and dip in different
A. COAL BELTS faulted blocks, due to variable throws along faults.
1. MERI PALLI – KAGHAZNAGAR COAL The strike trend of the basement (Sullavai and
BELT Pakhals) is also similar to the strike trend of the
Gondwanas, but the dips are much steeper, of the
The Sirpur-Kaghaznagar in Adilabad district is order of 15 to 50° with an average of about 25°, the
the northern extremity of the NNW-SSE trending basement-Gondwana contact being a distinct
Godavari valley coal field. This belt extends between unconformity. Also evidences of folding are seen in
Kaghaznagar and Meripalli in Adilabad district. The the Pakhals and Sullavais at places. The dips in the
coal bearing sequence is associated with the Barakar basal part of the Upper Kamthis are sub-horizontal,
and lower Kamthi formations of early Cretaceous to low, compared to the higher dips observed in the
age. The thicknesses of the coal seams vary from underlying Middle Kamthi and the overlying Upper
2 m – 6 m. Kamthi strata. The Middle-Upper Kamthi contact
Exploration for coal in this belt is carried out by may, therefore, be an unconformity.The Lower
GSI, MECL and Singareni Colleries Company Ltd. Gondwana rocks are disposed in a homoclinal fashion
(SCCL). The reserves are proved upto a depth of with easterly dips and the Upper Kamthi Formtion,

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

the youngest rocks of the Lower Gondwana Group of the geological data such generated have led
are overlain on the downdip side by rocks of the towards the identification of Barakar Formation,
Yerrapalli and Bheemaram Formations of the Upper Barren Measures as well as Lower and Middle
Gondwana Group. Members of Kamthi Formation; resting over Sullavai
Formation/Gneisses with a faulted contact.
Important coal blocks taken by GSI in this coal Important coal blocks taken by GSI are (a)
belt is Ramakrishnapuram-Mandamari block and Satrajpally (b) Bhopalpally-Chelpur-Peddapur (c)
Somagudem coal block. Lakshmidevipet (d) Palampet-Venkatapur (e)
Northern extension of Venkatapur (g) Govindraopet-
In the Ramakrishnapuram-Mandamari coal
block, an area of 130 sq km bounded by co-
ordinates, latitude 18°45' to 18°52'30" and The Satrajpally block located in the West-
longitudes 79°28' to 79°35'15" has been mapped. A Central part of the NW-SE trending Godavari Valley
full sequence of the Lower Gondwana Group Coalfield and covers an area of about 12 sq kms. An
comprising Talchir Barakar, Barren Measure and area of about 170 sq km in parts of Toposheet
Kamthi Formations are found here. The Precambrian 56N/15 was covered in the Bhopalpalli-Chelpur
Sullavai Formation forms the basement. Exploratory area, district Warangal, situated in the central part
drilling has proved the presence of seven regionally of the Godavari Valley Coalfields. The area exposes
persistent coal seams in Barakar and in the Lower rocks of the Lower Gondwana Group (Talchir-
part of the Kamthi Formations. Barakar and Barren Measures Formations) resting
unconformably over a Precambrian basement of
4. CHINNUR-CHANDRUPALLI COAL Sullavai Formation, which consists of massive well-
BELT bedded, red quartzitic sandstones. The general
A full sequence of the Lower Gondwana strike of the Sullavai and Lower Gondwana rocks is
formations comprising Talchir, Barakar, Barren NW-SE with low dips of upto 22° towards
Measure and Kamthi formations are exposed in the northeast. The average dips are of the order of 13 -
Chinnur area. The Precambrian Sullavai Group from 15°. The Lower Gondwana rocks of the area are
the basement and the entire Gondwana sequence has affected by 6 major strike faults and two transverse
been repeated due to set of faults and consequently faults and are repeated at least 4 times in the area.
the area of exploration has been divided into ‘Eastern’ There are no outcrops of coal seams in the area. But
and ‘Western’ sectors. eight correlatable coal seams and a few local seams
have been identified on the basis of drill hole data.
Regional exploration for coal in
Important coal blocks taken by GSI are Lakshmidevipet area of Godavari Valley Coalfield
Ramagundam and Khammampally blocks. has been carried out covering an area of about 10
The Ramagundam block: The exploration by It lies contiguously to the South East of
drilling carried out so far by GSI has resulted in Chelpur-Bhopalpally block. No significant coal seam
establishing coal reserves aggregating to about 1665 has been intersected in the boreholes drilled in
million tones. Lakshmidevipet area during the period.
In the Khammampally block, regional The Pallampet-Venkatpur block covering an
exploration for coal in Khammampalli Area in the area of 50 sq km has been taken up. Around 50
south-eastern extension of Ramagundem Mining boreholes were drilled with a total meterage of
Block was carried out and a total of 3639.00m of 17,461.05m showing two coal bearing horizons, one
drilling was achieved in 11 boreholes. Compilation in Lower Kamthi and another in Barakar Formation

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

separated by 450-500mt thick barren zone. The area 8. MANUGURU-CHERLA COAL BELT
may be subdivided into three structural segments (i)
Important coal blocks taken by GSI are (a)
Southern Barakar-Barren measures segment with
Cherla-Singavaram area (b) Manuguru-Bugga area
max development of Kamthi coal seams,(ii) North-
(c) Bugga-Khammamtogu sector (d) Pagaderu
western segment with development of Kamthi coal
(West) sector
seams and (iii) North-central Barren measure-
Barakar segment with repeated strata. Six major The Manuguru-Bugga area, situated in the
strike faults with throw of 15m to 700m caused Khammam district Telangana lies between Latitudes.
repetition and displacement of strata and equal 17°55' and 17°59' N and Long ides 80°44" and
number of transverse faults have also considerably 80°57’E. It is located along thenortheastern fringe
displaced the rock strata. Coal seams are best of the Godavari basin of the Gondwana graben of
developed in the southern structural segments where the Godavari Valley coal fields and extends in an
eight regionally persistent coal seams of Barakar approximately ENE-WSW direction over a strike
Formation were proved over strike length of 12 km. length of about 14 km. from the Godavari River on
The northern extension of the Venkatapur Block the east to near Bugga in the west. The Manuguru-
was taken for an area of 16 sq km in the Warangal Bugga area comprises a sequence of Lower
district, Telangana Gondwana rocks viz. from bottom to top Talchir,
The Govindraopet-Rangapur-Pasra block Barakar, Barren Measure, Lower-Middle-and
was taken in TS 65 B/3 & 4 in the Warangal district, Upper Kamthi Formations resting unconformably on
Telangana. Based on the pattern and type of the rocks of the Pakhal Formation of Precambrian age.
faulting, the area may be subdivided into three The contact between the various Lower Gondwana
structural sectors viz. Sector-I in the south eastern Formations is conformable and gradational.
part of the area with tilted segment and
Bugga-Khammamtogu sector
intraformational strike faults. Sector-II in the
northwestern part of the area dominated by oblique The exploration revealed the presence of the
faults causing distortion of strata. Sector-IIIA & III- litho-assemblages of Lower Kamthi, Barren
B in the north and central part with strike normal Measures, Barakar, Talchir Formations and
faults in Supra Barakars. underlying metamorphic basement based on the
7. KOYAGUDEM – ANISETHIPALLI – subsurface data derived from the boreholes drilled
MANUBOTHULAGUDEM COAL BELT in the study area. The general strike of the litho units
recorded in the area is N55°E-S55°W with dips
Lingala-Koyagudem area under investigation varying between 8°-12° northwesterly. The area has
forms the southeast continuity of Mulug belt of been affected by a number of normal step and
main Godavari Valley Coalfields, exposing Lower transverse faults affecting the sediments of the area.
Gondwana Group of rocks from western margin to The study reveals the occurrence by Lower Kamthi
eastern margin in down dip direction. The Lower Formation characterised by yellowish brown, medium
Gondwana sequence starts from Talchir formation to coarse grained, at places gritty to pebbly,
which unconformably rests over metamorphic feldspathic cross bedded sandstone intercalated with
basement. Lower Coal Measures, (cf. Barakar grey shale, carbonaceous shale and interbanded coal
Formation) Middle Measures (Barren Measures) and seam zones.
Upper, Coal Measures (cf. Kamthi/Raniganj
Formation) are reported overlying Talchir Formation Pagaderu (West) Sector
in ascending order. The western margin in this area The exploration revealed the presence of the
shows boundary fault abutting Barakar Formation litho-assemblages of Lower Kamthi, Barren
against metamorphic. Measures, Barakar, Talchir Formations and

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

underlying metamorphic basement based on the the basin are parallel to the major faults within the
subsurface data derived from the boreholes drilled in basement running NE-SW. These faults are
the study area. The general strike of the litho units evidenced by the presence of slickensides,
recorded in the area is N70°E-S70°W with dips silicification, ferruginisation, dislocation of lithounits,
varying between 8°-12° northwesterly. The area has quartz breccias, straight nala course and water
been affected by a number of normal step and seepage area. From field relation, it may be
transverse faults affecting the sediments of the area. interpreted that for NW-SE fault, successive down
9. KOTHAGUDEM – PENGADAPA COAL thrown blocks are towards NE which resulted in a
BELT graben like structure in the central part of this part of
sub basin.
In Kothagudem subbasin, GSI has taken
following blocks (a) Erragunta (b) Dharmacherla- Pennabally block: The Pennabally block is
Abbugudem (c)Ramapuram (d)Ayenapalam located in the Kothagudem sub basin. The
(e) Kotahgudem-Pengadapa (f) Pennabally. Gondwana sequence in this area rest on a gneissic
basement of Precambrian age. The sequence
Erragunta block in the district of Khammam, comprises a lithopile of Barakar, Barren Measure,
Telangana is located in the southern part of the main Lower Kamthi and Middle Kamthi formations. The
basin. Two conglomerate horizons dipping towards Gondwana sediments have a general strike of N
each other, having an affinity to upper member of 55º W – S 55º E with 10º-15º northeasterly dip.
Kamthi formation have been mapped in the area. Regional exploration for in coal Penaballi block has
Most of the area is largely covered by sub-recent indicated the presence of broadly four regionally
sediments. Conglomerate, pebbly sandstone and a persistent coal-carbonaceous shale zones in
number of clay horizons including variegated clay, Barakar Formation. In addition, a number of
Red brown clay, chocolate clay with rootlets coal seams belonging to both Barakar and
(Palaeosol) and silicified sandstone have been Lower Kamthi formations have been intersected
intersected in the two boreholes, drilled in this area. in boreholes. Thinning, splitting and facies variation
No coal seams/zone-intersected in this area. The of the seams/bands within coal seam zones are
general strike of lithounits is NW-SE, in conformity quite often and the correlation of Coal Seam Zones
with the regional strike of Godavari basin. Two is difficult.
conglomerate horizons along with other lithounits are
In the Kothagudem-Pengadapa block of GSI,
running along NW-SE direction and are dipping
drilling along with mapping of an area of about 135
towards each other i.e. eastern unit is dipping towards
sq. km. on scale 1:25,000 and about 15 sq km on
SW and western unit is dipping towards NE. The
scale 1:10,000 was done. A thick homoclinal
amount of dip is varying from 6° to 12° and near
sequence of Lower Gondwana rocks of the Talchir-
fault it is varying from 18° to 26°. Two conglomerate
Barakar-Barren Measures-Lower Kamthi and
horizons are merging towards each other near
Middle Kamthi Formations resting unconformably on
Kottugudem village. This may be due to the dragging
the Archaean Gneissic complex are met with in the
effect of a NW-SE running fault present between
area. The area is dissected by 25 gravity faults. In
them, resulted in an apparent closure of two
the northern part of the area 9 transverse to oblique
faults appear to radiate from the Gautam Khani area.
The area is affected by numerous faults, major In addition 4 oblique to transverse faults hading east
sets are (i) NW-SE ii) NE-SW. The NW- SE set or southeast and one strike fault hading SW have
are parallel to the formation boundary but NE-SW also been inferred. In the southern part 5 faults trend
faults are cross faults. The faults have been picked more or less parallel to the strike and 5 are oblique
from geocoded sheet (Imageries) and thereafter to transverse. Most of the transverse faults have a
confirmed by field checks. The cross faults within southeasterly hade and two of them have throw of

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

over 200 m. - 250 m. Fault F25 along the northern The major geological units exposed in the area
margin of the area separates the ‘Paloncha neck’ area are Khammam Group of Archaean age, Peninsular
on the north from the Kothagudem basin on the south. Gneissic Complex-II of Archaean to
There are no outcrops of coal seams in the area. Palaeoproterozoic age and Pakhal Supergroup of
In the Dharamcherla-abbugudem block Mesoproterozoic age sediments.
work was carried out around Dhamaracherla The Iron-ore is mainly occurring in two
(Lat: 17 22' 30" and Long:80 40' 00") Abbugudem stratigraphic horizons. They are 1) The first horizon
(Lat:17 22' 46" and 80 40' 13") in the toposheet is in Khammam Group in the form of banded hematite
No.65 C/11 within the confines of Kothagudem sub- magnetite quartzite, which is of low-grade iron-ore
basin. In Dhamaracherla and Abbugudem areas, there and 2. The second one is within the Gunjeda and
are three major coal seams, one occurring in Lower Pandikunta Formations of Mallampalli Group of
member of Kamthi Formation and two in Barakar Pakhal Supergroup as detached lens shaped bodies
Formation. of hematite, which is of high-grade iron ore. The hills
10. YELLANDU COAL BELT lying west of the Archaean-Pakhal contact are mainly
capped with steeply dipping banded hematite
Yellandu outlier - an elliptical plunging magnetite quartzite noticed at 1.25 km west of Utla
asymmetrical synform detached by approximately 20 (17° 47' 15" : 80° 02' 30"), 0.75 km north and 1 km
km from the western margin of the main Gondwana south east of Vampu Tanda (17° 50' 00" : 80° 01'
Basin Belt of Godavari Valley Coalfield was the birth 15") and 1-2 km west and southeast of Gurimalla
place of coal mine in the Southern India way back in (17° 41' 30" : 80° 04' 00"). The banded rock
1889. So far the mining activity was confined to the contained fine alternating bands of quartz and iron
east of the central axis (faulted) of the basin to oxides (mostly magnetite with little hematite). The
excavate power grade coal by mining mainly the iron amphiboles, viz., cummingtonite and grunerite
Queen and King seams of Barakar Formation by are more commonly present. The mineral magnetite
underground working coupled with large open cast contains traces of titanium. These iron bands contain
projects which came up during recent years. iron oxide (magnetite > hematite) only upto 1/3rd of
Two coal measures were identified in the the total rock and the remaining being mostly silica
area associated respectively with Lower Member and silicate minerals. These rocks are low-grade
of Kamthi Formation and Barakar Formation. The iron ores with iron content ranging from 22% - 28%.
intervening litho assemblage is predominantly coal Their reserves are estimated to be about 40 million
famished barring sporadic occurrence of tonnes.
carbonaceous shale bands with coal laminae and Detached lens shaped bodies of haematite of all
designated as Barren Measures. grades in Pakhals are seen exclusively confined to
B. OTHER MINERAL BELTS the peaks and hilltops in the area. This iron bearing
Pakhal belt trends in a NNW-SSE direction over a
1. BAYYARAM IRON ORE BELT strike length of 50 km extending from Sripuram in
The Bayyaram Iron-Ore Belt is situated in the south to Kottagudem in the north. The haematite
between Sripuram (17° 31' 20" : 80° 10' 00") in the lenses are occurring in association with quartzites of
south of Khammam district to Kottagudem (17° 54' Gunjeda Formation and Quartzites and shale of
40" : 80° 33' 35") in the north of Warangal district of Pandikunta Formation. The iron-ore bands are
Telangana. The Iron-Ore Belt extends in a NNW- conformable to the country rock having a variable
SSE direction over a strike length of 50 km along the thickness of 3-15 m. But the thickness of iron-ore
western contact of Pakhals with the rocks of bands, as revealed from borehole data, ranges from
Khammam Group and Peninsular Gneissic Complex- 15 m – 40 m. The iron ore consists mainly of
II (PGC-II). haematite with subordinate amount of limonite, jasper,

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

chert and some siderite too. The haematite is brownish toposheet no.65 C/7. Yenkur (17°19'30'' :80°26'30'')
red or steel grey in colour and massive in nature. is the main biggest village in the area and all the
Development of concretionary and botryoidal chromite occurrences fall within a radius of five
structures is noticed on a large scale when Ores are kilometres. Yenkur is connected to Tallada (12 km)
poor in iron content. in the south and Kothagudem (35 km) in the north
Of all the iron ore occurrences examined in the by a tarmac road. The area forms a gently undulating
area, the Bayyaram iron-Ore is the thickest and is a terrain intervening the Eastern Ghats mobile belt and
high grade heamatite. In addition to the insitu ores, the Karnataka and the Bastar Cratons. Chimalpahad
the float ore is found as boulders ranging from 2 to 9 hill ranges on the north, Gabbagurti and Kannegiri
inches in size down to a depth of 10 feet and over in hills in the south west and south east with intervening
the talus cover noticed at 1 km WNW and 4.5 km valleys. The central part of the area is nearly a
NNW of Motla Timmapuram (17° 41'15" : 80° 07' peneplained with maximum and minimum elevations
05") and 0.5 km SW of Ramagundala (17° 38' 00" : being are 632 m and 110 m above MSL respectively
80° 08' 00"). The total insitu ore (8.7 m.t.) and float in the northeastern and southeastern part of the area.
ore (2.3 m.t.) reserves of Pakhal belt are estimated Boggugutta Vagu and Narsapu Vagu are the southerly
to contain 11 m.t. of iron ore with 54% - 65% Fe of flowing streams in the south and Tummala Vagu in
hematite of all grades. Sarma and Choudhary (1974), the easterly flowing stream in the northeast of the
based on the drilling carried out in the upper iron-ore area. Drainage pattern is mostly sub-parallel to
body of Bayyaram Gutta, estimated a reserve of 2.22 rectilinear with minor ephemeral streams exhibitting
m.t. of iron-ore of < 55% grade, 0.71 m.t. of 55% - a dendritic pattern.
60% grade and 0.34 m.t. of plus 60% grade. The
The chromite occurrences in association with
SiO2 ranges from 4% to 39%, Al2O3 from 0.2% to
5.4%, P- 0.03% and S < 0.1%. meta ultramafic rocks occur in isolated places in five
blocks viz. Lingannapeta, Konnayapalem, Jannaram,
The Pakhal iron-ores are thicker and richer in Sriramagiri and Garla Vaddu (17°18'15":80°26').
Bayyaram and gradually become thinner towards These are distributed in an arcuate pattern from
northwest. While the Khammam Group iron-ore is Jannaram in the southwest through Lingannapeta in
practically insignificant in the southern part but the north to Garla Vaddu in the southeast. The
assumes massive proportions in the northwestern part Sriramagiri block is under lease-hold to Ferro Alloys
of the area. Corporation (FACOR). Chromite deposits in
Small veins of barytes associated with the shale Lingannapeta block, Konnayapalem block and
and quartzite of Pandikunta Formation are recorded Jannaram block have been explored by drilling. The
at 1.5 km southeast of Nagaram (17° 32' 00" : 80° chromite mineralisation is confined to the isolated
31' 50") and 1.25 km NW of Regulagudem (17° 30' ultramafic bodies towards south of the major gabbro-
20": 80° 13' 30"). The Ba SO4 content varies from anorthosite complex. It occurs as lenses and pods of
96% - 99%. A total reserve of 2 lakh tonnes upto a limited extent. They occur parallel to the structures
depth of 15 m is estimated. of the enclosing rocks. Relatively large lenses of
2. KONNAYAPALEM CHROMITE chromite were seen where ultramafics predominate
over the associate suite of rocks. The chromite lenses
The chromite deposits of Lingannapeta,
vary in size from 9 to 40 m in length and 2 to 13 m in
Konnayapalem and Jannaram are situated in the
width. Besides these float ore occurs in Jannaram
northeastern part of Dharwar Craton in Khammam
and Lingannapeta blocks wherein Chromite values
district of Telangana and are known for their float as
range from 7.61% to 32.05%.
well as a few in-situ chromite occurrences bounded
by latitude 17°18'00'' N and 17°22'30'' N and The ultramafic body of Lingannapeta block is
longitude 80°24'E and 80°29'E in Survey of India the largest compared to other blocks. In this block,
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Haematite, Bayyrarm Iron ore belt, west of Motlatimmapuram, Khammam district, Telangana
(Photo by Shri N. Nandhagopal, Senior Geologist)

Iron ore, South of Nilavancha, 65C/2, Bayyaram ,Warangal district, Telangana

(Photo by Shri N. Nandhagopal, Senior Geologist)

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

an insitu chromite lens is seen enclosed within the Penganga Group non conformably overlies the PGC-
serpentinised dunite, pyroxenite and websterite. A II. The infratrappean conglomerate and sandstone
borehole in this block has intersected a thick pile of separates the basalt flows of Deccan Trap from the
ultramafic assemblage along with three chromite underlying PGC-II and Penganga Group.Important
lenses. Amongst three blocks explored, the deposits are located in the areas of Tamsi, Goatkur-
Lingannapeta block has the highest ore and proved Guda (19°46':78°29'35'') Pipparikunta
to contain maximum chromite. (19°44'40''78°28'25''), Goatkur, Jamadapur (19°43'
48": 79°31'20"), Metguda-Kanpa (19°38'30''
The Konnayapalem block is characterised by
78°39'50'') and Mesala Khurd.
three layered ultramafic bodies of which two were
intersected by drilling. The first ultramafic body The manganese ore admixed with chert/jasper
occupies an area of 400 sq m ( based on presence occurs associated with the middle part of Goatkur
of float ore) while the second body is about 300 m Limestone belonging to Penganga Group. The ore
southeast of the first one and hosts an in-situ chromite mineral assemblage comprising mainly oxides and
lens of 10 m x 2 m. In the Jannaram block the in-situ hydroxides of manganese intercalated with jasper
chromite lens is about 12.5 m x 2 m with very shallow chert, is unmetamorphosed and unaltered retaining
depth persistence. its original syngenetic characters. The ore minerals
include wad, pyrolusite, manganite and minor
Ultramafic bodies in these areas are concealed
psilomalene. The various types of manganese ores
under soil cover without adequate outcrops making
include i)banded, brownish black, dull, earthy, light
difficult to understand their structure and morphology. and porous type with thin jasper/chert films forming
Further, occurrence of float chromite as wellworn the major proportion of the ore in all occurrences;
boulders, at places, in huge quantity remained (ii) black/brownish black, compact heavy ore with
migmatic with regard to its origin. The mafic - metallic lustre, devoid of banding occurs in association
ultramafic units of the assemblage display inch scale with the porous type eg. Goatkur-Guda, Tamsi and
layering which is persistent for a few hundreds of Pipparikunta areas; (iii) Steelgrey ore with metallic
metres. In the thickened portions (sheaths) of the zone lustre in Pipparikunta mine and iv) Steel grey granular
the layering is well pronounced, and the ultramafic ore with metallic lustre in the form of thin minor veins
units generally out number the mafic members. In traversing the above three types of ore in all the
addition to fairly large lenses of chromite intersected occurrences.
by drilling, the ultra mafic sheaths might contain lenses
of limited dimension of the same size as that of the 4. COPPER BELT, MAILARAM AREA,
float some of which were released because of the KHAMMAM DISTRICT
deeply eroded nature of the terrain. The area of Mailaram Copper belt bounded by
3. MANGANESE BELT, ADILABAD North latitudes 17° 35' to 17° 50' and East longitudes
DISTRICT, TELANGANA 80° 30' to 80° 45' and falls in Khammam district of
Telangana. Kothagudem, an important town, known
Manganese Ore Occurrences/ deposits of for the mining activity is located to the south of the
Adilabad are distributed in a 40 km linear belt from area. The Khammam-Yellandu-Bhadrachalam road
Gullughat 19°48' : 78°27' in the WNW to Mesala passes through Sullanagar and Kottapalvoncha
Khurd 19°40':76°45' in the ENE in Adilabad district villages in the central part. The area comprises of
of Telangana. Geologically, the area is occupied by rocks of Khammam Group and Chimalpahad gabbro
granite and gneiss traversed by quartz/pegmatite veins Anorthosite Complex (CAC) of Archaean age,
belonging to Peninsular Gneissic Complex-II (PGC- Peninsular Gneissic Complex-II (PGC-II) of
II), arenite, argillite with interbedded carbonate Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic age, Pakhal
sequence comprising of Penganga Group and basalt Supergroup of Mesoproterozoic age and Gondwana
flows with infratrappearns of Deccan Trap. The Supergroup of early Permian to lower Triassic age.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

The Pakhal sediments unconformably overlie schists reveals presence of well defined E-W and NW-SE
and gneisses and the Gondwana sediments overlie trending faults and fractures. The foliation in migmatite
Pakhal sediments or gneiss/schist and their contact is gneiss trends NNW-SSE to NE-SW with steep dips
normal but faulted at places. The Khammam Group on either side. In the Maddur-Kotakonda area, E-
comprises of amphibolite, quartz-sericite schist, calc- W trending major fractures and NE-SW trending
silicate rock and banded magnetite quartzite (BMQ). minor tensional fractures are the controls for the
Copper occurs in the grey and blue quartz veins emplacement of kimberlite. Maddur and Kotakonda
intruding the quartz-chlorite schist of the Khammam clusters of kimberlites are associated with major E-
Group in the Mailaram area. The copper deposit in W faults and resultant fractures developed due to
Mailaram Block consists of two ore shoots ,viz., the reactivation of E-W fractures.
main and the central ore shoots and the northern ore The Narayanpet field (NKF) contains 37
lens, as 2 parallel lodes, the Hanging wall lode and kimberlite pipes of which 16 pipes are shown in this
the Footwall lode. The ore shoots are estimated to mineral belt map. These were emplaced during
contain 8.45 lakh tonnes of copper ore upto a depth Proterozoic, having age range of 1000-1300 my. The
of 70 to 240 metres, along the plane of mineralisation. kimberlites of this field are small bodies except the
The mineralisation, besides Mailaram area, occurs in Kotakonda and Vinjamur Kimberlites (KK-1 and
Bayar, Sarakkal and Venkatapuram areas. KK-2) which are about 2 km in length with width
5. NARAYANAPET KIMBERLITE BELT varying from 20m to 100m. The outcrops are very
few and sparse and are generally of 1 m x 2m in
Kimberlites were located by GSI around size.The kimberlites are oval, elliptical and linear in
Maddur and Narayanpet areas in Mahabubnagar shape The morphological, textural and mineralogical
district, Telangana, The new field is referred to as characters of the pipe rock indicate that they are
Narayanpet Kimberlite Field (NKF) where kimberlite eroded to near root zone level. The kimberlites are
occurs in three clusters viz: Maddur, Narayanpet and usually weathered and altered with a thin layer of
Kotakonda and is located 200 km north of the calcrete/ or covered by colluvium. However, a few
Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field and extends 60 km E- of them are exposed. The rock is a hard compact,
W by 40 km N-S. The NKF is located in the northern dark blue, porphyritic enclosing numerous xenoliths
part of the eastern Dharwar Craton. The rock types of country rocks. The characteristIc kimberlite
exposed are the Archaean migmatite gneisses and minerals are olivlne, perovskite phlogopite,richterite,
granites of Peninsular Gneissic Complex (PGC) with serpentine and carbonates along with xenocrysts of
enclaves of supracrustal rocks. chromediopside. Chrome-spinel, picro-ilmenite are
Satellite imagery and Aerial photointerpretation recorded in varying proportions in different pipes.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana


Telangana is endowed with a variety of mineral The state has the distinction of having produced
deposits. Significant mineral deposits, namely, ferrous, many of the historically famous diamonds like the
non-ferrous and noble metals, precious & semi- Koh-i-noor, the Great Mogul, the Hope and the
precious stones, strategic and other industrial minerals Orloff which were recovered from gravels of river
are found in diverse geological formations ranging Krishna near Kolluru and Chandralapadu in A.P. Both
from Archaean to Proterozoic. primary and secondary source rocks of diamond
occur in different parts of the state.
The Archaean high grade metamorphic rocks
contains copper, barytes and gemstones; Dharwar Telangana has immense potential for granite
Greenstones-gold and iron ore; Peninsular Gneisses- based dimensional stone industry. The Archaean-
diamonds and precious & semi-precious stones and Proterozoic granite-gneiss terrain occupying more
than 60% of the state, is a store-house of
Eastern Ghats granulites – bauxite and dimension
multicoloured rocks.
stones. The Proterozoic rocks, confined mostly to
the intra-cratonic basins, contain basemetals, barytes, Manganese ore is mainly associated with
limestone, dolomite, diamonds, iron ores, magnesite, Penganga beds in the Pakhal Basin.
phosphorite and uranium. The late Palaeozoic- early The different economic minerals/rocks occurring
Mesozoic rocks, referred to as Gondwanas contain in the state are described below in alphabetical order.
coal deposits and clay. Major occurrences / deposits of different minerals
The mineral deposits of national importance are are listed in Annexure -I and minor occurrences are
limestone, barytes, coal, gold, diamond, dimension given in Annexure-II.
stones. The state has large reserves of different BARYTES
grades of limestone. Besides the cement grade Barytes (BaSO4) is one of the chief sources of
limestone, significant reserves of BIF, SMS and high barium. It contains 65% of BaO and occurs either
grade limestones are also found. as crystalline or massive. It can be easily identified
The coal bearing formations are confined to the by its high specific gravity. Snow white/white barytes
Godavari Valley covering an area of 17,000 sq km is generally used in chemical and paint industry and
in Telangana State occupying parts of Adilabad, to a minor extent in rubber, textile, paper, cardboard,
Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam and West leather, oil, cloth, linoleum, plastic and ceramic
Godavari districts and potential area for the coal is industries. The off-coloured barytes is used as drilling
estimated to be about 11,000 sq km. Coal seams mud in oil well drilling.
associated with the Barakar Formation are found in The baryte deposits are classified into three main
Ramagundam- Manuguru- Kothagudem-Yellandu types: 1) vein and cavity filling, 2) bedded and 3)
sectors. The total reserves of coal estimated up to residual deposits. A majority of the deposits occur
1200 m depth are of the order of 22054.58 Mt as veins or cavity fillings along fault zones. Barytes is
(April, 2011). known to occur in Khammam district. The
occurrence is mostly associated with the Pakhal
Archaean greenstone belts, the major sediments.
repositories of gold constitute the Dharwar
Supergroup. They occur as linear, narrow and sub- Khammam District
parallel N-S to NNW-SSE trending schist belts The occurrences of barytes in this district are
amidst the Peninsular Gneissic Complex. These are mostly confined to a narrow band of Pakhal
Peddavuru, Yerrraballi, Gadwal and Ghanpur schist sediments along a major NNW-SSE trending fault.
belts. The barytes occurs as lenses, stringers or veins ranging

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

in width from a few centimetres to 6 m. Maximum Banjar, Sarkal and Venkatapuram. Detailed
length of the veins is 300 m. The barytes is generally investigation by the GSI indicated significant copper
massive and often stained with iron oxides imparting mineralisation in Mailaram and Venkatapuram areas.
brown to pink colours. The main occurrences are In the Mailaram deposit, copper mineralisation
located at Rudramkota, Venkatayapalem, Gopalpur, associated with quartz veins is hosted by quartz-
Kodamur, Cheruvupuram and Pocharam. A chlorite schist. The mineralised zone extends
cumulative reserve of about 0.5 Mt was estimated discontinuously over a strike length of 1.10 km in a
up to a depth of 15 m. NE –SW trending shear zone developed parallel to
BASEMETALS (Copper, Lead and Zinc) a major anticlinal axis. Chalcopyrite is the dominant
Under basemetals, copper, lead and zinc are mineral and occurs associated with chalcocite,
described together because of their close association. covellite and pyrite. Based on detailed exploration,
The principal ores of copper are sulphides, carbonates a reserve of 0.99 Mt of ore with 1.8% Cu was
and oxides. Some of the important copper minerals indicated down to a depth of 250 m. This prospect
are chalcopyrite (Cu FeS2), chalcocite (Cu2S), was subsequently developed by the Andhra Pradesh
bornite (Cu5FeS4), covellite (CuS), native copper Mineral Development Corporation Ltd and mined
(Cu), malachite {CuCO 3 Cu(OH) 2 }, azurite for some time.
{2CuCO3Cu(OH)2} and cuprite (Cu2O). In the Venkatapuram block, located about 30
Lead is soft but a heavy metal, malleable and km east of Mailaram, copper mineralisation is in the
resistant to acids and is widely used in storage form of sulphide bearing quartz veins traversing the
batteries, cables, sanitary fittings, chemical plants, Pakhal quartzite and dolomite. Chalcopyrite is the
making alloys and paints. Lead is closely associated chief mineral which occurs as disseminations and
with zinc and silver. The important minerals of lead stringers along with pyrite and pyrrhotite. The
are galena (PbS), cerussite (PbCO3) and anglesite mineralisation is controlled by NE-SW trending shear
(PbSO4) of which galena is very common. zones. Two en echelon zones of copper mineralisation
over a cumulative strike length of 300 m was
The important zinc minerals are sphalerite (ZnS), established by drilling. The average grade of the ore
smithsonite (ZnCO3) and zincite (ZnO). Zinc is used varies between 1.27% and 1.58% Cu with widths
in making brass alloy, collapsible soft tubes and ranging from 1.5 to 5.4 m.
pigments and for soldering and coating purposes.
Besides, aerogeophysical anomalies identified in
Copper-lead-zinc mineralisation in Telangana is the Pakhal dolomite and phyllite at Venkatapalem and
associated with the Archaean metamorphics and the Ragaboyingudem were tested by drilling, Pb+ Zn +Cu
Proterozoic Formations of Pakhal Supergroup. A values recorded in general are poor.
number of basemetal occurrences are known but a
majority are confined to Mailaram belt. Old workings BUILDING STONES
are found at several locations in this belt. Multi-sensor The Archaean gneisses, granitoids and quartzite
airborne and integrated ground surveys carried out having a wide distribution are extensively used as
by the GSI followed by drilling had indicated a building stone. The dolerite dykes traversing the
number of prospects in this area. Archaean gneisses and granitoids, and the Deccan
Khammam District basalts are ideally suited as road metal. The flaggy
limestone from the Bhima basin in Tandur-Malkapur-
Copper mineralisation in this district is associated Ogipur-Bashirabad area in Ranga Reddy district and
with quartz veins in quartz-chlorite schist and quartzite Kodangal in Mahbubnagar district yields good slabs
and dolomite interbeds in phyllite of the Pakhal (Shahbad stones) for flooring. The Sullavai sandstone
Supergroup. The areas of copper mineralisation in near Chelvai in Warangal district, with spotted and
this belt include those at Mailaram, Yellambailu, ribboned appearance finds great demand for

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

decoration of buildings. The Pakhal dolomite near used as drilling mud. Based on the physico-chemical
Manditog, Jestaipalle and Bethampudi near Yellandu and mineralogical properties and their use in different
in Khammam District are in fact recrystallised to industries, clays are classified as pottery clay, fire clay,
marble of white, yellow and light pink hues making ball clay, structural clay, porcelain clay, foundry clay,
them attractive for flooring. refractory clay, ceramic clay, white-ware clay and
CHROMITE bleaching clay.
Chromite (FeCr2O4) is the chief ore of chromium, Clay deposits are found at many localities in
which is widely used in metallurgical industry for diverse geological set-ups. The clays are associated
making special steels/alloys. It is also used in mostly with Archaean gneisses, Proterozoic Pakhal
refractory and chemical industry. sediments, Gondwana and Tertiary rocks.
Minor deposits of chromite, known from Adilabad District
Khammam, occur as veins and lenses associated with
serpentinised ultrabasic rocks. Pottery clay occurs at Chanaka, Rallapet,
Pachagaon, Kallerala and Buttermal. The clay is
Khammam District associated with the Maleri Sandstone of the Upper
Several chromite occurrences are reported from Gondwanas. A reserve of about 5 Mt was estimated
Dendukuru, Gauraram, Bhimavaram, Lingannapeta, for the Pachagaon deposit which has an average of
Jannaram, Sriramagiri, Konayyapalem, Imamnagar, 22 to 25% Al2O3, 1.17 to 2.80% FeO and about
Enkuru and Kuntala. The chromite occurs mostly as 2% alkalies.
either float or detrital ore and at some places in situ.
The in situ occurrences are found as lenticular Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts
pockets in altered pyroxenite or ultramafite. A total White clays, derived mainly from the Deccan
resource of 0.187 Mt of chromite with 27.22 to Traps (basalts) and granite, occur at several localities.
42.00% of Cr2O3, 27.34% SiO2, 6.88 to 18.6% The clays, after washing can be used in the
FeO and 8.5 to 12% Al2O3 was estimated upto a manufacture of porcelain, pottery and in bleaching
maximum depth of 40 m for the Jannaram, industry and also as drilling mud. Major clay deposits
Lingannapeta and Konayyapalem areas. In addition are at Srirangapur (18 Mt), Rudravaram (3.25 Mt),
to this, a likely resource of about 15,000 t of float
Timsanipappli (10 Mt), (7.5 Mt) and Alipur (11.5
ore is available (Sarma et al 1988). In Sriramagiri
Mt) .Other significant occurrences are reported from
area, a relatively big lens of chromite with substantial
Vikarabad and Golconda.
reserve is under exploitation by the M/s Ferro Alloys
Corporation Ltd. Medak District
CLAYS Clay beds, 2 to 3 m thick, dull coloured occur
Clays are hydrous aluminium, magnesium and close to the Deccan Traps in Shekapur area occurring
iron silicates show wide variations in their chemical below 2 to 4 m thick laterite cover. The clay, after
composition. Kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite washing, can be used in chemical, porcelain and paper
constitute different clay minerals. The properties industry.
significant for utilisation of clay are plasticity, Nalgonda District
refractiveness, grain strength, dry strength, drying,
firing shrinkage, vitrification range and fired colour. Kaolinised clay associated with limestone and
Clays are used in the manufacture of cement, shale of the Kurnool Group, is found at Chintriyal on
refractories, ceramics, pigments, paper, paint, plastic, the northern bank of Krishna River. It is used in the
rubber, pesticide, fertiliser, linoleum, tiles, stoneware textile, paper, fertiliser and pesticide industries. A
pipe and pottery. Some clays, like bentonite, are reserve of about 81,200 tonnes was estimated.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

COAL basin of Godavari valley coalfield, Khammam district,

Telangana has the distinction of being the only Telangana, a coal resource of 47.19 million tonnes
major coal producing state in south India. Coal is has been tentatively assessed over an area of 6 Sq
associated with the Gondwana formations spread Km under indicated category for thick seam (Seam
over 17,000 sq km area along NNW-SSE trending thickness Beside an resource of additional 141.73
Godavari Valley extending between Sirpur in the north million tonne coal for thin seam under ‘Indicated’
( Telangana) and Eluru in the south(AP) over a length category has also been tentatively assessed. Thus,
of 350 km. The belt has a maximum width of 65 km the total coal resource including thick and thin seams
and a minimum of 6 km covering parts of Adilabad, in Pagaderu West sector assessed to be 188.92
Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam districts. million tonnes (approx).

The coal bearing sequence is associated with the Adilabad District

Barakar and Lower Kamthi (Raniganj Formation) Working coal mines are at Golet, Bellampalli,
formations of the early Cretaceous age in the Indaram, Ramakrishnapur, Mandamari and Chinnur.
intracontinental Godavari belt and Late Cretaceous Besides, significant deposits are found at Budharam,
sequence in the Krishna-Godavari coastal belt. The Samagudem and Srirampur Sarangapalli. The total
total thickness of the Gondwana sediments is more reserves of coal for all the above mentioned areas
than 2900 m as recorded in an ONGC borehole at are of the order of 1176 Mt (proved 517 Mt +
Aswaraopeta in Khammam District. The thickness probable 659 Mt.)
of the coal seams varies from 2 to 6 m and Karimnagar District
occasionally upto 20 to 25 m.
The reserves of coal in Ramagundam are 621
Exploration for coal in the Godavari Valley is Mt of proved category and 61 Mt of probable
being carried out by GSI, MECL and Singareni category. The Ramagundam area has many collieries.
Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL). Total reserves of
the coal estimated upto April 2011, are of the order Khammam District
of 22054.58 Mt upto a depth of 1200 m and proved Major mines in the district are at Kothagudem,
reserves are about 9287.95 Mt upto 600 m depth. Yellandu and important coal seams occur at
Coal from the Godavari Valley is non- Madharam. Anisettipalli, Cherla, Pengadapa,
metallurgical and hence is mostly used in power Ayyanapalem, Koyagudem, Mailaram, Sattupalli and
generation, cement, fertilizers and railways. Mulkalapalli. The total reserve for all the areas is of
the order of 875 Mt (proved 512 Mt probable
In the SW part of Kondapuram (Manuguru coal 363 M.t).
belt) of the Bugga-Khammamtogu sector within the
main basin of Godavari valley coalfield, Khammam Minor occurrences of coal are reported from
district, Telangana a tentative coal resource of 12.76 the area around Narayanapuram-Pattayagudem area
million tonnes has been assessed over an area of in the Southern sub-basin of Godavari valley coal
4.260 Sq Km within the depth range of 0.00 to 1200 field, Khammam district. Three regionally correlatable
m under indicated category for thick seam and an coal seams are reported, one within Barakar formation
additional resource of 38.09 million tonne coal is and the other two within lower Kamthi formation.
tentatively assessed from the thin seam under The individual clean coal band varies in thickness from
‘Indicated’ category. The total coal resource 0.30m to 1.48m.
assessed for the thick and thin seams in Bugga- A coal resource of 98.86 million tonnes
Khammamtogu sector assessed to be 50.85 million considering thick coal seams/bands (1.20m and
tonnes. above thickness) under ‘Inferred’ ungraded category
In the NW part of Kondapuram (Manuguru was estimated upto the depth of 1200m. Out of this
mining belt) in Pagaderu West sector within main resource, 4.96 million tonnes, 34.77 million tonnes
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Kondapuram open cast coal mines, Khammam district, Telangana

(Photo by Shri S. Ananda Murthy, Director)

Exposure of coal seam within Sathupally coal mines of SCCL.

(Photo by Shri S. Ananda Murthy, Director)

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

and 59.13 million tonnes belong to ‘Inferred’ category & KK-2) is the largest recorded so far over a length
in the depth ranges of 0m - 300m, 300m -600m and of 1.5 km and width ranging between 50 and 100 m.
600m - 1200m respectively. Besides this, additional Four kimberlite bodies are reported from
254.49 million tones of coal resource has also been Chagapuram and Maldakal area CGK-1, CGK-2,
estimated under same ‘Inferred’ ungraded category CGK-3 & CGK-4 which is a part of the
for thin coal bands (considering >0.50m and <1.20m Tungabhadra Kimberlite Field. CGK-3 is located
thickness) in the area. about 2.5 km southeast of Maldakal with surface
Warangal District manifestation of about 650m x 200m with NW-SE
longer axis, While CGK-4 kimberlite is located about
Coal deposits at Bhopalapalli are being mined.
one km northwest of Penchukalapadu with surface
Besides, significant deposits occur in Lingala,
manifestation of about 150m x 100m. In Siddanapalli
Satrajpalli, Chelpur, Peddapaur, Govindaraopeta–
area located west of Gadwal in Mahabubnagar
Oasra and Palampet – Venkatapur areas. The total
district three kimberlites, SK-1, SK-2 and SK-3
reserves for all these areas are 1881 Mt (Proved 28
were discovered by GSI. These kimberlites are
Mt and probable 1853 Mt). Total reserves of coal
known as Siddanapalli cluster forming part of Raichur
(Coal Wing News, 2004) are 8091.10 Mt (Proved),
kimberlite Field.
6092.43 Mt (Indicated) and 2513.73 Mt (Inferred)
reserves totalling to 16697.26 Million Tonnes. Nalgonda District
DIAMOND A total number of 14 thin lamproite dykes
occurring in an area of 26 sq km, emplaced along
Diamond, an allotriomorphic form of carbon, is
NW-SE trending fractures into the granite terrain on
the hardest of all the known minerals. Gem diamonds
the northern periphery of the Cuddapah Basin, have
are used for ornaments and the off coloured diamonds
been reported to occur as two clusters around
in lepidary and other industry.
Ramadugu (11) and Somavarigudem (3). These
The primary source rocks for diamond, namely, lamproite are fine grained, compact and greenish grey
kimberlite and lamproite of Late Proterozoic age are in color and consists of well rounded macro crysts of
found in Narayanpet Kimberlite Field in olivine (carbonated and serpentinised) and
Mahbubnagar District and Raichur Kimberlite Field phenocrysts of pyroxene and amphibole (chloritised
in Raichur (Karnataka) and Mahbubnagar districts. and carbonated) set in a fine groundmass rich in
Mahbubnagar District carbonate, serpentine, phlogopite and perovskite.
Recently 12 lamproites are reported about 1 km
The gravels of the Krishna River occurring at
west of Vattikod village and one lamproite dyke 1.5
Bollaram, Amaragiri and Somasila were reported to
km west of Maripalli village in Pulavayi block. In
have been worked in the past for diamond. Old
general, these lamproites are emplaced along WNW-
workings are also found in the Banganapalle
ESE to NW-SE trending fractures and in one location
conglomerate at Maddimadugu.
are emplaced along side dolerite dyke. The lamproites
The Narayanpet Kimberlite Field (NKF) has E- vary in width from a few centimeters to several meters
W trend with 32 bodies discovered by GSI and 29 and extend over a length of tens of meters.
by De Beers. Of the 29 bodies, 16 are in Gurmatkal- Megascopically the lamproites are greenish grey to
Yadgiri area and 12 in Wadagera area between the dark grey in colour; fine grained, altered and
confluence of the Bhima and Krishna rivers. Bulk chloritized with relatively high in specific gravity than
sample testing by GSI of 13 kimberlite bodies from the surrounding rocks. In general these rocks are poor
Maddur-Narayanapet-Gurmakal area did not yield in xenocrystic minerals and are predominantly mica
any diamond whereas; the surface samples from the rich or mica poor. Thin section studies revealed that
Wadegara kimberlites are reported to contain the mica rich lamproites are composed of phlogopite-
diamonds. The Kotakonda kimberlite body (KK-1 diopside in a fine grained ground mass and the mica
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Hardebanke variant of Siddanpalle kimberlite (SK-1), Mahabubnagar District, Telangana

(Photo by Dr. S. Ravi, Supdt. Geologist)

Field photograph of Ramadugu Lamproites, Nalgonda District,Telangana

(Photo by Dr. S. Ravi, Supdt. Geologist)

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

poor lamproite comprises leucite-diposide and Warangal District

phlogopite. Several commercial grade granite, black granite,
DIMENSION STONES pink granite and aplite, spotted sandstones occur at
number of places in parts of Warangal district.
The State has immense potential for granite based
dimension stone industry. The Archaean-Proterozoic Type Locality
gneiss-granite terrain together with dolerite dyke Pyroxenite Chityal 56O/10
swarms and ultramafics, occupying more than 60% Black granite (dolerite) Gurtur 56 O/10
area of the state, is a veritable store-house of wide Vippalapalli 56 O/13
array of multicoloured rocks which are ideally suitable Mundrai 56 O/13
for use as panels, floorings, facades, table tops and
Daulatanagar 56O/13
in the construction of monuments and memorials.
Gneisses, granites, porphyritic granites, basic dykes Ayodhyapur 56O/13
and gabbro, suitable as dimension stones are widely Surpalli 56O/11
distributed. Nirad 56O/14
Khammam District Pink granite Aminabad 56O/13
Black granite Kakarwad 56O/16
Black Granite (dolerite) at Mallemadugu suitable
Spotted sandstone Mangigad 57M/7
for monuments is being mined. Paradiso variety (pink
granite) and Kashmir White (leptynite) are available Marrigudem 57M/7
at Mettuguda and Ayyavarigudem. Doggigudem 57M/7
Bhimaram 57M/8
Khammam district is also known for colourful
marbles. Different varieties occurring in the district Dharmaraopet 57 M/8
are white, grey-streak, mottled yellowish and pink Red clays Sirpur Kagaznagar 57M/14
found at Manditog, Pubali, Tekkaligudem and Dharmaram 57M/14
Jastaipalli. These marbles associated with the DOLOMITE
metamorphosed Gunjeda Dolomite of Pakhal Basin
located close to Archaean basement are being mined Uses of dolomite (MgCO3) are chiefly in
locally. metallurgical, refractory, steel and chemical industries.
Thick dolomite bands associated with the rocks of
Nalgonda District Pakhal Supergroup are spread over large areas in
A number of Black Granite (dolerite) quarries the Pakhal basin. Significant deposits are found in
are known at several places in Kodad, Kattangur, Khammam.
Velligundu, Nuthanakal, Kathepaly, Nakrekal and Khammam District
Munnigal mandals of the district. Recovery of good
In Madharam area, 3.50 Mt of SMS grade and
size blocks is poor.
39 Mt of flux grade, were estimated up to a depth of
District-wise Resource position of 43.50 m. Occurrences of magnesian limestone,
DSG in A.P. dolomite, limestone and magnestie are recorded
District Total resources in Million Cu.m. between Raghunathapalem and Vemulanarava and
about 88 Mt up to a depth of 6 m was inferred in this
Khammam 0.02 area.
Medak 2.15 White, grey streaked and mottled varieties of
Nalgonda 0.12 marble are known from Manditog, Nizampet,
Jestapalle and Bethampudi areas. A reserve of about
Total 2.39 25 Mt in Monditog area, 50 Mt in Pubali area, 12
Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Mt in Takalagudem, 111 Mt in Nizampet and 0.2 Mt garnet is found in the schist belt rocks in Khammam
in Jestapalle has been inferred. district.
FULLER’S EARTH Khammam District
The soft light grey, blue or brown clay which is Abundant garnet from garnet-kyanite mica schist
waxy in appearance has a soapy feel is known as is reported from Garibpet and Yellandu. Here the
fuller’s earth. It is hydrous silicate of aluminium with rocks are very friable and thus the garnet crystals
varying amounts of magnesium, calcium, sodium and can be easily separated. The crystals are deep pink,
iron. Clays has a natural property of absorbing greasy brownish red and attain a size of up to 2 cm. The
matter thus finds its use in a number of industries as total reserves estimated in the area are about 31 Mt
detergents, mineral and vegetable oil. Minor quantities with the garnet content in the rock varying from 11%
to 19%. Porphyroblasts of garnet are also reported
are also used in making paints, soaps and refractories.
from hornblende granite in the southeast of Yellandu.
Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts
Fuller’s earth generally associated with infra-
Silica sand, normally used in manufacture of
Trappean beds, is reported from Rudrawaram,
different grades of glass is generally known as glass
Timsanipalli, Marepalli and Alipur. In these localities, sand. The chief specification for glass sand is the
the fuller’s earth occurs as a gritty calcareous clay grain size which should usually be –20 mesh. Quartz
and the beds vary in thickness between 0.6 and 2 m. veins suitable for glass industry have been reported
An inferred reserve of about 22.5 Mt was estimated from different parts of the state.
for all these localities. Minor occurrences are also
Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts
reported from Jadapalli and Godamaguda.
Large reserves of quartz in the form of veins and
reefs occur at Kukatpalli, Timmapur, Malayakatta,
Corundum Mughalgidde, Durgi, Gadisingapur, Shamshabad and
Corundum (Al2O3) is used mostly as an abrasive. Bolaram. The quartz reefs are massive and highly
Precious and semi-precious varieties are valued as jointed and are generally coated with iron oxide.
They contain about 98.08% SiO2 and 0.79% FeO.
gemstones. It occurs associated with ultrabasic or
The reefs are generally a few kilometres long and 2
syenitic rocks in parts of Khammam district. All
to 6 m thick.
these occurrences are minor in nature. Besides,
corundum bearing fuchsite schists are reported from Khammam District
Konampalle and corundum syenitic rocks from Vein quartz suitable for use in the glass industry
Shibavi-Hanumareddipalle. Semi-precious ruby is reported from Tadlapalle and Gumpena. An
corundum is found in ultrabasic rocks at Gobbugurti inferred reserve of about 38 Mt was estimated from
in Khammam District. these two areas.
GARNET Mahbubnagar District
Garnet is a group name consisting of White quartz veins, suitable for glass manufacture
isomorphous series of grossularite, pyrope, are reported from Shadnagar, Chitampallim Elakotta,
almandine, spessartite, andradite and uvarovite. Gurugunta, Tirumalapur, Chowlapalle, Annaram and
Besides its use as an abrasive, finely powdered garnet Vithal. These quartz veins, about a kilometre long
is also used for surfacing plate glass, serpentine and and up to 90m wide, analyse 99.07% to 99.53%
marble, and also in the ornamental stone industry. SiO2 and 0.072% to 0.148% FeO. A cumulative
Clear and transparent varieties with lustre are used inferred reserve of about 1.0 Mt was estimated from
as semi-precious stones. Significant concentration of these areas.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

GOLD Chintamreddipadu, Sidharam, Kunkulgoyapaka,

Gold is a precious metal used mainly in Rachakonda, Maredupude, Ipparu, Chintakonda,
international bullion for money transaction, making Siddakaram, Mandulapad, Jidiguppa, Kaltanuru
jewellery and to a lesser extent in electronic industry Chokkanapalle, Ravigudem and Chintakonda. Here
and medicine. The greenstone belts (Dharwar) also, graphite occurs as specks, streaks and small
occurring in the western part of the state bordering lenses in the garnetiferous gneiss, biotite-garnet schists
Karnataka host the gold mineralisation. The important and thin quartzite bands within khondalite. In general,
greenstone belt in the state is Gadwal Schist Belt. the graphite bearing zones are lenticular and analyse
Gold occurs as native metal or associated with the 44% to 60% F.C. and 32% to 48% ash.
sulphides in the meta-basic and acidic volcanics, BIF, IRON ORE
quartzite and granitoids. Ancient mining activity is Iron ores in the state are associated with the
evidenced at several places in the form of workings, Dharwar and Pakhal Supergroups. Some lateritic
pounding marks and crushed dupes of quartz. ores of limited extent also occur associated with
Mahbubnagar District Gondwanas and Deccan Traps. The iron ore
In the NNW-SSE trending Gadwal Schist Belt, deposits can be classified as (1) lode or vein deposits,
anomalous gold values with silver, arsenic and (2) bedded deposits, (3) detrital ore deposits and
tungsten are found in pegmatites and quartz veins (4) lateritic deposits.The resource position obtained
emplaced in metabasalt in Atkur and Dharur areas. from the unpublished reports of GSI, is given as under.
Gold values ranging from 25 ppb to 165 ppb is Adilabad District
reported from Patharchad & Chandragadda areas Low grade banded haematite quartzite
of the Gadwal Schist Belt. associated with the Dharwar sediments account for
GRAPHITE about 17.41 Mt of reserve with 33.10% to 43% Fe
Graphite is a soft crystalline form of carbon. It in this district. The reserve available is 7.03 Mt at
is used in the manufacture of crucibles, lubricants, Chityal, 0.5 Mt at Kalleda, 0.38 Mt at Dustarabad
paints, pencil lead, foundry facings, dynamos, brushes and 5 Mt at Rebanapalle.
and electrodes and dry batteries. Its properties such Karimnagar District
as thermal conductivity and chemical inertness make Haematite ore occurs associated with BIF of the
graphite suitable in many industries. Graphite plates Dharwar Supergroup. A reserve of 15 Mt of low
are also used in the nuclear reactors. grade ore (35% to 40% Fe) in Chandoli area and
Graphite occurs as pockets, lenses, veins and 0.67 Mt with 60% Fe in Yerrabali area was
disseminations more commonly with graphite schist/ estimated.
gneiss and less commonly with quartzite of the Khammam District
Khondalite Group. Graphite associated with schists
is generally amorphous whereas that associated with The iron ore deposits occur associated with the
pegmatites and quartz veins is flaky. Dharwar and Pakhal sediments. Low grade
magnetite ore associated with the Dharwar iron
Khammam District formation occur near Utla Mathwada, Usarakapalle
Graphite is reported from several places in and Kucherla Bodu. A probable reserve of 59 Mt
Khammam district and is generally amorphous with with 22% to 35% Fe was estimated in this area.
low fixed carbon (F.C) content. The haematite ore deposits associated with the
Occurrences of graphite are reported from Pakhals at Bayyaram were estimated to contain 11
Ipalapadu, Sigurmamidi, Gopannaduem, Kantlum, Mt of iron ore with 54% to 65% Fe. A part of the
Kavadiguntla, Gundlamadugu, Balapalle, deposit has already been exploited with remaining

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

resource of 24 Mt. Besides these two areas, a sugar, paper, glass and leather tanning industry.
number of iron ore occurrences are reported from The state is endowed with extensive deposits of
Motla Timmapuram, Irsulapuram and ErrammaGutta. limestone ranging in age from Archaean to Tertiary.
Warangal District Significant deposits of cement and flux grade
limestones are confined to the Late Proterozoic,
The Dharwar banded haematite quartzite near
Putnur Limestone (Penganga Group) in the Pakhal
Yerrabali in Karimnagar District extends into
Basin and Shahbad Formation (Sedam Sub-group)
Warangal district. A reserve of 6.7 Mt of iron ore
in the Bhima Basin. These formations are spread
with 33% to 66% Fe was estimated for this deposit.
over in the districts of Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda,
A band of haematite quartzite, associated with the
Adilabad, Karimnagar and Ranga Reddy. Minor
Pakhal sediments near the southern end of the Pakhal
deposits occur in Archaean, Gondwana and inter-
tank bund was estimated to contain 0.85 Mt of low-
trappean (Deccan Traps) formations in parts of
grade ore.
Khammam district.
KYANITE District-wise and major deposit/area-wise
Kyanite (Al2O3 SiO2) is usually found as resources of limestone are shown in (Annexure -I).
disseminated crystals in schist, gneiss and quartzite. Adilabad District
It also occurs as coarsely recrystallised segregations
and pockets in pegmatites and quartz veins. Deposits of cement grade limestone occur
associated with the Penganga Group in Adilabad,
On heating to around 1100oC-1600oC kyanite Mancherial and Bellampalli. In Adilabad, cement
decomposes to form mullite (3 Al2O3 2SiO2) which grade limestone is located along the southern bank
is the chief constituent of alumina-silica refractories of the Penganga River and 32 km east and north of
as it is a very stable refractory and does not undergo Adilabad town. CCI carried out detailed exploration
chemical change or shrinkage upto 1800oC. Kyanite in the area. Limestone resources available in
is very widely used in the manufacture of refractories, Jamadapur, Bhimsari-Mallapur and Dantampalli have
spark plugs and other types of electrical porcelain been identified. In Bellampalli, large deposits of
products. The specifications for the refractory grade limestone are reported in Tandur between Tolendi
kyanite are a minimum of 54% Al2O3, and maximum and Muraliguda by the DMG, Andhra Pradesh. A
of 15% Fe2O3. detailed estimate of the limestone deposits was done
Khammam District in Mancherial area by M/s ACC Ltd.

Occurrences of kyanite are reported from Flux grade limestone deposits occur in the Ara
Garibpeta and Kakerla. The garnet-kyanite-mica R.F. The limestone is being used by the Sirpur Paper
schist exposed on the hillock (1133) is a good source Mills Limited.
of kyanite, which can be easily separated as the rock Karimnagar District
is highly friable. The kyanite occurs as long bladed Deposits of cement grade limestone associated
crystals of marine blue colour measuring upto 4 x 1 with the Putnur Limestone of the Penganga Group
cm. The Al2O3 content is 65.83% while the SiO2 is are found in Putnur, Muknur and Narella areas.
34.17% for the samples analysed. The inferred Besides, flux grade limestone is reported from
reserves are around 48 Mt. Valkurti.
LIMESTONE Mahbubnagar District
Limestone is the chief raw material in cement The Narji Limestone is exposed in Alampur area.
industry. It is also used as flux in metallurgical industry. CCI investigated for cement grade limestone in the
High-grade limestones are used in chemical, alkaline, area.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Nalgonda District In addition to these, manganese is used in colouring

Flux grade and cement grade limestone deposits glasses, paint, oil and varnish industry. Manganese
associated with the Narji Limestone occur in the sulphate and acetate are also used as fertilisers to
some extent.
southern parts of the district. Important areas are
Wazirabad, Mahankaligudem, Raghunathapalem and The manganese occurrences in the state are
Yepal Madhavaram. associated mainly with the Penganga Group in the
Pakhal Basin. Economically significant deposits are
Ranga Reddy District found in Adilabad district. Several minor occurrences
Limestone of the Shahabad Formation is of manganese ore are known from other districts also
exposed in the western parts of the district. Good which includes occurrence of low grade ores near
quality cement grade limestone is available in Tandur Ratampet and Kandali in Nizamabad district.
area. Limestone quarried from Masanpalli and Adilabad District
Gangavaram is used in the local mini-cement plants. Manganese ore occurs as thin lenses in
MANGANESE association with chert and jasper of the Penganga
Group of sediments at Jamadpur, Goatkuri-Guda,
Pyrolusite (MnO2), psilomelane [MnO (OH)2], Pitasikunta, Gaulishat, Tamsi, Jamdapur, Metguda-
manganite (Mn 2 O 3 H 2 O) and rhodochrosite Kumpa. A total reserve of about 1.85 Mt (as on
(MnCO3) are the chief minerals of manganese. 2010) with manganese content of around 25%-40%
Manganese is used chiefly in the manufacture of ferro- is estimated for all these areas taken together. The
alloys, dry cells and also as a purifying agent in de- phosphorous content of the ore is generally low
oxidising, de-sulphurising and de-carbonising steel. (<0.06%).
District-wise and major deposit/area-wise resources of limestone
Resources (million tonnes)
District Location Grade
Proved/Indicated Inferred
Adilabad Jamadapur 10.62 - Cement
Bhimsari 35.56 - -do-
Dantampalli 5.40 - -do-
Bellampalli - 3400 -do-
Mancherial 25.00 600 -do-
Ara - 50 flux
Karimnagar Putnur - 87 -do-
Narella - 157 -do-
Mahabubnagar Alampur 46 - Cement
Kasturapalle - 5 -do-
Nalgonda Wazirabad - 2700 -do-
Mahankaligudedm - 108 -do-
Raghunathapalem - 11 Flux
Yepal - 119 -do-
Ranga Reddy Tandur 154 - Cement
Kasturapalle - 5.27 -do-

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Minor occurrences are reported from Prakasam, Ranga Reddy District

Nizamabad, Cuddapah and Kurnool. Red and yellow ochre deposits occur in
MICA Pirampalli, Timmareddipalli, Ekamamidi Plulnadi,
It is a complex silicate of potassium, aluminium Komapalli, Arkatala and Yelachal within the Deccan
and magnesium with minor quantities of lithium, Trap country. A reserve of about 50,000 tonne of
vanadium and chromium. The common varieties of red ochre and 10,000 tonne of yellow ochre were
mica are muscovite, biotite, phlogopite, lepidolite, assessed for all the above areas.
zinnwaldite and vermiculite. However, muscovite and MOLYBDENITE
to some extent phlogopite and vermiculite only find
Molybdenite (MoS2), the most important ore
use in industry. In commercial terminology mica
of molybdenum, is used in making special steels,
denotes only muscovite.
electrical industry and in manufacture of certain inks
Muscovite finds its use in making of a variety of and glazes. It occurs as disseminations in pegmatites
appliances like condensers, dynamos, motors, and quartz veins and as stringers and segregations at
telephones, spark plugs, radio valves, insulators, the contact of pegmatite and granite.
stove windows, screens, protective spectacles, fire
Karimnagar District
proof paints, boiler laggings, decorative tiles and
wallpaper. However, the discovery of synthetic mica Molybdenite is reported from pegmatites and
resulted in progressive decline of the mica industry, as stringers is granite in a 39 km long and 13 km
world over. wide belt extending from Antakpet to Machapuram.
It has been reported from Kundenpalli, Basavapur,
Karimnagar District
Maijampalli, Kochanapalli and Mustalpur.
Muscovite bearing pegmatites traversing the Polymetallic molybdenum sulphide mineralisation is
granitic rocks carry mica books upto 20 cm across also reported from Yellamala.
and are known from Desaipeta, Vagulapuram and
Medak District
Molybdenum mineralisation of Karimnagar
Khammam District
District extends into Medak District and is reported
Occurrences of mica are observed in pegmatites from Nalgonda, Elgandal and Sunigram and also from
traversing mica schists of the Khammam Schist Belt Katkaur. A total reserve of 1.16 Mt was estimated
and hornblende gneiss near Gosavidu, Kannuru, for the two districts (by IBM).
Vavilala and Kallum and other localities in Yellandu
and Madhira taluks.
Uranium is used in the atomic and nuclear plants.
The chief ore of uranium is uraninite (pitchblende)
Mineral pigments are derived chiefly from which is an oxide of uranium (U3O8). Uranium
ocherous substances and find wide application in paint, mineralisation is reported from Granites of the
plaster, mortar cement, linoleum, rubber and other Peninsular Gneissic Complex in Nalgonda district.
industries. Besides, yellow and red ochres, other
Radioactive mineralisation of U-Th has been
materials like haematite and magnetite are also
reported for the first time from this district by the
commercially used as pigments.
Atomic Minerals Division.
Adilabad District
Nalgonda District
The ferruginous clay bands containing dispersed
haematite are used locally as pigments. Mining of Significant concentration of uranium (upto 0.55
ochres in small quantities is reported from U3O8) was reported by AMD in the Granites of the
Zazurlagutta. PGC in Lambapur-Chitrial area, Nalgonda district.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Mineral District Location Geological Grade Reserve District Remarks
Setup wise
as on
(By IBM)
Baryte Khammam Rudramakota Baryte Massive type Cumulative 2.69 Mt
(17° 15' : 80° occurs as baryte veins reserve is
12')- Gopalpur lenses, 300 x 6 m. 1.8 Mt upto
(17° 15' : stringers or a depth of
80° 12') - veins and 15 m.
Pocharam mostly
(17° 29' : confined to
80° 13') area Pakhal
A no. of
are seen.
Chromite Khammam Jonnaram Chromite Sriramgiri —— 186,000 Intermittant
(17° 18' : occurs as has tonnes exploitation
80° 24'), pockets/ substantial by private
Sriramgiri lenses in reserves. companies.
(17° 20' : altered Jannaram,
80° 24'), pyroxenites Lingannapeta,
Konayyapalem or Konayyapalem
(17° 18' : ultramafites area has
80° 19'), as a number 26.28 – 47 %
Lingannapeta of Cr2 O3.
(17° 20' : occurrences.
80° 21')
Clays Adilabad Pachagaon Al2 O3, 240,000 8.96 Mt Pottery
(19° 18' : 22 – 25%, tonnes clays
79° 29') Alkalies 2%,
FeO 1.17 to
2.80 %
Rangareddy Vikarabad Derived Low grade About 22 0.65 Mt Pottery
(17° 20' : from Mt porcelain
77° 49') -
Rudravaram Deccan type.
(17 22;77 39) basalt and China clay
area granites
Coal Adilabad Golet (19° 14’: Coal Total-1176
79° 22'), bearing Mt.Proved
(19° 02' : 79° Gondwana 517 Mt
29'), Chinnur formations. Probable
(18° 51' : 79° 659 Mt.
48') sector.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Karimnagar Ramagundam - do - Total-682

(18° 46': Mt Proved
79° 27'). 621 Mt,
Probable 61
Khammam Yellandu (17° - do - Proved —
48' : 80° 41'), 4956
Kottagudem MtProbable
(17° 32' : 1620 Mt
80° 38'), Possible
Manuguru 4020
(17° 57' : 80° Mt.Total
50'), Sattupalli reserves
(17° 13' : upto 1200m
80° 48'). depth-
10,596 Mt
(as on 2006)
Warangal Chilpur (18° - do - 1881 Mt —
25' : 79° 54'), Proved 28
Lingala (18° Mt
22' : 79° 41'), Probable
Oasra (18° 1853 Mt
12' : 80° 10')
Base Khammam Mailaram (17° Copper Mailaram- Probable 0.66 Mt Developed
metals 43' : 80° 37'), mineralisation mineralised 0.81 Mt. by APMDC
Venkatapuram associated zone is 1.10 Possible
(17° 45' : 80° with quartz km long.upto 120.70 Mt
46') chlorite 250 m depth
in the
phyllites (of
Diamond Mahabub- Narayanpet Kimberlites 33 kimberlite —
nagar, (16° 45' : 77° occur as bodies in 60 x
Gulbarga 30'), Maddur dykes and 25 km area (7
(Karnataka) (16° 51' : 77° pipes in Karnataka
36' 40"), emplaced area)
Kotakonda into granites
(16° 45' 25" : and
77° 39' 10") gneisses.

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Dolomite Khammam Madharam Dolomites SMS grade — 181.85 Mt

(17° 31' : associated 3.5 Mt; Flux
80° 14'), with Pakhal grade 39 Mt
Raghunatha- Group of upto 44 m
palem (17° sediments. depth; 88 Mt
18' : 80° 12'), upto 6 m
Vemulanarva depth.
(16° 59':
80° 17').
Iron ore Adilabad Chittial (19° Magnetite 17.41 Mt –
04' : 78° 48'), associated 33.1 – 43%
Rebanapalle with Fe
(18° 57' : Dharwar
79° 07') sediments
Khammam Utla Matruda Magnetite is 59 Mt ; 25.94 Mt
(17° 45' : associated 22-35% Fe
80° 02'), with
11 Mt ;
Bayyaram Dharwars;
54-65% Fe
(17° 35' : Haematite
80° 06') with
Limestone Adilabad Bellampalli Penganga 3,400 Mt 873.16 Mt
(19° 02' : Group inferred
79° 29') area (cement
Ara Reserve grade)
50 Mt
(flux grade)
Karimnagar Putnur Penganga 87 Mt - 26.35 Mt
Group inferred
150 Mt -

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana
S.No. Mineral Location Coordinates Remarks
1 Asbestos Mahabubnagar district Chrysotile
Somasila 16°02':78°20' asbestos
2 Barytes Mahabubnagar district Occurs as fissures
Bolaram 16°04':78°26' filling in the biotite
chlorite schist
3 Clays Hyderabad & Ranga Reddy districts White clays
Rudravaram 17°22':77°39'
Timsanipalle 17°21':77°39'
Marepalli 17°20':77°42'
Alipur 17°19':77°48'
Vikarabad 17°20':77°49'
4 Corundum Khammam district
Yerracheruvupalle 17°24':79°02' Associated with
mica schists
Polichettipalli 17°29':79°02' -do-
Gubbagurti 17°17':80°22' Semiprecious variety
Kunavaram 17°34':80°15' -do-
Rangapur 17°26':81°10' -do-
Nalgonda district
Peddagudem 16°46':79°16'
Timmapur 16°48':79°16'
Lingampalli 17°51':78°56'

5 Diamond Mahabubnagar district

Bolaram 16°04':78°26' Krishna gravels
Ammaragiri 16°03':78°23'
Somsila 16°02':78°20'
Maddimadugu 16°18':79°08'
6 Feldspar Khammam district
Raghavapuram 17°27':80°35'

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Mahabunagar district
Basanapalle 16°48':78°38'
Kotakonda 16°45':77°39'
Charakonda 16°42':78°45'
Achampeta 16°19':78°50'
Kalvakurti 16°40':78°29'
Nalgonda district
Nindamanur 16°49':79°22'
Damaracherla 17°36':81°04'
Devarakonda 17°42':78°55'
7 Glass sand / Medak district
Quartz Andole 17°47':78°04'
Papannapet 18°02':78°05'
Narsapur 17°44':78°17'
Sadashivpet 17°03':77°37'
Sangareddi 17°38':78°05'

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana
Locality Latitude Longitude T.S.No. District
Alipur 18 14 00 78 56 00 56J/16 RangaReddy
Annaram 18 54 00 79 56 00 56N/3 Mahbubnagar
Aspaka 17 23 30 81 06 40 65G/3 Khammam
Bacharam 17 18 40 77 49 00 56G/15 RangaReddy
Basavapur 18 07 00 79 04 00 56N/4 Karimnagar
Bayyaram 17 35 00 80 06 00 65C/2 Khammam
Bellampalli 19 02 00 79 29 00 56M/8 Adilabad
Bethampudi 17 34 00 80 27 00 65C/6 Khammam
Bhadrachalam 17 07 00 80 09 00 65C/4 Khammam
Bhiknur 18 10 00 78 02 35 56J/4 Nizamabad
Bhudaram 18 55 00 79 43 00 56N/9 Adilabad
Bolaram 17 18 10 77 41 00 56G/12 RangaReddy
Chagapuram 16 02 03 77 50 40 56 H/16 Mahbubnagar
Chanda 19 43 00 78 33 00 56 I/10 Adilabad
Chandoli 15 24 35 77 36 00 57E/7 Karimnagar
Chelpur 18 25 00 79 54 00 56N/15 Warangal
Cherla 17 31 00 80 17 00 65C/6 Khammam
Cherlapalli 18 46 30 79 09 10 56N/1 Karimnagar
Cheruvupuram 17 31 00 80 10 00 65C/NW Khammam
Chimalpad 17 27 00 80 25 00 65C/7 Khammam
Chinnur 18 51 00 79 48 00 56N/13 Adilabad
Chintakonda 17 19 00 81 21 00 65G/7 Khammam
Chityal 19 04 00 78 48 00 56I/16 Adilabad
Dameracherla 17 36 30 81 04 00 56P/9 Nalgonda
Dendukur 16 53 10 80 24 10 65D/5 Khammam
Desaipeta 18 42 30 78 45 30 56J/14 Karimnagar
Devarakonda 16 42 30 78 55 30 56L/14 Nalgonda
Dharwar 19 26 00 79 08 00 56M/3 Adilabad
Dustarabad 19 05 00 78 52 00 56I/16 Adilabad
Elgandal 18 26 00 79 03 00 56N/3 Karimnagar
Gangapur 19 16 00 79 16 00 56M/7 Adilabad
Garibpet 17 29 00 80 39 00 57M/5 Khammam
Gaulghat 19 48 00 78 27 00 56I/5 Adilabad
Goatkuri-Guda 19 44 00 78 30 00 56I/6 Adilabad
Godamaguda 17 17 00 77 52 00 56G/15 RangaReddy
Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

Godkel 18 32 16 78 25 45 56J/6 Nizamabad

Golet 19 14 00 79 22 00 56M/8 Adilabad
Gopalpur 17 15 00 80 12 00 65C/SW Khammam
Gosavidu 16 56 00 80 29 00 65D/5 Khammam
Govindaraopeta 18 12 00 80 08 00 65B/4 Warangal
Gundlamadugu 17 25 05 81 17 00 65G/3 Khammam
Gurmatkal 16 47 30 77 23 30 56H/5 Mahbubnagar
Imamnagaram 17 21 40 80 27 30 65C/7 Khammam
Indaram 18 49 00 79 32 00 56N/9 Adilabad
Jadapalli 17 17 00 77 51 00 56G/15 RangaReddy
Jamatpur 19 46 00 78 29 00 56I/5 Adilabad
Jamdapur 19 43 00 78 32 00 56I/10 Adilabad
Jannaram 17 18 00 80 24 00 65C/7 Khammam
Jestapalle 17 24 00 80 16 00 67G/7 Khammam
Jidiguppa 17 30 00 81 21 00 65G/6 Khammam
Kallerala 19 20 00 79 30 00 56M/7 Adilabad
Kalluru 17 52 00 80 33 00 65C/9 Khammam
Kalthanuru Chokkampalle 17 29 30 81 17 30 65G/7 Khammam
Kamareddi 18 25 00 78 22 00 56J/7 Nizamabad
Kannuru 17 00 00 80 34 00 65C/12 Khammam
Kantlam 17 20 30 81 16 00 65G/7 Khammam
Katkaur 18 03 00 79 14 00 56N/4 Karimnagar
Kavadiguntla 17 22 15 81 15 50 65G/7 Khammam
Khammam 17 02 00 80 01 00 65C/4 Khammam
Kochanapalli 18 07 00 79 10 00 56N/4 Karimnagar
Kodamur 17 11 00 80 13 00 65C/SW Khammam
Komavaram 18 43 00 80 02 00 65B/2 Karimnagar
Komasamudram 18 44 00 78 31 00 56J/10 Nizamabad
Kompalli 17 30 00 78 25 00 56K/6 RangaReddy
Konayyapalem 17 17 00 80 19 00 65C/7 Khammam
Kondapalle 16 37 00 80 36 00 56H/15 Mahbubnagar
Kondapur 18 20 45 78 40 37 56J/11 Nizamabad
Kota 18 55 00 79 59 00 56N/13 Adilabad
Kotakonda 16 45 25 77 39 10 56H/9 Mahbubnagar
Kothagudem 17 32 00 80 38 00 65C/10 Khammam
Koyagudem 17 35 14 80 30 26 56N/16 Khammam
Kukatpalli 17 29 00 78 27 00 56K/7 RangaReddy

Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana

Kukkalagudur 18 46 30 79 18 40 56N/5 Karimnagar

Kundanapalli 18 02 00 79 10 00 56N/4 Karimnagar
Kunkulgoyapaka 17 26 50 81 20 00 65G/7 Khammam
Kuntala 17 35 00 80 20 28 65C/6 Khammam
Kuprayal 18 22 00 78 21 30 65J/7 Nizamabad
Lakshmipuram 17 05 00 80 16 00 65C/SW Khammam
Lingala 18 22 00 79 41 00 56N/11 Warangal
Lingampalli 17 51 00 78 56 00 56K/13 Nalgonda
Lingampet 18 35 00 78 29 30 56J/6 Nizamabad
Lingannapeta 17 20 00 80 21 00 65C/7 Khammam
Machapuram 18 17 00 78 54 00 56J/15 Karimnagar
Madaram 18 35 00 80 00 15 65B/2 Khammam
Madhira 16 55 00 80 22 00 65D/5 Khammam
Maijampalle 18 08 00 79 08 00 56N/4 Karimnagar
Mailaram 17 43 00 80 37 00 65C/10 Khammam
Manditog 17 38 00 80 20 00 65C/6 Khammam
Muknur 17 43 00 81 23 00 65G/6 Karimnagar
Osra 18 12 00 80 10 00 65B/4 Warangal
Pachagaon 19 18 00 79 29 00 56M/7 Adilabad
Pengadapa 17 28 00 80 40 00 65C/11 Khammam
Pocharam 17 29 00 80 13 00 65C/3 Khammam
Pubali 17 37 30 80 57 00 65C/6 Khammam
Raghunathapalem 17 18 00 80 12 00 65C/SW Nalgonda
Ramagundam 18 46 00 79 27 00 56N/5 Karimnagar
Ravigudam 17 38 30 81 17 30 65G/6 Khammam
Rudravaram 15 45 00 78 05 30 57I/1 RangaReddy
Sattupalli 17 13 00 80 48 00 65C/16 Khammam
Sidharam 17 28 00 81 20 40 65G/7 Khammam
Sigurumamidi 17 29 00 81 18 30 65G/7 Khammam
Sriramgiri 17 20 00 80 24 00 65C/7 Khammam
Wazirabad 16 41 30 79 39 45 56P/10 Nalgonda
Yellandu 18 48 00 79 41 00 56N/9 Adilabad
Yerraballi 16 45 30 79 21 45 56P/5 Nalgonda

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A

AJIT KUMAR REDDY, T., SRIDHAR. M., RAVI.S, BHATTACHARYA S.K., 1975. Stratigraphic and structural
CHAKRAVARTHI,V. and BALACHANDRUDU, V., investigations of the Gadwal Schist Belt in Veldurti-
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unpublished progress report 1999-2000 & 2000- BHATTACHARYA, S.K., 1977. Systematic geological
2001). mapping of Gadwal Schist Belt in Kurnool and
AIJAZ AKHTAR, R., MEHROTRA, 1988-89. Geology in Mahbubnagar districts, A.P. (GSI unpublished
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ANANTHARAMAN, S., SARMA DAS, D.C., and BRUCE FOOTE, R., 1876. Note on the Geology of Parts of
VENUGOPAL RAO, CH., 1997. Report on the Bellary-Anantapur and Kurnool districts, Rec.GSI,
Palaeontological Studies for the search of Vol. pp.2
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana


ACC - Andhra Cement Company

AMD - Atomic Minerals Division

APMDC - Andhra Pradesh Mining and Development Corporation

APPL - Andhra Phosphates Pvt. Limited.

BF - Blast Furnace grade

BGML - Bharat Gold Mines Ltd.

CCI - Cement Corporation of India Ltd.

DMG - Directorate of Mines and Geology

FCI - Fertilizer Corporation of India.

HZL - Hindustan Zinc Limited

MECL - Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd.

NMDC - National Mineral Development Corporation

ONGC - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation

SAIL - Steel Authority of India Ltd.

SMS - Steel Melting Shop grade

Mt - Million Tonnes

Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part VIII A


Geology and Mineral Resources of Telangana


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