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Pipe Under Stress

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1S aay ——----Gertificate Gourse—--- ee S on PIPING ENGINEERING pS Sle Jdune-11" , 2007 = June 24", 2007 Oo PIPE UNDER STRESS Prof. A. S. Moharir IIT Bombay eo. Organized by Piping Engineering Cell Computer Aided Design Centre - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 PIPING ENGINEERING CELL INTRODUCTION Pipes are the most delicate components in any process plant. They are also the most busy entities. They are subjected to almost all kinds of loads, intentional or unintentional. It is very ‘important to take note of all potential loads that a piping system would encounter during operation as well as during other stages in the life cycle of a process plant. Ignoring any such load while designing, erecting, hydro testing, start-up, shutdown, normal operation, maintenance etc. can lead to inadequate design and engineering of a piping system. The system may fail on the first occurrence of this overlooked load. Failure of @ piping system may trigger a Domino effect and cause a major disaster. This is the lesson from the infamous Flixborough disaster that everybody having anything to do with design, engineering, maintenance, operation ete. of a piping system must learn. It is not sufficient to do 99 right things and 1 wrong thing while designing a piping system. The end result would be disastrous. One must score a perfect 100 in piping system design, ‘The idea of this paper is to discuss all possible potential loads that are developed in a piping system and their implication on the stresses that would be generated in the pipes. Some ‘guidelines to minimize the effect of such loads and keep the resultant stresses under limits specified by the codes are then given. Final design and engineering of a piping system may have to go through rigorous calculations, either manual or on computer, of the collective effect of all such loads and sound analytical skills to take engineering decisions to mitigate this effect. Stress analysis and safe design normally require appreciation of several related concepts. An approximate list of the steps that would be involved is as follows. PIPE UNDER STRESS PROF. A. S. MOHARIR 1, Identify potential loads that would come ‘on to the pipe or piping system during its entire life 2, Relate each one of these loads to the stresses and strains that would be developed in the crystals/grains of the Material of Construction (MoC) of the piping system. 3. Decide the worst three-dimensional stress state that the MoC can withstand without faiture 4, Get the cumulative effect of all the potential loads on the 3-D stress scenario in the piping system under consideration. 5. Alter piping system design to ensure that the stress pattern is within failure limits, The goal of quantification and analysis of pipe stresses is to provide safe design through the above steps. Of course, there could be several designs, which could be safe. A piping engineer would still have a lot of scope to choose from such alternatives the one which is, ‘most economical, or most suitable etc. Good piping system design is always a mixture of sound knowledge base in the basics and a lot of ingenuity. This paper attempts to create the necessary base. CLASSIFICATION OF LOADS AND FAILURE MODES Pressure design of piping or equipment uses one criteria for design. Under a steady application of load (e.g. pressure), it ensures against failure of the system as perceived by one of the failure theories. Ifa pipe designed for a certain pressure experiences a much higher pressure, the pipe would rupture even if such load (pressure) is applied only once. The failure or rupture is sudden and complete, Such a failure is called catastrophic failure. It takes place only when the load exceeds far beyond the load for which design was carried out. Over the years, it has been realized that we PIPING ENGINEERING CELL systems, especially piping systems can fail even when the loads are always under the limits considered safe, but the load application is cyclic (c.g, high pressure, low pressure, high pressure,... Such a failure is not guarded against by conventional pressure design formula or compliance with failure thedries. Once this was realized and it was seen than systems may fail after protonged use under the load they could withstand till that time, it became clear that system design must comply with at least two different types of loads causing two different types of failures, For piping system design, it is now well established that one must treat these two types of loads separately and together guard against catastrophic and fatigue failure, The loads the piping system (or for that matter any structural part) faces are broadly classified as primary loads and secondary loads. There ‘examples and characteristios are given here in brief, Pri ‘These are typically steady or sustained types of loads such as intemal fluid pressure, extemal pressure, gravitational forces acting ‘on the pipe such as weight of pipe and fluid, forces due to relief or blow down, pressure waves generated due to water hammer effects The last two loads are not necessarily sustained loads. All these loads occur because of forces created and acting on the pipe. In fact, primary loads have their origin in some force acting on the pipe causing tension, ‘compression, torsion etc leading to normal and. shear stresses. Too large a load of this type leads to deformation, often plastic. The deformation is limited only if the material shows strain hardening characteristics. If it has no strain hardening property or if the load is so ‘excessive that the plastic instability sets in, the system would continue to deform till rupture. One says, that primary loads are not self limiting. It means that the stresses continue to exist as long as the load persists and deformation does not stop because the system hhas deformed into a no-stress condition but because strain hardening has come into play. PIPE UNDER STRESS The design to guard against failure by primary loads is based on one or more failure theories such as the ones discussed later in this paper, Secondary Loads Just as the primary loads have their origin in some force, secondary loads are caused by displacement of some kind. For example, the pipe connected to a storage tank may be under load if the tank nozzle to which it is connected moves down due to tank settlement. Similarly, pipe connected to a vessel is pulled upwards because the vessel nozzle moves up due to vessel expansion. Also, a pipe may vibrate due to vibrations in the rotating equipment it is attached to. A pipe may experience expansion or contraction once it is subjected to temperatures higher or lower respectively as compared to temperature at which it was assembled. The secondary loads are often cyclic but not always. For example load due to tank se k He. 1 te vessel nozzle movement during operation is cyclic because the displacement is withdrawn during shut-down and resurfaces again after fresh start-up. A pipe subjected to a cycle of hot and cold fluid similarly undergoes cyclic loads and deformation. Failure under such loads is often due to fatigue and not catastrophic in nature. Broadly speaking, catastrophic failure is because individual erystals or grains were subjected to stresses, which the chemistry and the physics of the solid could not withstand. Fatigue failure is often because the grains collectively failed because their collective characteristics (for example entanglement with, ‘each other etc.) changed due to cyclic load. Incremental damage done by each cycle to their collective texture accumulated to such levels that the system failed. In other words, catastrophic failure is more at microscopic level, whereas fatigue failure is at mesoscopic level if not at macroscopic level. PIPING ENGINEERING CELL primary loads and catastrophic failure. A brief implication of cyclic loads and fatigue failure ‘on design is also presented. The subsequent parts would deal more comprehensively with secondary loads including thermal loads and stress analysis concepts. ‘THE STRESSES ‘The MoC of any piping system is the most tortured non-living being right from its birth Leaving the furnace in the molten state, the metal solidifies within seconds. It is a very hurried crystallization process. The crystals could be of various lattice structural patterns such as BCC, FCC, HCP ete. depending on the ‘material and the process. The grains, crystals of the material have no time or chance to orient themselves in any particular fashion. They are thus frozen in all random orientations in the cold harmless pipe or structural member that we see. When we calculate stresses, we choose a set of orthogonal directions and define the stresses in this co-ordinate system, For example, in a pipe subjected to internal pressure or any other load, the most used choice of co-ordinate system is the one comprising of axial or Tongitudinal direction (L), circumferencial (or ‘Hoope's) direction (H) and radial direction (R) as shown in Fig.1. Stresses in the pipe wall ae expressed as axial (S), Hope's (S,) and radial (S.). These stresses, which stretch or compress a grainferystal, are called normal stresses because they are normal to the surface of the crystal. But, all grains are not oriented as the grain in Fig.l. In fact the grains would have been oriented in the pipe wall in all possible orientations. The above stresses would also have stress components in direction normal to the faces of such randomly oriented crystal. Each crystal thus does face normal stresses. One of these orientations must be such that it maximizes one of the normal stresses. The mechanics of solids state that it would also be PIPE UNDER STRESS which normal stress. Fig, 1: Commonly Used Coordinate System The mechanics of solids state that it would also be orientation, which minimizes some other normal stress. Normal stresses for such orientation (maximum normal stress orientation) are called principal stresses, and are designated (maximum), Sand $ (minimum). Solid ‘mechanics also states that the sum of the three normal stresses for all orientation is always the same for any given external load. That is 848,48 =8 +8 +8, Importance of principal stresses can be stressed at this time. Assume that a material can be deemed to fail of any normal stress exceeds some threshold value. If conventional co-ordinate axes are used, one may find for certain stress state that S , § and S, are within this threshold limit, The design would then appear to be safe. However, grains, which are oriented in maximum normal stress orientation, may have one of the stresses (S ) ‘more than this threshold. The pipe would thus fail as far as these grains are concemed. Design has to be safe for such worst case scenario, Principal stresses are thus a way of defining the worst case scenario as far as the normal stresses are concerned. Jn addition to the normal stresses, a grain can be subjected to shear stresses as well. These act parallel to the crystal surfaces as against perpendicular direction applicable for normal stresses. Shear stresses occur if the pipe is subjected to torsion, bending etc. Just as there is an orientation for which normal stresses are maximum, there is an orientation, which ‘maximizes shear stress. The maximum shear t ) PIPING ENGINEERING CELL stress in a 3-D state of stress can be shown to be Sy2 ite. half of the difference between the maximum and minimum principal stresses. The maximum shear stress is important to calculate because failure may occur or may be deemed to occur due to shear stress also. A failure perception may stipulate that maximum, shear stress should not cross certain threshold value. It is therefore necessary to take the worst case scenario for shear stresses also as above and ensure against failure. It is easy to define stresses in the co-ordinate system such as axial-Hoope’s-radial (L-H-R) that we define for a pipe. The load bearing cross-section is then well defined and stress components are calculated as ratio of load to load bearing cross-section. Similarly, it is possible to calculate shear stress in a particular plane given the torsional or bending, load. What are required for testing failure-safe nature of design are, however, principal stresses and maximum shear stress. These can be calculated from the normal stresses and shear stresses available in any convenient ‘orthogonal co-ordinate syste, In most pipe design cases of interest, the radial component of normal stresses (S) is negligible as compared to the other two components (S, and $), The 3-D state of stress thus can be simplified to 2-D state of stress. Use of Mohr’s circle then allows to calculate the two principle stresses and maximum shear stress as follows, 7 + Sy2 HS, - S yay tops HS Y2-[(S, -Syayp+eys 5-05 [8-8 +4 eR s= 8, ‘The third principle stress (minimum i.e. S.) is zero. PIPE UNDER STRESS All failure theories state that these principle or maximum shear stresses or some combination of them should be within allowable limits for the MoC under consideration. To check for compliance of the design would then involve relating the applied load to get the net S_,S.,¢ and then calculate $$ and t and some combination of them. NORMAL AND SHEAR STRESSES FROM APPLIED LOAD As said earlier, a pipe is subjected to all kinds of loads. These need to be identified. Each such load would induce in the pipe wall, normal and shear stresses. These need to be calculated from standard relations, The net normal and shear stresses resulting from all such actual and potential loads are then arrived at and principle and maximum shear stresses calculated. Some potential loads faced by a pipe and their relationships to stresses are summarized here in brief. Axial Load A pipe may face an axial force (F_) as shown in Fig. 2. It could be tensile or compressive. Fig2: Pipe Under Axial Load What is shown is a tensile load. It would lead to normal stress in the axial direction (S ). The Joad bearing cross-section is the cross- sectional atea of the pipe wall normal to the oad direction, A. The stress can then be calculated as 8 A, ‘The load-bearing cross-section may be calculated rigorously or approximately as follows. PIPING ENGINEERING CELL, rN (EVA Hgorous) = (4, + d)¥/2(based on average diameter) dt (based on Outer Diameter) The axial load may be caused due to several reasons. The simplest case is a tall column. The metal cross-section at the base of the column is under the weight of the column section above it including the weight of other column accessories such as insulation, trays, ladders etc, Another example is that of cold spring, Many times a pipeline is intentionally cut a little short than the end-to-end length required. Tt is then connected to the end nozzles by forcibly stretching it. The pipe, as assembled, is under axial tension. When the hot fluid starts moving through the pipe, the pipe expands and compressive stresses are generated. The cold tensile siresses are thus nullified, The thermal expansion stresses are thus taken care of through appropriate assembly-time measures. Internal / External Pressure A pipe used for transporting fluid would be under intemal pressure load. A pipe such as a jacketed pipe core or tubes in a Shell & Tube exchanger etc. may be under net external pressure, Internal or extemal pressure induces stresses in the axial as well as circumferencial (Hoope’s) directions. The pressure also induces stresses in the radial direction, but as argued earlier, these are often neglected, The intemal pressure exerts an axial force equal to pressure times the intemal cross- section of pipe. F =P[nd?/4] This then induces axial stress calculated as earlier. If outer pipe diameter is used for calculating approximate metal cross-section as well as pipe cross-section, the axial stress can often be approximated as follows. Ss Pa/@y PIPE UNDER STRESS ‘The internal pressure also induces stresses in ~~ the circumferential direction as shown in Fig. 3. The stresses are maximum for grains situated at the inner radius and minimum for those situated at the outer radius, The Hoope’s stress at any in between radial position (7) is given as follows (Lame’s equation) S atr= (248 /2)/ (2-1) For thin walled pipes, the radial stress variation can be neglected. From membrane theory, S/may then be approximated as follows, 4/2 or Pad/2t Radial stresses are also induced due to intemal pressure as can be seen from Fig. 4 (> pe } EY Fig. 4: Radial Stresses Due to Internal Pressure At the outer skin, the radial stress is compressive and equal to atmospheric pressure (P__) or external pressure (P_) on the PIPING ENGINEERING CELL pipe. At inner radius, it is also compressive ‘but equal to absolute fluid pressure (P). Ia between, it varies. As mentioned earlier, the radial component is often neglected. Bending Load ‘A pipe can face sustained loads causing bending, The bending moment can be related tonormal and shear stresses. Pipe bending is caused mainly due to two reasons: Uniform weight load. and concentrated weight load. A pipe span supported at two ends would sag between these supports due to its own weight and the weight of insulation (if any) when not in operation. It may sag due to its weight and weight of hydrostatic test fluid it contains during hydrostatic test. It may sag due to its ‘own weight, insulation weight end the weight of fluid it is carrying during operation. All these weights are distributed uniformly across the unsupported span ond lead to maximum bending moment either at the center of the span or at the end points of the span (support, location) depending upon the type of the support used, Let the total weight of the pipe, insulation and fluid be W and the length of the unsupported span be L (see Fig. 5). [7 toate | a a | Pies Support ——a. Fixed Support Fig. 5: Distributed Load The weight per unit length, w, is then calculated (w = W/L). The maximum bending, moment (M_), which occurs at the center for the pinned support, is then given by the beam theory as follows. M_= WL? for pinned support PIPE UNDER STRESS For fixed supports, the maximum bending ‘moment occurs at the ends and is given by beam theory as follows. M_-=wL?/12 for fixed support The pipe configuration and support types used in process industry do not confirm to any of these ideal support types and can be best considered as somewhere in between, AS a result, a common practice is to use the following average formula to calculate bending moment for practical pipe configurations as follows. M_=wL7/10 Also, the maximum bending moment in the case of actual suppors would occur somewhere between the ends and the middle of the span. Another load that the pipe span would face is the concentrated load. A good example is a valve on a pipe run (see Figure 6). Ported Load W 8 Pinned Support | 7 + go, IN rtd Support — Fig. 6: Pointed Load The load is then approximated as acting at the center of gravity of the valve and the ‘maximum bending moment occurs at the point of loading for pinned supports and is given as M_=Wab/L For rigid supports, the maximum bending moment occurs at the end nearer to the pointed load and is given as PIPING ENGINEERING CELL GU w awL Ais to be taken as the longer of the two arms (a and b) in using the above formule As can be seen, the bending moment can be reduced to zero by making either a or b zero, i.e, by locating one of the supports right at the point where the load is acting. In actual practice, it would mean supporting the valve itself. As that is difficult, it is a common practice to locate one support as close to the valve (or any other pointed and significant load). With that done, the bending moment due to pointed load is minimal and can be neglected. Whenever the pipe bends, the skin of the pipe wall experiences both tensile and compressive stresses in the axial direction as shown in Fig. 7 Fig. 7: Axial stresses due to Bending The axial stress changes from maximum tensile on one side of the pipe to maximum compressive on the other side. Obviously, there is a neutral axis along which the bending moment does not induce any axial stresses. This is also the axis of the pipe. ‘The axial tensile stress for a bending moment cof Mat any location © as measured from the neutral axis is given as follows. Ss M cll Tis the moment of inertia of the pipe cross- section. For a circular cross-section pipe, I is sven as T=n(d*- dy/64 PIPE UNDER STRESS "The maximum tensile stress occurs where c is equal to the outer radius of the pipe and is given as follows. S_ at outer radius=M r fl = M/Z where Z (= Ur) is the section modulus of the pipe. Shear Load Shear load causes shear stresses. Shear load may be of different types. One common load is the shear force (V) acting on the cross- section of the pipe as shown in Fig. 8. Fig, 8: Shear Force on a Pipe It causes shear stresses, which are maximum. along the pipe axis and minimum along the outer skin of the pipe. This being exactly opposite of the axial stress pattern caused by bending moment and also because these stresses are small in magnitude, these are often not taken in account in pipe stress analysis. If necessary, these are calculated as t =VQ/A where Q is the shear form factor and A. is the metal cross-section, ‘Torsional Load This load (see Fig. 9) also causes shear stresses. The shear stress caused due to torsion is maximum at outer pipe radius, And is given there in terms of the torsional moment and pipe dimensions as follows. PIPING ENGINEERING CELL ° 1D? \, 4 Fig, 9: Shear Force Due to Torsion ttrmr) =M 1 /R=M 4 /@)=M /2 Zz R, jis the torsional resistance (= twice the moment of inertia). Alll known loads on the pipe should be used to calculate contributions to $ , $_ and x. These then are used to calculate the principal stresses and maximum shear stress. These derived ‘quantities are then used to check whether the pipe system design is adequate based on one or more theories of failure. THEORIES OF FAILURE A piping system in particular or a structural part in general is deemed to fail when a stipulated function of various stresses and strains in the system or structural part crosses a certain threshold value. It is a normal practice to define failure as occurring when this function in the actual system crosses the value of a similar function in a solid rod specimen at the point of yield. There are various theories of failure that have been put forth, These theories differ only in the way the above-mentioned function is defined. Important theories in common use are considered here. PIPE UNDER STRESS Maximum Stress Theory This is also called Rankine Theory. According to this theory, failure occurs when the ‘maximum principle stress in a system (S) is greater than the maximum tensile principle stress at yield in a specimen subjected to uniaxial tension test, Uniaxial tension test is the most common test carried out for any MoC. The tensile stress in a constant cross-section specimen at yield is What is reported as yield stress (S ) for any material and is normally available. In uniaxial test, the applied load gives rise only to axial stress (S.) and Sand S\ as well as shear stresses are absent, S_ is thus also the principle normal stress (ie. $.). That is, ina specimen under uniaxial tension test, at yield, the following holds. ‘The maximum tensile principle stress at yield is thus equal to the conventionally reported yield stress (load at yield / cross-sectional area of specimen). ‘The Rankine theory thus just says that failure occurs when the maximum principle stress in a system (S.) is more than the yield stress of the smiaterial(S ). ‘The maximum principle stress in the system should be calculated as earlier. It s interesting to check the implication of this theory on the case when a cylinder (or pipe) is subjected to internal pressure. ‘As per the membrane theory for pressure design of cylinder, as long as the Hoope’s stress is less that the yield stress of the MoC, the design is safe. It is also known that HHoope’s stress (S.) induced by intemal PIPING ENGINEERING CELL pressure 15 twice the axial aires (S). The principle stresses in the cylinder as per the earlier given formula would be $=(S, +8248, -8 2" +e =s 8-6 +8.y2-[(S, -Sy2+¥p The maximum principle stress in this case is S, (8). The Rankine theory and the design criterion used in the membrane theory are thus compatible. Check that the same is the case if we consider the design formula for sphere based on membrane theory. Membrane theory widely used for pressure thickness calculation for pressure vessels and piping design uses Rankine theory as a criterion for failure. ‘Maximum Shear Theory This is also called Tresca theory. According to this theory, failure occurs when the maximum shear stress in a system (Tmax) is greater than the maximum shear stress at yield in a specimen subjected to uni-axial tension test Note that it is similar in wording to the statement of the earlier theory -except that maximum shear stress is used as eriterion for ‘comparison as against maximum. principle stress used in the Rankine theory. In uniaxial test, the maximum shear stress at yield as per definition of maximum shear test given earlier is 05 [8 -S¥+4acps ‘The Tresca theory thus just says that failure ‘occurs when the maximum shear stress in a system (r_) is more than half the yield stress of the material (S ). PIPE UNDER STRESS The maximum shear stress in the system should be calculated as earlier. It should also be interesting to check the implication of this theory on the case when a cylinder (or pipe) is subjected to intemal pressure, ‘As the Hoope’s stress induced by intemal Pressure (S_) is twice the axial stress (S_) and the shear stress is not induced directly (« = 0) the maximum shear stress in the cylinder as pet the earlier given formula would be 5S -S P+ 4eps 058, This should be less than 0.5 8. as per Tresca theory for safe design. This leads to the same criterion that Hoope’s stress in a cylinder should be less than yield stress. The Tresca theory and the design criterion used in the membrane theory for cylinder are thus compatible. ‘Check whether the same is the case if we consider the design formula for sphere based ‘on membrane theory. Octahedral Shear Theory This is also called von Mises theory. According to this theory, failure occurs when the octahedral shear stress in a system (1 ) is greater than the octahedral shear stress at yield in a specimen subjected to uniaxial tension test. Note that it is similar in wording to the statement of the earlier two theories except that octahedral shear stress is used as criterion for comparison as against maximum principle stress used in the Rankine theory or maximum shear stress used in Tresca theory. The octahedral shear stress is defined in terms of the three principle stresses as follows, 3 (S-SF+(S-8P+ (8-8 y} PIPING ENGINEERING CELL In view of the principle stresses defined for a specimen under uniaxial load earlier, the octahedral shear stress at yield in the specimen can be shown to be as follows. 4m 2058 13 The von Mises theory thus states that failure ‘occurs in a system when octahedral shear stress inthe system exceeds 2" § 3, The reader should check what it implies for the case of cylinder and sphere and how it compares with the membrane theory criteria for design. For stress analysis related calculations, most of the present day piping codes uses a modified version of Tresca theory. DESIGN UNDER LOAD SECONDARY As pointed earlier, a pipe designed to withstand primary Toads and to avoid catastrophic failure may fail after a sufficient amount of time due to secondary cyclic load ‘causing fatigue failure, The secondary loads are often cyclic in nature, The number of cycles to failure is a property of the material of construction just as yield stress is. While yield siress is cardinal to the design under primary sustained loads, this number of cycles to failure is the corresponding material property important in design under cyclic loads aimed at ensuring that the failure does not take place within a certain period for which the system is to be designed. While yield stress is measured by subjecting a specimen to uniaxial tensile load, fatigue test is carried out on a similar specimen subjected to oycles of uniaxial tensile and compressive Toads of certain amplitude, ic. magnitude of the tensile and compressive loads. Normally the tests are carried out with zero mean load. This means, that the specimen is subjected to a gradually increasing load leading to a ‘maximum tensile load of W, then the load is removed gradually till it passes through zero PIPE UNDER STRESS and becomes gradually a compressive load of W (ce. a load of -W), then a tensile load of W and so on, Time averaged load is thus zero. ‘The cycles to failure are then measured, The experiments are repeated with different amplitudes of load. The results would be typically as in Table 1. ‘Table 1: Typical Fatigue Test Results Experiment Applied Cyclic Cycles to Number Stress, psi Failure 1 20000 100,000, 2 30000 38000 3 50000 6700 4 100000 530 5 200000 90 6 300000 2B This table was for a MoC with yield stress of 57000 psi. Some interesting observations can bbe made and questions raised. If the material has a reporied yield stress of 37000, how were stresses far more than that number created during fatigue tests on the specimen as reported in the above table? This question is very common and natural for all those who do stress analysis and observe reported stresses at various nodes of a piping system which are often far beyond the yield stress, In the stress-strain curve generated for the specimen using uniaxial tensile load, such a possibility would not be seen because for any stress ‘mote than the yield stress, the ‘material would seem to strain more and more without allowing a possibility of significantly increasing the stress further. This question can be answered as follows. One must always remember that stresses are always derived rather than actually measured quantities. What is actually measured is the oad or the strain, The stresses are either reported as applied load divided by the original load-bearing cross-section or the values corresponding to the observed strain as noted on the elastic line’s intersection with the strain vertical. What the later gives is the hypothetical stress that would have been 10 PIPING ENGINEERING CELL ‘generated had the taterial stayed in the elastic ‘region and still produced that much strain. The stress calculated in this way is called code stress and what are reported are code stresses. In actual practice, material would crossover to the plastic deformation range and cause ‘observed strain for much smaller actual stress, Another observation is that even when the Toads on the piping system are far below the yield stress (say 30000 psi, the system would fail after a certain number of cycles. The design approach based on primary loads and guarding against catastrophic failure is thus simply not adequate for cyclic load. When the amplitude of the cyclic stress is approximately the same as the yield stress for the material, the number of cycies to failure is about 7000. What does that mean in terms of real time? What would be the life of a piping system or its component, wich is subjected to such a stress cycle? That would depend on the frequency or period of the stress cycle. That in tum would depend on the process and ‘operating philosophy. If the process is such that the cycle period is 24 hours and the Process operates round the year, then there are 365 cycles per year. The cycles would cross 7000 in about 20 years and then the system would fail due to fatigue. This means that if wwe have an operation, which requires stat up, and shut down every day, the life of the plant designed for sustained load would be about 20 years. For processes, which have larger Periodicity of stress cycles, the fatigue life would be proportionately smaller. For example, if the process requires a shut down and start up in every 8 hour shift and the plant operates three shifts a day and 365 days a ‘year, The fatigue life of a component subject to cyclic load due to this cyclic operation ‘would be just 7 years or so if the component is stressed to yield stress in each such cycle. If the life still has to be 20 years, the component must be designed for smaller stress level (ic. of larger thickness) so that it requires more eycles to failure (approximately 21000). If the allowable stress taken in design for sustained Toad is appropriately reduced, desired fatigue life also can be achieved. The cyclic stress vs. cycles to failure data is thus useful to decide the factor by which allowable stress should be reduced to guard any design against. catastrophic as well as fatigue failure. This consideration is behind the cyclic reduction factor associated with the stress analysis. It has been shown that cycles to failure are also a function of the mean stress. For example, a particular system may be cycling between 50000 psi to 20000 psi stress, both tensile, The mean stress is thus 35000 psi and not zero. Under this sustained mean stress, fatigue failure would take place much earlier than under zero mean stress. Laboratory tests, are also carried out to study the effect of sustained load over and above which the cyclic load is imposed. CONCLUSION Stresses in pipe or piping systems are generated due to loads experienced by the system. These loads can have origin in process requirement; the way pipes are supported, piping system’s static properties such as own weight or simple transmitted loads due to problems in connecting equipments such as settlement or vibrations. Whatever may be the origin of load, these stress the fabric of the MoC and failure may occur. This paper attempted to present a rather simplistic view of common loads and their implications on stresses and failure. Fatigue failure is an important aspect in flexibility analysis of piping systems. Often cyclic stresses in piping systems subjected to thermal cycles get transferred to flexibility providing components such as elbows. These ‘become the components susceptible to fatigue failure. Thermal stress analysis or flexibility analysis attempts to guard against such failure through very involved calculations. That is the subject matter of a series of papers to appear in the columns of this journal. seeereeeeeenee PIPE UNDER STRESS u

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