PDSA Directions and Examples: IHI (Institute For Healthcare Improvement) Web Site
PDSA Directions and Examples: IHI (Institute For Healthcare Improvement) Web Site
PDSA Directions and Examples: IHI (Institute For Healthcare Improvement) Web Site
Keep the following in mind when using the PDSA cycles to implement
the health literacy tools:
Single Step - Each PDSA often contains only a segment or
single step of the entire tool implementation.
Short Duration - Each PDSA cycle should be as brief as
possible for you to gain knowledge that it is working or not
(some can be as short as 1 hour).
Small Sample Size - A PDSA will likely involve only a portion of
the practice (maybe 1 or 2 doctors). Once that feedback is
obtained and the process refined, the implementation can be
broadened to include the whole practice.
I plan to: Here you will write a concise statement of what you plan to do in this testing. This will be
much more focused and smaller than the implementation of the tool. It will be a small portion of the
implementation of the tool.
I hope this produces: Here you can put a measurement or an outcome that you hope to achieve.
You may have quantitative data like a certain number of doctors performed teach-back, or
qualitative data such as nurses noticed less congestion in the lobby.
Steps to execute: Here is where you will write the steps that you are going to take in this cycle.
You will want to include the following:
The population you are working with – are you going to study the doctors’ behavior or the
patients’ or the nurses’?
The time limit that you are going to do this study – remember, it does not have to be long,
just long enough to get your results. And, you may set a time limit of 1 week but find out
after 4 hours that it doesn’t work. You can terminate the cycle at that point because you got
your results.
After you have your plan, you will execute it or set it in motion. During this implementation, you will
be keen to watch what happens once you do this.
What did you observe? Here you will write down observations you have during your
implementation. This may include how the patients react, how the doctors react, how the nurses
react, how it fit in with your system or flow of the patient visit. You will ask, “Did everything go as
planned?” “Did I have to modify the plan?”
After implementation you will study the results.
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal? Here you will record how well it
worked, if you meet your goal.
What did you conclude from this cycle? Here you will write what you came away with for this
implementation, if it worked or not. And if it did not work, what can you do differently in your next
cycle to address that. If it did work, are you ready to spread it across your entire practice?
Below are 2 examples of how to fill out the PDSA worksheet for 2 different tools, Tool 17: Get
Patient Feedback and Tool 5: The Teach-Back Method. Each contain 3 PDSA cycles. Each one
has short cycles and works through a different option on how to disseminate the survey to patient
(Tool 17: Patient Feedback) and how to introduce teach-back and have providers try it. (Tool 5:
The Teach-Back Method).
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
Name of Organization
Date City
Selected improvement area (identify only one per worksheet)
Organizational Commitment_____ Community ____ Residents and Families ____
Prevention Strategies ____ Treatment ____ Assessment and Monitoring __X__
I hope this produces: We hope to get at least 25 completed surveys per week during this
Steps to execute:
1. We will display the surveys at the checkout desk.
2. The checkout attendant will encourage the patient to fill out a survey and put it in
the box next to the surveys.
3. We will try this for 1 week.
What did you observe?
We noticed that patients often had other things to attend to at this time, like making
an appointment or paying for services and did not feel they could take on another
task at this time.
The checkout area can get busy and backed up at times.
The checkout attendant often remembered to ask the patient if they would like to fill
out a survey.
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
We only had 8 surveys returned at the end of the week. This process did not work well.
What did you conclude from this cycle?
Patients did not want to stay to fill out the survey once their visit was over. We need to
give patients a way to fill out the survey when they have time.
We will encourage them to fill it out when they get home and offer a stamped envelope to
mail the survey back to us.
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
TOOL: Patient Feedback STEP: Dissemination of surveys CYCLE: 2nd Try
I plan to: We are going to test a process of giving out satisfaction surveys and getting
them filled out and back to us.
I hope this produces: We hope to get at least 25 completed surveys per week during this
Steps to execute:
1. We will display the surveys at the checkout desk.
2. The checkout attendant will encourage the patient to take a survey and an envelope.
They will be asked to fill the survey out at home and mail it back to us.
3. We will try this for 2 weeks.
What did you observe?
The checkout attendant successfully worked the request of the survey into the
checkout procedure.
We noticed that the patient had other papers to manage at this time as well.
Per Checkout attendant only about 30% actually took a survey and envelope.
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
We only had 3 surveys returned at the end of 2 weeks. This process did not work well.
What did you conclude from this cycle?
Some patients did not want to be bothered at this point in the visit – they were more
interested in getting checked out and on their way.
Once the patient steps out of the building they will likely not remember to do the survey.
We need to approach them at a different point in their visit when they are still with us –
maybe at a point where they are waiting for the doctor and have nothing to do.
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
TOOL: Patient Feedback STEP: Dissemination of surveys CYCLE: 3rd Try
I plan to: We are going to test a process of giving out satisfaction surveys and getting
them filled out and back to us.
I hope this produces: We hope to get at least 25 completed surveys per week during this
Steps to execute:
1. We will leave the surveys in the exam room next to a survey box with pens/pencils.
2. We will ask the nurse to point the surveys out/hand then out after vitals and
suggest that while they are waiting they could fill out our survey and put it in box.
3. We will see after 1 week how many surveys we collected.
What did you observe?
Upon self report, most nurses reported they were good with pointing out or handing
the patient the survey.
Some patients may need help reading survey but nurses are too busy to help.
On a few occasions the doctor came in while patient filling out survey so survey was
not complete.
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
We had 24 surveys in the boxes at the end of 1 week. This process worked better.
What did you conclude from this cycle?
Approaching patients while they are still in the clinic was more successful.
Most patients had time while waiting for the doctor to fill out the survey.
We need to figure out how to help people who may need help reading the survey.
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
Name of Organization
Date City
Selected improvement area (identify only one per worksheet)
Organizational Commitment_____ Community ____ Residents and Families ____
Prevention Strategies ____ Treatment ____ Assessment and Monitoring ____
Steps to execute:
What did you observe?
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
What did you conclude from this cycle?
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
We plan to:
Steps to execute:
What did you observe?
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
What did you conclude from this cycle?
PDSA (plan-do-study-act) worksheet
I plan to:
Steps to execute:
What did you observe?
What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goal?
What did you conclude from this cycle?