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Previously For An Offense To Which The Law Attaches An Equal

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95. People v. Melchor Real 1.

G.R. No. 93436 | Mar. 24, 1995 | Quiason, J. | Estioko  As a rule, a sudden attack, whether frontally or from behind,
TOPIC: Habituality (Reiteracion) is treachery. The rule does not apply, however, where the
attack was not preconceived and deliberately adopted but was
FACTS: just triggered by the sudden infuriation on the part of the
1. There was a heated argument between Real and Corpus. The accused because of the provocative act of the victim
argument is about the right to use the market table to display  This is more so, where the assault upon the victim was
their fish. preceded by a heated exchange of words between him and the
2. The Mayor, who happened to be in the market, was able to accused
pacify them. However, after a while, Corpus raised his voice 2.
and said something to Real.  In recidivism or reincidencia, the offender shall have
3. When Corpus was walking to and from near the fish table, Real been previously convicted by final judgment of another crime
started to sharpen his bolo while murmuring to himself. embraced in the same title of the Revised Penal Code
4. When Corpus turned around with his back, Real hacked him  in reiteracion, the offender shall have been punished
on the nape. previously for an offense to which the law attaches an equal
5. Real admitted hacking Corpus but claimed that he did so out or greater penalty or for two or more crimes to which it
of humiliation and anger when the victim threw his fish in the attaches a lighter penalty
presence of so many people.  Unlike in reincidencia, the offender in reiteracion commits a
6. The information against him states “… accused Is a recidivist crime different in kind from that for which he was previously
having been convicted of the crime Ill treatment by Deed on tried and convicted
July 6, 1965 and Grave threats on Nov. 25, 1968.”  There is no reiteracion because that circumstance requires
7. During trial, Real admitted that he hacked Corpus. that the previous offenses should not be embraced in the
8. The trial court held, and the Solicitor General agreed, that same title of the Code. While grave threats fall in title (Title
the attendant aggravating circumstance was reiteracion and Nine) different from homicide (Title Eight),
not reincidencia as alleged in the information. still reiteracion cannot be appreciated because such
9. Before the SC, Real is arguing that he only committed aggravating circumstance requires that if there is only one
homicide and not murder. prior offense, that offense must be punishable by an equal or
greater penalty than the one for which the accused has been
ISSUE: convicted.
1. Whether Real committed homicide or murder – Homicide  Likewise, the prosecution has to prove that the offender has
2. Whether the attending circumstance was reiteracion or been punished for the previous offense. There is no evidence
reincidencia? – reincidencia presented by the prosecution to that effect.


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