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Biblical Name Meaning

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Name of the Old Testament people with their

1. Aaron meaning “Enlightened, illuminated”
2. Abednego meaning “servant of Nego”
3. Abel meaning “Transitory”
4. Abiathar meaning “Father of plenty”
5. Abigail meaning “source of delight”
6. Abihu meaning “He is my father”
7. Abijam meaning “Father of light”
8. Abimelech (1) “Father of the King”
9. Abimelech (2) “Father of the King”
10. Abishai meaning “source of wealth”
11. Abner meaning “father of light”
12. Abraham meaning “ father of a multitude”
13. Absalom meaning “father of peace”
14. Achan meaning “Trouble”
15. Adam meaning “of the ground, dust”
16. Adonijah meaning “Jehovah is my Lord”
17. Ahab meaning “Father’s brother”
18. Ahasuerus meaning “Mighty, eye of man”
19. Ahaz meaning “He holds”
20. Ahaziah (1) meaning “Jehovah possess”
21. Ahaziah (2) meaning “Jehovah possess”
22. Ahijah meaning “ God is brother”
23. Ahimelech meaning “brother of the king”
24. Ahithophel meaning “Foolish brother”
25. Aholiab meaning “Father is my tent”
26. Amasa meaning “Burden bearer”
27. Amaziah meaning “God has strength”
28. Amnon meaning “Tutelage, upbringing”
29. Amon meaning “Workman”
30. Amos meaning “burden bearer”
31. Artaxerxes meaning “Brave warrior”
32. Asa meaning “physician”
33. Asaph meaning “Collector, gather”
34. Athalaih meaning “ God is strong”
35. Balaam meaning “pilgrim” or “lord of the people”
36. Balak meaning “empty, void, waster”
37. Baruch meaning “Blessed”
38. Bath-Sheba meaning “Daughter of an oath”
39. Belshazzar meaning “The Lord’s leader”
40. Benalah meaning “God is intelligent”
41. Benjamin meaning “son of my right hand”
42. Bezaleel meaning “God is protection”
43. Bildad “son of contention”
44. Bilhah meaning “Tender”
45. Boaz meaning “Fleetness, strength”
46. Cain meaning “Acquisition”
47. Canaan meaning “Low, flat”
48. Chedorlaomer meaning “Sheaf band”
49. Cozbi meaning “Fruitful”
50. Cyrus meaning “Sun, throne”
51. Daniel “God is judge”
52. Darius (1) meaning “He who uploads the good”
53. Darius (2) meaning “He who uploads the good”
54. David meaning “Beloved”
55. Deborah meaning “Bee, Wasp”
56. Delilah meaning “Languishing”
57. Dinah meaning “Judged, avenged”
58. Doeg meaning “fearful”
59. Eglon meaning “Circle”
60. Ehud meaning “Strong”
61. Elah meaning “Oak”
62. Eldad meaning “God is a friend”
63. Eleazar meaning “God is helper”
64. Eli meaning “God is high”
65. Eliab meaning “God is father”
66. Ellakim (1) meaning “God is setting up”
67. Ellakim (2) meaning “God is setting up”
68. Eliezer (1) meaning “God is help”
69. Eliezer (2) meaning “God is help”
70. Elihu meaning “God Himself”
71. Elijah meaning “God Himself”
72. Eliphaz (1) meaning “God is dispenser”
73. Eliphaz (2) meaning “God is dispenser”
74. Elisha meaning “God is savior”
75. Elkanah meaning “God is possessing”
76. Enoch meaning “Teacher”
77. Ephraim (1) meaning Doubly fruitful”
78. Ephraim (2) meaning Doubly fruitful”
79. Esau meaning “Hairy”
80. Esther meaning “The planet venus” (star)
81. Eve meaning “life, life giving)
82. Ezekiel meaning “God is strong”
83. Ezra meaning “Help”
84. Gad meaning “Seer, fortune”
85. Gedaliah meaning “God is great”
86. Gehazi meaning “Denier, Diminisher”
87. Geshem meaning “Rain”
88. Gideon meaning “Great warrior, hewer, feller”
89. Goliath meaning “Exile, soothsayer”
90. Gomer meaning “Completion, heat” (Page 911)
91. Habakkuk meaning “Love’s embrace”
92. Hagar meaning “Wandering”
93. Haggai meaning “Festive”
94. Ham meaning “Swarthy, dark, warm”
95. Haman meaning “Celebrated”
96. Hamor meaning “Large donkey”
97. Hananiah meaning “God is gracious”
98. Hannah meaning “Grace”
99. Hanun meaning “Gracious”
100. Hazael meaning “God sees”
101. Heman meaning “Faithful”
102. Hezekiah meaning “Strength of God”
103. Hiram (1) meaning “My brother is exalted”
104. Hiram (2) meaning “My brother is exalted”
105. Hobab meaning “Beloved”
106. Hophni meaning “strong”
107. Hosea meaning “Salvation”
108. Hoshea meaning “God is help”
109. Huldah meaning “Weasel”
110. Hur meaning “Free, noble”
111. Hushai meaning “Quick”
112. Isaac meaning “Laughter”
113. Isaiah meaning “God’s Salvation”
114. Ish—Bosheth meaning “Man of shame”
115. Ishmael (1) meaning “God is hearing”
116. Ishmael (2) meaning “God is hearing”
117. Ithamar meaning “Island of the palm tree”
118. Jabin meaning “Intelligent”
119. Jacob meaning “Following after, supplanter”
120. Jael meaning “Chamois”
121. Japheth meaning “Extender”
122. Jeduthun meaning “Choir of praises”
123. Jehoahaz (1) meaning “God upholds”
124. Jehoahaz (2) meaning “God upholds”
125. Jehoash meaning “God supports”
126. Jehoiachin meaning “God establishes”
127. Jehoiakim meaning “God sets up”
128. Jehoram (1) meaning “God is high”
129. Jehoram (2) meaning “God is high”
130. Jehoshaphat meaning “God is judge”
131. Jehu (1) meaning “God is He”
132. Jehu (2) meaning “God is He”
133. Jephthah meaning “Opposer”
134. Jeremiah meaning “Jehovah is high”
135. Jeroboam I meaning “Enlarger”
136. Jeroboam II meaning “Enlarger”
137. Jesse meaning “God Exists”
138. Jethro meaning “preeminence”
139. Jezebel meaning “without cohabitation”
140. Joab meaning “God is Father”
141. Joash (1) meaning “God supports”
142. Joash (2) meaning “God supports”
143. Job meaning “Persecuted one, where is the Father?”
144. Jochebed meaning “God is honor”
145. Joel (1) meaning “God is God”
146. Joel (2) Meaning “Jehovah is God”
147. Johanan meaning “God is gracious”
148. Jonadab meaning “God is liberal”
149. Jonah meaning “Dove”
150. Jonathan (1) meaning “God has given”
151. Jonathan (2) meaning “God has given”
152. Joram meaning “God is high”
153. Joseph meaning “increaser”
154. Joshua (1) meaning “Jehovah saves”
155. Joshua (2) meaning “Jehovah saves”
156. Josiah meaning “God supports”
157. Jotham meaning “God is perfect”
158. Judah meaning “praise”
159. Keturah meaning “Fragrance”
160. Kohath meaning “Assembly”
161. Korah meaning “Boldness”
162. Laban meaning “White, glorious”
163. Lamech (1) meaning “Over thrower, wild”
164. Lamech (2) meaning “Over thrower, wild”
165. Leah meaning “Weary”
166. Levi meaning “joined”
167. Lot meaning “Concealed, dark”
168. Maher—Shalal—Hash—Baz meaning “Quick to the plunder”
169. Mahlah meaning “Mildness”
170. Malachi meaning “Messenger of God”
171. Manasseh (1) meaning “Causing forgetfulness”
172. Manasseh (1) meaning “Causing forgetfulness”
173. Manoah meaning “Rest”
174. Medad meaning “Love”
175. Melchizedek “My king is righteous”
176. Menahem meaning “Comforter”
177. Mephibosheth meaning “Utterance of Baal”
178. Mesha meaning “Freedom”
179. Meshach meaning, “Who is like Aku, the moon god?”
180. Methuselah meaning “Man of the Javelin”
181. Micah (1) meaning “who is like God”
182. Micah (2) meaning “Who is like God”
183. Micaiah meaning “Who is like God”
184. Michal meaning “Who is like God”
185. Midian meaning “contention”
186. Miriam meaning “Fat, thick, strong”
187. Mordecai meaning “Dedicated to mars”
188. Moses “The one drawn out”
189. Naaman meaning “Pleasant”
190. Nabal meaning “Fool”
191. Naboth meaning “Sprouts” or “Prominence”
192. Nadab (1) meaning “Liberal, willing”
193. Nadab (2) meaning “Liberal, willing”
194. Nahash meaning “Serpent”
195. Hahum meaning “Comforter”
196. Naomi meaning “Pleasant”
197. Nathan (1) meaning “Giver”
198. Nathan (2) meaning “Giver”
199. Nebuchadnezzar meaning “Nebu protects”
200. Nebuzar—Adan meaning “Nebu has given offspring”
201. Nehemiah meaning “Jehovah comforts”
202. Nimrod meaning “Possibly “rebel”
203. Noah meaning “Relief, comfort”
204. Obadiah (1) meaning “Servant of Jehovah”
205. Obadiah (2) meaning “Servant of Jehovah”
206. Obed—Edom meaning “Servant of Edom”
207. OG meaning “Unknown”
208. Oholiab meaning “Father is my tent”
209. Omri meaning “Strength”
210. Othniel meaning “God is force”
211. Pashur meaning “Son of Horus”
212. Pekah meaning “watchfulness”
213. Pekahiah meaning “God watches”
214. Peninnah meaning “Pearl”
215. Phinehas (1) meaning “the Nubian” or “the Negro”
216. Phinehas (2) meaning “the Nubian” or “the Negro”
217. Potiphar meaning “Belonging to the sun—god Ra”
218. Puah meaning “Mouth”
219. Rab—Shakeh meaning “Chef officer”
220. Rachel meaning “Lamb”
221. Rahab meaning “Breadth”
222. Rebekah meaning “Flattering”
223. Rehoboam meaning “Freer of the people”
224. Reuben meaning “Behold, a son”
225. Rizpah meaning “Hot stone”
226. Ruth meaning “friendship”
227. Samson meaning “Little sun”
228. Samuel meaning “Hand of God”
229. Sanballat meaning “Sin (the mon-god) save the life”
230. Sarah meaning “Princess”
231. Sargon II meaning “Lawful king”
232. Saul meaning “Ask for”
233. Sennacherib meaning “The god Zin has multiplied brothers”
234. Seraiah (1) meaning “Jehovah has preserved”
235. Seraiah (1) meaning “Jehovah has preserved”
236. Seth meaning “Appointed”
237. Shadrach meaning “Command of Aku, the moon god”
238. Shallum meaning “Recompenser”
239. Shalmaneser V meaning “Sulman if leader”
240. Shamgar meaning “uncertain possibly “foreigner”, stranger, of sojourner”
241. Sheba meaning “Oath, covenant”
242. Shebna meaning “Youthfulness”
243. Shechem meaning “Shoulder”
244. Shem meaning “Honored one”
245. Shemaiah (1) meaning “Jehovah has heard”
246. Shemaiah (2) meaning “Jehovah has heard”
247. Shimei meaning “Jehovah has heard”
248. Shiphrah meaning “Handsome”
249. Sihon meaning “Great, bold”
250. Simeon meaning “Hearing”
251. Sisera meaning “Unknown”
252. Solomon meaning “Peace”
253. Tamar (1) meaning “Palm”
254. Tamar (2) meaning “Palm”
255. Terah meaning “Turning, duration”
256. Tiglath—pileser III meaning “My confidence is the son of Esharra”
257. Tobiath meaning “God is good”
258. Uriah meaning “God is light”
259. Urijah meaning “God is light”
260. Uzziah meaning “God is strong”
261. Vashti meaning “Beautiful”
262. Xerxes meaning “ Mighty, eye of man”
263. Zachariah meaning “Righteous”
264. Zechariah (1) meaning “God has remembered”
265. Zechariah (2) meaning “God has remembered”
266. Zedekiah meaning “Jehovah is my righteousness”
267. Zephaniah meaning “He whom God has forbidden”
268. Zeresh meaning “Gold”
269. Zerubbabel meaning “seed, shoot of Babylon”
270. Ziba meaning “Planting” or “Branch”
271. Zilpah meaning “Unknown”
272. Zimri (1) meaning “My son” or “My protection”
273. Zimri (2) meaning “My son” or “My protection”
274. Zipporah meaning “Little bird”
275. Zophar meaning “uncertain, possibly, chirper, whistler, or young boy”

Name of the New Testament people with their

276. Aeneas meaning “Praise”
277. Agabus meaning “To love”
278. Ananias (1) meaning “God has been Gracious”
279. Ananias (1) meaning “God has been Gracious”
280. Andrew meaning “Manly”
281. Anna meaning “Grace”
282. Annas meaning “Grace of Jehovah”
283. Apollos meaning “Destroyed”
284. Aquila meaning “Eagle”
285. Aristarchus meaning “The best ruler”
286. Barabbas meaning “son of the Father”
287. Bar—Jesus/Elymas meaning, “Elymas means powerful” “Bar—Jesus “son of
288. Barnabas meaning “Joses means—Increaser” “Barnabas means—son of
289. Bartimaeus meaning “Son of Timaeus”
290. Caiaphas meaning “Depressions”
291. Cornelius meaning “A horn”
292. Crispus meaning “Curled”
293. Demas meaning “Popular”
294. Demetrius meaning “Belonging to Demeter”
295. Diotrephes meaning “Nurtured by Zeus”
296. Dorcas/Tabitha meaning “Gazelle, roe”
297. Elisabeth meaning “God’s oath”
298. Epaphroditus meaning “Lovely”
299. Erastus meaning “Beloved”
300. Eunice meaning “Conquering well”
301. Euodias meaning “Fragrance”
302. Eutychus meaning “Fortune”
303. Felix meaning “Happy”
304. Festus meaning “Joyful”
305. Gaius (1) meaning “Rejoice”
306. Gaius (2) meaning “Rejoice”
307. Gamaliel meaning “reward of God”
308. Herod Agrippa I meaning “Seed of a hero”
309. Herod Agrippa II meaning “Seed of a hero”
310. Herod Antipas meaning “seed of a hero”
311. Herod the great meaning “Seed of a hero”
312. Herodias meaning “seed of a hero”
313. Hymenaeus meaning “Nuptial, marriage”
314. Jairus meaning “Enlightened by God”
315. James the Apostle meaning “Heel catcher, supplanter”
316. James the half-brother of Jesus meaning “Supplanter”
317. James the less meaning “Supplanter”
318. Jason meaning “Healing”
319. Jesus Christ meaning “Jesus means savior” Christ means “the anointed
320. Jezebel meaning “Without cohabitation”
321. John the Apostle meaning “Grace of God”
322. Joseph (1) meaning “Increaser, may God add”
323. Joseph (2) meaning “Increase, may God add”
324. Judas the Galilee meaning “Praised”
325. Judas Iscariot meaning “Praise”
326. Jude meaning “Praise”
327. Lazarus (1) meaning “Without life, helped by God”
328. Lazarus (2) meaning “without life, helped by God”
329. Luke meaning “Light giving”
330. Malchus meaning “Counselor”
331. Mark meaning “John means Grace of Jehovah” “Marks means Large
332. Martha meaning “Lady, Mistress”
333. Mary, the mother of Jesus meaning “Bitter”
334. Mary Magdalene meaning “Bitter”
335. Mary, the mother of James and Joses meaning “Bitter”
336. Mary, the sister of Martha “Bitter”
337. Matthew meaning “Matthew means gift of God”, Levi means “Joiner”
338. Matthias meaning “Gift of Jehovah”
339. Nathanael/Bartholomew meaning “Gift of God”
340. Nicodemus meaning “Victor over the people”
341. Onesimus meaning “Bringing a Gift”
342. Paul/Saul meaning “Saul means one who ask” “Paul means Little, small”
343. Peter meaning “Simon means hearing” “peter means rock” (Greek) Cephas
means rock (Aramaic)
344. Philemon meaning “Loving”
345. Philip the Apostle meaning “lover of horses”
346. Philip the Evangelist meaning “lover of horses”
347. Phoebe/Phebe meaning “Bright. Radiant”
348. Pilate meaning “Pike man, one armed with Javelin”
349. Priscilla/ Prisca meaning “Ancient”
350. Publius meaning “Common”
351. Rhoda meaning “A rose”
352. Salome meaning “Peaceful”
353. Sapphira meaning “Beautiful”
354. Silas/Silvanus meaning “Asked of God”
355. Simeon meaning “Hearing”
356. Simon the Cyrenian meaning “Hearing”
357. Simon the leper meaning “hearing”
358. Simon the Pharisee meaning “Hearing”
359. Simon the Sorcerer meaning “Hearing”
360. Simon the Zealot meaning “Heaing”
361. Stephanas meaning “Crown, wreath”
362. Stephen meaning “Crow, Wreath”
363. Syntyche meaning “Fortune”
364. Thaddaeus meaning “Courageous” Judas means Praise” “Lebbaeus means
“man of heart”
365. Theophilus meaning “Loved by God”
366. Theudas meaning “Gift of God”
367. Thomas meaning “twin (from the Greek)” Didymus also means “twin” (from
the Aramaic).
368. Timothy/Timotheus meaning “Honored by God”
369. Trophimus meaning “Nourishing, lover of God”
370. Tychicus meaning “Fortunate”
371. Zacchaeus meaning “Pure”
372. Zacharias meaning “God remember”

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