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Teacher Resources and Professional Development Across The Curriculum

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Teacher resources and professional development across the curriculum


Jennifer Stanley
Director, Marketing,
Communications & Education
Representing ideas and connecting the representations to mathematics lies at the heart of understanding
mathematics. Teachers should analyze student representations and carefully listen to their discussions to gain
insights into the development of mathematical thinking and to enable them to provide support as students
connect their languages to the conventional language of mathematics."
Representation is not about manipulating symbols; it is about showing the ideas in a mathematical situation
in a variety of meaningful ways. When we solve mathematical problems, a core part of the solution process
is how we represent the ideas in the problem. The form of representation we select allows us to manipulate
the information (as opposed to manipulating symbols) to reach a sensible solution. With the Representation
Standard, our goal is for young students to show their mathematical ideas and procedures in multiple ways.
Through the use of representations, children develop their own mental images of mathematical ideas.

Representations used in the early grades may not be those that are traditionally used by adults. Students'
representations provide a record of their efforts to understand mathematics and to make that understanding
accessible to others. It is through representations that we can get into a child's thinking, assess that child's
understanding, and make instructional decisions accordingly.

It should be an expectation, even in the early grades, that students use multiple representations. For
example, children might use manipulative materials to model their thinking about a problem, then translate
that model to a drawing on paper, and eventually move toward the use of more conventional symbols in
expressing their thinking. Multiple representations support students' thinking by allowing them to see the
same idea expressed in different ways. Let's take a look at some of ways that young children can represent
their thinking.

As young students learn to do mathematics, it is important for them to have time to develop their own
strategies and processes for solving problems in order to make sense of what they are doing. Models serve
as a link between a concept and the symbols that can be used to express that concept. Concrete models can
help children represent their thinking about a mathematical concept. By "concrete models", we mean
something that exists physically in the world and that generally the student can manipulate. Think back to
the children who were estimating and counting beans in Part A of this session. The children began by using
the models of specific numbers of blocks as a reference for their estimate. In this case, the models were
provided by the teacher; however, children should certainly be able to use their own models as an
estimation strategy. The students also used concrete models to show their counting strategies. By grouping
the beans into sets of 10, they were able to demonstrate the counting process they had used.
Discover how the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA)
approach helps pupils to develop a deep understanding of
maths as part of mastery learning
CPA may be at the heart of teaching for mathematical mastery, but giving pupils objects and
drawings to help them to understand key concepts isn’t anything new. So, what is it that makes
this approach so valuable to the study of maths and particularly to the teaching for mastery?
Not sure what mastery is? Check out this handy introduction.
Firstly, CPA is not about getting the answer quickly. Concrete manipulatives are often used to
help low-ability students to work through questions, but it is important that teachers also use
them to encourage the transition to pictorial and abstract. After all, maths lessons aren't about
teaching tricks; they are about giving pupils the tools to understand the problem in front of
Interestingly, in a mastery classroom, there doesn’t have to be a linear progression from
concrete to pictorial to abstract. Instead, teachers should apply a cyclical approach. For
example, even when a pupil has worked out the answer using an abstract method, it is worth
asking them to use concrete manipulatives to convince others that they are correct.
Secondly, CPA is for everyone; all abilities and ages. Concrete manipulatives are a common
feature of KS1 classrooms across the country. By KS2, they barely exist and are only occasionally
brought out for students who are struggling.
Mastery teaching encourages the use of concrete manipulatives in any lesson and suggests
that there is value in KS2 students having a variety of equipment to aid their thinking. For these
pupils, concrete objects can often kick-start learning about a new concept and are gradually
abandoned as pupils progress through the lesson.
Finally, CPA is a way to deepen and clarify mathematical thinking. Students are given the
opportunity to discover new ideas and spot the patterns, which will help them reach the
answer. From the start of KS1, it is a good idea to introduce CPA as three interchangeable
approaches, with pictorial acting as the bridge between concrete and abstract.
When teaching for mastery, the CPA approach helps learners to be more secure in their
understanding, as they have to prove that they have fully grasped an idea. Ultimately, it
gives pupils a firm foundation for future learning.
Sian Evans2017

Examining the CPA approach to primary maths
In the CPA approach all pupils should have access to manipulatives when any new learning is
explored or when the teacher is building on a previous concept. The use of manipulatives can
challenge even those pupils who appear to have grasped the learning. It is certainly true that
some pupils may need more access to manipulatives and for longer. But the use of
manipulatives supports pupils’ mathematical reasoning and some pupils who appear to grasp
concepts rapidly, may not have as fully developed an understanding as we might expect. The
use of manipulatives helps teachers to mitigate this risk. See the example below where a group
of year two pupils, who had been identified as having sufficient grasp of the subject, were
challenged even more deeply through the use of manipulatives. All stages should be taught
simultaneously whenever a new concept is introduced and when the teacher wishes to build
further on the concept. See how, in the example below, pupils are using concrete resources,
pictorial and abstract recording – all within the same activity. This ensures that the pupils are
able to make good links between each stage. At various points in a sequence of learning, the
teacher may reintroduce the concrete resource to develop reasoning and the ability to see
multiple representations of a concept. All age ranges benefit from the use of manipulatives to
support their conceptual development. It is equally as important in KS2 as in KS1. Consider the
case study below and how the activity using pentominoes might support an increased
understanding about the relationship between area and perimeter.

Rachel Rayner

The ‘CPA’ approach

Published: 28 May 2016

Herts for Learning

The concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to learning mathematics advises that every new

concept is introduced at the concrete level with the use of manipulatives. The implications for
instruction are that teachers model mathematical concepts using manipulatives and provide
students with ongoing opportunities develop understanding through their own experience using
concrete materials before progressing to the pictorial and abstract representations of the
Kelli Trainer, Educator w/experience teaching and training Singapore math strategies, most
recently in Math in Focus
May 8, 2011
Singapore Mathematics: What is the Concrete-Pictorial-
Abstract (CPA) Pedagogy?

The Role Of Virtual Manipulatives On The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract

Approach In Teaching Primary Mathematics

LEE Ngan Hoe; TAN Boon Leong Jeremy


February 2014

Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology;Feb2014, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p102

Academic Journal


This paper reports on the work to review the key pedagogical approach advocated in Singapore Primary Mathematics
Curriculum - the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach or C-P-A Approach in view of the changes brought about by
technological advances. In particular, the Concrete-Virtual-Pictorial-Abstract Approach or C-V-P-A Approach is
proposed to take into account the role that virtual manipulatives play in enriching the representations of mathematical
concepts in the mathematics classrooms. Through a case study, the study sought to determine the possible impact of
this proposed revised approach on teachers' delivery of lessons.

Hauser , Jane. Concrete-representational-abstract instructional approach. Retrieved April 9, 2009, from the
Access Center: Improving Outcomes for all Students K-8. Web

Heddens, James W., (1997). Improving mathematics teaching by using manipulatives. Retrieved April 9, 2009,
from Edumath Web site:
In the classroom, this approach is a facilitating framework for students to create meaningful connections between
concrete, representational, and abstract levels of thinking and understanding. Students’ learning starts out with visual,
tangible, and kinesthetic experiences to establish basic understanding, and then students are able to extend their
knowledge through pictorial representations (drawings, diagrams, or sketches) and then finally are able to move to the
abstract level of thinking, where students are exclusively using mathematical symbols to represent and model problems

Studies have shown that “students who use concrete materials develop more precise and more comprehensive mental
representations, often show more motivation and on-task behavior, understand mathematical ideas, and better apply
these ideas to life situations,” (Hauser).

What is the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Instructional Approach?

The CRA Instructional Approach is “an intervention for mathematics instruction that research suggests can enhance
the mathematics performance of students.” (Hauser) The Approach is a “three-part instructional strategy, with each
part building on the previous instruction to promote student learning and retention and to address conceptual
knowledge.” (Hauser)

Manipulative materials are concrete models or objects that involve mathematics concepts. The most effective
tools are ones that appeal to several senses, and that can be touched and moved around by the students (not
demonstrations of materials by the teacher). The manipulative materials should relate to the students’ real world
(Heddens, 1997).

Hwang, (2007). Multiple Representation Skills and Creativity Effects on Mathematical
Problem Solving using a Multimedia Whiteboard System. Educational Technology &
Society, ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). © International Forum of Educational
Technology & Society (IFETS).


Rosengrant, D., dkk. (2007). An Overview of Recent Research on Multiple Representations.

[Online]. Tersedia:
Downloads/Papers/DavidRosperc2006.pdf[2 Januari 2013].

Constructivists also claimed that students should discover and build upon their own knowledge.
Therefore, the mathematics learning process should be active and meta-cognitive. Teachers should
bridge the gaps between learning mathematical knowledge and solving real world problems. Solving a
math problem is more than just filling in a blank in a test. Students need to form good expressions in
elaborating their solutions.(Hwang)

In general psychology, representation means the modelling process of concrete things in the
real world into an abstract concept or symbol. Furthermore, in the mathematical psychology,
representation is defined as a description of the relationship between objects and symbols
et al., 2007).

There are five representations that used in mathematics education including representation
of real-world objects, concrete representations, symbolic representation of arithmetic, verbal
representation (language) and a graphical representation or image. Among these five things, the
three levels of representation is more abstract and higher in math problem solving (Lesh, Post,
Behr in Hwang, 2007).

Rosengrant, et al., (2007) suggested that the representation is a process to modelling or

symbolizes an object (thing). Model or symbol can be made in the form of words, images,
computer simulation, and mathematical equations and miscellaneos. By using a variety of
representations, students can make connections, compare, develop and advance their
of mathematical concepts.
Sequence of learning activities carried out inthe CPA is very important. Activities with
concrete material should take precedence to give the impression that mathematical operations
be used to solve real-world problems. Pictorial representation shows a visual representation of
manipulation of concrete help visualize mathematical operations in problem solving. This is
important for the teacher to explain how the sample image relates to concrete objects. Then, a
formal working with symbols are used to show how symbols providea shorter way and efficient
represent numerical operations. In the end, students need to achieve the highest level of abstract
is proficient in use of symbols with a lot of mathematical abilities they control. –putri (2015)
Learning and teaching process using a CPA approach provides many opportunities for
students to construct their knowledge. For example, interaction with concrete objects increases
possibility that students remember the choice of procedural stages in solving a mathematical
problem, because it allows students to encode and retrieve informationin a variety of sensory
options: visual, auditory, tactile (feeling/touch), and kinesthetic.
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 6 June 2015
Hafiziani Eka Putri
ISSN: 2411-5681

Representation ability is necessary due to it has important role in student mind development,
as the manifestation of educational process that have been undertaken by student. Rosengrant, et.
(2007) stated that mathematics representation ability supports the student to achieve knowledge
problem solving. In line with this, Goldin (2002) expressed that construction of representation,
representation system, and representational structure development are essential component for
learning mathematics and problem solving.

Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) sometimes is so called as Concrete-Representational-

Abstract (CRA) or Concrete-Semiconcrete-Abstract (CSA). The teaching approach was similar
was originally based on the idea of Jerome Bruner in 1960. CPA approach consists of three
where students learn through physical manipulation of concrete objects, followed by learning
through a pictorial representation of a concrete manipulation, and ends with solving problems
abstract notation (Witzell, 2005). Stages of learning by using CPA approach are also described
by Flores (2010), namely: First,
manipulative objects are used to introduce the conceptual understanding. Second is concrete
that the learning proces sis described as follows: The instructor demonstrates the
process/mathematical skills with manipulative objects, the instruct or then guide students to
participate in the use of manipulative objects, giving directions and clues, and the students in
dependently using object manipulation to demonstrate the skills/processes. Instructional the
representational level follows the same steps, bu tmanipulative objects replaced with a picture
and/or painting. After the representational phase, most of the interventions involving the CPA
give students strategies that help them to remember the steps in the process of mathematics. It
serves as a transition from the use of drawings or paintings with the use of only the numbers are
abstract phase. During the final phase, the students use the numbers in solving mathematical
and instruction focuses on fluency.

Flores, M.M. (2010). Using the Concrete–Representational–Abstract Sequence to Teach

With Regrouping to Students at Risk for Failure.Journal : Remedial and Special
Education Volume 31 Number 3 May/June 2010 195-207. [Online].
.com/file/view/Effective+Math+Strategies+CRA.pdf.[20 Januari 2012]
Witzel W.S. (2005).Using CRA to Teach Algebra to Students with Math Difficulties in Inclusive
Settings.A Contemporary Journal 3(2), 49–60, 2005 .[Online]. Tersedia: https://ehisebscohost- pdfviewer?vid=7&sid=cd03d495-
1f99-4ec2-90d5-85ac8c67257b%40sessionmgr115&hid=116[20Februari 2005]

CPA approach gives benefit to the most students and has proven to be very effective to help
students who have difficulty in learning mathematics, because the CPA approach is moving
gradually from actual objects throug him age and then subsequently to the symbol (Jordan,
&Mercer, in Sousa, 2007).

Sousa, D.A. (2005). The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstrak Approach. [Online]. Tersedia:

http://www.logan [25 Nopember 2012]

Sousa, D. (2007). How the Brain learns Mathematics. Corwin Press.

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