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Teaching factory development model to improve the productive capability of

vocational education students

Conference Paper · August 2017

DOI: 10.1201/9781315166568-34


0 188

3 authors, including:

Anam Sutopo Dadang Mulyana

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta unimed


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Adi Sutopo, Arif Rahman & Dadang Mulyana

Education Electrical Engineering FT Unimed
ABSTRACT: Teaching Factory is one of the activities in Vocational Education to produce goods or services
that are managed and conducted teacher and students. The main function of Teaching Factory in the learning
activity is: to receiving complain skills and knowledge of students in the real job conditions, can substitute
industries for being a place of practice industrial and the entrepreneurial spirit. The purpose of the
development of Teaching Factory is to increase the ability of the another obvious lesson competence of
students and income generating to the school. Another obvious lesson the competence of students namely
ability skills in completing the work and the enterpreanurshif ability. Income generating is intended to add
school's operational funds and increase the welfare for class teachers and school comunity member's. The
research found that teaching factory development model bothered implemented : 1) oriented to the needs of
consumers, 2) human resources capabilities, 3) infrastructure and equipment effectiveness, (4) project-based
learning, another obvious lesson development, 5) increased students' ability through training, and 6) the
development of marketing through print and electronic media.

Keywords: teaching factory, the productive competence of students, teaching factory development model

Introduction of vacancy is not comparable Vocational

Based on labor pyramid Vocational Educational Educational graduates and; 3) competencies
graduates as mid-level labor, so Vocational Vocational Educational graduates do not meet the
Educational graduates must have the ability to skills required qualification industry. 2020 many
in accordance with the requirements of the industry. companies will face difficulties finding qualified
Bambang Indriyanto (2007) stated that a program of labor is good for the beginner level and medium
improving the skills and entrepreneurship level managers (The Boston Consulting Group,
Vocational Educational students are important for 2013). The National Employment census 2007 stated
preparing students to penetrate the international that only 5 percent of the total work force Indonesia
labor market. The year 2015 Indonesia with the who are interested in entrepreneurship (Ibnu
ASEAN economic community and will enter the Retiring, Hamidi, Prima, 2016).
implementation of MEA. Based on the above and vocational education
Employment Data February 2015 TPT activities should also be directed to the graduates
mentions that the Vocational Educational graduates have the ability to become entrepreneurs. One of the
are on the number of 9,05 percent increase efforts to prepare the ability
significantly when compared with the February 2014 of entrepreneurs students at Vocational
and February 2013 that is on 7,21% and 7,72 %. Educational with teaching factory program. The
This can be caused by: 1) increase the number of teaching factory services program can provide real
Vocational Educational graduates 2007 comparisons work experience on the students as a replacement for
with the number of SMA reached 41:59 and pushed the industry practice and at the same time to
up to 70:30 in 2015 (Dikmenjur, 2007); 2) number entrepreneurial spirit (UU Sisdiknas, 2004). The
Government Regulation Number 29 1990 Article 29 Vocational Education function is as:
verse 2: states "to prepare students Vocational (1) trainning center/procuring training facilities for
Educational become labor, Vocational Educational the region; (2) testing center; (3) teaching factory;
can be established teaching factory services (4) outlet for service placement of graduates and
professionally operation". labor; and (5) business center and franchises
development for community (Dikdasmen, 2005).
Literature Review One of the efforts to achieve the function of
1. Vocational Schools Vocational Education is by establishing teaching
Vocational Education is a secondary education factorys. The Directorate of Vocational Educational
that prepare learners especially for work in a Development (2007:1) stated that "teaching factory
particular area (ACT ON National Education is a means of learning and entrepreneurs for the
System No. 20 Article 15 th 2003). The students and teachers as well as supporting the
implementation and development of vocational school operational costs".
schools in the process of teaching and learning The development of teaching factorys related to
activities based on philoshopi essentialism, the theory for workplace learning is ''transfer of
existentialism and pragmatim. learning takes place through interaction between
Philosophy pragmatism as the basis of the activity systems. The school and for student
concept of situated cognition learning means placements engage in collaborative interaction in
that the more often students interact with learning this is done by both activity systems learn something
objects will provide many experiences and from shipbuilders other '' Engeström and Gröhn
knowledge. Sherman (Hsiao, Lin DW, 2010: 2) (2004: 1). Teaching factorys in their activity face the
stated "constructivism views that knowledge is not real situation and is the implementation of
about the world, but rather 'constitutive' of the the concept of situated cognition and the theory
world. Knowledge is not a fixed object, it is " konstruktivisme. Sherman (Lin Hsiao, 2010:
constructed by an individual through her own 2) stated "constructivism views that knowledge is
experience of that object". Kolb, (Kolb, Boyatzis, not about the world, but rather 'constitutive' of the
and Mainemelis, 1999: 2) stated "Experiential world. Knowledge is not a fixed object, it is "
learning theory defines learning as the process constructed by an individual through her own
whereby knowledge is created through the experience of that object".
transformation of experience. Knowledge results The real experience in teaching and learning
from the combination of grasping and transforming activities it is important to develop the skills and
experience. Based on this theory of knowledge and knowledge of the students in the production
skills obtained due to a combination of experience activities. Kolb, (Kolb, Boyatzis, and Mainemelis,
and grasping transformation. 1999: 2) stated "experiential learning theory defines
learning as the process whereby knowledge is
2. Teaching factory created through the transformation of experience.
Knowledge results from the combination of grasping to carry out the activities of the teaching
and transforming experience. This theory states that factory
the knowledge and skills obtained through a 4) Provide training on the students in accordance
combination of experience and grasping with the requirements of the, so that the
transformation. implementation of the work more effective
Based on the concept of situated cognition, 5) Planning the project-based learning to produce
situated learning and experiential learning so that goods/services
the existence of a teaching factory at vocational 6) To train students who have been
education importen, because the quality of teaching chosen according to the specifications and
and learning will be better. Because off the students expertise in the face of the possibility of the
are learning in the real condition, working together problems facing teaching factory
in a team, seek and serve consumers, conducting 7) Marketing development teaching factory with
activities and market their production, train developing marketing media such as
discipline, the intensity of student learning and can brochures, banner and others. The model of
evaluate the quality of the product. the development of teaching factorys is
described in diagram 1 and 2.
Research Method b. Productive capabilities of SMK Students
This research development. Loading data using Productive capabilities of SMK students in the
the instrument of observation sheet, inventory, and implementation of teaching factorys is the ability
interview. Data analysis by using the logical of the hard skills and soft skills. The ability of
framework analysis.
the hard skill is related to the skills of the
students complete work including in the category
The research results and Discussion
of good (value of average = 77,2). The ability
The results of research on the implementation of
of soft skills related to team work, the ability of
the model of the development of the teaching
communication and interpersonal
factorys are as follows:
relationship, as in table 1.
a. Teaching factory Development Model
The research results show that the activity of
The implementation of the development
teaching factorys that carried out the students are
of teaching factorys is done with the following
able to improve the ability of productive students,
so that the more students work for the ability
1) Identify the ability of knowledge and skills of
counterproductive increased. research results
the students and teachers productive at SMK
have not yet been able to reveal to the level of
2) Identify the needs of the people to the product
stress the students in the face of Job, because in
and service
conducting activities when experiencing
3) Identify the availability and adequacy
problems get aid directly from the accompanying
of school facilities and infrastructure to be able

teachers, besides that there is no competition with fellow students.
Table 1. The ability of Soft Skill Students Executive Teaching factory
No Aspects The indicator The results
Communicatio Able to talk to convey their The students are able to do with the good cooperation in
1 n capabilities opinions and ask completing the work such as in the face of difficulties
and cannot be solved itself and not withheld discussions with
friends and the accompanying teachers.
The ability The cooperation in a team in The students are able to perform the cooperation with the
2 in team work the work team to solve problems and complete the work with the
division of tasks and in completing the work
The Serious about the job Students attempting to complete the work to finish and as
3 commitment quickly as possible with the use of spare time owned.
in the work
Time To use the time effectively, The students are able to do the work with seriously so that it
4 management can divide their time can be resolved according to the target or the needs of the
Leadership Encourage friends to The ability of students in the search for a friend who can be
5 participate actively, help invited to carry out the activities of the teaching factory and
friends resolve issues the ability to regulate time activities.
Think creative Find a new way Creativity voiced as a result of the thinking of the students is
6 to find out how to find the damage and overcome the
damage to the appliance/goods.
Stress The Management Have not seen the results for carrying out work that students
7 Management had not yet received the pressure because students feel they
have no difficulty

community, curriculum
community and Program

Job work
Production -quality of Outcome:
The Teacher
Tutor normative, ProsesUnit/ graduates The
technicians and Practice - Kualitas product Siswa-
students /service Sekolah-
Infrastructure economy

Picture 4. The Model scheme Teaching factory

With the promotion of

media (Banner name
board, flyers, internet ) The product/

Sub contract with Quality

The project Productio
the company Control
teaching models n Unit

The The Teacher

curriculum Teacher of the Consumers
theory and practice

Picture 5. The implementation of scheme Teaching factory Activities

Conclusion Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan
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who will be the main executive (head) in the
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