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TorahWeb Redesign RFP

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Request for 
Proposal 2019 Redesign and Expansion 

June 2019 
Revision: two lines added on June 3. They are highlighted in ​blue​. 


TorahWeb Foundation 
Judah Diament 

The TorahWeb Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1999 
at the initiative of members of the community. Its goal is to disseminate divrei Torah and 
hashkafa, with special attention to contemporary religious and social issues. TorahWeb's 
board consists of Rav Hershel Schachter, Rav Michael Rosensweig, Rav Mayer Twersky, 
and Rav Mordechai Willig. Neither the authors/speakers nor any other individuals 
involved in TorahWeb earn any money from TorahWeb. TorahWeb is supported by 
donations and income from sales of seforim it publishes. 
TorahWeb has three ongoing projects: 
1) Publishing a dvar Torah each week from one of a set of rabbis (see’s 
front page for the list of authors). All past divrei Torah are available on the web site. 
2) Free in-person public shiurim a few times a year given by a subset of the same 
rabbis. These shiurim take place in the NY metro area. Audio and video recordings 
are posted on torahweb afterwards. Audio and video from past events are available 
on the web site. 
3) Publishing seforim. Thus far we have published 6 volumes of Rav Hershel 
Schachter’s notes from Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik’s gemara shiurim, as well as 3 
volumes of English divrei Torah generated by our other two ongoing projects. 
In addition, we hope in the foreseeable future to begin the posting of hundreds of audio 
shiurim by Rav Mayer Twersky. 
The objective of this RFP is to identify a web development company that is familiar with 
the Orthodox Jewish market in America and can execute a redesign of our web site as well 
as create a mobile app for TorahWeb. 


Project Description 
The purpose of this project is as follows: 
1. Redesign to: 
a. nave a “scalable” user experience, which will maintain ease of use as the 
amount of content grows  
b. be mobile friendly 
c. be easier for users to find what they want 
d. be easier for users to share TorahWeb content with others 
2. Create Android and iOS apps for TorahWeb 
3. Enable users to easily discover and purchase the books we have printed 
4. Both the visual design as well as technology choices should be “built to last”, i.e. 
should be able to survive for approximately five years; we need longevity more than 
Customer interactions to support: 
1. For divrei Torah, audio, and video: 
a. receive notification of new content, and/or the content itself, via email 
b. get notification of new content and events via the app, Twitter, WhatsApp, 
blog/Feedly, etc. 
c. receive notifications of upcoming events/shiurim 
d. keyword search on TorahWeb 
e. tag, topic, and category based search 
f. navigate to any content via TorahWeb UI (by author, by parsha, etc.) 
g. highlight new, or other specific, content on the home page 
h. tag and view favorite content  
i. show a user their recent reads/listens/views 
j. users share content with other users 
2. For all Audio & Video: 
a. Play, at variable speeds 
b. save locally (web site or app) 


c. continue where left off 

d. Share, and share at a specific point/time 
3. Books 
a. purchase 
b. purchase in bulk 
c. donate towards printing of 
4. General 
a. Create an account and subscribe to content (free) 
i. Login using Google and/or LinkedIn accounts 
b. Contact us 
c. About 
d. Donate - general donations as well as targeted donations for something 
specific. Already registered and using PayPal Giving Fund. 
e. Search engine optimization. 
1. The technology stack must be as simple as possible and not require excessive 
ongoing administration beyond what a web hosting firm provides 
2. No gratuitous server side generation of content 
3. It must be simple for a competent programmer to add new content of any/all kinds 
to the web site 
a. Manual editing of HTML, uploading via FTP, etc. are acceptable. We do not 
have a need for non-technical users to add or edit content. 
4. Google analytics must be used to track users on the site 
5. The server side of the site must not be dependent on a specific hosting company. It 
should be hostable on a generic hosting provider (e.g. GoDaddy), on the Amazon 
Cloud, etc. 
6. All libraries, etc., used on must be open source - no commercial software 
7. All design documents, code, and assets for browser client, the server side, and the 
apps must be checked in to a GitHub repository that TorahWeb will provide access 


Project Stages 
1. Proposals submitted. ​Proposals must include: 
a. Basic initial visual design ideas/sketches for site and app 
b. Description of technology to be used on clients and server 
c. Project road map, including: 
i. visual and technical design 
ii. iteration on, and acceptance of, designs 
iii. a description of stages of development, preferably using an agile 
CI/CD software development approach 
iv. Time to complete each step 
d. Cost 
e. Porting of all content from current site to new site 
2. TorahWeb interaction with bidders for clarifications, etc. 
3. Winning bidder selected, contract signed 
4. Execution of proposed plan 
5. Final delivery 

Evaluation Factors 
TorahWeb will rate proposals based on the following factors: 
1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal 
2. Relevant past performance/experience 
3. Samples of work 
4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost (time and money) of ownership 
5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff 
TorahWeb reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to 
TorahWeb as determined solely by TorahWeb in its absolute discretion. 


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