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Icepower 1000 AMK2

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Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s, Gl. Lundtoftevej 1b, DK-2800 Kgs.

Phone [45] 45 20 36 00, Fax [45] 45 20 36 99, CVR-no. 25053591,

1000W General Purpose ICEpower Amplifier
Version 2.1


General Description ......................................................................................... 2

Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 3
Connection Diagram........................................................................................ 3
Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................. 5
Electrical Specifications .................................................................................... 5
Timing Specifications ....................................................................................... 6
Typical Performance Characteristics ................................................................. 6
Application Information ................................................................................... 9
Operational Timing Diagram .......................................................................... 11
Features......................................................................................................... 12
Thermal Design.............................................................................................. 14
Power Supply................................................................................................. 14
Physical Dimensions ....................................................................................... 15
Notice............................................................................................................ 16

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

General Description
The ICEpower1000A is a general purpose amplifier solution. By
using patented, state-of-the-art ICEpower® analogue technology,
the ICEpower1000A achieves extremely high fidelity in a compact

The 3 kHz bandwidth and the ability to operate from a variety of

power sources means the ICEpower1000A can be used in:

• Active speakers and subwoofers

• A/V amplifiers/receivers
• Automotive amplifiers
• Musical instrument amplifiers Figure 1: ICEpower1000A
• Marine audio products Size: 10 x 10 x 2.7cm
• Installation audio products

True high-end performance is guaranteed by the patented, proprietary COM modulation and MECC control
techniques and the integrated, turn-key design reduces design-in cost and shortens Time-to-Market for the end

Key Specifications Key Features

• 1000W @ 0.04% THD+N, 100Hz, 4Ω. • Very rugged design for demanding use
• Peak output current > 50A. • Soft mute/de-mute
• 120dBA dynamic range. • Stand-by mode for low power consumption
• THD = 0.008% @ 100Hz, 1W • Under voltage protection
• THD+N < 0.1%, 0.1W – 1000W, 4Ω. • Monitor output
• Efficiency = 93% @ 500W, 8Ω. • Balanced input and output
• Output impedance < 5mΩ @ 1kHz. • Excellent EMI performance
• Power Supply Rejection Ratio > 60dB. • No heat sink required
• Output DC offset < 40mV.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Block Diagram

Input filter ICEpower®
COM Pulse Modulation
DC blocking
Vi- MECC Error Correction and Control



Power Conversion Vo+

Control/ Soft clipping
Standby Stage
Protection Mute
with Demodulation Vo-
Vss Disable


Figure 2: ICEpower1000A block diagram.

Connection Diagram

Figure 3: ICEpower1000A-IC connections.

The plug interface of the ICEpower1000A has two industry standard connectors that have been selected for
long-term reliability. The power AMP FAST-ON 928 492-4 connector is used for power input and speaker output.
The JST PH-connector is used for low level power supply, audio input and the control features.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Power Connector Specification

Pin Function Description
1 Vo- “Cold” balanced power output terminals. In phase with Vi -
2 Vo+ “Hot“ balanced power output terminals. In phase with Vi+
3 PGND Power GND for the single ended power supply input Vp.
4 Vp Power Supply (single) for the power stage
Table 1: Power Connector Specification.

Signal Connector Specification

ICEpower* Function Description JST**
Pin numbering Pin numbering
1 Vcc Positive power supply input for the signal section. 8
2 Vss Negative power supply input for the signal section. 7
3 AGND Ground terminal for the signal section. 6
4 Monitor Unbalanced attenuated output signal. 5
5 Vi+ Positive input (balanced input buffer). 4
6 Vi- Negative input (balanced input buffer). 3
7 Mute Mute input (Internal pull-up). 2
8 Standby Control pin for standby control. (Internal pull-up). 1
* This pin numbering is used by ICEpower in all ICEpower documentation
**This pin numbering is used by JST- JST is the manufacturer of the PHR-08 connector.
Table 2: Signal Connector Specification.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage may occur.
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vp Operating power supply level 135 V
Vcc Positive analog supply 15 V
Vss Negative analog supply –15 V
Vin Maximum differential input voltage ±12 V
Tcase Maximum case temperature 90 C
Ta Maximum operating ambient temperature 60 C
Rth,case-rib Thermal resistance, case–rib 2 K/W
CL Maximum capacitive loading 470 nF

Table 3: Absolute Maximum ratings.

Electrical Specifications
Unless otherwise specified, f=1kHz, PO =1W, Ta = 25 OC.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Vp Power Supply Operation 40 120 125 V
Vcc Positive analog supply Operation 10 12 15 V
Vss Negative analog supply Operation -10 -12 -15 V
PO Output power @ 0.1%THD+N RL=4Ω, Vp =120V 1000 W
10Hz < f < 1kHz RL=6Ω, Vp =120V 800
(AES17 measurement filter) 2) RL=8Ω, Vp =120V 600
THD+N THD+N in 4Ω f = 100Hz, PO =1W 0.008 0.01 %
(AES17 measurement filter) 2)
THD+N Maximal THD+N in 4Ω 10Hz < f < 1kHz 0.05 0.07 %
(AES17 measurement filter) 2) 100mW < Po < 100W
IVp Quiescent current Vp = 120V 20 35 40 mA
Ivp_standby Standby current Vp = 120V 1 mA
IVcc Quiescent current Vcc = 12V 200 230 mA
IVcc_standby Standby current Vcc = 12V 35 mA
IVss Quiescent current Vss = -12V 25 mA
IVss_Standby Standby current Vss = -12V 25 mA
fo Switching frequency Idle 270 300 350 kHz
fS Switching frequency range Idle to full scale variation 50 300 350 kHz
η Power Stage Efficiency RL = 8Ω, PO =500W 93 %
PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Voltage ripple @ 60 dB
of Vp f = 100 – 120 Hz
VN, O Output referenced idle noise A-weighted 70 80 100 μV
10Hz < f < 20kHz
VOFF, Diff Differential offset on output Input terminated. ±40 mV
VOFF, CM Common mode offset on output Input terminated. Vp / 2 ±10% V
Av Nominal Voltage Gain 1kHz 27.8 28.1 28.4 dB
f Frequency response 20 – 1kHz, all loads ±0.5 ±1 dB
fu Upper bandwidth limit (-3dB) RL = 4Ω 3 kHz
fl Lower bandwidth limit RL = 4Ω 4 Hz
Zo Output impedance f = 1kHz 5 10 mΩ
ZL Load impedance range 2 4 ≡ Ω
D Dynamic range A-weighted 120 dB

Table 4: Electrical Specifications.

2) AES 17, 22 kHz 7th order Audio Precision measurement filter is used.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Timing Specifications
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
tsd Switching start up delay Time from when all power supplies 200 250 300 ms
are within operational limits
tpdm Output delay Time delay to signal 3) 350 400 500 ms
tmd Mute delay Time delay to mute 3) 30 50 100 ms
tdmd De-mute delay Time to demute 3) 300 350 400 ms
tpsd Shutdown delay Supply failure or Standby pin 3) 1 5 μs
Table 5: Timing Specifications.
3) For details see Figure 13 and 14.

Typical Performance Characteristics

Figure 4: Frequency response in 4Ω, 8Ω, 16Ω and open load. Top – amplitude. Bottom – phase.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Efficiency vs. Output Power






% 50





0 50 100 150 200 250

Figure 5: Efficiency vs. output power (16Ω).






% 50





0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 6: Efficiency vs. output power (8Ω).






% 50





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 7: Efficiency vs. output power (4Ω).

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Harmonic Distortion & Noise

THD+N vs. output power at 100Hz and 1kHz 4) (8Ω). Idle noise (16K FFT). Residual = 70μV(A).

FFT Analysis. f = 1kHz/100mW 4W loading. THD = -106dB

THD+N vs. output power at 100Hz and 1kHz 4) (4Ω).

f= 1kHz. Po = 1W. 4Ω loading. THD = 0.008%.

Figure 8: Harmonic Distortion & Noise.
4) AES 17, 22 kHz 7th order Audio Precision measurement filter is used.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Application Information
To simplify product development, the ICEpower1000A is designed as a “complete” component electrically and
mechanically. A typical ICEpower1000A component application is a single channel application (e.g. an active
subwoofer system). An example is shown in Figure 9.

Power Supply


120V DC


Vp Vcc Vss

22uF 22uF

Vi+ Vo+
Filter etc. Vi- Av = 28.1dB Vo-



Stby / Mute control AGND


Figure 9: Typical application.

Input/Output Interfaces
The balanced input section provides signal buffering and anti-alias filtering. The balanced configuration helps to
avoid hum and noise pick-up. If an unbalanced input be preferred this can be set by shorting Vi- and AGND.

Figure 10: Balanced input buffer / anti-aliasing filter

The anti-aliasing filter bandwidth is 100 kHz and the filter characteristics are shaped to match the power
amplification section. The audio bandwidth is 3 kHz and the input impedance is approximately 8kΩ over the
audio bandwidth. This presents an acceptable load for most pre-amps, active crossover outputs etc.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Output Stage
The output stage is a bridge topology with a 2nd order filter. This leads to a balanced power output on the
terminals Vo+ and Vo-. The filter design is a part of the proprietary MECC topology and has been chosen as a
compromise between demodulation, efficiency and filter volume.

Stage C

Output filter
Figure 11: Output filter section with compensating Zobel network.

The essential output characteristics are:

• The output impedance is below 25mΩ @ 6 kHz.

• The output residual basically consists of a single frequency component at the carrier fundamental of
approximately 300kHz. In a standard application set-up, the output characteristics lead to compliance with
the EN and FCC directives on EMI.
• The system bandwidth is 3 kHz with a 4Ω load.

The ICEpower1000A is designed to have low output impedance at all frequencies (see Figure 4) and thus be
unaffected by loading characteristics. Care should however be taken with purely capacitive loads. The
ICEpower1000A is designed to be stable with purely capacitive loads up to 100nF. Higher capacitive loads may
compromise stability and thus damage the device.

Warning! The balanced speaker outputs are both “hot” with a common-mode DC level equal to Vp/2. Always
use balanced probes for monitoring and measurements. Shorting one of the terminals to ground results in an
over current situation. As the module has no internal current limiter even a brief short circuit (phase-to-phase or
phase-to-GND) will damage the device beyond repair. Current limiting circuitry must be connected externally.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Operational Timing Diagram

The power supply input pins, the Standby pin and the Mute pin control the ICEpower1000A. If the supplies are
not above their minimum values the amplifier will enter standby mode. The amplifier can be forced into standby
mode by pulling the standby pin low. The Mute pin will not stop the switching of the amplifier, but attenuates
the output signal by 60dB when pulled low.


Signal Out

tmd tdmd
Figure 12: Mute and demute timing definitions.

All power supplies good


Signal Out

tpdm tpsd
Figure 13: Supply start-up and shut down timing definitions.

Power-up Sequence
The power supplies control power-up of the ICEpower1000A. When the power supplies reach operational
power levels the switching output stage is enabled with a 50% duty-cycle (zero modulation). To ensure power
supply stability before start-up, a propagation delay of tsd = 250ms (typical value) has been introduced. The built-
in mute function subsequently releases the input signal with a timed delay of tdmd = 350ms for a soft, controlled
start-up sequence. The total delay from power is applied until full signal amplification is available is thus 600ms.

Power-down Sequence
The module will enter standby mode if:

1. One of the power supplies drops below the minimum acceptable level or falls out completely.
2. The standby pin is pulled low.

In either case the ICEpower1000A will shut off instantly (1μs) by muting the signal and disabling the output
stage. After a power-down, meaning when the standby pin is released and/or the power supplies return to
nominal values, the ICEpower1000A will power up using the standard power-up sequence as described above.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1


Mute Control
The mute function has been implemented to allow soft mute/de-mute of the module. The recommended
external interface circuit for this pin can be seen on Figure 14. Timing specifications are only valid with the
interface shown.

Figure 14: Interface and simplified internal circuit for the MUTE pin.

Standby Control
The Standby pin can be used to put the module in a low power consumption mode. Pulling the standby pin low
sets the standby mode. This function allows quick shutdown of the module and can be used for protection of
the module. The recommended external circuit is shown in Figure 15. The timing specifications are only valid
with the interface circuit shown.

Figure 15: Interface and simplified internal circuit for STANDBY pin.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Monitor Output
The monitor output has been implemented as an attenuated, ground referenced version of the balanced output
signal. The internal output circuit of this output is shown in Figure 16. The bandwidth for the monitor output is
limited to 45 kHz.
Vo+ Vo-

Internal Feedback

47k 47k
Monitor -28.3dB

Figure 16: Internal circuitry of the monitor output.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Thermal Design
Thermal design is generally a great challenge in power amplifier systems. Linear amplifier designs operating in
class A or AB are normally very inefficient and therefore equipped with extensive heat sinking to keep the
transistor junction temperature low. The ICEpower1000A is based on highly efficient ICEpower switching
technology providing high overall efficiency characteristics at all levels of operation. Refer to the efficiency vs.
output power graph in the section “Typical performance characteristics” for more information.

With Rth, case-rib = 2 K/W the heat sink can be designed using normal thermal design considerations. Mounting
the ICEpower1000A to an aluminium backplane or enclosure is normally sufficient to ensure trouble-free
operation even under continuous loading. Please note that the module relies on both the heat sink and the
ambient air for cooling and so it must be ensured that neither Tcase nor Ta is exceeded during operation. The
ICEpower1000A has no thermal shutdown feature and a suitable thermal monitoring circuit must be connected
externally if the application requires protection against thermal overload.

Power Supply
The ICEpower1000A has excellent power supply rejection on the main supply line (Vp) due to the use of
ICEpower’s patented COM modulation, and as such there are no specific requirements for power supply
stabilization. The ICEpower1000A runs well even on an unstabilized supply, linear or switch-mode, with several
volts of ripple. The COM modulation technology also means that power supply bypassing and layout are not
critical and that poor layouts will not cause stability problems as can be the case in linear amplifier designs.

The analog Vcc and Vss supply lines must be regulated. Noise and ripple on these supplies will directly affect
overall system performance and voltages exceeding 15V on either line will damage the device.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

Physical Dimensions

Figure 17: Physical Dimensions, ICEpower1000A-IC.

ICEpower1000A, 1000W General Purpose Amplifier Version 2.1

The data sheet contains specifications that may be subject to change without prior notice. ICEpower is a
trademark of Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s.

Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices
or systems without the express written approval of the president and general counsel of Bang & Olufsen
ICEpower a/s. As used herein:

1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into
the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant
injury to the user.

2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can
be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or


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