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Deep Learning in Object Detection,

Segmentation, and Recognition

Xiaogang Wang
Department of Electronic Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Face alignment Face parsing Face recognition

Pedestrian parsing
Human pose estimation

Deep learning

Crowd segmentation
Pedestrian detection

Crowd tracking

Crowd video surveillance

Person re-identification
across camera views Crowd behaviour analysis
Neural network
Back propagation


• Solve general learning problems

• Tied with biological system
But it is given up…

• Hard to train
• Insufficient computational resources
• Small training sets
• Does not work well
Neural network
Back propagation

1986 2006

• SVM • Loose tie with biological systems

• Boosting • Flat structures
• Specific methods for specific tasks
• Decision tree
– Hand crafted features (GMM-HMM, SIFT, LBP, HOG)
• …

Kruger et al. TPAMI’13

Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science

1986 2006

… … • Unsupervised & Layer-wised pre-training

• Better designs for modeling and training
… … (normalization, nonlinearity, dropout)
… … • Feature learning
• New development of computer architectures
… …
– Multi-core computer systems
• Large scale databases
Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science Speech

1986 2006 2011

deep learning results

• Solve general learning problems

• Tied with biological system
But it is given up…
Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science Speech

1986 2006 2011 2012

How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16000 CPU cores

Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science Speech

1986 2006 2011 2012

Rank Name Error Description

1 U. Toronto 0.15315 Deep learning
2 U. Tokyo 0.26172 Hand-crafted
3 U. Oxford 0.26979 features and
learning models.
4 Xerox/INRIA 0.27058
Object recognition over 1,000,000 images and 1,000 categories
(2 GPU)
Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science Speech

1986 2006 2011 2012

• ImageNet 2013

Rank Name Error rate Description

1 NYU 0.11197 Deep learning
2 NUS 0.12535 Deep learning
3 Oxford 0.13555 Deep learning

MSRA, IBM, Adobe, NEC, Clarifai, Berkley, U. Tokyo, UCLA, UIUC,

Toronto ….

Top 20 groups all used deep learning

Neural network Deep belief net
Back propagation Science Speech

1986 2006 2011 2012

• Google and Baidu announced their deep

learning based visual search engines (2013)
– Google
– Baidu
Works Done by Us

 Pedestrian detection
 Facial keypoint detection

 Face parsing
 Pedestrian parsing

 Face verification
 Face attribute
Pedestrian Detection

Improve state-of-the-art
average miss detection rate
on the largest Caltech dataset
from 63% to 39%



Facial keypoint detection, CVPR’13 Face parsing, CVPR’12
(2% average error on LFPW)

Pedestrian parsing, CVPR’12

Face Recognition and Face Attribute Recognition
(LFW: 96.45%)

Face verification, ICCV’13 Recovering Canonical-View Face Images, ICCV’13

Face attribute recognition, ICCV’13

Introduction on Classical Deep Models
• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
• Deep Belief Net (DBN)
• Auto-encoder
Classical Deep Models
• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
– LeCun’95

Convolution Pooling
Classical Deep Models
• Deep belief net
– Hinton’06

P(x,h1,h2) = p(x|h1) p(h1,h2)

e − E ( x,h1 )
P ( x, h 1 ) = − E ( x,h1 )
∑ e

E(x,h1)=b' x+c' h1+h1' Wx

Classical Deep Models
• Auto-encoder
– Hinton’06 ~

Encoding: h1 = σ(W1x+b1) W'1 b4

h2 = σ(W2h1+b2) ~
W'2 b3
Decoding: h1 = σ(W’2h2+b3) h2
x = σ(W’1h1+b4) W2 b2
W1 b1

Opinion I
• How to formulate a vision problem with deep learning?
– Make use of experience and insights obtained in CV research
– Sequential design/learning vs joint learning
– Effectively train a deep model (layerwise pre-training + fine tuning)

Feature Quantization Spatial pyramid Feature

(histograms in Classification ↔ filtering
extraction (visual words) extraction
local regions)

Conventional object recognition scheme Quantization ↔ filtering

Spatial ↔ multi-level
pyramid pooling

… Filtering & max Filtering & Filtering & Krizhevsky

pooling max pooling max pooling NIPS’12
Opinion II
• How to make use of the large learning capacity of
deep models?
– High dimensional data transform
– Hierarchical nonlinear representations

SVM + feature
smoothness, shape prior…

? data transform
Opinion III
• Deep learning likes challenging tasks (for better
– Make input data more challenging (augmenting data by
translating, rotating, and scaling)
– Make training process more challenging (dropout:
randomly setting some responses to zero; dropconnect:
randomly setting some weights to zero)
– Make prediction more challenging
Learning feature through face
verification (predicting 0/1 label):
92.57% on LFW with 480 CNNs

Learning feature through face

reconstruction (predicting 9216
pixels): 96.45% on LFW with 4 CNNs

Y. Sun, X. Wang, and X. Tang, “Hybrid Deep

Learning for Computing Face Similarities,” ICCV’13

Z. Zhu, P. Luo, X. Wang, and X. Tang, “Deep Learning Indentify-Preserving Face Space,” ICCV 2013.
Joint Deep Learning
What if we treat an existing deep model as
a black box in pedestrian detection?

– Sermnet, K. Kavukcuoglu, S. Chintala, and LeCun, “Pedestrian Detection with
Unsupervised Multi-Stage Feature Learning,” CVPR 2013.
Results on Caltech Test Results on ETHZ
• N. Dalal and B. Triggs. Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection.
CVPR, 2005. (6000 citations)
• P. Felzenszwalb, D. McAlester, and D. Ramanan. A Discriminatively Trained,
Multiscale, Deformable Part Model. CVPR, 2008. (2000 citations)
• W. Ouyang and X. Wang. A Discriminative Deep Model for Pedestrian Detection
with Occlusion Handling. CVPR, 2012.
Our Joint Deep Learning Model
Modeling Part Detectors
• Design the filters in the second
convolutional layer with variable sizes
Part models learned
from HOG

Part models Learned filtered at the second

convolutional layer
Deformation Layer
Visibility Reasoning with Deep Belief Net
Experimental Results
• Caltech – Test dataset (largest, most widely used)
100 95%
Average miss rate ( %)

90 68%
63% (state-of-the-art)
70 53%

39% (best performing)
Improve by ~ 20%
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

W. Ouyang and X. Wang, "A Discriminative Deep Model for Pedestrian Detection with Occlusion Handling,“ CVPR 2012.
W. Ouyang, X. Zeng and X. Wang, "Modeling Mutual Visibility Relationship in Pedestrian Detection ", CVPR 2013.
W. Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang, "Single-Pedestrian Detection aided by Multi-pedestrian Detection ", CVPR 2013.
X. Zeng, W. Ouyang and X. Wang, ” A Cascaded Deep Learning Architecture for Pedestrian Detection,” ICCV 2013.
W. Ouyang and Xiaogang Wang, “Joint Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection,” IEEE ICCV 2013.
Results on Caltech Test Results on ETHZ
Multi-Stage Contextual Deep Learning
Motivated by Cascaded Classifiers and
Contextual Boost
• The classifier of each stage deals with a specific set
of samples
• The score map output by one classifier can serve as
contextual information for the next classifier

 Only pass one detection

score to the next stage
 Classifiers are trained

Conventional cascaded classifiers for detection

• Our deep model keeps the score map output by the current classifier and it
serves as contextual information to support the decision at the next stage
• Cascaded classifiers are jointly optimized instead of being trained sequentially
• To avoid overfitting, a stage-wise pre-training scheme is proposed to regularize
• Simulate the cascaded classifiers by mining hard samples to train the network
Training Strategies
• Unsupervised pre-train Wh,i+1 layer-by-layer, setting Ws,i+1 = 0, Fi+1 = 0
• Fine-tune all the Wh,i+1 with supervised BP
• Train Fi+1 and Ws,i+1 with BP stage-by-stage
• A correctly classified sampled at the previous stage does not influence the
update of parameters
• Stage-by-stage training can be considered as adding regularization
constraints to parameters, i.e. some parameters are constrained to be
zeros in the early training stages
Log error function:

Gradients for updating parameters:

Experimental Results

Caltech ETHZ
Comparison of Different Training Strategies

Network-BP: use back propagation to update all the parameters without pre-training
PretrainTransferMatrix-BP: the transfer matrices are unsupervised pertrained, and then
all the parameters are fine-tuned
Multi-stage: our multi-stage training strategy
High-Dimensional Data Transforms

data transform


Facial keypoint detection: face image -> facial keypoint

Face transform: face image in a arbitrary view -> face image in a canonical view
Face parsing: face image -> segmentation maps
Pedestrian parsing : pedestiran image -> segmentation maps
Recovering Canonical-View Face Images

• Z. Zhu, P. Luo, X. Wang, and X. Tang, “Deep Learning

Indentity-Preserving Face Space,” ICCV 2013.

Reconstruction examples from LFW

• No 3D model; no prior information on pose and lighting condition
• Deep model can disentangle hidden factors through feature
extraction over multiple layers
• Model multiple complex transforms
• Reconstructing the whole face is a much strong supervision than
predicting 0/1 class label and helps to avoid overfitting

Arbitrary view Canonical view

Comparison on Multi-PIE
-45o -30o -15o +15o +30o +45o Avg Pose

LGBP [26] 37.7 62.5 77 83 59.2 36.1 59.3 √

VAAM [17] 74.1 91 95.7 95.7 89.5 74.8 86.9 √
FA-EGFC[3] 84.7 95 99.3 99 92.9 85.2 92.7 x
SA-EGFC[3] 93 98.7 99.7 99.7 98.3 93.6 97.2 √
LE[4] + LDA 86.9 95.5 99.9 99.7 95.5 81.8 93.2 x
CRBM[9] + LDA 80.3 90.5 94.9 96.4 88.3 89.8 87.6 x
Ours 95.6 98.5 100.0 99.3 98.5 97.8 98.3 x
Comparison on LFW (without outside training data)

Methods Accuracy (%)

PLDA 90.07
(Li, TPAMI’12)
Joint Bayesian 90.9
(Chen, ECCV’12, 5-point align)
Fisher Vector Faces 93.30
(Barkan, ICCV’13)
High-dim LBP 93.18
(Chen, CVPR’13, 27-point align)
Ours 94.38
(5-point align)
Comparison on LFW (with outside training data)

Methods Accuracy (%)

Associate-Predict 90.57
(Yin CVPR’12)
Joint Bayesian 92.4
(Chen, ECCV’12, 5-point align)
Tom-vs-Peter 93.30
(Berg, BMVC’12, 90-point align)
High-dim LBP 95.17
(Chen, CVPR’13, 27-point align)
Transfer learning joint Bayesian 96.33
(Cao, ICCV’13, 27-point align)
Ours 96.45
(5-point align)
Face Parsing
• P. Luo, X. Wang and X. Tang, “Hierarchical Face
Parsing via Deep Learning,” CVPR 2012

• Recast face segmentation as a cross-modality data

transformation problem
• Cross modality autoencoder
• Data of two different modalities share the same
representations in the deep model
• Deep models can be used to learn shape priors for
Hierarchical Representation of Face Parsing
Joint Bayesian Formulation
• Detectors are trained with deep belief net (DBN) and
segmentators are trained with deep autoencoder. Both have
are generative models.
• Joint Bayesian framework for face detection, part detection,
component detection, and component segmentation
Training Segmentators
Human Parsing
• P. Luo, X. Wang, and X. Tang, “Pedestrian Parsing via
Deep Decompositional Network,” ICCV 2013
Second row: our result
Third row: ground truth
Facial Keypoint Detection
• Y. Sun, X. Wang and X. Tang, “Deep Convolutional Network
Cascade for Facial Point Detection,” CVPR 2013
Benefits of Using Deep Model
• Take the full face as input to make full use of texture context
information over the entire face to locate each keypoint
• The first network of tacking the whole face as input needs
deep structures to extract high-level features
• Since the networks are trained to predict all the keypoints
simultaneously, the geometric constraints among keypoints
are implicitly encoded
Comparison with Belhumeur et al. [4], Cao et al. [5] on LFPW test images.

3. O. Jesorsky, K. J. Kirchberg, and R. Frischholz. Robust face detection using the hausdorff distance. In Proc. AVBPA, 2001.
4. P. N. Belhumeur, D. W. Jacobs, D. J. Kriegman, and N. Kumar. Localizing parts of faces using a consensus of exemplars. In Proc. CVPR, 2011.
5. X. Cao, Y. Wei, F. Wen, and J. Sun. Face alignment by explicit shape regression. In Proc. CVPR, 2012.
6. L. Liang, R. Xiao, F. Wen, and J. Sun. Face alignment via component-based discriminative search. In Proc. ECCV, 2008.
7. M. Valstar, B. Martinez, X. Binefa, and M. Pantic. Facial point detection using boosted regression and graph models. In Proc. CVPR, 2010.


• Deep learning can jointly optimize key components in
vision systems
• Prior knowledge from vision research is valuable for
developing deep models and training strategies
• Deep learning can solve some vision challenges as
problems of high-dimensional data transform
• Challenging prediction tasks can make better use the
large learning capacity and avoid overfitting
People working on deep learning in our group

Wanli Ouyang Ping Luo Yi Sun Xingyu Zeng Zhenyao Zhu

Hong Kong Research Grants Council
Thank you!

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