Nsconmsg Cheat Sheet PDF
Nsconmsg Cheat Sheet PDF
Nsconmsg Cheat Sheet PDF
-g mem_err Searching for any mem_err (memory error) counters without a value of 0— -j <LBvipNAME> View stats for specific LB Vserver (case sensitive)
incrementing memory error counters. -s ConLb=X Set value to debug/view LB details X = 1, 2, or 3—depending on level of details
Showing Memory Failures using –g mem_err_alloc_failed counter Example: Showing LB VIP’s high response times and Surge Queue build up
8 | 0 |82 |82 11 mem_err_alloc_failed MEM_CONN Wed Jan 28 19:20:36 2015 (Aggr) #nsconmsg -K newnslog -j exchageVIP -s ConLb=3 -d oldconmsg | more
5 | 0 |82 | 82 11 mem_err_alloc_failed MEM_CONN Wed Jan 28 19:20:36 2015 (PE-2) S( Hits(41993, 15/sec, P[41993, 15/sec]) ATr(3159:2975) Mbps(12.31) BWlmt
Example: High Memory Usage with Allocation Failures in MEM_CONN pool (0 kbits) RspTime(2013.65 ms) Load(0) LConn_Idx: (C:825; V:2975,I:1, B:0, X:2975, SI:0)
# nsconmsg -K newnslog -s ConMEM=2 -d oldconmsg | more Other: Pkt(1490/sec, 954 bytes) Wt(1) Wt(Reverse Polarity)(10000)
TotalMEM: (7679745280/8589934592) Allocated: 7553587008(87.94%) ActualInUse: 7373698149(85.84%)
Free: 1036347584 Conn: CSvr(2744, 6/sec) MCSvr(2576) OE(2596) E(2596) RP(0) SQ(563)
MEMPOOL MaxAllowd CurAlloc Bytes(Own%)Overall%) ErrLmtFailed ErrAllocFailed ErrFreeFailed slimit_maxClient: (MaxClt: 0 [Ex: 0] Consumed: [Ex: 0 Borrowed: 0 TotActiveConn: 2596] Available: 0)
MEM_CONN 8589934590 7077902336 (82.40% 82.40%) 0 52 0 newlyUP_mode: NO, Pending: 0, update: 0x0, incr_time: 0x0, incr_count: 0
nic_err_rl_pps_pkt_drops Packets dropped due to packets/sec (PPS) rate limit -g cpu_use Search for pattern string (grep) cpu_use
-g cc_cpu_use Search for Packet engine (PE) CPUs
nic_err_rl_rate_pkt_drops Packets dropped due to throughput rate limit
-g mgmt_cpu_use Search for Management CPU
Example: NS experiencing System Limits - nic_err_rl counter is incrementing
Note: Look for the totalcount-val column
nsconmsg -K newnslog -g nic_err_rl -d current -s disptime=1 | more
<100 Below 10%
Index rtime Totalcount-val delta rate/sec symbol-name&device-no&time
500 50%
1 0 16979356 1006 143 nic_err_rl_pkt_drops interface(0/1) Tue Aug 23 16:17 2016
2 0 16979356 1006 143 nic_err_rl_rate_pkt_drops interface(0/1) Tue Aug 23 16:17 2016 1000 100%
NetScaler mbit is calculated in the rate column Example: PE CPU1 & PE CPU2 are above 90% CPU utilization
# nsconmsg -K newnslog -g cc_cpu_use -s disptime=1 -d current | more
nic_tot_rx_mbits Rate value for mbits received Index rtime totalcount-val Delta rate/sec symbol-name&device-no&time
nic_tot_tx_mbits Rate value for mbits transmitted 0 7000 939 734 104 cc_cpu_use cpu(1) Wed Aug 17 04:11 2016
1 0 901 677 96 cc_cpu_use cpu(2) Wed Aug 17 04:11 2016