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So Many To See What to Eat Souvenir, Anyone?
1 Merapi Museum Sate Klathak Pak Pong Malioboro Street
2 Ulen Sentalu Museum Bakmi Jawa pak pele Pasar Beringharjo
3 Merapi Jeep Lava Tour Oseng-oseng Mercon Klithikan Pakuncen
4 Tlogo Putri Gudheg wijilan Pasar Senthir
5 Ramayana Ballet Kopi Luwak Hamzah Souvenir
6 Sunset Ratu Boko Temple Gathot Thiwul
7 Tebing Breksi Kopi Joss malioboro
8 Parangtritis Beach Kopi Klothok kaliurang
9 Indrayanti Beach ankringan pak petruk
10 Pindul Cave & Oya Rafting Jadah Tempe
11 Alun Alun Kidul Sayur Brongkos
12 Sonobudoyo Museum Soto Bathok
13 Affandi Museum mangut lele
14 Makam Imogiri Sasonoloyo
15 Taman Buah Mangunan
Who Loves Arts? Glories Of The Past
Batik Borobudur Temple
Gerabah Kasongan Mendhut Temple
Silver Kota Gedhe Prambanan Temple
Kerajinan Kulit Manding Ratu Boko Temple
Kerajinan Wayang Kulit Sultan Palace
Kabul Art Gallery Fort Vredeburg
Batik Pajangan Tamansari Water Castle
Batik Kayu Krebet Sambisari Temple
Ijo Temple
Kalasan Temple

Operating Hours

Ticket Price

Distance from hotel

Merapi Museum

Kaliurang Street KM 22, Boyong, Harjobinangun, pakem, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta

8 AM - 3.30 PM| 8 AM - 2.30 PM (Friday)

Ticket price: IDR 5,000 per person

Entrance tickets for foreign tourists: IDR 10,000 per person
Audio visual room entrance ticket: IDR 5,000 per person
Entrance ticket for foreign tourists' audio-visual room: IDR 10,000 per

22 km, 57 mins
Displays the approval and model of Mount Merapi throughout the world.
An educational tour that displays:
Information about disasters, information vehicles, research, education and information about
Ullen Sentalu Museum

Boyong street, Kaliurang, DI Yogyakarta

Monday : Closed
Tuesday - Friday : 8.30 AM - 4 PM
Weekend : 8.30 AM - 5PM

Adult IDR 40,000

Kids (5-12 years) IDR 20,000

24 km, 1 hour
It is a museum with a very beautiful collection.
Ullen Sentalu Museum displays the characters of kings and their
empresses and
recounting daily life in the past. There are also various relics of
Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace culture.
Merapi Jeep Lava Tour

Operating Hours (Package) : 8 AM - 4 PM

Sunrise Merapi Lava Tour : start from 4.30 AM

Short route IDR 350,000 / Jeep

Medium route IDR 450,000 / Jeep
Route Length IDR 650,000, -
Sunrise Merapi Lava Tour Package IDR 450,000, - /

22 km, 55 mins
An adventure tour using a very interesting jeep.
Tourists will be invited offroad to see the rest of the cold lava erupt
Mount Merapi from various angles.
Tlogo Putri

Tlogo Putri, Hargobinangun, Pakem, DI

Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta 55582.

7 AM - 6 PM


25 km, 1 hour
An interesting tourist attraction in Yogyakarta.
Tlogo Putri is a combination of sport tourism and
nature tourism,
an Embung that is equipped with canoe and duck
water rentals.
There are also several games around the Embung such
flying fox, swings, Ferris wheel, jungkat jungkit and
several other games.
Sendratari Ramayana

Yogya – Solo street, KM 16

Prambanan, Yogyakarta 55571

7.30 PM - 9.30 PM

VIP Class IDR 400,000

Special Class IDR 400.000
1st Class IDR 200.000
2nd Class IDR 125.000

12 km, 33 mins
It is a Sendratari Kolosal that tells about the Ramayana.
With the very beautiful Prambanan Temple as background,
this show wants to invite the audience to be able to
feel the tension of the Ramayana story.
Ratu Boko Temple

Gatak, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman.

6 AM - 5 PM

- Adult Entrance Ticket IDR 40,000
- Entrance ticket for children (aged 3 - 10 years) IDR 20,000

- Adult Entrance Ticket $ 30, -
- Entrance ticket for children (ages 3 - 10 th) $ 15, -

13 km, 40 mins
This temple is built on a hill, presenting a panoramic
view of Yogyakarta City that is very beautiful. Watching
the sunset at Ratu Boko Temple is very worth visiting.
Tebing Breksi

Dusun Groyokan, Desa Sambirejo, Kecamatan

Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman,
Daerah Istimewa Yogjakarta 55572

5 AM - 6 PM

Entrance Ticket - FREE

Parking Fee:
Motorcycle IDR 3,000
Car IDR 5,000
Bus IDR 10,000

15 km, 45 mins
is a geo-heritage area of breccia mined, leaving a
towering cliff. Equipped with a large area and
often hold events at night such as concerts and
other arts.
Parangtritis Beach

Kretek Kec. Kretek, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


Entrance ticket: IDR 3,000 per person

Motorcycle parking: IDR 2,000
Car park: IDR 5,000
ATV rental: IDR 100,000 per half hour
Rent a horse carriage: IDR 20,000 per round

37 km, 1 hr 13 mins
It is a beach that has big waves.
There are sand mountains around the beach called Gumuk.
Suitable for family trip.
Parangtritis Beach is not only able to attract
domestic tourist visits but able
attract foreign tourists to come.
Indrayanti Beach

Desa Sidoarjo, Kecamatan Tepus, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.


Entrance Ticket - IDR 10,000

IDR 4,000 Motorcycle Parking Fee
IDR 15,000 car
IDR 30,000 bus
Jet Ski rental IDR 250,000 / 15 min
IDR 30,000 gazebo / unit
Rp. 20,000 Beach Umbrella / unit
IDR 5,000 bathroom
Rp. 2,000 toilet
Lodging or Homestay IDR 100,000 - IDR 350,000

65 km, 1 hr 55 min
Indarayati Beach offers panoramic beauty
which is unique compared to other beaches in Gunungkidul.
Indrayanti Beach has another name, namely
Pulang Sawal Beach.
It is one of the beaches that has clean white sand.
Pindul Cave & Oya Rafting Alun kidul

Jalan Kyai Legi No. 101, Dusun

Wetan RT. 64 RW 10, Desa Jl. Alun Alun Kidul, Patehan,
Logandeng, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta,
Kecamatan Playen, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55133
Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Everyday Everyday

Domestic tourists IDR 10,000

Foreign tourists IDR 50,000
Caving Goa Pindul IDR 35,000 Tundem Rent IDR 15,000
Oyo River Tubing Rafting IDR 45,000 Odong-odong Rent IDR 30,000
Susur Goa Sriti IDR 30,000 Blindfold Rent IDR 3,000
Susur Goa Getaltik IDR 30,000
Susur Goa Asri IDR 20,000
Susur Goa Emas Rp25,000

41 km, 1 hr 20 min 6.7 km, 25 mins

Alun Kidul or better known as Alkid
It is one of the special interest tourist is a place that has historical stories,
attractions where local people believe that Alkid
in Yogyakarta, Goa Pindul is a nature tourism was a place of rest of the Gods.
subterranean cave, with rivers running along Now, Alkid is always a crowded place
the aisle. every day to gather and enjoy
Yogyakarta atmosphere.
Sonobudoyo Museum

Trikora / Pangurakan No. 6, Yogyakarta 55122.

Permanent Exhibition:
Tuesday - Thursday 8 AM - 3.30
Friday 8 AM - 2 PM
Saturday & Sunday 8 AM - 3.30 PM
Monday and public holidays are closed

Puppet Show:
Monday - Saturday 8 PM - 10 PM
Sunday and public holidays are closed

Adult IDR 3,000, -

Adult (group) IDR 2,500, -
Children IDR 2,500, -
Children (group) IDR 2,000, -
Foreign Visits IDR 5,000, -
Puppet Show IDR 20,000, -

5.4 km, 21 mins

It is a museum with the most collections in Yogyakarta,
which consists of various artifacts ranging from
batik, keris, classical era statues, ceramics, traditional
weapons, ancient ceramics, and many more.
Affandi Museum

Laksda Adisucipto street 167 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia, No.Telp : +62 274 562593

Buka setiap hari

9 AM - 4 PM
Tutup : Saat libur nasional, hari Minggu di Minggu pertama

IDR 20,000 (Free soft drinks and souvenirs)

* Additional
IDR 20,000 if you bring a camera
IDR 10,000 if you bring a cellphone

800 m, 5 mins
Museum Affandi didirikan untuk mengenang dan menyimpan karya-karya
monumental dari Affandi dan putrinya, Kartika Affandi
serta berbagai karya pelukis imperialis lainnya.
Makam Imogiri Kebun Buah Mangunan

Makam Raja, Imogiri, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

55782 Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Everyday 4.30 AM - 6 PM

Entrance Ticket / IDR 5,000 person

Outbound package / 10 people IDR
Free 200,000
IDR 2,000 / day fishing
Camping IDR 5,000 / day

22 km, 46 mins 26 km, 1 hr

Known as the Land above the Clouds, this
tourist attraction
It is the tomb of the king and the royal relatives of presents the beauty of the sunrise panorama.
Mataram Islam and his descendants. It is one of the With a height
religious tours in Yogyakarta, and is always of 200 M above the sea, Mangunan Fruit
crowded with pilgrims. Garden
also offers the beauty of the morning when t
he mountains are still shrouded in clouds.

Operating Hours

Distance from Hotem

Sate Klathak Pak Pong

Jl. Sultan Agung No.18, Jejeran II, Wonokromo, Pleret, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55791, Indonesia

9 AM - 11:30 PM, Everyday

27 min, 14km

it is one of Yogyakarta signature culinary, Sate Klatak

is a satay made from mutton which is served
using bicycle bars.
Bakmi Jawa pak pele Oseng-oseng Mercon

Alun-Alun Utara, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131,
Ahmad Dahlan

4 PM - 11 PM, Everyday

20 min, 6.2 km 20 min, 6.5 km

Oseng Mercon is one of Yogyakarta's special foods

Javanese noodles (Bakmi Jawa) is a yellow noodles that use Chili as its main ingredient. Chili mixed
cooked on charcoal fire and given an additional
with beef, kikil, and gajih. It is suitable for you who
form of shredded chicken, vegetables, and eggs. are spicy.
Gudheg wijilan

Jl. Wijilan, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY.

19 min, 6 km

Wijilan village (Kampung Wijilan is a place for you who's

looking for Gudeg. Gudeg is a Signature Yogyakarta's
food made from young jackfruit and coconut milk,
usually eaten together with various kinds of side dishes
such as eggs, chicken, bacem tofu, temoe, and krecek.
The warm taste is usually sweet and there is also
an added savory flavor because of the mixture
of areh spices (coconut milk).
Kopi Luwak Mataram

Jl. Palemwulung No.15, Plumbon, Banguntapan, Bantul, DIY

8AM - 11PM

20 min, 6km

It is civet coffee from the Sumbing, Sindoro and Dieng

It offers natural countryside views and is very comfortable.
Gathot Thiwul Yu Tum

Jl. Pramuka, Pandansari, Wonosari, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, DIY

6AM - 8.30PM

Gatot and Tiwul is a traditional signature food of

Gunungkidul which is in the form of processed cassava.
Angkringan Kopi Joss Lik Man

Jl. Wongsodirijan, Sosromenduran, Dedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta.

18 min, 5 km

Kopi Joss is a coffee served with charcoal that is

still smoldering and plunged into it. The taste of
charcoal mixed
with the aroma of coffee makes the sensation of
drinking coffee unusual.
Kopi Klothok kaliurang

Kaliurang Street, km. 16. Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman.

40 min, 16 km

It is a food stall that provides a variety of traditional

menus and offers natural rural views.
Angkringan Gareng Petruk

Margo Utomo street, Gowongan, Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta.

5.30 PM - 2AM

11 min, 3.5 km

gan that presents various menus of Nasi Kusing and Satay Kucing which are very tempting to try.
Jadah Tempe Mbah Carik

Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman.

8AM - 9PM

35min, 14km

Jadah Tempe is a Signature food from Kaliurang

made from sticky rice and Tempe Bacem that is very
Warung Brongkos Handayani

Gading street No.2, Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta.

Opening: 7 AM

20 min, 6km

Brongkos Handayani is one of the legendary restaurant,

serving Sayur Brongkos as the main menu. Brongkos Handayani
is one of Yogyakarta's special foods, namely in the form
of preparations made from talo beans, tofu, eggs and
tetelan which are then mixed with coconut milk (santan)
which has been spiced with various spices.
Soto Batok Mbah Katro

Sambisari, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55

6 AM - 4PM

18 min, 8 km

It is a food stall that serves Soto in shells or coconut shells.

Equipped with beautiful views of beautiful rice fields.
Mangut Lele Mbah Marto

Pnggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, DIY


Mangut Lele merupakan makanan khas Jawa tengah, di rumah makan Mabah Marto, Mangut Lele Diasap bukan digoreng dengan ala
tidak cepat tengik.

Operating Hours

Malioboro Street


Malioboro is a shopping center street with

historical story and cultural elements.
There are many souvenir store that sell a lot of signature accesoris from
Jogja, many cultural heritage buildings,
arts and festivals that has cultural values and very entertaining.
Pasar Beringharjo

Ahmad Yani street No. 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55122

8:30 AM – 9 PM

It is the oldest and largest market in Yogyakarta

provide various kinds of needs such as:
clothes, food, crafts, antiques and more.
Beringharjo market building itself also has a high historical value.
Pasar Klithikan

HOS Cokroaminoto Street No.34, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan, Kota Y

10 AM– 11

It is a market that sells used goods, not only that but also antique. Pakuncen Klithikan Mark
Pasar Senthir

Selatan, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122, Indonesia

7 PM - 1 AM

ight, and sells various kinds of merchandise ranging from books, magazines, comics, to antiques such as old coins, tapes and more. There a
Hamzah Batik Sounvenir

Ahmad Yani street No.9, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta. Telp (0274) 588524

8 AM - 9 PM

It is the right place for those of you who

want to buy unique Yogyakarta crafts such as
batik crafts, statues, miniature temples, bracelets,
necklaces, puppets, and toys.

Operating Hours

Ticket Price

Distance from Hotel

Borobudur Temple

Badrawati, Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah

6 AM - 5 PM, everyday

Student or Child (Local) IDR 12,000

Adult (Local) IDR 30,000
Student or Child (Overseas) $ 10 $
Adult (Foreign) USD 20 $

1 hr 15 min , 41 km

Borobudur temple is the largest and grandest temple

in this world. Borobudur Temple is one of the Buddhist
Temple of the tourist attraction and very suitable for family trip.
Mendhut Temple

Magelang Sumberejo, Mendut, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56501, I

7 AM - 5 PM, Everyday

1 hr 5 min, 38 km

Mendut Temple is one of the Buddhist temples

located in Magelang district. Temple that has a myriad
this historical value, was built during the dynastic kingdo
Syailendra which is in 824 AD, Mendut Temple
older than Borobudur Temple.
Prambanan Temple

Kranggan, Bokoharjo, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istim

6 AM - 5 PM
Age 10 years and above: IDR 40,000
Age 3 to 10 years: IDR 20,000

Prambanan, Plaosan and Sojiwan TWC packages

Age 10 years and above: IDR 60,000
Age 3 to 10 years: IDR 30,000
Regarding insurance premiums of IDR 500 per person

Special rates for Indonesian tourists for groups of students and students per group every time the
25 min, 13 km

Prambanan temple is a relic of Hinduism

from the IX century and is a Hindu temple
the biggest in Indonesia. Has an architecture
very beautiful and towering.
Ratu Boko Temple

nan street, KM.2, Gatak, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

6 AM - 5 PM

Age 10 years and above: IDR 40,000

Age 3 to 10 years: IDR 20,000
Regarding insurance premiums of IDR 500 per person

Special rates for Indonesian tourists for groups of students and

students per group every time they enter * (with a cover letter from
school / university)

29 min, 13 km

It is a temple that has a combination of Hindu and Buddhist

elements in the building. This temple consists of a
gate, burning temple, paseban, pendapa and
kapuntren baths.
Sultan Palace

Rotowijayan Blok No.1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta

8 AM - 2 PM, 8 AM - 12 PM (Friday)

IDR 7, 000 (domestik), IDR 12,500 (Foreign)

21 min, 6.3 km

Built in 1970 from being located in the center of Yogyakarta.

The location of Yogyakarta Palace contains the
philosophy that the location is one line between
Mount Merapi, the monument, and Parangtritis beach.
Fort Vredeburg

Ahmad Yani No.6, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta, DIY.

7.30 AM - 4 PM Operating on Tuesday - Sunday, Monday: closed.

Adult IDR 3,000,-, Kids(3 - 14 years old) IDR 2,000,-, Foreign Tourist IDR 10,000,- per person.

18 min, 5.3 km

Vredeburg Fort's building was adopted from the classic

Dutch architecture. This museum is filled with
dioramas and images that re-orientate the
colonial era and the history of the Indonesian struggle.
Tamansari Water Castle

Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55133, Indonesia.

9 AM - 2 PM

IDR 7,500 (local) , IDR 15,000 (Foreign)

Camera IDR 3,000

24 min, 7.5 km

The former royal palace of Yogyakarta, Taman Sari has

4 different areas namely an artificial pond with
small islands and pavilions in the west,
a bathing complex in the middle, a bathing complex
in the south, and a small pond in the east.
Sambisari Temple

Jalan Candi Sambisari, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55571.

8 AM - 5 PM

Entrance Fee IDR 3,000

Motorcycle Parking Fee IDR 2,000
Car IDR 5,000
Bus IDR 10,000

18 min, 8.4 km

Found in 1996, Sambisari Temple is a Hindu temple.

The position of the temple which is located 6.5 meters
below the surface of the land is likely to be buried by
lava from the explosion of Mount Merapi around 1006.

Ijo Temple

Dukuh Groyokan, Desa Sambirejo, Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakart

6 AM - 6 PM

Domestic IDR 5,000

Foreign IDR 10,000
Motorcycle Parking Fee IDR 2,000
Car IDR 5,000
Bus IDR 10,000

33 min, 15 km

It is a Hindu temple that was built around the 10th century

during the reign of Medang kingdom. With a height reaching
357,402 masl - 395,481 masl Candi Ijo is always full of
visitors who want to watch the sunset.
Kalasan Temple

Yogya – Solo street, Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Glondong, Tirtomartani, Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman, Dae

8 AM - 5 PM

IDR 5,000
Motorcyle Parking Fee IDR 5,000
Car IDR 10,000
Bus IDR 20,000

20 min, 10 km

It is a Buddhist-patterned temple that was discovered

for the first time in a damaged state, then a restoration
by an archaeologist from the Netherlands was named Van Ramondt.
a Yogyakarta.

Distance from Hotel

Batik Giriloyo

imogiri Timur Km. 14, Karang Kulon, Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY.

40 min, 20 km

Giriloyo Tourism Village is a center of handicraft batik

that has existed since the 17th century and is a handicraft
that has been handed down to the present. The majority of
the types of batik here are Batik Tulis, but do not have a menu published also by the type of printed Batik.
Gerabah Kasongan

Kasongan, Bantul, DIY.

36 min, 19 km

Kasongan is a village that is now one of the tourist

in Yogyakarta. Kasongan tourist village is a residential area
for pottery craftsmen. There are various kinds of crafts
such as kitchen utensils, statues, decorative lights,
jars, and other decorations that can be used as souvenirs.
Silver Kota Gedhe

Kotagede, Yogyakarta

17 min, 5.5 km

Kotagede silver is a hereditary culture that emerged

together with the Mataram Islamic kingdom in the 16th
The location of silver craftsmen is in almost every corner
of Kotagede, from the Kotagede market to the Great Mosque
and the former Mataram Islamic Palace
Kerajinan Kulit Manding

Dr. Wahidin Sudiro, Bantul, Yogyakarta

38 min, 20 km

Leather that is well known internationally is the result of

hands of the residents of Manding Village. Referred to as
fashion lovers' tourist paradise, the Manding Leather Craft
Industry Center consists of many showrooms that are also
managed by local residents. available wallets, shoes, belts,
bags and jackets made of leather.
Kerajinan Wayang Kulit Pucung

Dusun Karangasem, Desa Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY.

40 min, 16 km

Pucung Village is well-known as the center of the puppet

industry, most of its people work as wayang kulit craftsmen.
Pucung Village
also provides tour packages for tourists who want to learn
a homestay and showroom are available to display
handicrafts from Pucung villagers.
Kabul Art Gallery

Timoho No.312 C, Baciro, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY.

5 min, 1.2 km

It is a Gallery that offers very beautiful Batik Paintings,

as evidenced by the existence of Kabul Art Gallery
whose names have reached overseas and the
majority of buyers are foreign tourists.
Batik Kayu Krebet

Krebet Village, Kelurahan Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul.

50 min, 23 km

It is a batik craft that uses wood as the object of

Krebet Tourism Village has penetrated the
market from the wooden batik crafts they have.
Batik Pajangan

Pajangan-Bantul, Bergan, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul, DIY.

55 min, 26 km

A center for shopping and learning to make batik, here you

can find original batik both stamped and written. Not only
visitors can also see directly the manufacturing process.

Submission Fee
Breakfast Mangut Ikan
Borobudur Sunrise Parking


Merapi Lava Tour & Ulen Sentalu Museum


Pindul Cave & Oya Rafting


Sultan Palace & Parangtritis Beach


Prambanan & Ratu Boko Sunset

Prambanan & Ratu Boko Sunset
300,000 2 days in advance for the booking
40,000 minimum 2 pax
20,000 750,000





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