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Development of Multiport Converter For Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) www.iosrjen.

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
PP 81-88

Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable

Energy Systems
Reshma V S, 2Rajesh S K
PG scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vidya Academy of Science and
Technology, Thrissur, Kerala
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vidya Academy of Science and
Technology, Thrissur, Kerala

Abstract: This project presents a multiport converter with pulse width modulation (PWM) and phase shift
control for renewable energy systems. The proposed converter works on the principle of an interleaved boost
full bridge circuit. The advantages of zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS) is applied
in this work. By this method the voltage regulation is improved and powerflow can be regulated. Power flow
between the inputs is controlled by duty cycle and voltage can be regulated via phase shift. Primary side
MOSFETs achieve ZVS and secondary side diodes operate under ZCS. This converter can operates on various
modes according to the availability of renewable energy source and load consumption. This topology has wide
applications in hybrid energy systems. Solar energy is taken as the renewable energy source and maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm is used to maximize the power delivered to the system. Simulation of the
converter with two input ports and one output port is carried out and results are presented.
Keywords: Hybrid energy systems, interleaved boost full bridge, multiport converter, phase shift control,
renewable energy.

I. Introduction
Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal, hydrogen etc. has been widely used to overcome
the current energy crisis. These sources are abundant in nature and can be used for supplying electricity
effectively. It can eliminate the pollution and are dependable in future. The use of a single renewable source for
powering the loads is not a accepted way. So for ensuring the proper energy transfer more number of renewable
sources are connected to a single system called as hybrid systems. Hybrid energy conversion systems are
applicable where average power demand is low and load dynamics are relatively high. Sometimes the power from
sources are more than that of load demand and so extra energy has to be stored in some energy storage units. In
contrast the load cannot be met by the sources in sometimes. Hence these energy storage devices need to be
power the loads. Thus energy storage units are needed in order to balance the electricity generation and
consumption within a power system. The variations in renewable energy results in power flow fluctuations. So
that power flow has to be controlled effectively.
For galvanic isolation, multiple converter and multiple port conversions are used. In multiple converter
conversion, power converters are connected in parallel or in series. In multiple port conversion, some components
and circuits can be shared as a common part along the conversion path. It has high power density and low cost
than that of multiple converter configurations. In general magnetic coupling method is used to obtain an isolated
multiple port converter. The converter can be constructed from the basic high frequency switching cells including
half bridge (HB), full bridge (FB), boost half bridge (BHB) and their combinations. A fully isolated three port
converter in earlier stages includes large number of power switches. Hence it results in high components cost. In
partially isolated multiport topologies, some of the input or output are fully isolated. But it requires only less
number of components. So they can be easily controlled due to it's simple structure.

II. Scheme Of The Work

Proposed converter constitutes two input ports and a single output port. Thus it forms a three port
converter (TPC) based on an interleaved boost full bridge converter topology. It has the advantage of interleaved
boost converter and the overall circuitry is simple. One of the input port represents a renewable energy source.
Here solar energy is taken as the renewable source. The other input generally represents an energy storage device
like battery, fuel cells etc. This input port is termed as bidirectional port. For efficient input energy extraction,
MPPT algorithm is implemented. This converter can operate in various operation modes such as, dual input (DI)
mode, dual output (DO) mode and Single input single output (SISO) mode based on the availability of renewable
energy and load consumption.

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Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala
Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

The proposed converter configuration is derived from a ZVS half bridge (HB) inductive dc-dc
converter. The secondary rectifier diodes achieve ZCS and avoid reverse recovery losses. Voltage across the
diodes is clamped by the output capacitor C0. Secondary freewheeling current is also limited due to the absence of
a dc inductor. Both phase shift and duty cycle of the primary side MOSFET switches are simultaneously
controlled for obtaining power flow and voltage regulation.

III. Circuit Description And Operating Principles

This converter consists of four power MOSFETs, two input inductors L1 and L2, an ac inductor Lac and a
high frequency transformer with turns ratio 1:n. Lac is used as the power interface element between primary and
secondary sides of trans-former. V1 and V2 are the two input voltages. iL1 and iL2 represents the inductor currents.
M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 are driven with complimentary gate signals with a dead band. vab is the voltage between
midpoints of bidirectional interleaved boost converter and iLac is the secondary winding current. In order to
decouple input volt-ages and regulate output voltage, both duty cycle and phase shift angle are adopted
simultaneously. Primary side MOSFETs can achieve ZVS operation. Due to ac output inductor, the secondary
side diodes can operate under ZCS. Duty cycle of power switches is used to adjust the power among independent
sources. Phase shift angle between midpoints of full bridge is employed to regulate power flow to the output port.

Fig1: Proposed TPC for hybrid renewable energy systems

The ac inductor current is chosen to be completely demagnetized for the analysis. Principle of operation
of the proposed converter can be described based on the six time intervals. During interval [0- t1], M2 and M3 are
conducting. L1 , L2 are charged and discharged respectively. Voltage across midpoints a and b is given by Vab = -
V2 and Vcd = -Vo. This interval is shown in fig.2. Lac is charged with
nVab – Vcd = -nV2 + V0
ILacpk = (-nV2 + V0 )ϕT / Lac (1)
Phase shift angle normalized to period
Φ = Ψ/2π (2)
Operating waveforms for the entire time intervals are shown in fig.3. During interval [t1 - t2] ,M4 is triggered
and L1 , L2 are charged.

Fig.2 Equivalent circuit for [0-t1].

In this interval volte across the transformer vab is clamped to zero and Lac is discharged with a slope by Vo.
Therefore, Vab = 0 , VLac = Vo. This interval is normalized to period b which is given by,
β = (nV2 - V0 )ϕ / V0 (3)
Lac discharge interval,
∆t = t2 – t1 = βT (4)
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Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala
Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

When iLac reaches zero, diodes stop conducting. The equivalent circuit is shown in fig.4.

Fig.3 Operating waveforms for completely demagnetized ac inductor current

During interval [t2 - t3], L1 and L2 being charged until M2 is turned off at t3. Lac is completely
demagnetized in this interval. There is no power transfers from primary side to output port. Equivalent circuit
corresponding to this interval is shown in fig.5.

Fig 4. Equivalent circuit for [t1-t2].

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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems


During interval [t3 - t4], M1 and M4 are conducting. This interval is symmetrical to case(a), ie,[0 - t1].
ILac (t4) = - ILac (t1) (5)
It is given as, ILac = (nV2 - Vo ) ϕT / Lac This interval is shown in fig.6.
During interval [t4 - t5], M1 and M3 are conducting. It is symmetrical to case(b) given in [t1 - t2]. Equivalent circuit
for this interval is shown in fig.7.

Φ < min[D,(1-D)] (6)

Using (1) – (4), output voltage of the converter can be derived as

V0 = nV2 ϕ( -ϕ + √ϕ2 + 2k) / k (7)

where k is dimensionless and is dependent on output load, inductance and switching frequency. It is given in (8)
k = 2Lac / RLT (8)

Relation between V1 and V2 is obtained as,

V2 = V1 / (1-D) (9)

Fig. 6: Equivalent circuit for [t3-t4].

Fig.7: Equivalent circuit for [t4-t5].

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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

In the completely demagnetized mode power flow from input to output port will be entirely controlled by f . If i Lac
does not decrease to zero before M2 is triggered, then the resultant mode is partially magnetized.

Boundary condition between completely magnetized and partially magnetized inductor current is given by,
∆t + ϕT ≤ (1-D)T (10)
On substituting (4) into (10)
Φ ≤ (1-D) / M (11)
Relation between input and output ports is defined as
M = nVab / Vcd = nV1 / (1-D) V0 = nV2 / V0 (12)

If iLac does not decrease to zero before M2 is turned off, then resultant mode will be fully magnetized.
Both partial and fully magnetized modes allow high power transfer to output. This is due to increased charge per
switching cycle delivered to output capacitor. But they results in higher current stress and higher losses than the
completely demagnetized mode. When converter leaves completely demagnetized mode , output voltage no
longer can be controlled by ϕ . Therefore the proposed converter works on completely demagnetized mode.

IV. Modelling Of Converter

The proposed converter can be dynamically modeled as two individual con-verters called as
Bidirectional interleaved boost converter (BIBC) and Phase shift full bridge converter (PSFB). So it offers
independent controllability by using duty cycle and phase shift as two control variables. BIBC balances power
flow within the input sources whereas PSFB delivers power to the load through Lac. High in-tegration of two
structures results in a topology with lower component number and higher power density than multiple converter
systems. Dynamic modeling is done as per the circuit shown in fig.8.

Fig.8: Integration of BIBC and PSFB as TPC.

V. Powerflow Regulation And Control

The system is always set to control renewable energy source. Here V1 represents the renewable source
and is taken as a solar photovoltaic (PV) cell. To maximize the power delivered to the system, MPPT algorithm
can be implemented. At output port voltage regulation loop is employed to regulate load voltage by ϕ and it is
shown in fig.9.Voltage or current of renewable energy port, V1 is controlled by duty cycle, D. Bidirectional port
V2 is controlled by implementing either constant voltage (CV) or constant current (CI) control loop. Fuzzy logic
can also be used for the same purpose.

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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Fig.9: Closed loop control scheme for voltage regulation

VI. Simulation Results

Simulation diagram of the converter is shown in fig.10. Simulation was done in MATLAB/simulink by
using the parameters given in the table. In the sim-ulation diagram the display shows the output voltage. Two
inductor voltages VL1 and VL2 are measured with the help of voltage measurement. The ac inductor current is
measured and is found to be completely demagnetized. Hence the simulation is conducted for completely
demagnetized mode. Simulated waveforms are

Table I : Simulation parameters used

Parameters Specification
Input voltage, V1 12V
Input voltage, V2 24V
Output voltage, Vo 50V
Maximum output power 25W
Transformer T 4:16
Inductors L1 and L2 155μH
Inductor Lac 28μH
Capacitor C1 20μF
Capacitor C2 66μF
Capacitor Co 200μF
Switching frequency 60 kHz

plotted. Proper gate pulses are given to the primary side switches by implementing suitable closed loop
feedback control scheme. To obtain voltage regulation at output port and powerflow balance in the converter,
both duty ratio and phase shift angle should be simultaneously adjusted. But it is a difficult task to be performed.
So an accurate microcontroller based feedback loop has to be implemented. The switching pulses for the
converter is developed by the closed loop control and waveforms are shown in fig.11.

Fig.10: Simulation diagram of the converter

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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Fig.11: Switching pulses for MOSFET switches

Fig.12: completely demagnetized ac inductor current

All switches are conducting for a duty cycle of 0.5 and phase shift angle is chosen to be 90. The
converter works in completely demagnetized mode and the waveform that shows this ac inductor current is
plotted in fig.12. The ac inductor current is in a range of 1.25A and is symmetrical in nature. Output voltage of
the converter is found to be constant and the magnitude is given as 50V. Output current and power of the
converter are found to be 0.5A, 25W respectively. They are shown in fig. 13.

Fig.13: Output voltage, current and power VS time

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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

VII. Conclusion
A TPC was designed and modelled as per the requirement. Simulation of the proposed converter was
done and results are shown. Design of feedback loop is on progress. The concept will help to extract renewable
energy from wind and solar with maximum efficiency even for low power applications. This converter is
applicable for hybrid renewable energy systems so that power flow fluctuations can be eliminated and balance the
power between different energy sources. It maximize the power delivered to the system through a maximum
power point tracking algorithm (MPPT). The overall energy utilization can be improved.

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