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Symbols of Baptism Theology

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Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the

Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other
sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we
become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her
mission: "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word."

1) Water is the primary symbol of baptism. John the Baptist used water (Mt 3:11; Mk
1:8a; Jn 1:33; 3:23), as did Jesus (Jn 3:22). Jesus is living water (Jn 4:10), and
when Jesus died, the water that flowed from his pierced side serves as a wellspring
of his life and grace (Jn 19:34). The usual method is infusion, for water to be
poured over the head. Baptism can also be done by partial or full immersion.

2) Oil is another baptismal symbol of the Holy Spirit. During a baptism, the baby
is anointed with oil, and oil is mentioned several times in the Bible as a symbol
of bringing the person and the Holy Spirit together. Holy oils are used during
baptism to strengthen the faith of the anointed. They also symbolize the gifts of
the Holy Spirit.

3) Baptismal garment/ White Clothing is either worn from the beginning of the
ritual or given after pouring or immersion. It is an outward sign of the person�s
Christian dignity. It also signifies that the person has become a new creation and
has been clothed with Christ.

4) The Baptism Light, as a symbol of baptism, is represented by the passing of a

lighted candle from the celebrant to the godparents. The candle represents moving
from death to life in Christ. In addition to being a symbol of the genesis and
vitality of life, the candle is a symbol of Christ as "the light of the world" and
the Christian faith. When this candle is burning, religious faith is present.

5) Dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptized, the heavens were
opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove, and every
person who is baptized receives the same Holy Spirit. Jesus baptizes with the Holy
Spirit (Mk 1:8; Jn 1:33).

6) The Baptismal Font. The traditional baptismal font holds the water used for the
baptism. It symbolizes the baptismal streams, rivers, or pools of water in
centuries past, like the River of Jordan where Christ was baptized by John the
Baptist. Baptismal fonts are made of stone, metal, wood, or marble and have usually
been present in the church for generations.

7)Chi-rho, or a cross, is often displayed on the font or other items associated

with baptism. The cross is a universal symbol of Christianity. Making the sign of
the cross over a child during the baptism invokes God's protection and asks for
entrance into the body of the Christian church.

8)Scriptural Readings and Prayers.

The scriptural readings during a baptism are taken from the Old and New Testaments
of the Bible. They celebrate God's word and call for a renewal and profession of
faith. The readings also recall Christ's baptism and the symbolic meaning of this
which is to die to self and be raised from this death as Christ was raised after
the crucifixion.

The prayers during the baptismal ceremony beg freedom from sin for the child and
ask for Christ's protection, blessings, mercy and grace on the child, the parents,
the godparents, the family, and the congregation.


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