SRS Boutique
SRS Boutique
SRS Boutique
Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
<Version 1> <First Revision>
Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
3. Specific Requirements 8
4. Analysis Models 12
Project Title
1. Introduction
This document provides details about the entire software requirements specification for the
Online Boutique System.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this system is to implement the computerization of the clothes inventory and sales
etc. This uses the Php MyAdmin database and substitution encryption/decryption technique to hide
passwords of users.
1.2 Scope
In this subsection:
The name of the project is Online Boutique System (OBS). OBS (Online Boutique System) that
designed to manage your boutique is very user friendly software. With this software, you can
generate report based on your preference (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly).
This module will take up transactions like selling products, buying products from supplier
updating cash and updating the bills. Appropriate actions will be taken
. Report Generation
This is a client program which will request for reports..
1.4 References
In this subsection:
Online Boutique .
1.5 Overview
This system provides an easy solution for customers to buy the product without going to the shop
and also to shop owner to sale the product. This proposed system can be used by any naïve users
and it does not require any educational level, experience or technical expertise in computer field
but it will be of good use if user has the good knowledge of how to operate a computer.
Administrators are the ones who adds or administers the categories for the products, and
administers the Vendors.
Vendors/Sellers :
Vendors/Sellers will add their products to the database, which will be seen in the website to the
end users or say customers who can buy the products by selecting the one they need. Vendors
will have the special privileges than the end users, and have ability to manage the products added
by them.
End Users/Customers:
The end user will be the one who visits the website and buys products online from the ones
added by the Vendors/Sellers.
The details related to the product, customer, payment and service transaction
provided manually.
3. Specific Requirements
3.1. External Interface Requirements :
3.1.1. User Interfaces:
Each part of the user interface intends to be as user friendly as possible. The fonts and buttons
used will be intended to be very fast and easy to load on web pages. The pages will be kept light
in space so that it won’t take a long time for the page to load.
Product master includes the information about particular product, such as product number, item,
name, category, images of products, description, features, constraints of products, which are to
be displayed on the website.
3.2.2. Transactions:
All transactions undergoing in the website will be controlled and managed by this module.
Transactions in the sense, Shopping Cart management.
3.2.3. Reporting:
This module deals with report management of the entire system. This includes three sub-modules
Stock Report, Order Report and Delivery Report.
3.1.1 Inputs
(1)Selecting order options by reader.
(2)Selecting images and text option by reader.
3.1.2 Processing
This website shows product by fetching the DB.
3.1.3 Outputs
The website gives view of surah in Arabic language and audio and video format to user.
3.4.1 Performance
It shows the product and category immediately after the start of main page.
3.4.2 Reliability
Website does not crash even it gets lowest storage space in memory.
3.4.3 Availability
This system is available in internet.
3.4.4 Security
This website is not affected by any virus immediately.
3.4.5 Portability
This website could run over any processor and OS.
Integrity constraints
Data retention requirements
If the customer provided you with data models, those can be presented here. ER diagrams
(or static class diagrams) can be useful here to show complex data relationships.
Remember a diagram is worth a thousand words of confusing text.
All the inputs should be checked for validation and messages should be given for the improper
data. The invalid data are to be ignored and error messages should be given.
Details provided by the vendor during his sign up should be stored in database.
While adding the products to the system, mandatory fields must be checked for validation
whether the vendor has filled appropriate data in these mandatory fields. If not, proper error
message should be displayed or else the data is to be stored in database for later retrieval.
All mandatory fields should be filled by customer, while buying the items from the cart.
4. Analysis Models
List all analysis models used in developing specific requirements previously given in this
SRS. Each model should include an introduction and a narrative description. Furthermore,
each model should be traceable the SRS’s requirements.
Edit pro.
View Authentication
Admin login
Activity Diagram
The UML activity diagram is much like a flow chart. It shows steps (called appropriately enough, activities)
as well as decision points and branches. It’s useful for showing what happens in a business process or an
For Admin:
Password Incorrect
Eror message
Correct Password
For Customer:
For Product:
Eror message
Select Product
Eror message
Add Successfully
Eror message
Select Product
Eror message
Delete Successfully