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Introduction of Quarter 1 Grade Level Standard


Learning Goals & Targets

Learning Episodes……………………………………………………………………1-4

Diagnostic Assessment………………………………………………………………5-9

Learning Experiences

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies… ……………………………………..10-14

Enviroment and

The Learning .Lessons in Quarter 1

(Prepeare Egg,Cereal and

Strach Dishes).......................................................................................................21-24

Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise’ en

Learning Outcome 2 Perform Mise’en Place
The Learning Lesson in Quarter 2 (Prepare vegetable and Seafood
Enhancement Activity 1………………………………………………………………….67-71
Enhancement Activity 2………………………………………………………………….72-81
Leraning Outcome (Store Vegetable Dishes)…………………………….…………..82-97
The Learning Lesson in Quarter 3 (Prepare Stocks,Sauces,Soup and Poultr & Seafood
Review Of Learning Outcome(Prepare Poultry And Game Dishes)………………126-128
Enhancement Activity…………………………………………………………………..129-135
The Learning Lesson in Quarter 3 (Plate/Present Poultry and Game Dishes)





This Teacher’s Guide is intended for you, the TLE teacher, who teaches any of the more than 24
TLE exploratory courses in the Grades 7 and 8 of the K to 12 curriculum. To ensure that you
teach the TLE exploratory courses the way they were intended to be taught, you must see the
big picture of the K to 12 curriculum and the teaching of TLE. Some background information is

Background Information

1. The Overall Goal of the K to 12 Curriculum

The K to 12 Curriculum has as its overarching goal the holistic development of every Filipino
learner with 21st century skills who is adequately prepared for work, entrepreneurship, middle
level skills development and higher education. The over arching goal of the K to 12 curriculum,
tells you that the teaching of TLE plays a very important role in the realization of the overall
goal of the curriculum. Whether or not the K to 12 graduate is skilled and ready for work,
entrepreneurship and middle skills development depend to a great extent on how effectively
you taught TLE.

2. The Conceptual Framework of the Teaching of TLE

Below is a schematic diagram of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) framework in

general secondary schools. This should guide you in the teaching of the TLE exploratory



*TWG on K to 12 Curriculum Guide – version January 31, 2012 4

Figure 1.TLE Framework

The diagram shows that Technology and Livelihood Education encompasses the field of Home
Economics, Industrial Arts, Agri-Fishery Arts and ICT. The 24 TLE courses can be categorized
under any of these fields.



There is a Learning Module for each exploratory course. If there are 24 exploratory courses
then you have 24 Learning Modules in your hands. But you will use 4 Modules only for the
entire year in Grade 7(plus a fifth one on Entrepreneurship) and another 4 Modules in Grade 8
(plus a fifth one on Entrepreneurship).
Each Learning Module consists of 4 to 5 Lessons2. The Lessons are focused on the 4 to 5 basic
competencies. To avoid meaningless repetition of the teaching of the 5 common competencies,
you have to teach them in the context of the TLE course. For example, you teach “use and
maintenance of tools” in beauty care when you are teaching the course on Beauty Care. You
teach the same competencies - use and maintenance of tools-in Horticulture but in the context
of Horticulture and so your tools will not be entirely the same.

New Feature on the Teaching of TLE

What’s new in the teaching of TLE in the K to 12 curriculum? In the K to 12 curriculum, the TLE
courses are taught based on the learning outcomes and performance criteria stated on the
Training Regulations(TR)from Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
They are TR based.

Why is this necessary? To prepare the K to 12 graduate for lucrative work, he/she must earn a
National Certificate (NC)I, II or even an NC of higher level that is required by industries. This
he/she earns after passing an assessment given by TESDA. How can you ensure that the K to 12
high school student (Grade 9 to 12) pass TESDA assessment and obtain an NC? By seeing to it
that you teach the TLE course in accordance with the performance criteria and learning
outcomes laid down in the TESDA Training Regulations.

Do the exploratory courses enable the high school student to earn already an NC? Not yet.
Completion of the exploratory courses may not yet qualify a high school student to take an
assessment for an NC. Instead, it helps him/her earn a Certificate of Competency (COC) at least in
Grade 9 that will lead eventually him/her to an NC. In short, the COC paves the way to the earning of an



Student’s choice of TLE specialization begins in Grades 9.Afterhaving been exposed to an array
of TLE courses during the exploratory phase in the first two years, the student will be most
benefited, if in Grades 10,11, or 12 he/she continues with a TLE course in which he/she already
has a COC. In that way, he/she will get an NC faster.
About the Learning Module

1. Design of the Module

a. The Module is designed to be a teacher-assisted learning kit or a self-learning kit on

competencies that a Grade 7 TLE ought to possess. It explores the course on Caregiving which
helps your student earn a Certificate of Competency in Grade 9which leads to a National
Certificate Level I / II (NCI / II)in Grades 10, 11 or 12.

2.The Learning Module is made up of 4 to 5 Lessons based on the competencies. Each Lesson
contains the following:


1) Learning Outcomes
2) Performance Standards
3) Materials/Resources
4) Definition of Terms
5) What Do You Already Know?
6) What Do You Need to Know?
7) How Much Have You Learned?
8) How Do You Apply What You Learned?
9) What Is Your Score?
10) References There are some TLE Modules which have a section on “How Do You
Extend Your Learning?”, This section is meant for enrichment. It is usually given as an
assignment for not everything can be taught and done in the classroom given a limited

c. The Self-check can also serve as the posttest of the lesson. 2. Parts of the Lesson. -The
following explain the parts of each Lesson and describe what your students’- as well as your
tasks are.

Part of the Lesson Students’ Task Teacher’s Task

1. Learning outcomes are
what your TLE student is
supposed to know and be able
to do after using the module. Students acquaint themselves You introduce the learning
Since our TLE courses are TR- with the learning outcomes outcomes to your students
based, all learning outcomes and performance standards and make sure that they
are lifted from the TESDA TR. and make them their personal understand them and make
In the Curriculum Guide (the goals. these learning targets their
matrix which contains Content own.
Standard, Performance
Standard, Learning Make these your goals for
Competencies, instruction.
Assessment, Duration), the
identified Learning Outcomes
are written in the column of
Learning Competencies.

2. Performance Standards are

referred to as “performance
criteria” in the TESDA TR. They You introduce the
are more specific descriptions performance standards to
of the student’s behavior that Students clearly understand your students and make sure
serve as evidence that the the performance standards that they understand them
expected learning outcomes and make them their own and make these performance
have been realized with the learning goals standards their own.
expected level of proficiency
or in accordance with Let these standards give your
established standards. lesson its specific direction.

The learning outcomes and

performance standards set
the direction of your lessons.
These are what you should
teach and, in turn, what you
should assess. They are
identified and are written for
you in the Curriculum Guide.
3. Materials/Resources and Lesson. Gadget tool or equipment, it is
References To teach always wise to prepare, check
effectively, you need materials and try them in advance to
and references. Materials may By all means, read the ensure that they function when
include equipment, hand tools references for lesson mastery. you use them. As the saying
or consumables. The goes “forewarned is
references are the books, forearmed.”
magazines, articles, websites Be resourceful in the
you yourself and your students preparation of materials. You
will read or refer to in order to are strongly encouraged to use
gain greater understanding of appropriate local materials as
the lesson. They are either in substitute for listed materials
soft copy or hard copy that are not available.
For effective teaching, your
lesson preparation should
include reading the list of

Do not limit yourself to the list

of references. If you discover
good reference material/s, add
to the list of references.
Introduce the references to
your students. Motivate them
to read these references as
they go through the module for
mastery of the lesson.

4.The definition of terms and Remind your students to refer

acronyms will help you to the definition of terms and
understand the meaning of key Refer to the definition of terms acronyms for clearer
words in your lesson. Defining for greater understanding of understanding of the lesson.
key words as they are used in the lesson
your lesson will ensure that the
key terms in your lesson mean
one and the same for everyone
in class and so avoid
5. The section “What Do You Tell your students to complete
Already Know” is intended to Take the test honestly the pretest
determine entry Explain that the purpose of the
pretest is to find
knowledge and skills of your Check answers against the Out hpw much they already
students to find out if you have answer key provided know about the lesson in order
to teach the lesson, teach some to determine your next steps. It
parts of the lesson or skip it is, therefore, necessary that
entirely because your students they take the test honestly, if
already know it. This is done by they want to learn or want to
way of a pretest. be helped.

Make it clear to them that their

scores will not be recorded for
grading purposes and will not
be taken against them.
If you find out that your
students already know what
you are about to teach, logic
dictates that you do not need
to teach it anymore. You may
as well proceed to the next
lesson. If, however, you find
out that they do not yet know
what you are about to teach,
then by all means teach. Or if
you discover that your students
have some erroneous
concepts, then teach and
correct their misconceptions.
To know what your students
already know and do not yet
know will guide you in
adjusting your instruction.
4. The definition of terms and Refer to the definition of terms Remined your students to refer
acronyms will help you for greater understanding of to the definition of terms and
understand the meaning of key the lesson acronyms for clearer
words in your lesson. Defining understanding of the lesson
key words as they are used in
your lesson will ensure that the
key terms in your lesson mean
one and the same for everyone
in class and so avoid
5. The section “What Do You Take the test honestly Tell your students to
Already Know” is intended to accomplish the pretest. Explain
determine entry that the purpose of the pretest
is to find
Check answers against the lesson in order to determine your
knowledge and skills of your answer key provided next steps. It is, therefore,
students to find out if you necessary that they take the test
have to teach the lesson, honestly, if they want to learn or
teach some parts of the want to be helped.
lesson or skip it entirely
because your students Make it clear to them that their
already know it. This is done scores will not be recorded for
by way of a pretest. grading purposes and will not be
taken against them.

If you find out that your students

already know what you are about
to teach, logic dictates that you
do not need to teach it anymore.
You may as well proceed to the
next lesson. If, however, you find
out that they do not yet know
what you are about to teach,
then by all means teach. Or if you
discover that your students have
some erroneous concepts, then
teach and correct their
misconceptions. To know what
your students already know and
do not yet know will guide you in
adjusting your instruction.

Read and understand the Make sure students are engaged

Information Sheet/s and /or in reading the Information
Operation Sheet. Sheet/Observation Sheet and in
answering the self-check.
Be prepared For a Self-check
which serves as a posttest. Give assistance to your students
n where needed.
Correct answers by referrig to
the answer key.
7. “How Do You Apply What Do the Activity Find a way to test real life
You application of what

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