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Xiro Xplorer V User Manual

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2 EN
CHARGING SMART FLIGHT BATTERY AND REMOTE CONTROL..................................................... 3
SMART BATTERY SAFETY GUIDELINES.............................................................................................. 4
LEARNING YOUR TANSMITTER..........................................................................................................4-6
SMART BATTERY SAFETY GUIDELINES...........................................................................................7-9
FLYING YOUR XPLORER..................................................................................................................10-13

Failure to follow these safety precautions may result in injury to yourself and others.
• Keep your face and body as well as all spectators away from the rotating plane of the blades whenever the battery is
connected. Keep loose clothing, shirt sleeves, ties, scarfs, long hair or loose objects such as pencils or screwdrivers that
may fall out of shirt or jacket pockets away from the rotors. The spinning blades of a model quadcopter can cause serious
injury. When choosing a flying site for your Xplorer, stay clear of buildings, trees and power lines. AVOID flying in or near
crowded areas. DO NOT fly close to people or pets. Maintain a safe distance from the drone.
• Your Xplorer should not be considered a toy. Because of its performance capabilities, the Xplorer, if not operated correctly,
could cause injury to you or spectators and damage to property.
• DO NOT alter or modify the model. Doing so may result in an unsafe or non-flyable model.
• When and if repairs are necessary, you must correctly install all components so that the model operates properly on the
ground and in the air. Please check the operation of the model before every flight to ensure that all equipment is operating
and that the model has remained structurally sound. Be sure to check propellers before each flight. Replace them if they
show any signs of wear or fatigue.


As a new owner of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), you are responsible
for the operation of this model and the safety of those around you. Please
contact your local authorities to find out the latest rules and regulations.


Always follow the AMA Safety Code when operating model aircraft. Visit the Academy of Model
Aeronautics: and search for “FPV 550” and read “Document 550 – Utilizing
First Person View Systems” to learn about the safe operation of FPV “First Person View” systems in
model aircraft.

• ALWAYS unplug your battery from either the charger or drone after use.
• NEVER store your drone with the battery plugged into the drone.
• DO NOT attempt to charge your battery if it becomes swollen or hot.
• The Xplorer does not have a voltage cutoff/failsafe. When the LEDs begin to flash, land the drone and disconnect the
• It is best to store your batteries in a cool, dry location at 1/2 charge. Storing a fully discharged battery may cause
irreversible damage to the battery.
• NEVER disassemble, puncture or modify the battery pack in any way.
• NEVER allow the battery temperature to exceed 150° F [65° C].
• If your battery begins to swell or “puff” during charge or discharge or becomes damaged in any way, stop using it.

Charge Smart Flight Battery and Remote Control
Prior to flying your new Xplorer, it is strongly Battery Level Battery Level
recommended that you completely familiarize yourself indicators Check button
with the drone as well as the complete contents of this Charging
manual. This will ensure many safe and pleasant flights Indicator blinking
and experiences. 75%-100%
Battery Status: Full
All indicators OFF 50%-75%
• Firstly, we recommend watching our tutorial videos to
show you the correct and safe way to use your Xplorer. 25%-50%
Please visit 0-25%


• You will note that there are two batteries included
with the Xiro Xplorer; one in the transmitter and a
flight battery for the model. Both batteries should be
charged using the supplied battery charger. DO NOT
use any other chargers to charge the flight battery.

• Remove the charger and the charger accessories from
the box labeled “Power Pack”.
• After you’ve attached the power cord to the AC
adapter, plug the other end of the AC adapter into the
charger base. Plug the power cord into the AC power
source. The LED on the AC adapter should be solid
green. Insert the appropriated end of the USB cord into
the USB port on the rear of the charge base.

Charging the Transmitter Battery

• When fully charged, the transmitter battery should Battery indicator
provide approximately two hours of operational usage. in Remote Control
It is strongly suggested that the battery is completely Battery Status: Normal
charged prior to each day’s flights. To do so: Battery Status: Low
> Remove the transmitter from the box labeled
“Remote Control”. Charging
> Plug the remaining end of the USB cord (micro) into Charging (Remote Control OFF)
the USB receptacle on the bottom of the transmitter, Charging (Remote Control ON)
as shown. The battery indication LED will glow red
while the battery is charging, or when the battery Battery Status: Full
status is low. Once the battery has been fully Remote Control OFF
charged, this LED will change to green, indicating Remote Control ON
that the transmitter is ready to use. Please make sure
that the transmitter’s power switch is turned to the
OFF position when charging.
•F  or more information on the status of the transmitter
battery, please reference the “Battery Indicator
Information” section located elsewhere in this manual.

Charging the Flight Battery

• The flight battery (also might be referred to
interchangeably as a Smart Battery within this manual) Use the Plug Adapter
for the Xiro Xplorer is a Lithium Polymer (commonly if necessary
referred to as a LiPo) battery. Used properly and with
caution, the battery is very safe and will provide many, The Remote Control can be charged by
many hours of pleasant and trouble-free operation. PC or USB charger
That said, this battery should be treated very
cautiously to prevent any difficulties. Please refer to the
section on the “Smart Battery Safety Guidelines” for • To determine the battery charge status outside of the charge
additional information on how to do so. base, simply press the green button located next to the LED
• There are four LEDs on the battery. When in the charge indicators. Again, if all four LEDs are lit, the battery is 100%
base, the LEDs indicate the current charge status of charged and ready for flight.
the battery. If all four are lit, the battery is charged • For more information on the status of the flight battery, please
completely (100%). If only one is lit, the battery is at (or reference the “Battery Indicator Information” section located
below) 25% of the charge capacity. elsewhere in this manual.

Smart Battery Safety Guidelines
• Only use the Xiro battery and Xiro battery charger for the • If battery acid gets on your skin or in your eyes, immediately
Xplorer. Xiro does not take any responsibility for damages wash your skin or eyes with fresh water for at least 15 minutes
caused by third party batteries or battery chargers. and contact medical personnel immediately.
• Do Not charge the battery immediately after a flight; allow the •T  o put out a battery fire use sand or use a dry power
battery ample time to cool down prior to charging. extinguisher that is designed for this application. DO NOT
• Replace the battery if it has been discharged over 300 times. use water.
• Never recharge or use a visually defective/damaged battery. • NEVER leave a charging battery unattended.
• When not using the battery for a long period of time, please • It is suggested that batteries be both stored and charged in a
make sure it is at 50% charge or less. fireproof container.
• Discharge the battery completely once every 20 charge/ •W  hile the batteries are charging, it is a good time
discharge cycles. This will help to optimize battery life. to go through this manual and familiarize yourself
• Please deliver used batteries to designated disposal locations. with the Xplorer, the transmitter and the gimbal unit
(if applicable).

Learning Your Transmitter

Flight Level Selector

Left-Stick Right-Stick

Neck Strap

• One of the most important components of the Xplorer is the • In Mode 2, the left stick will control the throttle (causing the
transmitter that is supplied with this drone. We’ve designed Xplorer to rise or descend) and the yaw input. Advancing
this transmitter with you, the user, in mind. The features the throttle stick away (towards the top of the transmitter)
and functionality of this controller are very intuitive and increases the propeller speeds and will, therefore, cause the
relatively easy to master after a few flights. However, it will be Xplorer to climb accordingly. Alternatively, pulling the throttle
beneficial to review the information below before taking off stick towards the bottom of the transmitter reduces the
with the Xplorer. propeller RPMs and will cause the drone to descend.
• Looking at the front of transmitter you will note that there are • Once the Xplorer has landed and you have pulled the
two sticks, three push-buttons and a selector with numerical throttle stick all the way down and hold it for approximately
indicators to the left (1, 2, 3). The purpose and functionality three (3) seconds, the motors will disarm (stop the rotation
of these items will be covered in this section. accordingly).
• If the left stick is moved to the left, the front of the Xplorer will
TRANSMITTER STICK INPUT also rotate to the left (counter clockwise). Conversely, moving
• The sticks on the front of the transmitter are used to control this stick to the right will move the nose of the Xplorer in a
some of the functions of the drone’s flight. They are also clockwise direction.
utilized to change the flight modes, alter the compliance • The stick on the right side of the controller is responsible
configuration and arm/disarm the motors. for moving the Xplorer forward/backward and for banking/
• For the purposed of this manual, we will utilize the Mode 2 angling the drone to the left or right, as the case may be.
flight mode, as this is the most popular in the North American Moving the right stick to the top of the transmitter moves
market. Mode 2 is also the default mode for the transmitter. the Xplorer forward; pulling back will move the Xplorer in a
• Please note that this information is conveyed assuming that rearward direction.
the front of the drone is pointed away from the pilot. The • Please see the sections entitled Changing the Transmitter
front (nose) of the drone is indicated by the blinking triangular Operation Mode and Compliance Version Configuration for
power button on top of the drone when the Xplorer has been additional information on stick input effects.
turned on.
BUTTON INPUTS • By resetting the buttons it allows them to be ready for their
As previously mentioned, there next function, whether it be taking off/landing or Returning
are three buttons on the face/ Home/Unlocking the drone.
front of the transmitter, each • If the Return Home button is depressed it will not allow you
with a unique function. to unlock the drone for take-off.


• IOC is Intelligent Orientation Control. IOC makes drone flying TRANSMITTER (from left to right)
easier, because there is no need for the pilot to know the •There are four LEDs on the face of the transmitter. These
drone’s orientation to control its movements. If you do not
use IOC mode you have to pay attention to the orientation of
the drone as it moves through the sky.
• In IOC mode, the drone always goes in the same direction as
the stick input. For example, in IOC mode when you push the LEDs will illuminate when the transmitter is powered on (or in
right stick to the right the drone will always move to the right the case of the battery status indicator, when the transmitter
across the sky. is charging as well). The indicators and conditions are as
• We recommend newcomers use IOC because it makes flying follows: 
much more intuitive.
• To activate IOC, press the button. The button’s green LED Wi-Fi Indicator
will glow, indicating that this function is active. To deactivate, • Green: Gimbal and Range Extender connected
press the button once again. Once you push the IOC button, • Red: Gimbal and Range Extender connected, but not seeing
you can leave it on for the duration of the flight. Wi-Fi signals
It is important to note that this is a location-based • Not Lit: No Range Extender
function. As such, it is only applicable when there is a GPS
signal available with six or more satellites located. Aircraft Connection Indicator
• Green: Aircraft Connected
Return Home •Red: Aircraft Alarm
• As the name of this function implies, the Return Home
button causes the Xplorer to return to the Home point (take- GPS Indicator
off point). This point is the area from which the drone was • Green: GPS Mode
powered up and took off. • Red: Attitude Mode
• When you are ready to have your Xplorer return home, press • Red Aircraft Connection Indicator and Red GPS- Aircraft
the Return Home button. The button’s green LED will glow Disconnected
accordingly and the Xplorer will return home.
• After landing the Xplorer and disarming the motors, press the Transmitter Battery Indicator
Return Home button once again to reset. • Transmitter ON:
• Green: Battery Status: Normal
AUTO TAKE-OFF AND LAND • Red: Battery Status: Low
• The third button on the face of the transmitter, as noted
graphically on the button, is used to either take off or land Transmitter Charging:
the Xplorer automatically. • Red: Battery Status is Charging (Transmitter OFF)
• Yellow: Battery Status is Charging (Transmitter ON)
Auto Take-off:
• If the Xplorer is on the ground, pressing the button will FLIGHT LEVEL SELECTOR
activate the automatic take-off function. When active, Near the top of the transmitter face is the Flight Level Selection
the green LED on the auto take-off button will glow. The slider switch. This might also be referred to as the Flight Mode
Xplorer will increase the propeller speeds and slowly take elsewhere in this manual. It is important not to confuse flight
off from the present location. It will then hover at a height of mode with transmitter mode as they are very different from
approximately three (3) meters above the ground. each other.
• Press the auto take-off button once again to resume manual
control of the Xplorer’s functions.
It is important to note that this is a location-based
function. As such, it is only applicable when there is a
GPS signal available and the transmitter is in the GPS
Flight Level Selector
Flight Mode.
Left-Stick Right-Stick
Auto Land:
• With the Xplorer hovering over the desired landing point,
press the Auto Take-off/Auto Land button to activate the
automatic landing function. When active, the green LED on
the button will glow. The Xplorer will then decrease the speed Neck Strap
of the propellers and descend slowly and land as desired. As the name suggests, this is used to determine the flight
It is important to note that this is a location-based level, or performance, of the Xplorer. It is strongly suggested
function. As such, it is only applicable when there is a that users select flight level one (1) until they become familiar
GPS signal available and the transmitter is in the GPS with the operation of the drone. As noted below, this will limit
Flight Mode. the height, distance and response of the Xplorer accordingly.
Once the user has become more familiar with the inputs
and performance, flight level two (2) and three (3) will allow
Resetting the Button Inputs increased performance.
 light Level 1 (slider all the way down)
• Flight Altitude 50 Meter limit
• Flight Distance 100 Meter limit Range Extender
• Max Horizontal Speed 2 m/s
• Max Vertical Speed 2 m/s
• Attitude Mode Take off is prohibited
• GPS Flight Mode enabled

Flight Level 2 (slider in the middle)

• Flight Altitude 120 Meter limit If applicable, the Xplorer’s Range Extender is to be affixed to
• Flight Distance 300 Meter limit the rear of the transmitter. The transmitter’s Range Extender
• Max Horizontal Speed 6 m/s can be found in the “Gimbal” box. To install the Range
• Max Vertical Speed 2 m/s Extender, position it so that the pins on the unit are located in
• Attitude Flight Mode is enabled the receptacles on the transmitter. After doing so, gently slide
• GPS Flight Mode enabled the Range Extender downward until it is firmly in place.
Flight Level 3 (slider all the way to the top) Power Switch
• Flight Altitude 120 Meter limit*
• Flight Distance 600 Meter limit*
• Max Horizontal Speed 8 m/s
• Max Vertical Speed 3 m/s
• Attitude Flight Mode is enabled Power Switch
• GPS Flight Mode enabled
Carrying Handle

 djustable in App Ground Station Functions and Settings on
smart device (I.E., smart phone or tablet)
Very close to the bottom/rear of the transmitter is the Power
SCROLL WHEELS Switch. This switch, as the designation indicates, determines
• On the top of the transmitter, there are two scroll wheels (one whether the transmitter is ON (active) or OFF. It is strongly
on the left “shoulder” of the transmitter and the other on the suggested that the transmitter be turned ON prior to powering
right), as well as the recessed mobile device holder. up the Xplorer. Additionally, we suggest that the user always
Left ensures that the throttle stick is in the neutral (center) position
• The left scroll wheel is used to adjust the brightness of the before turning on the Xplorer.
LEDs on the Xplorer. Rolling the scroll wheel clockwise will
brighten the LEDs; rolling the scroll wheel in a counter- Carrying Handle
clockwise direction will decrease the brightness, and will turn Near the power switch is the transmitter’s built-in carrying
the LEDs off altogether, if so desired. handle. This handle may also be used to allow the transmitter
Right to stand upright.
• The right scroll wheel is used to control the pitch of the
camera gimbal, if applicable. TRANSMITTER BOTTOM

Charge Port
On the very bottom of the transmitter is the transmitter’s micro
USB port. This port is used to charge the transmitter’s battery.
PULL Information about charging the transmitter is found elsewhere
Mobile Device Holder
in this manual. Please refer to the appropriate section for more
Flight Indicators
Brightness Control information about the charging procedure.
Scroll Wheel
Indicator Lights on the Drone (Rear Flight Indicators)
MOBILE DEVICE HOLDER The rear LEDs are used as a visual indicator of the Xplorer’s
• Situated between the two shoulder scroll wheels is the flight status. Please refer to the information below.
mobile device holder. To access this item, gently pull
upwards in the recessed area of the holder as indicated. This Rear Flight Indicators Status: OK
will extend the retractable unit.
Status: Checking
• The top of the mobile device holder is spring-loaded and is
capable of holding mobile devices up to 78mm X 100mm GPS Flight Mode
(3.07” x 3.94”). Attitude Flight Mode
• Insert the desired mobile device accordingly, making sure IOC status
that the holder firmly grasps the device.
• Adjust the mobile device holder to attain the desired position. Rear Flight Indicators Status: Not OK
When properly positioned, use the supplied wrench to
Return Home/Disconnected with transmitter
tighten the composite joint, using care not to over-tighten.
The wrench can be found in the “Propellers/Tools/Spare Battery: Low (Return home ASAP)
Parts” package. Battery: Critical (Descend slowly)
GPS failure (Reboot)
When flying has been completed for the day, remove the
mobile device from the holder. Then loosen the joint and return Compass failure (Recalibrate)
the mobile device holder to the retracted position by gently Gimbal connection failure
pushing downward.
Assembling Your Xplorer
Xplorer Power Buttons and Indications:
Power ON: Press and hold until the light turns ON
Power OFF: Press and hold until the light turns OFF
Blinking: The Xplorer is using the GPS to determine its location
Solid Light: The Xplorer has located itself with the GPS
Fast Blinking: The battery is not securely locked into position Propeller

Rear Flight Indicators

Landing Gear
Push all landing gears to
vertical position when
flying with a Gimbal.

The Nose

PC Port
Connect to PC via
Front Flight Indicators Micro USB cable.
Vertical Position
RED indicates the front of the Xplorer.

Understanding the Xplorer and its features and functions is Attaching the Propellers
also of great importance for enjoying successful flights with • As previously noted,
your drone. it is imperative to Silver
place the correct marks Black
correct motor. There
• Note: it is suggested that inexperienced users install the are two iterations of Silver Black
Xplorer propeller guards (if applicable) until they become the propellers and
more familiar with the drone and its flight characteristics. two iterations of the
These guards will reduce the likelihood of propeller damage motors. Please match
due to less-than-ideal landings, etc. The propeller guards are them accordingly.
offered separately and may be purchased from wherever the • Place the propeller on the motor shaft, grasp the motor
Xplorer was purchased. firmly, and turn in the proper direction as indicated on the top
of the propeller.
Removing the Propellers
• The propellers are located in the packaged marked • Removing the Xplorer propellers is very simple and quick.
“Propellers/Tools/Spare Parts”. Grasp the motor and spin the propeller in the direction
• It should be noted that the propellers are marked according as indicated on the top of the propeller. Ensure that you
to the brushless motor for which they are intended to be are spinning the propeller in the unlock direction and not
used. The propellers with the silver hub are meant to be tightening it further.
attached to the corresponding brushless motor (which is
also marked with silver). To further prevent any confusion Important Notes:
or improper installation, the diameter of the silver hub and • Use only the propellers manufactured by Xiro that are
black hub are slightly different. This will prevent inadvertently designated for use with the Xplorer.
attaching the incorrect propeller to a mismatched brushless • DO NOT use broken or otherwise damaged propellers.
motor. • Always use extreme care when attaching or removing
• Simply put, silver to silver and black to black. propellers.
• Additionally, the propellers are self-tightening. When • Ensure that the Xplorer is away from all person and objects
attaching them to the appropriate motor, please ensure that when preparing for flight and during the flight itself.
they are firmly tightened. However, it is not necessary (nor • It is a good practice to not install the flight battery until
recommended) to over-tighten the propellers. the propellers, gimbal, etc. have all been installed.
This will prevent any inadvertent start-ups.
• It is suggested to use a glove or some other form of hand
protection when installing or removing the propellers on the
motors. The edges of the propeller blades may be sharp and
could lead to cuts.


• The Xplorer V and the Xplorer G both include a 3-axis

stabilized gimbal unit that may be used to capture the perfect
video or still photo. The gimbal ensures that the camera is
secured to the drone and that it remains level and stable Xplorer V gimbal Xplorer G gimbal
throughout the flight. (optional camera shown)
• Note: if you have purchased the Xplorer Standard/Basic and
will not be using a camera with your drone, please skip this XPLORER CAMERA INSTALLATION
section and proceed to the information on “Installing the
Flight Battery”. Included with the Xplorer V, and available as an option item,
Xiro has an action camera that is capable of capturing video
Installing the Gimbal and still photographs. The Xplorer G enables the user to install
**Note** The gimbal is a delicate item and needs to always another manufacturer’s camera in the supplied gimbal unit.
be handled with extreme care. We suggest becoming familiar
with the flight and flight characteristics of the Xplorer prior to If using an action camera other than the Xiro-supplied unit,
installing the gimbal and camera unit. please install it at this time. Ensure that the desired camera
will fit within the camera frame on the gimbal. Align the
Step 1: If the battery has already been installed on the camera body and the pins on the gimbal frame and then slide
Xplorer, it will be necessary to remove it from the drone prior the camera into the camera body so that the pins are firmly
to installing the gimbal unit. Once this has been done, place inserted into the camera’s receptacle. The camera is now firmly
the Xplorer on its back (with the landing gear facing upwards) attached to the gimbal unit.
and position the landing gear so that they are in the horizontal
position. That is, each of the legs should be positioned so that Please note: the Xplorer’s gimbal cannot control other action
they are closest to the LED lamps on the drone. cameras. It is only able to support the real-time preview, etc.

Step 2: While grasping the gimbal securely, align the Connecting the Camera
receptacle on the bottom of the Xplorer with the pins on the • Please go to your app store, download the Xirodrone
gimbal and insert the gimbal into the bottom of the Xplorer. Application for your mobile device, and refer to the
Additionally, ensure that the tab on the gimbal is inserted into “Xirodrone Application” section of this manual for additional
the slot on the Xplorer. Gently push the gimbal down, making information.
sure to listen for the audible click. • Regardless of the camera utilized with your Xplorer, the steps
to connect them are the same. Please follow the steps as
listed below:
4 Step 1: Power ON the transmitter.

Step 2: Following the safe practices noted throughout this

manual, turn ON the Xplorer.

Step 3: When the Wi-Fi connection indicator turns green,

enable the Wi-Fi in the mobile device and select “Xplorer
XXXXXX” from the Wi-Fi list.
Step 3: Visibly inspect the locking mechanism to ensure that
the gimbal is securely attached to the Xplorer. Make sure the Step 4: Open the Xiro App on your mobile device.
gimbal pull tab shows in the locked position.
Step 5: Scroll through the Xiro product offerings until the
applicable Xplorer is shown. Then press the “Start Aerial
Photography” button in the application.

ed ck
ed **Note** If you want to rename the Range Extender SSID
Lo this can be done in the App. To do so, please reference the
5 information found elsewhere in this manual.

Step 4: Install/Reinstall the battery and position the landing Lens Filter
gear to the vertical position. This provides clearance for the The camera supplied with the Xplorer V includes a lens filter
camera and the gimbal. that is already in place on the camera as shipped from the
factory. This filter should be used on sunny days to eliminate
Step 5: The gimbal has been shipped with a composite gimbal some of the brightness from the videos/images. If it is sunny,
protector to ensure that the unit does not get damaged in please leave the lens filter in place and only remove the lens
transit. Remove the protector from the gimbal by pulling it cover itself. To remove the lens filter simply pull outwards
away from the gimbal. When removed, the gimbal will move on the lens cap. The lens filter is attached magnetically, so it
freely. Please be cautious so that it is not damaged. should be fairly easy to remove.
• With the gimbal installed, Lens cap Step 3: With the battery
check to make sure that it firmly in place, slide
functions as expected. the battery lock button2
• Remove the Gimbal
Lens Filter towards the battery
Protector before powering to further secure the
on the Xplorer. battery. There is an
• Be aware that flying in wet indication line on the
conditions (even a cloud) battery. When the button
can lead to a temporary is in the correct location,
failure of the gimbal. After this will serve as an
drying it out it will again indicator. Additionally,
function normally. when sliding the button, 3
1 there are two detents
Removing the gimbal that will be noted when
locking the battery. It is
important to note that Battery Lock Button
both detents are felt
to further indicate the lock has been properly affixed. This is
an added safety precaution and will prevent the battery from
inadvertently coming loose during flight.

3 **Note** If the battery lock button is not in the locked position

the Xplorer cannot take off and the power button located on
the top of the Xplorer will blink rapidly.


2 Removing the battery is a very simple process. It is basically a
reversal of the steps noted previously.
Step 1: If the battery has already been installed on the
Xplorer, it will be necessary to remove it from the drone prior Step 1: Ensure that
to removing the gimbal unit. Once this has been done, place the Xplorer’s power is
the Xplorer on its back (with the landing gear facing upwards) OFF by pressing and
and position the landing gear so that they are in the horizontal holding the Xplorer’s
position. That is, each of the legs should be positioned so that power button located
they are closest to the LED lamps on the drone. on the top of the
drone. Of course,
Step 2: Pull the gimbal locking tab outwards. it is important to
make sure that the
Step 3: Remove the gimbal by sliding it towards the gimbal motors have been
locking tab and gently pulling away from the Xplorer. disabled/disarmed 1
prior to doing so.
• The battery is installed on the bottom of the Xplorer. It should explained elsewhere
be firmly and securely installed prior to flying the drone to in this manual.
prevent any difficulties that might arise.
Step 2: Push the
Step 1: With the battery lock button to
Xplorer on its back the unlocked position.
(top down), place 2 Assuming that the
the battery in the Xplorer is resting on 2
proper location. The the landing gear, this
grooves and tabs on will be in an upward
the battery should be position.
correctly aligned with
the grooves and tabs Step 3: Pull the battery
on the bottom of the straight back away
drone’s body. 1 the drone’s body.
Step 2: Once 1
everything has been
properly aligned, slide
the battery forward Guideline Battery Lock Button
into the male fittings
on the drone body. The battery should be positioned so that it
is flat against the body (no gaps or uneven alignment). Please
note the indication line and text on the drone’s body. The
battery should be installed so that the edge clearly meets this
alignment indicator.
Flying Your Xplorer
PRE-FLIGHT FOR THE XPLORER Step 2: Once the motors have started, release the sticks
• Of course, flying the Xplorer is fun and exciting. However, simultaneously.
prior to doing so we strongly recommend adhering to the
pre-flight check list that follows. Doing so will ensure a safe **Note**: You cannot start the motors when the flight level is
and pleasant flying experience. set to Level 1 and the Xplorer is in Attitude Flight Mode. The
rear indicators will blink rapidly as a reminder.
Step 1: Determine if you will be flying with, or without, the
Xplorer’s camera/gimbal unit. Stopping the motors
Please note: This will immediately stop/disarm the motors.
• If flying without the Xplorer gimbal, please make sure the As such, it is not recommended to do so in flight, unless
landing gear are in the horizontal position. That is, the gear necessary in an emergency situation. Rather, this should be
should be positioned so that they are extended towards the performed once the Xplorer has safely landed.
drone’s body. This will lower the center of gravity and prevent
any inadvertent tip-overs during take-offs and landings. Step 1: The same stick combination command for starting the
• If flying with the gimbal, please make sure the landing gear motors is used for stopping the motors. If the transmitter is
are in the vertical position. This will provide ample clearance operating in the Mode 1 or 2 configuration, place both sticks to
for the gimbal and camera assembly and prevent any the bottom and outside corners. (If in Modes 3 or 4 then move
damage from occurring to these components. both sticks to the bottom inner corners.)
• Additionally, if flying with the gimbal installed, please confirm
that the gimbal is securely locked into place. Step 2: Once the Left Stick Right Stick
motors have stopped,
Step 2: Confirm that the battery is locked into position as release both sticks Mode 1/2:
described elsewhere in this manual. simultaneously.

Step 3: Ensure that you have good weather to fly in and that **Note** Again, do
the area is safe and free of people and obstructions before not execute this stick
flying. Failure to do so could result in an unenjoyable flying combination command Mode 3/4:
experience, damage to the Xplorer, etc. during flight. By doing
so you will cause
Step 4: Turning on the transmitter and power to the Xplorer: the motors to stop
immediately and the Xplorer will fall from the air. Alternatively,
• Slide the transmitter’s power switch to the ON position. with the Xplorer on the ground, hold the throttle stick in the
• To power up the Xplorer press the triangular button on top of lowest position for approximately three (3) seconds.
the drone until it turns green.
Flight Precautions Step 1: After all of the pre-flight checklist, etc. have been
• Do not fly the Xplorer in severe weather conditions, such as completed, place the Xplorer in a wide-open area with the front
high winds, snow, rain or smog. of the drone directly facing away. That is, the smart battery
• Ensure that the flight path does not have the Xplorer flying should be closest to the pilot.
over any persons, animals, etc.
• Make sure that there is ample room and a safe area to take Step 2: Select an appropriate flight level (1, 2 or 3).
off and land the Xplorer. It should be clear of obstacles.
• Flying near tall buildings and steel structures may affect the Step 3: Power on the transmitter, ensuring that the LED
accuracy of the on-board compass and should be avoided. indicators are as desired.
• Do not operate your Xplorer in Polar Regions.
• Do not fly your Xplorer in No-Fly zones specified by law Step 4: Power on the drone.
enforcement or other such regulations.
Step 5: Wait until the rear light indicators blink green for GPS
Arming/Starting the motors mode or yellow for attitude mode, as dictated by the selected
• With all of the pre-flight checklists completed, it is safe to flight level.
arm and start the motors for the Xplorer’s flight.
Step 6: Calibrate the drone’s compass following the
Step 1: Ensure that Left Stick Right Stick procedures noted elsewhere in this manual.
everything and everyone
is clear from the Xplorer’s Mode 1/2: Step 7: Arm/Start the motors as described previously. Be sure
propellers. A stick to follow all safe practices when doing so.
combination command
is used to start the **Note** Please keep as least 5 meters away from the Xplorer
motors. For a transmitter during take-off and landing.
configured for Mode Mode 3/4: 1
both sticks have to be moved to the bottom outside corners at MODE
the same time. Hold the sticks in this position until the motors • With the GPS flight mode active, it is possible to allow the
are armed and the propellers begin to spin. (If in Modes 3 or 4 Xplorer to automatically take off and/or land as desired.
then move both sticks to the bottom inner corners.)
Auto Take-off • Swipe Right to move to the advanced Flight Training
• Ensure that the Xplorer and the transmitter GPS indications and Right again to get to Special Flight Training.
are positive. The rear LEDs on the Xplorer should be blinking
green; the transmitter GPS LED should be a solid green. LOST CONNECTION FUNCTIONALITY
• Press the “Auto Take-off/Land” button. • As an added safety precaution, we’ve included a function
• The Xplorer will take off and reach an altitude of 3 meters. that will prevent the Xplorer from performing unwanted
When it has done so, please press this button once again. maneuvers should it lose connection with the transmitter’s
This resets the function for the auto landing. control inputs. The manner in which this functions is dictated
by whether the pilot is using the GPS Flight Mode or the
Auto Landing Attitude Mode. Please see the appropriate section below for
• With the Xplorer in flight, begin to hover over the desired additional information:
landing spot. This should be a spacious area and should also
be a flat surface. This will prevent any inadvertent tip-overs. In GPS Mode
• Once the drone has settled into the hover, press the “Auto • Should the Xplorer lose connectivity with the transmitter
Take-off/Land” button. control inputs, it will automatically return to the point where it
• The Xplorer will slowly descend and land. Once it has done last had a strong connection with the transmitter.
so, the motors will automatically disarm and shut themselves • It will hover in this known position for a period of 15 seconds,
off. during which it will attempt to recover the connection with
• Press the button again after landing to reset it for a later the transmitter. If this attempt is unsuccessful, the Xplorer will
take-off. then begin to return to the home point.
• If connection with the transmitter resumes while the Xplorer
TAKE-OFF AND LANDING IN ATTITUDE is on the path to the home point, the Xplorer will cease
FLIGHT MODE movement and begin to hover. The user may then assume
full control at that point.
• Some users will find that it is easier and more precise In Attitude Mode
to ‘pinch’ the stick between the thumb and forefinger • Should the Xplorer lose connection with the transmitter, it
accordingly. Others prefer to simply use their thumbs for will start to drift as it attempts to constantly reconnect with
controlling the transmitter’s input. It is a matter of personal the transmitter. When it does so, the drone pilot will assume
preference and we suggest trying both to determine which is complete control of the Xplorer.
better suited for each individual pilot. • If battery power is low and the Xplorer has not regained
• Again, following all previously described safety precautions connectivity, the drone will descend accordingly.
and safe practices, gently push the left stick (throttle) on the
transmitter forward slowly to take off. **Note** If connection is lost, try walking in the direction of
the Xplorer. Occasionally, reducing the distance between
**Note** Again, this manual is written based on using the Mode the Xplorer and the transmitter can help re-establish the
2 transmitter. If this transmitter mode has been changed, it will connection.
impact the stick inputs accordingly.
• Gently and slowly decrease the throttle input by pulling the Low Battery Level Warning
left stick back, towards the bottom of the transmitter. The • The Xplorer will trigger several low battery warnings when the
Xplorer will slowly start to descend and will eventually land. battery capacity is low.
• Transmitter: Intermittent vibrations will be felt in the
**Note** Once the Xplorer is on the ground, if the throttle stick transmitter; the battery LED, furthest on the right, will turn
is placed in the lowest position (towards the bottom of the red.
transmitter) for three seconds, the motors will be disarmed and • Xplorer: The rear Flight Indicator lights will slowly blink red.
stop rotating. • App: A warning message will appear on the screen.

• Once the Xplorer has reached the ground, the motors will Critical Low Battery Level
stop automatically after landing (when using the Auto Land • Transmitter: The transmitter will begin vibrating constantly;
function). the indicator light will be red.
• Xplorer in GPS Mode: The rear Flight Indicator lights will
**Note** If Flight Level 1 is selected on the transmitter, the begin blinking rapidly (red). Additionally, the Xplorer will begin
Xplorer cannot take off in Attitude Flight Mode. This is a safety to descend and automatically land if the distance between
precaution for entry-level drone operators to prevent any the Xplorer and the home point is more than 100 meters. If
mishaps. As an indicator, the rear LEDs on the Xplorer will this distance is less than 100 meters it will return home prior
rapidly blink yellow. to landing.
• Xplorer in Attitude Mode: The rear Flight Indicator lights will
• It is suggested that the users NOT attach the gimbal for the begin blinking rapidly (red); the drone will begin to descend
test flight or for training flights. and automatically land in the location in which it is currently
• Use the Xiro App to further your flight training and increase flown.
your skills.
• This can be found under My Home Page, then **Note** The user can always recall the Xplorer by pressing
Settings on the App. the “Return to Home” button when the battery runs low. The
• Click Flying College, then you will enter the basic Xplorer will start flying home, and will land when it gets back to
Flight Maneuvers. the home point, or it will land where the battery goes flat.
• Swipe down to go through these.
COMPASS CALIBRATION • Recalibrate when the compass data is abnormal or the Rear
• One of the most important facets of drone flight is to ensure Flight Indicators blink red and yellow.
that the drone is properly calibrated. Doing so will greatly • If the compass is not calibrated you will notice severe drifting
increase the enjoyment and satisfaction of the flights and during flight and while hovering.
the drone’s performance. This frequently overlooked task • Be aware that flying in wet (or even cloudy) conditions can
reduces drift and makes sure that there aren’t any compass lead to a temporary failure of the gimbal. After drying out it
issues during flight. We strongly suggest doing so prior to will again function normally.
each flight, but at the very least doing so before each flight
when changing flying sites/locations. **Note** If a gimbal motor error is detected or the gimbal
• When doing so, avoid areas of potential magnetic protector is not removed after powering up the Xplorer a
interference or large metal objects or structures. It is highly warning message will appear on the Xiro App camera page.
recommended that all propellers be removed prior to
calibration to prevent accidental engagement. AERIAL RECORDINGS
• Aerial recording can be performed in any flight mode.
Step 1: Place the Xplorer on a horizontal surface and press the • It goes without saying that images will be much sharper and
drone’s ON button. more vivid in clear, dry weather conditions. Lighting also
has a significant impact on the images and videos as well.
Step 2: Wait until the Rear Flight Indicator blinks green for GPS As such, we suggest always flying in dry and clear weather
Mode, or yellow for Attitude Mode. conditions.
• Adjust the camera settings to get the best picture by using
Step 3: Pull down on the Throttle stick all the way to the the app.
bottom and hold it there while pressing the IOC button in three
cycles ON/OFF, then release the throttle stick. The Rear Flight FINAL CHECK BEFORE FLIGHT
Indicator will turn solid green to show that you can now start to • Are the flight battery and transmitter battery fully charged?
calibrate. • Is the smart battery mounted securely to the bottom of the
Xplorer with the lock in place?
• Ensure that the lens cover has been removed from the
camera, if applicable.
• Be sure to remove the gimbal protector and make sure that
the gimbal is fully functional, if applicable.
1 • Ensure that an appropriate micro SD memory card has been
installed in the camera, if applicable.
• Prior to take-off, make sure that the Xiro App is connected to
the camera.

GPS Flight Mode: with more than 6 GPS satellites available,
the Xplorer is ready to fly with all location-based functions
2 Attitude Flight Mode: with less than 6 GPS satellites available,
Step 3 the Xplorer is ready to fly in Flight Level 2 or 3 with NO GPS.
No location-based functions are enabled.
Home Point: the GPS position that the Xplorer receives after
achieving 6 or more GPS satellites. Once 6 or more satellites
Step 4: Rotate the Xplorer horizontally 720 degrees until the are achieved the Xplorer will automatically be in GPS Flight
Rear Flight Indicators are rapidly blinking yellow. (The Rear Mode.
Flight Indicators will be solid green while rotating.) Return Home: the Xplorer will automatically return to the
HOME point.
Step 5: Next, rotate the Xplorer vertically 720 degrees (nose Return Route: when the horizontal distance between the
down) until the Rear Flight Indicators slowly blink green or Xplorer and the HOME point is less than 25 meters, or its
yellow. (The Rear Flight Indicators will be solid yellow while height is more than 20 meters, the Xplorer will fly back at its
rotating.) current altitude. When the distance between the HOME point
and the Xplorer’s position is less than 20 meters the Xplorer
will first climb to 20 meters and then return to the HOME point.

**Note** Inexperienced users should always start in Flight Level

1. It is suggested that an inexperience user be sure they are in
an area that will allow the Xplorer to enter GPS Flight Mode.

• In order to adhere to the local rules and regulations, the
Xplorer’s transmitter’s transmission power levels are
adjustable to meet both Federal Communication Commission
(FCC) and European Community (EC) regulations. Be sure to
configure the transmitter’s power output to follow the rules
and regulations as they pertain to the region in which the
Step 4 Step 5 Xplorer is being flown.
• When the transmitter is first turned ON, the GPS and
**Note** If the calibration failed the Indicators will flash red and Aircraft Connection LEDs will flash to indicate the current
yellow, and you will need to repeat the process. configuration. If these LEDs are flashing green, the
transmitter is in the CE mode; if the LEDs are flashing red, Range Extender SSID Information
the transmitter complies with the FCC regulations. The FCC • The range extender for the Xplorer is used to increase the
configuration allows for a slight increase in the power which transmission distance. The range extender has its own
enables the Xplorer to be operated at distances up to 600 Service Set Identifier (also known as SSID). This is a unique
meters. The CE compliance has a slight reduction in power set of alphanumeric characters that are used to connect the
and the operating distance is approximately 400 meters. range extender to the Xplorer accordingly.
• The wider portion of the range extender is the top of this
Adjusting the Compliance Version Configuration device.
• Step 1: Ensure that the transmitter’s power is OFF.
With the transmitter’s power in the OFF position, insert the
• Step 2: Move the right stick to the upper right corner and range extender (top upward) into the receptacles on the rear
hold. Simultaneously, move the left stick to the upper left of the transmitter. Gently push the range extender towards the
corner and hold. bottom of the transmitter, ensuring that the range extender
is firmly attached to the transmitter and making good
• Step 3: With both sticks in the positions as noted above, turn connectivity.
the transmitter ON.
To check whether or not the range extender has been installed
• Step 4: To comply with CE regulations, move the camera correctly, turn the transmitter ON, observing the Wi-Fi
pitch scroll wheel (right shoulder of the transmitter) Connection Indicator LED. If properly connected, the LED will
clockwise. Moving this scroll wheel counter-clockwise will be glowing green.
adjust the transmitter to meet FCC regulations.
• Some users prefer to alter the SSID accordingly by going
• Step 5: With the transmitter adjusted to the desired into the App, going to Personal/User>System Set up. You
configuration, turn OFF the transmitter. This will finalize the can then set the Range Extender Name and Password when
setting. required.

• Step 6: Turn ON the power once again and observe the Xirodrone Application
respective LEDs to ensure that the transmitter has been • As noted elsewhere in this manual, there is a free application
adjusted accordingly. (or App) available for the Xplorer. If applicable, this not only
enables the pilot a real-time view of what the camera/gimbal
TRANSMITTER OPERATION MODE is recording or capturing, it also displays much information
• As noted elsewhere in this manual, the transmitter defaults about the Xplorer’s flight.
to Mode 2 operation. This is the most popular and widely • To learn more about how to use the App please visit http://
used method of control. If this is not the desired mode, the Select the app menu from the
transmitter allows you to choose amongst the other three available menu options.
operational modes. • This video will also assist you in learning the App functions:
• The mode of operation is indicated by the Aircraft
Connection and the GPS LEDs when the transmitter is turned

Changing the Transmitter’s Control

Operation Mode
Step 1: Ensure that the transmitter’s power is OFF.

Step 2: Move the right stick to the upper left corner and hold.
Simultaneously, move the left stick to the lower right corner
and hold.

Step 3: With both sticks in the positions as noted above, turn

the transmitter ON.

Step 4: Press the Return to Home button to change the

operational mode of the transmitter, observing both the Aircraft
Connection and GPS LEDs. Flight Modes are indicated in the
diagram below:
Mode 1 Indicator Mode 2 Indicator

Mode 3 Indicator Mode 4 Indicator

Step 5: With the transmitter adjusted to the desired

configuration, turn the transmitter OFF. This will finalize the

Step 6: Turn ON the power once again and observe the

respective LEDs to ensure that the transmitter has been
adjusted accordingly. 3043208 Xiro, distributed by Hobbico. ®


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