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JULY 2016



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group who gained 4.6 lbs.




Steve & Elyse Blechman

Steve Blechman
Online Editor
Allan Donnelly

Creative Director
Alan Dittrich, Jr.
Digital Creative Director/
Design Consultant
Chris Hobrecker
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to take your training up a notch. If you Managing Editor
want to be in your best shape in the least amount of time, you’ll need the most effective, Lisa Steuer
scientifically backed methods and workouts to get leaner, stronger and build more muscle Associate Editor
than ever before. This summer special of FitnessRx for Men is focused on getting you lean Alan Golnick
and ripped, helping you to incinerate fat faster than ever while also building muscle. After
all, there’s not much time left before summer, so you need to maximize your time in the gym Associate Art Director
for the most efficient results. Let’s get to work! Stephen Kolbasuk
Our cover model this month, IFBB Men’s Physique Pro Jason Poston, has faced some Contributing Editors
unique challenges that would possibly cause other people to give up. But his drive and Dan Gwartney, MD
determination to persevere despite medical challenges like diabetes has led to his success Thomas Fahey, EdD
today. In “Training and Diet Secrets for Getting Ripped: With IFBB Men’s Physique Pro Jason Victor Prisk, MD
Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., F.A.C.S.M.
Poston” by Lisa Steuer on page 38, Jason takes the time to talk to us about overcoming
challenges, staying focused, dieting, training trips, what it takes to be a champion and more. Contributing Illustrator
“Make it a goal, write it down and if you want it bad enough, then invest in your health. If William P. Hamilton, CMI
you’re not going to invest in your health, you’re not going to enjoy your life to the fullest,”
Contributing Photographers
said Jason. Ian Spanier
If you’re reading FitnessRx, chances are your goal is sculpt a physique like two-time Michael Neveux
Physique Olympia Champion Jeremy Buendia. In “Sculpt a Mr. Olympia Body! These 14 Per Bernal
Exercises Will Give You the Winning Edge” by Ron Harris on page 52, check out the moves,
demonstrated by Jeremy, that will craft and shape your body into a living work of art. You Advertising Director
may know the basics to a muscular foundation like bench presses, squats, deadlifts, barbell Angela Theresa Frizalone
(239) 495-6899
rows and so on, but if you want to really fine-tune and start focusing on details, you’ll need
to attack the muscles from different angles. These 14 exercises will help you do just that. Director of New Business Development
Everyone knows that if you eat fewer calories than you burn each day that you’ll burn fat, Todd Hughes
but the problem is that this typically also involves muscle loss. However, new research 416-346-3456
shows that it is possible to lose body fat while preserving and even gaining lean muscle. In Administrative Assistant
“Burn Fat and Gain Lean Muscle: New Research Shows You How” by Marie Spano, MS, RD, Fernanda Machado
CSCS, CSSD on page 59, find out what the research says about the right training and diet
program that will help you maximize your results. Circulation Consultants
When it comes to fitness and hardcore training, there is so much information out there Irwin Billman and Ralph Pericelli
that it can be difficult to figure out which methods work and which don’t. So in “25 Hardcore
Training Tips: Cutting-Edge Research” by Steve Blechman and Thomas Fahey Ed.D. on page Reader Inquiries:
42, check out the best facts on training, all based on the most cutting-edge scientific Subscriptions (to order)
research. If you are looking to boost your results and get ripped, the proven techniques (631) 751-9696 (ext 301)
shown here can be your guide for your next gym session. Get ready to work hard and see
The rest of the issue is packed with the latest scientifically backed research to help you Visit us at:
get ripped, burn fat, improve your health and performance, build lean muscle and get in your
best shape. FitnessRx is your number-one source for building muscle, losing fat, enhancing
FITNESS RX for Men (ISSN 1543-8406)
performance and staying healthy! So be sure to check out our workouts, advice and tips, and is published six times a year by Advanced Research Media, 21
get to work! Bennetts Road, Suite 101, Setauket, New York, 11733. Copyright ©2008
by Advanced Research Media. All rights reserved. Copyright under
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8 FIT NE S S R x for ME N JULY 2016



VO 13-NU


New Research Shows You How
By Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD


With IFBB Men’s Physique Pro Jason Poston Cutting-Edge Research
By Lisa Steuer By Steve Blechman and Thomas Fahey Ed.D.


These 14 Exercises Will Give You the
Winning Edge By Ron Harris

12 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6

Run and Cycle Intervals for Fat Loss NUTRITION
By Steve Blechman RESEARCH and Conditioning By Nick Tumminello Is There a Limit to How
By Steve Blechman and Much Protein You Can Use
14 MAILROOM Thomas Fahey, Ed.D. 68 HARD ‘CORE’ TRAINING for Muscle Growth in One
The End of Sit-Ups? Sitting?
18 TRAINING By Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D. By Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D.,
24 SUPPLEMENTS Get Jacked With Complex Training 94 MEN’S HEALTH
By Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D. Preventing Running
26 NUTRITION Injuries
Build Better Biceps with Dumbbell
By Lisa Steuer

34 SEX Scott Curls 98 MR. INTENSITY

By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., F.A.C.S.M. By Joe Donnelly
Illustrations by William P. Hamilton, CMI


Is There a Best Order of Exercise? JASON POSTON

Top 10 Muscle-Building Supplements
By Victor R. Prisk, M.D.

The Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss
Revolution! By Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D.

ALR Industries: Chain’d Out®
By Team FitRx JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 13

FitRxMAILRoom JJULY 2016

The bench press and the squat are tough exercises, but they get the job done. It’s true
that nothing seems to work as good as these exercises when it comes to building strength.
So I appreciated the article focusing on these two moves [“Boost Your Bench and Squat
Till You Drop!” March 2016]. I found the studies and research in this article to be really
helpful when I’m planning out my own training. For example, while I’ve heard about cluster
sets before, it was never something I thought to try for myself. This article inspired me to
give them a try, and I think the mini-sets really do make a difference— if nothing else, it’s
always good to find different ways to change things up each time I work out. Thank you for
always providing the science behind the workout techniques and methods.
Christopher Messer, Email


It seemed like the media went crazy when a report showed that red meat could be linked to cancer. Of course,
most of us already knew that consuming too much red meat is probably not a good thing. So I was glad to see a more
in-depth report on this in the March issue of FitnessRx [“The Red Meat Dilemma: Will You Get Cancer?” Ultimate in Nu-
trition, March 2016]. This was a really good look at the report and more detailed than anything else I found in the media
about this topic. I now have a better understanding of the best and worst ways to prepare meat as well as decreasing
cancer risk. Thank you for the in-depth report.
Alex Davis, Email


Thanks for the cover story on Simeon Panda [“Simeon Panda, A Cut Above: Achieving
the Ultimate V-Taper,” May 2016]. I have followed Simeon for a few years and have always

appreciated his physique and approach to training, so it was good to see how he trains for
a classic V-taper. Plus, it’s true what he says about training— rather than to always have
a goal physique in mind, it’s better if you actually just love the training. That way, working
out is not a chore and something you have to motivate yourself for. I love to train, and being
Thanks for the cover story on Sergi Constance
able to stay in top shape as a result is the reward. Thank you, FitnessRx!
[“Get Ripped to the Core: Core Training and
Dan Mitchell, Email
Shredding Up with Sergi Constance,” March 2016].


When it comes to training for a six-pack, Sergi is
the perfect role model, so I really liked seeing how
My schedule is pretty busy, and if I don’t plan things out carefully it can be easy for me to he trains abs as well as his diet and supplements.
skip the gym. This is why I prefer to do total body workouts and research the best methods, so Including these moves in my ab routine has helped
that I can get more done in less time. I’ll try to devote weekends to focusing more on specific me add new challenges for myself. Thank you!
body parts when I can, but it seems that for the most part, total body workouts Leroy Pettis, Email
or finding ways to maximize my time in the gym are the best options to keep
focused. So it was great to see the article on metabolic resistance training in Send us your comments!
the May issue [“The Best Exercise Method for Fat Loss: Metabolic Resistance or
Training,” May 2016]. This is a really great guide for helping me to get the Advanced Research Media
most out of my training. Thanks for always helping me to stay on track. 21 Bennetts Road, Suite 101
Joe Langdon, Email East Setauket, NY 11733

14 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6












Many power athletes and active adults practice concurrent training— aerobics and strength exercises— in the same workout. High-intensity interval
training (HIIT) is an effective way to gain aerobic capacity and improve overall power. Brazilian researchers, however, found that practicing HIIT before a
weight workout decreased strength performance, compared to a weight workout without HIIT. The quality of the weight-training workout is critical for
building strength and lean muscle mass. This study showed that HIIT compromises workout muscle strength, which might reduce gains in muscle mass and
strength. (Frontiers and Physiology, published online March 4, 2016)

Many guys train to failure to maximize muscle hypertrophy.
Power athletes often use failure training to enhance athletic perfor-
mance and increase strength and power, but they must also per-
form on the playing field and might be hampered by overzealous
training programs. Spanish researchers compared short-term re-
covery following a high-intensity failure workout versus an intense
but sub-failure training session. Failure training resulted in re-
duced repetition velocity, impaired neuromuscular performance,
greater muscle damage, delayed hormone recovery and greater
heart rate variability up to 48 hours after the workout. Power
athletes might benefit from failure training during the off-season,
but it is probably not appropriate when they must also perform
well on the playing field. (International Journal of Sports Medicine,
37: 295-304, 2016)


Performing squats at slow speeds using moderate weights increases
muscle size and strength but has no effect on power— according to
researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Japan.
During an eight-week training program, subjects performed squats either
slowly (three seconds down, three seconds up) or normally (down under
control, up fast). Slow-rep training— performing exercises slowly under high
tension— is very popular with some. It is not a good way to train because
it does not overload the fast-twitch muscles, so only some of the muscle
fibers grow. Few athletic movements are slow, so this type of training is not
applicable to power athletes. While the method is novel and interesting at
first, it hurts and gets boring, so you might be less likely to stick with the
program. In balance, slow-rep training is OK if you need a taste of something
different, but it is not appropriate as your main training dish. (International
Journal of Sports Medicine, 37: 305-312, 2016)


Post-exercise immersion in cold water might improve recovery and prevent muscle soreness in intensely training
athletes— according to Kane Hayter from James Cook University in Australia and colleagues. Untrained subjects
were immersed in 57-degree water for 15 minutes following weight-training workouts of moderate intensity. Cold
water-immersed subjects performed 10 percent better than control subjects on a bicycle sprint 24 hours after the
workout. This was a small study using untrained subjects. Other studies using larger samples, however, show that
post-exercise water immersion promotes recovery from intense exercise. (Peer J, published online March 28, 2016)

18 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6



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Mental focus techniques are impor-

tant for learning skills and maximizing
performance. For example, discus
throwers and rotational shot-putters
often drive to a point on the horizon to
increase force development (external fo-
cus technique). People will sometimes
attempt to drive their feet through the
floor when performing a squat. Other
times, mental focus techniques involve
internal cues such as bracing the core
when making cutting moves on the
playing field or squeezing the glutes
together during a bench press. Brad
Schoenfeld from Lehman College in
New York and Brett Contreras from AUT CARDIOVASCULAR
University in New Zealand concluded
that power athletes should emphasize DISEASE RISK FACTOR
external focus techniques (e.g., focal High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves
points in the discus), while weightlift- repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise interrupted
ers and powerlifters try to maximize by rest. HIIT builds aerobic and power output capacity
force benefit more from internal focus more quickly than traditional, moderate-intensity train-
techniques, such as stiffening the core ing. A meta-analysis from the University of Santiago in
during maximum efforts. (Strength and Chile, that combined the results of seven studies, found
Conditioning Journal, 38 (1): 27-29, 2016) that HIIT was more effective than traditional aerobic
exercise for reducing blood pressure and increasing
aerobic capacity in obese teenagers. Exercises such
as HIIT and weight training are often the best ways to
TRAINING FOR Concurrently training for strength
and endurance does not interfere with train overweight people because they often have more
muscle mass than their peers— which gives them a
STRENGTH AND muscle protein synthesis in untrained
men— according to Swedish re- relatively high power output— but poor stamina. HIIT
gives them the chance to build fitness quickly, without
ENDURANCE DOES searchers. Two small groups of men
practiced either weight training or the drudgery of prolonged exercise. (Obesity Reviews,
published online March 7, 2016)
NOT INTERFERE weight training plus endurance exer-
cise for seven weeks. Strength gains

WITH MUSCLE were similar in the two groups, but

increases in muscle mass were great- Cold-Water Immersion
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS est in the group practicing strength
and endurance exercise. Endurance
Might Impair Muscle
training did not interfere with the
mTOR pathway of muscle protein
Protein Synthesis
The previous study showed that immersion in
synthesis. Researchers concluded
cold water might promote recovery from intense
that endurance training does not
training, but a study led by Vandré Figueiredo
interfere with muscle strength or
from the University of Auckland in New Zealand
hypertrophy when combined with a
suggests that regular use of the technique might
weight-training program. While this
interfere with muscle hypertrophy. Specialized cell
was a sophisticated, well-designed
structures called ribosomes construct proteins from
study, the results cannot be extrapo-
amino acids. The ribosomes receive messages from
lated to intensely training athletes.
genes in the nucleus to arrange the amino acids
The researchers used sedentary men
into a particular sequence to form specific proteins.
with little training experience during
The study showed that cold-water immersion
a seven-week study. Beginners typi-
blunted this process, which might interfere with
cally take many weeks to learn basic
long-term adaptations to muscle building. Water
training patterns, and have not devel-
immersion promotes recovery from intense exercise,
oped the neuromuscular capacity to
but chronically using the technique might interfere
train intensely. This study should be
with long-term training gains. (Physiological
repeated using well-trained people
Reports, 4(2): e12670, 2016)
or elite athletes. (PloS ONE, 11(2)
e0149082, 2016)

20 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6


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Caloric restriction, high-intensity
weight training and intervals, and high
protein diets caused substantial chang-
es in body composition in only four
weeks— according to scientists from
McMaster University in Hamilton,
Canada led by Stuart Phillips and
Thomas Longland. Test subjects cut
calories by 40 percent and consumed
either 1.2 (LP) or 2.4 grams (HP) of pro-
tein per kilogram bodyweight per day.
Both groups performed intense exercise
six days per week. HP lost almost 11 pounds of fat and gained more than 2.5 The New Frontier
pounds of lean mass in four weeks compared to nearly eight pounds and 0.2
pounds in the LP group. The study showed that high-intensity exercise plus caloric for Fighting Obesity
restriction trigger substantial changes in body composition and strength and that The human body contains small amounts of a
the changes are most significant during a high-protein diet. (American Journal calorie-burning tissue called brown fat (brown adipose
Clinical Nutrition, published online January 27, 2016) tissue, BAT) that converts food energy directly into
heat. White fat does the opposite— it stores energy.

BAT is an important heat-generating tissue that helps
animals and humans adapt to the cold. Individual


differences in BAT content and activity play important
roles in human obesity. A review of literature led by

Antonio Giordano from the University of Pavia in Italy
concluded that converting abdominal fat to BAT might
result in a breakthrough in the obesity epidemic.
Mindfulness is focusing attention on internal and external experiences with tech-
Increasing brown fat activation helps people
niques such as meditation. Most people who lose weight through weight control
expend more calories and burn more fat. The spice
programs gain it back within 12 months. Jennifer Daubenmier from the University of
capsaicin can increase brown fat activity, which will
California, San Francisco and co-workers, found that employing mindfulness tech-
increase caloric expenditure and promote fat burning.
niques during weight loss had no additional effect on weight loss, blood sugar,
Scientists are actively seeking drugs to turn on brown
waist circumference, blood pressure or C-reactive protein (a blood marker of inflam-
fat and promote weight loss. (Nature Reviews Drug
mation). Mindfulness techniques do not appear effective for promoting weight loss.
Discoveries, published online March 11, 2016)
(Obesity, published online March 2016)

People who strictly follow the Mediterranean diet tend to have lower body mass index
(a measure of the proportion of weight to height) and waist circumference— according to
a large population study led by Simona Bertoli from the Nutritional Research Center in
Milan, Italy. The Mediterranean diet is high in fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean
meats, olive oil and other mono and polyunsaturated fats and whole grains. This diet
reduces LDL cholesterol (“bad” form), and maintains blood sugar levels on an even keel.
The diet does not affect insulin resistance, but maintains daylong insulin and blood
sugar concentrations at lower levels for extended durations. We have good evidence that
the Mediterranean diet promotes metabolic health, prevents obesity and may increase
longevity. (Clinical Nutrition 34: 1266-1272, 2016)

22 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

Inadequate Sleep Boosts Appetite
Inadequate sleep stimulates the endocannab- nights— increased secretion of endocannabi-
inoid system (eCB)— a group of nervous system noids, appetite and hunger compared to normal
receptors that affect appetite, pain sensations, sleep (8.5 hours per night). Inadequate sleep
mood and memory. The system triggers the increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, weakens
psychoactive effects of marijuana. Erin Hanlon the immune system, impairs mental function
from the Sleep, Metabolism and Health Center and increases impulsive, risk-taking and addic-
at the University of Chicago found that sleep tive behaviors. It also promotes overeating, and
deprivation— 4.5 hours per night for four eating unhealthy foods. (Sleep, 39:653-664, 2016)


More than 68 percent of Americans are obese or overweight.
Weight-loss programs have been a dismal failure, with 95 percent of
people regaining lost weight within a year. Motivation is key to long-
term weight control. Smartphone apps are remarkably effective for
promoting exercise adherence in running, walking and cycling, but
little is known about the quality of weight-loss apps. Marco Bardus
from the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, and colleagues,
assessed 23 popular apps based on their effectiveness for promot-
ing goal setting, self-monitoring and feedback, and on information
quality and functionality. They concluded that most apps do not
provide evidence-based content and have mediocre quality.
Their top-rated app was My Diet Coach Pro, which received high
marks for functionality, aesthetics, engagement and information
quality. In general, the apps were unlikely to affect behavioral
changes leading to long-term weight control. (International Journal
of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity 13:35, 2016)

Green Tea Extract May Be Toxic to the Liver

Green tea extract contains a chemical called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that promotes
weight loss by boosting thermogenesis (increased calorie burning) and curbing appetite. Green tea
extract is a popular weight-loss supplement, but it could be toxic to the liver— according the
Norwegian Food Safety Authority. They have received at least 20 consumer complaints linking the
supplement to liver damage. Animal and human studies have found links between EGCG and
liver damage in people with metabolic diseases. Obese people often have poor metabolic
health, so they might experience side effects from green tea extract when they are trying to lose
weight. You can reduce the risk of liver toxicity by avoiding these supplements or taking them with
meals. (, March 18, 2016)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)— repeated bouts of high-
intensity exercise followed by rest— builds fitness quickly and has
changed the way many people train. Gordon Fisher from the
Department of Human Studies at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham, and colleagues, concluded that HIIT and traditional
endurance exercise have similar effects on aerobic capacity, body
composition, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure and blood fats.
Twenty-eight sedentary, overweight men practiced HIIT or
aerobics for six weeks. HIIT consisted of four 30-second sprints on
a stationary bike at 85 percent of maximum effort, while aerobics
consisted of 45 to 60 minutes of cycling at 55 to 65 percent of
maximum effort. HIIT produced the same changes in one hour
per week as aerobics, practiced five hours per week. HIIT
promotes fat loss in less time than traditional aerobics. (PLOS
ONE, 10(10): e0138853, 2015) JULY 2 0 1 6 FITN ESS R x for MEN 23



IN SUPPLEMENTS The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent warning letters to seven
companies after finding the stimulant methylsynephrine as a dietary ingredient
in their supplements. Methylsynephrine (m-synephrine) is also known as Oxilo-
frine and p-hydroxyephendrine. The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Edu-
cation Act allows the FDA to remove products from the market if they contain
unsafe ingredients or their labeling is false or misleading. Methylsynephrine
is on the World Anti Doping Agency’s banned substances list, and it
does not meet the definition of a dietary ingredient. Bitter orange supple-
ment extracts contain p-synephrine,
a legal and natural source of syn-

ephrine. Unlike m-synephrine, p-syn-
ephrine does not raise heart rate or

blood pressure. (


Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol found in green tea extract that enhances the FOR BOOSTING
action of insulin, improves blood vessel health, lowers blood pressure and promotes weight loss.
However, a case study of a 77-year-old man led by Filip Couturier from St. Vincentius Hospital in NITRIC OXIDE?
Antwerp, Belgium found that a supplement containing green tea extract was toxic to the liver and Nitric oxide is a gas secreted by
caused toxic hepatitis. Studies on rats found that EGCG could cause liver damage by reducing the endothelial cells that line the
important antioxidants that protect it from free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive blood vessels. It is critical for
chemicals linked to cell membrane damage, destruction of DNA and cell death. People should be regulating blood flow, and optimal
extremely careful about taking supplements that affect individual performance or physiological nitric oxide metabolism is an
variables. While they might improve performance, they could also have serious side effects. (Clinics important measure of metabolic
in Research In Hepatology And Gastroenterology, published online March 9, 2016) health. Increasing nitric oxide with
nitrate supplements such as

beetroot juice or sodium nitrate
decreases blood pressure,
improves endurance exercise

efficiency, boosts endurance and
promotes strength during weight-
training programs. Beetroot juice is
a miracle food. Unfortunately,
DOES NOT beetroot is expensive and hard to
find. A one-liter bottle at specialty
PROMOTE FAT LOSS grocery stores costs about $6— if
you can find it. Making your own
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a popular beetroot juice is an option but
supplement for promoting weight loss and requires a relatively expensive juicer.
increasing muscle mass, but its effectiveness Joelle Flueck from the University of
remains controversial. CLA may promote Zürich in Switzerland, and
muscle protein synthesis by increasing colleagues, found that sodium
testosterone levels and improving blood sugar nitrate supplements increased blood
regulation. Alex Ribeiro from Londrina State nitrate levels as well as beetroot
University in Brazil, and co-workers, found that juice but were not as effective for
supplementing 3.2 grams per day of CLA for producing changes in oxygen
eight weeks during an endurance-training consumption. Overall, beetroot
program had no effect on endurance, leg or seems to be more effective for
trunk fat, or total body fat beyond the effects enhancing exercise performance and
of endurance exercise alone. The study found lowering blood pressure than sodium
that CLA has no effect on fat loss in obese nitrate. (Applied Physiology Nutrition
women. (International Journal Sports Nutrition and Metabolism, 41:1-9, 2016)
Exercise Metabolism 26: 135-144, 2016)

24 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

Whey protein was superior to carbohydrate or carbo-
hydrate plus whey protein as a post-exercise supplement
for decreasing abdominal fat— according to researchers
from Finland. Recreationally active men with no weight-
BETA-ALANINE training experience trained with weights two to three
times per week, and took one of three supplements after
INCREASES each workout. While the study was interesting, it is of
little practical value to serious weight trainers. Protein
ENDURANCE IN intake was approximately the same in all groups, even
though to the groups were taking protein supplements.
MIDDLE-AGED Also, the subjects had no weight-training experience. It

ADULTS takes beginners months or even years to learn to train

intensely. The initial phases of weight training mainly
Supplementing 2.4 grams per day of involve motor learning, and do don’t typically overload the
beta-alanine improved endurance and muscles very much. (Journal Of the International Society
brain function in middle-aged adults— of Sports Nutrition, 12:48, 2016)
according to a study from the State Uni-
versity of New York at Buffalo. High-
intensity exercise increases chemicals
such as hydrogen ion, inorganic phos- Citrulline Improves
phate and adenosine diphosphate that
slow biochemical reactions and promote
fatigue. Buffers, such as bicarbonate and
Cyclists consuming 2.4 grams of citrulline per
carnosine, can help neutralize these day for eight days improved performance on a four-
chemicals and promote performance. kilometer cycling speed trial by 1.5 percent,
Carnosine, which is made from alanine, is compared to a placebo (fake citrulline). The cyclists
an important antioxidant that protects reported less fatigue and improved mental
cells from destruction and buffers acids concentration after the ride. Citrulline is an amino
that cause fatigue. Muscle carnosine acid that is converted to arginine, which increases
levels are highly related to maximum levels of nitric oxide— an important chemical that
exercise capacity. Supplementing carno- regulates blood flow throughout the body. Nitric
sine or alanine increases muscle carno- oxide is an important marker of metabolic health
sine levels, which enhances muscle- and is essential for well-being, sexual performance
buffering capacity. Muscle carnosine and overall energy levels. Citrulline supplements
levels decrease with age, which reduces can reduce blood pressure in people with
the capacity for high-intensity exercise. hypertension and can increase muscle blood flow.
Beta-alanine is an effective supplement The effects on performance are small, so the
for improving endurance capacity in mid- practical value of this supplement is questionable.
dle-aged adults. (Study presented at the (Journal of the International Society of Sports
Experimental Biology 2016 Meeting in Nutrition, published online February 20, 2016)
San Diego, April 2016)

Glucosamine (400 milligrams per day) and chondroitin
sulfate (500 milligrams per day; GC) decreases knee joint pain
and prevents joint deterioration linked to osteoarthritis—
according to a six-year long study led by Jean-Pierre Raynauld
from the Montreal Hospital Research Center in Montreal,
Canada. GC effectively delayed the progression of the disease,
while improving functional capacity and decreasing pain. GC
reduced cartilage loss and was effective for long-term
management of arthritis progress. Nearly 1,600 subjects
participated, but the study did not include a control group.
(Arthritis Care & Research, published online February 16, 2016) JULY 2 0 1 6 FITN ESS R x for MEN 25


Higher Protein Intake
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends a protein intake of 0.8
grams per kilogram bodyweight. Recent research on older adults, people trying to lose weight
and athletes suggest that the protein intake recommendation should be higher. A review of litera-
ture by Stuart Phillips from McMaster University in Canada, and co-workers, concluded that the
recommended protein intake should be at least 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body-
weight. In older adults, high protein intake prevents sarcopenia (muscle loss) as well as
decreased muscle mass and strength, which impairs blood sugar regulation, mobility and auton-
omy. High protein intake promotes weight control. Recently, Philips et al. (2016) reported that
high protein intake (2.3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight) plus intense weight training and inter-
val training increased lean mass and decreased body fat in people consuming a low-calorie diet.
In active people, high protein intake promotes tissue healing and muscle protein remodeling after
exercise. The authors could find no evidence linking high-protein diets to kidney disease or
impaired bone health. They concluded that increasing the protein intake recommendations for
adults would promote optimal health. (Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 41: 1-8, 2016)

ments after this kind of exercise does little to

LOW SELENIUM Carbs Plus promote recovery. Scandinavian research-
ers found that a protein and carbohydrate
INTAKE LINKED TO Protein Following beverage after an intense endurance
workout promoted recovery better than a
PROSTATE CANCER Exhaustive carbohydrate beverage or placebo (nonnu-

Cycling Improves tritive beverage). Trained cyclists exercised

to exhaustion at 72 percent of maximum effort

Intense endurance exercise causes cell
and then consumed one of the test beverag-
es. Eighteen hours later, they repeated the
exhaustive bike ride. Recovery was greatest
damage and glycogen depletion that makes when they consumed the carbohydrate pro-
it difficult to exercise the next day. Most stud- tein beverage. (PlosOne, published online
ies have found that taking protein supple- April 14, 2016)

Soy Protein Reduces Strength

Gains From Weight
Training in Older Adults
Whey protein plus weight training promotes muscle
m protein synthe--
sis in older adults and prevents sarcopenia— losss off muscle tissue
that occurs with age. Rebecca Thompson and colleeagues g from the
Selenium is a trace mineral that some scientists dy on aging
University of South Australia in Adelaide, in a study g g men,
believe has cancer-protective effects. A study from found that supplementing diets with 27 grams of soy s y protein imme--
the Danish Cancer Society Research Center of more diately after weight training caused lower strengthh gains,
g compared
than 27,000 men found no relationship between to a group receiving dairy protein. Estrogen-like com--
blood levels of selenium and prostate cancer. pounds called phytoestrogens found in soya, tofu
However, markers of severe prostate disease were and legumes bind to estrogen receptors, decreasee
higher in selenium-deficient men. In men with sperm counts and have feminizing effects. A prod--
diagnosed prostate cancer, higher selenium uct found in soy-based foods called genistein
levels reduced the overall risk of death from acts like a weak estrogen.
the disease. Taking selenium supplements, how- Soy protein might have reduced strength
ever, could be dangerous. Researchers from the gains in older men because of its effects on tes-
National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD found tosterone. Messina and colleagues (Cancer
that heavy vitamin use (greater than seven times Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2007) found that soy protein
per week) or taking specific supplements such as supplements (approximately 55 grams per day foor a month) decreased
zinc, beta-carotene and selenium increased the risk blood testosterone levels by 19 percent and increeased estrogen g receptor
of the disease by seven to 300 percent. (British activity. Testosterone levels returned to normal within
w two weeks of discon--
Journal of Nutrition, published online April 11, 2016) tinuing the soy supplement. (Clinical Nutrition, 355: 27-33, 2016))

26 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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Nighttime carbohydrate restriction (“sleep-low”) following an intense workout
improved endurance performance during a 10K run, compared to a group with free
access to carbohydrates (control)— according to a study led by Laurie-Anne
Marquet and Christophe Hausswirth from the French National Institute of Sport in
Paris. Four days per week during a three-week diet trial, the sleep-low group
trained vigorously in the afternoon, restricted carbohydrate intake at night, Diets High In
exercised moderately in the morning and then consumed a high-carbohydrate
breakfast. The control group followed the same workout, but could eat carbs in the Monounsaturated
evening. Both groups consumed the same amount of carbohydrates in a 24-hour
period. The sleep-low group improved 10-kilometer race time by three Fats Better
percent, while the control group did not change. Sleep-low carbohydrate
restriction also improved submaximal cycling endurance time by nine percent. Regulate Fat Cells
Carbohydrates are the main fuel at exercise intensities above 65 percent of
The body tries to maintain balance in its function
maximum effort. Restricting carbohydrate intake at night several times a week,
through a process called homeostasis. The same is
while maintaining total carb intake, might improve performance by improving fat
true of fat cells. Spanish researchers found greater
use during exercise or enhancing carbohydrate storage in the muscles and liver.
activity in genes responsible for fat breakdown fol-
(Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 48: 663-672, 2016)
lowing a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids.
Typical foods include olive oil, canola oil, nuts and
avocados. Other diets studied included high saturat-
POST-INJURY NUTRITION ed fat diets, low-fat, high complex carbohydrate
diets and a placebo diet (mixed diet). The study
IMPORTANT FOR OPTIMAL showed that the fat composition of diets could influ-
ence the activity of fat cells. (European Journal of
Athletic injuries pose severe metabolic challenges to athletes. A healthy diet is
Nutrition, published online March 30, 2016)

essential for optimal healing— according to June Kloubec and Cristen Harris from
Bastyr University in Washington. Athletes should consume enough calories to pro-
mote healing and fuel the 15 to 20 percent increase in metabolic rate that accompa- DARK CHOCOLATE
nies injuries. Caloric intake should be less than when training intensely but more
than when sedentary. Recovering athletes need more protein than normal— at least MAY IMPROVE
1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day. Carbohydrates are
important but they should not be overemphasized, in order to prevent weight gain. ENDURANCE
Carb intake should be approximately five to eight grams per kilogram of body-
weight. Adequate fiber intake prevents constipation promoted by post-injury medi- PERFORMANCE
cations. Athletes should also consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, Dark chocolate is high in
vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin A, selenium and zinc to help control free radical flavonoids that increase nitric
damage and excessive inflammation. Foods such as blueberries, strawberries, car- oxide— an important chemical
rots, broccoli and pineapple are good post-injury foods. Recovering athletes should secreted by the inner lining
eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid calorie-dense junk foods. (ACSM’s Health & of the blood vessels
Fitness Journal, 20(2): 7-11, 2016) that controls blood
flow. A small study
by British
researchers showed
that feeding dark
chocolate before
exercise to
trained cyclists
improved endurance
performance during a bike
ride at 80 percent of maximum effort, and during a two-
minute maximal time trial. The results were compared to
identical exercise sessions after consumption of white
chocolate. (Journal International Society Sports
Nutrition, 12:47, 2015)

28 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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Resistive exercise reduces resting blood pressure in people with
the metabolic syndrome— a group of symptoms that include insulin
resistance, abdominal fat deposition, high blood pressure, abnormal
blood fats and type 2 diabetes. The metabolic syndrome increases
the risk of heart attack and stroke, and is linked to premature death.
Brazilian researchers pooled the results of 17 studies involving more
than 500 men and women. Weight training reduced resting blood
pressure by about 4 mmHg but had minimal effects on blood
sugar, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diastolic blood
pressure or waist circumference. Weight training has a small
effect on reducing resting blood pressure. (British Journal of Sports
Medicine, published online March 8, 2016)


Exercise is the new “brain food.” Even moderate physical activity can improve
brain health and function, and delay the decline in cognitive function that occurs in
many people as they age— according to the 30-year-long Cardiovascular Health
Study by scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles. Physically ac-
tive older adults had greater brain volume than sedentary people, and brain gray
matter increased in older people who increased physical activity. Exercise im-
proves the brain’s ability to learn, remember, think and reason. It promotes
the creation of new nerve cells throughout the nervous system and enhances
the nervous system’s plasticity— its ability to change and adapt. Exercise
protects the brain as people age, helping to delay or prevent brain disorders
such as Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise is the true Fountain of Youth. (Journal
of Alzheimer’s Disease, published online March 11, 2016)

Compression pants might improve endurance performance, but the results of studies are inconclusive— according to a literature review led by
Benjamin Watson from the Munson Medical Center’s Healthy Weight Center in Traverse City, Michigan. Extreme endurance events such as marathons
and ultra marathons push the nervous and cardiovascular systems to the max. As the races progress, athletes lose cardiovascular control as they
fatigue, which results in less blood returning to the heart and elevated heart rates. Compression clothing promotes blood flow back to the heart,
prevents cellular swelling and increases proprioception during exercise. Some evidence suggests that compression clothing speeds recovery
and decreases muscle soreness after intense training. We need more research before we can recommend compression clothing to endurance athletes.
(ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 20 (2): 12-18, 2016)

Each serving of fish consumed per weekk reduces blood pres--
sure by 2.3 points (mmHg)— according to researchers from
Ecuador and the United States. They studied 677 people living
in rural coastal areas of Ecuador. Blood preessure decreased pro--
gressively with up to five servings of fish p per week. Consuming g
six or more servings had no further effect oon blood pressure. The
U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend ds one to two servingsg
of fish per week. This study showed that in ncreasing g fish intake
above these levels might have added cardiovascular benefits.
The study did not examine the effects of fish oil supplements.
Other studies found that fish oil is good forr the heart and circula--
tion. (Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18: 337-341,
3 2016)

30 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6


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Read the entire label and follow directions. © 2016

Exercise reduces the risk of several kinds of cancer, but scientists
do not understand why. An interesting study on mice from the
University of Copenhagen in Denmark might explain the mechanism.
Exercise reduced the risk of cancer by 60 percent in animals with
five different kinds of tumors. Exercising animals receiving implants
of melanoma skin cancer cells were less likely to develop full-blown
cancer than sedentary animals. Exercise increases adrenaline,
natural killer cells and interleukin-6, which combined to become
potent cancer fighters. The researchers speculated that adrenaline
acts as a signal to interleukin-6, which turns on the natural killer
cells that fight the cancer. It is not known whether these results
apply to humans. (Cell Metabolism. 23: 554-562, 2016)


CARTS Platelet-rich plasma (PLP) is a promising technique for decreasing pain from tendi-

nopathy— according to a systematic literature review by researchers from St. Vincent’s
Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. PLP involves withdrawing blood, concentrating blood
platelets and then re-infusing them back into the patient. Platelets help clot blood and

FOR YOUR HEALTH decrease inflammation. The researchers concluded that PLP is effective for reducing
pain in knee tendinopathy. Most studies do not support its use with Achilles or rotator
cuff tendon pain. Their assessment was based on small studies involving few observa-
Shopping carts are among the dirtiest objects tions, so we need more information before we can assess the effectiveness and safety of
you will encounter during the day. They are more this technique. (Physician and Sportsmedicine, 43(3): 253-261, 2015)
germ-laden than toilet seats, public restrooms,
diaper-changing tables, chair armrests or
playground equipment— according to University
of Arizona microbiology professor Charles Gerba.
He found more E. coli bacteria on shopping carts
than on escalators, ATM machines, restaurant
tabletops and ketchup dispensers. Shopping cart
contamination may contribute to winter colds and
flu. Many grocery stores offer disinfectant wipes
for their customers to clean shopping carts— use
them! (MorningNewsBeat, April 11, 2016)


Sleeping less than seven to eight hours per night can ruin your health and increase
the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Poor sleep patterns impair metabolic health,
promote abdominal obesity, increase insulin levels, diminish blood sugar regulation, trig-
ger abnormal blood fats and raise blood pressure. Warning signs include snoring and
daytime sleepiness. You need adequate sleep for recovery and restoration. Lack of sleep
leaves you fatigued, achy and disoriented. Sleep is critical for protein synthesis. Lack of
sleep causes tissue breakdown marked by increases in catabolic hormones such as
cortisol, and decreases in anabolic hormones such as testosterone and insulin-like
growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Inadequate sleep slows pathways involved in protein synthesis,
increases protein breakdown and promotes loss of muscle mass and muscle degradation.
In athletes, inadequate sleep slows injury repair and tissue recovery. In older adults, sleep
deprivation contributes to sarcopenia— the loss of muscle tissue. (Strength Conditioning
Journal, 38(1): 61-67, 2016)

32 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6




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2001 to present. Facebook logo is owned by Facebook Inc. Read the entire label and follow directions. © 2016

Carrying a cell phone in your pants pocket may decrease your sperm count and
your chances of conceiving a child— according to a study conducted at Carmel Medical
Center in Haifa, Israel. Sperm counts have been decreasing in men in Western countries
for over 100 years, due to environmental pollutants and consumption of foods high in
plant estrogens. The Israeli study showed that exposure to electromagnetic radiation
emitted from cell phones decreases sperm counts in at least 50 percent of men.
Reduced fertility was greatest in men who carried their phones in pockets close to their
groin. This was a small study involving only 106 men, so more research is needed to
determine the extent of the problem. (Reproductive Biomedicine online, 31:421-426, 2016)

A review of literature and meta-analysis led by Loes
Jaspers from Erasmus University Medical Center in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands concluded that flibanserin,
sometimes called the “female Viagra,” is only marginally
effective— leading to an average of only one-half
additional sexual satisfying event per month. Side effects
include dizziness, nausea and fatigue. Forty percent of
women suffer from low sexual arousal, which causes
significant anxiety and concern in women and men.
Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approved flibanserin (from Sprout Pharmaceuticals) for
treating hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in
women. Clinical studies found that the drug increased
sexual desire and the frequency of satisfying sex. It is a
FREQUENT non-hormone drug that works by stimulating the brain’s
centers for motivation and rewards. Side effects, such as
dizziness, nausea and sleepiness, have prevented FDA
EJACULATION approval in the past. Men have drugs such as Viagra,
Cialis, Levitra and testosterone for boosting sexual
PREVENTS performance, but sexual problems are more complex in
women than men. Contributing factors to low sexual desire

PROSTATE CANCER in women such as stress, relationship problems, difficulty

reaching orgasm, loss of intimacy and poor metabolic
health are not cured easily by a pill. “Female Viagra” is
All athletes know that if you don’t use
not the answer. (JAM Internal Medicine, published online
it, you lose it— and that practice makes
February 29, 2016)
perfect. The same is true about sex
and prostate cancer. Jennifer Rider and
colleagues from the Boston University
School of Public Health found that men
who ejaculated frequently had a lower VIAGRA LINKED TO
risk of prostate cancer. Men who ejacu-
lated at least 21 times per month had DEADLY SKIN CANCER
Viagra (sildenafil) is one of the most popular drugs in the
the greatest protection (19 percent less),
but even men who ejaculated eight to world. It has given aging Romeos the possibility of sustaining
12 times per month showed a 10 percent normal sexual activity into old age. Unfortunately, it increases
reduction in risk, compared to men who the risk of melanoma, a deadly and aggressive form of skin
ejaculated only four to seven times a cancer. A 2014 study from the University of Indiana showed
month. Frequent ejaculators are party that regular use of Viagra increased the risk of melanoma
animals: they drink more alcohol, contract by nearly 100 percent. German researchers from the Univer-
more sexually transmitted diseases and sity of Tübingen concluded that Viagra increases the activity of
are more likely to smoke. They do not die protein kinase-1, which promotes melanoma growth. Men who
more often from other causes, so keep use Viagra should take extra care to use sunscreen every day.
your pipes clean and party on. (European (Cell Reports, 14:1-12, 2016)
Urology, published online March 29, 2016)

34 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6


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Consumption of foods containing flavonoids, such as
red wine, blueberries, black tea, citrus fruits, peanuts
and chocolate, reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by
14 percent— according to a study by Aedín Cassidy from
Norwich Medical School, and colleagues, in the
UK. Flavonoids are chemicals found in many
plants that decrease inflammation and act
as antioxidants. Most erection problems are
caused by poor blood flow in the penis.
The cells lining the blood vessels secrete
a gas called nitric oxide that controls
blood flow. Blood vessel disease
disturbs the function of these cells,
which reduces their ability to release
Good sex is central to happiness— according to researchers from Dartmouth nitric oxide and maintain erections.
and Oxford Universities. America is the richest country in the world, but our Healthy blood vessels have a large
people are far from the happiest. The annual World Happiness Report shows capacity to make nitric oxide and
that Americans rank 15th on the list, behind countries such as Denmark, Canada, produce healthy erections. Lifestyle
Mexico, Sweden, Costa Rica and Norway. Our relatively poor ranking is due, changes— exercise and healthy diet—
in part, to our lousy sex lives. A consensus statement of sex researchers are the best long-term solutions for
from around the world concluded that biological factors such as improving sexual function because
obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, physical inactivity and chronic they enhance the health of
illness account for a significant part of sexual dysfunction. Psychological the cells lining the blood
depression, made worse by prescription drug abuse, is also a culprit leading to vessels (endothelium).
bad sex. The researchers concluded that lifestyle factors were most important (American Journal
in triggering poor sexual performance, decreased sex drive and overall sexual Clinical Nutrition, 103:
enjoyment. (Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13:153-167, 2016) 534-541, 2016)


Erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign of heart attack and stroke. Greek researchers, in a study
of men with high blood pressure, found that reduced blood flow velocity in the penis was also a good
predictor of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. They measured penile blood flow
velocity in men with high blood pressure but with no known cardiovascular disease. Low penile blood
flow was a significant predictor of heart attack that was independent of high blood pressure and
low testosterone levels. Measuring blood flow velocity in the penis is a simple, noninvasive test that
could predict future catastrophic cardiac events. (Journal of Hypertension, 34: 860-868, 2016)

Age Is the Best Predictor

of Deterioration of the Penis
When you get old, the first thing that goes are your knees: first your left knee,
then your right knee and then your weenie. Sexual performance decreases with
age— even in the studliest men. Erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign of
heart disease and poor metabolic health. A study led by Giulia Rastrelli from the
University of Florence in Italy concluded that aging was the best predictor of erectile
dysfunction and the development of cardiovascular disease risk factors. A study of
1,687 male patients showed that contributing factors to erectile dysfunction included
high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal blood fats, obesity, physical inactivity
and low testosterone levels. All of these factors contribute to poor health of the
endothelial cells that line the blood vessels of the penis, and trigger abnormal penile
blood flow and erectile dysfunction. (Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13:200-208, 2016)

36 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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Training and Diet Secrets for

Getting Ripped issues— he lost 50 pounds of

long his competitive and
muscle and fat and didn’t know
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people to give up. But our cover
A few months after he began
model is anything but ordinary—
showing signs of diabetes,
his drive and determination
Jason was admitted to a local
to persevere despite medical
hospital when his blood sugar
challenges has led to his success
level came back at 550, which is
today, including placing third
a comatose level. At that point
at the 2015 Olympia as well as
he was misdiagnosed as having
the 2016 Arnold Classic. Jason
type 2 diabetes, which made
took the time to talk to us about
his situation worse. Eventually
overcoming challenges, training
he was correctly diagnosed and
tips, dieting and what it takes to
prescribed insulin, which finally
be a champion.
helped him to feel better and
gain all his weight back.
FITNESS AND HEALTH Eight weeks after being
CHALLENGES diagnosed, Jason placed fifth at
Growing up, Jason, a native of the Oklahoma City Grand Prix.
Dallas, Texas, was very active. And while he didn’t win, he said

With IFBB Men’s

But in addition, he always had an it wasn’t about winning or losing
interest in “building things”— “I was just there to start
whether it be forts, bikes, etc. “I life over again with this new
always had a constructive mind,” protocol, the way I had to
he said. “So if it took work,
detail, attention and something
to work toward, I liked it.”
Physique Pro live and everything. But I was
enjoying it because I was
counting my macros, I was

It was this kind of mindset reading every book, I stopped
that led Jason to bodybuilding. watching TV, I stopped drinking
Building his physique was also alcohol, I eliminated a lot
something he found he could of friends that were into the
participate in even after losing party scene, and took up with
vision in one eye due to a rare my friends who were in the
disease called keratoconus. bodybuilding industry.”
Jason’s vision was corrected Jason went on to earn his IFBB
with a cornea transplant, but pro card at the USAs in Vegas,

this wouldn’t be the last health and has had high placings,
challenge he would deal with. including the Arnold and the
After winning the BSN Olympia, ever since.
Fitness Model Search at the As a result of having
Europa Dallas in 2008, Jason type 1 diabetes, Jason faces
became motivated to get more
into the industry. But he then
BY LISA STEUER some unique challenges that
most other Men’s Physique
experienced more health PHOTOGRAPHY BY JASON ELLIS competitors don’t have to

38 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6 JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 39

“Make it a goal, write it down and if you want it bad enough,

then invest in your health. If you’re not going to invest in your health,
you’re not going to enjoy your life to the fullest.”
deal with— for example, testing his not always able to read the food labels “It allows me to eat a little more carbs
blood sugar up to 20 times a day and in the country he’s in. and get a little more energy— it kind of
injecting insulin seven times a day. But “So what do you do? You don’t say, ‘Oh gets my blood flowing,” he said.
the disease is also a motivation for him I’m not going to go out of the country Jason will start his day with a low-
to stay healthy. He began competing anymore.’ That’s what a quitter would carb meal, and continues eating every
and focusing on his health. “I ended do. You say, ‘I’m going to learn how to three hours. He typically only has carbs
up winning all of these shows and balance my macros and understand to before workouts and right before bed,
doing well and getting my pro card in always have food with me.’” and prefers to do carb-loading in the
nine months,” he said. “Everything just off-season because he says it works
changed so fast that I was on cloud nine, DIET AND CARDIO well for a diabetic.
and it really hasn’t stopped since then.” Jason follows a low-carbohydrate But just because he may have to be a
So how does type 1 diabetes affect ketogenic diet, which he says is best little more careful with his diet and food
his life as a Men’s Physique competitor? for his diabetes. He does fasted cardio intake, it doesn’t mean that Jason can’t
“When I eat a plate of food, I need about four days a week for between enjoy cheat meals. During competition
to balance it exactly with insulin. 10 and 20 minutes. But he isn’t doing prep, he’ll sometimes even have cheat
Everything that I put in my body needs fasted cardio first thing in the morning meals one to three times a week.
to be dosed correctly with medication,” for the same reason other people might. Favorite cheat meals include sweet
he said. “As a professional Physique Instead of focusing on fat burning, Jason potatoes fries, a big juicy Texas burger,
guy and a fitness professional, I have to does fasted cardio to burn blood sugar. and cheesecake or ice cream.
live more of a precise, nutrition lifestyle; “When it comes down to dieting, I
there is no room for error.” have to balance. I’m able to fit in stuff
Other times, his workouts may be
affected— for example, having to stop
“Muscle confusion is very like ice cream and burgers into my
prep even for stuff like the Olympia.
a workout or pull over while driving
because his blood sugar has dropped.
important to constantly But you have to do it right, it’s not about
emotional eating; it’s about a decision to
There are also the problems that come add something new.” boost your metabolism through a high-
with his traveling lifestyle, because he’s calorie meal.”

40 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

Jason didn’t think it was necessary for
REACHING YOUR GOALS him to train abs, but now on his quest to LOOKING AHEAD
For those with busy schedules with become Mr. Physique Olympia and the Jason will soon start prepping
little time for the gym, Jason suggests fact that it’s an area he wants to improve, for the Men’s Physique Olympia,
high-intensity interval training. “You can he trains abs four or five days a week. and is more motivated than ever.
still achieve results— sometimes even “I think everyone’s different, but if “My motivation literally is just
better results— by doing a 20-minute you don’t have genetically good abs, to better my physique,,” said
workout,” he said. “It’s just about picking then you need to explore a routine to Jason. “That’s what motivates
the right exercises, researching compound work for it. But if you have genetically me—is that I really want to
movements and strength training and good abs, we go back to my priority go down as one of the best
very intense exercises. In 20 minutes, training, then you don’t have to do as physiques of all time, and that
you can get the same results as a 60- to much as the next guy. But I’m one of the while I was here I helped bring
90-minute workout.” guys that has to do a lot of abs … and the world with me— in terms of
Another fitness challenge that many you can note this, I hate doing abs— it health, disease, motivation and
can relate to is reaching a plateau in their hurts!” he said, laughing. inspiration.”
training where they are no longer seeing
results. For this, Jason suggests muscle
confusion and research. “There’s so much
out there and available to the public now
that we didn’t have 10, 20, especially 30
years ago, so now you can find expert
advice anywhere— it’s just about if you’re
willing to learn and apply it to your body,”
he said. “Make it a goal, write it down and
if you want it bad enough, then invest in
your health. If you’re not going to invest in
your health, you’re not going to enjoy your
life to the fullest.”

In addition to his morning cardio,

Jason also likes high-intensity intervals
including battling ropes, box jumps,
jump roping, boxing and more. “I still do
athletic-style training, just not as much
as I used to because I feel like I get too
thin,” he said. “But I don’t want to lose
my athleticism.”


Jason changes his split routine every
month and focuses a lot on priority
training. “If I have a certain body part
that I need to bring up, I’ll usually work
that two days a week. So each month I
prioritize a certain body part.”
Most recently, Jason made legs a
priority— meaning he’ll train legs twice
a week and everything else mostly
once a week. “But it changes. Muscle
confusion is very important to constantly
add something new.”
But his favorite body part to train
is back. “I’ve always looked up to the
best backs of all time growing up. …
When I train it and I’m able to see my
improvements, it motivates me,” he said.
For back, Jason prefers deadlifts, the “It’s just about picking the right exercises,
Pendlay row, barbell rows and dumbbell
pull-overs just to name a few. “Pull-ups researching compound movements and strength
are fun, but I really like the weighted
pull-up to see how much you can pull on
training and very intense exercises. In 20
top of your bodyweight,” Jason said. minutes, you can get the same results as a 60- to
One aspect of his training that has
evolved over the years is abs. Previously, 90-minute workout.” JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 41


42 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

By Steve Blechman and Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

Let’s face it— there’s so much information out there when it comes to fitness and training, that it can be
difficult to figure out what methods work and what don’t. So we decided to gather 25 of the best facts on
training, all based on the most cutting-edge scientific research. Let the science and proven techniques
shown here be your guide for your next exercise session. Get ready to work hard and see results!

1. HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING exercising only 15 minutes in two weeks.

BOOSTS CELL ENERGY CAPACITY Each workout consisted of four to seven
As we learned in high school biology, repetitions of high-intensity exercise
the mitochondria are the powerhouses (each repetition consisted of 30 seconds
of the cells. They are critical structures at near-maximum effort) on a stationary
for maintaining health and living a long, bike. Follow-up studies showed that
disease-free life. Exercise is critical for practicing HIIT three times weekly for six
the health and optimal function of the weeks improved endurance and aerobic
mitochondria. Carsten Lundby from the capacity as well as training five times a
University of Zurich in Switzerland, and week for 60 minutes for six weeks. These
colleagues, found that only two weeks of studies and many others showed the
high-intensity interval training improved value of high-intensity training to build
mitochondrial function and lung function. aerobic capacity and endurance. (ACSM’s
Exercise consisted of six sessions of Health & Fitness Journal, 19(6): 3-6, 2015)
eight to 12 repetitions of 60 seconds at
maximum intensity, on a stationary bike. 3. HIIT AND TRADITIONAL AEROBICS
HIIT is an excellent way to build fitness PRODUCE SIMILAR RESULTS
and promote health. (Journal of Applied High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
Physiology, published online February 4, involves repetitions of intense exercise
2016) lasting 10 to about 180 seconds, followed
by rest or reduced exercise intensity.
2. PRACTICE HIIT FOR RAPID Scores of studies have shown that HIIT
IMPROVEMENT IN FITNESS increases fitness faster than traditional,
Few exercise techniques are more 3. Intensity refers to the speed of moderate-intensity exercise. Its effects on
effective at improving fitness rapidly than performing the exercise. weight loss are less certain, particularly in
high-intensity interval training (HIIT)— a 4. Rest refers to the time spent obese and overweight people. Norwegian
series of brief, high-intensity exercise recovering between exercises. researchers found that obese women lost

sessions interspersed with short rest Canadian researchers determined equal amounts of weight participating in
periods. The four components of interval that six sessions of high-intensity interval HIIT, traditional aerobics or a combination
training include distance, repetition, training on a stationary bike increased of HIIT and aerobics. Ninety percent of
intensity and rest, defined as follows: muscle oxidative capacity by almost success in life comes from showing up.
1. Distance refers to either the 50 percent, muscle glycogen by 20 Showing up is hard for a lot of people.
distance or time of the exercise interval. percent and cycle endurance capacity This study showed that people benefit
2. Repetition refers to the number of by 100 percent. The subjects made from many types of exercise programs.
times repeating the exercise. these remarkable improvements by Vary your program to make it more JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 43

interesting. (International Journal Sport squat, swing, one-arm clean and press, 7. BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION AFTER
Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, and sumo deadlift. The responses to the SPRINT INTERVAL TRAINING INCREASES
published online October 17, 2015) kettlebell circuit were similar to a time- AEROBIC CAPACITY
matched, interval-training workout on a Weight training with low loads and
4. APPLY HEAT AFTER INTENSE EXERCISE stationary bike. Caloric expenditure and restricted blood flow, a technique called
Cold has been the post-exercise heart rate were similar between workouts. Kaatsu training, increases strength
modality of choice for more than 30 The study expanded our view of high- and is particularly valuable during
years. Pitchers and javelin throwers, intensity exercise. A high-intensity rehabilitation. Blood flow restriction
for example, often applied ice bags kettlebell circuit can substitute for high- causes metabolic stress that triggers
to their shoulders after practice or intensity interval training workouts on rapid adaptation. Researchers from
competition. A study led by Jerrold a stationary bike or elliptical trainer. Loughborough University in the UK
Petrofsky from Loma Linda University (Journal Strength and Conditioning expanded this concept by restricting
found that heat worked slightly better Research, 29: 3317-3325, 2015) blood flow to leg muscles after repeated
than cold for reducing post-exercise sprint cycling workouts. Subjects
muscle soreness and decreases in 6. WEIGHT TRAINING MORE EFFECTIVE AT performed repeated 30-second
performance. Researchers applied SIMULATED ALTITUDE maximal sprint intervals on a stationary
ThermaCare cold or heat wraps Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his first bike followed by blood flow restriction
following 15 minutes of squatting. The mainstream movie, “Stay Hungry,” said, to the leg muscles following exercise,
four immediate treatment goals include: “You must burn to grow.” Muscle cells two days per week for four weeks. They
preventing further damage, reducing require stress in the form of tension showed increases in maximal oxygen
spasm and pain, reducing bleeding and and inflammation to grow optimally. consumption, but no increases in a
swelling, and promoting healing. Ice Bing Yan and co-workers from Beijing 15-kilometer time trial— compared to
Sport University in China found that a group that practiced intervals without
weight training at altitude caused blood flow restriction. Muscle biopsies
greater increases in strength and showed that post-exercise blood flow
lean mass than training at sea level. occlusion also increased a chemical
Subjects trained in a low oxygen room linked to increased muscle capillary
adjusted to 21, 16 or 12.6 percent density. This is potentially a landmark
oxygen (simulated altitudes of sea study. A 15-kilometer time trail on a
level, 7,000 feet, or 13,500 feet). Weight road bike is a specific motor skill that
training at altitude caused the greatest might not change in four weeks. We
changes in strength, lean mass and can infer from the dramatic changes
anabolic hormones (growth hormone in maximal oxygen consumption and
and testosterone), and training at 12.6 muscle blood vessels that restricting
percent oxygen was better than training blood flow after exercise is a viable
at 16 percent. Test subjects performed training technique. (Experimental
two workouts per week for five weeks Physiology, 101: 143-154, 2016)
in one of the three conditions. How
can you use this information? Train at 8. THE END OF SIT-UPS?
altitude. However, this might not provide The sit-up has been the major
the same results as training in a room exercise for building the abdominal and
reduces bleeding, but it also decreases with low oxygen and living at sea level. core muscles for more than 100 years.
inflammation, angiogenesis (new blood Win the lottery and build a low-oxygen However, sit-ups put an unacceptable
vessel formation) and release of tissue training room. The training center in load on the spine that can lead to disc
growth factors. Ice decreases pain and Beijing is expensive, very sophisticated, injury and chronic back pain. Developing
spasm following an injury, but it might and not available to most athletes. core stiffness is more important than
delay healing and eventual return to the Use a portable altitude generator and building trunk flexion fitness because it
playing field. Applying ice or heat after breathing mask from Higher Peak strengthens muscles, improves muscular
intense training is better than doing (, Boston, endurance, reduces low back pain, and
nothing, but heat works slightly better. MA). These cost about $2,500, however. boosts sports performance. Greater core
(Journal Strength and Conditioning If this technique catches on, it will stiffness transfers strength and speed
Research, 29: 3245-3252, 2015) only be a matter of time before some to the limbs, increases the load bearing
of the leading gyms offer simulated capacity of the spine, and protects the
5. KETTLEBELL ROUTINE COULD DEVELOP high-altitude training rooms. (Journal internal organs during sports movements.
ENDURANCE AND STRENGTH Strength Conditioning Research, 30:184- A landmark study by Benjamin Lee and
The physiological responses to a 193, 2016) Stuart McGill showed that isometric
high-intensity, kettlebell interval training exercises for the core resulted in greater
routine developed by Brian Williams
and Robert Kraemer from Southeastern
Louisiana University should build The best exercises for building core strength are
endurance and strength. The routine is
a 12-minute kettlebell workout that uses large, whole-body exercises, such as kettlebell
a Tabata regimen— repetitions of 20
seconds of kettlebell exercises followed swings and snatches, squats, deadlifts, standing
by 10 seconds of rest. The kettlebell
exercises in the circuit were the sumo
overhead presses and plyometrics.

44 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

core stiffness than performing whole- 10. BEST LIFTING SHOES FOR SQUATS? 12. UNILATERAL AND BILATERAL TRAINING
body dynamic exercises that activated Using recreational sport shoes PRODUCE SIMILAR STRENGTH GAINS
core muscles. The results of this study during the squat causes greater ankle Bilateral deficit means that the total
cast doubts on the value of traditional dorsiflexion than using weightlifting weight lifted with each limb working
core exercises such as sit-ups. This is an shoes— according to Rudi Meir and independently exceeds that of two limbs
extremely important study that might co-workers from Southern working together. In the leg
change the way we build abdominal and Cross University in press, for example, adding
core muscle fitness. (Journal Strength Australia. Dorsiflexion is up the weight lifted with
Conditioning Research, 29: 1515-1526, the backward bending of each leg will often be greater
2015) the foot toward the shin. than the total weight lifted
Researchers also found with both legs. Because the
9. GAUGING EXERCISE INTENSITY that dorsiflexion increased weight you lift with both
Intensity is the most important factor as athletes lifted heavier legs is less than each leg
for increasing aerobic fitness. You can weights. This study has lifting independently, you
assess exercise intensity with target important implications have a bilateral strength
heart rate, rating of perceived exertion with no universal or deficit. A study led by Cíntia
(RPE) and the talk test— according to practical application. Botton from the Federal
Brad Roy, a clinical exercise physiologist Many powerlifters prefer University of Rio Grande
from Kalispell, Montana. Your target Chuck Taylor Converse do Sul in Brazil, and Lee
heart rate zone— a range of rates at sneakers because they Brown from California State
which you should exercise to experience allow greater dorsiflexion University, Fullerton, found
cardiorespiratory benefits— is between and more hip hinge during that bilateral and unilateral
65 percent and 90 percent of your the squat. Taller athletes knee extension training for
age-predicted maximum heart rate. and those with poor 12 weeks produced similar
You can predict maximum heart rate technique or restricted changes in strength and
by subtracting age from 220, but this ankle range of motion muscle size in recreationally
method is often inaccurate. A heart rate often perform quad- active young women. Leg
monitor will help you exercise at the right dominant squats. They may muscle activation was greater
heart rate. Rating of perceived exertion prefer weightlifting shoes during unilateral training
involves exercising according to how you because of their elevated than bilateral training, so
feel. The RPE scale ranges from a rating heels. Many athletes squat the results might have been
of six (extremely light) to 20 (maximal incorrectly by not fully implementing different if the training period was longer.
exertion). With practice, you will know the hip hinge and breaking at the (Journal Strength Conditioning Research,
how you feel when you have exercised spine. A good shoe for squatting big published online August 29, 2015)
intensely enough. The talk test is the iron should have a non-compressible
easiest and most practical: exercise at the sole, a metatarsal strap that allows you 13. STAY GROUNDED FOR
fastest rate at which you can comfortably to “spread the floor” with your feet WHOLE-BODY STRENGTH
carry on a conversation. Keeping track during the exercise and good arch Exercising on stable ground builds
of exercise intensity will help you get fit and foot support that supplies a stable core stability and increases lower and
faster. (ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, upper body strength at the same time.
platform during the lift. (Journal Strength
19(4): 3, 2015) Conditioning Research, published online Decreasing stability of the surface (such
September 1, 2015) as when using Swiss or BOSU balls) or
load (as in the unilateral cable chest
11. BANDS DO NOT INCREASE MUSCLE press) decreases the training load. No
ACTIVATION DURING SQUATS study has found that doing isolated core
Large muscle, multi-joint exercises exercises on unstable surfaces improves
such as the squat and bench press, athletic performance or builds significant
using free weights, provide constant strength in the core muscles. A meta-
resistance during the exercise— but analysis comparing training on stable
athletes can exert more force toward the or unstable surfaces against sedentary
end of the range of motion because of an controls showed that unstable training
increased mechanical advantage. Many builds strength in adolescents, young
athletes use bands or chains to increase adults and older adults, but training
resistance at the end of the range of on stable surfaces was better. The best
motion of these lifts. Researchers from exercises for building core strength are
Fjordane University College in Norway large, whole-body exercises, such as
found that using elastic bands during the kettlebell swings and snatches, squats,
squat did not increase muscle activation deadlifts, standing overhead presses and
compared to a traditional free-weight plyometrics. These exercises use heavier
squat. They speculated that the elastic loads, shorter tension times and higher
bands did not provide enough additional speeds. Ground-based exercises have the
resistance toward the end of the range same force, velocity and core-stabilizing
of motion, and that athletes should requirements required in most sports
have used stronger bands or chains. and movement skills. (Sports Medicine,
(Journal Strength Conditioning Research, published online September 10, 2015)
published online September 1, 2015)

46 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6


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14. ARTERIAL STIFFNESS GREATEST intense exercise— improved 5K running
FOLLOWING UPPER-BODY EXERCISE performance, reduced blood pressure,
Arterial stiffness decreases the increased maximal oxygen consumption
capacity of blood vessels to control and reduced vascular endothelial
blood flow, increases blood pressure and growth factor (a measure of blood vessel
overloads the heart. Arterial stiffening disease). Test subjects were able to
is linked to poor metabolic health and sustain 10-20-30 training during the eight-
the metabolic syndrome— a group week training program because it only
of health problems related to heart involved 10-second periods of intense
disease and stroke that include high exercise rather than longer, intense
blood pressure, insulin resistance, type intervals. (Scandinavian Journal Medicine
2 diabetes, abnormal blood fats and Science Sports, published online
abdominal obesity. Weight training can December 1, 2014)
also increase arterial stiffness. A study
from the University of Basel in Switzerland 16. NON-MOTORIZED TREADMILLS
found that arterial stiffness was greater GAINING TRACTION
following upper-body weight training In the 1950s, primitive gym treadmills
compared to lower-body or whole-body were not motorized. They depended
weight training. Upper-body exercise upon leg power to move the belt. Guess
places a greater load on the heart and what? Non-motorized treadmills are back of maximum) exercises performed
blood vessels because they overload and they are popular in high-end gyms explosively, while more traditional
relatively small muscles. Other studies and CrossFit competitions. Today’s non- programs use heavier weights (e.g.,
have shown that aerobic exercise motorized treadmills are more high-tech 80 percent of maximum) and fewer
following weight training can override than the originals. People move the belts reps. A study led by Eric Conchola and
the negative effects of weight training on by moving their feet, but the belt speeds Brennan Thompson from Oklahoma
arterial stiffness. Weight-trained athletes up as the person reaches the top of the State University found no difference in
should finish workouts with at least some treadmill, and slows down when he or she strength recovery between high-volume,
aerobic exercise to prevent blood vessel drifts backward. The level of difficulty explosive squats (five reps x 16 sets,
stiffening and high blood pressure. is about 30 percent greater with non- 40 percent of maximum) versus high-
(International Journal Sports Medicine, motorized treadmills at the same relative intensity, slow-velocity squads (five reps
published online July 15, 2015) speed. The belt speeds up or slows down x eight sets, 80 percent of maximum).
according to the effort of the exerciser, There was a trend toward slower
15. HIIT IMPROVES PERFORMANCE AND which makes them excellent for high- recovery in maximum power following
LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE intensity interval training workouts. They the high-volume, explosive squats.
High-intensity interval training also cut down on injuries: the belt stops (Journal Strength Conditioning Research,
(HIIT) improves fitness more rapidly when the person stops. (The Wall Street 29: 1285-1294, 2015)
than traditional aerobics. Many people Journal, July 6, 2015)
have trouble sticking to a HIIT program 19. ISOMETRIC TRAINING BUILDS
because of its high intensity. Researchers 17. INTERVAL TRAINING AND WEIGHT CORE STIFFNESS
from the University of Copenhagen in TRAINING BUILDS STRENGTH AND For more than 100 years, traditional
Denmark, led by Jens Bangsbo, found ENDURANCE core training included exercises such
that 10-20-30 training— repeated bouts High-intensity interval training (HIIT) as sit-ups, back extensions and twists.
of 30 seconds of easy exercise, followed involves repetitions of short bouts of Isometric core exercise might be a
by 20 seconds of moderate-intensity high-intensity exercise followed by better way to develop core strength and
exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Endurance training interferes with stiffness. Core stiffness is vital for athletes
strength training because it triggers because it strengthens muscles, improves
different biochemical pathways leading muscular endurance, reduces low back
to improvements in either strength or pain and boosts sports performance.
endurance. HIIT is extremely intense and Greater core stiffness transfers strength
might not interfere with strength gains. and speed to the limbs, increases the
British researchers led by Jamie Pugh load-bearing capacity of the spine and
from Loughborough University in the protects the internal organs during sports
United Kingdom found that combining movements.
resistance exercise with HIIT activated A landmark study by Benjamin Lee
the mTOR pathway and suppressed and Stuart McGill showed that isometric
myostatin, which results in accelerated exercises for the core resulted in greater
protein synthesis. Combining HIIT and core stiffness than performing whole-
weight training in a single workout body, dynamic exercises that activated
is a good way to build strength and core muscles. Isometric core exercises
endurance simultaneously. (Physiological include planks, bird dogs, side-bridges,
Reports, 3(4): E12364, 2015) torsional buttress, pallof presses, stir-
the-pot, carry exercises, inverted rows
18. NO DIFFERENCE IN RECOVERY TIMES and cable wood chops. Dynamic core
FOR EXPLOSIVE VERSUS HEAVY SQUATS exercises included curl-ups, Supermans,
Some popular training programs use side curl-ups, twisting curl-ups, advanced
high-rep, low-weight (e.g., 40 percent curl-ups, back extensions, Russian

48 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

barbell twists, curl-up twitches, Superman
twitches, lateral medicine ball throws
and rotational medicine ball throws. Suspension exercises were better core builders
The results of this study cast doubts on
traditional core-training methods. This
than other exercises [researchers] measured on
is an extremely important study that stable and unstable support surfaces.
might change the way we train for sport.
(Journal Strength Conditioning Research,
29: 1515-1526, 2015) “the core”) act as stabilizers that allow 24. FRONT SQUATS STRESS THE SPINE
powerful motions in the upper or lower LESS THAN BACK SQUATS
20. DON’T STRETCH BEFORE YOU LIFT! body and transfer force to the legs and The popularity of weightlifting (i.e.,
Until recently, practically any exercise arms. Researchers from Hong Kong found Olympic lifting) and cross training
book recommended pre-exercise that suspension exercises were effective has led to increased interest in front
stretching as part of warm-up. Training for building the major abdominal squats for building total-body strength
experts thought that stretching increased muscles and lumbar multifidus muscles. and improving performance in the
range of motion and reduced the risk of Suspension exercises were better core clean. Researchers from Gaziosmanpa
injury during the subsequent workout. builders than other exercises they University in Turkey found marked
That’s changed. Many studies have shown measured on stable and unstable support differences in the biomechanics and
that static stretching before exercise surfaces. (Journal Science Medicine in muscle activation during the front
decreases strength and power, and might Sport, 18:189-194, 2015) and back squat using maximum loads
actually increase the risk of injury. Marcos and experienced lifters. Activation
Sá from the University of Rio de Janeiro, 22. ROPE TRAINING IS A VIGOROUS of the vastus medialis muscle (one of
Brazil, and colleagues found that static or CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE the quadriceps) was greater during
ballistic stretching before weight training Rope training involves vigorously the front squat than back squat, while
decreased strength endurance capacity undulating one or two large ropes using activation of the semitendinosus
during a weight-training program upper body muscles and stabilizing (hamstring muscle) was greater during
compared to a specific warm-up. This the body with the lower body and core the back squat. Trunk lean was greatest
study was important because it showed muscles. It is an extremely popular during the back squat. Athletes can lift
that static stretching affects muscle functional training method used more weight during the back squat,
endurance as well as strength and power. frequently in cross training programs so they are important for maximizing
(Journal of Human Kinetics, 45: 177-185, such as CrossFit. Charles Fontaine from lower body strength. However, the
2015) the University of Minnesota Duluth and front squat may be more valuable for
Brad Schmidt from Creighton University building the extensor strength and
in Omaha, Nebraska found that a preventing low back injuries. (Journal
10-minute rope interval workout (10 sets of Sport Sciences, published online
of 15 seconds rope waving followed by November 1, 2014)
45 seconds of rest) increased heart rate
to 163 beats a minute and metabolic 25. PROTECT YOUR BACK
rate 10 times above rest. Rope training WHEN YOU TRAIN!
is a vigorous functional training method Spinal disks, muscles and nerves are
that develops physical fitness. (Journal extremely fragile and are subject to injury
Strength Conditioning Research, 29:889- because of poor exercise mechanics,
893, 2015) inadequate physical fitness and poor
progression. Coach Randy Wheeler from
23. MUSIC IMPROVES PERFORMANCE Fishers High School in Indiana had some
IN 5K RUN advice on how to get strong without
The influence of music on physical hurting your back. Do exercises that
performance is controversial. stabilize the core (muscles supporting
Most studies show that music has the spine) to improve fitness and prevent
21. SUSPENSION TRAINING EFFECTIVE only a limited capacity to improve injury. Focus on proper technique when
FOR CORE BUILDING performance, no matter how pleasurable doing preventive exercises such as
Suspension training, such as the TRX or inspirational it may sound. A Brazilian squats, deadlifts, cleans and snatches.
Suspension Training system, consists of study showed that well-trained distance The number one rule is to do no harm.
two adjustable nylon strips with a handle runners who played music before a 5K For example, doing high-rep traditional
and foot stirrup at each end. You attach run experienced positive changes in sit-ups builds the abs, but eventually
the TRX to an overhanging bar, tree limb, the brain and improved performance. causes disk deterioration leading to back
pipe or doorjamb. It uses bodyweight as a Music activated the prefrontal cortex pain in the future. Preventive exercises
resistance rather than relying on weights, of the brain and acted as a distraction should begin with bodyweight as the
hydraulics, elastic bands or pulleys. against the discomfort of endurance resistance, and progress when you feel no
TRX exercises are closed kinetic chain, running. Runners ran the first 800 pain and you have good technique. Most
which means that the lower or upper meters faster after listening to music, people have poor technique when they
body stays in contact with the ground regardless of whether the music was do whole-body lifts such as squats and
during the movement. These exercises slow or inspirational. Music also helped snatches. Learn to do these exercises
are only possible through coordinated athletes recover faster. (Journal Strength correctly so that you don’t hurt yourself.
muscle action working across many and Conditioning Research, 29:305-314, (Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37
joints. Muscles supporting the spine (i.e., 2015) (1): 18-23, 2015) ■

50 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

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Birthdate: October 10, 1990
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 170 pounds (contest); 187 pounds (off-season)
Birthplace: San Jose, California
Current residence: Roseville, California
Strongest lift: Bench press of 425 at 175 pounds
Favorite quote: “If success becomes your only option,
failure becomes irrelevant.”

52 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

These 14 Exercises Will
Give You the Winning Edge
Who among us doesn’t want to own a physique like the
young man in these photos— two-time Physique Olympia
Champion Jeremy Buendia? You know all the basics to build a
muscular foundation: bench presses, squats, deadlifts, barbell
rows and so on. But those are designed mainly to give you raw
bulk. Think of them as helping you form a large block of clay
or marble. That’s fine, because it’s necessary to have a mass
to sculpt from. But once you have that initial bulk in place, it’s
time to start chiseling away to create a masterpiece in muscle.
The basics will only take you so far. Now it’s time to fine-tune
and start focusing on details, working different aspects of the
muscles and attacking them from new angles. Use these 14
exercises demonstrated by Jeremy to craft and shape your
body into a living work of art.




The flat barbell bench press is far and
away the most popular chest exercise of all
time, and it does a bang-up job of building
the pecs. Yet if only flat pressing is done, over
time the development of the chest will begin
to take on a bottom-heavy appearance. For
a chest that’s more balanced and features
a thick “upper shelf” like Jeremy’s, incline
presses are a must. Dumbbells offer a
more complete range of motion and afford a
stronger contraction. That’s because unlike
with a barbell, you are able to bring the
hands together as you press, thus involving
both major functions of the pectoral muscle:
extending the arms in front of the body and 3. SEATED UNDERHAND
bringing them toward the midline of the body. LAT PULLDOWN
Avoid setting the bench at too steep of an You’ve probably done hundreds
angle, as this will tend to turn the exercise of sets of standard wide-grip lat
into more of a shoulder press. Instead, go for pulldowns, and it’s a very effective
a 30-degree angle and smoothly press the exercise. But chances are, your
dumbbells up and together for three to four lats have become quite adapted
sets of 10-12 reps. to that particular plane and range
of motion. For further results, you
2. CABLE CROSSOVER need to switch things up. Flipping
As we’ve been saying, a finely detailed your hands over and moving them
sculpture is more impressive and pleasing closer in puts your biceps in a
to the eye than a blob of clay. With that in stronger pulling position in terms of
mind, you must include not only pressing leverage and leaning back slightly
movements for the chest, but also more and pulling down to the top of your
isolated “flye” motions that work the arm abs provides an enhanced range of
adduction function of the pecs. You see all motion for the lats to work through.
those crazy splits, grooves and striations in You’ll also note that you feel the
Jeremy’s chest? They are the result of hitting lats contracting further down
the pecs from all possible angles (as well toward the hips, which is important.
as having almost no body fat). Proper form Plenty of guys have some meat in
on cable crossovers entails forcing a strong the upper regions of the lats just
contraction of the pecs on each rep. Bring the below the shoulder blades. Few
D-ring handles together as you crush the two have lats that sweep further down
halves of the pectoral muscle together. for a sick V-taper into the waist.

54 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

Rowing movements are mandatory for thickening the lats, but it’s easy to fall into a
pattern of using bad form that does little to actually stimulate growth without even being
aware of it. Dumbbell rows are often jerked, and even seated cable rows can be heaved
and treated to a truncated range of motion. Instead, try standing a few feet back from a
cable stack with a D-ring attachment from a low pulley. Strictly pull the handle to your hip,
driving your elbow back and forcefully contracting the lats, one side at a time. The focus
and concentration required, as well as the need to remain stable and planted, will assure
perfect form and full stimulation of the target muscle.


The deltoids are a complex muscle group
capable of moving our arms in a multitude of
directions. Yet most of us only train them with
a couple different types of lateral raises and
overhead pressing movements. To work them in a
way I guarantee will shock them into a new level
of pump and burn, try “steering wheels” with a
plate. Start with a 25, and move on to a 45 if you
are able. Twist the plate all the way clockwise,
then all the way counterclockwise. That’s one
rep— now do it for 15-20 reps! Rest a minute,
repeat, and then do it a third time. That’s all you
will need to have a full-blown shoulder pump.


One reason Jeremy Buendia’s shoulders look so stunning is that all three heads are
maximally developed. Most guys put plenty of attention into presses and side raises that
work the anterior and medial heads of the deltoids, but gloss over the posterior, or rear
delts. That’s a shame, because great rear delts give the shoulders a real “3-D” pop that
makes them look awesome from any angle. Always include some form of rear lateral raise
in your shoulder training, preferably the dumbbell version demonstrated here by Jeremy. In
fact, if that area is lacking, as it quite likely is, do these first in your shoulder sessions. JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 55



Barbell curls enjoy a well-deserved
reputation as being a staple for building
bigger biceps, but they do fall short in one
aspect: they only work one function of the
biceps, namely arm flexion (bending the arm).
The biceps are also responsible for supinating
the wrist, which is the action of rotating the
thumb away from the midline of the body.
Alternate dumbbell curls allow you to work
both functions, as each arm holds its own
individual source of resistance in the form of a
dumbbell. Start with the palms facing inward
toward your body, and rotate the hands and
wrists as you curl up so that you finish in the
fully supinated position, palms facing the sky.

9. CABLE PUSHDOWN Skull-crushers, also known as lying barbell extensions, have

traditionally been known as the bread and butter bulking movement for the triceps. They do
have one significant limitation, which is that the straight downward pull of gravity renders
the resistance curve uneven over the course of the range of motion. A wiser alternative is
the cable pushdown, a cable version of the same basic triceps extension movement. Cables
provide an evenly distributed level of resistance from start to finish, with no points where
the resistance feels either lighter or heavier. This makes it easier to focus on stretching and
contracting the triceps with every growth-stimulating rep.


Another component of biceps training that is often unintentionally neglected is a full range of
motion, specifically achieving a full stretch at the start of each rep. One excellent way to ensure a
full stretch of the biceps is to do concentration curls in the “old-school” style favored by well-armed
legends of the past such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Rather than sit and brace the working arm
on your inner thigh, you instead squat down and let your arm hang straight down. If you’ve been
doing concentration curls
the more standard way, TOP TITLES:
you will find that you need 2013 NPC Junior USA Class B and Overall
to go a bit lighter. The 2013 IFBB Greater Gulf States Winner
upside is that your biceps 2013 IFBB Sacramento Pro Winner
will now be working harder 2013 IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Second place
through a longer range of 2014 IFBB San Jose Pro Winner
motion, and new gains are 2014 IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Winner
imminent. 2015 IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Winner

56 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

Just as concentration curls allow you to focus purely on one
biceps at a time, the dumbbell kickback is a unilateral exercise that
shifts the attention to an individual triceps. Often you see guys
employing improper body mechanics that effectively cut the range
of motion in half. Elbow position is key. Note that Jeremy keeps his
elbow positioned high and doesn’t let it drift down throughout the
rep. This ensures tension stays on the triceps for the entire length
of the rep, so you can get a full contraction every time. Holding on to
a stationary object with the non-working arm, as Buendia is doing,
also helps keep your form strict.


You will often hear of some exercises referred to as “mass-
building movements,” while others are allegedly good only for
“shaping” a given muscle. This is beyond inaccurate and qualifies as
ignorant. A muscle’s shape is genetically predetermined and can’t
be altered via exercise. While a compound movement for the quads
such as squats is more effective at stimulating growth due to the
fact that very heavy loads can be used, leg extensions should not be
ignored. They’re an isolation movement that focuses purely on the
quadriceps, and they certainly have their place in sculpting powerful
and athletic thighs. Do them slowly and with control, pausing to
squeeze the quads at the top of each rep.


Lunges are scoffed at by most men as a “chick exercise,” yet top physique champions like
Jeremy know they happen to be an excellent exercise that hits the quads, hams and glutes like
nothing else. Best of all, you have a clearer goal for each set than simply reaching a rep total—
you are actually going from one place to another! Take big steps, so that the knee of the trailing
leg comes within a few inches of the floor, then push off from the heel. Walking lunges are best
reserved for the very end of your leg workout, because you likely can’t and won’t want to do
anything else after three tough sets of 12-15 steps per leg. JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 57



You’ve probably done thousands of crunches in your time, and the problem is
that they start getting pretty easy after a while. A more challenging abdominal
blaster is the hanging leg raise. Depending on how much meat you have on your
legs, this can be a very tough exercise indeed! The key to making them effective
is to perform them with control so that there is absolutely no swinging. Keeping
your legs perfectly straight, raise them up until your feet are at the level of your
upper abs. You’ll find they do a much better job than crunches at targeting the
elusive lower abs.


Finally, when you look at the midsection of an elite physical specimen like
Jeremy Buendia, you will notice that it’s not just his abs that are developed and
chiseled. He also has spectacular development in external obliques and serratus
that surround his six-pack. To target these so you too can appear to have a
midsection as detailed and polished as a fine diamond, you need to incorporate a
twisting motion. Instead of keeping your legs straight, bend them at 90 degrees
and alternate raising your knees toward your right and left shoulders.


EXERCISES Day 1: Chest and abs
What’s the best way to Day 2: Back, rear delts, and abs
include these exercises in your Day 3: Legs
workout regimen? You have a Day 4: Shoulders
couple options, both of which are Day 5: Arms
effective. You could simply plug Day 6: Rest, repeat
them in on the days you train
those particular body parts. Or,
you could also choose to perform
Day 1: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
them all, in the order listed, as
Day 2: StepMill 25 minutes steady state
a full-body workout to shake up
Day 3: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
your usual routine. Whichever you
Day 4: OFF
decide, it will certainly improve the
Day 5: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
quality of your physique and bring
Day 6: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
it that much closer to looking the
Day 7: Plyometrics, varies
very best you can. Go for it!

58 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6


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MUSCLE Eat fewer calories than you burn each day and you’ll

burn fat. There’s one major issue with this time-tested
approach: you’ll strip away more than just body fat.

Weight loss, especially when achieved quickly by
drastically slashing calorie intake, leads to a decrease
in muscle mass and subsequent drop in metabolism.

A slower metabolism means your body needs fewer
calories to maintain your new weight. In addition, with
less muscle, you won’t be able to push yourself as hard

YOU HOW during workouts (and therefore burn as many calories).

If this sounds like a losing battle, don’t throw in the
towel just yet. New research shows you can lose body
BY MARIE SPANO, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD fat while preserving and even gaining lean muscle.


When you eat fewer calories than you need each day, your body is forced to pull from its backup supply, body fat and muscle, to
maintain your energy (calorie) needs. Some people lose a substantial amount of muscle when dieting, 30 percent or more, of their
initial muscle. In addition to a decrease in muscle mass and slower metabolism, lower calorie diets decrease the intracellular signaling
necessary for the synthesis of new proteins in muscle. Plus, muscle tissue may be less sensitive to protein when you’re dieting. In other
words, it’s really tough to build lean muscle when you are trying to lose weight. Based on these physiological changes, there’s an age-old
theory suggesting it’s impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. However, scientists from McMaster University in Canada
found that it is not only possible but also doable even when losing a substantial amount of body fat in a relatively short period of time.

60 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6 JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 61



BUILDING MUSCLE WHILE per kilogram of bodyweight per day, than the
LOSING BODY FAT Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for
In the McMaster University study, young, protein— 0.8 grams per kilogram bodyweight
overweight recreationally active men (prior to per day. All meals were prepared and provided
the study they exercised one to two times per to participants during the study.
week) were placed on an intense four-week diet In addition to their meals, participants
and exercise program. Their diet contained 40 were given dairy shakes during the day and
percent fewer calories each day than needed immediately post-exercise (the lower protein
for weight maintenance (providing a total of 15 group was given lower protein shakes with
calories per pound of lean body mass). Half carbohydrate in them while the higher protein
of the men were randomly selected to receive group received more protein in their shakes).
a higher protein diet (1.09 grams of protein Supervised workouts consisted of full-body
per pound of bodyweight; 35% protein, 50% resistance circuit training twice per week and
carbohydrate and 15% fat). The rest of the high-intensity interval training six days per
men were placed on a lower protein diet (0.55 week. In addition to their structured exercise
grams of protein per pound of bodyweight; 15% program, all participants were instructed to get
protein, 50% carbohydrates, 35% fat). Though at least 10,000 steps per day as monitored by a
this diet was lower in protein, it provided 50 pedometer worn on their hip.
percent more protein, for a total of 1.2 grams

Both the lower protein and higher protein

TRAINING DIET groups lost weight with no significant difference


between groups. Men in the higher protein
group gained 2.64 pounds of muscle and lost
Total daily calorie intake: 15 10.56 pounds of body fat while men in the
RESISTANCE TRAINING CIRCUIT control group gained virtually no muscle (0.22
calories per pound of lean body
Two times per week pounds) and lost 7.7 pounds of fat. Both groups
Three sets of 10 reps at 80% 1RM improved all but one measure of strength in
Macronutrient intake: 35% protein,
with the last set of each exercise to addition to aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
50% carbohydrate and 15% fat
failure There were no differences between groups in
Total daily protein intake: strength, power, aerobic fitness or performance
No rest between sets
1.09 grams of protein per pound at the end of the study.
One-minute rest between each
bodyweight In this study, a higher protein, reduced
Per meal protein intake: 0.22 calorie diet combined with a high-intensity
grams of protein per pound of
SPRINT INTERVAL TRAINING circuit-training program including interval
bodyweight training and sprints helped participants
One time per week
Three to four (depending on build muscle. In addition to their total protein
Four to eight 30-second bouts on a
bodyweight) dairy beverages were intake, participants in the higher protein
stationary bike (participants started
given throughout the day including group also consumed more protein per meal
with four sets and progressed to
after exercise (approximately 49 grams per meal) than those
eight sets)
in the lower protein group (approximately 22
Four-minute rest between bouts grams per meal).
MODIFIED HIGH-INTENSITY Total daily calorie intake: 15 WHY DIDN’T THEY CUT
INTERVAL TRAINING calories per pound of lean body CARBOHYDRATES?
One time per week mass Low-carbohydrate diets are not only popular,
10 bouts of all-out sprint for one Macronutrient intake: 15% protein, but they often lead to greater weight loss,
minute at 90% VO2 max 50% carbohydrates, 35% fat initially, than higher carbohydrate, low-fat
One-minute rest intervals at 50% Total daily protein intake: diets. However, when giving up carbohydrates,
VO2 max 0.55 grams of protein per pound you also sacrifice something else— intense
bodyweight training. Carbohydrates are the primary source
TIME TRIAL Per meal protein intake: 0.10 of fuel used during high-intensity exercise
One time per week as fast as grams of protein per pound of because your body can readily access and
possible until approximately 250 bodyweight utilize them for energy. Fat is a slow source of
calories were burned Three to four (depending on energy, and therefore your body cannot access
bodyweight) dairy beverages were and use fat quickly enough to sustain high-
PLYOMETRIC BODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT given throughout the day including intensity training. In this study, both groups
30-second rest between exercises after exercise of participants consumed 50 percent of their
calorie intake from carbohydrate. If the study

62 FI TNE S S R x for ME N JULY 2 0 1 6

program once the study was finished. After
a quick-fix diet and exercise program, it
is important to transition to a reasonable
approach that can be maintained over time.
The transition to a longer-term approach
after weight loss should include a gradual
increase in calorie intake while maintaining
a higher protein diet (at least 0.55 grams of
protein per pound of bodyweight to maintain
muscle while considerably more, along the
lines of 1.09 – 1.41 grams of protein per pound
of bodyweight may be necessary to continue
building muscle during periods of reduced
calorie intake). This gradual increase in calorie
intake is important because substantial weight
loss results in a slower metabolism even if you
maintain or build muscle during your jump-
start weight-loss program. It isn’t entirely clear
why this happens and the drop is greater than
scientists can predict based on a decrease in
muscle mass. Even if you build some muscle,
this won’t fire up your metabolism to make
up for a drastic decrease in bodyweight. One
pound of muscle burns a measly 5.9 calories
per day at rest while a pound of fat burns two
authors cut carbohydrates, the participants IF YOU WANT TO GET RID calories per day at rest. Greater weight lost
wouldn’t make it through their high-intensity OF YOUR LOVE HANDLES while dieting means an even greater drop in
training program that was specifically designed WHILE BUILDING A SIX- metabolism— something dieters must account
to take off fat and increase muscle mass. for so they can maintain their new weight.
In addition to slowly increasing calorie
KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF COMBINE AN EFFECTIVE intake and consuming a higher protein diet,
Consider a program like the one used in RESISTANCE TRAINING each meal should contain at least 25 to 30
this study a short-term jump-start. It isn’t AND HIGH-INTENSITY grams of protein. The exact amount of protein
sustainable over a long period of time. Even INTERVAL TRAINING per meal needed to maximally stimulate
though both groups of participants experienced PROGRAM WITH A muscle building depends on several variables,
substantial changes, they didn’t want to REDUCED CALORIE, including the type of protein consumed,
continue with the same diet and exercise HIGHER PROTEIN DIET. amount of calories taken in over the course of
the day, bodyweight and training program.
Your exercise regimen should continue to
REFERENCES: Reduced resting skeletal muscle protein synthesis is rescued by include resistance training and you’d be wise
Weinheimer EM, Sands LP, Campbell WW. A systematic resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term to continually vary your training program.
review of the separate and combined effects of energy restriction energy deficit. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2014;306:E989–97.
and exercise on fat free mass in middle-aged and older adults: Pasiakos SM, Vislocky LM, Carbone JW, Altieri N, Konopelski Remember that exercise is icing on the cake.
implications for sarcopenic obesity. Nutr Rev 2010;68:375–88. K, Freake HC, Anderson JM, Ferrando AA, Wolfe RR, Rodriguez NR. Research shows many people naturally adjust
Stiegler P, Cunliffe A. The role of diet and exercise for the Acute energy deprivation affects skeletal muscle protein
synthesis and associated intracellular signaling proteins in
to greater amounts of aerobic exercise by
maintenance of fat-free mass and resting metabolic rate during
weight loss. Sports Med 2006;36(3):239-62. physically active adults. J Nutr 2010;140:745–51. decreasing their activities of daily living. They
Heymsfield SB, Gonzalez MCC, Shen W, Redman L, Thomas Hector AJ, Marcotte GR, Churchward-Venne TA, Murphy exercise intensely at the gym and then sit the
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Critical Review and Critique of This Widely Cited Rule. Obes Rev supplementation preserves postprandial myofibrillar protein rest of the day. Circumvent this by using one of
2014; 15(4):310–321. synthesis during short-term energy restriction in overweight and the many devices that counts steps each day.
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impedance and by densitometry. Am J Clin Nutr 1989;49(1):33-6. Kassis A, Karagounis LG, Burke LM, Hawley JA, Phillips SM. house including cleaning, mowing your lawn,
Johannsen DL, Knuth ND, Huizenga R, Rood JC, Ravussin E, Hypoenergetic diet-induced reductions in myofibrillar protein
synthesis are restored with resistance training and balanced
gardening and washing your car. Get moving
Hall KD. Metabolic Slowing with Massive Weight Loss despite
Preservation of Fat-Free Mass. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012; daily protein ingestion in older men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol and stay moving all day long.
97(7): 2489–2496. Metab 2015;308:E734–43. If you want to get rid of your love handles
Ravussin E, Bogardus C. Review Relationship of genetics, Chaston TB, Dixon JB, O’Brien PE. Changes in fat-free mass
age, and physical fitness to daily energy expenditure and fuel during significant weight loss: a systematic review. Int J Obes while building a six-pack at the same time,
utilization. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 49(5 Suppl):968-75. (Lond) 2007; 31(5):743-50. combine an effective resistance training and
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and exercise program does not need to be as
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deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean SM. Role of protein and amino acids in promoting lean mass rigorous as the one in this study. Instead, you
mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr accretion with resistance exercise and attenuating lean mass can adjust the McMaster University approach
2016;103:738-46. loss during energy deficit in humans. Amino Acids 2013;
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intensity intermittent exercise on body composition of overweight Helms ER, Zinn C, Rowlands DS, Brown SR. A systematic take more time. Once you reach your goal
young males. J Obes 2012;2012:480467. review of dietary protein during caloric restriction in resistance
Areta JL, Burke LM, Camera DM, West DW, Crawshay S, trained lean athletes: a case for higher intakes. Int J Sport Nutr weight, slowly transition your training program
Moore DR, Stellingwerff T, Phillips SM, Hawley JA, Coffey VG. Exerc Metab 2014; 24(2):127-38. and diet to an approach you can live with. JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 63

FitRx s












64 F I TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



To better understand how to properly use SMIT and HIIT, you must first understand
the differences between the two. HIIT involves interspersing high-intensity work inter-
vals performed at 100 percent VO2 max with either low-intensity, active-recovery or
passive recovery phases (e.g., standing or sitting fairly still). SMIT, on the other hand,
involves interspersing maximal-intensity bursts of physical activity intervals per-
formed at more than 100 percent VO2 max with the same rest interval.


Fat loss and supramaximal interval training (HIIT) are both hot topics that are
often associated with fitness and the sports training world. However, although
running is a more universal exercise type than cycling, there are limited data on
whether sprint interval training (repeated super-maximal intensity, short duration
exercise bouts) affects body composition, as most SMIT data on body composition
involves cycling exercise. Probably the most well-known study using cycling is the
research that gave us the Tabata intervals, which consist of 20 seconds of supra-
mximal intensity (as hard as you can go) exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest,
repeated for eight rounds for a total of four minutes. Contrary to popular belief,
the original Tabata interval training study does not measure fat loss. In fact, there
was no mention of fat loss in the paper at all.5

R esearch has demonstrated that high-

intensity interval training (HIIT) im-
proves work capacity (i.e., conditioning),
A study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism focused on as-
sessing whether supramaximal running intervals can alter body composition, waist
circumference, VO2 max and peak running speed.6
glucose metabolism and fat burning.1,2,3 The female participants of this study completed six weeks of running SMIT consist-
While most personal trainers and exercise ing of four to six 30-second “all-out” sprints on a self-propelled treadmill separated by
enthusiasts are familiar with HIIT, many are four minutes rest performed three times per week. The results of this study found that
less familiar with supramaximal interval six weeks of the training decreased body fat mass by 8.0 percent, and reduced waist
training (SMIT). circumference by 3.5 percent, increased fat-free mass (i.e., muscle) by 1.3 percent
Performing SMIT may even be a more (45.7±3.5 to 46.3±2.9 kg; P=0.05), boosted VO2 max by 8.7 percent and improved
effective method for improving fitness peak running speed by 4.8 percent.
and performance. A 2013 study published As if those results aren’t impressive enough, possibly the most interesting thing
in the European Journal of Sport Science about these results is that there were no differences in food intake (assessed by a
looked at the endurance and sprint ben- three-day food record).
efits of high-intensity and supramaximal It’s important to note that the relationship of how many calories you consume
interval training.4 The researchers found per day to the number you burn per day is the single most important factor when
that “improvements in 3,000-m time trial it comes to determining whether you lose fat. The concept that you need to be in
performance were greater following SMIT a caloric deficit in order to lose fat isn’t personal opinion nor is it up for debate
than continuous running, and improve- by so-called diet gurus. This is validated in science, as research looking into the
ments in 40-m sprint and repeated sprint potential advantages to diets emphasizing protein, fat or carbohydrates has found
ability (RSA) performance were greater that reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful fat loss regardless of
following SMIT than HIIT and continuous which macronutrients they emphasize.7
running.”4 Additionally, the higher the With that reality in mind, there are two ways to create a caloric deficit.You can ei-
intensity of the exercise, the greater the ther eat fewer calories or you can eat the same amount of calories and increase your
metabolic impact.1 activity level to burn more calories. In the case of the female subjects of this study, do-

66 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

ing four to six 30-second bouts of running SMIT three times per week,
which is only nine minutes of total work done per week, was enough to
not only increase their fitness levels, but also metabolically demanding
enough to put them in a caloric deficit.
These impressive results led the researchers of the running SMIT
study to conclude that running SMIT is a time-efficient strategy to de-
crease body fat while increasing aerobic capacity, peak running
speed, and fat-free mass.6


Since the studies mentioned here have already discussed two effec-
tive indoor training methods to use SMIT (treadmill sprints and Tabata
intervals on an upright bike), here are some outdoor SMIT applications
for running and cycling.

SMIT Option #1: Gassers
Gassers have been used by American football coaches for years in
order to get their players in great condition for the upcoming season.
They were originally performed by running the width (sideline to side-
line) of an American football field, which is about 53 yards (49 meters),
for four laps, and half gassers involved running two laps. In the context SMIT Option #2: Track Intervals
of the functional-spectrum workouts presented in this article, gassers SET-UP: YOU’LL NEED TO USE A TRACK—
involve running laps between two cones located 50 yards apart, since THE KIND YOU’LL FIND AT A LOCAL SCHOOL
this distance makes for a nice round number and not everyone has ac- Action: Walk the curved parts of the track and run as
cess to an American football field. fast as you can on the straight parts of the track. Perform
three to six laps.
Action: Jog up to the start cone, then run as fast as you can back and • Jog a few steps before you begin to run the straight
forth between the cones. Unlike in shuttle sprints, you don’t touch the portions of the track.
cones at the turns— therefore, you stay more upright. • Drive with your arms while running fast.
Use a work-to-rest ratio of 1:3 or 1:2 between rounds, depending
on your fitness level. For example, using a 1:3 ratio, if it takes you one CYCLING SMIT
minute to complete a full round of gassers, then rest for three minutes Cycling is low-impact, and therefore knee-friendly,
before starting the next round. Perform two to five sets. which makes it a good substitute for people who struggle
with knee issues from running. It’s also a great alternative
COACHING TIPS: to running for those without knee issues to use to mix up
• You can start your gasser runs from the starting line. However, I rec- your SMIT.
ommend jogging up to the starting point in order to reduce the risk of As you’d expect, to perform cycling SMIT, pedal as hard
injury that can come from quick starts. and as fast and as you can for 20 to 45 seconds. Active rest
• Drive with your arms while running. for one to three minutes between intervals by pedaling at
a pace that puts you around a three on a scale of one to 10,
with 10 being as fast as you can move. Perform eight 20
rounds. ■

1. Perry, Christopher G.R.; Heigenhauser, et al. (December 2008). “High-intensity
aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human
skeletal muscle.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 33 (6): 1112–1123.
2. Laursen, P.B.; Jenkins D.G. (2002). “The Scientific Basis for High-Intensity Interval
Training: Optimising Training Programmes and Maximising Performance in Highly
Trained Endurance Athletes”. Sports Medicine 32 (1): 53–73.
3. Talanian, Jason L.; Stuart D. R. Galloway, et al. (2007). “Two weeks of high-
intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise
in women”. Journal of Applied Physiology 102 (4): 1439–1447.
4. Cicioni-Kolsky, D, Lorenzen, C, Williams, MD, and Kemp, JG. Endurance and sprint
benefits of high-intensity and supramaximal interval training. European Journal of Sport
Science 13(3): 304-311, 2013.
5. Tabata, I., et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity
intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996
6. Hazell TJ, et al. Running sprint interval training induces fat loss in women. Appl
Physiol Nutr Metab. 2014 Aug;39(8):944-50.
7. Frank M. Sacks, M.D., George A. Bray, M.D., et al. Comparison of Weight-Loss
Diets with Different Compositions of Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates. N Engl J Med
2009; 360:859-873February 26, 2009 JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 67


H aving a well-defined midsection with
impressive abdominal muscles is the
occurs because a stronger core has a great-
er capacity to stabilize the joints and soft
Two alternative core exercises that were
goal for many individuals who work out. tissue within the core, while also promoting shown to trigger significantly greater acti-
This is particularly true this time of year, better movement patterns that altogether vation of the abdominal and oblique mus-
with the warmer weather. Unfortunately, reduce the likelihood of injury.3,4 Yet, in ad- cles than the sit-up, and therefore should
I still see so many people sitting in the dition to the relative inability of the sit-up be done in lieu of the ineffective sit-up, are
matted area of my gym, busting their tails to improve the core muscles, performing the power wheel roll-out and the hang-
doing sit-up after sit-up, with the expecta- sit-ups may actually damage the spine. The ing knee-up (or hanging knee-raise). The
tion of developing a leaner waistline with potential injury to the spine occurs, in part, power wheel roll-out starts with your knees
ripped abs. Sit-ups have also been utilized from the activation of the hip flexors (a mus- on the floor and your hands holding the
traditionally to develop the strength and cle group that runs from the top of the thigh power wheel on the floor directly in front
stability of the other core muscles. Since the bone to the vertebrae in the lower back) of your body, very close to the knees. From
core is central to the body, a stronger core during the initial phase of the sit-up, putting this position, the subject straightens out
is able to transfer force more efficiently a substantial amount of compressive force the body by rolling the wheel forward in a
throughout the body during exercise, sup- on the spinal disks within the compressed straight line, while maintaining a straight
porting greater strength production and region of the spine. The greater compres- spine and pelvis throughout the entire
lean muscle. Furthermore, the core’s mus- sive forces on the disk increase the risk for movement. When full extension is reached,
cles are activated while performing many disk herniation that may cause the disk to the subject simply reverses direction back
different athletic movements— meaning a pinch a nearby nerve, producing consider- toward the body until the wheel is in its
stronger core also enhances performance able pain. Another injury concern associat- original position, immediately in front of
on the athletic field, representing one more ed with sit-ups use is the repeated bending the knees.
reason to want a stronger core.1 of the spine that occurs during the sit-up The hanging knee-up exercise begins
While the sit-up may intuitively seem that could deteriorate the spine over time, with the body hanging in a vertical posi-
like the best way to cultivate shredded abs causing chronic pain and injury.3,4 tion with the trunk, hips and knees in full
and greater core strength, there are better As a result of the many shortcomings extension. From this position, the subject
training modalities that more effectively associated with the sit-up, you should prob- simply flexes the hips slowly, pulling the
activate all of the core muscles.2 The other ably rethink your entire approach to core knees up while keeping the legs together,
training modalities ultimately result in bet- training— incorporating some of the more resulting in about 125 degrees of hip and
ter development of the abdominal muscles effective, and relatively safer, exercises that knee flexion. At the top position, pause for
and that sought-after six-pack, as well will be mentioned within this article. The a second and then slowly lower your knees
as core strength, for better overall body exercises I describe will generate superior back to the starting position.
strength and athletic performance. core muscle activation, providing a greater One study5 showed that the power
Another advantage of a stronger core is training stimulus that generates a much wheel roll-out and hanging knee-up were
a decreased risk of injury. This evidently stronger and more ripped core. superior to the sit-up. Researchers at-


clearly shows
that alternate
training methods
generate superior
activation of the
primary muscle
groups within
the core.

68 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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strength and development more effectively than many of

the popular core-training techniques used today, includ-
ing the sit-up.
The ability of the deadlift to potently activate the
entire core was demonstrated in a study by Hamlyn et
al.6, which investigated the level of activation of vari-
ous core muscles while performing the deadlift and
two well-known core-training exercises, the superman
and side-bridge. In this study, 16 subjects performed
either deadlifts with 80 percent of their one-repetition
maximum (1RM), the superman or the side-bridge, while
having their core muscle activity measured. The results
showed that deadlifts activated certain core muscles 70
percent more than either the superman or side-bridge
HANGING KNEE-RAISE exercises. Since the superman and side-bridge exercises
are better at activating core muscles than the sit-up, the
deadlift is also more effective at triggering core muscle
function than the sit-up.
tached electrodes to the core As a result, the deadlift
muscles of 21 subjects to is an often overlooked,
measure muscular activity of yet apparently essential
the core, while performing 12 component of any train-
different abdominal muscle ing regimen for core
exercises including the sit- development, whereas
up, power wheel roll-out and the use of the sit-up
the hanging knee-up. The seems to be relatively
data showed that the power ineffective at hitting the
wheel roll-out most strongly core muscles.
activated the upper and lower In conclusion, while
abdominal muscles, while the many still utilize the sit-
hanging knee-up movement DEADLIFTS up to improve abdominal
induced the highest muscular development and core
activity within the internal and muscle performance, the
external oblique muscles. On scientific evidence clearly shows that alternate training
the other hand, the sit-up per- methods such as the power wheel roll-out and hanging
formed rather poorly— acti- knee-raise, along with the deadlift, generate superior
vating the abdominal muscles activation of the primary muscle groups within the core.
to only one-half the level of The greater ability of these different training modali-
the power wheel roll-out, and ties to activate core muscle groups promotes a superior
the oblique muscles to one- training adaptation that more potently enhances core
half the activity triggered by development and strength, ultimately leading to im-
the hanging knee-ups. Taken proved performance in the weight room and that highly
together, these results show sought-after six-pack. ■
that the sit-up is a poor choice For most of Michael Rudolph’s career he has been engrossed in the exercise world as
for overall abdominal training, either an athlete (he played college football at Hofstra University), personal trainer or as a
while the power wheel roll-out research scientist (he earned a B.Sc. in Exercise Science at Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Stony Brook University). After earning his Ph.D.,
should be utilized, especially Michael investigated the molecular biology of exercise as a fellow at Harvard Medical School
if you are focusing on abdomi- and Columbia University for over eight years. That research contributed seminally to under-
standing the function of the incredibly important cellular energy sensor AMPK— leading to
nal development— and the numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals including the journal Nature. Michael is
hanging knee-up should be currently a scientist working at the New York Structural Biology Center doing contract work for
the Department of Defense on a project involving national security.
employed to more precisely
target the oblique muscles.
DEADLIFTS ACTIVATE 1. Kibler WB, Press J and Sciascia A. The role of core stability in athletic function.
THE ENTIRE CORE Sports Med 2006;36, 189-198.
2. McGill SM. Low back disorders: evidence based prevention and rehabilitation.
While the deadlift is cus- Human Kinetics Publishers 2007.
tomarily known for its unpar- 3. Callaghan JP and McGill S.M. Intervertebral disk herniation: studies on a porcine
model exposed to highly repetitive flexion/extension motion with compressive force. Clin
alleled capacity to pack on Biomech 2001 (Bristol, Avon);16, 28-37.
muscle mass and strength, it 4. Tampier C, Drake JD, et al. Progressive disc herniation: an investigation of the
is also very good at building mechanism using radiologic, histochemical, and microscopic dissection techniques on a
porcine model. Spine 2007 (Phila Pa 1976);32, 2869-2874.
core strength by directly acti- 5. Escamilla RF, Babb E, et al. Electromyographic analysis of traditional and
vating all of the major muscle nontraditional abdominal exercises: implications for rehabilitation and training. Phys
Ther 2006;86, 656-671.
groups responsible for core 6. Hamlyn N, Behm DG and Young W.B. Trunk muscle activation during dynamic
strength. In fact, the dead- weight-training exercises and isometric instability activities. J Strength Cond Res 2007;21,
lift actually enhances core

70 F IT N E SS R x for MEN JU LY 2016



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C omplex training combines a
relatively heavy weightlifting
movement with an explosive movement
A typical set includes two exercises,
essentially one right after the other, with
a relatively short rest period between
Many studies have shown that complex
that specifically targets the same muscle each exercise— although some research training can enhance strength and power.3,4
groups. The key performance-enhancing suggests that it may be necessary to al- In fact, one study by Cormie et al.5 showed
effect triggered by complex training low up to three to four minutes rest be- that standard complex training— involving
comes from the capacity to trigger post- tween the weight training and explosive resistance training followed by an explosive
activation potentiation, which produces movement, for optimal potentiation.2 For movement— resulted in greater improve-
an instantaneous increase in muscle a complete workout, three to five com- ments in power and maximal strength at the
force production. The immediate surge plex sets are usually performed. end of the study, when compared with explo-
in force production is brought on by the An example of a complex training sive training or strength training alone.
greater number of interactions between set might involve barbell squats with In addition to the standard approach to
the two muscle contractile proteins, box jumps, deadlifting combined with complex training for strength gains, revers-
actin and myosin, triggered during the kettlebell swings or bench pressing ing the order of the complex set— with the
first half of the complex set.1 Ultimately, followed by plyometric push-ups. explosive movement coming before the
the increased interaction between actin Normally, the strength-training strength work— can also positively impact
and myosin generates greater muscular movement is performed first, using strength output. Such a reversal of training
contractile force. a relatively heavy weight between order impacts strength in a different way,
Complex training also vigorously 70 and 80 percent of the lifter’s one- where the positive impact on strength is
stimulates the nervous system, repetition maximum (1RM), for three felt immediately. This immediate effect was
activating more muscle tissue to five repetitions. It is critical not to shown in an investigation by Spreuwenberg
contraction, which further improves induce too much muscular fatigue, et al.6, where subjects performed high-
the force-generating capacity of as this would severely diminish the velocity power exercises before the resis-
the activated muscle groups as well capacity to perform the explosive tance movement (the squat), immediately
as the rate at which that muscular portion of the complex set. So, make improving squat strength, compared to a
force can be produced.1 The overall sure to back off just a bit on the second group that performed squats before
enhancement of muscular contraction first portion of the complex set. The the explosive movement. The instantaneous
ultimately provides a more potent strength exercise is followed by the capacity to lift heavier weights is primarily
training stimulus that uniquely drives explosive movement, which is done for caused by the induction of post-activation
superior gains in muscular size, five to eight repetitions at maximum potentiation. So, this study demonstrates that
strength and power. intensity. reversing the order of complex training can

72 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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also trigger post-activation potentiation, for stronger test subjects typically demonstrate
an immediate boost in strength production. superior performance while using complex
Interestingly, although the reversal in training. For instance, one study by Gour-
complex training order also produces goulis et al.11 found that during a complex
post-activation potentiation, it has been set, squatting significantly enhanced vertical
shown that the potentiation effect does not jumping ability in stronger test subjects by
last as long as it does when performing the four percent, while only increasing vertical
standard complex training sequence, with leap by 0.4 percent in weaker test subjects,
a reduction in the time of potentiation drop- clearly demonstrating the importance of
ping from five minutes to approximately strength levels on the positive impact of
one minute.7 As a result, in order to take full complex training.
advantage of the potentiation when doing In summary, the correct use of complex
reverse complex training, make sure to per- training can bestow greater muscular func-
form the strength set within one minute of tion in the weight room, promoting greater
the explosive movement. lean muscle mass, strength and power. How-
ever, just like any other training approach,
BOOST TESTOSTERONE proper use is essential to promote any
AND MUSCLE GROWTH performance-enhancing effect. More specif-
While complex training improves ically, the proper exercise movement, inten-
strength and power output, it also stimulates sity and rest period length between each
an anabolic environment that supports exercise within the complex set is critical for
greater lean muscle growth, by boosting developing and maintaining post-activation
levels of the muscle-building hormone tes- potentiation that boosts muscular contrac-
tosterone. In fact, one study by Beaven et al.8 tion force— providing a more vigorous
compared complex training and resistance training stimulus that drives performance
training alone, and looked at the respective enhancement. ■
influence on serum testosterone levels. The
For most of Michael Rudolph’s career he has been engrossed
results of the study showed subjects per- in the exercise world as either an athlete (he played college football
forming complex sets that involved heavy at Hofstra University), personal trainer or as a research scientist (he
box squats, followed by plyometric jump earned a B.Sc. in Exercise Science at Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in
squats, had the largest spike in serum tes- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Stony Brook University). After
earning his Ph.D., Michael investigated the molecular biology of exercise
tosterone levels of 13 percent.
as a fellow at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University for over
In addition, a few additional studies also eight years. That research contributed seminally to understanding the
showed that complex training led to rela- function of the incredibly important cellular energy sensor AMPK—
tively greater amounts of muscle growth as leading to numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals including
well, conceivably from enhanced testos- the journal Nature. Michael is currently a scientist working at the New
terone production. One study by Stasinaki York Structural Biology Center doing contract work for the Department
of Defense on a project involving national security.
et al.9 showed that six weeks of complex
training not only increased strength more REFERENCES
effectively than strength training alone, but 1. Rassier DE and Herzog W. Force enhancement following
also increased muscle fiber size during an active stretch in skeletal muscle. J Electromyogr Kinesiol
2002;12, 471-477.
this study— whereas strength training by 2. Ebben WP. Complex training: a brief review. J Sports Sci
itself did not increase muscle hypertrophy. Med 2002;1, 42-46.
Moreover, a second study10 reported that 3. Newton RU, Hakkinen K, et al. Mixed-methods resistance
training increases power and strength of young and older men.
combining plyometric work with resistance Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34, 1367-1375.
training of the upper leg preferentially 4. Kyrolainen H, Avela J, et al. Effects of power training on
muscle structure and neuromuscular performance. Scand J Med
increased fast-twitch muscle fiber size by Sci Sports 2005;15, 58-64.
approximately 20 percent within the upper 5. Cormie P, McCaulley GO and McBride JM. Power versus
strength-power jump squat training: influence on the load-power
leg— indicating another way that complex relationship. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007;39, 996-1003.
training potently enhances strength and 6. Spreuwenberg LP, Kraemer WJ, et al. Influence of exercise
power gains, as fast-twitch muscle fibers order in a resistance-training exercise session. J Strength Cond
Res 2006;20, 141-144.
provide a greater force-producing capacity 7. Gilbert G and Lees A. Changes in the force development
than slow-twitch muscle fibers, resulting in characteristics of muscle following repeated maximum force and
power exercise. Ergonomics 2005;48, 1576-1584.
superior strength gains. 8. Beaven CM, Gill ND, et al. Acute salivary hormone
responses to complex exercise bouts. J Strength Cond Res 2011;25,
9. Stasinaki AN, Gloumis G, et al. Muscle Strength, Power,
While complex training can be an effec- and Morphologic Adaptations After 6 Weeks of Compound vs.
tive way to boost muscular performance and Complex Training in Healthy Men. J Strength Cond Res 2015;29,
growth, studies have shown that lifters with 10. Hakkinen K, Komi PV and Alen M. Effect of explosive
more strength levels benefit most from this type strength training on isometric force- and relaxation-time,
electromyographic and muscle fibre characteristics of leg
form of training. Overall, researchers find no extensor muscles. Acta Physiol Scand 1985;125, 587-600.
significant performance enhancement with 11. Gourgoulis V, Aggeloussis N, et al. Effect of a submaximal
half-squats warm-up program on vertical jumping ability. J
complex training methods in subjects with Strength Cond Res 2003;17, 342-344.
very low strength levels.Yet, on the contrary,

74 F IT N E SS R x for MEN JU LY 2016



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You might not need iconic arms to be in great shape,
but you need to have significantly superior than average
fitness shaped upper arms if you want to be on the top of
your game. It is very reasonable to employ basic exercises
like barbell and dumbbell curls to build your arms, but
these standbys do have their limits. These exercises largely
activate the upper two-thirds of the arm quite well, but the
lower and inner parts of the anterior arm do not get quite
as much focus as you need to rise to the next level. One of
the best approaches to hit the lower arm is the single-arm
dumbbell Scott curl.1 This version of curls on a preacher
bench was used and popularized by the first Mr. Olympia,
Larry Scott, and because of his success and thick biceps
has his name forever linked to this exercise.

The biceps brachii has two heads.2 The upper attachment
of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle is just above
the shoulder joint on the glenoid tubercle. Dumbbell Scott
curls place the arm forward, but this is not a position that
stretches the long head, and therefore the short head
receives a more direct activation by this exercise. The short
head of the biceps is positioned along the inside (medial
side) of the arm.2 It connects to the anterior (front) part
of the scapula bone or “shoulder blade” just below the
shoulder joint. The short head of the biceps extends along
the medial (inner) part of the humerus bone of the arm and
it comes together with the muscle fibers of the long head of
the biceps brachii muscle to anchor to the strong bicipital
tendon. The bicipital tendon crosses the front part of the
elbow joint and it attaches to the radius bone of the forearm
near the elbow joint. Contraction of the biceps muscle can
pivot the radius bone at the elbow joint and this supinates
the hand2 (by turning the palm of the hand toward the
ceiling). The short head of the biceps brachii is activated
just as strongly whether the shoulder and arm are forward
(arm flexion) as in Scott curls or pulled backwards (arm
extension) during elbow flexion.
Although the brachialis muscle is largely hidden by the
biceps brachii, it is a very important and very strong flexor
of the elbow joint.2 In fact, the brachialis generates as much
as 70 percent of the total arm flexion force.3 The brachialis The Scott (preacher) bench angle should be 60 to 80 degrees.
muscle attaches along the anterior side of the humerus The exercise can be done with one arm or both arms at the same
bone of the arm and crosses the elbow joint anteriorly. Its time, but the single arm version is described here.
distal attachment is on the anterior side of the non-pivoting After 10-12 good repetitions, your biceps and brachialis
ulna bone of the forearm near the elbow joint, which should be screaming for you to stop. This will be partly because
prevents the brachialis from having any role in supination the muscle fibers will be feeling deprived of its blood supply5
of the hand.2 and have altered motor function.6

76 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

1.  Place a dumbbell in one hand. Sit on the seat (or
stand behind the bench if your bench does not
have a seat) of the Scott bench. Place the triceps of one
arm on the top one-third of the bench. Do not jam your
armpit (axilla) into the top edge of the bench because
this makes it is too easy to cheat.

2.  Flex the elbow joint so the weight moves upward

toward your face or nose. Bring the handle up as
far as possible. Isometrically squeeze the biceps muscle
at the top of the movement. This voluntary isometric
contraction will ensure that all of the fibers in the biceps
and the brachialis are activated in each repetition. Be-
cause the hand will be supinated during the exercise,
the biceps will be strongly activated throughout the
range of motion.

3.  Slowly lower the dumbbell toward your start-

ing position as you straighten out the elbow. This
should take three to four seconds to lower the weight.4

4.  Stop the descent of the dumbbell before your

elbows become fully straight. This will maintain
the tension on the biceps and brachialis throughout the
full range of motion. It is important to make this a slow
descent and control the lowering of the weight. A fast
descent, will, at best, reduce the effectiveness of the
exercise, but at worst, it will result in injury to the elbow
joint and bicipital tendon, particularly as the elbow
joints are straightened.

After you are unable to manage any more repetitions on

your last set, you may want to use your non-working hand
to help your fatiguing arm to complete two more repeti-
tions. These are extremely high efforts, so one set done
this way should be enough if you are going all out, and
even if you have unlimited energy you should not do more
than two— otherwise you may overtrain and induce some
damage your biceps and brachialis muscles.7,8,9
The Scott bench is much harder to complete than stand-
ing curls. This is because the Scott bench prevents you
from pulling the arms posteriorly to gain assistance from
the long head of the biceps or to do any “cheating” to
swing the weight up with torso movement, as is often the
case with standing barbell curls. It will take extreme con-
centration and dedicated, intense efforts to achieve stone-
cold and strong arms from top to bottom. Nothing can
replace hard work and plenty of sweat for creating strong,
polished biceps. Nevertheless, a few months of adding
three sets of single-arm Scott dumbbell curls will allow
you to begin to blast through your arm barriers and bring
you the best arms in time for the end of summer fun. ■

1. Moore, K.L. and A.F. Dalley. Clinically Orientated Anatomy. 4th Edition. Lippincott Williams & economy and endurance capacity but not skeletal muscle blood flow. J Sports Sci 2011;29:161-170.
Wilkins, P.J. Kelly, Editor. Baltimore, Philadelphia. pp. 720-723, 1999. 6. Dartnall TJ, Nordstrom MA, Semmler JG: Adaptations in biceps brachii motor unit activity after
2. Bankoff AD, Gushi MS, Boer NP: Electromyographic study of the flexor muscles of the elbow repeated bouts of eccentric exercise in elbow flexor muscles. J Neurophysiol 2011;105:1225-1235.
articulation in weightlifting trained subjects. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 2007;47:49-54. 7. Semmler JG: Motor unit activity after eccentric exercise and muscle damage in humans. Acta
3. Akagi R, Iwanuma S, Hashizume S et al: In vivo measurements of moment arm lengths of three Physiol (Oxf) 2014;210:754-767.
elbow flexors at rest and during isometric contractions. J Appl Biomech 2012;28:63-69. 8. Semmler JG, Ebert SA, Amarasena J: Eccentric muscle damage increases intermuscular
4. Akagi R, Iwanuma S, Hashizume S et al: Association between contraction-induced increases in coherence during a fatiguing isometric contraction. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2013;208:362-375.
elbow flexor muscle thickness and distal biceps brachii tendon moment arm depends on the muscle 9. Soares S, Ferreira-Junior JB, Pereira MC et al: Dissociated Time Course of Muscle Damage
thickness measurement site. J Appl Biomech 2014;30:134-139. Recovery Between Single- and Multi-Joint Exercises in Highly Resistance-Trained Men. J Strength Cond
5. Kemi OJ, Rognmo O, Amundsen BH et al: One-arm maximal strength training improves work Res 2015;29:2594-2599. JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 77


G enerally accepted resistance training guidelines recommend that exercise order
should progress from large to small muscle group movements over the course of a
workout session.1,5 In this regard, multi-joint exercises such as squats, presses and rows
should be performed early in the session, while single-joint movements such as leg ex-
tensions and biceps curls are performed later on. The reasoning for such a recommenda-
tion is predicated on the theory that performing small muscle exercises first fatigues the
smaller synergistic muscles required to carry out compound movements, thereby im-
pairing subsequent multi-joint performance. For instance, performance of skull-crushers
before the bench press would fatigue the triceps brachii, thereby hindering the ability to
overload the larger pectoralis major muscle when benching. Since overload is essential to
muscle development, it’s reasonable to assume that growth would be compromised.

THE QUESTION IS: DOES SCIENTIFIC since the absolute amount of weight
EVIDENCE BACK UP THE ASSUMPTION? used in an exercise is necessarily
Let’s take a look at what the research shows. heavier during compound movements,
Acute training studies consistently show a the magnitude of decreases tend to be
reduction in the number of repetitions achieved greater in these exercises when they’re
when a given exercise is performed later, as performed after those involving small
opposed to at the beginning of a session.9,10,12 muscle groups. Hence, volume load— a
These findings hold true regardless of whether potentially important factor for hyper-
the exercise is for a small or large muscle group, trophy6— is generally better preserved
and persist irrespective of the percentage of when compound movements are placed
one-repetition maximum. Note, however, that early in the training sequence.
Despite a seemingly logical basis in support of the recommendation to
perform large-muscle exercises first, long-term training studies investigat-
ing the effects of exercise order on muscle hypertrophy indicate otherwise.
Brazilian researchers11 assessed how exercise order influences growth of the
arm muscles following 12 weeks of upper-body training. One group of sub-
jects performed four exercises in the following order: barbell bench press,
lat pulldown, triceps extension and biceps curl (i.e., large muscles before
small muscles), while another group performed the exercises in the reverse
order (i.e., small muscles before large muscles). Somewhat surprisingly,
performing large muscle exercises first did not enhance hypertrophy. In
fact, triceps growth increased only in the group that performed small muscle
group exercises early in the session! A follow-up study by the same research-
ers showed similar results, with the triceps gaining more size when exercise
order progressed from small to large muscle movements.13 Based on these
studies, it would seem like there’s actually a benefit to training the arms be-
fore the muscles of the torso, right?
Not so fast.
It’s important to realize that neither study measured hypertrophy in the
pecs or the lats. It would be reasonable to speculate that whichever muscles
were trained early on in the workout grew more than when they were per-
formed toward the end of the session. All told, this suggests a benefit to train-
ing your weak points first, and leaving the muscles that respond well until the
end of the bout.
Some fitness pros advocate performing lower-body exercises before
upper-body movements. This approach is based on the hormone hypothesis,
whereby a surge in testosterone, GH and IGF-1 from working the leg muscles

78 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6



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is purported to improve the anabolic en- each exercise. Training was carried out
vironment when training the upper-body twice a week for 12 weeks. The results?
musculature.14 A study by Ronnestad et Consistent with EMG findings, all groups
al.7 seems to support this contention, increased lean mass over the study pe-
with results showing that growth of the riod, but no significant differences were
elbow flexors (i.e., biceps brachii and seen between the participants who pre-
brachialis) was substantially enhanced fatigued their muscles compared with
when trained after performing multiple those who did not.
sets of leg presses, leg extensions and So what can we take away when rec-
leg curls. The researchers attributed the onciling all the evidence? The practical
increased growth to greater elevations in message is this: prioritize exercise order
post-exercise anabolic hormonal levels. so that lagging muscles are trained first
One little problem: recent research shows in a workout; whether the muscle is large
that exercise order (lower to upper versus or small shouldn’t matter. In this way, you
upper to lower) has no effect on delivery can channel your efforts to bring up weak
of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 areas when your energy levels are at their
to the arm muscles.14 What’s more, emerg- peak. It’s a concept popularized by Joe
ing evidence shows that acute elevations Weider many years ago, and it still holds
in anabolic hormones following exercise true today. Sometimes, research needs
are of questionable significance, and at time to catch up with what we learn in the
best have a small effect on overall growth.8 trenches. ■
Thus, if there is a benefit to performing
lower body exercise first in a session— a Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., CSCS, FNSCA is widely
possibility that’s still highly equivocal— it regarded as one of the leading authorities on training
for muscle development and fat loss. He has published
likely is not influenced much if at all by
over 60 peer-reviewed studies on various exercise- and
hormonal fluctuations. nutrition-related topics. He is also the author of the best-
What about a potential benefit to pre- selling book, The M.A.X. Muscle Plan, and runs a popular
exhaustion? You know, where a single- website and blog at
joint exercise is immediately followed by
a multi-joint exercise for the same muscle REFERENCES
group (i.e., chest flye followed by bench 1. American College of Sports Medicine. American College
press)? The strategy sounds good in of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in
resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc
theory. After all, pre-fatiguing the target 2009;41:687-708.
muscle should enhance recruitment of its 2. Augustsson J, Thomee R, et al. Effect of pre-exhaustion
exercise on lower-extremity muscle activation during a leg press
highest-threshold motor units— the ones exercise. J Strength Cond Res 2003;17:411-416.
associated with the largest fast-twitch 3. Fisher JP, Carlson L, et al. The effects of pre-exhaustion,
exercise order, and rest intervals in a full-body resistance
fibers— during the ensuing compound training intervention. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2014;39:1265-1270.
exercise. Thing is, EMG studies don’t sup- 4. Gentil P, Oliveira E, et al. Effects of exercise order on
port the hypothesis. In fact, muscle activa- upper-body muscle activation and exercise performance. J
Strength Cond Res 2007;21:1082-1086.
tion of the quads was actually found to be 5. Kraemer WJ and Ratamess NA. Fundamentals of
lower in the leg press when performed resistance training: progression and exercise prescription. Med
Sci Sports Exerc 2004;36:674-688.
following leg extensions to failure.2 Simi- 6. Peterson MD, Pistilli E, et al. Progression of volume load
larly, Gentil et al.4 showed that activation and muscular adaptation during resistance exercise. Eur J Appl
Physiol 2011;111:1063-1071.
of the pectoralis major was reduced dur- 7. Ronnestad BR, Nygaard H and Raastad T. Physiological
ing the bench press after performance of elevation of endogenous hormones results in superior strength
a set of pec deck flyes. training adaptation. Eur J Appl Physiol 2011;111:2249-2259.
8. Schoenfeld BJ. Post-exercise hypertrophic adaptations: a
To determine whether pre-exhaustion reexamination of the hormone hypothesis and its applicability
influences muscle growth over the long to resistance training program design. J Strength Cond Res
haul, Fisher et al.3 randomized resistance- 9. Simao R, Farinatti Pde T, et al. Influence of exercise order
trained men into one of three groups: a on the number of repetitions performed and perceived exertion
during resistance exercises. J Strength Cond Res 2005;19:152-156.
group that performed an isolation exercise 10. Simao R, Farinatti Pde T, et al. Influence of exercise
and then immediately performed a com- order on the number of repetitions performed and perceived
pound exercise (i.e., pre-exhaustion); a exertion during resistance exercise in women. J Strength Cond
Res 2007;21:23-28.
group that performed the same exercise 11. Simao R Spineti J, et al. Influence of exercise order on
order with a 60-second rest interval be- maximum strength and muscle thickness in untrained men. J
Sports Sci Med 2010;9:1-7.
tween sets; and a group that performed 12. Simao R, Figueiredo T, et al. Influence of exercise order
exercises following traditional guidelines on repetition performance during low-intensity resistance
exercise. Res Sports Med 2012;20:263-273.
(compound exercise performed early 13. Spineti J, de Salles BF, et al. Influence of exercise
on in the session, followed afterward by order on maximum strength and muscle volume in
single-joint movements) with a 60-second nonlinear periodized resistance training. J Strength Cond Res
rest between sets. Exercises included the 14. West DW, Cotie LM, et al. Resistance exercise order does
pec flye, chest press, leg extension, leg not determine post-exercise delivery of testosterone, growth
hormone, and IGF-1 to skeletal muscle. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab
press, pullover and pulldown. One set of 2013;38:220-226.
eight to 12 repetitions was performed for

80 F IT N E SS R x for MEN JU LY 2016

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I am extremely excited about making my IFBB pro debut in the new Classic Physique division. This may be a no-brainer for some,
With an emphasis on symmetry and flowing lines in posing, this division will bring back the look that and you may just laugh and say that vi-
inspired many of us older guys to start competing. Better yet, it is a healthier and more attainable look
tamin D is already in your multivitamin.
that should bring many new faces to the NPC, and the IFBB will see some division shifts from Men’s
However, vitamin D is much more impor-
Physique and 212 pros.
We all know that intense training and a strict diet are critical to success in any physique sport.
tant than many of us realize, as it is a hor-
However, we also know that proper nutritional supplementation can help take us to new levels that mone and it needs to be supplemented
food alone may have trouble achieving. As Classic Physique competitors, we still need to pack dense at levels higher than the recommended
muscle on our frames, proportionate to our height. In this article, I will present to you what I believe are daily allowances.
the 10 most essential supplements for building muscle. We get our power from the sun, much
like Superman. Vitamin D can be made
in our skin by ultraviolet conversion from
2. HMB cholesterol as its precursor-like steroid
With leucine being such a powerful hormones. If you recall from previous
and unique amino acid in building muscle, articles, cholesterol is also a precursor to
naturally, metabolites of leucine have gar- the hormones like testosterone, cortisol
nered the attention of scientists as potential and aldosterone. In fact, vitamin D is a
mediators of metabolically active muscle. “secosteroid” capable of acting in all of
Leucine is broken down in a couple of our cells by entering the cell nucleus
steps to beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate and turning on gene transcription. Again,
(HMB). Supplementation with HMB has this is just like testosterone. Studies even
been shown to be effective for your mus- show that vitamin D supplementation of
cle-building efforts in a number of studies.2 more than 3,000 IU per day can increase
HMB supplementation can improve testosterone levels.4
recovery from exercise with a reduction Some of the functions that vitamin D
in muscle damage and enhance muscle turns on are for regulation of calcium
growth, strength and power after the ap- in the bones and blood— the function
1. WHEY PROTEIN propriate exercise stimulus. Of note, studies most people know for vitamin D. But did
I certainly hope that you aren’t that have shown a benefit of HMB supple- you know that vitamin D is also critical
intolerant or allergic to milk proteins, mentation have either been in untrained to your muscle cell’s ability to contract,
because whey is the best way to add subjects who are prone to become sore, or its response to insulin and its ability to
protein to your diet. We all worry that trained athletes who were subjected to an grow under the influence of leucine5?
too many calories are going to make it exercise protocol that sufficiently pushed The functions of vitamin D are so diverse
difficult for the fat to come off. Dr. Joey the adaptive envelope— in other words, the that it is beyond the scope of this article. I
Antonio and colleagues have shown that training made people sore! would highly recommend that you obtain
adding extra whey protein is a great If you’re dieting, HMB is great for pre- at least 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 from all
whey to get more protein calories without venting loss of muscle. Studies of HMB sources per day. Most multivitamins fall
worrying about conversion to fat while supplementation in catabolic states, such as short on this number.
weight training.1 a calorie-restricted diet or immobilization
In my Leucine Factor Diet book, I from injury, show that it can prevent muscle
explain how it is important to get around loss. In addition to inhibiting muscle break-
0.02 grams of leucine per pound of down, HMB acts similar to leucine, boosting
bodyweight per meal. Leucine is a very muscle protein synthesis through activation
special branched-chain amino acid of mTOR. HMB can stimulate muscle pro-
that has the capacity to turn on muscle tein synthesis by up to 70 percent (leucine
protein synthesis, while also enhancing up to 110%) while also decreasing muscle
metabolism in the long run. Whey breakdown by up to 57 percent.3 It’s the
protein isolate and hydrolysates are perfect muscle-sparing nutrient.You should
among the most concentrated sources take two to three grams of HMB per day for
of leucine available. Adding an extra 40 two weeks before you can expect results.
grams of whey protein (or more) to your The results from HMB may limit muscle
diet after your workouts and with another soreness in the short term, but it may be a
meal can be a very effective way to build few weeks before you notice your abs in
and maintain lean muscle mass. the mirror, or bigger biceps.

82 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

sleep, which is the release of growth hor-
mone and its subsequent stimulation of IGF-
1 release.7 Both of these hormones are very
important for muscle recovery and staying
lean. Growth hormone is typically released
during deep, slow-wave sleep in the middle
of the night. Unfortunately, stress, achy joints
or a small bladder (or big prostate) may
interrupt that sleep. Sometimes, fat-burning
supplements can interrupt our sleep quality
and require some help to overcome.
Melatonin supplementation of one to
five milligrams can be an effective way to
enhance your sleep and the GH/IGF-1 axis.
Additionally, melatonin is a strong antioxi-
4. FISH OIL dant that can be effective in protecting us Caffeine can be an essential compo-
This is another supplement that helps from excessive free radical damage after a nent to a successful training regimen,
us derive power from the sun. We all want physically demanding day. Don’t fall asleep especially when you’re too tired to even
to be Superman. Algae take in the rays on getting your melatonin. It’s inexpensive go to the gym. Caffeine consumption (3-6
of the sun and turn that energy into the and safe, with few known downsides. mg/kg) prior to exercise increases perfor-
fatty acids EPA, DPA and DHA. Small fish mance during endurance and short-term
consume these algae and then are eaten intense exercise. Caffeine can help you
in large quantities by bigger fish, making increase your training efficacy, recovery
the bigger fish concentrated sources of and mobilization of fat stores. Caffeine
these fatty acids. supplements and coffee are an especially
Many of us already eat lots of salmon, great way to boost your training when di-
which are rich in these healthy oils. These eting for a competition, where fatigue can
are essential long-chain omega-3 poly- be severely limiting.
unsaturated fatty acids, and really aren’t
obtained well from other sources.You might 7. CREATINE
ask, “Why not flaxseed or another omega-3 This is perhaps the most important
source?” and I will tell you that these don’t “C” supplement in your arsenal. Creatine
contain the EPA, DPA and DHA that have monohydrate is by far one of the most revo-
been proven to be special for our health lutionary sports supplement ingredients to
and metabolism. Further, our bodies are ever hit the shelves. Every other ingredient
very poor at elongating the fats from flax created tries to become the “next creatine.”
into these special oils. Creatine is involved in energy produc-
EPA, DPA and DHA have very special 6. CAFFEINE tion and anabolism in many tissues. In mus-
properties that improve the function of our If melatonin made you fall asleep, then cle and brain cells, creatine is converted to
muscle cells.6 Increasing fish oil in our diets it’s time to wake up! Caffeine is a tried-and- creatine phosphate to act as a phosphate
has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also im- true ingredient in just about every pre- donor to recreate needed ATP (adenosine
proves the functions of our cell membranes workout on the market. Caffeine is heavily triphosphate) from ADP (adenosine diphos-
that control many of the signals of me- used in sports nutrition products to give phate). Creatine phosphate makes sure
tabolism, including insulin sensitivity and them an “uplifting” effect that you can actu- that ATP is immediately available for short
muscle protein synthesis. ally feel. Fortunately, there are numerous bursts of energy; supplementation can add
Supplementation with fish oil at two to studies supporting caffeine as a booster of one rep to a set of 10 to exhaustion.10 Cre-
four grams per day can be very helpful to power, strength and endurance. atine is also a buffer of acid and an osmo-
those who are dieting down to just chicken Studies suggest that a relatively low lyte bringing water into the cell. All of these
breasts and asparagus. The omega-3 fish dose of three milligrams per kilogram of
oils are fatty acids that we really can’t live bodyweight is adequate to experience
without and may even improve recovery performance-enhancing benefits. In a
and performance, so make sure you’re at 150-pound person, that is only ~200 mil-
least supplementing with some. ligrams of caffeine. Interestingly, despite
performance enhancement, very little
5. MELATONIN metabolic changes occur at this dose.
The power of the sun continues with Based on a few studies, it seems that the
melatonin, although a little less directly. better seasoned you are as an athlete, the
The light of day controls our sleep and more effective acute doses of caffeine
wake cycle through interactions with the seem to become.8 Doses of five to six mil-
pineal gland that secretes the hormone ligrams per kilogram of bodyweight are
melatonin. Melatonin helps initiate a more commonly used, and may be more
healthy night of sleep. effective for strength athletes.9 Exceeding
Studies suggest that melatonin may be these doses may lead to unpleasant jitters,
able to enhance one of the functions of nausea and difficulty focusing on tasks. JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 83


effects are very anabolic for muscle, and bacteria can convert those nutrients into
this is demonstrated in research. other metabolically active nutrients that
Creatine levels in muscle can be in- we wouldn’t otherwise eat. In particular,
creased by up to 40 percent with dietary the soluble fiber we eat acts as a “prebi-
supplementation. Many recommend a otic” that fuels the healthy bacteria in our
loading period of 20 grams per day in gut to make valuable compounds like the
divided doses for three to five days, fol- short-chain fatty acids.
lowed by five grams per day thereafter. Although our understanding of the
With all the creatine forms on the market, bacterial species in our guts is in its
just remember that all of the studies show- infancy, we know that supplementation
ing significant effect have been with the with healthy bacteria either through
simplest and cheapest creatine monohy- supplements or fermented foods can
drate; don’t waste your money on expen- be beneficial to our health. Studies also
sive creatine gimmicks.11 suggest that supplementation can aid
performance and recovery after intense
8. BETA-ALANINE els consistently, and thus availability for exercise.
The total work done in a training ses- nitric oxide production and buffering In conclusion, all of the supplements
sion helps to determine how much your of ammonia. Further, nitrates, found in listed here should be in your arsenal in
muscle will adapt and grow. Thus, we beetroot juice and green leafy vegeta- order to build muscle, as they are the
are always in pursuit of supplements bles, appear to improve performance as most effective supplements in the lit-
that will increase the amount of work we a nitric oxide donor as well; so eat your erature. Just remember, no supplement
can perform in each training session. As veggies! will make up for a crappy diet or a weak
Arnold said in “Pumping Iron,” “If you L-arginine gained popularity ini- training program. ■
can go through this pain period, you can tially as an amino acid thought to raise
Dr. Victor Prisk is a board certified orthopaedic sur-
be a champion; this last two or three or growth hormone levels. Unfortunately, geon and IFBB professional bodybuilder in Pittsburgh,
four repetitions … that’s what makes the it only seems to do this well when given PA. Dr. Prisk is an active member of the GNC Medical
muscle then grow.” To get through this, intravenously. Citrulline malate supple- Advisory Board and creator of the “G.A.I.N. Plan.” He
you need to mentally and physically mentation of six to eight grams per day is an NCAA All-American gymnast, champion swing
overcome significant fatigue. appears to reduce fatigue during both dancer and NPC Welterweight National Champion.
Next to creatine, one of the ways your aerobic and anaerobic exercise, while
muscle helps you get through that pain producing a 60 percent rise in post- REFERENCES
period is through an acid buffer called workout growth hormone levels with less 1. Antonio J, et al. A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined
carnosine. Carnosine in your muscle is soreness.15 The rise in L-arginine levels with a heavy resistance training program improves body
composition in healthy trained men and women--a follow-up
made from the amino acid histidine and after L-citrulline supplementation corre- investigation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015;Oct 20;12:39.
the non-proteinaceous amino acid beta- lates well with reduced arterial stiffness, 2. Wilson JM, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition
Position Stand: beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB). J Int
alanine. Your gut bacteria can make beta- thus enhancing blood flow. Soc Sports Nutr 2013;Feb 2;10(1):6.
alanine, or you can supplement it. One The effects of L-citrulline and L-argi- 3. Wilkinson DJ, et al. Effects of leucine and its metabolite
beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate on human skeletal muscle
more reason to take care of your gut (see nine seem to be most beneficial to new- protein metabolism. J Physiol 2013;Jun 1;591(Pt 11):2911-23.
Pre-/Probiotics). bies and moderately trained athletes. 4. Pilz S, et al. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on tes-
Supplementing beta-alanine is more Highly trained persons may find the tosterone levels in men. Horm Metab Res 2011;Mar;43(3):223-5.
5. Salles J, et al. 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 enhances the
effective in raising intramuscular car- effects less beneficial. If you are eating stimulating effect of leucine and insulin on protein synthe-
nosine than supplementing carnosine green leafy vegetables like spinach with sis rate through Akt/PKB and mTOR mediated pathways
in murine C2C12 skeletal myotubes. Mol Nutr Food Res
itself.12 Supplementation with up to two each of your meals and high amounts of 2013;Dec;57(12):2137-46.
to 6.4 grams of beta-alanine per day protein, you should be getting plenty of 6. Jeromson S, et al. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Skeletal
Muscle Health. Mar Drugs 2015;Nov 19;13(11):6977-7004.
for four weeks can raise intramuscular L-arginine and nitrates. 7. Nassar E, et al. Effects of a single dose of N-Acetyl-
carnosine levels by over 60 percent, and 5-methoxytryptamine (Melatonin) and resistance exercise on
increase buffering capacity by almost 10. PREBIOTIC/PROBIOTIC the growth hormone/IGF-1 axis in young males and females. J
Int Soc Sports Nutr 2007;Oct 23;4:14.
20 percent. Furthermore, beta-alanine The final supplement that I want to 8. Davis JK, Green JM. Caffeine and anaerobic performance:
may reduce your perceived exertion and mention is probiotics. The gut microflora ergogenic value and mechanisms of action. Sports Med
exhaustion from neuromuscular fatigue, (bacteria in our bellies) play a critical role 9. Burke JM. Caffeine and sports performance. Appl Physiol
helping you get through the pain period in our health and metabolism. Nutrients Nutr Metab 2008;Dec;33(6):1319-34.
10. Buford TW, et al. International Society of Sports Nutri-
with more reps.13 These extra reps and we eat also feed our bacteria, and our tion position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. J Int
added muscle carnosine content also Soc Sports Nutr 2007;Aug 30;4:6.
correlate with increased lean muscle 11. Jäger R, et al. Analysis of the efficacy, safety, and
regulatory status of novel forms of creatine. Amino Acids
mass after beta-alanine supplementation. 2011;May;40(5):1369-83.
12. Caruso J, et al. Ergogenic Effects of Beta-Alanine and
Carnosine: Proposed Future Research to Quantify Their Efficacy.
9. NITRIC OXIDE DONORS Nutrients 2012;4, 585-601.
Sticking with the pre-workout ingre- 13. Hoffman JR, et al. Beta-alanine supplementation im-
proves tactical performance but not cognitive function in combat
dients, it is good to mention L-citrulline soldiers. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2014;Apr 10;11(1):15.
here.14 In short, L-citrulline is converted to 14. Pérez-Guisado J, Jakeman PM. Citrulline malate en-
L-arginine in your kidneys, and supple- hances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle
soreness. J Strength Cond Res 2010;May;24(5):1215-22.
mentation results in sustained levels of 15. Sureda A, et al. L-citrulline-malate influence over
L-arginine. It is thought that L-citrulline is a branched chain amino acid utilization during exercise. Eur J Appl
Physiol 2010;Sep;110(2):341-51.
more effective way to raise L-arginine lev-

84 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

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A true revolution absolutely requires Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution
a paradigm shift that fundamentally offers its readers a nutrition, diet and
contradicts previously held notions. The exercise program that targets brown fat,
wiidely held belief that all body fat is bad along with an informational guide on the
iis currently being heavily scrutinized, due best thermogenic nutritional supplements.
tto the recent discovery of a different type Additionally, a section of the book is devoted
of fat in humans known as brown fat. This to appropriate brown-fat activating food
type of body fat can actually burn off energy choices and easy-to-follow thermogenic,
in the form of heat by a process known as fat-burning meal plans. Followers of this
hermogenesis, which can ultimately reduce scientifically developed program will find
ovverall body fat. This discovery has provided that they are able to harness the power
he requisite paradigm shift spawning a new of brown fat, maximize their energy
reevolution in weight loss that is the primary expenditure, reach and maintain their ideal
focus of the recently released book, Thermo weight and achieve reduced body fat while
Heeat™ Weight Loss Revolution by Advanced preserving a lean, muscular physique—
Reesearch Media. improving overall health and well-being. The
The body has two forms of fat: white subsequent paragraphs briefly review the
at, or the unwanted fat that can lie directly contents of the book, which goes into the
unnderneath the skin, detracting from the critical details required to really understand
phhysique, and brown fat, which often is found the remarkable capacity of brown fat to
in the shoulder blade region or the neck. stimulate the thermogenic loss of those
Un nlike white fat, brown fat is good, as it can unwanted pounds, and how to maintain that
acctually burn calories. The more brown fat you weight loss for a lifetime.
haave, the more calories you burn. Brown fat is
packed with mitochondria loaded with UCP-1, IGNITING YOUR BODY’S
the protein that uncouples fat burning with FAT-BURNING FURNACE
ATTP (energy) production instead converting Many “fat-burning” products claim
he energy into heat via thermogenesis, that they will be able to reduce body fat
making the mitochondria effectively the and make you lean by increasing the rate
“fuurnace” of the cell. The emergence of brown at which fat is burned (oxidized) in your
at as a readily available fat-burning furnace body. While statements like this appear,
is revolutionary, but, like any fire, it requires at first glance, to be plausible, they are
the proper kindling materials. The ability essentially inaccurate. That is because an
Thermo Heat™ to get lean by producing extra brown fat or increase in fatty acid oxidation within white
Weight Loss Revolution enhancing the activity of existing brown fat
represents a promising way to burn fat and
fat simply converts the energy produced
during fatty acid oxidation into the high-
is a groundbreaking, lose weight. Several landmark discoveries energy compound adenosine triphosphate
and approaches to enhancing brown fat (ATP). The increased energy production in
scientific plan based on function are being explored at major research the form of ATP resulting from burning fat
research involving brown centers and universities worldwide, with is not accompanied by an increased level
great excitement. Brown fat research is a of energy expenditure, which generates an
adipose tissue (BAT) or hot topic today. Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss overall energy surplus that prevents the
brown fat. Revolution is a groundbreaking, scientific plan reduction of body fat— as the body will
based on research involving brown adipose simply convert much of this ATP surplus
tissue (BAT) or brown fat. back into body fat within a rather short

86 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

The ability to get lean by producing extra brown fat or
enhancing the activity of existing brown fat represents
a promising way to burn fat and lose weight.

period of time. So, the fundamental problem through the skin to provide us with a protective
with merely converting body fat into ATP “thermo blanket.” Although exposure to cold
is that this process does not increase the temperatures for two hours or more can trigger
amount of energy expenditure, which is the brown fat activity and fat loss1, such an approach
only valid way to reduce body fat. is fraught with danger. Not only is this modality
This newfound information regarding energy time consuming and uncomfortable, but the
expenditure evoked interest in thermogenesis— slightest error can lead to the consequences of
which systematically drives fatty acid oxidation hypothermia, which include panniculitis, shock,
while simultaneously increasing energy gangrene, frostbite and even death.
expenditure by uncoupling the process of It has been demonstrated that factors
fat burning from the production of cellular other than cold can activate those members
energy (ATP). It is important to note that there of the TRPV family that are located outside
are marked differences between how white the brain. At this time, the most studied group
adipose tissue burns fat and the way brown is capsaicin, the spice found in chili peppers
adipose tissue burns fat. When white adipose that contributes to its hot and spicy flavor.
tissue burns up its fatty deposits, the energy Capsaicin has an affinity for binding directly to
generated is stored in the form of ATP; the TRPV receptor sites found throughout the entire
outcome of this is that there is only a minimal length of the gastrointestinal tract, including
expenditure of energy. Conversely, when brown the oral cavity. These TRPV receptors act very
fat is called upon to utilize its stores of fat, the similarly to the TRPV-1 receptor sites found
biochemical process known as thermogenesis within the brain. They, too, have the ability to
(the generation of heat) is stimulated and, with activate the sympathetic nervous system and
it, the generation of energy in the form of heat turn on thermogenesis within brown adipose
instead of ATP. And the human body has the tissue. Several studies indicate that just a
ability to release this heat energy, effectively single ingestion of capsaicin has the ability to
increasing energy expenditure, which promotes activate brown fat thermogenesis.2,3 Even more
efficient fat loss and the production of lean interesting is the clinical finding that long-term
muscle mass. Brown fat, but not white consumption of capsaicin can significantly
adipose tissue, has the ability to increase increase thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue
energy expenditure thermogenically because and produce a reduction in body fat. Other
it contains the protein UCP-1 (also known as compounds have been identified that also induce
thermogenin). This protein is unique in that it brown fat thermogenesis, either by directly
inhibits fatty acid oxidation from generating stimulating noradrenaline release or by activating
After years of delving
ATP. Instead, the energy derived from brown fat the adrenergic receptor sites found within brown through the literature
gets converted into heat, which radiates off into fat. Several other thermogenic compounds can
the atmosphere. directly influence brown adipose tissue capacity
and scrutinizing
Of all the cells of the human body, it is to increase intercellular UCP-1 production. countless articles
the brown fat cell that is the most proficient Enhanced thermogenesis is the beneficial result.
in undergoing thermogenesis due to its high
on fat reduction and
concentration of mitochondria that are chock- THERMO HEAT IGNITES YOUR thermogenesis, Advanced
full of UCP-1. However, there is only a small BODY’S FAT-BURNING FURNACE Molecular Labs (AML) has
quantity of this fat-burning cell in the adult Overall, there has been an abundance
human body and, also, the stimuli that cause of scientific evidence that demonstrates selectively incorporated
brown fat to undergo thermogenesis are not thermogenesis increases energy expenditure
always desirable ones. The chief mechanism while it decreases body fat levels in adults.4,5,6
several ingredients into
that permits brown fat thermogenesis is Additionally, researchers have made great the cutting-edge product
exposure to prolonged cold temperatures, strides in uncovering several naturally occurring
which brings about the activation of transient compounds that help turn on thermogenic-
Thermo Heat™ that is
receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) receptor induced fat loss. After years of delving through going to transform the
sites within the brain. TRPV triggers the the literature and scrutinizing countless
sympathetic nervous system to release its articles on fat reduction and thermogenesis,
capacity for fat loss by
noradrenaline stores, which once released, Advanced Molecular Labs (AML) has selectively vigorously increasing
interact with the beta-adrenergic receptors that incorporated several of these ingredients into
are embedded inside the cell membranes of the cutting-edge product Thermo Heat™ that is
fatty acid oxidation and
brown adipose tissue. This process initiates going to transform the capacity for fat loss by energy expenditure.
uncoupled fatty acid oxidation, generating vigorously increasing fatty acid oxidation and
heat instead of ATP, which then radiates energy expenditure! JU LY 2016 FITN ESS R x for MEN 87


SUPPRESS APPETITE WITH calorically dense and nutritionally deficient, cell resulted in significant increases in total-
THERMO HEAT most of us fail to consume even the “minimal” body energy expenditure and promoted more
While increased fat loss and energy daily requirement of many of these essential efficient fat burning. Altogether, the Thermo
expenditure are two key elements in the battle vitamins and minerals. Meeting the minimal Heat™ HIIT Workout is a scientifically proven
against body fat, their enhancement will likely daily requirements of many nutrients allows fat-incinerating exercise plan that preserves
initiate homeostatic mechanisms that conserve us to stay healthy.7 Multivitamin and mineral lean muscle mass. The correctly combined use
bodyweight by triggering hunger, resulting supplements have been available to the public of this workout with the potent, thermogenic-
in increased food consumption. This will not at large for nearly a century, and were initially enhancing Thermo Heat™ products described
only be counterproductive in achieving further designed to fill the significant nutritional voids in detail in the Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss
fat loss, but may also contribute significantly in most diets, even back then. Most of today’s Revolution should further catapult, and
to regaining some or most of the lost weight. multivitamins and mineral products fall short in maintain, thermogenic-driven weight loss.
Consequently, the barrier to success that food their objectives as being an adjunct to enhance Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution also
craving and increased appetite represent performance. Ongoing research at AML, provides the reader with a comprehensive
must also be addressed if the loss of body fat covered in-depth for the reader in the Thermo Thermo Heat™ thermogenic nutrition and meal
is to be maintained. Thermo Heat™, used in Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution, has enabled plan that clearly explains the optimal use of
conjunction with the nourishing diet program production of a revolutionary new product, macronutrients to further boost the thermogenic
found in the Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Thermo Heat™ Multi, which has the capacity to loss of unwanted body fat. This fantastic
Revolution, will help address the difficulties enhance metabolism as no other multivitamin nutritional strategy also describes other
associated with increased hunger typically or mineral product has ever done before, thermogenic spicy foods and healthy fats that
caused by weight loss with its exclusive blend maximizing overall metabolic health. Thermo have the ability to stimulate thermogenesis and
of body fat-attacking compounds that also Heat™ Multi contains a blend of vitamins that help the body burn fat. In addition, this section
help potently suppress appetite. have long been shown to enhance health and of the book contains several appetizing Thermo
wellness, along with other compounds that Heat™ thermogenic fat-burning recipes that
BURN FAT WHILE YOU boost thyroid function and reduces oxidative will support a healthier diet that enhances the
SLEEP WITH THERMO HEAT stress. Thermo Heat™ Multi also has a capacity to torch body fat.
NIGHTTIME novel blend of spices and polyphenols to Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution
Although the scientists at AML appreciate help suppress appetite and thermogenically can be purchased on or
the role that stimulants have in promoting incinerate fat.
fat loss and exercise performance, they are
cognizant of the disruption they can have on THE THERMO HEAT
our circadian rhythm, including the sleep-wake HIIT WORKOUT For most of Michael Rudolph’s career he has been
cycle. It is while we sleep that the growth and In general, the more calories burned during engrossed in the exercise world as either an athlete (he played
college football at Hofstra University), personal trainer or as
repair of our overused muscles take place. exercise results in more body fat burned. So, a research scientist (he earned a B.Sc. in Exercise Science at
Sleep is also when most weight loss occurs. you might assume, based on this knowledge, Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology from Stony Brook University). After earning his Ph.D.,
As physiologic sleep is an integral component that burning as many calories as possible with Michael investigated the molecular biology of exercise as a
of any successful weight-loss and exercise more cardiovascular exercise would improve fellow at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University
for over eight years. That research contributed seminally to
program, Steve Blechman and AML formulated your physique more rapidly— making you understanding the function of the incredibly important cellular
a nighttime preparation that complements more ripped and muscular in no time at all. energy sensor AMPK— leading to numerous publications in
AML’s daytime product. This product, Thermo However, the assumption that cardiovascular peer-reviewed journals including the journal Nature. Michael
is currently a scientist working at the New York Structural
Heat™ Nighttime, when consumed with an exercise optimally promotes the development Biology Center doing contract work for the Department of
evening meal or at bedtime, can elevate of your physique and will make you lean and Defense on a project involving national security.
nocturnal levels of thermogenic fat burning, aid muscular more quickly has not been observed References:
in managing stress and promote restful sleep. clinically. In fact, extensive cardiovascular 1. Yoneshiro T, Aita S, et al. Brown adipose tissue, whole-
body energy expenditure, and thermogenesis in healthy adult
It achieves this goal by replacing Thermo training diminishes anabolism and increases men. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2011;19, 13-16.
Heat’s™ stimulatory components (tyrosine, catabolism, and so it will inhibit your ability to 2. Yoneshiro T, Aita S, et al. Nonpungent capsaicin
analogs (capsinoids) increase energy expenditure through the
caffeine, p-synephrine and thyroid hormone increase muscle and preserve lean body mass. activation of brown adipose tissue in humans. Am J Clin Nutr
activators) with several others that are capable On the other hand, high-intensity interval 2012;95, 845-850.
of inducing relaxation, curbing appetite and training (HIIT) burns plenty of calories and 3. Saito M and Yoneshiro T. Capsinoids and related food
ingredients activating brown fat thermogenesis and reducing
burning fat. body fat without promoting muscle breakdown. body fat in humans. Curr Opin Lipidol 2013;24, 71-77.
In addition, recent research has confirmed 4. Nedergaard J, Bengtsson T and Cannon B. Unexpected
ADVANCE METABOLIC the role of HIIT in increasing the levels and
evidence for active brown adipose tissue in adult humans. Am
J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2007;293, E444-452.
FUNCTION WITH THERMO activity of the transcriptional co-activator 5. Saito M, Okamatsu-Ogura Y, et al. High incidence of
HEAT MULTI peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- metabolically active brown adipose tissue in healthy adult
humans: effects of cold exposure and adiposity. Diabetes
It is well known that human health is gamma activator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha).8 PGC-1 2009;58, 1526-1531.
enhanced when diets are rich in essential alpha is able induce the expression of the 6. van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Vanhommerig JW, et al.
Cold-activated brown adipose tissue in healthy men. N Engl J
vitamins and minerals. These micronutrients protein, irisin, which has the ability to bind to Med 2009;360, 1500-1508.
promote and sustain a wide array of the the receptor sites situated on the surface of 7. Lv J, Qi L, et al. Consumption of spicy foods and total and
cause specific mortality: population based cohort study. Bmj
metabolic processes required for the white adipose tissue (WAT).9 It was observed 2015;351, h3942.
maintenance of proper physiologic function. that the induction of BAT-associated proteins, 8. Little JP, Safdar A, et al. An acute bout of high-intensity
interval training increases the nuclear abundance of PGC-
The term “essential” indicates that the body such as UCP-1 (the thermogenic driver), 1alpha and activates mitochondrial biogenesis in human
itself is unable to manufacture these key increased during this interaction and irisin skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
components (intrinsic) and that outside has the unique ability to alter the structure of 2011;300, R1303-1310.
9. Bostrom P, Wu J, et al. A PGC1-alpha-dependent myokine
(extrinsic) sources have to be relied on to meet WAT so that it bears a striking similarity to that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and
the body’s needs. As today’s diets tend to be BAT. This conversion of WAT into a BAT-like thermogenesis. Nature 2011;481, 463-468.

88 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

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A long-held belief is that
your body can only
absorb a fairly small amount
of protein in a single feeding.
Protein consumed above this
dosage is thought to be oxi-
dized for energy rather than
used for tissue-building pur-
The exact dosage varies de- poses— a phenomenon called
pending on who you listen to, the “muscle-full” effect.11 In
but it’s generally purported to what is often cited as the de-
be somewhere around 20-30 finitive support for this conten-
grams of protein per meal. tion, Areta et al.1 investigated
While the claim is often taken the effect of different protein
as gospel, let’s take a close boluses on resistance-trained
look at the research to draw men. All subjects performed
evidence-based conclusions a bout of resistance training
on the topic. and were then confined to
First and foremost, it’s rest, where they consumed 80
important to note that from grams of protein over a 12-
a nutritional standpoint, the hour recovery period in one of
term “absorption” refers to the the following three conditions:
passage of nutrients from the eight servings of 10 grams ev- lus, therefore, would be com- below the amount needed to
gut into circulation—and in ery 1.5 hours; four servings of pletely absorbed in a two-hour maximize post-workout muscle
this context, there is virtually 20 grams every three hours; or period. Although this rapid as- protein synthesis.9
no limit to protein absorption. two servings of 40 grams ev- similation can transiently spike A recent study by Kim et al.7
Once digested, the constituent ery six hours. Over the course rates of muscle protein syn- provides contrary evidence on
amino acids of a given protein of the recovery period, the thesis, it also causes a greater the topic. Subjects came to the
are transported through the greatest effect on stimulation oxidation of the constituent lab on two separate occasions:
intestinal cells (enterocytes) of muscle protein synthesis amino acids and thus can during one session, they con-
and then enter the blood- was seen in the group consum- result in a lower net protein sumed 40 grams of beef pro-
stream— pretty much all ing four servings of 20 grams accretion, compared to a slow- tein and in the other session,
the amino acids consumed of protein. This would seem absorbing protein source.5 On they consumed 70 grams of
become available for use by to indicate that there was no the other hand, cooked egg the same protein source. One
tissues. The only potential is- added benefit to consuming protein is absorbed at a rate of group consumed the protein
sue with absorption is when the higher dosage (40 grams), approximately three grams an after a total-body resistance-
you ingest individual free-form and that the additional amino hour.4 Thus, the same 20-gram training bout, while another
amino acids, as this can cause acids were indeed oxidized protein bolus consumed as an did so in the absence of exer-
competition at the enterocytes, for energy. omelet would take over seven cise. Results showed that while
whereby the amino acids Case closed, right? hours for full absorption, po- both conditions promoted
present in the highest concen- Not so fast. tentially allowing for a greater increases in whole-body ni-
trations are absorbed at the Several variables influence per-meal dosage without caus- trogen balance— a marker
expense of those that are less the metabolism of protein ing undue amino acid oxida- of anabolism— the higher
concentrated.6 and amino acids, including tion. Moreover, in real life, protein intake resulted in a
The more relevant question the composition of the given you’ll generally be consuming significantly greater anabolic
here is whether there’s an up- protein source, the composi- whole foods that contain a response, which was largely
per limit to how much protein tion of the meal and the dose combination of carbs and fats attributed to a greater reduc-
your body can use for muscle- of the protein or amino acids along with the protein compo- tion in protein breakdown.
building purposes. This ques- consumed.4 Individual factors nent. This substantially slows A major difference between
tion is a lot more complex, and such as age, training status and down digestion, resulting in this study and that of Areta et
an evidence-based answer the amount of lean body mass a much more time-released al.1 is that subjects consumed
requires a good deal of ex- also come into play. The sub- effect on amino acids into the mixed meals containing not
trapolation based on the limi- jects in the Areta et al. study body. In addition, the study only protein, but also carbohy-
tations of current research. consumed only whey protein only provided 80 grams of drates and dietary fats as well.
Some researchers have during the post-workout pe- protein over the course of the Thus, the transit time of protein
proposed that muscle protein riod. Whey is a fast-acting pro- day to a group of resistance- release would necessarily
synthesis tops out at approxi- tein, with an absorption rate trained men. This amounts to be much slower in this study,
mately 20-25 grams of protein estimated to be up to 10 grams less than one-half gram per potentially accounting for
per serving, for young adults. an hour.4 A 20-gram whey bo- pound of body mass— well dose-dependent differences in

92 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6


anabolism. muscle mass.

A limitation of the Kim et al. study is that measures of anabo- Studies on intermittent fasting shed additional light on the
lism were not specific to muscle, but rather taken at the whole- topic. These protocols generally involve consumption of nutrients
body level. It is likely that much of the superior anabolic response in a very limited time frame— usually less than eight hours— fol-
noted with the higher protein intake was from tissues other than lowed by a prolonged fast. A recent systematic review found that
muscle, most notably the gut. However, protein turnover in the the majority of intermittent fasting protocols had similar effects
gut can allow these additional amino acids to be released into the on lean body mass, compared to traditional eating patterns.12 But
bloodstream and subsequently used for muscle protein synthesis. again, the studies involve suboptimal protein intakes without a
The extent to which this phenomenon affects muscle building is resistance-training component— and here, the subjects were all
not clear, but it conceivably provides the potential for enhanced in a caloric deficit. Not very applicable to the hard-training lifter.
muscular gains. Considering the limitations of the body of literature, here’s the
While the results of the aforementioned studies provide a take-home message based on current evidence: While certainly
sound basis for speculation, it is important to note that measures a threshold exists beyond which protein will be oxidized for en-
of acute muscle protein synthesis do not necessarily correlate ergy rather than used for tissue-building purposes, the amount
with muscular gains achieved from consistent lifting.10 To get a appears to be well above the often-cited limit of 20-30 grams,
true grasp on the upper limit to protein intake in a single sitting, provided that nutrients are obtained from whole-food based,
we need to look at long-term training studies that measure actual mixed meals. Given that the anabolic effect of a protein-rich meal
changes in lean mass. lasts approximately five to six hours8, a good rule-of-thumb for
Several studies have endeavored to investigate the effects of maximizing muscle building is to consume a minimum of three to
per-meal protein dosage on body composition over time. Arnal et four evenly distributed daily meals containing at least 30 grams
al.2 found that feeding elderly women the bulk of their daily pro- of a high-quality protein. Within these boundaries, it probably
tein (79%) in a single meal (skewed condition) promoted greater doesn’t matter how you allocate the rest of your protein consump-
retention of lean body mass, versus spreading out consumption tion on a per-meal basis— just make sure you take in close to a
evenly over four daily meals (spread condition). A follow-up gram per pound of bodyweight per day. ■
study by the same lab found no differences between skewed
and spread protein feedings in a cohort of young women.3 The REFERENCES
combined findings suggest that at the very least, consuming the Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., CSCS, FNSCA is widely regarded as one of the leading
majority of daily protein as a large bolus is not detrimental to authorities on training for muscle development and fat loss. He has published over
lean mass accretion. Unfortunately, total protein intake in these 80 peer-reviewed studies on various exercise- and nutrition-related topics. He is also
studies was on the low side (~1 g/kg/day), and none employed the author of the best-selling book The M.A.X. Muscle Plan and the seminal textbook,
a resistance-training program. Thus, it is difficult to generalize Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy. Check out is website and blog at
findings to resistance-trained individuals seeking to maximize

PREVENTING For the warm-up, Dr. Prisk suggests an active

warm-up as opposed to passive stretching. In addition,

finding the right shoe is essential. “I’m more of a fan
of a shoe with rigid support rather than a minimalist
shoe,” he said.
In fact, a good running shoe will protect the plantar

surface of the foot from the landscape when running
outdoors, as well as inclement weather conditions and
environmental agents that might be harmful. So more
cushioned shoes may be ideal.
In addition, someone who is newer to running and
not used to hard surfaces should start slowly to get
accustomed to it rather than jumping right in. Starting

W ith the warmer weather

here, more people may
be tempted to take up running
with running and activity is people on a treadmill before hitting a street can help.
think that they can do it because
they were born doing it,” said Dr.
But recovery is probably most important, said
Dr. Prisk. A good running recovery program should
or start preparing for marathons Prisk, a board certified orthopaedic include foam rolling, stretching after running and
as a challenge or to stay in top surgeon in Pittsburgh, PA. even some cross training. “It’s important to build some
shape. While running has many According to Dr. Prisk, many muscle, which is protective for runners,” said Dr. Prisk.
cardiovascular benefits, it can also running injuries occur when one Once in a running program, one must be aware of
lead to injuries and discomfort does “too much too soon,” and this signs of injury before a potential problem becomes
if done improperly or if certain can often happen with marathon worse. Some signs include persistent swelling,
precautions are not taken. Before running in particular. This can persistent numbness, tingling and burning pain that
embarking on or continuing any lead to stress fractures and knee doesn’t go away, pain that hurts more after a run than
running program, it’s important to problems, he said. any other time and pain that keeps one up at night.
take the necessary steps to keep According to IDEA Fitness A gait analysis can help make sure a person is
your body healthy and safe. Journal, continuous high mileage— running properly to prevent injuries. You can go
According to a report in IDEA or runners who average 50 to to an athletic shoe store and get a gait analysis
Fitness Journal, it is estimated 75 miles per week— have a 50 to determine whether or not you need more arch
that about 45 to 70 percent of percent chance of injuries. In support. In addition, a podiatrist or physical therapist
endurance athletes suffer from an addition, there is an increased can tell you what kind of foot you have and what kind
injury related to running within risk of injury when runners don’t of orthotic or sneaker to get.
any 12-month span. In addition, alternate hard training days with “Your gait pattern could be off,” said Dr. Prisk. “If
it is reported to be worse for light training days. you have someone analyze your running, you could
recreational runners— 90 percent So what can be done to prevent find that you’re not bending your knees enough, that
of 200 recreational half-marathon these issues? “Everything from your arm position is wrong or head position is wrong.”
runners had one or more injuries your warm-up, to your gear, to your No matter what level a runner you are, make sure
in a 12-month training period, also recovery,” said Dr. Prisk, who added you are taking precautions to protect your health
according to IDEA Fitness Journal. that runners should also include and your body so that you can keep running for
“One of the biggest problems plenty of protein in their diets. years to come.


A study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in
Sports sought to determine the relationship between parallel use of run-
ning shoes and running-relating injury incidence. One hypothesis was
that runners using more than one pair of shoe would have a lower risk
of injury, while another hypothesis was that the practice of other sports
would help protect from injury, due to the variation of stress to the body.
The study involved recreational runners who participated in a
22-week follow-up, reporting all the information about their running
sessions and other sports, and injuries. Running-related injuries were
defined as a physical pain in the lower back or lower limbs that was sus-
tained during running or as a result, and impeded running by at least one
The study found that using more than one pair of running shoes was
more protective, and previous injury was a risk factor. In addition, there
was a decreased risk of injury when session distance and participation in REFERENCE
other sports were both increased. The bottom line is that using multiple Malisoux L, Ramesh J, et al. Can
parallel use of different running shoes
shoes and participating in a variety of activities “are strategies potentially decrease running-related injury risk?
to a variation of the load applied to the musculoskeletal system,” accord- Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Feb;25(1):110-
ing to the study. ■ 5. doi: 10.1111/sms.12154. Epub 2013 Nov 28.

94 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JUL Y 2 0 1 6

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96 FITNESSRx for MEN JULY 2016

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1. Find a workout partner! We
all have plenty of friends or
maybe even coworkers who want to
the wagon. Do not fall into the rut of
the exact same training style like so
many. Mix in a variety of concepts—
PEOPLE, SEEM TO SAY, EVERY get in shape but are most likely in from supersets, to giant sets or an
FEW MONTHS, “OK, I AM GOING TO GET IN the exact same situation as yourself. entire workout of drop sets. Add
THE GYM, AND I AM FINALLY GOING TO GET Talk up your buddies and see who in resistance bands, and superset
BACK IN SHAPE.” I START GOING, EATING is most motivated to get in the gym push and pull muscle groups. Keep
HEALTHY, CUTTING BACK ON ALCOHOL AND with you. Having a workout partner it new, keep it fresh, and keep your
AFTER A FEW SHORT WEEKS, I START MISSING forces you to be accountable. We all mind and body challenged with new
MORE DAYS IN THE GYM. I FIND MY WORK- have those days when we don’t feel workout hurdles each week!
OUTS START TO BE EXTREMELY LABORIOUS like going to the gym after work,
but if your buddy is already waiting,
you simply cannot leave him hang-
4. Do not become the guy who is
all gung-ho, all in, 100 percent
committed, eating perfect and train-
COMMITTED. THIS HAS BEEN A NASTY RE- ing! I have found even with myself ing every day. This will guarantee
PETITIVE CYCLE FOR THE PAST SIX TO SEVEN that having a workout partner gets you will fail— trust me. It is too harsh
YEARS. PLEASE HELP! YOU ARE THE MASTER OF me to show up on those Saturday a lifestyle change to do a complete
FITNESS INTELLECT AND MOTIVATION! mornings or Sunday evenings when 180. Set goals such as working out
I would much rather be out work- every other day. Or do two workouts
Have no fear, my friend; you are not lazy

A: and certainly not a bum! You have the fire

and desire to create change; you simply
need a system of checks and balances— a plan to hold
you accountable and keep you focused, and your eyes
ing on my horrendous golf game.
There is nothing more embarrassing
than walking into work and having
some of your coworkers break your
during the week after work and then
two workouts on the weekends when
you are off. The same goes with
nutrition— do not completely cut
balls because your buddy already out all small indulgences. If you bust
on the prize! Here are five tips I think that will greatly
told them you wimped out missing your ass in the gym, then, yes, go get
help you overcome the commitment hurdle and keep
another lift. a slice or two of pizza if you desire,
you on track to your fitness and life-changing goals.
2. Find a written workout pro-
gram! Going into the gym and
just winging it is an exercise in futil-
or get some frozen yogurt. Put in the
work and reward yourself for doing
so, within moderation. Remember—
ity. With the advent of social media, the fitness transformation game is a
we have a wealth of free information marathon, not a sprint!
right at our fingertips. I post free
workouts on my social media pages
every week as I am sure you know.
5. Create goals and make those
goals public! Whether it is
competing in a show, running a half
Screenshot them, take it to the gym, marathon or whatever, set a clear
and you and your workout partner goal on a concrete date! Then I
tackle it with everything you have. want you to make that goal public.
Then you can comment the next day Tell friends, coworkers, family or a
on my posts about how much you spouse. It is very easy to write down
hate me for that workout like every- a goal in a notepad and then forget it
one else does! a few weeks later. It is almost impos-

3. If variation is your key to

longevity and success, then
day-to-day repetitive duplication is
sible to ignore that goal once you
have made it public to your social
circle. The fear of not living up to
your avenue to failure. What I am try- expectations to those around you
ing to say is, keep changing things will keep you focused and account-
up. Never do the same workout able. ■
twice. Do a chest workout, and then
the next week do it completely in
reverse. Doing the same thing every FOLLOW JOE
“REMEMBER— THE FITNESS day in the gym is just like eating Follow Joe on Instagram @JoeDonnellyfit, or his online
training and nutrition website at
TRANSFORMATION GAME IS A the same foods day after day after Have a question for Joe? You could see it answered in the
day. Eventually, you are going to next issue! Email your question to Joe at
MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT!” get bored, as you know, and fall off

98 FI TNE S S R x for M E N JULY 2 0 1 6

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