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Evaluation and Demonstration of Drip Irrigation System For Tomato and Onion Production at Agro Pastoralist-S Field in Abaala Woreda, Afar Region

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Evaluation and Demonstration of Drip Irrigation System for Tomato and Onion

Production at Agro pastoralist-s Field in Abaala woreda, Afar Region

Background and justification

The arid lowlands of Ethiopia form one of the most vulnerable and food-insecure regions in the
world. Out of a population of 11 million, about 3.4 million who live in the arid lowlands of
Ethiopia depend on food aid. Droughts in the years 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2011 raised the
number of food-aid dependent people to 5.7 million in 2011(Mehari et al. 2013). These drought
periods commonly cause water shortages and impose additional restrictions on farm productivity
and profitability. Under these circumstances, farmers often seek alternatives to increase their
productivity and net return per unit of water applied by converting from furrow to drip irrigation
systems and implementing irrigation scheduling strategies.
The state of Jharkhand with large population of tribal farming community is often characterized
with low production and productivity of horticultural crops. The traditional cultivation practices
lead to below average productivity of many horticultural crops. Water scarcity is the critical
constraint that precludes the tribal farmers from cultivation of vegetables crops during the dry
season (Rabi and Summer). The main source of income of the tribal farmers is agriculture and
almost 66% of the total populations of Jharkhand depend upon agriculture. Land use statistics
suggest that in spite of large cultivable area (52%), only 22% is under cultivation which is below
the national average of 47% (Petare, 2016). Agriculture is predominantly rain fed and mono-
cropped in Jharkhand. Horticulture is marginally developed in the tribal areas with the present
area under fruits, vegetables and spices accounting for only about 2.5% of the cultivated area.
The major constraints in the area are steep slopes with undulating topography, severe water
erosion and low water holding capacity of soils. Erratic rainfall, lack of irrigation facilities, poor
water retentive capacity and high permeability of the soils are the major problems limiting
successful double-cropping.

Promoting use of water efficient technologies for better utilization of available water resources to
increase the productivity and acceptance of horticultural crops in these areas was a major
challenge. In general, traditional flood irrigation methods (basin, border and furrow) are being
used, where the entire soil surface is almost flooded without considering the actual consumptive
requirements of the crops. Frequent over or under irrigation create the problems of water stress
or water logging leading to reduced irrigation efficiency (<30 %) (Ishfaq, 2002). This highlights
the need to adopt modern efficient irrigation method of drip which offers several advantages over
furrow irrigation including higher water and fertilizer use efficiency and high yield (Camp et al.,

Drip irrigation method applies water and nutrient directly to the root zone of plants (Sharma,
2001). Its major advantages as compared to other methods include higher crop yields, saving in
water, increased fertilizer use efficiency, reduced energy consumption, reduced labor cost,
improved diseased and pest control and feasible for undulating sloppy lands (Michael, 2008). In
a study Yildirim (2000) also reported that drip irrigation generally achieves better crop yield and
balanced soil moisture in the active root zone with minimum water losses. On the average, drip
irrigation saves about 70 to 80% water as compared to conventional flood irrigation methods
(Camp et al., 2001).
Many researchers have proved the superiority of drip irrigation over other conventional method
of irrigation in
improving yield and WP of fruits and vegetable. There are very few studies that looked in to all
the economic aspects of
drip systems with the aim of promoting the system among tribal farmers. Participatory evaluation
of this technology in
farmers’ fields will not only demonstrate the potential benefits of the technology to farmers but
will also help in assessing
the ground realities and problems faced by the farmers in large scale adoption of this technology.
The present study made a
comparative evaluation for drip and furrow methods of water application in terms of yield and
WP. The study further
extends to economic analysis of these systems with the aim of convincing the farmers about the
profitability of drip

Aba’ala woreda, located in the arid lowland area, had been affected by severe droughts and
famine for years (Kifle 2004).
There is no perennial water source to support crop production in the area. However, Aba’ala
receives intense short duration floods coming from Didiba Derga-Ajen highlands in Tigray
Regional State. Efficient and effective diversion and distribution or storage of the floodwater
would make water available in Aba’ala Plain that is inhabited by agropastoralists. Spate flow
was considered to be the most economical and the only resource of water for crop production
(spate irrigation), livestock production and domestic uses.

Water required by crops is supplied by nature in the form o f precipitation, but when it becomes
scarce or
its distribution does not coincide with demand peaks, it is then necessary to supply it artificially,
Tomato (Lycopersiconesculuntum L.) is the most important and widely grown vegetable in the
world. Its importance is increasing in Ethiopia too (Lema, 2004). It is widely accepted and
commonly used in a variety o f dishes as raw or cooked or processed products more than any
other vegetables. Ideally, in irrigation schemes, crops do not suffer from water shortages as
irrigation wrater is applied before the crops are go under drought stress. However, it may not be
possible to apply the irrigation water exactly when it would be best. The farmers may be badly
organized and lose too much water at the upstream end o f the scheme, thus causing problems
dow'nstream. The scheme management may decide to spread the available water over a large
area, thus allowing more farmers to irrigate, although less than the optimal amount.

In Eastern Ethiopia, smallholder farmers largely depend on erratic and often insufficient rainfall,
which is
significantly reduced their production and productivity. In addition, other factors that have
contributed to
this are continuous land degradation, and excessive deforestation. Therefore, to overcome such
water harvesting, has importance role for farming community. Even though, it needs special
emphasis to
enhance rain water harvesting for irrigated agriculture and development and promotion
government have no or give less attention.
A huge activity of rain water harvesting for irrigation and irrigation scheme are going in the
region especially in Eastern Harerge zone, however, the proper management o f irrigation water
has received inadequate attention given the high cost o f irrigation development. Until now the
paradigmatic irrigation strategy has been to supply irrigated areas with sufficient water so that
the crops transpire at their maximum potential and the full evapotranspiration requirements are
met throughout the season (Howell, 2001).

Irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation supply water directly to the plants effective root zone
and thereby minimize water loss to evaporation and seepage compared to surface irrigation.
Malash et al. (2005) recorded higher yield of tomato under drip irrigation than surface irrigation
system. In areas where water is scarce, these techniques can greatly increase the efficiency o f
w'ater delivery. However, most of the drip irrigation technologies w'ere not promoted and
utilized by the farmers due to lack of awareness and technical knowledge on the technology.
Therefore this study was conducted to evaluate and demonstrate drip irrigation system on
performance of different tomato varieties in Babile and Dadar District o f Eastern Hararghe Zone
o f Oromia.

About 90% of the irrigated land o f the world is irrigated using relatively inefficient surface
methods (FAO, 2002). Similarly in Eastern Ethiopia traditional surface irrigation methods (basin,
and furrow) are widely used to irrigate crops, though there is acute water shortage. In this region,
traditional surface irrigation methods has long been practiced at different farm levels, however,
there is no
efficient and well managed irrigation water practice. There are very few or no information
appropriate irrigation water management practices for the rapidly expanding small scale
irrigation farms
in the country. Now a day the modern, high-tech and efficient micro irrigation methods (drip,
sprinkler etc.) are advocated worldwide. Efficient irrigation system or method, such as drip
supply water directly to the plants effective root zone and thereby minimize water loss through
evaporation, deep percolation and runoff as compared to surface irrigation. To overcome such
problem in
areas where water is scarce, the use of modern irrigation techniques will greatly demanding.
the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance o f hot pepper varieties under drip
irrigation system
using rain water harvested from roof top.

Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy in terms of income, employment and
generation of export revenue. It directly supports 85% of the population and 80% of the export
value in Ethiopia. Among the sub-sectors of agriculture, crop production is a major contributor to
GDP accounting for approximately 28%.

Efficient irrigation methods or technologies include the advanced irrigation systems like
sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation is a type of pressurized irrigation that
involves applying water to the soil surface using mechanical and hydraulic devices that simulate
natural rainfall. The goal of irrigation is to supply each plant with just the right amount of water
it needs. Sprinkler irrigation is a method by which water is distributed from overhead by high-
pressure sprinklers on risers or moving platforms. Today a variety of sprinkler systems ranging
from simple hand-move to large self-propelled systems are used worldwide. Drip irrigation is
based on the constant application of a specific and calculated quantity of water to soil crops.
The system uses pipes, valves and small drippers or emitters transporting water from the sources
(i.e. wells, tanks and or reservoirs) to the root area and applying it under particular quantity and
pressure specifications. Managing the exact moisture requirement for each plant, the system
significantly reduces water wastage and promotes efficient use. Compared to sprinklers systems
which can provide 75 per cent efficiency, drip irrigation can provide as much as 90 per cent
water-use efficiency (Tanji and Kielen, 2002 in Clements et al., Technology Action Plan Report
2011)2.Drip irrigation is an interesting choice however, one needs to customized it for the given
crops and available costs. Taking the advantage of height, gravity dependent drips could be
developed in Bhutan to save energy costs.

characterized by erratic rainfall (760mm mean annual rainfall), frequent drought,

crop failure, and lack of water permanent water sources like streams and lakes.
The mean monthly temperature of the area ranges from 22oC to 34oC. Awash is the
only river that crosses the woreda and only few villages have access to this river.
People from vast area of the woreda had to travel for several hours to get water
from the river in the past. These days, however, boreholes drilled by the ADP and
other organizations are supplying potable water to the community.

River, the rest are totally depend on rainfall for crop production. “Meher” (that
extends from June to September) is the main rainy season during which food cropsare
grown. Even during this main season of production, the occurrence of rainfall
is unreliable. Late or early occurrence, uneven distribution, interruption and
insufficiency of the rainfall are common in the area. Scanty showers that fall
during “belg” season can only support some grass for livestock.
Therefore, water-harvesting technology (WHT) is being introduced by the ADP to
counter the effects of the adverse natural conditions noted above and enhance food
production through intensive backyard gardening using the water collected in the

1. Introduction
Water scarcity and utilization has been a long existing problem in Sub-Saharan African
countries. Due to erratic and irregular rainfall, agriculture has, at times experienced devastating
periods that were disastrous for the food security of the people. Although the rainfall, combined
with the water resources of the country, should be sufficient to pursue durable and sustainable
agriculture, factors like infiltration, evaporation and different types of erosion have (put a halt
to this possibilities) curtailed its achievement. In collaboration with Israel drip irrigation plastic
tube producer; Plastro P.L.C., SG 2000/Ethiopia has been introducing drip irrigation system
along with proper watershed Management, to enable farmers achieve sustainable agriculture in
some countries.
2. Irrigation
Although irrigation has long been a vital part of agriculture in sub-Saharan
African countries, it has not earned its rightful place yet. Generally there are four
systems of irrigation.
- Surface irrigation
- Sprinkler irrigation
- Sub irrigation
- Drip irrigation

2-1 Surface Irrigation

In surface irrigation, water is conveyed directly over the field, and the soil acts as
reservoir for the moisture. Topography should be nearly level to allow the water to
run at a slow, non-erosive speed. Its drawbacks are large losses of water due to
seepage and evaporation, inefficient distribution of the water and most
importantly, excessive leaching of water-soluble nutrients, soil erosion and
deleterious effect on soil structure. Heavy soils become paddled under the heavy
load of water, which result in a loss of soil aeration and in subsequent baking and
cracking when the soil dries out.
2-2 Sprinkler irrigation
In sprinkler irrigation, water is conveyed through pipes and is distributed under pressure as
simulated rain. Although evaporation is higher with sprinkler irrigation than with surface
irrigation, the application rate results in a more efficient use of water. The slower rate of
application reduces run off, erosion and compaction of the soil. Sloppiness is not a factor.
Disadvantages for implementers are high initial cost, high water consuming rate and high
power pressure.
2-3 Subsurface irrigation
Subsurface irrigation consists of creating and maintaining an artificial water table. In order for
such a system to function properly, the ground must be level and subsurface soil must be
permeable enough to permit the rapid movement of water laterally and vertically to prevent the
loss of water through deep percolation. In most cases, sub irrigation is not an option for African
soils since topography, soil type and investment costs play key roles in application.
2-4 Drip irrigation
Drip Irrigation (trickle irrigation) uses a ramifying system of water conducting
plastic tubes that deliver water by means of emitters or outlets, to individual
plants. Water is applied at a rate of 0.6-40 litters per hour under low pressure (1
bar or less).
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
Certainly, the slogan, “water is life” cannot optimally utilize the water
collected, using the traditional and inefficient flood irrigation method. Drip
irrigation is an efficient irrigation method, and must be used since it is based on
the concept, “More crop per drop”
As an environmentally responsible organization, SG 2000 is committed to the
development of methods and tools to preserve water, one of the world’s most
precious resources, through introduction of modern drip irrigation systems, to
raise yields and efficiency. SG 2000 facilitates the promotion of agricultural
methods and technology that increase global food production and bring relief to
many less privileged population
3. Drip irrigation system
Drip irrigation is obtainable in a wide Variety of systems, products, materials and
financial cost. The users should take into account all options and combined them
into a system where durability, simple operation and attractive financial cost were
molded together to best serve the users market using a variety of drip our-let
enables the systems to be used in almost all agricultural habitats and crops trees,
high we have crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers and green houses.
3-1 Implementation of the system
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
Drip irrigation systems are always made up of combination of necessities.
Development actors at all levels, starting with National level and ending with
weekly visit by an expert to individual growers, should be trained on the issue of
efficient drip irrigation.
Aimed at realizing the mentioned advantages and disadvantage of drip irrigation
systems and materials, professional training and demonstration centers should be
established to provide the relevant know how through seminars and workshops.
Water availability for drip irrigation is a crucial factor when establishing Family
Drip Systems (FDS). Based on calculations done by professionals from water
resource and agricultural sectors, a water amount of 6.0 m 3 is enough to irrigate
100 m2 plot of land through FDS that enable the growing of vegetables or cereals.
3-2 Drip irrigation system focal points
Water out let (dripper)
(1) Pressure
Pressure can be achieved in three or more ways.
a. Mechanical (tap, water pump more of mechanical system.) include discussion
for page 8
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
b. Gravitational (water container elevated at least 5 meters on flat terrain or
using top graphical.) include discussion from page 8
c. Gravitational (pressure less) by elevation of water container (tanker) 1 to 2
meters. Include discussion page 8
Water tank to which the FDS is installed
In all three ways location of the water source is an important factor.
- The pressure less system can be used on small agricultural plots and
backyards up to 500-1000m2 in size. Financial cost, easy installing and
operating make this system attractive. Target- groups are back yard-farmers,
small scale farmers, hobby- farmers and farmers under water stress area are
- The gravitational system is based on a water container placed at a height of at
least 5 meters. The pressure thus developed will be 0.5 bar; this is enough to
give an even distribution of water both in quality and in location. Water from
the elevated container can irrigate an area of more than 1000 m 2, depending
on the container size and irrigation duration of the crop. Target- groups are
private investors, Ur ban area farming, horticulture, green house, garden
irrigation, orchards, community farming, etc,
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
The mechanical system is based on the same irrigation method as above, but
depends in its water supply on a water pump or an already existing water- supply.
Pressure is regulated through values
(2) Transportation
Transportation of water is done by poly Ethelene (PE)-tubes (raiser, Pled Pipe and
laterals) varying in diameter from 12 to 110 mm. The applied diameter depends on
field capacity, crop choice, available water - quantity and topography of the field.
(3) Filtration
Filtration in relation with drip irrigation is compulsory. Especially surface water is
always contaminated with soil particles algae, bacterial slime or others. When
fertilizers are added, filtration is most important if not applied, it will eventually
clog the system and thus disable the system. Filtration should be small-sized
enough to produce clean irrigation water, but should not stem the flow of water by
choosing a too fine filter. This is related to available pressure, water- requirement and choice
of dripper. Filtration can be from 500 up to 100 micro meters. It can be differentiated in sand
filters and / or biological filters, based on requirements of the customer
(4) Water outlet
Out let - choice is based on
- water demand of the crop
- type of crop
- distance b/n plants
- distance b/n rows
- available water
- available pressure
For better consumption, the following two types of drippers are available.
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
- A standard inline dripper with intervals of 20,30,40 cm, etc, specially suitable
for dense crops like salad, onion, tomato, etc
- A system composed by the user consisting of dripper (2L/h, 4 l/h 6L/h),
capillaries (2L/h, 4L/h), adjustable dripper (0-16L/h) or a combination of these
are available for implementation Drip intervals are variable and with the use
of plugs, drip intervals can be changed between seasons. (Suitable for fruits,
flowers, onion, tomato and inter cropping.)
3-4. Smallholders Family Drip system (FDS)
Drip Irrigation provides an ideal solution to the unique needs of small holders for
conserving scarce water resources while irrigating evenly and efficiently, and
helping to increase yields year- round (possibility of 2-3 harvest per annual) In
order to adopt drip irrigation for the special needs of small holders, FDS- that is
gravity- based non power requiting is found pertinent. A grower who holds more
then 500m2 can combine 2-4 FDS units in a cluster, using a common water tank or
can extend the size of FDS units from 600m length of hydrogols to two rolls, which
is 1200 m long.
1) FDS components (for a unit)
Type Quantity
1. Water lank 1
2. Ball value 1
3. Filter 1
4. Union (when important) 1
5. Agri-fit elbow 1
6. Agri- fit Adaptor 1
7. Raiser - (m) depends on the light of the tanker
8. T 1
9. X mm valve (3/4 1 " 1 2
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
10. Y m polyethylene as required
11. Head connect or (pcs) as required
12. Plastic bent (pcs) 2
13. Hydro god (Laterals) (rolls) as required
14. Puncher
15. Inserter 1
16. Barbed coupling as required
17. Line end (pcs) 5
18. Teflon (roll) 1-2
2) System installation
Installation of the FDS system first involves marking the block to be cultivated.
For example, in a 500m2 field, this block should be 20 m long and 25m wide. The
raiser fix into the 'T' thus has 12.5m to be fixed to each side of distribution pipe.
The distance between crop beds may be determined according to crop pattern. The
best economical spacing of lateral is suggested to be at every 0.80m. Lateral with
30cm spaced emitter has more advantage to grow vegetable crops (Onion, tomato,
pepper e t c)
The water tank should be installed at the edge of the plot, at least 1.2 -1.5 above
the ground (depends on the slope of intended plot). The height of the water tank
affects the gravity pressure with which the system operates. Tank size is flexible,
but it is recommended that the volume equals the volume of one- day consumption
and not equal or less than 2 hours of plot irrigation consumption under normal
installation (1.5m height). Water flow through each emitter will be 0.6 litters per
hour. The tank can be made either of plastic (Roto), concrete or metal with capacity
1-2 m3 (1mx1mx2m). The tank can be filled by manual pedal pumping (treadle
pump), engine pumps or windmill etc. The water source for the system can be any
kind of reservoir, bore hole, pond, well, river, canal or stream. Personal or shared
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
pump is simply installed near the water source and a network of pipelines (hose)
connected to both the water tank and motorized pump. Beneficiary farmers can
pool their resources to purchase one pump, connected it to multiple water tanks by
a hose network.
The value end the filter is installed at the irrigation out let of the tank, and the
distribution pipe is connected to the filter and laid in the middle of the plot. The
two drip lines on each bed are connected to the distribution pipe (0.80m spacing
b/n the drip lines) on both sides of the PLDE pipe.
Flow Rate Calculation
- A master dripper flow Rate = a Lph
- Number of hydrogol emitters to be fed = b
- Master dripper = poly ethylene division emitter = PLDE = 3.85L/ph
- 12 hydrogol emitters are to be fed = 12 emitters
3-5. Merits of Pressure Less Drip Irrigation
Drip Irrigation is attractive economically in many modern flower development
farms, green houses, economical farms and small holder farm plots in Ethiopia.
Though frequent water application is recommended, it s very slow and in small
amounts so that little is lost by evaporation. In most cases, water is directly given
to the cultivated plant roots, in the form of droplets. The system is flexible to
produce various types of crops through coupling or uncoupling, accommodated by
either piercing or plugging of the plastic tubes that carry and distribute water. The
flow and pressure from the supply line are reduced or regulated by various types of
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
valves and emitters Drip Irrigation will have dramatic consequences since
evaporation from the surface irrigation systems causes salts to accumulate on the
soil surface. Additional water supplied in excess of the amount required for plants
will leach these potentially damaging salts from the soil zone close to the roots.
Salts are pushed out to the periphery of the root profile by an advancing front of
water emitted from the outlets. So providing the water by drip Irrigation is far
more efficient than welting the entire field. In addition to its flexibility, the total
set-up of drip irrigation is very lighter compared to other irrigation systems and
can easily be operated and moved by one person.
Extended, slopes of less than 50% are not limiting factor for drip irrigation, since
erosion problems are under control. Because water delivery is in a closed system
and under pressure, only small amount of water is applied; hence; there is no run
off. Most of the soil surface stays dry especially between plants; as a result the crop
field is essentially free of weeds.
Generally, the loss of water between the rows and through deep percolation is
under control, which by then eliminates salinity effects of deep under ground
saline water supplies. Almost all-high valve crops can be managed under drip
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
irrigation system, using various spacing (space between emitters, hydrogols)of 20,
30 and 40 cm between emitters on 12mm hydrogoal and 120, 80 and 60 cm
between hydrogoals. PLDE pipes are implemented in plots of over 40 small
farmers in Ethiopia through SG 2000 water harvesting project.
3-6. Demerits of Pressure Less Drip Irrigation system
Most developing countries are very late in accessing such technologies for utilizing
their abundant water sources, Large scale farms (commercial farm) need care,
time, and trained man power, especially during the period of installation and
maintenance. The initial cost per plot of such useful item for the small farmers is
high (USD 172.00 for one FDS).
Limited manufacturing companies have an opportunity to raise unit price that
affects small farmers. Clogging of emitters is observed due to inert materials, soil
particles, fine sand, algae and others associated with poorly installed filtration
systems. In water stressed areas ruminates and non ruminant animals look for
drops of water even under emitters. As a result rodents, ants, termites, sheep,
goats and big animals cause leakage to the system while searching for moisture or
grazing. These are very important factors for the durability of the system and to
keep it operational at a low level.
3-7. Tentative Solutions
According to the manufacturers, Plastro PLC, Israel Poly Ethylene (PE) made
irrigation materials are fair in price and durable for drip irrigation systems when
compared with PVC materials. They can endure unfavourable climate conditions.
Fluctuation in temperature does not the life of the material as long as it is kept
safely above the ground on racks and protected from rodents and other animals.
Thick walled PE probably resist attack against termites, mice, ants and the like.
Workshop on the Experience of Water Harvesting Technology in East Shewa and Arsi Zones: 23-24 February 2006
Bacterial slime, soil particles and fine sand could be protected through frequent
discharge of water (every day) for 2-3 minutes to keep away particles on sticking to
the wall of hydrogoals. This holds true for fertigation process. As far as Ethiopian
climate is concerned, the installed PE materials are ultra-violet resistant; so,
direct exposure to the sun light has no significant effect. The supplied filtration
units and other additional accessories are essential in using FDS with surface
water stored under ground water reservoirs.
Underground water

1. cost break down

5.1 hand tool and farm input cost breakdown

5.1.1 tools
Tools measurement Quantity Unit price Total price remark
Water label ps 04 2 each site
Blade ps 70 1 each HH
Rake ps 10 2 each group
Fork ps 70 1 each HH
Digging mattock ps 10 2 each group
Water can ps 70 1 each HH

5.1.2 Farm inputs

Input measurement Quantity Unit price Total price Remark
Cereal seed 1kg for each
- Amaranths KG 70 HH from
- quinoa KG 70 each item
Fruit seedling 5 for each
- Mango Number 350 household
- Papaya Number 350 from each
-avocado Number 350 item
Vegetable seed
-Tomato Gram 7000 100gm-HH
- Pepper Gram 2100 30gm-HH
- onion Gram 700 10gm-HH

5.2 training cost breakdown: budget=560 euro or 17360 birr

s. Description Unit m. participant Day Unit Total cost

number cost
1 Training
1.2 Trainees Md 70 2 100 14000
1.3 Trainer Md 1 3 200 600
1.4 Facilitator translator Md 1 2 200 400
Sub total 15000
2 Stationary and visiblity
2.1 banner Ps 1
2.2 Note book Ps 10 12.995 229.95
2.3 Pen Packet 1 184.92 184.92
2.4 t-shirt Number 80
2.5 cape Number 10
Sub total 959.22
3 Refreshment items
3.2 Water Bottle 80 2 10 1600
3.3 Sub total 1600
3.4 All total

Prepared by : Belayneh Atnafu approved by: Yigzaw Bekele

Agro- engineer project manager

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