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Oracle® iPlanet Web Server 7.0.

Installation and Migration Guide

Part No: 821–1832

July 2010
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Preface .....................................................................................................................................................7

1 Installation Overview .........................................................................................................................13

Installation Enhancements and Changes ......................................................................................... 13
New Administration Framework ...................................................................................................... 14
Web Server Components ............................................................................................................ 15
64-bit Support ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Directory Structure ............................................................................................................................. 18

2 Installing the Web Server ................................................................................................................... 19

Installation Requirements .................................................................................................................. 19
Installation Modes ............................................................................................................................... 20
Graphical Mode ............................................................................................................................ 20
Command-Line Mode ................................................................................................................. 20
Silent Mode ................................................................................................................................... 20
Selecting the Installation Mode .......................................................................................................... 21
Installation Types ................................................................................................................................ 22
Express Installation ...................................................................................................................... 22
Custom Installation ..................................................................................................................... 24
Installing in Graphical Mode ............................................................................................................. 24
Installing in Graphical Mode on UNIX and Linux .................................................................. 24
Installing in Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux ....................................................... 29
Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows ...................................................................................... 33
▼ To Install in Graphical Mode on Windows ............................................................................... 34
Installing in Command-Line Mode on Windows .................................................................... 37
Windows Entries .......................................................................................................................... 40
Upgrading Web Server from 7.0 to 7.0.9 .......................................................................................... 41


Advanced Installation Options .......................................................................................................... 42

Installing in Silent Mode ............................................................................................................. 42
Configure Later Mode (Java ES Only) ....................................................................................... 49
Disable Start on Boot Option ..................................................................................................... 51
Viewing Installation Log Files ............................................................................................................ 52
Install Log ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Low-Level Install Logs ................................................................................................................. 52

3 Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................55

Starting the Administration Server ................................................................................................... 55
Accessing the Administration Server ................................................................................................ 56
Using the Administration Command-Line Interface ..................................................................... 56
Enabling 64–bit Support ..................................................................................................................... 56
Registering the Administration Node From the Command-Line ................................................. 57
Configuring Web Server ..................................................................................................................... 57
Viewing Access and Error Log Files .................................................................................................. 57

4 Uninstalling the Web Server .............................................................................................................. 59

Selecting the Uninstallation Mode .................................................................................................... 59
Uninstalling in Graphical Mode ........................................................................................................ 60
▼ To Uninstall in Graphical Mode ................................................................................................ 60
Uninstalling in Command-Line Mode ............................................................................................. 61
▼ To Uninstall in Command-Line Mode ..................................................................................... 61
Uninstalling in Silent Mode ............................................................................................................... 61
Viewing Uninstallation Log Files ...................................................................................................... 62
Uninstall Log ................................................................................................................................ 62
Low-Level Uninstall Log ............................................................................................................. 62

5 Migrating to Web Server 7.0 .............................................................................................................. 65

Migration Overview ............................................................................................................................ 65
What Is and Is Not Migrated .............................................................................................................. 66
What Is Migrated ......................................................................................................................... 66
What Is Not Migrated .................................................................................................................. 67
Files Requiring Manual Migration .................................................................................................... 67

4 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010

Configuration File Changes ............................................................................................................... 68

Configuration Files Removed ..................................................................................................... 68
File Layout Changes ..................................................................................................................... 68
Other Migration-Related Changes .................................................................................................... 71
Content-type Header ................................................................................................................. 71
Config Store Directory ................................................................................................................ 72
JNDI and JDBC ............................................................................................................................ 72
Legacy Servlets .............................................................................................................................. 73
Log Files ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Search ............................................................................................................................................ 73
Security .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Servlet Container ......................................................................................................................... 75
Session Manager ........................................................................................................................... 75
User Libraries ............................................................................................................................... 75
Web Applications ......................................................................................................................... 75
WebDAV ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0 ........................................................... 77
To Migrate From Non-Supported Linux Version ................................................................... 78
Resolving Service ID Conflicts on Windows ............................................................................ 78
Migrating Using the Graphical Interface .................................................................................. 79
Migrating Using the Command-Line Interface ....................................................................... 80
Verifying Migration ............................................................................................................................ 83
Viewing the Migration Log File ......................................................................................................... 83
Creating a Server Instance from the Migrated Configuration ....................................................... 84
Updating Your Sun Java Enterprise System Installation ................................................................ 84

Index ......................................................................................................................................................85


This Installation and Migration Guide explains how to install Oracle iPlanet Web Server (Web
Server) and how to migrate from a previous version of the product. This guide also includes
basic information about getting started with Web Server.

The following topics are addressed here:

■ “Who Should Use This Book” on page 7
■ “Web Server Documentation Set” on page 7
■ “Documentation Conventions” on page 9
■ “Default Paths and File Names” on page 10
■ “Documentation, Support, and Training” on page 12
■ “Searching Oracle Product Documentation” on page 12
■ “Third-Party Web Site References” on page 12

Who Should Use This Book

This book is intended for administrators and developers who want to install Web Server or
migrate from a previous version of the product.

Web Server Documentation Set

The Web Server documentation set describes how to install and administer the Web Server.
The URL for Web Server documentation is

For an introduction to Web Server, refer to the books in the order in which they are listed in the
following table.

TABLE P–1 Web Server Documentation

Document Title Contents

Documentation Center Web Server documentation topics organized by tasks and subject

Release Notes ■ Late-breaking information about the software and documentation

■ Supported platforms and patch requirements for installing Web


TABLE P–1 Web Server Documentation (Continued)

Document Title Contents

Installation and Migration Guide Performing installation and migration tasks:

■ Installing Web Server and its various components
■ Migrating data from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System
Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0

Administrator’s Guide Performing the following administration tasks:

■ Using the Administration and command-line interfaces
■ Configuring server preferences
■ Using server instances
■ Monitoring and logging server activity
■ Using certificates and public key cryptography to secure the server
■ Configuring access control to secure the server
■ Using Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) security features
■ Deploying applications
■ Managing virtual servers
■ Defining server workload and sizing the system to meet
performance needs
■ Searching the contents and attributes of server documents, and
creating a text search interface
■ Configuring the server for content compression
■ Configuring the server for web publishing and content authoring
using WebDAV

Developer’s Guide Using programming technologies and APIs to do the following:

■ Extend and modify Web Server
■ Dynamically generate content in response to client requests and
modify the content of the server

NSAPI Developer’s Guide Creating custom Netscape Server Application Programmer’s Interface
(NSAPI) plug-ins

Developer’s Guide to Java Web Implementing Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology in
Applications Web Server

Administrator’s Configuration File Editing configuration files


Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Tuning Web Server to optimize performance

Scaling Guide

8 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010

TABLE P–1 Web Server Documentation (Continued)

Document Title Contents

Troubleshooting Guide Troubleshooting Web Server

CLI Reference Manual Administration commands that allow you to administer the Web
Server through the CLI

Documentation Conventions
This section describes the following conventions used in Web Server documentation:
■ “Typographic Conventions” on page 9
■ “Symbol Conventions” on page 9
■ “Shell Prompts in Command Examples” on page 10

Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.

TABLE P–2 Typographic Conventions

Typeface Meaning Example

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, and Edit your .login file.
directories, and onscreen computer
Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% you have mail.

AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with onscreen machine_name% su

computer output

AaBbCc123 A placeholder to be replaced with a real The command to remove a file is rm filename.
name or value

AaBbCc123 Book titles, new terms, and terms to be Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
emphasized (note that some emphasized
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
items appear bold online)
Do not save the file.

Symbol Conventions
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.


TABLE P–3 Symbol Conventions

Symbol Description Example Meaning

[] Contains optional arguments ls [-l] The -l option is not required.

and command options.

{|} Contains a set of choices for a -d {y|n} The -d option requires that you use
required command option. either the y argument or the n

${ } Indicates a variable ${com.sun.javaRoot} References the value of the

reference. com.sun.javaRoot variable.

- Joins simultaneous multiple Control-A Press the Control key while you press
keystrokes. the A key.

+ Joins consecutive multiple Ctrl+A+N Press the Control key, release it, and
keystrokes. then press the subsequent keys.

→ Indicates menu item File → New → Templates From the File menu, choose New.
selection in a graphical user From the New submenu, choose
interface. Templates.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows default system prompts and superuser prompts.

TABLE P–4 Shell Prompts

Shell Prompt

C shell on UNIX and Linux systems machine_name%

C shell superuser on UNIX and Linux systems machine_name#

Bourne shell and Korn shell on UNIX and Linux systems $

Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser on UNIX and Linux systems #

Default Paths and File Names

The following tables describe the default paths and file names used in Web Server

10 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010

TABLE P–5 Default Paths and File Names

Placeholder Description Default Value

install-dir Represents the base installation Installation as the root user on the Solaris, Linux,
directory for Web Server. AIX, and HP-UX platforms:
Installation as a non-root user on the Solaris, Linux,
AIX, and HP-UX platforms:
All installations on the Windows platform:
SystemDrive:\Program Files\Oracle\Webserver7

instance-dir Directory that contains the For all installations, the same as install-dir.
instance-specific subdirectories.

The following table shows the default paths and file names for Web Server when installed as a
component of Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES).

TABLE P–6 Default Paths and File Names for Java ES Installations

Placeholder Description Default Value

install-dir Represents the base installation On the Solaris platform:

directory for Web Server.
On the Linux and HP-UX platforms:
On the Windows platform:
SystemDrive:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\WebServer7

instance-dir Directory that contains the On the Solaris platform:

instance-specific subdirectories.
On the Linux and HP-UX platforms:
On the Windows platform:
SystemDrive:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\WebServer7


Documentation, Support, and Training

The Oracle web site provides information about the following additional resources:
■ Documentation (
■ Support (
■ Training (

Searching Oracle Product Documentation

Besides searching Oracle product documentation from the web site, you can use
a search engine by typing the following syntax in the search field:


For example, to search for “proxy,” type the following:


To include other Oracle web sites in your search (for example,,,
and, use in place of in the search field.

Third-Party Web Site References

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.

Note – Oracle is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Oracle does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Oracle will
not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be
caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that
are available on or through such sites or resources.

12 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
C H A P T E R 1

Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of Web Server installation. For detailed installation
instructions, see Chapter 2, “Installing the Web Server.”

This chapter contains the following sections:

■ “Installation Enhancements and Changes” on page 13
■ “New Administration Framework” on page 14
■ “64-bit Support” on page 17
■ “Directory Structure” on page 18

Installation Enhancements and Changes

This section provides a brief list of the major installation-related enhancements and changes in
Web Server 7.0. For complete information about new features in this release, see the Oracle
iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes.

Web Server 7.0 provides the following features:

■ A new look and improved installation experience
■ Graphical install and uninstall wizards
■ A robust command-line interface for installing, migrating, and administering the Web
■ Three installation modes that provide interactive and non-interactive installation options
on all supported platforms
■ A 64-bit version of the Web Server for large-scale deployments (Solaris SPARC and
AMD64, and Linux only)
■ Enhanced distributed management across servers in a server farm
■ A start-on-system-boot option for all supported platforms

New Administration Framework

■ Java Software Development Kit, Standard Edition bundled with the product (version

New Administration Framework

Web Server 7.0 includes a new administration framework that provides enhanced distributed
management across servers in a server farm. Robust administration capabilities enable Web
Server configurations to be managed and deployed remotely using both graphical and
command-line interfaces. Server configurations can be managed on a central location in a
server farm and distributed to one or more nodes to create server instances. Monitoring and
lifecycle management of these server instances are also provided.

Server farms, clusters, and this new administration framework are described in detail in the
Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide, but a general understanding of related
terms will be helpful as you perform the installation:
■ Node refers to a server or host in a network.
■ Configuration refers to a set of metadata that configures the runtime services of a Web
Server. Serving web pages from a given document root is an example of a runtime service.
The configuration metadata is used by the server runtime to load built-in services (SAFs)
and third party plug-ins, and to configure other server extensions such as database drivers.
All of these services help serve web pages and dynamic web applications.
The metadata for a configuration is stored in the Config Store, which contains the
configuration files, applications, and other elements that are part of a configuration. The
configuration files managed by the administration framework are magnus.conf,
server.xml, obj.conf, mime.types, keyfile and digestfile, acl files, and the certificate
database files. These files are described in detail in the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9
Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.
Web applications are uploaded as WAR files during deployment and expanded into the
Config Store. Third-party NSAPI plug-ins and third-party Java Archive (JAR) files are also
stored in the Config Store, as are search collections if the search collection index directory is
not specified during migration (for more information, see “Search” on page 73). The
Config Store is located in the config-store directory under the instance_dir directory of
the Administration Server instance. For detailed information about the contents of the
config-store directory, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s
Configuration File Reference.

Caution – Do not edit any file under config-store directory. The files under this directory
are created by Web Server for internal use.

14 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
New Administration Framework

■ Instance refers to the environment of a Web Server daemon on a given node, including its
configuration, log files, deployed applications and the resources needed by them, and other
runtime artifacts such as lock databases, caches, and temporary files. Server instances are
created from configurations.
■ Cluster refers to a set of instances spanning one or more nodes, all running an identical
configuration and offering an identical set of runtime services. All instances in a cluster
must be homogeneous, that is, run on an identical operating system version and patches, use
an identical Web Server configuration, and offer identical services.

Note – It is important to note the distinction between a configuration and an instance. In Web
Server 7.0, a server instance is created by deploying a configuration to one or more nodes in a
server farm. A configuration is a virtual representation of an instance.

Web Server Components

During installation you will make choices about the Web Server components to be installed. In
general, these choices are based on the role the server will play in a server farm environment and
on other administration considerations. Component choices are made only if you are
performing a Custom installation. For Express installations, default components are installed
automatically, as listed in Table 2–2. Web Server 7.0 includes the following components:
■ Server Core
■ Server Core 64–Bit Binaries (Solaris SPARC, AMD64, and Linux only)
■ Administration Command Line Interface
■ Sample Applications

Note – You can install the administration command-line interface without installing server core,
but you cannot install server core without installing the administration command-line

Server Core
Server core refers to the core binaries required for the Web Server environment. If Server Core
is selected, an Administration instance is created and it can be configured as either the
Administration Server or the Administration Node, both of which are described below. If the
Administration instance is configured as Administration Server, a default Web Server instance
is installed. These installation options are used in server farm environments in which a
centralized Administration Server resides on one of the nodes and Administration Nodes reside
on the rest.
■ Administration Server

Chapter 1 • Installation Overview 15

New Administration Framework

The Administration Server is a specially configured Web Server instance used only for
administration purposes and on which administration applications are deployed. Each node
in a server farm or cluster environment has an Administration Server running on it. Of these
nodes, one is configured to be the master server, referred to as the Administration Server,
and the rest are configured to be slave servers, referred to as Administration Nodes
(described below). The Administration Server is used to administer all Web Server instances
in a server farm and to push configurations to the various nodes. The master Administration
Server runs the graphical administration console and command-line administration
interface, while the nodes in the farm run just the Administration Node application. The
Administration Server maintains the configuration repository for all instances.
■ Administration Node
The Administration Node is a Web Server instance without the features and functionality of
the Administration Server (no graphical console, for instance). The Administration Node
receives commands from the designated Administration Server and performs limited
actions on that particular node, such as creating, deleting, starting, and stopping Web Server
instances. Instances can be created on Administration Nodes only by the Administration
Server. The nodes within a server farm or cluster cannot be configured independently.
The Administration Node must be registered with the Administration Server, either during
the installation (see the related steps in Chapter 2, “Installing the Web Server”) or after
installation (see “Registering the Administration Node From the Command-Line” on
page 57). The Administration Server must be running during the registration.

When considering the options described above, use the following general guidelines:
■ If you are not setting up a server farm and want just a straightforward Web Server, choose to
configure the Administration instance as the Administration Server. A default Web Server
instance will also be created.
■ If you are setting up a server farm, first configure the centralized Administration Server
instance. Then configure the rest of the nodes in the server farm as Administration Nodes by
selecting the option to configure the Administration instance as an Administration Node. If
you configure the Administration instance as the Administration Server, a default Web
Server instance is also created.

Server Core 64–bit Binaries (Solaris SPARC, AMD64, Linux Only)

If this option is selected, the 64–bit binaries required for setting up the 64–bit runtime for the
default Web Server instance are installed. This option is selected by default and displays only if
the system on which you are installing has 64-bit support. If this option is selected, both 64- and
32-bit binaries are installed. For more information about 64-bit support in Web Server 7.0, see
“64-bit Support” on page 17.

16 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
64-bit Support

Administration Command-Line Interface

If you specify Administration Command-Line Interface in the component selection portion of
the installation, just the command-line administration interface is installed. This tool is used to
administer and configure all Administration Server and Web Server instances in a server farm
remotely from the command line. For detailed information about the command-line tool and
the powerful new command-line administration interface, see the Web Server 7.0 CLI Man
Pages document. For basic information that will help you get started, also see “Using the
Administration Command-Line Interface” on page 56 in this document.

Note – You can install the administration command-line interface without installing server core,
but you cannot install server core without installing the administration command-line

Sample Applications
If you select Sample Applications in the component selection portion of the installation, sample
applications demonstrating Web Server features and functionality are installed. The default
installation location is install-dir/samples. For more information about the sample
applications, see “Sample Applications in Web Server” in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9
Developer’s Guide to Java Web Applications.

64-bit Support
Web Server 7.0 provides the option of installing a 64-bit version of the Web Server on Solaris
SPARC and Solaris AMD64. If the installer detects a 64-bit system, you have the option to install
the 64-bit binaries. This option is available only for the following platforms:
■ Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 U8+
■ Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 U4+
■ Oracle Solaris 8, 9, and 10 on SPARC v9
■ Oracle Solaris 10 on AMD64
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 64–bit
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 64–bit
■ SuSE Enterprise Linux 10.2 64–bit
■ SuSE Enterprise Linux 11 64–bit

Also note the following considerations:

■ The 64-bit binaries are bundled with the 32-bit binaries, and both are installed if the 64-bit
option is selected during installation. You cannot install just the 64-bit binaries.
■ If you choose to install the 64-bit binaries during installation, all internal binaries are placed
in the install-dir/lib/architecture directory, for example,

Chapter 1 • Installation Overview 17

Directory Structure

■ To determine if your Solaris operating system is 32- or 64-bit, use the isainfo -v
■ Following installation, the Web Server runs in 32-bit mode by default. For information
about actions that must be taken to run the Web Server in 64-bit mode, see “Enabling 64–bit
Support” on page 56.
■ When the server is configured to run in 32-bit mode (the default), 32-bit NSAPI plug-ins
will continue to work even if 64-bit runtime is installed. Existing 32-bit plug-ins, however,
will need to be recompiled as 64-bit plug-ins to work with a 64-bit server. In some cases,
code changes will also be necessary. For more information, see the Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 NSAPI Developer’s Guide.
■ Pure Java code does not need to be recompiled for the 64-bit architecture. If the Java code
uses native Java Native Interface (JNI) user code, only the JNI code needs to be compiled. No
changes are required for any JAR files. For more information about migrating Java Web
applications to the 64-bit architecture, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Developer’s
Guide to Java Web Applications.
■ The Administration Server is a 32-bit application, but manages both the 32- and 64-bit Web
Server instances.

Note – ASP 4.0.3 is supported in Web Server 7.0.

■ Web Server 64-bit Linux is a separate stand alone distribution and cannot exist with Web
Server 7.0 32-bit Linux. Web Server 7.0 64-bit Linux requires 64-bit JDK 5.0 Update 12 or
above. Both Administration Server and server instance only are in 64-bit server

Directory Structure
For detailed information about the directory structure created when you first install the Web
Server, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

18 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
C H A P T E R 2

Installing the Web Server

This chapter provides instructions for installing Web Server. Before you begin, make sure your
system meets the requirements specified in the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes.

Note – UNIX installation supports both root and non-root user installations. Non-administrator
installation is not supported on Windows. Windows users must have power user or
administrator access.

This chapter contains the following sections:

■ “Installation Requirements” on page 19
■ “Installation Modes” on page 20
■ “Selecting the Installation Mode” on page 21
■ “Installation Types” on page 22
■ “Installing in Graphical Mode” on page 24
■ “Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows” on page 33
■ “Upgrading Web Server from 7.0 to 7.0.9” on page 41
■ “Advanced Installation Options” on page 42
■ “Viewing Installation Log Files” on page 52

Installation Requirements
Your system must meet the installation requirements specified in the Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Release Notes. Review that document before beginning the installation.

Installation Modes

Installation Modes
There are three installation modes: graphical, command-line, and silent. These modes enable
you to choose the interactive or non-interactive option that best suits your needs.

This section provides a brief overview of the installation modes. For installation instructions,
see Chapter 2, “Installing the Web Server.” Graphical, command-line, and silent modes are also
available for uninstallation. For uninstallation instructions, see Chapter 4, “Uninstalling the
Web Server.”

Graphical Mode
The graphical mode is an interactive graphical wizard that walks you through the installation
process with a series of screens, prompting for installation information and preferences. This is
the default mode when the installation program is started without options (./setup). For more
information, see “Installing in Graphical Mode” on page 24.

Note – On UNIX systems, the installation interface defaults to command-line mode if the
DISPLAY environment variable has not been exported to your local machine and if X Windows
is not supported.

Command-Line Mode
The command-line mode is an interactive, text-based interface that prompts for responses in a
terminal window. To activate the command-line mode, start the installation program using the
--console option (./setup --console). For more information, see “Installing in
Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux” on page 29.

Silent Mode
Silent installation is a non-interactive mode that enables you to run the installer on multiple
hosts using an installer configuration file called a state file. The state file is created when the
--savestate option is used with the setup command. The state file is saved in the installation
directory, install-dir. The default name of the file is statefile, but the file name can be changed
if desired.

To activate the silent mode, create the state file and then start the installation program using the
--silent option (./setup --silent state_file). After the silent mode is activated, installation
takes place without additional input. For more information about creating a state file and
installing the Web Server using silent installation, see “Installing in Silent Mode” on page 42.

20 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Selecting the Installation Mode

Selecting the Installation Mode

There are three installation modes: graphical, command-line, and silent. For more information
about each mode, see “Installation Modes” on page 20. The setup command is used to specify
the installation mode. The syntax is as follows:

./setup [--help] [--console] [--silent state_file] [--savestate] [--javahome

java_dir] [--id]

Note – Ensure that the required patches are installed before installation can complete
successfully on Solaris. For more information on patch requirement see, Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Release Notes

The following table lists the setup command options.

TABLE 2–1 Options for the setup Command

Option Description

./setup --help Displays the options for the setup command.

./setup Runs the installer in graphical mode.

./setup --console Runs the installer in command-line mode.

./setup --savestate Runs the installer in graphical mode and also creates
an installation configuration file (state file) based on
this installation, to be used for silent installation. The
state file is created and saved in the installation
directory, install-dir. The default name of the file is
statefile, but the file name can be changed if

./setup --console --savestate Runs the installer in command-line mode and also
creates an installation configuration file (state file)
based on this installation, to be used for silent

./setup --silent state_file Runs the installer in silent mode. Installation

parameters are read from the specified state file
(state_file), which was first created using the
--savestate option.

./setup --javahome java_dir Defines the location of the JDK installation that
should be used for the installer Java Virtual Machine
(JVM), in graphical mode.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 21

Installation Types

TABLE 2–1 Options for the setup Command (Continued)

Option Description

./setup --console --javahome java_dir Defines the location of the JDK installation that
should be used for the installer JVM, in
command-line mode.

./setup --id Shows the unique identifier for the installer build.
This option is provided to simplify reuse of installer
state files between builds, if necessary. Each installer
build has a unique identifier. To reuse installer state
files created by different installer builds, the unique
identifier referenced in the installer state file must
match the one in the current installer build. The --id
option enables you to determine this value so you can
edit the value in the state file.

Installation Types
There are two types of installation: Express (the default) and Custom. The installation type is
specified at the start of the installation process. This section briefly describes each type. For
more information about specific settings, see the installation instructions in Chapter 2,
“Installing the Web Server.”

Express Installation
Express installation enables you to quickly install the Web Server using the most common
options and predefined defaults. Express installation is the default installation type and makes
assumptions regarding host name, port numbers, and Java Development Kit (JDK) installation.
If you select Express, you do not specify these settings during installation. Settings will be
configured automatically using the defaults listed in the following table. Use Express
installation if you are new to the Web Server or for evaluation purposes. Choose Custom
installation if you want to customize your installation.

TABLE 2–2 Express Installation Defaults

Setting Default

Administration instance Configured as Administration Server.

JDK Installs the JDK bundled with the Web Server.

22 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installation Types

TABLE 2–2 Express Installation Defaults (Continued)

Setting Default

Components Installs the following:

■ Server Core: Installs the core binaries needed to
set up the Web Server environment.
■ Server Core 64–bit Binaries: (Solaris SPARC,
AMD64, and Linux only) The 64–bit binaries
required for setting up the 64–bit runtime for
Web Server instances. This option is available
only if the system on which you are installing has
64-bit support. Both the 64- and 32-bit binaries
are installed.
■ Administration Command Line Interface: The
command-line administration client used to
manage and configure the Web Server and its
hosted applications from the commandline.
■ Sample Applications: Sample applications that
demonstrate Web Server features and

For more information about each component, see

“Web Server Components” on page 15.

Start on boot No.

Administration Server Settings

Server host Fully qualified domain name of the computer on

which you are installing the Administration Server.

SSL port 8989 if available; otherwise defaults to the next highest

available port.

Non-SSL Port 8800 if available; otherwise defaults to the next highest

available port.

Runtime User ID (UNIX) For root installation, default is root. For non-root
installation default is the user that is performing the

Web Server Instance Settings

Server name The name of the computer on which you are installing
the default Web Server instance.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 23

Installing in Graphical Mode

TABLE 2–2 Express Installation Defaults (Continued)

Setting Default

HTTP port Default value depends upon the run-time user ID of

Administration Server instance. If the Administration
Server instance's runtime user ID is non-root, the
default is 8080. If the Administration Server instance's
runtime user ID is root, the default is 80.

Runtime User ID (UNIX) If the Administration Server instance's runtime user

ID is non-root, the default is same as Administration
Server instance's runtime user id. If the
Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is
root, the default is webservd.

Document root directory install-dir/https-server_name/docs

64–bit configuration (Solaris SPARC AMD64, and No.

Linux only)

Custom Installation
Custom installation provides more flexibility and enables you to configure settings that are not
specified during Express installation, such as Administration Server and Web Server port
numbers and which JDK to use. Use Custom installation if you are an experienced Web Server
user and want to customize your installation.

Installing in Graphical Mode

The graphical interface is an interactive graphical wizard that walks you through the installation
process with a series of screens, prompting for installation information and preferences. This is
the default mode when the installation program is started without options (./setup).

Installing in Graphical Mode on UNIX and Linux

The following procedure describes how to install the Web Server in graphical mode on UNIX
and Linux.

Note – On UNIX systems, the installation interface defaults to command-line mode if the
DISPLAY environment variable has not been exported to your local machine and if X Windows
is not supported. To install in command-line mode, follow the instructions in “Installing in
Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux” on page 29.

24 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode

▼ To Install in Graphical Mode on UNIX and Linux

1 Download the installer file for your platform to a temporary directory. The file format is:

2 Unzip the server files. You will see the following:

■ Legal directory
■ README.txt
■ setup
■ WebServer directory

3 Start the installation with the following command:

The graphical installation wizard displays. General navigation is as follows:
■ Click Back to return to the previous screen.
■ Click Next to move to the next screen.
■ Click Cancel to cancel the installation.
■ Click Help to display documentation specific to the current screen.

4 Specify the installation directory.

The default is /opt/oracle/webserver7 for the root user and user-home/oracle/webserver7
for non-root users.
Web Server components are installed in the directory specified. If the directory does not exist,
you have the option to create it.

5 Select the installation type, Express (the default) or Custom. For more information about each
type, see “Installation Types”on page 22.

6 Proceed based on installation type:

■ For Express installations, specify the user name (admin by default) and password for the
Administration Server user, click Next, and go to Step 13 to finish the installation. Steps 9-13
pertain to Custom installations only. For more information about the default settings used
for Express installations, see “Express Installation” on page 22.
■ For Custom installations, go to Step 7.

7 Select the components to install.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 25

Installing in Graphical Mode

Note – Server Core and Administration Command Line Interface (and Server Core 64–bit
Binaries, if applicable for your system) are selected by default. You can install the
administration command-line interface without installing server core, but you cannot install
server core without installing the administration command-line interface. For more
information, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.
■ Server Core. Installs the core binaries needed to set up the Web Server environment.
■ Server Core 64-bit Binaries. (Solaris SPARC, AMD64 and Linux only) Installs the 64–bit
binaries required for setting up the 64–bit runtime for the default Web Server instance. This
option is selected by default and displays only if the system on which you are installing has
64-bit support. If this option is selected, the 64- and 32-bit binaries are installed. For more
information about 64-bit support in Web Server 7.0, see “64-bit Support” on page 17.
■ Administration Command Line Interface. Installs the command-line administration
client used to manage and configure Web Server and its hosted applications from the
command line. Specify Java configuration information as described in Step 8, and then go to
Step 13 to finish the installation.
■ Sample Applications. Installs the sample applications that demonstrate Web Server
features and functionality.
For more information about each component, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.

8 Specify Java configuration information.

Choose to install the JDK bundled with Web Server 7.0 (the default) or specify the absolute path
to an existing JDK.

9 Specify configuration settings.

Specify whether to configure the administration instance as the Administration Server (the
default) or the Administration Node (as described in “Server Core” on page 15). For more
information about these choices, see “Web Server Components” on page 15. For Custom
installations performed as root, also specify whether the Web Server and its associated
Administration Server should be started and stopped automatically on system startup and
shutdown. The default is No (the option is not selected).
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Server (the default), go
to Step 11.
■ Enable SMF. Select this option to enable Service Management Facility in both
Administration and default instance server. This flag is valid only for Solaris 10. For more
information about Service Management Facility for Java Platform, see “Integrating Service
Management Facility for the Java Platform with Web Server” in Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Node, specify the
Administration Node settings listed below and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation:

26 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode

■ Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Node instance.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Node instance or accept the
default. The default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to
the next highest available port.
■ Runtime User ID. (UNIX, root) Specify the UNIX user name to use when running the
Administration Server. For root installations, the default is root. For non-root
installations, the default is the user name that you used at login.
■ Register Node with Remote Administration Server. Specify whether this
Administration Node instance should be registered with the Administration Server
instance at the time of installation (the default), or later (as described in “Registering the
Administration Node From the Command-Line” on page 57). If registration is selected,
specify the following settings and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation:

Note – When registering an Administration Node with an Administration Server, ensure

that the system date and time of the Administration Node is same as or later than that of
the Administration Server.

■ Administration Server Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the
remote host on which the Administration Server is installed.
■ Administration Server SSL Port. Specify the SSL port on which the remote
Administration Server is listening. The default is 8989.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the administrator user name used to log in to the
remote Administration Server.
■ Administrator Password. Specify the administrator user password used to log in to
the remote Administration Server.

10 For Custom installations performed as root, specify whether the Web Server and its associated
Administration Server should be started and stopped automatically on system startup and
shutdown (the default is No). For Custom installations performed as non-root, go to Step 11.

11 If configuring the administrations instance as the Administration Server, specify Administration

Server settings.
■ Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Server.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Server or accept the default. The
default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest
available port.
■ Non- SSL Port. Specify the non-SSL port for the Administration Server. The default is 8800
unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest available port.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 27

Installing in Graphical Mode

Note – SSL port is default for Administration Server. However, you can also choose to use the
Non-SSL port. When you choose to install through SSL port, use https:// to access the
Administration Server.

■ Runtime User ID. (UNIX, root) Specify the UNIX user name to use when running the
Administration Server. For root installations, the default is root. For non-root installations,
the default is the user you logged in as to perform the installation.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the Administration Server user name. The default is
■ Administrator Password. Specify the Administration Server user password.
■ Retype Password. Retype the Administration Server user password.

12 Specify Web Server settings.

■ Server Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the default Web Server instance.
■ HTTP Port. Default value depends upon the runtime user ID of the Administration Server
instance. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is non-root, the default is
8080. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is root, the default is 80.

Note – root user can bind to any port in Solaris 10 OS. However, on other version of Solaris
root only can bind to ports lesser than 1024. Solaris 10 provides an alternative way for
non-root users to bind to ports less then 1024. On Solaris 10, you need to provide
net_privaddr privileges to a non-root user and start the server. For example, you can start
the server as webservd. Log in as root and execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr webservd. To start the server
as another user, you need to change the user name in the above command. For more
information on usermod see, For more
information on privileges see,

■ Runtime User ID. (root only) If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is
non-root, the default is the same as Administration Server instance's runtime user ID. If the
Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is root, the default is webservd.
■ Enable a 64–bit runtime. Specify whether the 64–bit runtime should be enabled for the
default Web Server instance. The default is No (the option is not selected).
■ Create a document Root. Specify whether the default document root should be created
during installation. The default is install-dir/https-server_name/docs. The server's
content files reside in this directory.

28 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode

■ Use the following directory as document Root. Specify a document root other than the

13 On the Ready to Install screen, click Install Now to install the Web Server software.
A progress bar displays status. Click Stop at any time to stop the installation.
When the installation process is complete, a screen indicates whether installation succeeded or
failed, and provides information about using the Administration Server and reviewing the
installation log file. Make note of this information for future reference.

Installing in Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux

The command-line interface is an interactive, text-based interface that prompts for responses in
a terminal window. To activate the command-line mode, start the installation program using
the --console option (./setup --console).

The following procedure describes how to install the Web Server in command-line mode on
UNIX and Linux.

▼ To Install in Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux

1 Download the file for your platform to a temporary directory. The file format is:

2 Unzip the server files. You will see the following:

■ Legal directory
■ README.txt
■ setup
■ WebServer directory

3 Start the installation with the following command:

./setup --console
The command-line installation interface displays. General navigation is as follows:
■ Press Enter or Return to move forward in the installation.
■ Type < to move back in the installation.
■ Type ! to exit the installation.
■ Default values are shown in brackets: [ ]. To accept the default, press Enter or Return. To
provide a different value, type the value at the command prompt and then press Enter or

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 29

Installing in Graphical Mode

4 Proceed through the introductory information and then specify the installation directory.
The default is /opt/oracle/webserver7 for the root user and user-home/oracle/webserver7
for non-root users.
Web Server components will be installed in the directory specified. If the directory does not
exist, you have the option to create it. If a Web Server installation exists in the directory, you
have the option to upgrade that installation or specify a different directory.

5 Specify the installation type, Express (the default) or Custom. For more information about each
type, see “Installation Types”on page 22.

6 Proceed based on installation type:

■ For Express installations, specify the user name (admin by default) and password for the
Administration Server user, press Enter, and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation.
Steps 9–14 pertain to Custom installations only. For more information about the default
settings used for Express installations, see “Express Installation” on page 22.
■ For Custom installations, go to Step 7.

7 Specify the components to install, separated by commas.

Note – You can install the administration command-line interface without installing server core,
but you cannot install server core without installing the administration command-line
■ Server Core. Installs the core binaries needed to setup the Web Server environment.
■ Server Core 64–bit Binaries. (Solaris SPARC, AMD64 and Linux only) Installs the 64–bit
binaries required for setting up the 64–bit runtime for the default Web Server instance. This
option is available only if the system on which you are installing has 64-bit support. If this
option is selected, the 64- and 32-bit binaries are installed. For more information about
64-bit support in Web Server 7.0, see “64-bit Support” on page 17.
■ Administration Command Line Interface. Installs the command-line administration
client used to manage and configure Web Server and its hosted applications from the
command line. If Administration Command Line Interface is selected and Server Core is
not, specify Java configuration information as described in Step 8, and then go to Step 13 to
finish the installation.

Note – wdeploy command only supports the backward compatibility with Web Server 6.0
and 6.1 releases. This command will work only on the Administration Node.

■ Sample Applications. Installs the sample applications that demonstrate Web Server
features and functionality.

30 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode

For more information about each component, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.

8 Specify Java configuration information.

Choose to install the JDK bundled with Web Server 7.0 (the default) or specify the absolute path
to an existing JDK.

9 Specify configuration settings.

Specify whether to configure the administration instance as the Administration Server (the
default) or the Administration Node (as described in “Server Core” on page 15). For more
information about these choices, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.

Note – This option is available only for UNIX custom installation performed as root. Specify
whether the Web Server and its associated Administration Server should be started and stopped
automatically on system startup and shutdown, (default is No).
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Server (the default), go
to Step 10.
■ Enable SMF. Select this option to enable Service Management Facility in both
Administration and default instance server. This flag is valid only for Solaris 10. For more
information about Service Management Facility, see
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Node, specify the
Administration Node settings listed below and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation:
■ Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Node instance.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Node instance or accept the
default. The default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to
the next highest available port.
■ Runtime User ID. Specify the UNIX user name to use when running the Administration
Server. For root installations, the default is root. For non-root installations, default is the
user name that you used at login to perform the installation.
■ Register Node with Remote Administration Server. Specify whether this
Administration Node instance should be registered with the Administration Server
instance at the time of installation (the default), or later (as described in “Registering the
Administration Node From the Command-Line” on page 57). If registration is selected,
specify the following settings and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation:

Note – When registering an Administration Node with an Administration Server, ensure

that the system date and time of the Administration Node is same as or later than that of
the Administration Server.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 31

Installing in Graphical Mode

■ Administration Server Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the
remote host on which the Administration Server is installed.
■ Administration SSL Server Port. Specify the SSL port on which the remote
Administration Server is listening. The default is 8989.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the administrator user name used to log in to the
remote Administration Server.
■ Administrator Password. Specify the administrator user password used to log in to
the remote Administration Server.

10 For Custom installations performed as root, specify whether the Web Server and its associated
Administration Server should be started and stopped automatically on system startup and
shutdown (the default is No). For Custom installations performed as non-root, go to Step 11.

11 Specify Administration Server settings.

■ Server Host. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Server.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Server or accept the default. The
default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest
available port.
■ Non-SSL Port. Specify the non-SSL port for the Administration Server. The default is 8800
unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest available port.

Note – SSL port is default for Administration Server. However, you can also choose to use the
Non-SSL port. When you choose to install through SSL port, use https:// to access the
Administration Server.

■ Runtime User ID. (UNIX, root only) Specify the UNIX user name to use when running the
Administration Server. For root installations, the default is root. For non-root installations,
default is the user name that you used at login to perform the installation.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the Administration Server user name. The default is
■ Administrator Password. Specify the Administration Server user password.
■ Retype Password. Retype the Administration Server user password.

12 Specify Web Server settings.

■ Server Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the default Web Server instance.

32 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

■ HTTP Port. Default value depends upon the runtime user ID of the Administration Server
instance. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is non-root, the default is
8080. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is root, the default is 80.

Note – root user can bind to any port in Solaris 10 OS. However, on other version of Solaris
root only can bind to ports lesser than 1024. Solaris 10 provides an alternative way for
non-root users to bind to ports less then 1024. On Solaris 10, you need to provide
net_privaddr privileges to a non-root user and start the server. For example, you can start
the server as webservd. Log in as root and execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr webservd. To start the server
as another user, you need to change the user name in the above command. For more
information on usermod see, For more
information on privileges see,

■ Runtime User ID. Specify the UNIX user name to use when running the default instance of
the Web Server. For root installations, the default is webservd on all UNIX platforms. For
non-root installations, default is the user name that you used at login to perform the
■ Document Root Directory. Specify the document root directory. The default is
install-dir/https-server_name/docs. The server's content files reside in this directory.

13 Specify whether you want to install the product (the default), start over, or exit the installation.
Following installation, text displays indicating whether the installation succeeded or failed, and
providing information about using the Administration Server and reviewing the installation log
file. Make note of this information for future reference.

Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

The following procedure describes how to install the Web Server in graphical mode on
Windows. You must be logged in with administrator privileges. Non-administrator installation
is not supported on Windows.

Note – On Windows XP SP2 and Windows server 2003 SP1 onwards, only one instance listens
on the same port.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 33

Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

▼ To Install in Graphical Mode on Windows

1 Download the installer file to a temporary directory. The file format is:

2 Unzip the server files. You will see the following:

■ Legal directory
■ README.txt
■ setup.exe
■ WebServer directory

3 Start the installation by double-clicking setup.exe, or by typing setup from the command line.
The graphical installation wizard displays. General navigation is as follows:
■ Click Back to return to the previous screen.
■ Click Next to move to the next screen.
■ Click Cancel to cancel the installation.
■ Click Help to display documentation specific to the current screen.

4 Proceed from the Welcome screen and specify the installation directory.
The default is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Webserver7.
Web Server components are installed in the directory specified. If the directory does not exist,
you have the option to create it. If a Web Server installation exists in the directory, you have the
option to upgrade that installation. Otherwise, you must uninstall the existing installation. Only
one Web Server 7.0 installation is permitted.

5 Select the installation type, Express (the default) or Custom. For more information about each
type, see “Installation Types”on page 22.

6 Proceed based on installation type:

■ For Express installations, specify the user name (admin by default) and password for the
Administration Server user, click Next, and go to Step 12 to finish the installation. Steps
8–12 pertain to Custom installations only. For more information about the default settings
used for Express installations, see “Express Installation” on page 22.
■ For Custom installations, go to Step 7.

7 Select the components to install.

34 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

Note – You can install the administration command-line interface without installing the server
core, but you cannot install the server core without installing the administration command-line
interface. For more information, see“Web Server Components” on page 15.
■ Server Core. Installs the core binaries needed to set up the Web Server environment.
■ Administration Command Line Interface. Installs the command-line administration
client used to manage and configure Web Server and its hosted applications from the
command line. If Administration Command Line Interface is selected and Server Core is
not, specify Java configuration information as described in Step 8, and then go to Step 12 to
finish the installation.
■ Sample Applications. Installs the sample applications that demonstrate Web Server
features and functionality.
For more information about each component, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.

8 Specify Java configuration information.

Choose to install the JDK bundled with Web Server 7.0 (the default) or specify the absolute path
to an existing JDK.

9 Specify configuration settings.

Specify whether to configure the administration instance as the Administration Server (the
default) or the Administration Node (as described in “Server Core” on page 15). For more
information about these choices, see “Web Server Components” on page 15. Also specify
whether the Web Server and its associated Administration Server should be started and stopped
automatically on system startup and shutdown. The default is No (the option is not selected).
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Server (the default), go
to Step 10.
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Node, specify the
Administration Node settings listed below and then go to Step 12 to finish the installation:
■ Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Node instance.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Node instance or accept the
default. The default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to
the next highest available port.
■ Register Node with Remote Administration Server. Specify whether this
Administration Node instance should be registered with the Administration Server
instance at the time of installation (the default), or later (as described in “Registering the
Administration Node From the Command-Line” on page 57). If registration is selected,
specify the following settings and then go to Step 12 to finish the installation:

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 35

Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

Note – When registering an Administration Node with an Administration Server, ensure

that the system date and time of the Administration Node is same as or later than that of
the Administration Server.

■ Administration Server Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the
remote host on which the Administration Server is installed.
■ Administration Server SSL Port. Specify the SSL port on which the remote
Administration Server is listening. The default is 8989.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the administrator user name used to log in to the
remote Administration Server.
■ Administrator Password. Specify the administrator user password used to log in to
the remote Administration Server.

10 Specify Administration Server settings.

■ Server Host. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Server.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Server or accept the default. The
default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest
available port.
■ Non-SSL Port. Specify the non-SSL port for the Administration Server. The default is 8800
unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest available port.

Note – SSL port is default for Administration Server. However, you can also choose to use the
Non-SSL port. When you choose to install through SSL port, use https:// to access the
Administration Server.

■ Administrator User Name. Specify the Administration Server user name. The default is
■ Administrator Password. Specify the Administration Server user password.
■ Retype Password. Retype the Administration Server user password.

11 Specify Web Server settings.

■ Server Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the default Web Server instance.
■ HTTP Port. Default value depends upon the runtime user ID of the Administration Server
instance. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is non-root, the default is
8080. If the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is root, the default is 80.

36 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

■ Create a default document root. Specify whether the default document root directory
should be created during installation. The default is install-dir\https-server_name\docs.
The server's content files reside in this directory.
■ Use the following directory as document Root. Specify a document root other than the

12 On the Ready to Install screen, click Install Now to install the Web Server software.
A progress bar displays status. Click Stop at any time to stop the installation.
When the installation process is complete, a screen displays indicating whether installation
succeeded or failed, and providing information about using the Administration Server and
reviewing the installation log file. Make note of this information for future reference.

13 Click Finish to exit the installation wizard.

Installing in Command-Line Mode on Windows

The following procedure describes how to install the Web Server in command-line mode on
Windows. You must be logged in with administrator privileges. Non-administrator installation
is not supported on Windows.

▼ To Install in Command-Line Mode on Windows

1 Download the installer file to a temporary directory. The file format is:

2 Unzip the server files. You will see the following:

■ Legal directory
■ README.txt
■ setup.exe
■ WebServer directory

3 Start the installation with the following command:

setup --console
The command-line installation interface displays. General navigation is as follows:
■ Press Enter or Return to move forward in the installation.
■ Type < to move back in the installation.
■ Type ! to exit the installation.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 37

Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

■ Default values are shown in brackets: [ ]. To accept the default, press Enter or Return. To
provide a different value, type the value at the command prompt and then press Enter or

4 Proceed through the introductory information and then specify the installation directory.
The default is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Webserver7.
Web Server components are installed in the directory specified. If the directory does not exist,
you have the option to create it. If a Web Server installation exists in the directory, you have the
option to upgrade that installation. Otherwise, you must uninstall the existing installation. Only
one Web Server 7.0 installation is permitted.

5 Specify the installation type, Express (the default) or Custom. For more information about each
type, see “Installation Types”on page 22.

6 Proceed based on the installation type:

■ For Express installations, specify the user name (admin by default) and password for the
Administration Server user, press Enter, and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation.
Steps 8–13 pertain to Custom installations only. For more information about the default
settings used for Express installations, see “Express Installation” on page 22.
■ For Custom installations, go to Step 7.

7 Specify the components to install, separated by commas.

Note – You can install the administration command-line interface without the installing server
core, but you cannot install server core without installing the administration command-line
■ Server Core. Installs the core binaries needed to set up the Web Server environment.
■ Administration Command Line Interface. Installs the command-line administration
client used to manage and configure Web Server and its hosted applications from the
command line. If Administration Command Line Interface is selected and Server Core is
not, specify Java configuration information as described in Step 8, and then go to Step 13 to
finish the installation.
■ Sample Applications. Installs the sample applications that demonstrate Web Server
features and functionality.
For more information about each component, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.

8 Specify Java configuration information.

Choose to install the JDK bundled with Web Server 7.0 (the default) or specify the absolute path
to an existing JDK.

38 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

9 Specify configuration settings.

Specify whether to configure the administration instance as the Administration Server (the
default) or the Administration Node (as described in “Server Core” on page 15). For more
information about these choices, see “Web Server Components” on page 15.
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Server (the default), go
to Step 10.
■ If you select Configure Administration Instance as Administration Node, specify whether
the Web Server and its associated Administration Server should be started and stopped
automatically on system startup (the default is No), specify the Administration Node
settings listed below, and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation.
■ Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Node instance.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Node instance or accept the
default. The default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to
the next highest available port.
■ Register Node with Remote Administration Server. Specify whether this
Administration Node instance should be registered with the Administration Server
instance at the time of installation (the default), or later (as described in “Registering the
Administration Node From the Command-Line” on page 57). If registration is selected,
specify the following settings and then go to Step 13 to finish the installation. If
registration is not selected, go to Step 13 to finish the installation.

Note – When registering an Administration Node with an Administration Server, ensure

that the system date and time of the Administration Node is same as or later than that of
the Administration Server.

■ Administration Server Host Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the
remote host on which the Administration Server is installed.
■ Administration Server SSL Port. Specify the SSL port on which the remote
Administration Server is listening. The default is 8989.
■ Administrator User Name. Specify the administrator user name used to log in to the
remote Administration Server.
■ Administrator Password. Specify the administrator user password used to log in to
the remote Administration Server.

10 Specify whether the Web Server and its associated Administration Server should be started and
stopped automatically on system startup and shutdown (the default is No).

11 Specify Administration Server settings.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 39

Installing in Graphical Mode on Windows

■ Server Host. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the Administration Server.
■ SSL Port. Specify the SSL port for the Administration Server or accept the default. The
default is 8989 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this defaults to the next highest
available port.
■ Non-SSL Port. To create Non-SSL port, select the checkbox Create non-ssl port for the
Administration Server. The default is 8800 unless that port is unavailable, in which case this
defaults to the next highest available port.

Note – SSL port is default for Administration Server. However, you can also choose to use the
Non-SSL port. When you choose to install through SSL port, use https:// to access the
Administration Server.

■ Administrator User Name. Specify the Administration Server user name to use for
authentication. The default is admin.
■ Administrator Password. Specify the Administration Server user password to use for
■ Retype Password. Retype the Administration Server user password.

12 Specify Web Server settings.

■ Server Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer on which you are
installing the default Web Server instance.
■ HTTP Port. Default value depends upon the runtime user ID of Admin Server instance. If
the Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is non-root, the default is 8080. If the
Administration Server instance's runtime user ID is root, the default is 80.
■ Document Root Directory. Specify the document root directory. The default is
install-dir\https-server_name\docs. The server's content files reside in this directory.

13 Specify whether you want to install the product (the default), start over, or exit the installation.
Following installation, text displays indicating whether the installation succeeded or failed, and
providing information about using the Administration Server and reviewing the installation log
file. Make note of this information for future reference.
If you have completed installation successfully. For more information see Chapter 3, “Getting

Windows Entries
Start menu and registry entries are created during installation, as described in the following

40 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Upgrading Web Server from 7.0 to 7.0.9

Start Menu
The following Start menu folder is created:
Start > All Programs > Oracle Corporation > Web Server 7.0
If you configure it as Admin Server, the folder contains the following:
■ Start Admin Server
■ Start Admin Console
■ Uninstall
If you configure it as Admin Node, the folder contains the following:
■ Start Admin Node
■ Start Admin Console
■ Uninstall

Registry Entries
Registry entries are modified as follows:
■ A registry key is created under
which adds Web Server to the list of applications that can be uninstalled using the Add or
Remove Programs functionality accessed from the Control Panel. This key is removed when
the product is uninstalled using the uninstaller.
■ Entries are added for the Web Server service key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\https-admserv70 for the
Administration Server, and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\https-config_name (for
example, https-config_name would be https-test for a configuration named test).

Upgrading Web Server from 7.0 to 7.0.9

You can upgrade from Web Server 7.0 to Web Server 7.0.9 using the installation program
(setup). While executing the installation program it will detect the existing installation
directory, and prompt you to confirm the installation location. Click Yes to continue the
upgrade. The remaining steps are similar to the installation steps for more information, see
“Installing in Graphical Mode” on page 24.
■ You can only upgrade Web Server 7.0 to Web Server 7.0 update releases.
■ In express installation, only existing components are upgraded. For more information on
express installation, see “Express Installation” on page 22. In custom installation, existing
components are upgraded and you can also install components, which were not installed
during Web Server 7.0. You cannot deselect the existing components. For more information
on custom installation, see “Custom Installation” on page 24.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 41

Advanced Installation Options

■ During upgrade, installer stops the server instances. You must restart the server instances
once the upgrade is done.
■ If you have installed JDK, which was bundled with Web Server 7.0 and trying to upgrade to
Web Server 7.0.9, installation program installs the new version of JDK and it overwrites the
existing JDK installation. Ensure to take a backup of the existing JDK installation folder, if
you have made any changes to it. If you have used your existing JDK installation during 7.0,
then upgrade will continue to use the same JDK.
■ During upgrade, no change is made to configuration. If you have configured the
Administration Server in the Web Server 7.0 installation, then no change is made to it. Only
the bits are upgraded.

Advanced Installation Options

The following procedure describes how to install Web Server in silent mode.

Installing in Silent Mode

Silent installation is a non-interactive mode that enables you to run the installer on multiple
hosts using an installer configuration file (state file). To install in silent mode, generate a state
file as described in “Creating a State File” on page 42, and then start the installation program
using the --silent option (./setup --silent state_file). After the silent mode is activated,
installation takes place without additional user input.

Creating a State File

The installer configuration file (state file) is created when the savestate option is used with the
setup command to start an interactive installation. Settings are captured during the interactive
installation and saved in a state file. This file forms the template for silent installation, which can
be used to install the product on one or more systems. The state file can be modified later if
necessary, as described in “Changing the State File” on page 43.

▼ To Create a State File

1 Navigate to the directory that contains the setup script and other installation files.

2 Start the installation program.

■ Graphical installation mode:
■ ./setup --savestate (UNIX)
■ setup --savestate (Windows)
■ Command line installation mode:

42 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Advanced Installation Options

■ ./setup --console --savestate (UNIX)

■ setup --console --savestate (Windows)

3 Perform the installation as described in the installation steps in “Installing in Graphical Mode”
on page 24 or “Installing in Command-Line Mode on UNIX and Linux”on page 29.
The state file is created and saved in the installation directory, install-dir. The default name of
the file is statefile, but the file name can be changed if desired. For information about using
the state file for silent installation, see “Running the Installer in Silent Mode” on page 48.

Example State File

A state file on the UNIX platform might look as follows. For details about variables in the state
file, see “Changing the State File” on page 43.

# Install Wizard Statefile section for Oracle iPlanet Web Server

[STATE_BEGIN Oracle iPlanet Web Server ad59442e831d7bbf70ae3df748d67c910fca5296]
defaultInstallDirectory = /opt/oracle/webserver7
currentInstallDirectory = /export/home/user1/oracle/webserver7state
UPGRADE = false
SELECTED_COMPONENTS = svrcore,admincli,devsupport
ADMIN_UID = vg157348
ADMIN_NAME = admin
WEB_PORT = 8080
WEB_UID = vg157348
[STATE_DONE Oracle iPlanet Web Server ad59442e831d7bbf70ae3df748d67c910fca5296]

Changing the State File

You can change the state file after it has been generated by editing its values and variables. The
following table lists the variables in the state file, in alphabetical order.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 43

Advanced Installation Options

Note – Ensure you only edit the values and variables. The structure of the state file should not be

In Web Server 7.0, the values supported for the selected components property were
admincli_l10 and svrcore_l10n.

TABLE 2–3 Variables in the State File

Variable Name Valid Values (If Applicable) Description

ADMIN_PORT 0-65535 Valid port to run the

Administration Server.

ADMIN_SSL_PORT 0–65535 Valid port for secure connections.

ADMIN_UID Valid UNIX user ID Valid UNIX user ID to run the

Administration Server.

CREATE_SERVICE True or false Creates a SMF instance for the

server instance. This flag is valid
only for Solaris 10.

NODE_HOST Fully qualified domain name of the

computer on which you are
installing the Administration

NODE_SSL_PORT 0–65535 Valid port for secure connections.

CONFIG_NAME Default configuration name used

by the Web Server to create a
configuration, associate it with a
node, and create an instance. The
default for the Administration
Server is https-config1.

IS_ADMIN_NODE True or false Valid only for Administration

Server and Administration Node
installations; null for
Administration Command Line

currentInstallDirectory Specified installation directory


defaultInstallDirectory /opt/oracle/webserver7 on Default installation directory path.

UNIX; C:\Program
Files\Oracle\Webserver7 on

44 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–3 Variables in the State File (Continued)

Variable Name Valid Values (If Applicable) Description

JDK_LOCATION Selected Java Platform, Standard

Edition (Java SE) installation
directory path.

REGISTER_NODE True or false Specifies whether the

Administration Node instance
should be registered with the
Administration Server instance at
the time of installation or later.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 45

Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–3 Variables in the State File (Continued)

Variable Name Valid Values (If Applicable) Description

SELECTED_COMPONENTS svrcore, svrcore64, admincli, Comma-separated list of product

devsupport components selected for
Installs the following:
■ Server Core: Installs the core
binaries needed to set up the
Web Server environment. In
silent mode, it corresponds to
■ Server Core 64–bit Binaries:
(Solaris SPARC,AMD64 and
Linux only) The 64–bit
binaries required for setting up
the 64–bit runtime for Web
Server instances. This option is
available only if the system on
which you are installing has
64-bit support. Both the 64-
and 32-bit binaries are
installed. In silent mode, it
corresponds to svrcore64.
■ Administration Command
Line Interface: The
command-line administration
client used to manage and
configure the Web Server and
its hosted applications from the
command line. In silent mode,
it corresponds to admincli.
■ Sample Applications: Sample
applications that demonstrate
Web Server features and
functionality. In silent mode, it
corresponds to devsupport.

SIXTYFOURBIT_INSTALL True or false Identifies a 64-bit installation.

SKIP_INSTANCE_CREATION True or false True will not create default


STARTUP_ONBOOT True or false Start on system boot option.

46 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–3 Variables in the State File (Continued)

Variable Name Valid Values (If Applicable) Description

UPGRADE True or false Identifies the existing installation.

USE_BUNDLED_JDK True or false Install the JDK bundled with the

installer; if false, JDK_LOCATION
cannot be empty.

WEB_DOCROOT The primary document directory

for the Web Server instance; if this
is empty, a default document
directory is created.

WEB_PORT 0–65535 Valid default port to run the Web

Server instance server under HTTP

WEB_SERVERNAME Fully qualified domain name of the

computer on which the default
Web Server instance is installed.

WEB_UID Valid UNIX user ID Valid UNIX user ID to use when

running the default Web Server

Variables such as ADMIN_HOST ADMIN_PORT ADMIN_NAME and ADMIN_PASSWD act differently

based on the configuration. The table below has more information that you have installed.

TABLE 2–4 Configuration for Administration Server Instance

Variable name Valid values (if applicable) Description

ADMIN_HOST Fully qualified domain name of the

computer on which the
Administration Server is installed

ADMIN_PORT 0-65535 Non-SSL port for the

Administration Server

ADMIN_NAME Administrator user name for the

initial server instance

ADMIN_PASSWD Administrator user password for

the initial server instance, stored as
plain text

The following fields are displayed when you configure Administration Node to an
Administration Server.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 47

Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–5 Configuration for Administration Node Instance

Variable name Valid values (if applicable) Description

ADMIN_HOST Fully qualified domain name of the

computer on which the
Administration instance is installed

ADMIN_SSL_PORT 0-65535 SSL port for the Administration


ADMIN_NAME Administrator user name to log in

to remote admin server

ADMIN_PASSWD Administrator user password to log

into remote admin server

Running the Installer in Silent Mode

The following procedure applies to all supported platforms.

▼ To Run the Installer in Silent Mode

1 Review the installer configuration file (state file) and verify that it contains the settings you
want to use for silent installation.

2 Copy the state file to each system on which you plan to install the Web Server software.

3 Copy the Web Server installation files to each system on which you plan to install the Web Server

4 Navigate to the directory where you copied the state file and the installation files.

5 Start silent installation at the command line using the following syntax:
■ ./setup --silent state_file (UNIX)
■ setup --silent state_file (Windows)
where state_file is the installer configuration file. The installer program reads thestate_file,
checks for adequate disk space, and then installs the product based on the data in state_file.
When the prompt is returned, silent installation is complete and the installation components
have been installed.

48 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Advanced Installation Options

Configure Later Mode (Java ES Only)

To change the configuration settings after Java Enterprise System (Java ES) installation, edit the file in the path

Note – Ensure you only edit the values and variables. The structure of the properties file should
not be changed. Do not edit WS_IS_JES and WS_JDK_HOME values.

TABLE 2–6 Post Installation Configuration Settings

Variable Valid values (if applicable) Description

WS_IS_JES Set this flag to true (Java ES

environment only).

WS_JDK_HOME Selected Java SE Installation

directory path.

WS_INSTALL_ROOT (Required) Specify whether the

default installation root should be
created during installation.

WS_INSTANCE_ROOT (Required) Specify whether the

default instance root should be
created during installation.

WS_DOCROOT (Optional) Specify whether the

default document root should be
created during installation.

WS_SERVER_NAME (Required) Fully qualified domain

name of the computer on which the
default Java ES instance is installed.

WS_SERVER_USER Valid UNIX user ID (Required only on UNIX/Linux

platforms) Valid UNIX user ID to
use when running the default Java
ES instance. If the Administration
Server instance's runtime userID is
root, the default is webservd.

WS_HTTP_PORT 0–65535 (Required) Valid default port to run

the Java ES instance server under
HTTP mode.

WS_ADMIN_SSL_PORT 0–65535 (Required) Specify the SSL port for

the Administration Server or accept
the default.

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 49

Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–6 Post Installation Configuration Settings (Continued)

WS_ADMIN_HOST (Required) Fully qualified domain
name of the computer on which the
Java ES Administration server is

WS_CONFIG_NAME (Required) Default configuration

name used by the Java ES to create a
configuration and associate it with a
node to create an instance.

WS_ADMIN_SERVER_USER (Required only on UNIX/Linux

platforms) Valid UNIX/Linux user
ID to use when running the default
Java ES instance.

WS_ADMIN_LOGIN_USER (Required) Specify the

administrator user name used to log
in to the Administration Server.

WS_ADMIN_LOGIN_PASSWORD (Required) Specify the

administrator user password used to
log in to the Administration Server.

WS_ADMIN_HTTP_PORT 0–65535 (Optional) Non-SSL port of the

Administration server. The default
is 8800.

WS_CREATE_SERVICE True or false True will create SMF instance for a

server instance.

WS_START_ON_BOOT True or false (Optional) Start on system boot


WS_SKIP_INSTANCE_CREATION True or false (Optional) True will not create

default instances.

WS_64BIT_INSTALL True or false (Optional) Identifies 64-bit

installation. True will configure the
server in 64 bit mode 6. False will
configure the server in 32 bit mode .

WS_ADMIN_IS_SERVER_MODE True or false (Optional) True will configure

server as Administration Server.
False will configure server as
Administration Node.

50 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Advanced Installation Options

TABLE 2–6 Post Installation Configuration Settings (Continued)

WS_REGISTER_NODE True or false (Optional) Specifies whether the
Administration Node instance
should be registered with the
Administration Server instance at
the time of installation or later.
Required only if
false. If set to true, you must provide
the name of the remote admin server
host for registration.

WS_NODE_SSL_PORT 0–65535 (Optional) SSL port of the

Administration server. Required
is set to false.

WS_NODE_HOST (Optional) Fully qualified domain

name of the computer on which the
Administration instance is installed.

Note – When you configure in Configure Late Mode, you must execute configureServer script
in the following location:

Solaris: install-dir/setup/configureServer

Linux/HP-UX: install-dir/setup/configureServer

Windows: jes_install_dir\webserver7\setup\

Disable Start on Boot Option

If you select Start on Boot during installation, the following scripts are created:
■ Solaris: /etc/init.d/webserver7–*
■ Linux:/etc/init.d/webserver7–*
■ AIX:/etc/rc.d/webserver7–*
■ HPUX/sbin/init.d/webserver7–*

An asterisk * in the script name refers to the unique hashcode generated during each
installation, for example webserver7–99bbdd. The script contains the variable
WS_INSTANCE_ROOT which is set to 1. To disable the Start on Boot option, –-set

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 51

Viewing Installation Log Files

Note – Be careful to choose the correct script for your system. Each installation includes its own
script with a different hashcode.

Viewing Installation Log Files

Log files are created during the installation process. All installation steps are logged, providing
valuable troubleshooting information.

Install Log
The install log file is located in the following directory:

Install log file entries contain information about the attempted action, the outcome of the
action, and the cause of failure if applicable. Entries fall into three categories: INFO, WARNING,
and ERROR. The following table describes each category.

TABLE 2–7 Install Log Entry Categories

Category Description

INFO Marks normal completion of a particular installation


WARNING Marks non-critical failures. Warning-level messages

contain information about the cause and nature of the
failure, and point to possible remedies.

ERROR Marks critical failures and reports the installation

status as failed. Error-level messages provide detailed
information about the nature and cause of the

FINE Marks the extent of verbosity of debug messages.

FINEST gives the maximum verbosity.

Low-Level Install Logs

Low-level install logs are located as follows, where timestamp is of the format mmddHHMM.
■ Solaris (root installation)
■ Solaris (non-root installation)

52 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Viewing Installation Log Files

■ Linux, HP-UX, AIX
■ Windows

Chapter 2 • Installing the Web Server 53


Getting Started

This chapter provides basic information about getting started with Web Server.

This chapter contains the following sections:

■ “Starting the Administration Server” on page 55
■ “Accessing the Administration Server” on page 56
■ “Using the Administration Command-Line Interface” on page 56
■ “Enabling 64–bit Support” on page 56
■ “Registering the Administration Node From the Command-Line” on page 57
■ “Configuring Web Server” on page 57
■ “Viewing Access and Error Log Files” on page 57

Starting the Administration Server

This section describes how to start the Administration Server.
■ To start the Administration Server on UNIX and Linux, go to install-dir/admin_server/bin
and type ./startserv.
■ To start the Administration Server on Windows, do one of the following:
■ From the Start menu, select Programs > Oracle > Web Server 7.0 > Start Admin Server.
■ Start the Administration Server service on the Services page accessed from the Control
■ Execute net start https-admserv70 from the command line.
■ Execute startserv.bat from install-dir/admin-server/bin.

Accessing the Administration Server

Accessing the Administration Server

To access the web-based Administration Server console, open a browser and enter a URL of the
format https://server_name:administration_port.

For example, if the server name specified during installation is myserver and the port is 8989,
the URL used to launch the Administration Server graphical interface is
https://myserver:8989. You will be prompted for the Administration Server user name and
password, which were also specified during installation.

Note – You must use https:// in the URL prefix to access the Administration Server through SSL

Using the Administration Command-Line Interface

The command-line tool for Web Server 7.0 administration is called wadm (this was called
wsadmin in Web Server 6.0 and 6.1) and is located in install-dir/bin directory. To use the CLI,
the Administration Server must be running.

Use the --help option (wadm --help) to obtain top-level help for the CLI. Use wadm
sub_command --help for command-specific help. For more information about the
administration CLI, see the man pages and the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 CLI Reference

Note – wdeploy command only supports the backward compatibility with Web Server 6.0 and
6.1 releases. This command will work only on the Administration Node.

Enabling 64–bit Support

After the installation, by default Web Server runs in the 32-bit mode if the 64-bit runtime
option is not selected. The following shows how to enable the 64-bit support after the

Set the configuration property:

$ wadm set-config-prop --user=admin-user --host=host-name --port=admin-port

--config=config-name platform=64

Deploy the configuration:

$ wadm deploy-config config-name

56 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Viewing Access and Error Log Files

Registering the Administration Node From the

Use the register-node command to register the Administration Node with the
Administration Server from the command line. Registration is necessary if registration was not
performed during installation, or failed during installation. The Administration Node cannot
be started unless registration is complete. The Administration Server must be running to use
the CLI and register the Administration Node with the Administration Server.

Use the following command to register the Administration Node:

($install-dir/bin/wadm register-node --user=user_name --host=host_name

--port=port_name )

Note – When registering an Administration Node with an Administration Server, ensure that
the system date and time of the Administration Node is same as or later than that of the
Administration Server.
■ user_name: Administrator user name to log into remote Administration Server.
■ host_name: Fully qualified domain name of the host on which the Administration Server is
■ port_name: SSL port on which the remote Administration Server is listening. The default is

Configuring Web Server

For detailed information about configuring Web Server, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9
Administrator’s Guide and the online help that is available from the Admin console. You can
also refer other books in the Web Server 7.0 documentation set.

Viewing Access and Error Log Files

The Administration Server log files record data about the server, including details about server
access and the types of errors encountered during server operation.

The Access log records information about requests to and responses from the server. The Error
log lists all errors that the server has encountered since the log file was created, and also contains
informational messages about the server, such as when the server was started and who tried
unsuccessfully to log in. By default, the access and server logs are located in

Chapter 3 • Getting Started 57

Viewing Access and Error Log Files

For more information about the log files and their configuration, see the Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide, and the online help that is available from the Admin console.
You can also refer other books in the Web Server 7.0 documentation set.

58 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
C H A P T E R 4

Uninstalling the Web Server

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Web Server software, and contains the following
■ “Selecting the Uninstallation Mode” on page 59
■ “Uninstalling in Graphical Mode” on page 60
■ “Uninstalling in Command-Line Mode” on page 61
■ “Uninstalling in Silent Mode” on page 61
■ “Viewing Uninstallation Log Files” on page 62

Selecting the Uninstallation Mode

There are three uninstallation modes: graphical, command-line, and silent. Use the uninstall
command to specify the uninstallation mode. The syntax is as follows:

./uninstall [--help] [--console] [--silent] [--javahome


If you run the uninstall command without options, the uninstallation programs runs in
graphical mode.

The following table lists the uninstall command options.

TABLE 4–1 Options for the uninstall Command

Option Description

./uninstall --help Displays the options for the uninstall command.

./uninstall Runs the uninstaller in graphical mode.

./uninstall --console Runs the uninstaller in command-line mode.

./uninstall --silent Runs the uninstaller in silent mode.

Uninstalling in Graphical Mode

TABLE 4–1 Options for the uninstall Command (Continued)

Option Description

./uninstall --javahome java_dir Defines the location of the JDK installation that
should be used for the uninstaller JVM, in graphical

./uninstall --console --javahome java_dir Defines the location of the JDK installation that
should be used for the uninstaller JVM, in
command-line mode.

./uninstall --saveinstances Captures configuration information for a server

instance before it is uninstalled, in command-line
mode. All configuration information is removed during
the uninstall process in silent mode. In all other modes,
you are prompted during the uninstall process.

Uninstalling in Graphical Mode

The graphical interface is an interactive graphical wizard that walks through the uninstallation
process. This is the default mode when the uninstallation program is started without options

General navigation is as follows:

■ Click Back to return to the previous screen.
■ Click Next to move to the next screen.
■ Click Cancel to cancel the installation.
■ Click Help to display documentation specific to the current screen.

Note – On UNIX systems, the uninstallation interface defaults to command-line mode if the
DISPLAY environment variable has not been exported to your local machine and if X Windows
is not supported. To uninstall in command-line mode, follow the instructions in “Uninstalling
in Command-Line Mode” on page 61.

▼ To Uninstall in Graphical Mode

1 Navigate to the install-dir/bin directory.

2 Start the uninstallation program

■ (UNIX) Type ./uninstall.
■ (Windows) Double-click uninstall.exe or type uninstall from the command line. You
can also use the Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs option, or use Start > Programs >
Oracle > Web Server 7.0 > Uninstall.

60 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Uninstalling in Silent Mode

The uninstallation wizard appears.

3 Click Next, and then specify whether to save instance configuration information.
Selecting Save Instances (not selected by default) retains all the server instance directories in the
Web Server's install-dir. Saving instances allows you to reuse the configurations by copying
them to the config-store of the new Administration Server

4 Click Next, and then Uninstall Now to proceed with the uninstallation.
A progress bar shows status. Following uninstallation, a summary page displays. Click Details
for more information, or Close to exit the uninstallation wizard.

Uninstalling in Command-Line Mode

The command-line interface is an interactive, text-based interface that prompts for responses in
a terminal window. To activate the command-line mode, start the uninstallation program using
the --console option (./uninstall --console).

▼ To Uninstall in Command-Line Mode

1 Navigate to the install-dir/bin directory.

2 Start the uninstallation program with the following command:

■ (UNIX) ./uninstall --console
■ (Windows) uninstall --console
The command-line uninstall interface displays.

3 Select Uninstall Now to proceed with the installation.

Uninstalling in Silent Mode

■ From the command line, navigate to the bin directory in the Web Server installation
directory, install-dir, and start the uninstallation program with the following command:
■ (UNIX)./uninstall --silent
■ (Windows) uninstall --silent

Chapter 4 • Uninstalling the Web Server 61

Viewing Uninstallation Log Files

Note – Use ./uninstall --saveinstances –console if you want to capture instance

configuration information before the instance is uninstalled. Otherwise, all
configuration information is removed during the uninstall process.

Viewing Uninstallation Log Files

Log files are created during the uninstallation process. All uninstallation steps are logged,
providing valuable troubleshooting information.

Uninstall Log
The uninstall log file is located as follows:

Uninstall log file entries contain information about the attempted action, the outcome of the
action, and the cause of failure if applicable. Entries fall into three categories: INFO, WARNING,
and ERROR. The following table describes each category.

TABLE 4–2 Uninstall Log Entry Categories

Category Description

INFO Marks normal completion of a particular

uninstallation task.

WARNING Marks non-critical failures. Warning-level messages

contain information about the cause and nature of the
failure, and point to possible remedies.

ERROR Marks critical failures and reports the uninstallation

status as failed. Error-level messages provide detailed
information about the nature and cause of the

Low-Level Uninstall Log

Low-level uninstall logs are located as follows, where timestamp is of the format
■ Solaris (root installation)
■ Solaris (non-root installation)

62 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Viewing Uninstallation Log Files

■ Linux, HP-UX, AIX
■ Windows

Chapter 4 • Uninstalling the Web Server 63

C H A P T E R 5

Migrating to Web Server 7.0

This chapter describes the migration of Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 and Sun Java System Web
Server 6.1 configurations to Web Server 7.0.

This chapter contains the following sections:

■ “Migration Overview” on page 65
■ “What Is and Is Not Migrated” on page 66
■ “Files Requiring Manual Migration” on page 67
■ “Configuration File Changes” on page 68
■ “Other Migration-Related Changes” on page 71
■ “Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0” on page 77
■ “Verifying Migration” on page 83
■ “Viewing the Migration Log File” on page 83
■ “Creating a Server Instance from the Migrated Configuration” on page 84
■ “Updating Your Sun Java Enterprise System Installation” on page 84

Migration Overview
Web Server 7.0 enables you to migrate server instances from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 and Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1. For a general overview of this terminology and distinction, see
“New Administration Framework” on page 14.

You must first migrate the Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 instance to create a Web Server 7.0
configuration. The Web Server 7.0 configuration is then used to create a Web Server 7.0
instance. Web Server 7.0 includes a new command-line interface for migration, so migration
can now be performed either from the graphical interface or from the command line. See
“Migrating Using the Graphical Interface” on page 79 or “Migrating Using the Command-Line
Interface” on page 80 for specific procedures.

What Is and Is Not Migrated

Note – The server being migrated and the Web Server 7.0 Administration Server must reside on
the same host. However, an instance can be created on an associated remote node.

Only Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 and Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instances can be migrated.
Direct migration from earlier product versions is not supported. To migrate earlier versions,
first migrate them to Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and confirm that the migration is
successful. For information see the latest Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 documenation
collection at

Detailed migration information is provided during and after the migration process in the
migration log file. It lists the settings and configurations that were and were not migrated, warns
about required manual changes, and indicates whether the migration succeeded or failed. For
more information about this file, see “Viewing the Migration Log File” on page 83. Many but
not all settings are migrated, as described in “What Is and Is Not Migrated” on page 66.

A configuration is created during the migration process. Following migration, the

configuration is available in the install-dir/admin-server/config-store directory. As
mentioned earlier, Web Server 7.0 server instances are created from these configurations using
either the administration GUI or CLI. If a configuration exists with the same name, -x is added
to config_name, where x is an integer.

What Is and Is Not Migrated

Many but not all settings are migrated. This section lists what is and is not migrated during

What Is Migrated
The following are migrated by the migration tool:
■ ACL Files
■ Configuration files
■ Scheduler settings
■ Configuration settings for file cache tuning
■ Key & cert databases and certificate mappings
■ Listen socket settings
■ Mime files
■ NSAPI information
■ SHTML settings

66 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Files Requiring Manual Migration

■ SNMP settings
■ SSL information
■ User databases
■ Virtual server settings
■ Web applications (see “Web Applications” on page 75 for more information)
■ WebDAV settings, but not the physical collections and locks (see “WebDAV” on page 76
for more information)
■ Web Server 6.1 search collections informations. see “Search” on page 73 for more

What Is Not Migrated

The following are not migrated by the migration tool:
■ CGI directories
■ Command-line scripts
■ The docroot directory
■ Legacy servlets
■ Log files
■ Simple Session Manager and Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Session Manager
■ User libraries
■ WebDAV physical collections and locks
■ Web Server 6.0 search configurations and collections. (see “Search” on page 73 for more

Files Requiring Manual Migration

Command-line scripts are not migrated to Web Server 7.0. The default command-line scripts
will be created, and you must make any necessary changes in the relevant Web Server 7.0
command-line scripts.

The following command-line scripts are not migrated:

■ startsvr, startsvr.bat
■ stopsvr, stopsvr.bat
■ restart
■ reconfig, reconfig.bat

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 67

Configuration File Changes

Configuration File Changes

In previous releases, server configuration was spread over multiple files. In Web Server 7.0,
server configuration has been consolidated for better manageability. Many changes have been
made to consolidate instance-specific configuration files in the config directory and to simplify
and enhance existing configuration files. In general, no new configuration files have been
added, some configuration files have been removed, and significant changes have been made to
files carried forward from previous releases, such as server.xml and magnus.conf.

Some configuration file changes are briefly mentioned here but are not described in detail. For
complete information about configuration file changes in Web Server 7.0, see the Web Server
7.0 Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

Configuration Files Removed

The following configuration files have been removed in Web Server 7.0:
■ dbswitch.conf
■ nsfc.conf
■ scheduler.conf
■ schedulerd.conf
■ snmp.conf

For more information, see “File Layout Changes” on page 68.

File Layout Changes

The following table lists file layout changes between Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and Web
Server 7.0. These changes are made automatically during migration.

For information about changes made in Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and earlier product
versions, see the latest Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 documenation collection at

TABLE 5–1 File Layout Changes

Web Server 6.1 Web Server 7.0

install_root/alias/https-server_id-hostname install-dir
-certx.db /https-server_id/config/certx.db,
where x=7 or 8 (Web Server 7.0 supports both cert7
and cert8)

install_root/alias/https-server_id-hostname install-dir/
-key3.db https-server_id/config/key3.db

68 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Configuration File Changes

TABLE 5–1 File Layout Changes (Continued)

Web Server 6.1 Web Server 7.0

install_root/alias/secmod.db install-dir/https-server_id/config/secmod.db

install_root/httpacl/generated.https install-dir/https-server_id/config/default.acl

install_root/httpacl/genwork.https Removed

install_root/userdb/certmap.conf install-dir/https-server_id/config/certmap.conf

install_root/userdb/dbswitch.conf Removed; functionality moved to the auth-db

element in server.xml.

instance-dir/config/nsfc.conf Removed; functionality moved to the file-cache

element in server.xml.

instance-dir/config/snmp.conf Remove; functionality moved to the snmp element in


admsrv_dir/config/scheduler.conf Removed; functionality moved to the event element

in server.xml and entries migrated to Web Server 7.0
(no manual changes are required).

admsrv_dir/config/schedulerd.conf Removed

instance-dir/config/*.clfilter Removed

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 69

Configuration File Changes

TABLE 5–1 File Layout Changes (Continued)

Web Server 6.1 Web Server 7.0

instance-dir/config/magnus.conf install-dir/https-server_id/config/magnus.conf
Retained for NSAPI plug-in configuration, but all
functionality not related to NSAPI plug-ins has been
moved to server.xml. Support for some obsolete
directives has been dropped. The magnus.conf file is
copied into the new server configuration during
migration. If any removed or obsolete directives are
found, a warning is issued.
The following new elements will be created in
■ access-log
■ access-log-buffer
■ acl-cache
■ cgi
■ dns
■ dns-cache
■ http
■ keep-alive
■ localization
■ pkcs11
■ qos
■ ssl-session-cache
■ stats
■ temp-path
■ thread-pool
■ user
For detailed information about these changes, see the
Web Server 7 Administrator's Configuration File

instance-dir/config/obj.conf install-dir/https-server_id/config/obj.conf
Retained. In Web Server 6.1, all virtual servers within
a given VSCLASS shared a common obj.conf. In Web
Server 7.0, each virtual server can have its own
obj.conf, or can still share the same obj.conf. For
detailed information about these changes, see Chapter
6, “Syntax and Use of obj.conf,” in Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Configuration File
Reference and Chapter 2, “Configuration, Instances,
and Nodes,” in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9
Administrator’s Guide

70 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Other Migration-Related Changes

TABLE 5–1 File Layout Changes (Continued)

Web Server 6.1 Web Server 7.0

instance-dir/config/server.xml install-dir/https-server_id/config/server.xml
Most of the attribute names have changed. Some
elements have been consolidated and some have split.
For detailed information about these changes, see the
Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Configuration File
The Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 server.xml file is parsed
and the values written in the new server.xml file,
which is created during migration.

server_instance/config/mime.types install-dir/https-server_id/config/mime.type
During migration, the mime.types file of the old
instance in the server_instance/config/mime.types
directory is migrated into the new
server_instance/config directory. Non-default
mime.types (mime1.types, mime2.types, and so on)
in the old server_instance/config directory and listed
in the MIME element of server.xml are migrated into
the new server_instance/config directory.

Other Migration-Related Changes

The following sections contain information on other migration-related changes when moving
from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0. These changes are made automatically during

Content-type Header
After migration from 6.1, Web Server 7.0 will not return Content-type:text/html when there
is no message body, for instance, a redirection location header. Since response doesn't contain
the message body, there's no reason to specify a Content-Type header hence this is a conscious
change made in 7.0 as compared to 6.1. For customers who still depend on Content-type can
make the following configuration changes in 7.0.

To add back the content-type in output stage

Add the following content into Web Server 7.0 obj.conf

Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"

Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
<If $uri =~ ".jsp$">

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 71

Other Migration-Related Changes

Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="Content-type: text/html"

Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn="flex-log"
When content-type is 302

<If $code = "302" >

Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="content-type:text/html"
When content-length is zero

<If $srvhdrs{’content-length’} = "0">

Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="content-type:text/html"

Config Store Directory

As described in “New Administration Framework” on page 14, Web Server 7.0 makes it easier
to manage Web Server configurations across hardware nodes in a server farm. This
administration framework provides necessary services to graphical and command-line clients
to manage server configurations, and to replicate configurations across nodes within data
centers or server farms.

Caution – Do not edit any files under config-store directory. The files under this directory are
created by Web Server for internal use.

Metadata for the configurations managed by the administration infrastructure is stored within a
directory called config-store, under the root directory of the Administration Server instance.
When a server is migrated, data is transferred and a configuration is created under
config-store. Configuration files, applications, and other elements that are part of a
configuration are stored in config-store, as are search collections if a different search
collection index directory is not specified during migration (for more information, see “Search”
on page 73). Web Server 7.0 instances are created from these configurations.
For more information about the config-store directory structure and about configuration
files, see the Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Configuration File Reference. For more information
about managing Web Server configurations in data centers and server farms, see the Oracle
iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide.


The following table lists changes related to Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) and

72 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Other Migration-Related Changes

TABLE 5–2 Changes Related to JNDI and JDBC

Change in Web Server 7.0 Description


changes elements in server.xml have been consolidated into
the jdbc-resource element.
For each existing JDBCRESOURCE, a corresponding
jdbc-resource element will be created in the new

Element name changes in server.xml The following element names have changed:
■ MAILRESOURCE is now mail-resource.
■ CUSTOMRESOURCE is now custom-resource.
external-jndi-resource, and most of the
attribute names have also changed.

Legacy Servlets
There are no changes to this functionality from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0. For more
information on legacy servlets, see “Migrating Legacy Servlets” in Oracle iPlanet Web
Server 7.0.9 Developer’s Guide to Java Web Applications

Log Files
Log files are not migrated.

When migrating search, necessary server.xml changes are made and the collections directory
from the Web Server 6.1 server instance is moved to the search collection index directory
specified during migration. If the directory is not specified, the search collection will not be

Also note the following considerations:

■ The document root for search collections is not migrated and must be changed manually.
■ Web Server 6.1 search collections are migrated, but Web Server 6.0 collections are not

The following table lists other changes related to search.

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 73

Other Migration-Related Changes

TABLE 5–3 Changes Related to Search

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

Element changes in server.xml ■ SEARCH is now called search-app.

■ SEARCHCOLLECTION is now called
■ The PROPERTY subelement has been removed
■ The WEBAPP subelement has been removed, a uri
attribute has been added to point to the search
web application, and most of the attribute names
have changed.

search-collection-copy-path Specifies the path to which search collection

information will be copied when migrating search
collections. The following migration scenarios are
possible: If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection
path is outside the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instance, then
the migrated search collection path will point to the
Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection path, and this
option will be disregarded. If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1
search collection path is within the Web Server 6.0 or
6.1 instance, and a valid path is specified for this
option, then the search collection information will be
copied to the following directory:
virtualServerName/collectionName. If the
specified path is not valid, an error message will be
logged. If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection
path is within the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instance but
no path is specified for this option, then the search
collection information will not be copied. A message
will be written to the migration log asking the user to
manually copy the search collection information
using the wadm add-search-docs command. In this
case, the migrated search collection path will be the

The following table lists changes related to security.

74 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Other Migration-Related Changes

TABLE 5–4 Changes Related to Security

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

SECURITY element moved and renamed security (all In Web Server 6.1, the SECURITY element was under
lower case) the JAVA element in server.xml. In Web Server 7.0,
the JAVA element has been split into two elements: jvm
and servlet-container. In Web Server 7.0, the
security element is under the servlet-container
element and is called security (all lower case) instead
of SECURITY. The necessary changes are made in the
new server_instance/config/server.xml.

Servlet Container
The following table list changes related to servlet container.

TABLE 5–5 Changes Related to Servlet Container

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

Decode Cookies In Web Server 6.1, + in cookie values were not

decoded. However, in Web Server 7.0 the plus + is
decoded to spaces. The default value is false.

Session Manager
There are no changes to this functionality from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0.

User Libraries
User libraries are not migrated. A warning message is recorded in the migration log file.

Web Applications
The following table lists changes related to web applications.

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 75

Other Migration-Related Changes

TABLE 5–6 Changes Related to Web Applications

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

WEBAPP element changed in server.xml The WEBAPP element is now called web-app and has
been moved under the virtual-server element. The
changes are made in the new
/config_name/config/server.xml. Changes are also
be made in the sun-web.xml and web.xml files for the
web applications. If the web application was located
inside the old install-dir, it is physically migrated and
changes are made in sun-web.xml and web.xml files of
the web applications else, the web applications path
element in the migrated server.xml is modified to
point to the old web application directory. No changes
will be made to sun-web.xml and web.xml. A warning
message is recorded in the migration log file to
manually edit these XML files.

The following table lists changes related to WebDAV.

TABLE 5–7 Changes Related to WebDAV

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

Element changes in server.xml ■ DAV is now called dav.

■ DAVCOLLECTION is now called dav-collection.
■ The PROPERTY subelement has been removed.
■ The dav-collection subelement has been moved
under the virtual-server element and most of
the attribute names have changed. The necessary
changes are made in server.xml.

76 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

TABLE 5–7 Changes Related to WebDAV (Continued)

Changes in Web Server 7.0 Description

Changes to obj.conf Necessary modifications are made in the obj.conf

file. Specifically:
■ ACL and REPORTS are added in the default object's
service-dav list of methods. For example:

<Object name="default">
Service fn="service-dav"
Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn="flex-log"
■ ACL and REPORTS are added in the dav object's
service-dav list of methods. For example:

<Object name="dav"
PathCheck fn="check-acl"
Service fn="service-dav"

New ACL entry in default.acl The following new ACL entry is added in
default.acl only if the dav-src ACL exists in
acl uri=/magnus-internal/";
deny (all) user="anyone";
allow (list) user="all";

Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0
This section describes how to migrate Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0 using both the
graphical and the command-line interfaces. Note the following considerations:
■ The server being migrated and the Web Server 7.0 Administration Server must reside on the
same host.
■ Commit all pending configuration changes made to the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1 instance through the Administration Server console GUI before
migrating the instance.

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 77

Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

■ Confirm that the existing Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1
instance is working correctly before migrating the instance.
■ Stop the server you are migrating before the migrating settings.
■ If migrating from a Web Server version lower than 6.0, you must first migrate your legacy
server to Web Server to 6.1, and then to Web Server 7.0. Direct migration from versions
lower than 6.0 is not supported. After migrating from iPlanet Web Server 4.0 to 6.1, ensure
that Web Server 6.1 works, then migrate to Web Server 7.0.

To Migrate From Non-Supported Linux Version

Linux versions supported by the Web Server 7.0.9 are listed in Release Notes, see “Supported
Platforms” in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes

If you are using a non-supported Linux version, you must perform one of the following tasks to
upgrade to the Web Server 7.0.9. You can perform the following task in Java ES environment as
1. Stop the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instances.
2. Upgrade the Linux operating system to one of the Web Server 7.0.9 supported Linux
3. Migrate the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instances to Web Server 7.0.9.

Note – You must upgrade the Linux operating system to one of the supported versions.

1. Archive the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 installation directory, including all necessary resources
like document root, libraries, and web applications.
2. Extract the archive to the system running Web Server 7.0.9.
3. Migrate the extracted Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instances to Web Server 7.0.9.

Note – Ensure that the directory structure is the same as in Web Server 6.0 or 6.1.

Resolving Service ID Conflicts on Windows

On Windows, creating an instance for any configuration registers a service-id with Windows
services. If the service-id exists, there is a service-id conflict and the instance creation fails.
For example, you might migrate a 6.0 or 6.1 instance named foo. If the foo service-id exists,
the creation fails.

78 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

To avoid the conflict, during migration, change the configuration name using either the CLI or
the Admin Console. Another option is to copy the configuration to a new configuration that
uses a unique service-id. Use either the wadm> copy-config command, or the Copy button
on the Admin Console Configurations page to copy the configuration.

Migrating Using the Graphical Interface

The following procedure describes how to migrate server instances using the graphical
interface. There are two distinct phases to the migration process. You first migrate data from a
6.0 or 6.1 instance to create a Web Server 7.0 configuration, and then deploy that configuration
on a node to create a Web Server 7.0 instance.

Note – For detailed information about these and other tasks performed using the
Administration Server console, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide.

▼ To Migrate Using the Graphical Interface

1 Access the Administration Server console and click the Configurations tab.

2 In the Configuration Tasks table on the resulting Tasks screen, click Migrate Configuration.
The Migrate Instances Wizard displays.

3 In the wizard:

a. Supply the absolute path to the installation directory of the 6.0 or 6.1 Web Server you want
to migrate, then click Next.

b. The Instances selection screen appears.

This wizard creates a configuration in the config-store directory of the Web Server 7.0
Administration Server. You will then use this configuration to create a server instance, as
described in the following steps.

Note – Before creating the instance from the migrated configuration, it is imperative that you
review the migration log file and fix any issues. For information about accessing the migration
log, see “Viewing the Migration Log File” on page 83.

4 In the Configuration Tasks table on the Tasks screen, click New Instance.
The New Instance Wizard displays.

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 79

Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

5 In the wizard:

a. Select the configuration you migrated and click Next.

b. Select the nodes on which to create an instance of the configuration and click Next.

Note – If you want to migrate to another host than while creating an instance select the
remote node.

c. Verify the information on the summary page and click Finish.

6 Start the migrated server and ensure that the server is working properly.

Migrating Using the Command-Line Interface

The migrate-server command is used to migrate server instances and create Web Server 7.0
configurations using the administration command-line interface (CLI).

The wadm utility is located in install-dir/bin. For detailed information about using the
administration CLI, see the man pages and the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 CLI Reference
Manual document. For basic information that will help you get started, also see “Using the
Administration Command-Line Interface” on page 56 in this document.

The migrate-server syntax is as follows:

wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]


The following examples demonstrate how to use the command-line interface to migrate one or
several server instances.

Migrating a Single Instance

The following is an example of using the CLI to migrate a single instance from Sun ONE Web
Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0 using the same
name for the migrated configuration as the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web
Server 6.1 instance :

wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]


80 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

where, for example, 6.xwebserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr and instance_name
might be
The following is an example of migrate a single instance from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0 using a different name from the
Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance for the migrated
wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]
where, for example, 6.x webserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr and instance_name
might be
The following is an example to migrate single instance from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0 using a different name from the
Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance for the migrated
wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]
where, for example, 6.x webserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr and instance_name
might be

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 81

Migrating From Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 to Web Server 7.0

The following is an example of migrate single instance from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0 using a different name from the
Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance for the migrated

wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]

[--config=newconfigname[--instance=instancename]) --server-root=path


where, for example, 6.x webserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr and instance_name

might be

The following is an example of migrate single instance from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun
Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0 using a different name from the
Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance for the migrated
configuration. Specify a different log directory for migration logs:

wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]

[--instance=instancename]) --server-root=path


where, for example, 6.x webserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr and instance_name

might be

Migrating All Instances

The following is an example of using the CLI to migrate all instances from Sun ONE Web Server
6.0 or Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 to Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0:

wadm> migrate-server [--user=admin-user]


82 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010
Viewing the Migration Log File

([--all|[--config=newconfigname[--instance=instancename]) --server-root=path


where, for example, 6.x webserver_install_root might be/opt/SUNWwbsvr.

Verifying Migration
To verify migration:
■ Review the task completion message, indicating whether migration did or did not take
■ Review the migration log file, accessed as described in “Viewing the Migration Log File” on
page 83. This file contains detailed information about the migration and any files or
components that must be migrated manually.

Note – It is imperative that you review this information and fix any issues before creating a
server instance from the migrated configuration.

■ Verify that the configuration was created.

■ After reviewing the migration log and fixing any issues, deploy the migrated configuration
onto a node and start the server. The server should start without any problems.

Viewing the Migration Log File

Detailed migration information is provided during and after the migration process, listing the
settings and configurations that were and were not migrated, warning about changes that need
to be made manually, and indicating whether the migration succeeded or failed. This
information is recorded in the migration log file. The syntax for the migration log file is as


For example, if the log directory specified during installation (--logdir) is /ws7, and the
migration process was started on 01/08/2006 at 11:16 PM, the following file is created under the
/ws7 directory: MIGRATION_20060108111600.log. If no log directory was specified during
installation, the file with the same name is created under the install-dir/admin-server/logs

Chapter 5 • Migrating to Web Server 7.0 83

Creating a Server Instance from the Migrated Configuration

Note – If you select the All Instances Migration option, all the instances migration log are stored
in the same migration log file.

Creating a Server Instance from the Migrated Configuration

The create-instance command creates the Web Server instance from the configuration. So if
migrate-server creates a configuration called foo, the create-instance command creates the
instance https-foo using the configuration install-dir/admin-server/config-store/foo in
the specified node. The syntax is create-instance --config=config_name

The migrate-server CLI command removes the prefix https- from the old instance and uses
that name as the configuration name, while the create-instance command adds the prefix
https- to the configuration name and uses that name as the instance name.

Updating Your Sun Java Enterprise System Installation

For information about upgrading Web Server from a previous Java ES release to Sun Java
Enterprise System Web Server (Java ES Release 5), see the Sun Java Enterprise System Upgrade
Guide in the Java ES system documentation at

84 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010

Numbers and Symbols G

64–bit binaries, administration command-line graphical mode, command-line mode, 60-61
interface, 15-17
64–bit support, 17-18

A command-line mode, 20
administration command-line interface, language enhancements and changes, 13-14
pack, 15-17 Graphical Mode, 20
administration framework, node, 14-17 Modes, 20
administration server settings, configuration requirements, 19
settings, 24-33 silent mode, 20
installation graphical mode, on unix and linux, 24-33
installation types
custom, 22-24
C express, 22-24
command-line mode, silent mode, 60-61 instance, cluster, 14-17
components, server core, 15-17
configuration file changes, files removed, 68-71
configuration settings, web server settings, 24-33
node, instance, 14-17

express, installation types, 22-24
on unix and linux, administration server
settings, 24-33
files removes, file layout changes, 68-71


registering the administration node from the command
Line, 57

server core, 64–bit binaries, 15-17
state file, changing the state file, 42-43

uninstall, graphical mode, 60-61

86 Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Installation and Migration Guide • July 2010

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