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Retrofit Design For Increasing The Processing Capacity of Distillation Columns 1. A Hydraulic Performance Indicator

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# 2004 Institution of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, Part A, January 2004
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 82(A1): 3–9


1. A Hydraulic Performance Indicator
Z.-Y. LIU and M. JOBSON*
Department of Process Integration, UMIST, Manchester, UK

ncreasing the throughput of an existing distillation process is an important objective of
retrofit design of distillation processes. When the throughput is increased, entrainment
flooding may create a bottleneck in the column. Important goals of retrofit design are to
identify and remove such a bottleneck. This work develops an analysis tool for retrofit design of
distillation columns. A new measure, fractional utilization of area (FUA), is proposed to
identify the extent to which the area available for vapour flow on an existing stage of the
column is utilized. The area utilization is assessed relative to an acceptable approach to
flooding conditions in the column section. FUA is defined as the ratio of the area required for
vapour flow on a stage to the maximum area available for vapour flow in the column section.
An FUA curve, indicating area utilization on every stage in the column, can be generated from
converged simulation results and existing sizing correlations. The FUA curve is a useful
analysis tool, as it allows the bottleneck in the column to be identified and allows the
effectiveness of proposed modifications to be evaluated.

Keywords: bottleneck; flooding.

INTRODUCTION design engineer must therefore resort to trial and error, rules
of thumb, experience and intuition in order to identify
In recent years, there has been great incentive to improve the effective solutions to the design problem. The design
efficiency with which existing capital in chemical proces- process will not be efficient, nor can it engender confidence
sing facilities is utilized. Retrofit design projects aim to find that the most effective design solution has been obtained.
ways to maximize the use of existing equipment, and thus This paper presents a hydraulic analysis tool for retrofit
minimize expenditure on new capital, when the production design of distillation processes. The tool allows one to
objectives change. Examples of new objectives are increas- identify effective, low-cost modifications to a distillation
ing the throughput of a process, accommodating new feed- column in order to increase its processing capacity. This
stocks, producing products of higher value, reducing should allow promising design options to be identified
operating costs, energy requirements or atmospheric emis- systematically, quickly and easily (Liu and Jobson, 2003).
sions, and incorporating new technologies into a process. It While this design methodology does not allow optimal
has been estimated that, at the end of the 1980s, 70–80% of designs to be identified, it can allow a wide range of
capital investment projects in the processing industry were promising design options to be evaluated with relatively
retrofit projects (Grossmann et al., 1987; Gunderson, 1990). little computational and engineering effort. Related work
Given the prevalence of distillation processes in chemicals focuses on the particular design option of changing the
processing plants, it follows that retrofit design of distilla- operating pressure of a distillation column in order to
tion columns and distillation processes is an important issue increase its processing capacity (Liu, 2000).
in maximizing the efficiency with which existing plant There are two main approaches that are adopted for the
equipment is used in the industry. retrofit design of distillation processes in order to increase
In this work, we shall focus on the retrofit of distillation throughput:
columns in order to allow the throughput to an existing
distillation column to be increased. Many column modifica- (1) replacing existing internals with high capacity and=or
tions can allow this goal to be achieved. There is currently high efficiency internals;
no systematic and quantitative way of identifying which of (2) revamping the process by improving the utilization of
these modifications will be effective for a particular distilla- existing equipment and making relatively minor modi-
tion process and for a particular set of design objectives. The fications, including adjusting the operating conditions,
adding equipment, etc.
*Correspondence to: Dr M. Jobson, Department of Process Integration,
UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. The last two decades saw the development of a new
E-mail: generation of structured packings and of a range of new


high-performance trays (e.g. Fair and Seibert, 1999; flooding, constrains the production capacity of an existing
Billingham and Lockett, 1999). Replacing existing column distillation column. This assumption is good at low pres-
internals with these new internals can allow the processing sures (less than 5 or 10 bar), where entrainment flooding is
capacity and=or efficiency of an existing distillation column the main constraint to increasing throughput. The analysis
to be increased. Some recent publications (e.g. Kister et al., tool can easily be extended to apply to packed distillation
1994; Bravo, 1997) have identified strategies for selecting columns.
the most appropriate internals for a given application. This paper discusses how the hydraulic performance
While replacing existing column internals with new of an existing distillation column can be analysed and
internals can often allow the throughput to the column to how bottlenecks caused by entrainment flooding can be
be increased significantly, using new internals is not the only identified.
design option, and is not always the most cost-effective
design option. The first of the two approaches to distillation
retrofit design can therefore be extremely effective, but the
cost and associated downtime can be unnecessarily high.
The second approach to retrofit distillation design
involves improving the way existing equipment is used.
Litzen and Bravo (1999) noted that design strategies that
aim to improve the efficiency with which existing equipment A number of methodologies have been developed to
is utilized are often overlooked. The design methodology identify column and process modifications that can reduce
developed here and in Liu and Jobson (2003) aims to the operating costs of distillation columns. Dhole and
identify design solutions that allow a throughput increase Linnhoff (1993) recognized that tools for the analysis of a
by making relatively minor modifications to the column proposed or existing distillation column need to be based on
configuration and operating conditions, thereby minimizing realistic conditions in the column, rather than on some
the required capital expenditure. The design solutions unrealisable thermodynamic ideal. They developed the
that are identified can sometimes be very effective, but concept of a column grand composite curve; this curve can
very much less expensive than replacing the column be generated from the results of a converged simulation of a
internals. column. The curve can then be interpreted to give quanti-
A number of authors have proposed design principles for tative recommendations about modifications to the existing
increasing the processing capacity of distillation columns by distillation process or column that can reduce its operating
improving the effectiveness of the existing equipment. For costs. These modifications include changing the thermal
example, Litzen and Bravo (1999) presented an approach condition of the feed and introducing intermediate reboilers
that exploits synergies between existing equipment in an or condensers to the column.
entire plant. In particular, if some processing equipment has Column or process modifications that reduce operating
spare capacity while other equipment limits the plant costs often reduce the flow rates of vapour and liquid in the
capacity, the spare capacity can be exploited in order to column. Reducing flow rates can in turn allow existing
reduce the demands on the constrained equipment. Williams distillation equipment to accommodate increased feed
(1998) outlined a few factors that should be considered in a flows. However, design options that can reduce operating
retrofit design, including defining the objectives, evaluating costs do not always simultaneously increase the production
existing operations, and using computer simulations to capacity of a distillation column. For example, using a side
assess the benefits of proposed modifications. Xu et al. reboiler in the stripping section of a distillation column can
(1998) assumed that it is sufficient to analyse the hydraulic often reduce operating costs. However, if the location
performance of only the key stages in order to evaluate the and=or the duty of the side reboiler are not appropriate,
capacity of a distillation column. The key stages are the top the maximum throughput of the column may actually
and bottom stages, and those directly above and below the decrease (Liu and Jobson, 2003).
feed point. Xu et al. (1998) also discussed in a qualitative The analytical tool developed by Dhole and Linnhoff
way how adjusting the operating conditions of the column (1993) has a number of attractive features. Firstly, the column
(including feed temperature, feed composition, reflux rate, grand composite curve is a graphical tool; its visual nature is
reflux temperature, boil-up rate and operating pressure) can useful for providing insights into the distillation problem and
allow its throughput to be increased. for devising appropriate design solutions. Secondly, the tool
The main drawback of existing retrofit design methods is uses the results of a simulation of the distillation process. The
that they only provide qualitative guidelines. In practice, tool is therefore based on rigorous and complex calculations,
design engineers need both qualitative and quantitative rather than on short-cut calculations or other approximations
guidance. This paper presents an analysis tool that can of the column behaviour. Thirdly, the tool forms the basis of
provide such guidance. a design methodology: qualitative and quantitative design
For an existing distillation process, with a fixed feed guidelines can be interpreted from the column grand compo-
composition, there will be a maximum feed flow rate that site curve.
can be separated to meet some fixed product specifications. The analytical tool presented in this paper has similar
The bottleneck of the process is that part of the installed features, in that it allows insights to be obtained, is based on
equipment that cannot accommodate higher flows than those the results of column simulations and facilitates systematic
associated with this maximum feed flow rate. For example, generation and evaluation of retrofit design options (Liu and
one of the heat exchangers may no longer be able to perform Jobson, 2003). The tool allows the bottleneck in a distilla-
as it is required to, or the downcomers in the column may tion column to be identified, potential modifications to be
flood, etc. This study assumes that tray flooding, or entrainment suggested and proposed design changes to be assessed.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF TRAY FLOODING IN velocity could be assumed to correspond to 80% of the
DISTILLATION COLUMNS flooding velocity. The minimum diameter required for
satisfactory hydraulic performance could then be compared
One approach to analysing the hydraulic performance in a
with the diameter of the existing column in order to
distillation column is to look at the liquid and vapour flow
establish whether, and to what extent, the flows to that
rates in the column. It could be concluded that flooding will
stage could be increased. Knowing the extent to which the
occur on those stages with the highest traffic. However, this
area available for vapour flow is utilized is useful, because
approach is too simplistic to be useful, since flooding in a
the required area is inversely proportional to the feed flow
column, especially at lower pressures, is associated with the
rate, i.e. the throughput.
combination of the liquid and vapour flows, rather than with
Therefore, a new indicator of the hydraulic performance
the absolute flows.
of an existing distillation column is proposed. The fractional
utilization of area (FUA) is defined by:
A Hydraulic Performance Indicator Area required on stage i for vapour flow
FUA ¼ (1)
This work proposes a performance indicator for the Area available on stage i for vapour flow
hydraulic condition of an existing distillation column. The where the area that is required for vapour flow is calculated
indicator is related to the area required for vapour flow if for a given approach to flooding conditions (e.g. when the
flooding is to be avoided. The indicator allows one to vapour velocity is 80% of the flooding velocity).
identify bottlenecks and to analyse and evaluate modifica-
tions proposed to overcome these bottlenecks.
An Analysis Tool: the FUA Curve
Traditionally, in the design of new distillation columns, it
is recommended that the size of a number of key trays is The area utilization of each stage in a column can be
determined. For example, Kister (1992, pp 336–337) recom- determined and can be represented on an FUA curve.
mends that the diameter required for the top-most and Consider for example the vinyl chloride column represented
bottom-most trays, for those above and below every feed, in Figure 1. The vapour and liquid flow on each stage and
and for those with the highest vapour or liquid flows is the FUA curve for the column are represented in Figure 2.
determined using detailed sizing calculations. The principle Figure 2 shows how the maximum vapour and liquid flows
underlying this approach is that, when the feed flow rate to a in the column may not indicate adequately on which stages
column is increased to the maximum possible value, only a of the column the flows approach most closely flooding
few stages in a column will flood. The remaining trays do conditions. In particular, the vapour flow rate is greatest above
not constrain the operation of the column; on these trays, the the feed (where liquid flows are low), but the area required for
area available for vapour flow is not fully utilized. vapour flow is greatest at the bottom of the column.
It is useful to know to what extent the area available for It may be seen in Figure 2 that high liquid or vapour flows
vapour flow on each stage is utilized when a column is on the feed stage can lead to the formation of a peak in the
operating at its maximum throughput. From this knowledge, FUA curve. However, the area requirement on the feed stage
it can be deduced on which stages vapour and liquid traffic is not necessarily much greater than that of adjacent stages,
should be reduced, and which stages can accommodate since, typically, tray spacing is increased at the feed tray, to
increased flows. For a given feed flow rate and for each accommodate the feed nozzle, liquid distributors and access
stage, we can calculate the column diameter that would be way, etc. Therefore, in this work, peaks in the FUA curve
required if the flows on that stage represented the maximum corresponding to the feed stage will not be treated as
flows that could be tolerated. For example, the vapour potential sites for flooding.

Figure 1. Operating conditions for a vinyl chloride column. (Stage numbers reflect theoretical stages. Trays are sieve trays spaced 46 cm apart. Z ¼ 0.90;
f ¼ 0.75.)

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

Alternatively, flows may be changed within a section of the

column (arrow B), for example by using intermediate heat
exchange. Lastly, it may be possible to decrease the area
utilization everywhere in the column (arrow C), for example
by using more theoretical stages, or more efficient internals,
or by changing the operating pressure. The FUA curve
therefore offers insights into the potential for increasing
the throughput of the column by adjusting the traffic in the
column. Quantitative and qualitative guidelines for design
options that will decrease the area utilization locally or
throughout the column are presented in Liu and Jobson (2003).
The maximum FUA value, FUAmax, is inversely propor-
tional to the maximum throughput of the column. For
example, if process modifications allow FUAmax to be
Figure 2. Vapour and liquid flow rates and FUA in the vinyl chloride reduced from 1 to 0.8, then an increase in throughput of
column represented in Figure 1. Maximum diameter (on bottom stage): 25% can be accommodated, since this increased throughput
2.08 m. will correspond to an FUAmax value of 1, i.e. the maximum
possible utilization of available area. The FUA curve can
therefore give quantitative information about the maximum
The FUA is defined to be proportional to the tray area processing capacity of an existing column.
that is required to operate at the limiting flow conditions
(e.g. when the vapour velocity is 80% of the flooding
velocity). The area requirement at these limiting conditions
Determining the Fractional Utilization of Area
is proportional to the vapour flow rate, if all other design
variables (operating pressure, reflux ratio, product specifica- The definition of fractional utilization of area [equation
tions, etc.) and hence system properties (stage composition, (1)] in turn requires the area required and the area available
liquid and vapour densities, etc.) are constant. for vapour flow to be defined. The denominator of Equation
The required area is related to the vapour and liquid flows (1), the ‘available area’ can be defined as (i) the actual area
on the stage. It is also related to the properties of the mixture available for vapour flow in an existing column section or
on that stage (e.g. density of the liquid and vapour phases, (ii) the maximum area that is required for vapour flow in that
and the surface tension of the liquid phase) and to the section for a given throughput. In the first case, details about
construction of the tray (e.g. type and geometry of the tray, the geometry of existing trays need to be interpreted to
and downcomer area). A detailed discussion on how the determine the available area; these details include the actual
fractional utilization of area is calculated is presented later. diameter of the column and the magnitude of the area that is
Stages that utilize available area the most are those that will not available for vapour flow, e.g. below each downcomer.
constrain the operation of the column when the throughput is In the second case, there is an implicit assumption that at
increased. Therefore the FUA curve can be used to identify least one stage in that section is at its limiting hydraulic
bottlenecks directly, as well as to indicate where area is condition. On that stage, the available area will be equal to
available but under-utilized. This information can be used the required area (FUA ¼ 1); it will follow that the through-
to identify and assess process modifications that could allow put to this stage cannot be increased. The second of these
the throughput to be increased (Liu and Jobson, 2003). approaches is adopted in this work for the purposes of
Figure 3 represents strategies for reducing the maximum illustration.
area utilization in a column. It may be possible to change the The area required for vapour flow on a stage can be
internal flows in the column, so that under-utilized sections calculated from correlations. Most commercial simulation
become more heavily utilized. The internal flows may be packages include tray sizing functions for distillation
reduced in one section and increased in another (arrow A), columns. In those simulators where column diameters are
for example by changing the thermal condition of the feed. not calculated, by default, for every stage, the user may

Figure 3. The FUA curve gives insight into modifications that may be effective for increasing the production capacity of an existing distillation column.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

define each stage to be a column ‘section’ for which the where the parameters a, b and c are related to the tray
diameter is calculated. The area required for flow on a stage, spacing and may be found in Kessler and Wankat (1988).
Anet, can be derived from the required column diameter, D: The flow parameter is defined by:
pD2 Z W rV
Anet ¼ (2) Flv ¼ L (8)
4 WV rL
where Z is the fraction of the column cross-sectional area where WL and WV are the mass flow rates of liquid and
that is available for vapour flow. Typically, Z lies in the range vapour.
0.85–0.95 (Wankat, 1988); the remaining area is that of the Kister and Haas (1990) instead correlate the capacity
downcomer. In this paper, Z is taken to be 0.90. factor for sieve and valve trays by:
Rather than using sizing correlations within the frame-  2 0:125  0:1  0:5
work of a commercial simulator, the area required for d s rV S
vapour flow can be calculated using published correlations Csb ¼ 0:144 H (9)
rL rL hct
(e.g. Fair, 1963, 1985a, b; Ludwig, 1979; Wankat, 1988). In
this paper, the method of Wankat (1988) is used. where dH is the hole diameter in mm; S is tray spacing in
Anet is related to the vapour velocity, Uop, by: mm, and hct is clear liquid height at the froth-to-spray
transition in mm, which can be calculated for sieve trays
V MWV by the method proposed by Kister (1992, p 320).
Anet ¼ (3)
rV Uop The cross-sectional area of a column that is required for
vapour flow at a given approach to flooding conditions can
where V is the vapour molar flow rate; MWV is the mean therefore be calculated by equations (3)–(8), or equations
molecular weight of the vapour; and rV is the density of the (3)–(6) and equation (9). The properties of the vapour and
vapour. liquid mixtures on each stage, namely WL, WV , V, MWV , s,
The operating velocity, Uop, is related to the flooding rV and rL can be obtained from the converged results of
velocity, Uflood by: commercial simulation software. Some basic information
Uop ¼ fUflood (4) about the configuration of the column—namely, the tray
type and spacing—and operating pressure allows appropri-
where f typically falls in the range 0.65–0.9 (Wankat, ate correlations for the capacity factor to be chosen.
1988). In this paper f will be taken to be 0.75.
The flooding velocity is related to the flooding constant,
K, and the density of the liquid and vapour phases (rL and ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES
rV, respectively): Vinyl Chloride Column
r  rV Figure 2 shows the FUA curve for the vinyl chloride
Uflood ¼ K L (5) column described in Figure 1.
The flooding constant is a function of the surface tension of
the liquid phase, s, and the capacity factor, Csb: Deisobutaniser
h s i0:2 Figure 4 presents the feed properties, product specifica-
K ¼ Csb (6) tions and column configuration for a distillation column
20 separating i-butane from n-butane in a multicomponent
where s is in dyne cm1. mixture as well as the FUA curve for this example, as
A number of correlations for calculating the capacity calculated using equations (3)–(8).
factor of trayed columns have been developed. Kister and
Haas (1990) summarize several of these correlations and the
C8–C9 Splitter
restrictions that apply to them. Two of these correlations are
presented in this paper—those of Fair (1963, 1985a) and The FUA curve may be obtained using correlations, such
Kister and Haas (1990). According to Kister (1992, pp 279– as equations (3)–(8), or by using tray sizing facilities in
281), the correlation of Fair (1963) has been widely and commercial simulation software. Figure 5 gives details of a
successfully used for predicting entrainment flooding. distillation column separating n-octane from n-nonane in a
However, the correlation is conservative at high pressures mixture of normal paraffins. The column diameter for each
and for high liquid flows. In these cases, Kister (1992) stage that is required when the vapour velocity is 75% of the
recommends that the correlations of Smith et al. (1963) or flooding velocity is calculated using HYSYS (Version 1.2,
Kister and Haas (1990) are used. In this study, the correla- Hyprotech Ltd, Calgary, 1996) and Pro=II (Version 5.1,
tion of Fair (1963, 1985a) is used; all operating pressures are Simulation Sciences, 1996). [Both of these methods use
less than 10 bar. Correlations for predicting the flooding the approach of Fair (1963, 1985a) to calculate the required
velocity for packed columns have also been developed diameter.] Figure 5 plots the diameter required on each stage
(e.g. Kister, 1992, pp 479–491; Stichlmair and Fair, 1998). in the column and Figure 6 presents FUA curves for the
For a sieve tray, Fair (1963, 1985a) correlates the capacity three methods of calculation. The FUA curves are obtained
factor, Csb, with the flow parameter, Flv (Kessler and by taking the maximum required diameter in the column as
Wankat, 1988): the reference case and assuming that the fraction of the
cross-sectional area that is available for vapour flow is
log10 Csb ¼ a þ b log10 Flv þ c(log10 Flv )2 (7) constant through the column.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

Figure 4. FUA curve for a deisobutaniser. (Trays are sieve trays spaced 46 cm apart. Z ¼ 0.90; f ¼ 0.75.)

Figure 5. The diameter required for the separation of C8 from C9 in a C7–C15 mixture. Trays are assumed to be sieve trays, spaced 61 cm apart. The other
parameters of the tray layout are taken as the default parameters of the commercial software (HYSYS version 1.2 and PRO=II version 5.5).

While there is good agreement between the diameters

predicted by the commercial simulators and the method
presented in equations (3)–(8), there are some differences
between the results relating to the use of discrete tray-size
options in the commercial software and to refinements of the
basic approach which are not clearly documented. Clearly, it
is essential that the user has confidence in the hydraulic
correlations used. The way the FUA curve is then used to
analyse the hydraulic performance of existing distillation
columns does not depend on the method by which the FUA
curve is obtained.

This paper presents an indicator for the hydraulic perfor-
mance of an existing distillation column. The FUA of each
Figure 6. Cross-sectional area required for the separation shown in Figure 5, stage in the column indicates the extent to which the area
where the area is normalized with respect to the maximum area required for available for vapour flow is required. An FUA curve can be
vapour flow. generated; it indicates which stages have spare capacity and

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

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column is increased. The FUA curve therefore reveals
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opportunities to rearrange vapour and liquid flows in the Chem Eng, 17: 549.
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heavily utilized. Stage Processes, Smith, B.D. (ed) (McGraw-Hill, New York, USA), Chap.
The area required for vapour flow, and hence the FUA, 15.
Fair, J.R., 1985a, Liquid–gas systems, in Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s
of each stage in a column can be determined, either using Handbook, Perry, R.H. and Green, D. (eds), 6th edn (McGraw-Hill,
built-in sizing correlations of commercial or customized New York, USA), Chap. 18.
simulation software, or by using appropriate hydraulic Fair, J.R., 1985b, Stagewise mass transfer processes, in Scaleup of Chemical
correlations. In the latter case, the properties of the vapour Processes: Conversion From Laboratory Scale Tests to Successful
and liquid mixtures on each stage (including flow rates, Commercial Size Design, Bisio, A. and Kabel, R.L. (eds) (Wiley, New
York, USA), Chap. 12.
densities, liquid viscosity, etc.) can be obtained by simula- Fair, J.R. and Seibert, A.F., 1999, A new, ultracapacity tray for distillation
tion. Some basic information about the design of the column columns, Trans IChemE, Part A, Chem Eng Res Des, 77: 619.
and trays (e.g. column diameter, tray type, tray spacing and Grossmann, I.E., Westerberg, A.W. and Biegler, L.T., 1987, Retrofit design
fraction of the cross-sectional area of the tray that is of processes, in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Founda-
tion of Computer Aided Procedures and Operations (FOCAPO), Park
available for vapour flow) is also required. City, UT, July, p 403.
The FUA curve is a useful analysis tool, since it indicates Gundersen, T., 1990, Retrofit design research and applications of systematic
which stages will flood when the column throughput is methods, in Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, Siirola, J.J.,
increased, and the flow rate at which the acceptable approach Grossmann, I.E. and Stephanopolous, G. (eds) (CACHE, Elsevier,
to flooding will first be exceeded. Furthermore, the FUA Amsterdam, The Netherlands), p 213.
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curve allows insights to be obtained about the type (and Chem Eng, 71(Sept): 71.
extent) of column modifications that will allow the proces- Kister, H.Z., 1992, Distillation Design (McGraw-Hill, New York, USA),
sing capacity of the column to be increased. If the maximum pp 279–281, 320, 336–337, 479–491.
value of the FUA curve is known before and after a Kister, H.Z. and Haas, J.R., 1990, Predict entrainment flooding on sieve and
valve trays, Chem Eng Prog, 86(9): 63.
proposed process modification, then it is possible to estimate Kister, H.Z., Larson, K.F. and Yanagi, T., 1994, How do trays and packings
the associated increase in throughput that is possible. The stack up? Chem Eng Prog, 90(2): 23.
hydraulic performance indicator discussed in this paper Litzen, D.B. and Bravo, J.L., 1999, Uncover low-cost debottlenecking
forms the basis of a retrofit design methodology when the opportunities, Chem Eng Prog, 95(3): 25.
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NOMENCLATURE Ludwig, E.E., 1979, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochem-
Anet net column cross-sectional area required for vapour flow ical Plants, 2nd ed., Vol. 2. (Gulf, Houston, USA).
Csb capacity factor Smith, R.B., Dresser, T. and Ohlswager, S., 1963, Hydrocarbon Proc Petrol
D diameter of the distillation column Refin, 42(5): 183.
dH hole diameter, mm Stichlmair, J.G. and Fair, J.R., 1998, Distillation Principles and Practice
Flv flow parameter (Wiley-VCH, New York, USA), Chap 2.
FUA fractional utilization of area Wankat, P.C., 1988, Separations in Chemical Engineering: Equilibrium
hct clear liquid height at the froth-to-spray transition, mm Staged Separations (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA), pp 386–
MWV mean molecular weight of the vapour 389.
S tray spacing, mm Williams, J.A., 1998, Optimise distillation system revamps, Chem Eng Prog,
Uflood flooding velocity 94(3): 23.
Uop limiting vapour velocity Xu, S.X., Winfield, C. and Bowman, J.D., 1998, Proper analysis and
V vapour molar flow rate operating adjustments help boost separation capacity without increasing
WL liquid mass flow rate flooding, Chem Eng, August: 100.
WV vapour mass flow rate

Greek symbols
s surface tension of the liquid, dyne cm1
rL density of the liquid phase
rV density of the vapour phase
Z fraction of the column cross-sectional area that is available for
The authors would like to thank the Process Integration Research
Consortium and the Overseas Research Scholarship scheme for their
Billingham, J.F. and Lockett, M.J., 1999, Development of a new generation
of structured packings for distillation, Trans IChemE, Part A, Chem Eng The manuscript was received 7 August 2002 and accepted for publica-
Res Des, 77: 583. tion after revision 21 August 2003.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2004, 82(A1): 3–9

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