Workout Calisthenics
Workout Calisthenics
Workout Calisthenics
Upper-Body Exercises
1 Helicopter
By rotating your body in this exercise, you shift the focus of the work throughout the shoulder girdle, covering all parts of the
region quickly. It's also a super-effective exercise for the obliques. The key for this movement is to avoid cheating at all costs.
Allow your elbows to swipe the floor on every rep, even as you grow fatigued.
2 Dolphin Push-up
By bucking your body up into the air, you'll not only work your upper back and shoulders, but you'll also fire up your core
muscles in a unique way. Make the most of this exercise by lowering down slowly to more effectively engage your core
3 Leaping Frog
This fun, shoulder-strengthening exercise is a great foundation for learning to handstand. Try to hover in the air for a least a
second or two. Breathe slowly and steadily, and back off if you start to feel pain in your shoulders.
Lower-Body Exercises
4 One-Legged Bird Squat
Falling Tower
By using an unusual body position, this exercise creates an exciting new challenge for your legs. Be careful to hinge only at the
knee, not at the hip, and really squeeze your glutes on the way up.
6 Bear Squat
Bear Squat
While most leg exercises work your legs from a standing position, this unique lower-body exercise moves from all fours. It's
effective because it's a completely new movement pattern for your lower body, and it's great for targeting your glutes. Be sure
to keep your arms steady, with very little movement in your upper body.
Core Exercises
7 Kissing Under the Arch
This exercise engages the core from two angles. First, it recruits a number of stabilizer muscles just to hold your body up. The
second angle comes with the cross crunch, which provides a unique engagement of the upper and lower abdominal muscles,
even the obliques. Focusing on your balance here is key.
8 Horse Push-up
Horse Push-up
Elevated push-ups like this one refocus the weight of the body to increase the difficulty of the movement—in this case, by
placing greater emphasis on your core muscles. Tighten your abs and try to use a little speed when performing the upward part
of the movement. And yeah, your chest gets some work, too.
Hip Dip
By moving through a full range of motion throughout this exercise, you'll work the full length of the obliques. The closer you get
to the ground and the higher toward the sky you take this movement, the more effective it'll be. End the set if you feel strain in
your shoulder. Don't forget to work both sides.
Full-Body Exercises
10 Spider Crawl
11 Bridge Push-up
You'll find yourself in unfamiliar territory fast with this exercise! It's hardly a normal movement position, which is one reason why
it's so effective—you're encouraging your body to rise to a new challenge. Be very careful of your shoulders and wrists here,
especially if you have a pre-existing injury or weakness.
12 Boat:The key here is to extend your legs rather than arch your back to lift your body off the ground. If you start to feel
any hyperextension in the lower back, it's time to back off and refocus on extending your legs.
The Routine
● Push ups, 3 sets, max reps - abwechselnd eine seite runter und decline für untere
● Chin-ups, 3 sets, max reps
● Squats, 3 sets, max reps
● Bench Dips, 2 sets, max reps
● chin up links rechts
● Ham-Glute Raises, 3 sets, max reps -bzw brücke leg raise
● Calf Raises, 3 sets, max reps
● Upside-down Shoulder Press, 3 sets, max reps Deltoids (Stand up against a wall and do a
handstand, have someone spot you when you do this. Then bend your arms to a 90º angle or until your head touches the
● Crunches, 5 sets, 25 reps - rücken boden u
● Straight-Leg Deadlift-Hyperextensions
● Neck, 3 sets, max reps
Due to the nature of bodyweight exercises, setting a rep range isn't necessary.
There are 3 workouts, do them on alternating days and do cardio on days off for 30 minutes
a session.
● Squats: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Hack Squat: 1 set, maximum reps
● Wall Squats: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Lunges: (1 set with front leg elevated, 1 set with back leg elevated) 4 sets total
● Side Lunges: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Step ups: (utilizing stride length) 3 sets, maximum reps
● Stiff-Leg Deadlifts: (don't do these if you are alone) 3 sets, maximum reps
● One-legged calf raises: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Donkey Calf Raises: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Reverse Calf Raises: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Chin-ups: (wide grip for 2 sets, medium for one set, narrow for one set) 4 sets,
maximum reps
● Handstand Military Push-ups: (Only do these if you are confident you can) 3-5 sets,
maximum reps
● Glute/Ham raises: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Tricep Dips: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Decline Close Grip Push-ups: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Hyperextensions: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Lying Torso Raises: 2 sets, maximum reps.
● Flat Push-ups: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Incline Push-ups: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Decline Push-ups: 2 sets, maximum reps
● Chest Dips: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Pull-ups: 4 sets, maximum reps
● Crunches: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Scissor Kicks: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Twisting crunches: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Lying Leg Raises: 3 sets, maximum reps
● Pull-up: 15 reps
● Jump/Wall Squat: 30 reps
● Elevated push-up: 30 reps
● Jump lunge: 30 reps, per leg
● Handstand: 30 sec. + push up
● Box Jump: 30 sec.
● Chin-Up: 15 reps
● Bench Dip: 30 reps
● Hanging Knee Raise: 30 reps, or 15 per side if adding a knee-to-armpit twist
To hit your lower body effectively with bodyweight training, use higher rep exercises with
plenty of plyometric conditioning thrown in. Plyometrics will help build strength and explosive
power. When you combine that with some higher rep exercises, you'll be set to build lean
muscle mass.
After a brief warmup, complete this circuit one time through, resting only where indicated.
After the circuit is finished, rest for three minutes, then repeat a second and third time.
The Lower-Body Booty Booster
Bodyweight Walking Lunge
1 set, 20 reps (per leg)
Wall Squat
1 set, 20-30 sec. (Rest for 60 sec.)
Jump Squat
1 set, 20 reps
Step-up with Knee Raise
1 set, 20 reps (per leg)
Wall Squat
1 set, 20-30 sec. (Rest for 60 sec.)
Kettlebell Sumo Squat
1 set, 30 reps (perform without kettlebell)
Bodyweight Lunge
1 set, 10 reps (per leg)
Butt Lift (Bridge)
1 set, 50 reps
The nice thing about lower-body bodyweight workouts is that they can also boost your heart
health. One thing you can be sure of is that these sessions will make your heart rate rise! In
fact, try this workout only when you are looking for maximum challenge.
To hit your upper body with bodyweight exercises, turn to two of the best compound upper-
body moves of all time: the push-up and the pull-up. As long as you can find an overhead
bar or another object to hold on to, you can easily complete this workout in a hurry.
Work your way through the exercises as outlined below, resting for 30-60 seconds between
each set. Pyramid the total reps performed downward, until you reach a final state of fatigue.
Upper-Body Strength Builder
3 sets, 15-20 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
3 sets, 15-20 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
Diamond Push-Up
3 sets, 15 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
Inverted Row
3 sets, 15 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
Incline Push-Up
3 sets, 10 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
3 sets, 10 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
Clapping Push-Up
3 sets, 5 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
Wide-Grip Pull-Up
3 sets, 5 reps (30-60 sec. rest between sets)
By doing just pull-ups and push-ups, you'll work every muscle group in your upper body:
chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps.
Workout 3: Cardio Fat Blaster
You can get in this workout even when short on time. Bodyweight exercises are excellent for
increasing your calorie burn during the workout session—and for hours after the session
ends. Always start with a brief warmup before doing this workout.
Shoot for doing 100 reps of each exercise. Stop and rest when you need to, then start again
as soon as you can, maintaining proper form throughout. When you're finished, take 5-10
minutes to cool down and do some stretching. Modify rest times or reps to meet your needs.
The Routine
The Routine
Full-Body Calisthenics
1 Push-Ups - Close Triceps Position 3 sets, 15 reps
2 Parallel Bar Dip 3 sets, 15 reps
3 Inverted Row 3 sets, 15 reps
4 Barbell Side Split Squat 3 sets, 10 reps (per leg)
5 Pistol Squat 3 sets, 10 reps (per leg)
The Routine
Back in 1910, Ghulam Mohammad Baksh, better known by his ring name of "The
Great Gama," won the world heavyweight wrestling championship. He remained
undefeated in a career that spanned more than 50 years. At 260 pounds with a 56-
inch chest, Baksh was considered one of world's strongest men—and his strength
came exclusively from bodyweight training.
Herschel Walker won the 1982 Heisman Trophy as a running back and played in the
NFL for 12 seasons. More recently, he won an MMA fight at over 50 years of age,
displaying a divinely-carved physique that outshone fighters half his age. Walker
trained without equipment, too.
This upper-body bodyweight workout is designed to help you build strength. All you
need is your own body and your willingness to work.
Upper Body:
Spider Push Up
Leaping Frog Exercise (video below)
Hindu Push Up
Helicopter Exercise
Heart Push Up
Lower Body:
Core Exercises:
Grass Hoppers
Gracie Drill
Month 2:
Exercise Schedule:
Upper Body:
X Push Up
Spider Push Up
Leaping Frog Exercise
Stretch Walk Push Up
Wide Arm Push Up
Helicopter Exercise
Lower Body:
Pistol Squat
Duck Walks (Max Time)
Wide Bodyweight Squat
Karate Squat
Hindu Squat
Catcher’s Squat
Core Exercises:
V Up
Lunge Sit Up
Jackknife Exercise (Left)
Jackknife Exercise (Right)
Upper Body:
Stretch Push Up
Decline Push Up
Diamond Kiss Push Up
Deep Push Up
Barbwire Push Up
Three Pronged Push Up
X Push Up
Lower Body:
Core Exercises:
Static V Pulses
V Up
Side Plank with Leg Lift (Right)
Side Plank with Leg Lift (Left)
Flutter Kicks
Wall Walks
Spider Crawl
Full Bridge
Bridge Push Ups
One-arm push-ups and self-assisted one-arm push-up
handstand push-up
, L-Sit - an bars
This body part has the most bodyweight movement. Be sure to maximize this.
Feet positioning: Feet facing forward will emphasize on your outer quads, giving you that
highly sought after "outer sweep", whereas pointing your feet outwards will hit the inner
areas of the rectus fermosis.
Similarly, a close foot stance will hit the outer portion, whereas a wider one will better hit the
inner quads. Only apply these to squats (and leg extensions), not lunges and step ups.
Pushing off your forefoot will better work the quads, whereas pushing off the heels will tend
to hit the glutes, particularly the gluteus minimus.
● Traditional Squats
● Hack Squats: This is a good exercise for hitting the front sweep of your quads and
developing the tear drop, or lower quad area above the knee. If you do it right, the
upper part of your quads can get a good workout as well.
● Wall Squats: These are squats done against a wall. These are good as they allow
you to squat deep, and your knees always remain behind your feet which protects
the knees from potential damage. This exercise responds well to static holds - it's an
idea to pause each 1/4 of the movement and hold for up to 30 seconds, and increase
gradually when you've built up the strength.
These are great for a line of separation between the quads and hams on the outer leg.
These can be done with either a short or long stride; the shorter you step, the more the
quads you will recruit, but too close will stress the knees (when your lunging knee overrides
the same legs feet). The longer the step the more the glutes are recruited.
Variations Of Lunges
● Alternating Lunges, Non Alternating Lunges: Lunges with your front foot elevated
onto a block. (You can use a stool instead). Alternatively, you can elevate your back
leg onto the platform, and lunge this way for a nice stretch.
● Side Lunges: These will hit the quads and adductor muscles on the inner thigh.
● Crossover Lunges: These are done by starting in a normal lunging stance, then
instead of lunging directly forward, lunge to the side and over your opposite leg.
These more isolate the glutes. Make sure your front leg is forward enough so you
can comfortably bend the back leg down.
● Step Ups. You can do these with a stool, or anything that is stable, non damageable
and around 16-inches high. Make sure it is safe. The higher the platform, the more
difficult the exercise is. These are similar to lunges, so the total volume of each
doesn't need to be that high.
Like Lunges, a longer stride will hit the glutes, anything in between both and close will hit the
quads. And remember, pushing off the heels will hit the glutes; the forefoot will better work
the quads.
● Height of the platform.
● The angle to which you are stepping. Try side step-ups, and also back step-ups,
where you step backwards onto a platform, instead of ahead.
Glute/Ham Raise
This can be done with any exercise as a means of adding resistance. A lot of bodyweight
exercises are difficult to do a small amount of reps to failure, so only get someone to add
pressure when you're confident you need to.
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
I recommend they kneel down, rather than sit, because they need to get onto their feet if
their arms aren't long enough.
● Make the most of your feet direction and stance.
● Feet close and pointing forward will target the outer head.
● Feet far apart and pointing out will target the inner head.
● Also, when doing any calf raise, you can press off either the smaller toes, or the
bigger toes. The bigger toe will hit the inner head, the smaller toes will hit the outer
head better. Try and do each, close/medium/far ETC. one for each set for better
isolation of each head. Many have said this technique has helped them overcome
Push Ups
Great for the chest, but also the triceps and delts.
Push Up Tips: Placing your hands lower will recruit more of the lower fibers of the pec.
major, and the higher you place your hands, the higher on the chest it will work. If you go all
the way up to your face, this will hit the traps. The wider your arms are placed, the more
outer chest is recruited, the closer, the more inner chest.
Push Up Variations
● On knuckles.
● Clapping in between each repetition.
● Using one arm, with the other placed behind the back.
Chest Dips
These can be done in between chairs or two pieces of furniture such as a bedside table.
Make sure they are stable and safe. Don't lock your shoulders in to maximize chest
recruitment, and lean forward.
You can use the end of your bed here. Try and go past parallel, but not by too much.
Bent-Knee Deadlifts
Like stiff-leg deadlifts, get someone to apply pressure. This is a max out exercise, so make
sure they apply a lot of force so you can get the most out of it.
If you don't have a chin-up bar, find something stable, and comfortable to grab hold of. Ideas
include the railing of a pogola in the backyard, the top part of a side-gate, play equipment at
the park, any pole or even a strong branch above you. I have done chin-ups and pull ups on
all of these before. Chin-ups are a great upper lat builder.
Chin-Up Tips: A wide grip will hit the upper lats, and the closer the grip, the more the lower
lats are recruited.
If you tuck your elbows in this will not only make the exercise more difficult, but will hit the
upper lats, where as keeping your elbows out will take away from the lats and focus on the
Chin-Up Variations:
● One arm.
● Behind the neck.
Push ups and dips will indirectly hit the delts. There is an exercise to isolate the delts, but it
takes time to have the strength to do it.
Pull Ups
A shoulder width grip will better work the bi's. Many people I know swear by this exercise as
an awesome bicep mass builder, so give it a go.
These can be done in-between two chairs. Be sure to lock your shoulders in to avoid
recruiting chest muscles. Go all the way down until your bum touches the ground.
Dip Tips: Facing your palms away from you will hit the hard to reach small head located
near the elbow.
Some Examples Of Exercises
● Crunches
● V-ups
● Twisting crunch
● Scissor kicks
● Lying leg raises
Another way to intensify your ab training is to keep your arms extended above your head. To
make it less intense, cross your hands over your shoulders, with elbows facing up, or for
easiest way to do them, cross your arms over your chest.
1. Burpee: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat and place your palms on the floor. Keeping your hands on the
floor, immediately kick your legs behind you so that you end up in the top of a push-up position. Do a push-up and return to the
top position. Still keeping your hands on the floor, quickly draw up your legs so your feet land back between your hands. Now,
jump vertically with your hands reaching overhead above your ears. That's one rep.
Trainer Tip: To do a "mobility burpee," squat down and kick your legs back. Now, instead of doing a push-up, bring your right
leg forward and place your foot on the outside of your right hand. (Getting into this position is sometimes known as "doing a
groiner.") Bring your right leg back to the push-up position and repeat the process with your left leg, bringing your left foot up to
the outside of your left hand. Return your left leg back to the top push-up position, quickly bring both legs back up to the low
squat position, then stand and jump. That's one mobility burpee rep.
2. Jackknife Sit-Up: Lie on your back with your legs straight out on the floor, your arms extended above your head,
and your hands touching the floor. This is the starting position. Bring your body to a "V" shape by lifting your legs and torso
toward each other, keeping both your legs straight and your arms extended. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground as you
raise your legs as close to perpendicular to the floor as you can. Touch your hands to your legs, then lower your torso, arms,
and legs back to the floor. That's one rep.
Trainer Tip: A modified version is called the X-Up. To do this, lie on your back with your feet and legs spread apart to form an
"X" shape on the floor. Keeping your right arm and left leg straight, lift your right shoulder and left leg off the ground and touch
your right hand to the outside of your left knee or ankle. Return to the X position and repeat the movement, this time touching
your left hand to the outside of your right knee or ankle.
3. Mountain Climber Get into the top of the push-up position. This is the starting position. Keeping your back in a
straight line, bring your right knee toward your chest, then quickly bring it back to the starting position. Now, bring your left knee
in towards your chest and return to starting position. Now speed up the movement, alternating legs quickly as if you were
running in place with your hands on the ground.
Trainer Tip: To increase tension on your abdominal muscles, place the palms of your hands on sliding discs such as Valslides,
SKLZ Slidez, paper plates, or weight plates.
4. Cocoon Lie on your back with legs extended and your heels touching the floor. Straighten your arms above your head
with your hands touching the floor. This is the starting position. Simultaneously bend both legs and bring your knees to your
chest as you bring your arms down to hug your knees. Now, release your knees and extend your legs and arms again,
returning your heels back to the ground. That's one rep.
Trainer Tip: To increase the difficulty, keep your heels off the ground for all of the reps.
5. Oblique CrunchLie on your back on the floor. Keep your legs bent in the air at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands
on the back of your head with your elbows flared out to each side. This is the starting position. Twist (rotate) your torso to move
your right shoulder toward your left thigh until your upper back is off the floor and your right elbow is close to or touching your
left knee. Lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat the movement, this time rotating your left shoulder toward
your right knee. Alternate reps between your right and left sides.
Trainer Tip: This is not a bicycle crunch or air bike, where you pedal your legs above the ground the entire time. Once your
elbow and knee touch, return to the starting position before switching sides for the next rep. For a more intense exercise, kick
one leg out straight as you bring your elbow to the other.
Hang from a pull-up bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar using an overhand (pronated) grip. This is the
starting position. Lift both of your knees until they make a 90-degree angle with your torso. Hold this position for 2 seconds,
then fully extend your legs below you. That's one rep.
Trainer Tip: To increase intensity, instead of bending your legs as you raise them, keep them straight. Raise them up as high as
possible, hold that position for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position.
7. Plank Assume the top push-up position. Now bend your elbows and place your forearms flat on the floor beneath you.
Tighten your ab muscles to keep your back flat. Make sure your toes are pointed into the ground. Hold the position for the
prescribed duration.
Trainer Tip: Incorporate side planks into your routine for oblique strength. To do a side plank, rotate from the plank position so
that you're supported by your right forearm. Stack your left foot on top of your right foot and extend your left arm towards the
ceiling. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Roll your body so that you're now supporting your body on your left forearm with
your right arm extended toward the ceiling.
8. Dead Bug Lie on your back with your knees bent in the air at 90 degrees and your calves parallel to the floor. Raise
both arms up above you so they are pointed toward the ceiling. This is the starting position. Now, straighten your left leg without
touching it to the ground. Your back will want to arch, but use your abdominal muscles to keep it pressed firmly into the floor.
Return your left leg to the starting position and repeat the movement with your right leg. Return both legs to the starting
position. That's one rep.
Trainer Tip: Instead of keeping both arms pointed to the ceiling, extend them one at a time. As you straighten your left leg to the
floor, extend your right arm above your head until your hand touches the floor. One arm should always be in the starting
position (above your chest and pointed towards the ceiling) while the other is extended above your head with the hand close to
or touching the floor.
9. Reverse Crunch Lie down on your back with your legs fully extended, your arms along your sides, and your palms
on the floor. Move your legs up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your feet are together. This is the starting
position. As you breathe in, pull your knees toward your chest as you roll your pelvis backward and raise your hips and upper
back off the floor. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, then exhale as you move your legs back to the starting position.
Trainer Tip: Keep your arms straight along your sides throughout this movement.
Lie down with your back pressed against the floor and your arms fully extended to each side with your palms facing down. With
a slight bend in your knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about 6 inches off the ground. Contract your abs and bring
your back slightly off the floor. This is the starting position.
As if your legs were a pair of scissors, open and close them by crossing one extended leg over the other, alternating which leg
is on top. Keep your abs flexed at all times.
Trainer Tip: Don't let your back round. Keep your abs tight to maintain a strong, straight spine. For more intensity, raise your
arms up and make small, slow clockwise circles with your shoulders as you scissor kick your legs.