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Deforestation Causes, Effects, and Solutions: TOPIC: For The Month MAY 2019

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TOPIC: For the month MAY 2019

Deforestation Causes, Effects, and


Learn the causes, effects, and solutions you can contribute

to help stop deforestation.

Forests are vital to our Earth. Trees purify our air, filter our water, prevent erosion,
and act as a buffer against climate change. They offer a home to plant and animal
species while also providing natural resources such as medicine, food, timber, and
fuel. 300 million people live in forests worldwide. 60 million of those humans are
indigenous who are completely dependent on native woods.

Become informed on man-made and natural causes of deforestation and how and
why it is affecting our planet.

What is Deforestation?
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to utilize the land or
trees. Typically, deforestation is clearing a lot of trees without the intention of
establishing future growth. Harvesting, forest fires, and insect infestations do not
count as deforestation because the affected areas will eventually grow back. In some
countries, such as Canada and America, all areas harvested must be reforested either
by replanting or through natural regeneration.
The land is then often converted into farms, plantation, roads, housing, and other
city uses. Deforestation is most severe in various countries such as the Amazon,
Borneo, Congo Basin and the Russian Far East. Over half of the world’s forests have
been destroyed over 10,000 years, the majority in just the last 50 years. These
immense changes include large-scale extinction events, desertification, climatic
changes, topsoil loss, flooding, famine, disease outbreaks, and more.

Deforestation has even been caused by extensive war—throughout history fire has
often been used to deprive the enemy of necessary resources. If they’re not
reforested, they inevitably end up as wastelands directly from soil erosion and

Causes of Deforestation
 Mining. The increase of mining on tropical forests is furthering damage due
to the rising demand and high mineral prices. These projects are often
accompanied by large infrastructure construction, such as roads, railways,
and power systems. This contributor to deforestation is putting additional
pressure on our forests and freshwater ecosystems.
 Paper. America, China, Japan, and Canada make up more than of the world’s
paper production—400 million tons a year. Approximately 640 million trees
represent the paper that’s thrown away each year, according to the
Environment Paper Network. If we recycled, we could save 27.5 million tons
of carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere. By using recycled paper,
we allow the forests to remain as an ecosystem and wildlife habitat.
 Overpopulation. Due to overpopulation, more land is needed to establish
housing and settlements. As well as many, many more roads and highways are
being built in order to accommodate a larger sum of people driving. With more
people that come with a large need for food and farmland to grow on and raise
livestock—resulting in deforestation. Logging industries will cut down trees
for furniture, paper, building materials, and many more products. These are
a direct result of growing human population and is why it’s important to
purchase from sustainable companies which actively work against
 Logging. Wood-based industries such as paper, matchsticks, and furniture
need a substantial quantity of wood. Lumber and charcoal are common
examples of trees being used as fuel. Cooking and heating all around the world
use these resources, and half of the illegal removal from forests is thought to
be used as fuelwood. Large areas are also cleared to construct roads in order
for large trucks to have entry to logging sites. Selective logging is where only
the most valuable trees are felled, however, this doesn't help our problem as
one large tree may bring down surrounding trees and thin the forest canopy.
 The forest canopy is extremely important to the ecosystem as it houses
animals, protects plants and insect population, and protects the forest floor.
 Agriculture Expansion & Livestock Ranching. A major cause of
deforestation is agriculture plantations. An increasing supply-demand for
products such as palm oil and soybeans are driving producers to clear forests
 at an unnerving rate. Farmers often clear the land for cattle by using slash and
burn techniques (cutting down trees and burning them). Unfortunately, they
will then use the property until the soil is completely degraded and repeat the
process on a new patch of woodland. Eventually, it'll reforest, but it will take
many years to return to its original condition.
 Cattle ranching and deforestation are strongest in Latin America. Over the
past 40 years, forest area has reduced my almost an astounding 40 percent.
During the same period, 40 years, pasture regions and cattle population have
grown significantly and rapidly.
 Climate Change. Forests are essentially the lungs of our planet. All plants
take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Trees are able to convert more
carbon dioxide than a regular plant, though. Forest loss is often caused by
climate change. Tropical rainforests are extremely humid due to the water
vapor released along with the oxygen. But when a forest is cut down, the
humidity levels decrease and causes the remaining plants to dry out. For
example, drying out our tropical rainforests increases fire damage. Fires can
be both accidental and intentional but destroy forests quickly.

Effects of Deforestation
 Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Trees help to mitigate carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, but they become carbon sources
once they’re cut, burned, or otherwise removed. It’s estimated that
deforestation is responsible for around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions and
1.5 billion tons of carbon is released every year by tropical deforestation.
 Acidic Oceans. The oceans are becoming more acidic with an increased
supply of carbon dioxide from deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Oceans
are already 30 percent more acidic since the Industrial Revolution, putting
ocean species and ecosystems at an extreme risk.
 Loss of Species. Orangutans, giant pandas, rhinos, and the Asian elephant
are just a few of hundreds of endangered species due to deforestation.
Removing trees thins the forest canopy which is meant to block sun rays
during the day and holds in the heat at night. This damaging disruption leads
to extreme temperature swings that are harmful to plants and animals. Many
animals, insects, and plants lose their habitats and may become endangered
and even go extinct.
Though a few species are killed directly in forest clearances, many will face a slower
death sentence due to a lack of food and breeding rates decline. White-cheeked
spider monkeys are endangered largely specifically because of the enlargement of
farmland and road construction. Because of water pollution from mining operations
and agricultural runoff the giant otter is now endangered.

It is estimated that we are losing 137 plant, animal, and insect species every day
which equates to 50,000 species a year. It’s also been estimated that 40% of the
animal and plant species in Southeast Asia could be wiped out in the 21st century. A
recent study of the Brazilian Amazon predicts that up to 90% of extinctions will
occur in the next 40 years.

 Flooding and Erosion. Without trees to secure fertile soil, erosion often
occurs and sweeps sacred land into nearby rivers. Erosion also causes
contaminants in the soil to leach into the water supply which will greatly
decrease the quality of our drinking water. Trees are also crucial for our local
water cycles as they assist in returning water vapor to the atmosphere. Forests
serve as nature’s water purification plants and as the rain water percolates
within the soil and is held in place by intricate root structures of many layers
of trees. When the protective forest canopy and roots have been destroyed, the
soil will lose its proportions to retain water and is washed away into rivers and
 Life Quality Decrease. Millions of people in the world depend on forests
for hunting, small-scale agriculture, gathering, and medicine. Common
materials we use every day such as latex, cork, fruit, nuts, natural oils, and
resins are found in the tropical forests. Deforestation disrupts the lives of
millions of people. In Southeast Asia, deforestation has contributed to social
conflict and migration. Poor people from Brazil have been lured from their
villages to soy plantations where they can be abused and forced, at gunpoint,
to work under inhumane conditions.

How You Can Help

You’ve already helped by reading this far and educating yourself! Next, there are a
few things you can do to help further:

 Educate Others. Many are completely unaware of this global problem we’re
facing. By educating your friends, family, and community of the facts, by cause
and effect you’ll increase awareness and make an impact.
 Use Renewable Wood Resources. We can plant trees as a source of wood
or use wood from second-growth forests. Looking for a job? Contact your local
tree-planting organization! Sustainable, locally sourced wood can be used and
 charcoal for cooking or heating homes is a great alternative to fossil fuels—if
locally sourced.
 Eat Less Meat. Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation. This one’s
hard for some people and may actually be dangerous but even having a
meatless Monday or only eating meat for one meal a day will make an extreme
impact on the environment.
 Forest-derived Products. Make sure they’re 100% post-consumer content
 Reduce Consumption. Palm oil is in absolutely everything but a quick peek
at the ingredients is a simple habit to get into. Soybeans are another
deforestation hotspot but try finding ways to reduce consumption, avoiding it
completely, or opting for organic, local (if possible) soy products.
 Reduce Paper Consumption. Opt for recycled paper products, including
printing paper, notebooks, napkins, toilet paper, etc. Simple habits to try are
printing/writing on both sides of the paper, using less toilet paper, avoiding
paper plates and napkins.
 Forest-Friendly Policies. Purchase from companies who are committed to
reducing deforestation.
 Purchase from Sustainable Companies. Loreal, Asian Pulp and Paper,
Unilever, Hershey, Disney, Wilmar International are deforestation-free.
 Forestry Certification. If buying products from virgin forest fiber, make
sure it bears a seal from a credible forestry certification system. Such as the
Forest Stewardship Council.

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