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Monopoly Tropical Tycoon DVD Game Instructions

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The key takeaways are that there are new job roles, properties can now be developed with different structures, and fortunes are tracked instead of cash.

The new job roles are Mayor, Developer, Police Chief, Artist, and Surfer. Each role has a unique perk like the Mayor collecting money for passing GO or the Developer getting discounts on developments.

Properties can now be improved with structures like parks, piers, casinos and restaurants, each providing different benefits. Developments must follow the 'Even Build Rule' where no property in a monopoly can have more than one extra structure. Structures are sold back to the bank for half price.


What's New
You'll Have A Job
Players now have jobs:
Mayor, Developer, Police
Chief, Artist or Surfer. Each
job oomes with responsibility
and benefits. Page 5.
4 New Developments
Along with beach houses
and resorts, you can now
also improve your properties
with parks, piers, casinos
and restaurants. Each h
its own benefit. W e r to
I h v e k p e n C s on the DVD or
see Page 11.
Fortune Tokens
Your worth is now figured
in Fortune. You'll collect
F o m e tokens throughout
the game for buying
properties from the Bank,
improvhg your properties,
choices during
News Broadcasts, as well
as, thrawgh Chance &
Community Chest. At the
end of the game, the DVD

will help you convert all of
y w assets to Fartune.
The W Need hdp at
any tirqe. . . go to the DM).

Land on these
to the Dm. Then
w - p o ~ m
Page 8.
CONTENTS Me%rp aQtlrb
Gameboard DM) 98 Tit& Deed Cards
start it on GO.
Collect these. They're
Mmwag JikTWba b a a . dgo
t o b D ' V D . Hereyw%&?ta
3 ~ ~ 3 ~ * 3 ~ n t s * 5 l d e n t H l c a t i o n C a r d s worth points at the end. new8 story: m y h e a m w one
9 Dice 60 Fortune Tokens Money B a M s Tray orpartdacmchxuiugczne.
w 9-
Each job has its own perk. It's up to you to keep
track of these. If you forget and the next player takes
STOP NOWAND i a turn, you lose your chance.
i (Or continue reading i
ifyou would like to The Mayor collects 8300 thousand each time she
i look through the fill i lands on or passes over "GO." She has a lot of
i set of instructions decisions to make within the game and she is the
mover and shaker of the island.
i before you play.) MAYOR

The Developer can buy buildings/developments
for $25 thousand less than the price listed on a
property's Title Deed.

The Police Chief always gets out of Jail FREE. He

also gets 850 thousand from the Bank whenever
another player (not himself), lands on "Just
- &
.. OBJECT Visiting." And, he can choose to NOT send players to
Jail when they've landed on the "Go to Jail" space.

Build the biggest Fortune by buying, trading, renting,
selling and developing island properties. The
game ends when one player goes bankrupt (or
before, if you like). The Artist may buy Fortune tokens @(as many as
her money permits) for $100 thousand each at the
SETUP start of any of her turns.
Place the gameboard where everyone can reach it. ARTIST
Insert the DVD into your DVD player and follow the
prompts for setup.
Each player will be given a job, some cash and some
starting properties. The Surfer collects 1Fortune token 0 for rolling
doubles, unless the doubles send him to Jail or get
The Banker: Pick a player to be the Banker. The him out of Jail.
Banker must keep hidher money separate from the
Bank's ... there can be no co-mingling of funds. SURFER

THE BANKER to buy a property or you may have to pay rent, pay a
penalty, "Goto Jail," etc. NOTE: More than one pawn
Manages the cash; may be on the same space at the same time.
Holds, sells and auctions Title Deeds (properties) If you roll the pips AND the News Broadcast
and buildings/developments; Icon, resolve your move first, then go to the News
Pays salaries and bonuses Broadcast (see page 9).
Loans cash when properties are mortgaged. NOTE:
No player may borrow from or lend cash to another
Unowned Property ...
player. Land on a property that no one owns, and you can
buy it from the Bank. Pay the amount printed on the
Collects penalties, loans and interest; board, then take the property's Title Deed and place it
NEVER runs out of money. If the Bank has no more faceup in front of you.
cash, the Banker may issue more by writing on a If you don't want to buy the property for the amount
piece of paper. on the board, the Banker immediately puts it up for
auction. Go to the DVD and select Auction. You can
AUCTIONS still bid in the auction.
Throughout the game you'll take part in auctions. The player who buys the property (either
Here's how it works: immediately or through the auction) gets to collect
1 Fortune token 0.
The Banker announces what's up for auction.
All players, at the same time, bid by putting cash in Owned Property ...
their hand. This is done secretly, out of sight. You can
Land on a property that's owned by another player
bid from $0 to all the cash you have. and you have to pay rent. The property owner
When all players are ready, you, at the same time, collects rent according to the list on the property's
reveal your bids.
The highest bid wins! If there's a tie for high bid,
the tied players roll the one standard die. High roll
The winner pays hidher bid to the Bank. The other
players keep their bids. i If the property is mortgaged (see
i MORTGAGES, page 14), the owner can't
i collect rent.
The DVD tells you who (which job) takes the first
turn. Play then passes clockwise.


1 - 0 Roll the dice.
If you roll pips, move your pawn the full amount of
your roll. Always move clockwise around the board.
Then, depending on where you land, you may be able
Move your token as usual and complete any
transactions based on the space you land on. Once
you're done with that, roll again and move your
There are two ways to get out of Jail.. .
Roll doubles on one of your next three turns.
pawn again. If you roll doubles three times in a row, i Then immediately move the number of spaces
you MUST go immediately to Jail (see JAIL, below). i indicated by your roll. Although you rolled
i doubles, you don't take another turn.
i Pay a $50 thousand fine before you roll the
Each time you land on or pass over "GO," the i dice on either of your next two turns.

Banker pays you a salary of $200 thousand.
(REMEMBER: the Mayor collects a $300 thousand i If you don't roll doubles by your third turn, you
salary.) i must pay the $50 thousand fine. This gets you
i out. Immediately move the number of spaces
c?R i indicated by your roll. If you can't raise the
"FREE PARKING" i money to pay your fine, you go bankrupt (see
, i BANKRUPTCY, page 15).
Land onUFreeParkine" and vou can choose anv one
property still in the gank and buy it for the
printed on the gameboard. If you can't raise enough "JUST VISITING"
money to buy the property or the Bank has no more
properties to sell, do nothing and just use this space If you aren't "sent" to Jail but simply land on that
as a free resting place. REMEMBER: If you buy the space, you're "Just Visiting," and you move ahead as
property, you also get to collect a Fortune token@. usual on your next turn. (REMEMBER: The Police
Chief collects $50 thousand from the Bank each time
a player lands on "Just Visiting.")
Land on a Chance or Community Chest space and If you roll a News Broadcast, move according to the
go to the DVD. Then choose the corresponding space other die and resolve the space you land on. Then,
- and follow the prompts. If you make a choice at go to the DVD for a new or continuing news story. If
the beginning of the Chance or Community Chest, you make a choice at the start of the news segment,
collect a Fortune token 0. collect a Fortune token 0.
Note: If the news channel "goes off air,"-there are no
A JAlL" more news segments. From now on do nothing when
Go to Jail when: rolling the News Broadcast Icon.
you land on the "Go to Jail" space;
you roll doubles three times in a row on one turn;
the DVD sends you there.
When you're sent to Jail, don't collect your salary for
passing GO. Your turn ends when you go to Jail. While
I you're there, ]
however, you can buy and sell properties
and buildingddevelopments and collect rents.
..................... WROVING PR8PEBTm . Resorts
Once you have four beach houses on a property, then
you may buy a resort. Return the four beach houses
to the Bank and pay the amount shown on the Title
Deed. A property can only have ONE resort. RESORT

The renrsjbr beach harsesbndreeads era on Beach Houscs cost $100

the R&'LkxCk T k nms& :-.
defermid thDm-. ' I-.:.:
, . - .-
r ,!

at tlae end 0 f t b 8 ~:. ~ . ~ . . .
- . .. . ! . . .

. .

Beach Houses
Once you own a monopoly you can start improving it This player has upgraded his beach houses to a resort
with beach houses.
The cost for a beach house is shown on the Title Deed DEVELOPMENTS
, for the property on which you place it. Pay this to the
You may also build a development on an unimproved
Banker, take a house and place it on the property. property within your monopoly. The cost for
You may buy and place, at any time, as many reach developments are listed on the Title Deeds. Properties
houses as you can afford. But, you must place them with a development, however, CANNOT be improved
evenly. And if you decide to sell them back to the any further.
Bank, you must break them down evenly as well (see If you change your mind and want to build beach
EVEN BUILD RULE, page 13). houses, or a different development on the property,
you must first sell back the original development for
half of what you paid for it. Then you may buy beach

r . .-*A -.. . . . -4:

Beach Houses cost $100 lhOwna each
d 4 Beach How$&
Resort, S 100 l h ~ plus
Developments cost f 400 each

houses or a development for the full price listed on
the Title Deed.
Rents for landing on developments are handled by the
DVD and are not listed on the Title Deeds.
F- W
J ...............................................................
i Monopolies may have a mixture of developments i
: and beach houses. For example, a monopoly may i
: have a pier, a casino, and two beach houses on i
This player owns the orange monopoly and has improved i the three different properties.
the properties by evenly building 6 beach houses. ...............................................................
Now you can improve your properties with casinos, Properties within a monopoly that are improved
piers, restaurants and parks. Each has its own benefit. with beach houses must follow the Even Build Rule
Go to the DVD at any time throughout the game to get This means that at no time can a property within
information on your developments. Your property's the monopoly have more than 1more beach house
Tltle Deed shows how many Fortune tokens 0 each placed than are placed on the other properties of the
development is worth at the end of the game. same monopoly. Developments are exempt from this
rule. If you ever sell back a development (leaving the
property empty) you must immediately buy another
development, or buylsell enough beach houses to
follow the Even Build Rule.

You can collect a lot of money from players visiting

your casino but watch out you may have to pay out
CASINO as well.

The benefit of a pier depends on the weather and if a
cruise ship is in port or not. The DVD will keep you
apprised of the conditions.

Parks are worth the most Fortune tokens so their big

advantage is at the end of the game.
This monopoly has one property with a park and two
The benefit of owning a restaurant depends on the properties with beach houses. The beach houses must be
properties around it. The better the "neighborhood," placed evenly across the pmperties.
the better the restaurant will do. The DVD will ask
what is to the left and nght of a restaurant. This
means the next improvable property to the left or
RESTAURANT right. So look for the next property with a color bar
on it. You may have to skip over a card space, a tax
space, or even look around a comer.


i If the Bank has no buildingddevelopments to sell, i
i any player wishing to buy them must wait for
i another player to turn in or to sell hidhers back to i
i the Bank. If there are a limited number of buildings/ i
i developments available and two or more players i This phyer sold his park back a d redistributed his
i at the same time wish to buy more than the Bank i beach houses evenly across his monopoly.
i has, the buildings/developments MUST be sold by i
i auction to the hghest bidder. The DVD can help i
i you with this.
MORTGAGES If you sell a mortgaged property, the new owner may
lift the mortgage immediately by paying the Bank
Sometimes you need to raise cash. One way to do this the amount of the mortgage plus 10%interest. If the
is by mortgaging properties. Unimproved properties new owner keeps it mortgaged, helshe immediately
can be mortgaged at any time. The mortgage value is pays the Bank 10%interest. When hdshe lifts the
printed on the ntle Deed. mortgage hdshe will owe an additional 10%interest as
well as the mortgage amount. (Always round up to the
This pktyer raised
8260 thousand by
i No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties, i
:but rent can be collected on unmortgaged
mortgaging this :properties in the same monopoly. You are bankrupt if you owe another player or the
property. The Etle :
Deed is turned over
............................................................... Bank more than you can pay even after selling off
buildings/developments and mortgaging properties.
to s h that it's To lift the mortgage ... The game is over when a player goes bankrupt!
mortgaged- In order to unmortgage a property, pay the Bank the
mortgage amount plus 10%interest. When all of the If you owe another player ...
properties of a monopoly are no longer mortgaged, Give this player all your cash and ntle Deeds.
you can start buying back buildings/developments. If you own buildings/developments, sell these to the
(Always round up to the nearest $1,000.) Bank for half of what you paid for them and give this
cash to your creditor.
SEUING PROPERTIES If you have mortgaged properties, give these to your
creditor also. The new owner immediately pays the
(Unmortgaged & Mortgaged) Bank the amount of the interest on the loan (10%of
the value of the property). The new owner may then
Unimproved properties (ones without buildingsl pay the principal to unmortgage the property or may
developments) may be sold to another player as keep it mortgaged.
a private transaction for any amount you can get.
However, no properties can be sold to another player If you owe the Bank ...
if buildingddevelopments are on any of the properties
of that monopoly. Any buildings/developments must Turn over all your assets to the Bank.
be sold back to the Bank before you can sell any
property within that monopoly. WINNING
REMEMBER All buildingddevelopments are soM back The game is over whenever you want it to be! That's
to the Bank for half the amount you paid& them. rifit! You can stop anytime or you can play it out
until someone goes bankrupt.
When you're done, go to Game Over on the DVD. The
DVD will help you calculate your fortune.
You can negotiute a trade with ~ F J W player

+un-tgagad and unmmgagd) as well as d.

gzt any time. ll-odra m q . b 1 u d e pmpertia
8&!* The player with the most fortune wins. Fortune is
calculated in three ways:
Intangibles cannot be traded;for example, you ,
A +
(1)Property improvements;
cannot trade-tbr a rent exemption. I
(2) Cash in hand; and
(3) Fortune tokens collected throughout the game.

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