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The key takeaways from the case study are that Franklin faces lack of recognition from other employees and management in the organization despite having similar qualifications and responsibilities as his colleague Harsha. This leads to behavioral changes in Franklin and he decides to resign.

The issue faced by Franklin is that he feels ignored and unrecognized by other employees in the organization. When he comes alone to the canteen or office, people don't recognize or greet him properly unlike when he is with Harsha. Even his points are not valued in meetings like Harsha's points.

According to Mr. Mehta, the reason for Franklin's partial treatment by other employees is the difference in nature between him and Harsha. Harsha is friendly by nature and helps others so she is popular among employees whereas Franklin is silent by nature and helps only if personally approached.

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Human Resource Management Case

Studies with solutions
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Here we are providing Human Resource Management Case Studies with solutions. HRM
Case studies plays vital role in management education specially in subjects like Human
Resource Management (HRM), Personnel Management, PAAP etc. It gives clear picture of
the concepts when you practice it through case studies. Here we have tried to give some
live case studies which are interesting and allows you to think beyond the theoretical part
and make you capable to apply the concepts in real time situations. We are also
providing to provide solutions which are free of cost. We welcome your feedback about
these case studies.

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Human Resource Management Case Studies with Solutions

HRM Case Study

Case Study 1

Harsha and Franklin both of them are post graduates in management under di erent
streams from same B-School. Both of them are close to each other from the college days
itself and the same friendship is continuing in the organisation too as they are placed in
the same company, Hy-tech technology solutions. Harsha placed in HR department as
employee counselor and

Franklin in nance department as key nance executive. As per the grade is concerned
both are at same level but when responsibility is concerned Franklin is holding more
responsibility being in core nance.
By nature Harsha is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. Franklin is silent
in nature ready to help if approached personally and always a bit egoistic in nature. They
have successfully completed 4 years in the organization. And management is very much
satis ed with both of them as they are equally talented and constant performers.

Harsha felt that now a day’s Franklin is not like as he use to be in past. She noticed
some behavioral changes with him. During general conversations she feels that Franklin
is taunting her that she is famous among the employees in the organisation in the other
hand he is not even recognised by fellow employees.

One morning Mr. Mehta General Manager Hy-tech technology solutions shocked while
go through the mail received from Franklin about his resignation. Mr. Mehta called
Harsha immediately and discussed about the same as she is close to Franklin. By hearing
the news Harsha got stunned and said that she do not know this before she also reveled
here current experience with him. Mr. Mehta who do not want to loose both of them
promised her that he will handle this and he won’t allow Franklin to resign.

In the afternoon Mr. Metha took Franklin to Canteen to make him comfortable after
some general discussion he starts on the issue. Franklin, after some hesitations opened
his thinking in front of Mr. Mehta. The problem of Franklin is 1) when he comes alone to
canteen the people from other don’t even recognize him but if he accompanied by
Harsha he get well treated by others. 2) one day Both of them entered the company
together the security in the gate wished them but the next day when he came alone the
same security did not do so. 3) Even in meetings held in the o ce the points raised by
Harsha will get more value so many a times he keeps silent in the meeting.

It happens to Franklin that he has to face such degradation in each day of work which
totally disturbs him. Franklin also questioned that ” Harsha and myself have same
quali cation, from same institute, passed out in the same year both with rst class. We
have same number of experience in this organisation. More over the responsibilities with
me are more valuable than that of Harsha. After all this things if I am been ignored or
unrecognized by the fellow employees my ego does not allow me to continue here”.

By listening this statement Mr.Metha felt that it is not going to be very di cult to stop
his resignation. Mr. Mehta explained Franklin the reasons for such partial behavior of the

After listening to Mr. Mehta Franklin said sorry for his reaction and ready to take back
his resignation. And he called Harsha and spoke with like before.

Find the reason that Mr. Mehta would have given to Franklin.

Solution for Case Study

Mr. Mehta listening to this case understood the situation and realized the reason behind
the partial response given by the employees towards Franklin and Harsha. As Franklin
said both Harsha and Franklin are passed out from same college in same year. Both of
them joined the company together both have same experience. Even in performance
wise both stands in the same level i.e. both are constant performers and good

Franklin analysed all the above said similarities between him and Harsha. He also stated
that he holds more responsibility than that of Harsha. One thing Franklin did not notice
or analysed is the job pro le of Harsha. It is true that Franklin holds more responsibility
than that of Harsha but when it comes to direct interaction with employees Harsha wins
the employees attention in this aspect. Harsha being counselor in HR she faces the
employees every day. She developed good rapport among the employees due to her
friendly nature. She is always remembered by the employees whenever they face any
problem as she gives good counseling and most of the times she suggest best solutions
for such issues.

Franklin though holding key position in nance his pro le does not allow him to interact
with the employees. Though he has helping tendency he does only when someone
approached him personally. As the employees of other departments do not have any
relation with him they never approach him for help.

Mr. Mehta having good experience understood these things when Franklin explained his
problems one by one. Later he relates each situation, explained by Franklin with the
above said reasons, and made Franklin understood the reality.

Mr. Mehta said that the security in the gate or the employees in the canteen who
recognized Harsha and not Franklin would have interacted with her during counseling or
approached her for any issues. And as usual she would have counseled well or solved the
issues of them that is the reason why they treat her and wish her whenever where ever
they meet her. When it comes to the case of Franklin they would have hardly met him or
interacted with him.
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When it comes to the point that even in o ce meetings Harsha, points are valued so
Franklin keeps mum. For this Mr. Mehta replied that the points put forward by her would
be related to employees or from employees point of view which actually the
management wants to know so they give value to her points. And as quoted Fraklin after,
one or two such incidents, keeps silent in the meeting. He never made an attempt to
raise some suggestions so management does not have any option to listen to that

After listening to all the explanations given by Mr. Mehta Franklin realized his mistake
and felt proud about the Rapport developed by Harsha among the employees. He said to
Mr. Mehta that he will take back his resignation. And rushed to Harsha to make an
apology and to meet her as a friend as like his college days

Case Study HRM 2

Watson Public Ltd Company is well known for its welfare activities and employee oriented
schemes in manufacturing industry from more than ten decade. The company employs
more than 800 workers and 150 administrative sta and 80 management level
employees. The Top level management views all the employees at same level. This can be
clearly understood by seeing the uniform of the company which is Same for all starting
from MD to oor level workers. The company have 2 di erent cafeterias at di erent
places one near the plant for workers and other near the Administration building.
Though the place is di erent the amenities, infrastructure and the food provided are of
same quality. In short the company stands by the rule Employee Equality.

The company has one registered trade union and the relationship between the union
and the management is very cordial. The company has not lost a single man day due to
strike. The company is not a pay master in that industry. The compensation policy of that
company, when compared to other similar companies, is very less still the employees
don’t have many grievances due to the other bene ts provided by the company. But the
company is facing countable number of problems in supplying the materials in recent
past days. Problems like quality issues, mismatch in packing materials (placing material A
in box of material B) incorrect labeling of material, not dispatching the material on time

The management views the case as there are loop holes in the system of various
departments and hand over the responsibility to HR department to solve the issue. When
the HR manager goes through the issues he realized that the issues are not relating to
system but it relates to the employees. When investigated he come to know that the
reason behind the casual approach by employees in work is

The company hired new employees for higher level post without considering the
potential internal candidates.
The newly hired employees are placed with higher packages than that of existing
employees in the same cadre.


1. Narrate the case with suitable Title for the case. Justify your title.

Employee Equality is not the need for every hour. In the above said case Watson Ltd had
provided all facilities to employees at each grade in equal manner. But still the
employees started creating certain issues like materials are meeting the quality supply
schedule is not met etc.. and the HR manager said that the policy of hiring new
employees for higher post without considering old potential employees is the major

 “Employee recognition VS Employee equality”. As the HR manager states that

employees are not been recognized for the potential rather company has gone for new
recruitment. Because of which the company faces problems.

2. The points rose by the HR manger as reason for the latest issues in the organization is
justi able or not. Support your answer with Human resource related concepts.

Yes the points raised by HR manager is justi able because “Human beings are social
Animals as popularly” said by many Human resources Scholars. So human minds
demands for social recognition, self respect, consideration etc for their work and

In the above said case even the company provides and stands by the concept employee
equality when it fails to recognize the potential talents of existing employee they felt
dissatisfaction towards the organization and they showed in the way of quality issues and
slow down production.

Related HR concept.

Slow down Production:

The concept of slow down production is a type of strike done by employee. The Industrial
Relations sates that when the employee wants to show their dissatisfaction to the
management but don’t want to go for strike they follow slow down strike. The impact of
which will be understood after a particular time period

Employee Recognition:

Human beings can be easily motivated by Rewards and recognition than that of money.
In this case also the employee are not satis ed even after all facilities just because of the
reason that they are not recognized.

Hawthrone Experiment:

In the four type of test conducted by Elton mayo the remarkable hike in production is
recognized in the stage when they consulted the employees for the management
decisions regarding them. The same thing was missing in Watson Ltd. Before the new
hires if the management consulted the employees both management and employees
would have avoided this issue

Hygiene Factor:

Theory of hygiene factor states that there are certain factors related to employees the
presence of which will not create major impact but the absence of such things will lead to
a de motivation to the employees. Employee Recognition is one such factor when the
management fails to do so it will Detroit the employees to a great extent.

3. Help the organization to come out from this critical issue. If you are in the role of HR
manager what will be your immediate step to solve this case.
If I was in the post of the HR manager I will try to discuss the issue and ask for the reason
from the management for new recruiting rather than considering available potential
talents. I will personally analyses the reasons provided by management and if acceptable
i will discuss the same with the employees. Everything is possible when discussion is
done. So I will discuss and convince the employee that this wont happen again in the
organization. I will also initiate the collective bargaining process for reasonable salary
hike for the existing employees.

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