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Beowulf Is The Longest and Greatest Surviving Beowulf Is The Oldest Surviving Epic in English

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• Beowulf is the longest and greatest surviving

Anglo-Saxon poem.
• Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in English
• An unknown bard composed it around the 7th
or 8th century, and probably recited it to the
accompaniment of harp music.
• The setting of the epic is the sixth century in
what is now known as Denmark and
southwestern Sweden.
• By the tenth century, the words were first written in
Old English. This would be a foreign language to us,
although a few words are familiar: scyld (shield),
sweord (sword), Gode (God) and strong.
• Beowulf now exists in only one manuscript. This copy
survived a disastrous fire which destroyed the library
of Sir Robert Bruce Cotton (1571-1631).
• The Beowulf manuscript is now housed in the British
Library, London.
• The world of warriors in Beowulf is based on loyalty
and bravery, and combines pagan customs of revenge
with Christian faith in the will of God.
Beowulf Map
Scyld Scefing
• The poem opens with a brief genealogy of the
Scylding (Dane) royal dynasty, named after a
mythic hero, Scyld Scefing.
• Many years ago he came to them, the Danish
people. They found him on the beach in a boat no
bigger than a shield, a child without clothing,
surrounded by treasure.
• No one knew who had sent him across the sea,
but he lived and grew and gained respect until
they made him their King, and all the tribes living
nearby had to obey him.
• No enemy dared to attack , and he gave gifts
gladly to his followers. He was a good King.
Scyld’s funeral
• Scyld’s funeral is a memorable early ritual in the
• The men who have been his sword-companions
carry him to the water's edge - as he told them to
do while he could still speak.
• In the ship's middle, by the mast, they lay down
their lord and master, and round him they make a
mound of treasure, shining shields, weapons and
warrior's armour.
• The men leave the ship full of sorrow, leave the
old king to his far journey. They let the seas take
him as the ship sails. However wise they may be,
no-one can say for sure who received that ship's
load in the end.
• The story soon shifts
to the reign of his
Hrothgar, whose
successful rule is
symbolized by a
magnificent central
mead-hall called
• Heorot (pronounced /hay oh roht) is a
mead hall described in the Anglo-Saxon epic
Beowulf as "the foremost of halls under
• It was built and presided over by King Hrothgar,
a legendary Danish king of the sixth century.
• Heorot means "Hall of the Hart" (male deer).
• The Geatish (Swedish) hero Beowulf defends
the royal hall and its residents from the
demonic Grendel.
• For 12 years, a huge man-like ogre
named Grendel, a descendant of
the biblical murderer Cain, has
menaced the aging Hrothgar,
raiding Heorot and killing the king’s
thanes (warriors).
• Grendel rules the mead-hall
• Beowulf, a young warrior in Geatland
(southwestern Sweden), comes to the
Scyldings’ aid, bringing with him 14 of his finest
• Hrothgar once sheltered Beowulf’s father
during a deadly feud, and the mighty Geat
hopes to return the favor while enhancing his
own reputation and gaining treasure for his
king, Hygelac.
• At a feast before nightfall of the first day of the visit,
an obnoxious, drunken Scylding named Unferth insults
Beowulf and claims that the Geat visitor once
embarrassingly lost a swimming contest to a boyhood
acquaintance named Breca and is no match for
• Beowulf responds with dignity while putting Unferth in
his place.
• In fact, the two swimmers were separated by a storm
on the fifth night of the contest, and Beowulf had slain
nine sea monsters before finally returning to shore.
Grendle arrives
• While the Danes retire to safer sleeping
quarters, Beowulf and the Geats bed down in
Heorot, fully aware that Grendel will visit them.
• He does. Angered by the joy of the men in the
mead-hall, the ogre furiously bursts in on the
Geats, killing one and then reaching for
The fight
Grendle’s arm
• With the strength of 30 men in his hand-grip,
Beowulf seizes the ogre’s claw and does not let
• The ensuing battle nearly destroys the great
hall, but Beowulf emerges victorious as he rips
Grendel’s claw from its shoulder socket,
sending the mortally wounded beast fleeing to
his mere (pool).
Beowulf rips Grendle’s arm

• The arm
hangs high
under the
roof of
• The Danes celebrate the next day with a huge
feast featuring entertainment by Hrothgar’s
scop (pronounced “shop”), a professional bard
who accompanies himself on a harp and sings
or chants traditional lays such as an account of
the Danes’ victory at Finnsburh.
• This bard also improvises a song about
Beowulf’s victory.
• Hrothgar’s wife,
proves to be a
perfect hostess,
offering Beowulf
a gold collar and
her gratitude.
Filled with mead (drink made from honey), wine, and great
food, the entire party retires for what they expect to be the
first peaceful night in years.
• But Grendel’s mother—not quite as powerful
as her son but highly motivated—climbs to
Heorot that night, retrieves her son’s claw, and
murderously abducts one of the Scyldings
(Aeschere) while Beowulf sleeps elsewhere.
• The next morning, Hrothgar, Beowulf, and a
retinue of Scyldings and Geats follow the
mother’s tracks into a dark, forbidding swamp
and to the edge of her mere.
Heading towards the mere
Diving into the
• Carrying a sword
called Hrunting, a
gift from the
chastised Unferth,
Beowulf dives into
the lake to seek
the mother.
Fight Underwater
• The slaughtered Aeschere’s head sits on a cliff
by the lake, which hides the ogres’
underground cave.
• Near the bottom of the lake, Grendel’s mother
attacks and hauls the Geat warrior to her dimly
lit cave.
• Beowulf fights back once inside the dry cavern,
but the gift sword, Hrunting, strong as it is, fails
to penetrate the ogre’s hide.
• Beowulf wrestles with
Grendle’s mother
• The mother moves to
kill Beowulf with her
knife, but his armor,
made by the
legendary blacksmith
Weland, protects him.
Magical sword
• Suddenly Beowulf spots a magical, giant sword
and uses it to cut through the mother’s spine at
the neck, killing her.
• A blessed light unexplainably illuminates the
cavern, disclosing Grendel’s corpse and a great
deal of treasure. Beowulf decapitates the corpse.
• The magic sword melts to its hilt. Beowulf returns
to the lake’s surface carrying the head and hilt but
leaving the treasure.
Return to Geatland
• After more celebration and gifts and a sermon by
Hrothgar warning of the dangers of pride and the
mutability of time, Beowulf and his men return to
• There he serves his king well until Hygelac is killed
in battle and his son dies in a feud.
• Beowulf is then named king and rules successfully
for 50 years.
• Like Hrothgar, however, his peace is shattered in
his declining years. Beowulf must battle one more
• A fiery dragon has
become enraged
because a lone
fugitive has
discovered the
dragon’s treasure-
trove and stolen a
valuable cup.
• The dragon terrorizes
the countryside at
night, burning several
homes, including
The final fight
• Led by the fugitive, Beowulf and eleven of his
men seek out the dragon’s barrow.
• Beowulf insists on taking on the dragon alone,
but his own sword, Naegling, is no match for
the monster.
• Seeing his king in trouble,
one thane, Wiglaf, goes to
his assistance.
• The others flee to the
• Together, Wiglaf and Beowulf kill the dragon,
but the mighty king is mortally wounded.
• Dying, Beowulf leaves his kingdom to Wiglaf
and requests that his body be cremated in a
funeral pyre and buried high on a seaside cliff
where passing sailors might see the barrow.
• The dragon’s treasure-hoard is buried with
him. It is said that they lie there still.
A dirge for Beowulf

• Song of

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