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EGPRS - Based Design Solution For Tariff Transparency Issue in Mobile Number Portability

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18th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2010 Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-25, 2010.

EGPRS - Based Design Solution for Tariff

Transparency Issue in Mobile Number Portability

1. Farheen Amjad 2. Dr. Saad Ahmed Qazi

Department of Electronic Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
NED University of Engineering and Technology NED University of Engineering and Technology
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract² Mobile Number Portability is one of the major has reduced the burden of managing ported subscribers from
developments in the past twelve years of telecommunication service providers.
industry. Introduction of this technology enabled consumer to
switch from one service provider to other service provider Similarly, there are several ways for implementing call
without changing their mobile numbers. However, beside being routing strategies in MNP, for instance, Onward Routing
successful implementation, mobile number portability has caused
method and All Call Query (ACQ) method. ACQ is the most
the loss of carrier identity which ultimately gives rise to tariff
transparency issue. Since consumers will not be able to identify popular method for call routing which is being deployed in
the called party network and hence they will be charged against most of the countries [3].
their expectation which can become the cause of FRQVXPHU¶V
dissatisfaction towards their service provider. In this research we Mobile Number Portability was first implemented in
will address the prevailing issue of tariff transparency and Singapore in 1997 followed by Hong Kong in 1999, Spain in
carrier identification in mobile number portability. Then we will 2000, Australia in 2001, Finland 2003, Pakistan 2006 etc [4].
propose the implementation of an EGPRS based design solution Mobile Number Portability can be wireline as well as wireless.
to cater these issues from user end perspective. MNP has put forward a healthy competition between cellular
operators to elevate their level of service in order to increase
Keywords-component; Mobile Number Portability; Tariff DQG UHWDLQ WKHLU VXEVFULEHUV¶ JURZWK >3]. On the other hand
Transparency;Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (EGPRS);
MNP has also worked as a very attractive approach and has
Ported subscriber
produced encouragement for the end users to be having
services of multiple mobile networks with unique mobile
I. INTRODUCTION number and they can easily switch the mobile operator if they
Mobile number portability refers to the service for mobile are not satisfied with the services of existing service provider.
consumers to change their service provider according to their Number portability has reduced the switching costs of the
desire by keeping unique mobile number. Previously the customers while moving from one operator to another, this
change of mobile number on switching from one mobile usually includes informing friends and family about the
operator to another operator had been considered as a hurdle in change of number, re-printing business cards, updating profile
competition between cellular service providers. This major etc.
concern of changing phone number was defined to Network
Interoperability Consultative Committee (NICC) by Oftel and However, besides all the beneficial factors of MNP, it has
passed to the Public Network Operator Interconnect Group induced a difficulty in realization of original network. In case
(PNO-IG) in early 1994. The PNO-IG take up the issue and of MNP, the customer may never know the called party
introduced a high level service description in order to meet the network. Stefan Beuhler and Justus Haucap (2003) addressed
requirement of number portability[1]. this issue in their research and highlighted the fact that tariff
transparency issue has largely been ignored while
Number Portability can be of various types like service implementation of MNP. They claim that before MNP
provider number portability, location number portability and consumers can easily differentiate the mobile networks by the
service portability [2]. Normally three types of approaches number prefix. But after launch of MNP, number prefix is no
have been used to implement mobile number portability more beneficial in identification of mobile operator.
throughout the world which includes Centralized approach, Therefore, due to MNP full tariff transparency has been lost
Peer-to-peer approach and Hybrid approach. However among and it ultiPDWHO\ GHWHULRUDWHG FRQVXPHU¶V SULFH LQIRUPDWLRQ
all of these, centralized approach for implementing MNP is [5].
most widely used in the world. Centralized database system Similar issue has been discussed by Arthur Goldstuck and
Steven Ambrose (2006) from World Wide Worx in their

report. They declared that prefix confusion not only has an International call and SMS rates. Therefore when subscriber A
impact on the cellular user, but also on the least cost routing calls subscriber B, both using the services of same network,
industry [6]. In 2005 a public enquiry paper on by Malaysian the calling party will be charged ON-NET call rates and it has
Communications and Multimedia Commissions has discussed already been known by calling party through the information
the issue of tariff transparency and suggested solutions to this provided by his current service provider. Now suppose called
issue such as audible tones, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) party (B number) wants to use the service of another network
and Short Message Service (SMS) [7]. Studies conducted in instead of his current network. Therefore called party (B
report (2008) by Hibbard Consulting declare that previously number) port-RXW WR RWKHU QHWZRUN VD\ ³:´ FHOOXODU QHWZRUN
published studies did not take into account the loss of tariff Since during the number portability administrative process
transparency with MNP. Analysis and research have been there is no way included to inform the calling party numbers
shown that consumers are unhappy of being charged of the ported subscriber about the status of porting process,
unexpectedly [8]. However to cater the issue of tariff therefore when calling party (A number) calls his called party
transparency many countries have implemented different (B number), the calling party (A number) will be get charged
solutions such as audible tones, toll-free calls, toll-free SMS through OFF-NET call rates instead of ON-NET call rates,
and announcements. since called party (B number) is now ported-out to other
Yi Bing Lin (1999) augmented a voice announcement to number) is not known by the calling party (A number)
know the customer about the billing rate before placing a call subscriber.
in his database method for number portability [2]. In contrast
to announcement based solution for tariff transparency as per Due to unexpected call charging, a negative impact will be
Irish report (2003) by Commission for Communications, the created on calling party (A number) subscriber since he has
respondents from different mobile operators claims that after not been provided with the ported-out or ported-in details of
introduction of voice announcement facility to resolve issue of called party (B number) and as per his assumption he would
tariff transparency in MNP by one of the operator they have been charged incorrectly for his call. This issue can lead
observed large number of complaints from customers which a subscriber to lose his trust on the services provided by his
clearly indicates that voice announcement is not an appropriate current service provider. User may also prefer to change his
tool for Irish market [9]. Apart from this report, audible tones network due to his wrong perception of incorrect charging
could be a good approach but it will be applicable only in case which can ultimately cause a loss of customers to that mobile
of calls not in case of SMS. Similarly toll-free SMS and toll- operator.
free calls could enable a customer to query the status of only
one number at a time. Keeping in view all these factors a Electronic Communications Committee Report (2003)
comprehensive and optimized solution should be proposed for declares that problem of tariff transparency has been
tariff transparency and network realization in MNP. recognized by many countries where mobile number
portability is implemented. Voice announcement services are
This paper aims to focus on the issue of tariff transparency implemented in Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Malta and
and its Enhanced General Packet Radio Service EGPRS based Norway etc. SMS based services are implemented in Ireland,
design solution. In first section we shall explain tariff Slovenia and Switzerland. Toll-free call service implemented
transparency issue in mobile number portability. Then we in Denmark, Estonia and Portugal. Audible warning for off-net
shall discuss the background of EGPRS technology. Next, we calls service implemented in Austria, Croatia, Lithuania and
provide a tutorial and show the implementation of EGPRS Slovenia [10]. However it has been discussed earlier that voice
based design solution to cater tariff transparency issue. Finally announcement has been resulted in customer dissatisfaction,
we shall explore the benefits of the proposed design solution further to this voice announcement could be a costly option
with respect to previous solutions followed by conclusions and and it might also result in unnecessary trunk seizing which can
future enhancements. be critical during busy call hours. On contrast SMS based
solution and toll-free calls are quite good solutions but they
are limited to the query of one or two ported numbers at a
II. TARIFF TRANSPARENCY time. Audible tones, on the other hand could only inform
Tariff transparency refers to the term of informing a mobile about the off-net call, however carrier identification still not
subscriber about the on-net, off-net and international call and clear in this solution. Therefore, to fulfill the gap for the
SMS charges which are being charged by the service provider. shortcomings of previous solutions we could aim to design a
When a subscriber gets port-in or port-out to or from any new solution based on EGPRS/EDGE technology.
network the calling party subscriber do not know about the
porting process of its called party subscriber. Let us consider a
scenario in which calling party (A number) and called party (B III. ENHANCED GENERAL PACKET RADIO SERVICE
operator. In most of the cellular service providers the ON-NET Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) is the
charges are kept comparatively lower than their OFF-NET and enhanced technology for 2G and 2.5 generation systems.

EGPRS can deliver three times faster bit rate ratio as responsible for collecting porting data and downloading it to
compared to GPRS. GPRS can transfer data at rates of 115 local number portability database).
kbps theoretically and up to 160 kbps on physical layer, where Application Server can communicate with LSMS through
as EDGE/EGRPS can transfer up to 384 kbps on physical Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). (SOAP interface is a
layer and 473.6 kbps theoretically. GPRS has only four coding Remote Procedure Call based (RPC-based) service. It is a way
schemes while EGPRS has nine modulation and coding for a program running in one kind of operating system such as
schemes [11]. Hence EGPRS offers upto 200% increase in Windows 2000 to communicate with a program in the same or
data bit rates [12]. Latest modulation and error tolerant another kind of an operating system such as Linux by using
transmission methodologies with help of mechanism of WKH :RUOG :LGH :HE¶V +\SHUWH[W 7UDQVIHU 3URWRFRO +773
improved link adaption have made rates of EGPRS/EDGE and its Extensible Markup Language XML as the mechanism
possible. This has enabled improved spectrum efficiency and for information exchange). As soon as phone numbers
usability of modern applications like Wireless internet, uploaded via EGPRS service, AS shall store the phone
emailing, file transferring and video calling. numbers and communicate with LSMS for the current porting
status of phone numbers. At the process completion between
EGPRS/EDGE technology has adaptability in existing AS and LSMS, subscriber can receive SMS from AS to
cellular networks since it does not require new hardware or download phone numbers with their current network
new systems to deploy it, therefore it appears to be a cost information. This way customer download phone numbers
effective technology. So far EGPRS has proved to be a with their existing network identification.
successful technology since it is also compatible with 3G
technologies. Most of High Speed Packet Access (HSPA)
network operators deploy GSM/EDGE for service continuity. V. THE ARCHITECHTURE OF EGPRS BASED
Further to this, nearly all Wideband Code Division Multiple DESIGN SOLUTION
Access (WCDMA) handsets are also GSM handset, which The architecture is of EGPRS based design solution is
enables WCDMA users to access GSM based services. shown in figure 1. In this architecture, the mobile switching
Around 487 cellular operators have launched EGPRS in 190 centre (MSC) is the mobile switch which is responsible for
countries throughout the world [13]. routing voice calls and SMS. Home Location Register (HLR)
is a central database contains detail of each mobile phone
As we argued about the comprehensive solution for tariff subscriber that is authorized to use GSM core network. Short
transparency in mobile number portability to carry out the Message Service Centre (SMSC) supports the sending and
room for improvement in previous solutions. We could be able reception of text messages. The base station controller (BSC)
to achieve the desired enhancement by utilizing EGPRS is responsible for radio resource allocation to mobile station.
technology. In the rest of discussion we introduce the Base transceiver station (BTS) contains the equipment for
architecture of EGPRS/EDGE based design solution and its transmitting and receiving radio signals. Packet control unit
message flow. Then we briefly explain the benefits of the support node (PCUSN) is a stand-alone node and responsible
proposed solution followed by conclusions and future to complement the BSCs (2G and 3G) with PCU capability.
enhancements. Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) performs routing of
packet data using internet protocol. It also performs function
of mobility management, session management, state control
IV. EGPRS BASED DESIGN SOLUTION and data packet routing on downlink including location
With EGPRS deployment mobile operators can easily tracking [14].
provision value added services for their customers. We
introduce an architecture based on EGPRS to accommodate Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) serves as the
the issue of tariff transparency and network identification interconnect point between SGSN and external packet data
which can be offered as a value added service for the network. Message Application Router (MAR) is a router used
customers by a cellular operator. In our case we propose that to route messages between SMSC and the outer world through
operator can offer this service by registration through SMS to Large accounts of targeted destinations. Large accounts (LA)
a specific short code number dedicated for this service. After are peer entities connected with MAR used to route the
successful registration subscriber can be able to utilize this messages between MAR and outerworld. The Application
value added service. The service can be based on uploading a Server (AS) and Local service management system (LSMS).
application server (AS). (Application Server is a server that during SMS subscription and SMS termination process.
can provide the functions required to the host applications. It However uploading and downloading of phone numbers will
can maintain database as well as raise queries as per involve BTS, BSC, PCUSN, SGSN, GGSN, AS and LSMS
requirements) .This application server can be further [14].
integrated with Local Service Management System (LSMS).
(LSMS is a computer system with database storage. It is

transfer packet data to GGSN via GPRS tunnel Protocol
PCUSN 7 SGSN 7 GGSN 7 (GTP) for onward routing. GGSN could search the web
(Packet Control Unit (Serving GPRS Support (Gateway GPRS Support Internet Cloud
Super Node) 3 Node) 3 Node)
3 application of targeted AS via internet cloud and the phone
shall be uploaded to AS.
7 3 LAs (Large Accounts)

BSC SMSC 1 MAR Step 4: As soon as the phone numbers get uploaded AS can
3 7
(Base Station Controller) (Short Message Centre) 2
(Message Application
start raising query to LSMS via SOAP interface for the current
6 5
porting status of uploaded phone numbers.
6 2 2
1 6
7 3

1 2 6 HLR AS Step 5: LSMS then check its database and feedback to AS

(Base Station Transceiver)
(Home Location Register) (Application Server)
with porting status of required phone number via SOAP
5 4 interface.
6 2 (Mobile Switching Centre) (Local Service Step 6: On receiving response from LSMS, AS could update
Management System)
its database and append porting status with uploaded phone
numbers. After completion of communication between AS and
LSMS, AS will generate a message towards MAR through its
Figure 1. Architechture and Message Flow of EGPRS Based Design respective LA which contains information about downloading
Solution the phone numbers with their current carriers. The message
could be terminated through same path as explained earlier in
Step 7: After receiving SMS from AS, mobile station should
The message flow for EGPRS based design solution is start downloading the uploaded phone numbers via same path
illustrated in figure 1. In figure the numberings above arrows described earlier in Step 3. The downloaded phone numbers
indicates the steps of message flow. might contain information about the current service providers
with their call tariffs. (Information about Call tariffs can be
Step 1: Initially, mobile station sends SMS to a specific short optional).
code in order to register to avail the service. The MSC receive
the message and send Forward-short message request to
shall check the mapping of short code to its respective LA in SOLUTIONS
its database and forward the message to MAR for onward As we have pointed out earlier the room for improvement
routing through Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol. MAR for the solution of tariff transparency issue in mobile number
shall route the message towards the AS through its respective portability, EGPRS based design solution could be more
LA. effective from voice announcement, SMS, toll-free call and
audible tone solutions. This service shall be totally dependent
Step 2: AS shall register the mobile station in its database and on the desire of end user unlike in voice announcement
generate a message to MAR through its LA. The message service, where a customer hears announcement every time
generated by AS contains the contents of successful when placing a call for porting number. Since it has already
registration to the service and informing the mobile station studied that this solution resulted in negative feedback from
that phone numbers can be uploaded now. After receiving customers. The SMS service and toll-free service are
acknowledgement from AS, MAR will route the message to appropriate solutions but restricted to the query of one porting
SMSC for termination of SMS to the mobile station. SMSC number at a time. On contrary to this, EGPRS solution
raise Send routing information request message to HLR via provides the facility to query the porting status of more than
MAP protocol to locate the current location of the mobile one numbers at a time. Further to this audible tone solution
station. HLR sends Send routing information acknowledgment does not provide information about the network name and call
message to the SMSC containing the current location of tariff rates. In EGPRS service current network name could be
mobile station. Then, SMSC sends SMS_termination request placed with the list of phone numbers. In addition, call tariff
to the destination MSC to terminate SMS to the desired mobile information might also be possible to append with porting
station. status.

Step 3: After successful subscription to the service, mobile The proposed service can be implemented easily in current
station can start uploading phone numbers in the handset to GSM deployed networks, since EGPRS does not require any
AS via EGPRS service. Packet data for access of EGPRS new hardware integration and it is cost effective solution.
service shall be transferred by PCUSN to SGSN. SGSN then Service provider could be required to integrate only one
mark location update of mobile station in its database and

application server within its existing architecture to deploy the research might be an extension of this research. For instance, a
suggested solution for tariff transparency. more detailed performance evaluation can be done of the same
In this research we have tried to describe the major issue REFERENCES
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