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Painting and Sculpture

at The Museum of Modern Art

Ann Temkin

The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Produced by the Department of Publications
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Christopher Hudson, Publisher
Chul R. Kim, Associate Publisher
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Edited by Sarah Resnick

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© 2015 The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Certain illustrations are covered by claim to copyright
cited on page 247 of this volume. Foreword 7
Glenn D. Lowry
All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015930565 Introduction 9

ISBN: 978-0-87070-967-8 Ann Temkin

Published by The Museum of Modern Art

11 West 53 Street Plates 20
New York, New York 10019
Index of Plates 245
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Front cover: Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night. 1889.

See p. 23. Back cover: Yayoi Kusama. Accumulation No.
1. 1962. See p. 139. Title page: Isa Genzken (German,
born 1948). Rose II. 2007. Stainless steel, aluminum,
and lacquer, 36' x 9' 6'' x 42" (1,097.3 x 289.6 x 106.7
cm). Gift of Alfred H. Barr, Jr., and gift of the Advisory
Committee (both by exchange), 2014

Printed in China

It is with great pleasure that we present this new volume surveying the paintings
and sculptures housed in The Museum of Modern Art. The book includes works
made from the late nineteenth century to the present day, tracing the full span of
our collection. Having marked its eighty-fifth anniversary in 2014, the Museum
is no longer the young upstart it was during its first decades. But the develop-
ment of the collection continues, at its best, with the same spirit of discerning
openness that characterized its founding.
The paintings and sculptures illustrated herein represent just one aspect of
the collecting activities of The Museum of Modern Art. The Museum’s holdings
also include drawings, prints, photography, architecture, design, media, perfor-
mance, and film. Within the Museum’s galleries, the displays resonate across
the respective fields, providing visitors the opportunity to study, question, and
enjoy the achievements of one of the most extraordinary eras within the history
of Western culture.
We extend profound thanks to Ann Temkin, The Marie-Josée and Henry
Kravis Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture, who has written the essay that
follows, selected the works to be included, and arranged the sequence of plates.
In so doing, she profited from the generous advice of her curatorial colleagues
in the Department of Painting and Sculpture, with special assistance from Talia
Kwartler, Cara Manes, and Paulina Pobocha. We are grateful to our colleagues
in the Department of Publications, in particular Marc Sapir, who oversaw the
production of this book, and to Miko McGinty, its designer.
Most important, we acknowledge the remarkable generosity of the members
of our Board of Trustees and the many other donors who are responsible for the
ongoing development of this collection. The entirety of our holdings comes as
gifts, either through works of art given directly or endowments and donations of
funds enabling the purchases. It is only due to our Trustees’ and donors’ unpar-
alleled efforts on behalf of the Museum that this collection has come into being,
and that it continues its vigorous growth into the twenty-first century.

—Glenn D. Lowry
Director, The Museum of Modern Art

Ann Temkin

This book offers an overview of The Museum of Modern Art’s collection of

painting and sculpture as it stands in 2014. Our present holdings are the result
of nearly ninety years of choices ­accumulating only gradually to form what
constitutes the collection today. The small portion represented in this book—
about five percent of more than four thousand paintings and sculptures—amply
makes the case, as the Museum’s founders believed in 1929, that the art of our
time rivals in its greatness that of any previous era.
Perhaps the key distinction that sets modern art apart from that of earlier
periods is the sheer multiplicity of visual languages that fall within it. The
common goal of modern artists has been to invent individual styles unique to
themselves: creative originality takes precedence over faithfulness to external
reality or to tradition. Artistic selfhood emerges through innovation. Thus, the
diversity of artistic styles and vocabularies within the pages of this book—even
among works made in the same year, in the same city—defies generalization,
beyond the collective vow of each successive generation not to repeat the
achievements of the former.
Many of the works of art in this book are now fixtures of any textbook of
modern art history. Every day at the Museum, visitors arrive and grapple with
the realization that they are in front of the Starry Night, or the Gold Marilyn
Monroe (pp. 23 and 135). There are no other such objects anywhere in the
world, although infinite numbers of reproductions of them are available every-
where. Other works that we have chosen to include are much less familiar
and represent artists who are far from household names. For most visitors,
seeing these in the Museum’s galleries is an experience of discovery rather
than confirmation and may incite more puzzlement than awe. Nevertheless
all are works of art that have played key roles in the evolution of painting and
sculpture over the last 125 years, and that join together to form the character
of MoMA’s holdings.
Is this a book of favorites? In a way, yes—although hardly comprehensively
so. Some of the favorites here are objects for which that term is almost beside
the point, given their iconic status. Would someone say that Pablo Picasso’s
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (p. 34) is his or her favorite picture? Perhaps not,
but Les Demoiselles is surely essential, as is any painting or sculpture that
Henri Matisse (French, 1869–1954). The Piano Lesson. 1916.  profoundly changed the course of the artist who made it and that of countless
Oil on canvas, 8' 1/2" x 6' 113/4" (245.1 x 212.7 cm). Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund, 1946

others. Alfred H. Barr, Jr., the Museum’s founding director, aptly described Les testify to the bafflement with which viewers responded to what they saw at The
Demoiselles as a “battlefield,” and, more than a hundred years after its making, Museum of Modern Art. Whether it was the radical simplicity of a sculpture by
it may well strike viewers as ugly rather than beautiful.1 ­Picasso left visible in the Constantin Brancusi or the dense tangles of paint skeins in a work by Pollock,
finished painting the harsh stylistic disjunctions among its different areas, leav- the Museum proved a reliable target of ridicule. The inscrutability of pure
ing it as a vivid document of the conflict between the nineteenth-­century legacy abstraction—Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematist Composition: White on White, a
he was abandoning and the soon-­to-­be revolution that would be called Cubism. white square on a white background, for example (p. 59)—put to the harshest
The artist kept the painting in his studio until finally selling it to the couturier test the willingness of audiences to understand that, in modern art, naturalistic
Jacques Doucet in 1924. The Museum managed to purchase Les Demoiselles resemblance was rarely the artist’s goal, and that often an artist’s conceptual
in 1939 and to showcase it that same year in the galleries of its brand-new ideas or theoretical convictions motivated the visual image he or she produced.
International Style building. Conventional expectations regarding the demonstration of artistic skill were
Claude Monet’s Water Lilies paintings (p. 64) are favorites in the more usual often thwarted.
sense. These became landmarks of the collection as soon as they were acquired Occasionally, Barr’s foresight outpaced even that of many of his Trustees.
at the end of the 1950s. Monet devoted the final decade of his long life to this In these cases, he needed to take circuitous routes to bring into the collection
series (he died in 1926 at age eighty-­six). At that time, most people considered the works he wanted. This was true on the occasion of the 1936 exhibition
these vast paintings illegible nonsense, the woeful efforts of a once-­great artist Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism. Barr successfully managed the purchase of
whose eyesight was failing. The richly textured and loosely articulated passages signature works in the exhibition by artists such as Joan Miró, Max Ernst, and
of blues, greens, and purples seemed to bear no relation to the plants, water, René M
­ agritte (pp. 68, 69, and 70). But one proposal was firmly resisted by the
and sky they were meant to document. In a dramatic example of the evolution Museum’s Trustees: the so-­called Fur-­covered Teacup by Meret Oppenheim,
of taste, by midcentury the Water Lilies attracted the admiration of curators and simply titled Object (p. 86). Barr was convinced of the Teacup’s merit, so he
collectors such as Barr and his colleague ­Dorothy Miller. By that time, large-­ purchased it from the artist for the lofty sum of fifty dollars and placed it on
scale abstractions by artists such as Jackson ­Pollock had prepared their eyes extended loan to the Museum. Ten years later, he entered it in the study collec-
to see anew what Monet had dared to explore thirty years prior. The Water Lilies tion, a subsidiary category not subject to Trustee approval. Finally, in 1963, when
paintings have provided a beloved oasis in the Museum’s galleries ever since. Surrealism was more classic than incendiary (and a relevant ancestor to new
The eventual triumph of work that was initially scorned is one of the funda- works of Pop art), Object was voted into the Museum collection. It was desig-
mental paradigms of modern art. The Museum of Modern Art itself ­embodies nated a “purchase” thanks to Barr’s fifty-­dollar check sent twenty-­seven years
that premise: its founders in large part conceived their idea for the Museum in earlier.
response to the cold shoulder shown to modern art uptown at the M
­ etropolitan On many occasions, the Museum staff has relied upon Trustees to partner
Museum of Art. The by-­then mythic tragedy of Vincent van Gogh stood as a with the Museum in a similar way. When Barr saw Jasper Johns’s painting Flag
stark warning: without support, more modern artists might die without having (p. 120) in 1958, he felt certain that the Museum should have it, together with
been able to imagine in their wildest dreams their ultimate renown. A museum three other paintings also on view in the twenty-­seven-­year-­old artist’s first solo
to showcase their work could lead the way not only for scholars and collectors show. But while the three were approved, the Trustees could not bring them-
but also for general audiences—and, most important, for the artists of the future selves to accept a painting that appeared to be a mere “facsimile” of a flag. Its
whose work would be generated by the art of the present. stars and stripes congruent with the full field of the painting, the flag seems to
Because in the 1920s modern art still was embattled, the roots of the behave more as an object than a representation. Collaged sheets of newspaper
Museum had a strongly evangelical tinge. During the early decades of its show through the oil and wax surface, disrupting the purity of the symbol with
existence especially, the taste of Barr and his colleagues was often far ahead of the mess of current events. Disappointed, but not defeated, Barr persuaded the
the public’s. The Museum was founded as an educational institution and took as reliably adventurous Trustee Philip Johnson to purchase Flag with the under-
its mission the conversion of skeptics into believers. The challenge was consid- standing that it would become a gift several years later, once its importance was
erable, as proven by a rich corpus of New Yorker cartoons over the decades that indisputable. The painting entered the collection in 1973. This elegant duet was

10 11
performed with Johnson several times over the years, to the great benefit of the pronged: looking back at previous decades, on the one hand, and tackling the
Museum’s public. present moment, on the other.2 In general, curators and Trustees have under-
Equivalent acts of generosity on the part of untold numbers of prescient stood that most objects acquired after a considerable time lag—for example, the
individuals are responsible for the existence of the painting and sculpture breathtaking parade of works from the century’s beginnings purchased in the
collection. Among the more remarkable stories in this category is that of collec- 1930s and 1940s—would be lasting treasures. Works bought at the moment of
tor Ben Heller, a staunch champion of the Abstract Expressionist generation of their making are far less certain propositions. The institutional assumption has
artists since its beginnings. In 1968, Chief Curator William S. Rubin arranged been that although scores of works would enter the c
­ ollection but fail to hold
with Heller the purchase of a group of stellar paintings from his collection that long-­term interest, these mistakes would be justified by brilliant choices that
would vastly improve the Museum’s holdings of Abstract Expressionism. After would have been missed if such adventurousness on the part of the curators
the acquisitions meeting at which the proposal was presented, Rubin had to and Trustees were not encouraged. This dual track requires of those involved
inform Heller that the Trustees had approved the works by Arshile Gorky, P
­ ollock the ability to accept a certain level of cognitive dissonance as they simultane-
(p. 108), and Franz Kline (p. 114), but had refused funds for the eighteen-­foot-­ ously usher into the collection untested discoveries and validated icons.
long expanse of vibrant red that was Barnett Newman’s Vir Heroicus Sublimis A particular duo in the pages of this book concisely illustrates these two
(p. 112). Newman’s brushwork was so understated that the unmodulated field extremes on the acquisitions spectrum: Claes Oldenburg’s Two Cheeseburgers,
of color, interrupted only by four vertical “zips,” appeared to skeptics more the with Everything (Dual Hamburgers) and Yayoi Kusama’s Accumulation No. 1
work of a housepainter than an artist. But Heller’s passion was such that he (pp. 138 and 139). Oldenburg remembers learning that Barr had come to the
responded to Rubin’s news by making Newman’s painting an outright gift to 1962 exhibition of his sculpture at the Green Gallery on West Fifty-seventh
the Museum. Street and had happily walked out the door with the newly created Two
Events such as this inspire both courage and humility in present-­day cura- Cheeseburgers in his arms, personally couriering them four blocks south to
tors. It is also important to remember, however, that the seductive myth of early the Museum. What could be more deliciously Pop than America’s favorite food,
rejection can be dangerous. Over the years, the Museum has suffered occa- enhanced by cheerfully erotic overtones? The eroticism is far more explicit,
sionally from its curators’ and patrons’ suspicion of artists who enjoyed rapid and unsettling, in Accumulation by Kusama (Oldenburg’s neighbor in an East
success, or who became media darlings, as if that were an indicator that they Fourteenth Street loft). That work was also first shown by Richard Bellamy of
are not truly modern artists. Johnson bought for the Museum Andy Warhol’s the Green Gallery, but was bought by another bold gallerist, Beatrice Perry, who
Gold Marilyn Monroe from the artist’s first exhibition at Stable Gallery in 1962. proudly displayed it in her home for nearly a half-century. By the time Kusama
The painting sets a silkscreened photographic image of Monroe’s head, painted achieved worldwide acclaim, and a later generation of curators decided that
with garish colors as clearly artificial as hair dye or makeup, within a towering the Museum should own Accumulation No. 1, decades had elapsed; despite
field of gold that both invokes her stardom and memorializes her suicide three repeated entreaties, Perry would not part with her treasure. Only after she had
months earlier. Unfortunately, Johnson’s bold move was not followed up: for the passed away and left the sculpture to her son was the Museum finally able to
most part, the Museum kept its distance from Warhol’s work until after his death purchase it, fifty years after the work was made. Such delayed gratification
in 1987. In 1989, Senior Curator Kynaston McShine organized a major retro- is a staple at the Museum and provides rewards no less exhilarating than the
spective exhibition, and in the 1990s, Chief Curator Kirk Varnedoe strengthened instances of love at first sight.
the collection with several grand additions including Campbell’s Soup Cans While it is difficult to generalize, consensus on the art of a given moment
of 1962. Warhol’s case, among several others, proves that work that becomes seems to take shape after a period of two or three decades. Thus, much of the
quickly and widely popular does not necessarily lack historic significance. Museum’s acquisition program seems to have operated on such a schedule,
Whether we are judging art that is largely ignored or widely appreciated, one whether focusing on Cubism in the 1930s and 1940s or Abstract Expressionism
thing holds true: it is much easier to assess a work of art with years of hindsight in the 1960s and 1970s. The 1990s brought a critical eye to the Museum’s
than at the moment it first appears. With this fact in mind, the acquisition holdings of the 1960s in American Pop art and Minimalism, as well as parallel
program in each of the Museum’s curatorial departments has always been two-­ tendencies internationally. Varnedoe championed in 1993 the purchase of

12 13
James Rosenquist’s F-­111 (p. 142), an eighty-­six-­foot-­long painting created to year Rockefeller provided Barr with his first purchase funds: an (at that time)
fill the four walls of Leo Castelli Gallery in 1965. At that time it would have been far-­reaching one thousand dollars to spend during a summer research trip in
virtually unthinkable for the Museum to purchase an entire gallery’s worth of Europe. Rockefeller’s firsthand support focused particularly on American art.
art by a thirty-­one-­year-­old artist (that was done by the collector Robert Scull); It is she who facilitated Mexican artist Diego Rivera’s visit to New York for his
by 1993, not only was the landmark status of the painting self-­evident, but the 1931 exhibition at the Museum, and funded the acquisition of one of the eight
concept of a single work of art consuming an entire room was a commonplace frescoes he painted on-site for the show (p. 78). Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller,
of what by then was called “installation art.” Today, we are casting a critical eye Abby’s daughter-­in-­law and a later president of the Museum, also provided sup-
on the Museum’s collection of the art of the 1980s and 1990s, which still lacks port to important American art. Her gifts include Romare Bearden’s Patchwork
the work of several artists who should and will be collected in depth. The 2013 Quilt (p. 167), a painting that features the artist’s signature technique of collage.
acquisition of Mike Kelley’s Deodorized Central Mass with Satellites (p. 224), With this choice of subject, Bearden linked modern collage, with its sophisticated
for example, again demonstrates a retrospective admiration for an artist whose European roots, to a venerable American folk art.
works we had acquired only tentatively during his too-­short lifetime. While Abby’s sons Nelson and David continued the family tradition with long ser-
Kelley’s choice of secondhand animal plush toys as a sculptural medium may vice as Museum officers and magnificent gifts that include, respectively, Henri
once have seemed suspect, today it prompts scholarly analysis and the atten- Rousseau’s The Dream (p. 37) and Paul Signac’s Opus 217. Against the Enamel
tive care of conservators. of a Background Rhythmic with Beats and Angles, Tones and Tints, Portrait of
M. Félix Fénéon in 1890 (p. 25). In both cases, these were paintings that the
Although the prospect of a collection was merely notional at the time of the curators (Barr, in the former instance, and Rubin in the latter) identified as musts
Museum’s founding, it was brought to reality by the bequest of cofounder Lillie for the Museum. The Dream, which sets a female nude on a sofa in a lush jungle,
P. Bliss, who upon her death in 1931 left the Museum thirty-three paintings and is one of the last and greatest works by the self-­taught customs agent who was
more than seventy works on paper. The collection centered on work from the celebrated as a hero by the artists of the Paris avant-­garde. Opus 217 is the
late nineteenth century, including The Bather by Paul Cézanne (p. 21), the artist portrait of an art critic who eloquently championed the Post-­Impressionists.
whom both Picasso and Henri Matisse acknowledged as the father of their gen- Like its overwrought title, the painting’s astonishing background both invokes
eration. For many decades, The Bather has greeted visitors at the entrance to the contemporary color theories that guided those artists’ work and instantly
the Painting and Sculpture Galleries, almost as a guardian figure for the scores conveys the flamboyant persona of the sitter.
of artworks to follow. Bliss made her bequest conditional on the raising of the The ranks of greatest benefactors of the collection also must include Mrs.
funds necessary for the professional maintenance of a collection, and was also Simon (Olga) Guggenheim. Her name is far less well known than that of her
farsighted enough to make it an engine for further growth: she stipulated that brother-­in-­law Solomon R. Guggenheim, founder of the eponymous museum,
less-­essential works could be sold in order to finance new purchases. The first but her contribution to The Museum of Modern Art was comparably fundamen-
such use of her bequest was the sale of a painting by Hilaire-­Germain-­Edgar tal. Guggenheim provided ongoing financial support that enabled
Degas for the purchase of Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. Bliss’s provision for what the Museum to purchase a dazzling array of some seventy paintings and
is called “deaccession” has guided acquisition procedures ever since: works sculptures between the years 1935 and 1973. This book includes no fewer
that are eventually judged of lesser importance relative to comparable objects than fifteen of her gifts, among them Marc Chagall’s I and the Village (p. 38),
in the collection may be sold in order to provide funds for new purchases. Such Matisse’s The Red Studio (p. 39), and Picasso’s Girl before a Mirror (p. 77). She
decisions are among those to which curators and Trustees give the most serious also donated funds for American works such as Pavel Tchelitchew’s Hide-and-
thought, and although sometimes contentious, they have been instrumental to Seek (p. 89), a hallucinatory image of children enmeshed in a mighty tree that
the progressive growth of the collection.3 has fascinated visitors to the Museum since its acquisition in 1942.
The list of Bliss’s peers and successors is long and inspiring. Many Bliss’s formative bequest has inspired many instances of an entire collection,
of the early acquisitions were the gifts of cofounder Mrs. John D. (Abby or a majority of it, coming into the Museum. Such gifts are especially crucial in
­Aldrich) Rockefeller, Jr. Besides donating 185 works in 1935, the following the area of contemporary art: whereas the Museum is often quick to recognize

14 15
the work of a young artist, it has seldom made relatively speculative commit- artists have so deeply taken to heart the modern mantra of originality that they
ments in deep quantity. Private collectors—with no encumbrances of committee strive even to reinvent their own work and to adopt entirely new approaches more
votes or inhibitions of historical accountability—have let their passions fuel than once during the course of their lives. Thus, especially during the modern
purchases with more alacrity than that of the Museum. Exemplary among sev- era, one work of art can scarcely sum up an artist’s full corpus.
eral such transformative gifts within the last twenty years is the 1996 bequest of For that reason and many others, a volume such as this represents a mere
Elaine and Werner Dannheisser, which instantly brought to the Museum a group fraction of what one experiences at the Museum. Indeed, it may well be that your
of landmark works of the 1980s and 1990s by artists such as Jeff Koons, Robert favorite painting or sculpture at MoMA is not reproduced in this book. A visit
Gober, and Felix Gonzalez-­Torres (pp. 191, 209, and 210). to the Museum is the ideal tonic for that, whether one revisits that object or is
In many cases, artists themselves have made gifts to the Museum’s collec- captivated by a new one. One thing we can promise: that on no two occasions
tion, as donors of their own works and those of their peers. One such instance will a visitor find the contents of the Painting and Sculpture Galleries entirely
is Ellsworth Kelly’s painting Colors for a Large Wall (p. 107), created in Paris the same. Today’s fluid program of gallery reinstallations constantly balances
in 1951. Composed of sixty-­four square panels, each a simple monochrome, the presence of works that are rarely or never off view with fresh presentations
Colors possessed none of the gestural energy typical of contemporary works that explore the collection’s depth and variety. The display of the collection is
made in New York. But Kelly, at the time a young, unknown artist, felt an imme- a perpetual work in progress, not only because new works enter at a rate of
diate and concrete conviction that this was a painting destined for The Museum more than fifty per year but because a contemporary perspective continually
of Modern Art. In 1969, as a respected figure with two paintings, one sculpture, reshapes our view of works of art made decades ago.
and many works on paper already in the collection, he took it upon himself to Inevitably, objects from the most recent decades do not yet—and some may
ensure that his dream of its being here was realized. never—possess the same iconic status as those in earlier pages of the book,
Artists also partner with the Museum in refining our holdings of their work. In already tested by time. A chronicler of the Museum’s collection understands
2014, Richard Serra gave the Museum Circuit (p. 171), a sculpture he had cre- above all that the future course of art history is nothing we can anticipate. At the
ated in 1972 for Documenta 5, an exhibition in Kassel, Germany. The M
­ useum time of acquisition, works now considered classic or authoritative may well have
owned a second version of that sculpture, Circuit II, made for a solo exhibition been courageous choices, or even ambivalent ones. Let us therefore conclude
of Serra’s work at MoMA in 1986; its dimensions differed from those of Circuit with the thought of a work of art that is already in the collection but absent
because the original work could not fit inside the Museum’s elevators. Nearly from this book. Recently acquired, it is something we do not yet suspect will be
thirty years later, Serra’s desire for the sculpture to be seen in its initial form led considered a milestone twenty or fifty years from now. But as times change, and
him to purchase Circuit from its owner and donate it to the Museum (now with eyes adjust, the work’s beauty and intelligence will come to light. As is often the
ample elevator space) to replace Circuit II. case, we will have been prescient enough to select it without fully understanding
Ultimately the cumulative efforts of successive generations of collection or appreciating the historical import it would one day come to have.
builders enables the tremendous depth that defines the painting and sculpture
collection. A book such as this one cannot represent the Museum’s commit- notes
ment to tracing important careers from beginning to end in all m
­ ediums, or 1. Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Picasso: Forty Years of His Art (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1939), p. 60.
demonstrate the fact that for many artists we can mount concise retrospectives 2. To discover whether a certain acquisition was the former or the latter, notice the final piece of informa-
tion in the work’s caption—the year of its acquisition—and compare it to the date the work was made.
from our holdings alone. We have included here several objects by P
­ icasso and 3. The credit line accompanying a work of art purchased with deaccession funds cites the donor of the
Matisse, as their magisterial bodies of work form what can be considered the work sold to enable its purchase, followed by the phrase “by exchange” in ­parentheses.

spine of the collection. But otherwise we have chosen to include a maximum

number of artists by representing most with just one painting or sculpture, even
if our holdings include ten, twenty, or more. In most cases we have selected
a work from the transformative moment in the artist’s career when his or her
mature vocabulary first emerged in full form. But it needs to be said that many

16 17
Paul Gauguin (French, 1848–1903). The Seed of the Areoi. 1892. O
 il on burlap, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890). The Starry Night. 1889. O
 il on canvas,
361/4 x 283/8" (92.1 x 72.1 cm). The William S. Paley Collection, 1990 29 x 361/4" (73.7 x 92.1 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, 1941

22 23
Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973). Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. 1907. O
 il on canvas, Henri Matisse (French, 1869–1954). Dance (I). 1909. O
 il on canvas, 8' 61/2" x 12' 91/2"
8' x 7' 8" (243.9 x 233.7 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, 1939 (259.7 x 390.1 cm). Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller in honor of Alfred H. Barr, Jr., 1963

34 35
Marcel Duchamp (American, born France. 1887–1968). Bicycle Wheel. 1951 (third Francis Picabia (French, 1879–1953). I See Again in Memory My Dear Udnie. 1914, possibly
version, after lost original of 1913). M
 etal wheel mounted on painted wood stool, 51 x 25 x 161/2" begun 1913. O il on canvas, 8' 21/2" x 6' 61/4" (250.2 x 198.8 cm). Hillman Periodicals Fund, 1954
(129.5 x 63.5 x 41.9 cm). The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection, 1967
48 49
Claude Monet (French, 1840–1926). Water Lilies. 1914–26. O
 il on canvas, three panels, each 6' 63/4" x 13' 111/4"
(200 x 424.8 cm); overall 6' 63/4" x 41' 103/8" (200 x 1,276 cm). Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund, 1959

64 65
René Magritte (Belgian, 1898–1967). The False Mirror. 1929.  Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904–1989). The Persistence of Memory. 1931. 
Oil on canvas, 211/4 x 317/8" (54 x 80.9 cm). Purchase, 1936 Oil on canvas, 91/2 x 13" (24.1 x 33 cm). Given anonymously, 1934

70 71
Edward Hopper (American, 1882–1967). House by the Railroad. 1925.  Georgia O’Keeffe (American, 1887–1986). Abstraction Blue. 1927. O
 il on canvas,
Oil on canvas, 24 x 29" (61 x 73.7 cm). Given anonymously, 1930 401/4 x 30" (102.1 x 76 cm). Acquired through the Helen Acheson Bequest, 1979

74 75
Joseph Cornell (American, 1903–1972). Untitled (Bébé Marie). Early 1940s. 
Meret Oppenheim (Swiss, 1913–1985). Object. 1936. F ur-covered cup, 43/8" (10.9 cm) diam.; Papered and painted wood box with painted corrugated-cardboard bottom, containing doll in cloth
saucer, 93/8" (23.7 cm) diam.; and spoon, 8" (20.2 cm) long; overall 27/8" (7.3 cm) high. Purchase, 1946 dress and straw hat with cloth flowers, dried flowers, and twigs flecked with paint, 231/2 x 123/8 x 51/4"
(59.7 x 31.5 x 13.3 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, 1980
86 87
Horace Pippin (American, 1888–1946). Abe Lincoln, The Great Emancipator. 1942.  Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917–2009). Christina’s World. 1948.
Oil on canvas, 24 x 30" (60.9 x 76.2 cm). Gift of Helen Hooker Roelof, 1977  empera on panel, 321/4 x 473/4" (81.9 x 121.3 cm). Purchase, 1949

100 101
Stuart Davis (American, 1892–1964). Visa. 1951. O
 il on canvas, Ellsworth Kelly (American, born 1923). Colors for a Large Wall. 1951. O
 il on canvas,
40 x 52" (101.6 x 132.1 cm). Gift of Mrs. Gertrud A. Mellon, 1953 sixty-four panels, overall 7' 101/2" x 7' 101/2" (240 x 240 cm). Gift of the artist, 1969

106 107
Jackson Pollock (American, 1912–1956). One: Number 31, 1950. 1950. O
 il and enamel paint on
canvas, 8' 10" x 17' 55/8" (269.5 x 530.8 cm). Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection Fund (by exchange), 1968

108 109
Frank Stella (American, born 1936). The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, II. 1959.  Lee Bontecou (American, born 1931). Untitled. 1961. W
 elded steel, canvas, black fabric,
Enamel on canvas, 7' 63/4" x 11' 3/4" (230.5 x 337.2 cm). Larry Aldrich Foundation Fund, 1959 rawhide, copper wire, and soot, 6' 81/4" x 7' 5" x 343/4" (203.6 x 226 x 88 cm). Kay Sage Tanguy Fund, 1963

130 131
Richard Hamilton (British, 1922–2011). Pin-up. 1961.  Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987). Gold Marilyn Monroe. 1962. S
 ilkscreen ink on
Oil, cellulose, and collage on panel, 533/4 x 373/4 x 3" (136.5 x 95.8 x 7.6 cm) synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 6' 111/4" x 57" (211.4 x 144.7 cm). Gift of Philip Johnson, 1962
including frame. Enid A. Haupt Fund and an anonymous fund, 1996
134 135
Claes Oldenburg (American, born Sweden, 1929). Two Cheeseburgers, with Everything Yayoi Kusama (Japanese, born 1929). Accumulation No. 1. 1962. S
 ewn stuffed
(Dual Hamburgers). 1962. B
 urlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 7 x 143/4 x 85/8" (17.8 x 37.5 x 21.8 cm). fabric, paint, and chair fringe, 37 x 39 x 43" (94 x 99.1 x 109.2 cm). Purchase, 2012
Philip Johnson Fund, 1962
138 139
Edward Ruscha (American, born 1937). OOF. 1962 (reworked 1963). O
 il on canvas, 711/2 x 67" Roy Lichtenstein (American, 1923–1997). Drowning Girl. 1963. 
(181.5 x 170.2 cm). Gift of Agnes Gund, the Louis and Bessie Adler Foundation, Inc., Robert and Meryl Meltzer, Oil and synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 675/8 x 663/4" (171.6 x 169.5 cm).
Jerry I. Speyer, Anna Marie and Robert F. Shapiro, Emily and Jerry Spiegel, an anonymous donor, and purchase, 1988 Philip Johnson Fund (by exchange) and gift of Mr. and Mrs. Bagley Wright, 1971
140 141
Dan Flavin (American, 1933–1996). untitled (to the “innovator” of Wheeling Peachblow). 1968. Donald Judd (American, 1928–1994). Untitled (Stack). 1967. L acquer on galvanized iron,
 luorescent lights and metal fixtures, 8' 1/2" x 8' 1/4" x 53/4" (245 x 244.3 x 14.5 cm). Edition 2/3. Helena Rubinstein Fund, 1969
F twelve units, each 9 x 40 x 31" (22.8 x 101.6 x 78.7 cm), installed vertically with 9" (22.8 cm) intervals.
Helen Acheson Bequest (by exchange) and gift of Joseph Helman, 1997
154 155
Mark di Suvero (American, born 1933). For Roebling. 1971. S
 teel, 9' 1" x 8' 6" x 9' 111/2" Chuck Close (American, born 1940). Robert/104,072. 1973–74. S
 ynthetic polymer paint and ink with graphite
(276.9 x 259.1 x 303.5 cm). Gift of Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Newhouse, Jr., 1991 on gessoed canvas, 9' x 7' (274.4 x 213.4 cm). Gift of J. Frederic Byers III and promised gift of an anonymous donor, 1976

168 169
Jasper Johns (American, born 1930). Between the Clock and the Bed. 1981.  Willem de Kooning (American, born the Netherlands. 1904–1997). Pirate (Untitled II). 1981. 
Encaustic on canvas, three panels, overall 6' 1/8" x 10' 63/8" (183.2 x 321 cm). Gift of Agnes Gund, 1982 Oil on canvas, 7' 4" x 6' 43/4" (223.4 x 194.4 cm). Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection Fund, 1982

186 187
Christopher Wool (American, born 1955). Untitled. 1990. E namel on aluminum, Robert Gober (American, born 1954). Untitled. 1991. W
 ood, beeswax, leather, fabric, and
9' x 6' (274.3.x 182.9 cm). Gift of the Louis and Bessie Adler Foundation, Inc., 1991 human hair, 131/4 x 161/2 x 461/8" (33.6 x 41.9 x 117.2 cm). Gift of Werner and Elaine Dannheisser, 1996

208 209
Kara Walker (American, born 1969). Gone: An Historical Romance of a Civil War as It
Occurred b’tween the Dusky Thighs of One Young Negress and Her Heart. 1994.
Paper, 13 x 50' (396.2 x 1,524 cm). Gift of The Speyer Family Foundation in honor of Marie-Josée Kravis, 2007
216 217
Cildo Meireles (Brazilian, born 1948). Thread. 1990–95. F orty-eight bales of Cai Guo-Qiang (Chinese, born 1957). Borrowing Your Enemy’s Arrows. 1998. W
 ooden boat,
hay, one 18-carat gold needle, 100 meters of gold thread, overall dimensions variable, approx. approx. 60" x 23' 7½" x 7' 6½" (152.4 x 720 x 230 cm); arrows, approx. 24½" (62 cm); canvas sail, metal, rope,
7' 1" x 6' 11/16" x 6' (215.9 x 185.5 x 182.9 cm). Gift of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, 2001 Chinese flag, and electric fan. Gift of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros in honor of Glenn D. Lowry, 1999
220 221
Mike Kelley (American, 1954–2012). Deodorized Central Mass with Satellites. 1991/1999. 
Plush toys sewn over wood and wire frames with styrofoam packing material, nylon rope, pulleys, steel hardware and
hanging plates, fiberglass, car paint, and disinfectant, overall dimensions variable. Partial gift of Peter M. Brant, courtesy
the Brant Foundation, Inc., and gift of The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection (by exchange), Mary Sisler Bequest (by
exchange), Mr. and Mrs. Eli Wallach (by exchange), The Jill and Peter Kraus Endowed Fund for Contemporary Acquisitions,
Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz, Mimi Haas, Ninah and Michael Lynne, and Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann, 2013
224 225
Thomas Schütte (German, born 1954). United Enemies I. 2011.  Katharina Fritsch (German, born 1956). Group of Figures. 2006–08
Bronze, two parts, 13' 3" x 6' 8" x 7' 5" (406.4 x 203.2 x 226.1 cm) and (fabricated 2010–11). B
 ronze, copper, and stainless steel, lacquered, dimensions
12' 8" x 6' 83/4" x 6' 11" (391.2 x 205.1 x 210.8 cm). Purchase, 2014 variable. Gift of Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Laurenz Foundation), 2009
242 243
Index of Plates Close, Chuck: Robert/104,072, 169 Harrison, Rachel: Alexander the Great, 241
Condo, George: The Fallen Butler, 240 Hatoum, Mona: Silence, 211
Albers, Josef: Homage to the Square: Two Cornell, Joseph: Untitled (Bébé Marie), 87 Hesse, Eva: Repetition Nineteen III, 156
Whites between Two Yellows, 122 Hofmann, Hans: Cathedral, 128
Anatsui, El: Bleeding Takari II, 235 Dalí, Salvador: The Persistence of Memory, 71 Holzer, Jenny: Living: Some days you wake and
Andre, Carl: Equivalent V, 153 Davis, Stuart: Visa, 106 immediately . . ., 189
Anselmo, Giovanni: Torsion, 158 Delaney, Beauford: Portrait of Howard Hopper, Edward: House by the Railroad, 74
Arp, Jean: Enak’s Tears (Terrestrial Forms), 56 Swanson, 146 Horn, Roni: Untitled (Aretha), 229
Artschwager, Richard: Johnson Wax Building, Delaunay, Robert: Simultaneous Contrasts:
170 Sun and Moon, 46 Johns, Jasper: Between the Clock and the Bed,
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia: Portuguese Market, 47 186; Flag, 120
Bacon, Francis: Study for Portrait VII, 117 Derain, André: London Bridge, 30 Judd, Donald: Untitled (Stack), 155
Balla, Giacomo: Swifts: Paths of Movement + Diebenkorn, Richard: Ocean Park 115, 183
Dynamic Sequences, 44 di Suvero, Mark: For Roebling, 168 Kahlo, Frida: Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair,
Balthus: The Street, 83 Dix, Otto: Dr. Mayer-Hermann, 73 88
Barney, Matthew: The Cabinet of Baby Fay La Doig, Peter: Lapeyrouse Wall, 232 Kandinsky, Vasily: Panel for Edwin R. Campbell
Foe, 228 Dubuffet, Jean: The Cow with the Subtile Nose, No. 1, 50; Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No.
Bartlett, Jennifer: Rhapsody, 176–77 119 2, 50; Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 3,
Baselitz, Georg: Woodmen, 160 Duchamp, Marcel: Bicycle Wheel, 48; To Be 51 ; Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 4, 51
Bearden, Romare: Patchwork Quilt, 167 Looked at (from the Other Side of the Kapoor, Anish: A Flower, A Drama Like Death,
Beckmann, Max: Departure, 85 Glass) with One Eye, Close to, for Almost an 204
Benglis, Lynda: Blatt, 172 Hour, 55 Kawara, On: Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1979, 184
Beuys, Joseph: Eurasia Siberian Symphony Dumas, Marlene: The Painter, 218 Kelley, Mike: Deodorized Central Mass with
1963, 151 Dunham, Carroll: Ship, 227 Satellites, 224–25
Bickerton, Ashley: Tormented Self-Portrait Kelly, Ellsworth: Colors for a Large Wall, 107
(Susie at Arles), 200 Ensor, James: Tribulations of Saint Anthony, 28 Kiefer, Anselm: Wooden Room, 159
Boccioni, Umberto: Unique Forms of Ernst, Max: Two Children Are Threatened by a Kiesler, Frederick: Totem for All Religions, 94
Continuity in Space, 45 Nightingale, 69 Kippenberger, Martin: Untitled from the series
Boetti, Alighiero: Map of the World, 199 Dear Painter, Paint for Me, 190
Bonnard, Pierre: The Bathroom, 82 Flavin, Dan: untitled (to the “innovator” of Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig: Street, Dresden, 31
Bontecou, Lee: Untitled, 131 Wheeling Peachblow), 154 Klee, Paul: Around the Fish, 67
Bourgeois, Louise: Quarantania, I, 103 Francis, Sam: Towards Disappearance, II, 129 Klimt, Gustav: Hope, II, 33
Bradford, Mark: Giant, 233 Frankenthaler, Helen: Jacob’s Ladder, 126 Kline, Franz: Painting Number 2, 114
Brancusi, Constantin: Maiastra, 36 Fritsch, Katharina: Group of Figures, 243 Kooning, Willem de: Pirate (Untitled II), 187;
Braque, Georges: Man with a Guitar, 40 Woman, I, 115
Broodthaers, Marcel: White Cabinet and White Gauguin, Paul: The Seed of the Areoi, 22 Koons, Jeff: New Shelton Wet/Dry
Table, 150 Gego: Drawing without Paper 84/25 and Doubledecker, 191
Buren, Daniel: Striped cotton fabric with 84/26, 198 Krasner, Lee: Gaea, 149
vertical white and colored bands of 8,7cm Genzken, Isa: Painting, 203; Rose II, 2 Kusama, Yayoi: Accumulation No. 1, 139
(+/ 0,3 cm) each. The two external white Giacometti, Alberto: The Chariot, 116; The
bands covered over with acrylic white paint Palace at 4 a.m., 76 Lassnig, Maria: Sciencia, 222
recto-verso, 164 Gober, Robert: Untitled, 209 Lawrence, Jacob: The Migration Series, 90–91
Burton, Scott: Pair of Rock Chairs, 188 Gogh, Vincent van: The Starry Night, 23 Lee, Ufan: From Line, 178
Byars, James Lee: The Table of Perfect, 205 Gonzalez-Torres, Felix: “Untitled” (USA Today), Léger, Fernand: Three Women, 63
210 Levine, Sherrie: Untitled (Mr. Austridge: 2), 206
Cai Guo-Qiang: Borrowing Your Enemy’s Gorky, Arshile: Diary of a Seducer, 99 LeWitt, Sol: Wall Drawing #260. On Black
Arrows, 221 Gris, Juan: Still Life with Flowers, 42 Walls, All Two-Part Combinations of White
Calder, Alexander: Black Widow, 125 Grosz, George: The Poet Max Herrmann- Arcs from Corners and Sides, and White
Celmins, Vija: To Fix the Image in Memory, 180 Neisse, 72 Straight, Not-Straight, and Broken Lines,
Cézanne, Paul: The Bather, 21 Guston, Philip: Talking, 185 162
Chagall, Marc: I and the Village, 38 Lichtenstein, Roy: Drowning Girl, 141
Chamberlain, John: Essex, 132 Hamilton, Richard: Pin-up, 134 Lissitzky, El: Proun 19D, 61
Chirico, Giorgio de: The Song of Love, 52 Hammons, David: Untitled (Night Train), 202 Magritte, René: The False Mirror, 70
Maillol, Aristide: The River, 92 Palermo, Blinky: Untitled, 161 Smithson, Robert: Corner Mirror with Coral, Photography Credits Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: p. 106. © The Dedalus pp. 34, 41 ,62, 77, 104. © 2015 Estate of Sigmar Polke /
Malevich, Kazimir: Suprematist Composition: Pape, Lygia: Orange, 123 Foundation, Inc./Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: p. 148. Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst,
Individual works of art appearing herein may be protected by © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Bonn, Germany: p. 195. © 2015 Pollock-Krasner Foundation /
White on White, 59 Picabia, Francis: I See Again in Memory My Stella, Frank: The Marriage of Reason and
copyright in the United States of America, or elsewhere, and Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp: pp. 48, 55. © 2015 Estate Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: pp. 95, 108–109,
Man Ray: The Rope Dancer Accompanies Dear Udnie, 49 Squalor, II, 130 may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of Dan Flavin / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: 149. © 2015 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation/Licensed by
Herself with Her Shadows, 54 Picasso, Pablo: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 34; Still, Clyfford: 1944–N No. 2, 98 of the rights holders. The copyright credit lines listed below p. 154. © 2015 Sam Francis Foundation, California/ Artists VAGA, New York, NY: p. 121. © James Rosenquist/Licensed
Marden, Brice: The Propitious Garden of Plane Girl before a Mirror, 77; “Ma Jolie”, 41; are in some instances provided at the request of the rights Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 129. © 2015 Helen by VAGA, New York, NY: pp. 142–43. © 2015 Susan
Image, Third Version, 236–37 She-Goat, 104; Three Musicians, 62 Taeuber-Arp, Sophie: Dada Head, 57 holders. In reproducing the images contained in this Frankenthaler / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: Rothenberg / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 175.
publication, the Museum obtained the permission of the p. 126. © 2015 Fundación Gego: p. 198. © 2015 Alberto © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko / Artists
Martin, Agnes: The Tree, 137 Pippin, Horace: Abe Lincoln, The Great Tanaka, Atsuko: Untitled, 145
rights holders whenever possible. Should the Museum have Giacometti Estate/Licensed by VAGA and ARS, New York, Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 110. © 2015 Robert
Matisse, Henri: Dance (I), 35; Memory of Emancipator, 100 Tanning, Dorothea: On Time Off Time, 97
been unable to locate the rights holder, notwithstanding NY: pp. 76, 116. © 2015 Estate of Arshile Gorky / Artists Ryman / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 152.
Oceania, 105; The Piano Lesson, 8; The Polke, Sigmar: Watchtower, 195 Tchelitchew, Pavel: Hide-and-Seek, 89 good-faith efforts, it requests that any contact information Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 99. © Estate of George © 2014 Estate of Mira Schendel: p. 144. © 2015 Richard
Red Studio, 39 Pollock, Jackson: One: Number 31, 1950, Thompson, Bob: St. Matthew’s Description of concerning such rights holders be forwarded so that they Grosz/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: p. 72. © 2015 The Serra / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 171.
Matta, Roberto: The Vertigo of Eros, 96 108–09; The She-Wolf, 95 the End of the World, 147 may be contacted for future editions.  Estate of Philip Guston: p. 185. © 2015 C. Herscovici, © 2015 Gino Severini / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
Matta-Clark, Gordon: Bingo, 173 Popova, Lyubov: Painterly Architectonic, 58 Brussels / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 70. York / ADAGP, Paris: p. 43. © 2015 Joel Shapiro / Artists
Tobey, Mark: Edge of August, 118
The following artists’ works are all © 2015 in their own © 2015 Reproduced with the permission of the Estate of Eva Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 192. © Estate of David
Mehretu, Julie: Empirical Construction, Price, Ken: Red Neck, 234 Torres-García, Joaquín: Construction in White
names: El Anatsui, Giovanni Anselmo, Matthew Barney, Hesse. Galerie Hauser & Wirth, Zurich: p. 156. © 2015 Estate Smith/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: p. 111. © Estate of
Istanbul, 231 Puryear, Martin: Greed’s Trophy, 193 and Black, 81 Jennifer Bartlett, Georg Baselitz, Lynda Benglis, Lee of Hans Hofmann / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: Robert Smithson/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: p. 163.
Meireles, Cildo: Thread, 220 Trockel, Rosemarie: Violette Beach, 238 Bontecou, Mark Bradford, James Lee Byars, Cai Guo-Qiang, p. 128. © 2015 Jenny Holzer / Artists Rights Society (ARS), © 2015 Frank Stella / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York:
Miró, Joan: The Hunter (Catalan Landscape), Rauschenberg, Robert: Bed, 121 Tuymans, Luc: The Secretary of State, 230 Vija Celmins, Chuck Close, Richard Diebenkorn, New York: p. 189. © Jasper Johns/Licensed by VAGA, New p. 130. Courtesy of the Clyfford Still Museum © City and
68 Ray, Charles: Family Romance, 212 Twombly, Cy: Leda and the Swan, 133 Mark di Suvero, Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Carroll York, NY: p. 120, 186. © Judd Foundation. Licensed by County of Denver: p. 98. © 2015 Ryoji Ito: p. 145. © Estate of
Dunham, Isa Genzken, Robert Gober, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, VAGA, New York, NY: p. 155. © 2015 Frida Kahlo/Artists Bob Thompson, Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, LLC,
Mitchell, Joan: Ladybug, 124 Richter, Gerhard: October 18, 1977, 196–97
David Hammons, Rachel Harrison, Mona Hatoum, Roni Rights Society (ARS), New York/SOMAAP, Mexico: p. 88. New York: p. 147. © 2015 Estate of Mark Tobey / Artists
Modigliani, Amedeo: Anna Zborowska, 53 Rivera, Diego: Agrarian Leader Zapata, 78 Vuillard, Édouard: Interior, Mother and Sister of
Horn, On Kawara, Mike Kelley, Ellsworth Kelly, Anselm Kiefer, © 2015 Anish Kapoor / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 118. © 2015 Rosemarie
Moholy-Nagy, László: Construction in Enamel Rodchenko, Aleksandr: Spatial Construction the Artist, 26 Jeff Koons, Yayoi Kusama, Maria Lassnig, Sherrie Levine, York / DACS, London: p. 204. © 2015 Austrian Frederick and Trockel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG
2, 66 no. 12, 60 Julie Mehretu, Takashi Murakami, Cady Noland, Chris Ofili, Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Vienna: p. 94. © 2015 Bild-Kunst, Germany: p. 238. © 2015 Andy Warhol
Mondrian, Piet: Broadway Boogie Woogie, 93 Rodin, Auguste: Monument to Balzac, 29 Walker, Kara: Gone: An Historical Romance of a Claes Oldenburg, Gabriel Orozco, Ken Price, Martin Puryear, Estate of Martin Kippenberger, Galerie Gisela Capitain, Foundation for the Visual Arts / Artists Rights Society (ARS),
Monet, Claude: Water Lilies, 64–65 Rosenquist, James: F-111, 142–43 Charles Ray, Gerhard Richter, Edward Ruscha, Betye Saar, Cologne: p. 190. © 2015 The Franz Kline Estate / Artists New York: p. 135. © 2015 Lawrence Weiner / Artists Rights
Civil War as It Occurred b’tween the Dusky
Doris Salcedo, Luc Tuymans, Cy Twombly, Kara Walker, Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 114. © Harumi Society (ARS), New York: p. 165. © 2015 Marsie, Emanuelle,
Moore, Henry: Family Group, 102 Rothenberg, Susan: Axes, 175 Thighs of One Young Negress and Her
Franz West, Rachel Whiteread, Jack Whitten, Jackie Winsor, Klossowska de Rola: p. 83. © 2015 The Willem de Kooning Damon and Andrew Scharlatt–Hannah Wilke Collection and
Morris, Robert: Untitled, 157 Rothko, Mark: No. 3/No. 13, 110 Heart, 216–17 Christopher Wool, Andrea Zittel, Gilberto Zorio Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: pp. 115, Archive, Los Angeles: p. 182. © Andrew Wyeth: p. 101.
Motherwell, Robert: Elegy to the Spanish Rousseau, Henri: The Dream, 37 Warhol, Andy: Gold Marilyn Monroe, 135 187. © 2015 Jacob Lawrence / Artists Rights Society (ARS),
Republic, 108, 148 Ruscha, Edward: OOF, 140 Weiner, Lawrence: In relation to an increase in The following copyrights are also claimed: © 2015 The Josef New York: pp. 90–91. © 2015 Sol LeWitt / Artists Rights
Munch, Edvard: The Storm, 27 Ryman, Robert: Twin, 152 quantity. Regardless of quality: having been and Anni Albers Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), Society (ARS), New York: p. 162. © Estate of Roy The following photographs are by and courtesy:
New York: p. 122. © Carl Andre/Licensed by VAGA, New Lichtenstein: p. 141. © 2015 Man Ray Trust / Artists Rights Balthasar Burkhard, courtesy Richard Serra: p. 171.
Murakami, Takashi: 727, 215 placed upon a plane. ( ) upon a plane.
York, NY: p. 153. © 2015 / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris: p. 54. © 2015 Brice Hiro Ihara, courtesy Cai Studio: p. 221.
Murray, Elizabeth: Dis Pair, 207 Saar, Betye: Black Girl’s Window, 166 Having been placed ( ).
York: p. 78, 188. © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New Marden / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York:
Saint Phalle, Niki de: Shooting Painting Cat. #373 (1974), 165 York / ADAGP, Paris: pp. 25, 26, 30, 36, 38, 40, 42, 49-51, pp. 236–37. © 2015 Estate of Agnes Martin / Artists Rights The Museum of Modern Art, Department of Imaging and
Nauman, Bruce: Human/Need/Desire, 194 American Embassy, 136 West, Franz: Lotus, 239; Maya’s Dream, 239; 59, 63, 64, 65, 69, 82, 96, 97, 119, 136, 178. © 2015 Artists Society (ARS), New York: p. 137. © 2015 Succession H. Visual Resources. Photo David Allison: p. 185. Photo Stefan
Neel, Alice: Kenneth Fearing, 84 Salcedo, Doris: Untitled, 219 Untitled (Orange), 239 Rights Society (ARS), New York / DACS, London: p. 134. Matisse / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: pp. 8, 35, Altenburger: p. 238. Photo George Calvo: p.57. Photo
Nevelson, Louise: Sky Cathedral, 127 Schendel, Mira: Little Train, 144 © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / Pro Litteris, 39, 105. © 2015 Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark / Artists Thomas Griesel: pp. 8, 24, 28, 35, 36, 39, 63, 68, 74, 76, 81,
Whiteread, Rachel: Water Tower, 226
Zurich: p. 86. © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 173. © 1995 Cildo 85, 94, 96, 121, 123–25, 137, 140, 144, 153, 161, 162, 165,
Newman, Barnett: Vir Heroicus Sublimis, Schiele, Egon: Portrait of Gerti Schiele, 32 Whitten, Jack: Siberian Salt Grinder, 174
/ SABAM, Brussels: pp. 28, 150. © 2015 Artist Rights Meireles: p. 220. © 2015 Successió Miró / Artists Rights 176, 177, 182, 186, 187, 191, 192, 201, 205, 206, 214,
112–13 Schlemmer, Oskar: Bauhaus Stairway, 80 Wilke, Hannah: Ponder-r-rosa 4, White Plains, Society (ARS), New York / SIAE, Rome: pp. 44, 52, 199. Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris: p. 68. © Estate of 218, 220, 222, 234, 239, 240, 243. Photo Erik Landsberg:
Noland, Cady: Tanya as Bandit, 201 Schütte, Thomas: United Enemies I, 242 Yellow Rocks, 182 © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ VEGAP, Joan Mitchell: p. 124. © 2015 Robert Morris / Artists Rights pp. 142, 143, 155, 219. Photo Kate Keller: pp. 40, 42, 44, 45,
Serra, Richard: Circuit, 171 Winsor, Jackie: Burnt Piece, 179 Spain: p. 81. © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / Society (ARS), New York: p. 157. © 2015 The Munch 47, 52, 67, 69, 72, 82, 86, 88, 103, 106, 169, 183, 212. Paige
O’Keeffe, Georgia: Abstraction Blue, 75 Seurat, Georges-Pierre: Evening, Honfleur, 24 Wool, Christopher: Untitled, 208 VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn: pp. 56, 57, 61, 66, 67, 73, 85, 151, 242, Museum / The Munch-Ellingsen Group / Artists Rights Knight: pp. 21, 25, 31, 34, 73, 83, 117, 119, 126, 195, 199,
243. © 2015 Richard Artschwager / Artists Rights Society Society (ARS), New York / BONO, Norway: p. 27. © The 208. Photo Jonathan Muzikar: pp. 33, 87, 93, 97, 104, 105,
Ofili, Chris: Prince amongst Thieves, 223 Severini, Gino: Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Wyeth, Andrew: Christina’s World, 101
(ARS), New York: p. 170. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Henry Moore Foundation. All Rights Reserved, DACS / ARS 131, 146, 163, 166, 170, 175, 178, 189, 203, 204, 224–26,
Oldenburg, Claes: Two Cheeseburgers, with Tabarin, 43
rights reserved. DACS 2015 / ARS, NY: p. 117. © Romare 2015 / p. 102. © 2015 Estate of 235. Photo Mali Olatunji: pp. 48, 129. Photo John Wronn:
Everything (Dual Hamburgers), 138 Shapiro, Joel: Untitled, 192 Zittel, Andrea: A–Z Escape Vehicle: Bearden Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY: Elizabeth Murray / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: pp. 22, 23, 26, 32, 41, 43, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59,
Oppenheim, Meret: Object, 86 Signac, Paul: Opus 217. Against the Enamel of Customized by Andrea Zittel, 213 p. 167. © 2015 Ashley Bickerton. Courtesy of the Artist and p. 207. © 2015 Bruce Nauman / Artists Rights Society (ARS), 64–66, 70, 71, 75, 77, 78, 90–92, 95, 98, 99, 107–10,
Orozco, Gabriel: Empty Shoe Box, 214 a Background Rhythmic with Beats and Zorio, Gilberto: Crystal Star with Javelins, 181 Lehmann Maupin Gallery: p. 200. © 2015 Louise Bourgeois New York: p. 194. © 2015 The Estate of Alice Neel: p. 84. 112–15, 120, 122, 127, 128, 132, 134–36, 139, 141, 145,
Orozco, José Clemente: Dive Bomber and Angles, Tones and Tints, Portrait of M. Félix Trust: p. 103. © 2015 Daniel Buren / Artists Rights Society © 2015 Estate of Louise Nevelson / Artists Rights Society 147–49, 151, 154, 156, 158, 160, 167, 172–74, 184, 190,
(ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris: p.164. © 2015 Calder (ARS), New York: p. 127. © 2015 Barnett Newman 193, 196–98, 200, 202, 207, 209, 210, 213, 215–17, 223,
Tank, 79 Fénéon in 1890, 25
Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: 227, 230, 231, 233, 236, 237, 241, 242.
Smith, David: Australia, 111 York: p. 125. © 2015 John Chamberlain / Artists Rights pp. 112–13. © 2015 The Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation /
Society (ARS), New York: p. 132. © 2015 George Condo / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 75. © 2015 José
Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York: p. 240. © The Joseph Clemente Orozco / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York /
and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/Licensed by SOMAAP, Mexico: p. 79. © 2015 Blinky Palermo / Artists
VAGA, New York, NY: p. 87. © 2015 Salvador Dalí, Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Germany:
Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), p. 161. © 2015 Projeto Lygia Pape: p. 123. © 2015 Estate of
New York / VEGAP, Spain: p. 71. © Estate of Stuart Davis/ Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York:
246 247
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