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Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Concrete

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Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Emissions of Concrete
Presented by: Ir. Stephen Leung
Arup Materials
M t i l T Technology
h l

27 February 2009 SCCT 2009

Presentation Content
• Global
Gl b l Warming
W i
• Hong Kong Climate Changes and CO2
E i i
• Carbon Footprint (t CO2) and Reducing
C b E
Carbon Emission
i i
• Embodied CO2 (eCO2) of Reinforced
• Possible Alternatives
• Challenges
• Summary
Global Warming
• Global Warming is caused by sharply
increased greenhouse gases emission by
human activities
• In the building industry, carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission mainly comes from cement
• It accounts for 2% - 3 % of human generated
CO2 production and consumes about 0.5% of
total energy consumption.
• Concrete, as a material, can never be truly
sustainable, but we can reduce its impact on
th environment
the i t
Hong Kong Climate

•The Hong Kong Observatory

• No. of “cold days” are declining
• No. of “hot nights” are increasing
• Urban areas are warmer than the
countries side byy 6°C in some of the late
Hong Kong Climate

• Tall buildings in Hong Kong are heated

up during
d i the th day
d and d release
l thermal
th l
energy over night
• Tall buildings also surround the inner
y and inhibit the cooling
city g effect of air
Hong Kong CO2 Emissions
In Hong Kong, greenhouse gas emissions are
approximately 6 tons CO2 equivalent per capita

*Figure source from EPD

Hong Kong CO2 Emissions (2)
• CO2 emission per capita in Hong Kong is relatively low
when compare to other international developed countries

*Figure source from EPD

Hong Kong CO2 Emissions (3)
• The largest growth in CO2 emissions has come from power
generation and road transportation

*Figure source from EPD

Carbon FootPrint (t CO2)

• Carbon footprint is used to calculate

th amountt off d
the damaged d caused d by
b an
individual, household, institution or
b siness to the
business the environment
en ironment through
thro gh
harmful carbon dioxide emissions.
Carbon FootPrint (t CO2) –
Reducing tCO2 Emissions
• Reducing tCO2 emission is essential for
t i bl environment
i t
• Can be achieved by:
• Calculating the “carbon footprint” and identify routine of
most carbon consume activity. Where possible,
i i i th those activities.
ti iti E.g.
E Walking
W lki or C Cycling
instead of driving.
• Reduce tCO2 byy “Offsetting” g carbon emissions. E. g g.
while continue to use current technology such as burn
of fossil fuels, but may initiate to find overall reduction in
emissions in the process to offset the total emissions
Embodied CO2 (eCO2)

• One way to measure carbon footprint in

i f d concrete
t is
i by it off
b unit
embodied CO2 (eCO2)
• Definition:
“Embodied CO2 is defined as the CO2 produced
p over a
defined part of the life cycle of the product. The CO2 is
primarily associated with the consumption of energy
over the relevant part of the life cycle
cycle, but can also
include emissions which occur directly as a result of the
production process.”
So what does the eCO2 have to
do with reinforced concrete?
• Let’s take a look at some figures…

eCO2 figures quoted from various sources

• More figures…
eCO2 of reinforced concrete (1)

•When comparing eCO2 of concrete

0.12t/t with cement 0.88t/t or with other
buildingg materials ((e.g.
g steels)) 0.82t/t,
the eCO2 of concrete is relatively not
that high.
Sources of eCO2 for Reinforced
Co c ete
Comes from:
• Constituent materials
• The fuel and process used to manufacture
Portland Cement
• The amount of Portland Cement replacement
• The strength class of the concrete and the
resulting mix composition
• The level of steel reinforcement
• Transports impacts of the aggregate and cement
eCO2 from Concrete Constituents (1)
Portland Cement
• Portland
P l d cement has
h very high
hi h embodied
b di d CO2
• Cement manufacture is energy intensive
• Recent data on global CO2 emissions from
cement manufacture give an overall average of
0.88 ton CO2 per ton of cement produced. This
figure includes all types of cement.
Cement Production Process
Th major
The j CO2 emissions
i i arise
i ffrom three
th sources:

• Combustion of
fuel to heat the

• Decarbonisation
of limestone

• Vehicle
emissions during
transport of
*Figure source from
eCO2 from Concrete Constituents (2)
• Aggregates
A have
h a very llow embodied
b di d CO2
compared to Portland cement and contribute
only 3% to the total for reinforced concrete
• Transportation of the aggregate to the batching
l t and
d to
t site
it accountst for
f mostt CO2
eCO2 from Concrete Constituents (3)
Other major constituents
• The
Th eCO
CO2 figure
fi presented
d is
i based
b d on fair
f i
estimate in UK industry.
eCO2 from Concrete Constituents (4)
Secondary Cementitious Material
• eCO2 source data is available for Finland, UK
and US. Though there is variation between
the source data, PFA and GGBS has
significantly lower eCO2 value than Portland
eCO2 from Concrete Constituents (5)
For a typical C32/40 mix
• The
Th eCO
CO2 is
i contributed
ib d by h off the
b each h concrete
constituents is as follows:
Variations of eCO2 in Concrete
Strength and Mix Design
• eCO2 also varies by strength class (i.e. the
amount of cement content in the mix)
eCO2 in Reinforcement

• eCO2 varies only slightly with steel

• Reducing cement content will have
greater effect than reducing the weight of
Level of Reinforcement with
respect to eCO2 levels
What to Do?
Possible Alternatives
1. Reduce CO2 emissions using other types
of cement manufacturing
g process
2. Reduce Portland cement consumption
3 Reduce
3. R d primary
i aggregate
t usage
Possible Alternatives 1
educe CO2
CO Emissions
ss o s through
t oug
Other Cement Manufacturing
Examples of Possible Approaches –
• Magnesium Based Chemistry instead
of Calcium Based Chemistry
• Sample product includes:
• CeramiCrete
• EcoCement
• Product developed by Argonne National Labs
( US D
(a Department
t t off E
Energy L
b t )
• Uses magnesium-based chemistry instead of
Portland cement’s calcium-based chemistry
• Product formed by mixing magnesium oxide and
l bl phosphate
h h t powder
d withith water
t tto fform a
phosphate ceramic (No CO2 producing
carburization process involved)
• Developed as a material for solidifying
industrial waste
• Used for repairing roads
• E.g.
E g Illinois Tollways and Chicago Skyway
• Major
M j drawback
d b k forf th
the choosing
h i this
material for constructing the whole road is
cost It is 3 to 4 times more expensive than
Portland cement.

Ceramicrete concrete
repair material intact and
supporting vvehicle
ehicle traffic
on surface road cracks

*Figure source from

• Product developed by TecEco (Australian research and
development company)
• Another magnesium-based material being marketed as
an alternative
• Made by blending reactive magnesium oxide
(magnesia) with Portland cement.
• Magnesia is ccurrently
rrentl made
made from magnesite (MgCO3)
using energy to drive off the CO2 from the carbonate
• Can be mixed with fly ash or ground granulated blast
furnace slag
• Offers better environmental credentials
• Environmental claims:
• Less energy is used to make magnesia than Portland cement
• When
Wh use as porous concrete t ((e.g. concrete
t pavements),
t ) it
can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. (though this is also
true for PC porous concrete due to process called
b i !)
• Major Drawback:
• The
Th environmental
i t l impact
i t andd availability
il bilit off extracting
t ti
magnesite from the ground not known
• Magnesite
g is not available gglobally,
y source in China,
impact of transportation
• Limited applications for porous concrete
• EcoCement is not readily available iin n ccommercial
ommercial scale
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption

Note the CO2 capturing during manufacturing can also be achieved if technology is available for Portland Cement Concrete
*Figure source from
Possible Alternatives 2
Reduce Portland Cement
• Secondary
S d cementitious
titi materials
t i l
• Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS)
• Pulverized
P l i d flfly ash
h (PFA)

Other Examples
p of Possible Approaches
• C-Fix
• Air and foam-based concretes
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Ground g
granulated blast-furnace slag
• GGBS is generally used in proportions
of 40-70% of the total cementitious
materials content in structural concrete
and up to 95% in specialist
• 55% GGBS can reduce the embodied
CO2 content off a typical C
concrete from approx. 115 kg CO2/ton
to approx. 60 k
kg CO2/ton.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Ground g
granulated blast-furnace slag
Major Drawback:
• Sources of GGBS not readily available in
Hong Kong. i.e. not economical to import blast
furnace slag from steel mill.
• Current specification not cater to adopt the use
of blast furnace slag as substitution.
• In UK current demand for ggbs exceeds its
production by approx. 50%, i.e. needs
importation (though by sea) and maybe not
truly ssustainable.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Pulverized Fly
y Ash (PFA)
( )

• Fly ash is generally used in proportions of

25 30% of the total
25-30% total cementitious materials
content in structural concrete
• 30% fly ash can reduce the embodied CO2
content of a typical C32/40 concrete from
approx 115 kg CO2/ton to approx
approx. approx. 85 kg
• Sources
S readily
dil available
il bl in
i Hong
H Kong.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
eCO2 in GGBS & PFA
• For C32/40 concrete mix, reduction of eCO2
is shown through use of secondary
cementitious materials.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
eCO2 in GGBS & PFA
• More figures is shown in terms of
g saving g of eCO2 through
g use of
secondary cementitious materials.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
• Product developed by Shell and stands for
carbon fixation.
• A carbon-rich thermoplastic binder made from
dense carbon
dense, carbon-rich
-rich residue left over after crude
oil has been refined.
• Mixed using standard asphalt techniques at a
temperature of about 200ºC.
• Applications
A li ti include
i l d use in i breakwater
b k t blocks,
bl k
modular road constructions, paving blocks,
and liquid-tight,
liquid tight acid
resistant floor elements.
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
• Use of one ton of C-Fix composite (binder + aggregate)
fixes 150kg of CO2. i.e. net saving to reduce 150kg of CO2
• Calculated by assuming 1 ton of composite contains 60kg of
carbon, which equates to 170kg of CO2
• Major drawback:
• Limited use in structural applications where it is subject
to pressure and high temperatures due to some degree
of creep with time.
• Product depends on crude oil processing i.e. extract,
fi and d burning
b i products
d t
• Ideally if less crude oil is used, CO2 levels in the
p would be lower automaticallyy and no
residue would be produced. i.e. No need for alternative
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Air and Foam Based Concrete
• Foam-based concretes and Autoclaved aerated
concrete (AAC) products (with up to 60-70% air content)
• Provide suitable alternative material for low strength
applications because they use less cement per cubic metre,
gg g
and little or no aggregate.
• Australia’s CSIRO developed another aerated
cementitious (cement-based) product, Hessle, that is as
strong as normal concrete, is lightweight, and provides
up to five times the thermal insulation properties of
• Reduces CO2 emissions by increasing the energy efficiency of
the building and reducing the energy used during
transportation and construction of the lightweight elements
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Air and Foam Based Concrete
• Major Drawbacks:
• Foam
based concrete and AAC cannot
replace normal structural concretes – only
strengths of up to 15N/mm2 can be achieved.
• AAC manufacture process requires high
temperature and high pressure steam cure in
an autoclave.
t l
• Energy (in terms of CO2 emissions) used to
operate the autoclave has to be balanced
against the savings made by reducing the
cement content
Reduce Portland Cement Consumption
Air and Foam Based Concrete

*Figures source from

Possible Alternatives 3
Reduce Primary y Aggregate
gg g Usage
• Recycled aggregate
• Provisions included
in BS 8500-2
• Composition & use
• Only coarse
• High demand as fill
and road base

l d aggregate stoc kpile
k il
• The listed Portland cement substitutes
products are rather new,, largely
p g y
unproven and not readily available
• Portland
P tl d cementt concretes t are cheap,
well established and readily-available
materials any
materials, alternati es will
an alternatives ill have
ha e to
compete on costs and demonstrate
advantage(s) over Portland Cement.

•Lack of Material Specifications

• Current exclusions (e.g.
(e g GGBS)
• Need some changes forthcoming
•Recycled Aggregate supply
• Location (transportation)
• Continuity
• Supplier reluctance
• Cost
Summary 1
• Global Warming is caused by the sharply
increased greenhouse gases (GHG)
emission by human activities with cement
production accounting for 2% - 3% of CO2
emission or 0.88t CO2 per ton of cement
• The most significant GHG emitted in
Hong Kong
K iis carbon
b didioxide
id and
significant source comes from electricity
Summary 2
• Transportation (in general) is the second
largest source of CO2 emissions in Hong
• In the context of increased local
environmental awareness, all industries
have obligation of contributing towards
alleviating global environmental
Every Little Bit Helps!
Summary 3
In Construction Industry
• Concrete,
Concrete as a material,
material can never be
truly sustainable, but there are things we
can and should do to reduce its impact
on the environment
• Search for alternatives to cement will
undoubtedly grow as pressure increases
to meet CO2 emission targets.
Summary 4
In Construction Industry
• Portland cement concretes are cheap,
well established and readily-available
materials,, any
y alternatives will have to
compete on costs and need further
• Therefore, use of PFA or GGBS is
recommended to be maximized
1. A. Kendall. “Concrete Infrastructure Sustainability: Life Cycle Metrics, Materials Design, and
Optimized Distribution of Cement Production” Report No. CSS07-07, May 2007. University of
Michigan, USA.
2. Barker T., I. Bashmakov, L. Bernstein, J. E. Bogner, P. R. Bosch, R. Dave, O. R. Davidson, B. S.
Fisher,, S. Gupta,
p , K. Halsnes,, G.J. Heij,j, S. Kahn Ribeiro,, S. Kobayashi,
y , M. D. Levine,, D. L. Martino,,
O. Masera, B. Metz, L. A. Meyer, G.-J. Nabuurs, A. Najam, N. Nakicenovic, H. -H. Rogner, J. Roy, J.
Sathaye, R. Schock, P. Shukla, R. E. H. Sims, P. Smith, D. A. Tirpak, D. Urge-Vorsatz, D. Zhou,
2007: “Technical Summary. In: Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III
to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” [B. Metz, O.
R. Davidson, P. R. Bosch, R. Dave, L. A. Meyer (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
3. Environmental Resources Management. “Greenhouse Gase Emission Control Study: Revised
Executive Summary”, Dec 2000. HKSAR Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong.
4. K.L. Chan. “Climate Issues in Hong Kong: Mitigation and Adaptation” Sep 2006. Yale University.
5. K. Quillin. “Cements with Lower Environmental Impact” June 2008. BRE IP 7/08, Watford, UK.
6. O. Poon. “Sustainable Development of Hong Kong” June 2007. Council for Sustainable
Development, Hong Kong.
9. htt //
d hk/ d/ li h/ i ti hk/ i /d t / i i i ht l
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