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BS 10500 Anti-Bribery Management It's Your Reputation

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BS 10500

Anti-bribery Management
It’s your reputation
Your implementation guide
BS 10500- Anti-bribery Management

BS 10500 is the recognized standard for anti-bribery management. It
helps organizations put in place measures to address bribery risks in
relation to their operations and activities. The standard has evolved from
calls at both a national and international level for effective action to be
taken to prevent bribery. As such the structure of the BS 10500
management system framework encourages organizations to adopt
risk-based policies, procedures and controls in order to avoid potentially
corrupt business and demonstrate good governance.
This guide will help you understand that adopting an anti-bribery
management system is easier than you think. Working with BSI you can
embed the requirements of standard within your organization and as a
result demonstrate your commitment to ethical business practices and
protect your corporate reputation.


Demonstrating your ethical behaviour

BS 10500 is appropriate for use by all organizations whether in the private, public and voluntary
sectors. While it is applicable to all industry sectors, the standard has been of particular interest to
organizations in industries with a greater exposure to risk, such as aerospace, chemicals, construction,
defence, engineering, healthcare, mining, pharmaceutical and utilities.

Of course the bribery risk facing an organization will vary according to Getting started
a number of factors such as the size of the business, the countries
and sectors in which it operates, and the nature, scale and complexity Firstly, you need to understand the standard and the task in hand.
of its operations. Whilst the standard cannot provide assurance that Purchasing a copy of the BS 10500 standard is the first step.
no bribery has occurred or will take place in relation to the Next the focus is on appointing a project champion and building a
organization, it does establish that the business has implemented supportive team, as well as ensuring that you get commitment and
reasonable and proportionate measures to mitigate this risk. buy-in to the project from the organization as a whole. It is important
that they all understand why you are implementing the system and
the wider benefits it will bring.

Learn more about the standards and guides

available from BSI

The benefits of implementing an anti-bribery management system

Corporate reputation
79% think an organization has an
ethical duty to fight corruption**
Legal Responsibility Demonstration of due diligence policies Supply Chain
and procedures to mitigate and address 53% of respondents state that
40% think that bribery and
the risk of bribery they would be unwilling to hire
corruption are widespread
suppliers or agents involved in a
and has become worse during
major bribery or corruption case*
the economic downturn*
Improved business relationships
Demonstrate legal compliance
- reduced risk of bribery and
and reduce the likelihood of
corruption in your supply chain
facing prosecution under the
UK Bribery Act

BS 10500
Operational improvements Responsible Employer
65% consider auditing and company 45% would be unwilling to work for a
anti-corruption policies as effective company involved in a major bribery
ways to address bribery* or corruption scandal**
= =
Reduced business disruption and Enhanced internal and external image
loss of focus caused by bribery as a reputable and ethical organization
Potential opportunity to cut the cost
of corporate insurance premiums

Sources: Ernst & Young European fraud survey 2011* Transparency International “Putting corruption out of business” survey 2011 **
BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

Understanding BS 10500
The costs of bribery are very high for an organization in terms of money wasted, funds
misappropriated, projects not properly or safely carried out, business interuption and above all
reputational damage.

BS 10500 aims to help organizations implement ‘adequate procedures’ to address

the following bribery risks in relation to an organization’s activities:

• Bribery in the public, private and voluntary sectors • Bribery within the country in which the organization is based, and
bribery in other countries in which the organization operates
• Bribery BY the organization, or by its personnel or others acting
on its behalf or for its benefit • Bribery of any value, whether large or small (including facilitation
• Bribery OF the organization, or by its personnel or others acting
on its behalf or for its benefit • Bribery involving both cash and non-cash advantages (including
excessive corporate hospitality)
• Direct or indirect bribery (eg. a bribe paid or received through or
by a third party)

“Working towards meeting the BS 10500

standard has revealed holes in our
existing anti-bribery processes that we
were able to plug. The team from BSI
have been very supportive in taking us
through the standard for this pilot. We
look forward to gaining full certification
in the future.”
Patrick Myers,, Myers La Roche


Understanding the Plan-Do-Check-Act principles

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is the operating principle of many management

systems standards, including BS 10500. By following this cycle, you can effectively manage
and continually improve your organization’s effectiveness.

Plan Check
Establish objectives and draft your plans Measure and monitor your actual results
(analyse your organization’s current system, against your planned objectives
establish overall objectives, set interim targets
for review and develop plans to achieve them)

Do Act
Implement your plans Correct and improve your plans to meet
and exceed your planned results

Whether you are the managing director setting the direction of the business, or an individual
focusing on a specific task, the PDCA cycle is very useful in achieving continual improvement.

BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

Plan – defining your policy, objectives

and targets
Planning Scope of the ABMS
Your critical first step is to get top level management committed to You need to determine the scope of the management system taking
the introduction of the anti-bribery management system (ABMS). The into consideration the level of bribery risks faced, the nature and
organization then needs to: scale of the activities your business undertakes, countries in which
the organization operates and what regulatory or contractual
• Allocate responsibility for planning of the ABMS to an appropriate obligations you must adhere to.

• Appoint competent personnel to conduct a risk assessment to

understand the bribery risks faced by the business

• Assess how the ABMS should be implemented in the organization

• Write the anti-bribery policy
• Design or modify policies, procedures and controls for the ABMS
• Determine the necessary resources to implement the ABMS
• Prepare an implementation plan with clear responsibilities and


Do – implementing and living your

management system
You now have the commitment and direction from management and the necessary resources
to do the job. Now it’s time to put your plan into action.

Anti-bribery policy and ABMS Education, training and/or Risk assessment

You will need to prepare and adopt an anti- guidance You must have procedures in place to
bribery policy. This could simply be a brief You must ensure that anyone responsible assess the general bribery risks facing your
statement that communicates your for implementing the policy, or who are business and whether your system is
organizations stance on bribery and outlines likely to encounter bribery as part of their adequate to reduce identified risks to an
what you want the ABMS to achieve ie. to role, have the appropriate knowledge and acceptable level. These must be frequently
prevent bribery, and if it does occur, ensure training. They must fully understand the revisited in relation to proposed new
it is detected, reported and dealt with impacts and their duties in relation to projects, business associates or
accordingly. Your ABMS must be reasonable potential incidents of bribery. international activities and approporate
and proportionate to the complexity of your action taken where the level of risk is
business and the risks faced. unacceptable.
Management responsibility
Communicating the policy and your senior management needs to define Due diligence
the levels of responsibility and assign a
ABMS You will need to implement a procedure for
suitably experienced manager to oversee
undertaking due diligence before entering
Top management needs to ensure the implementation of the organization’s
into a relationship with a business associate
communicate the existence of and their ABMS and ensure ongoing compliance. This
if the risk assessment shows that that
support for the anti-bribery policy, the may be a shared responsibility where the
associate poses more than a negligible risk.
statement and the ABMS. Procedures need organization has subsidiaries.
This review must be repeated as the
to be put in place to record that employees
relationship develops.
and business associates have read and
agree with the policy and statement. Where
Provision of resources
possible you must also make the policy and Make sure that the organization provides
statement visible externally, for example via the necessary resources, in terms of funding,
a public website. equipment, materials and people to ensure
the ABMS is a success.

BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

Do – implementing and living your

management system
Implementation of an ABMS by Facilitation payments Raising concerns
controlled organizations and Again the policy should prohibit these and You need procedures in place for the
business associates give guidance to employees about the confidential reporting of attempted,
action they should take if this occurs. suspected or actual bribery or any breach of
You must ensure that all organizations over
the ABMS to an appropriate person within
which you have control also implement an
the organization.
ABMS and where you have no control over Delegated decision making
your business associate and it is reasonable
to do so, that steps are taken to require
Where decision making is delegated your
Investigating and dealing with
business associates to implement an
management will need to establish a bribery
process based on the perceived risk and Your organization will have procedures in
Employment procedures value of the transaction. place to investigate and take action
Where possible, your employees should be regarding any detected breach or weakness
‘vetted’ to gauge whether they are in the ABMS.
Anti-bribery contract terms
appropriate for employment before joining
Make sure you implement procedures and a
the organization. They should be given a
contract between business associates which Documenting the ABMS
copy of the policy and declare any conflict
includes the prohibition of bribery as far as You will need to keep detailed records of the
of interest which must be recorded.
is reasonable. policies, procedures and controls of the
Your organization should put in place
ABMS as well as any actions taken under the
safeguards to avoid unethical behaviour and
management system and issues which arise.
disciplinary procedures defined for any Financial, procurement and other
breach of policy. commercial controls
Your business will need to implement
Gifts, hospitality and donations appropriate controls to minimize the risk of
Your policy will prohibit the offer or receipt unethical behaviour by any organization or
of such items where they are intended or person acting on its behalf.
are likely to impair the independence of the
recipient or could be perceived to be for the
purpose of bribery.


Check and Act – measurement

review and improvement
Review by compliance manager Top management review
Your company’s ABMS must be assessed at regular intervals by the Your senior management needs to ensure the on-going adequacy and
compliance manager to ensure it is adequate to manage potential effectiveness of the ABMS to the business as it evolves. The review
bribery risks and is being implemented effectively. should be based on the compliance manager’s report, internal audits
undertaken, employees’ reports and actual incidences.
Internal audit
Your organization will be required to undertake impartial internal Improvement of the ABMS
audits on a regular basis to ensure that the business is complying You will need to define a procedure to continually improve the ABMS
with its ABMS policy and ABMS and ensure that any corrective as a result of reviews, audits and management reviews. All proposed
actions or improvements arising out of the internal audit programme changes must be assessed by the compliance manager to ensure the
are documented. Unlike other management systems there is no effectiveness of the ABMS is not compromised.
explicit requirement to audit against all of the requirements of the
standard. The purpose of the internal audit is to identify any Further guidance on how to establish a successful management
indication of bribery, non-compliance with the policy or ABMS and to system can be found in the Annex of the standard.
highlight any failures or weaknesses.

BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

tips on making
BS 10500
work for you

1 Top management commitment is vital if 6 Clearly lay out a well-communicated plan

the system is to be introduced successfully. of activities and timescales. Make sure
Make sure senior managers are actively everybody understands them and their role
involved, approve resources and agree the in achieving them.
key processes of the business.
7 Consider using your IT systems or software
2 Review systems, policies, procedures and such as BSI’s EntropyTM Softwareto manage
processes you have in place at the moment. your system and documentation more
Then compare those with what BS 10500 efficiently. The nature and complexity of your
asks for. You may be surprised how much documentation will depend on the scope of
you already do. The standard will allow you the system, the size of an organization, the
to keep the things that work for you while nature of its activities and the organizational
refining those that don’t. culture

3 Make sure you have good internal 8 Use competitions and incentives to
communication channels and processes encourage input – for example an incentive
within the organization. Your employees for the first completed anti-bribery
need to be involved and kept informed of process. Make the achievement of BS
what’s going on. 10500 engaging and fun. This will increase
4 Give some thought to how departments
work together. It’s important that the people 9 Train your staff to carry out internal audits of
within your organization don’t work in your system. Auditing can help with an
isolation but work as a team for the benefit individual’s development and understanding
of the customers and the business. as well as providing valuable feedback on
potential problems and opportunities for
5 Don’t ignore the impact that introducing improvement.
these systems will have on your key
stakeholders including suppliers. Speak to 10 And lastly if you feel you are doing something
them to gain insight as to how they feel just for the sake of the standard and it doesn’t
improvements could be made. add any value to you as a business – question
whether it’s necessary.


“The experience of checking our processes

against BS 10500 was very interesting: it
certainly seems that once implemented, the
BS 10500 requirements can be fairly easily
met as part of the company’s day-to-day
business processes.”
Steve Walker, Managing Director
of Collinson Hall

BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

The easy way to achieve

BS 10500
Get in touch with us

1 We can discuss what you need, and recommend the best services for you. We’ll then give you a
proposal detailing the cost and time involved.

Complete our application form

Once we have received your completed form, we’ll assign you a dedicated manager who knows your

2 specific industry sector and will be your point of contact throughout the process – and beyond. They’ll
have an excellent understanding of your business area and will support you as you move forward to the
assessment and certification of your anti-bribery management system.

Equip your staff with the necessary skills

3 Whether you’re seeking to implement a management system or would like to increase your general
awareness of the standard, we have a range of workshops, seminars and training courses available
to help you.

Consider Entropy™ Software to manage and measure the performance

of your system
4 BSI’s web-based solution for Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) allows you to easily manage,
track and report all of your key metrics in real-time and gain better control over your management

Gap analysis to make sure you are on track

5 BSI can carry out an optional gap analysis, also called a Pre-Assessment, of your existing management
system against the requirements of BS 10500. That way we can help you identify any omissions or
weaknesses that need resolving before formal assessment – saving you time and money.

Formal assessment and issue of your BS 10500 certificate

6 We’ll do a two-stage assessment. First an initial review of your management system against the
requirements of the standard and then we’ll conduct an in-depth on-site assessment to assess your
implementation and see how well you have embedded it.

Certification and beyond – promote your certificate and your business

Once the assessment has been successfully completed, we’ll issue your certificate, clearly explaining
the scope of your management system. The certificate is valid for three years. In the meantime your
assessor will visit you regularly to help you make sure your business remains compliant and will
support you in the continual improvement of your management system.


BSI supporting you

every step of the way
Giving you the knowledge
BSI’s publications draw on a wealth of expert knowledge from across industry. They are particularly
useful when you are getting started. Standards and publications can be purchased individually, as a
kit, or as part of an annual subscription.

BS 10500:2011 – Specification for an anti-bribery management

system (ABMS) Fast forward with BSI training
ISO 19011 – guidelines for auditing management systems BSI has a comprehensive range of training
courses. Our introductory courses broaden general
awareness of customer focused business practice,
These standards and other
valuable guides and publications and our implementation and auditing courses take
are available from our online that knowledge further to drive change within your
shop at organization.
Our training comes in a number of formats:
including open schedule courses, in-company
training, eLearning modules and distance learning

or call +44 845 086 9000 for details.

BS 10500 - Anti-bribery Management

Entropy™ Software
Demonstrate your ethical behaviour and enhance your reputation with Entropy™ Software

Whether you are starting your journey BSI Entropy™ Software provides a powerful Composed of five core modules and a
to certification, currently implementing management solution that significantly base system, Entropy™ Software allows
management systems or have obtained reduces the cost and effort needed to users to add and integrate any number of
certification already, ensuring you get the proactively manage your anti-bribery disciplines into their management process
most from your investment will be key management system. and provides a complete framework
drivers to your future success. in effectively managing risk, audits,
Entropy™ Software allows organizations to performance, incidents, and knowledge
To experience real, long-term benefits of easily manage, track and report all of your across the organization.
certification organizations need to ensure key metrics in real-time, implement and
on-going compliance to a standard so that comply with standards such as ISO 9001,
it becomes an embedded habit. As the ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 and
standards expert, BSI makes it easier for delivers management effectiveness and
For further information
our clients to drive continual improvement efficiencies.
and deliver long term excellence through please visit
our innovative software solution Entropy™ Used globally, by companies of all sizes,
Entropy™ Software provides a number of
Software. call +44 845 080 9000
innovative features that can accelerate
the time it takes to obtain certification or email
and also drive continual improvement of
management systems once certification is


Use your certificate to

promote your business
Independent assessment by BSI will assure you and your
key stakeholders that your anti-bribery management
system meets the requirements of BS 10500.
Before the formal certification assessments, BSI can
perform a gap analysis (a review of what you do compared
to the standard’s requirements) to help identify the areas
that need to be tackled to achieve certification smoothly.
When your certification has been awarded by BSI you have
a market differentiator that is recognized worldwide. BSI
also works with you to promote your achievement.
Access to Just 4 Customers portal
For more information visit: or
call +44 845 080 9000 now to start your journey to a
healthier business.
BSI – supporting you all the way

© BSI Group 2013
We know BS 10500;
BSI shaped the original standard.
• Shaped the original BS 10500 standard
• Has the most highly trained and knowledgeable assessors
• Offers the widest range of support solutions in the market place
• Is the number one certification body in the UK, USA and Korea
• Looks after more than 70,000 global clients
• Has an unrivalled International reputation for excellence

Kitemark Court
Davy Avenue, Knowlhill
Milton Keynes, MK5 8PP
United Kingdom 2013

T: +44 845 080 9000


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