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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

Curriculum Guide


(Additional Subjects)
OCTOBER 10, 2014


Research I is a course in the STEM curriculum that is designed to equip students with essential scientific attitudes and
Research I skills that will prepare them in conducting science investigations. These skills include observing, inferring, classifying,
predicting, communicating, formulating hypothesis, identifying variables, describing relationships between variables,
designing investigation, experimenting and writing simple scientific report. Moreover, this course provides an excellent
groundwork or prerequisite course for higher research works.

Research II Research II introduces concepts and methods in research that help learners gain the skills and attitude in preparing
a research proposal.

Research III brings the learners to actual conduct of investigation/experimentation. Topics were geared to equip
Research III students with the knowledge of conducting experimental research and in preparing communications which may serve
as an avenue for higher level of competence in Research. In order to acquire mastery and competence in writing the
scientific paper, writing skills will be further enhanced by exposing the students to the rudiments of writing research


Research IV enhances the research project conducted by the learners in Grade 9. Competencies were designed to
equip students with enhanced knowledge of conducting experimental research. Research IV may serve as an avenue
Research IV for the students to demonstrate higher level of competence in research by enhancing their previous research project,
conducting a continuing research or a new research project.

In order to acquire mastery and competence in conducting sound researches, establishing a stronger linkage,
collaboration and maximizing the available resources of research institutions and the community shall be practiced.
Likewise, constant coaching and consultation with experts will also be done for robust and well-guided execution of the
enhanced research project/plan.


Subject Description:

Research I is a course in the STEM curriculum that is designed to equip students with essential scientific attitudes and skills that will prepare
them in conducting science investigations. These skills include observing, inferring, classifying, predicting, communicating, formulating hypothesis,
identifying variables, describing relationships between variables, designing investigation, experimenting and writing simple scientific report.
Moreover, this course provides an excellent groundwork or prerequisite course for higher research works.


First Quarter The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learner should be able to:
Scientific Attitudes understanding of importance of communicate effectively through oral 1. recognize and show scientific attitudes
recognizing scientific attitudes, and and written form descriptions of and
1. Curiosity 2. explain the role and importance of observation
the basic science process skills such inferences about observed objects
2. Intellectual honesty as: observing, measuring using metric and phenomena. in the empirical nature of science
3. Critical-mindedness system, inferring, classifying, 3. demonstrate the skills of observing a given
4. Open-mindedness predicting and communicating. event and/or object
5. Skepticism 4. use appropriate tools in measuring objects
6. Objectivity 5. describe the differences between an
7. Perseverance observation and an inference
6. classify objects and events according to
Basic Science Process Skills observable characteristics
1. Observing 7. make predictions based on evidence
2. Measuring 8. effectively communicate the result of observations
3. Inferring
4. Classifying
5. Predicting
6. Communicating

Second Quarter The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to design The learner should be able to:
understanding of the integrated a relevant experiment using 1. identify a research problem
process skills such as formulating integrated process skills
Integrated Process Skills 2. explain the important components of an
hypothesis, identifying variables,
1. Formulating research defining variables operationally, appropriate research question
problem describing relationships between 3. identify variables that can affect an
2. Identifying Variables variables and designing experiments. experimental outcome
3. Defining Variables 4. formulate a hypothesis
3. Formulating Hypotheses 5. explain the relationship between and among
4. Describing Relationships variables
Between Variables 6. design an experiment
5. Designing the Experiment

The learner should be able to

Third Quarter The learner demonstrates conduct a relevant experiment, The learner should be able to:
understanding of the process of gather, analyze and interpret
gathering, organizing, analyzing and experimental data.
Integrated Process Skills 1. conduct a guided experiment
interpreting data from the experiment.
1. Experimenting 2. explain how data are gathered qualitatively and quantitatively
2. Gathering Data 3. differentiate qualitative and quantitative
3. Organizing Data Data
4. Analyzing and 4. gather and record qualitative and quantitative data from actual
Interpreting Data observations
5. use appropriate tools in gathering data
6. describe graph and data table
7. explain the purpose of graphs and data
8. explain how to analyze and interpret data
9. organize data into graphs and
10.analyze or examine data, make necessary interpretation and
determine the truthfulness of hypothesis based on given sets of

Fourth Quarter The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learner should be able to:
understanding of the use of scientific conduct a science investigation and
method in conducting a science write a simple scientific report.
A. The Scientific Method 1. explain the steps of the scientific method
investigation and in writing a simple
1. Observing scientific report. 2. Use the steps in the scientific method in
2. Identifying and conducting a simple science investigation
Formulating a Problem 3. describe the parts of a simple scientific report
3. Collecting Relevant 4. write a simple scientific report
Information about the
4. Formulate Hypotheses
5. Designing an Experiment
6. Experimenting
7. Gathering Data from the

8. Organizing Experimental
9. Analyzing and
Interpreting Data
10. Making a Conclusion

B. Conducting a Simple
Science Investigation Using
the Scientific Method and
Writing a Simple Scientific

RESEARCH II (Grade 8 )
Research II introduces concepts and methods in research that help learners gain the skills and attitude in preparing a research proposal.

Grade 8 : Principles of Research

I. The Nature of Ideas The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learners should be able to:
1. Difference between understanding of the meaning, identify a workable research  describe the nature of ideas
Invention and Innovation characteristics and contribution problem.  explain the meaning, characteristics
2. Characteristics of a of research in helping minimize and importance of research.
Novel Idea current environmental problems  categorize research in terms of features
II. Meaning, Characteristics and and in achieving economic and relevance
Importance of Research recovery and sustainable  determine the appropriate steps in
III. Types of Research development. planning and designing a research
1. Features study.
2. Relevance  point out the importance of
IV. Research Process conceptualizing/identifying original
1. Planning topics in research

a. Identification of the
b. Formulation of
c. Identification of the
d. Types of Research
e. Planning of the
Research Design and
2. Experimental Methods
a. Characteristics
b. Set-ups (Control and

Grade 8 Review of Related Literature and Studies

I. Review of Related The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learners should be able to:
Literature and understanding of the guidelines write a comprehensive Review of
Studies and techniques in writing the Related Literature and studies,
1.Purpose of Related Review of Related Literature and bibliography using  establish the purpose and importance
Literature and Studies (RRL) and studies and international standard formats. of writing a good review of related
bibliography of a scientific literature that conforms with scientific
2.Guidelines in Writing investigation. and acceptable guidelines.
Review of Related
Literature and Studies  organize sources using appropriate
bibliographic format.
3.Scientific Writing:
Paraphrasing, Quoting  demonstrate note-taking skills in
and Summarizing preparing a detailed and accurate
project data logbook.
4.Research Ethics
(Intellectual Property

Rights, plagiarism, etc.)

5.Effective Library and

Internet Research

II. Writing Bibliography

III. Note-taking
1. Project Data Logbook
2. Documenting

Grade 8 Methodology
I. Research Materials and Procedure The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learners should be able to:
1. Laboratory techniques and methods understanding of appropriate use common laboratory  identify standard methods and
a. Microbiological Techniques laboratory techniques and techniques and methods techniques used in performing
b. Chemical methods necessary in appropriate to a science experiments
 spectrophotometry conducting a science investigation.  demonstrate proper handling
 extraction investigation. and setting of laboratory
 titration equipment
c. Physical  explain how to write a complete
 weighing research methodology.
 grinding
 drying
 centrifugation

 distillation
 filtration
 chromatography
 pH measurement
d. Ethical Issues
2. Setting and Handling of Equipment
3. Writing the Methodology

Grade 8 Statistics and Writing of the Research Proposal

I. Data Collection and The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learners should be able to:
Analysis understanding of ways of write and present a  discuss the different methods in data
1. Classifying Data collecting, organizing, comprehensive research collection, analysis, and presentation
2. Establishing Patterns or presenting, analyzing and proposal.  state the advantages of an orderly
Trends in the Data interpreting data in preparation arranged data
Collected for the research proposal  determine the appropriate statistics for
3. Descriptive Statistics writing. organizing and describing the numerical
a. Measures of Central data gathered
Tendency  formulate a good research proposal
b. Measures of Variation  demonstrate mastery of work during the
II. Ways of Data oral presentation/validation.
1. Tabular

2. Graphical
III. Writing of the
Research Proposal

IV. Validation of the

Research Proposal


Subject Description:

Research III for Grade 9 is the phase where actual conduct of investigation/experimentation of students starts. Topics were geared to equip
students with the knowledge of conducting experimental research and in preparing communications which may serve as an avenue for higher level of
competence in Research. In order to acquire mastery and competence in writing the scientific paper, writing skills will be further enhanced by exposing the
students to the rudiments of writing research reports.

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies


Revisiting and Refining the Research The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learner….
Proposal understanding of the essentials in prepare a refined research
refining research proposal and proposal.  resents the research proposal
research paper.  refines research proposal by incorporating

the suggestions / recommendations given by
The Research Paper the experts
 understands the different parts of the
- Parts of a Research Paper research paper
(Title, Problem, Hypothesis
Introduction, Significance of the
Study, Scope and Limitation,
Review of Related Studies &
Literature, Research Design &
Methodology, Results and
Conclusion, Recommendations,
and Bibliography


Actual Experimentation/ Testing The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learner…
understanding of conducting science collect and organize data.
investigation focusing on collecting  uses appropriate tools/instruments for
Collecting and Organizing Data and organizing data. gathering/collecting data
 records/ organizes qualitative and
quantitative data using the project data

The learner...
Analyzing and Interpreting Research Data The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to
understanding of analyzing and use appropriate statistical tool in  utilizes appropriate statistical tools in
o Statistical Tools used in Research interpreting data. analyzing and interpreting data. analyzing data.
 Measures of Correlation  interprets data/ statistical results.
(Pearson’s r, Spearman)  utilizes statistical software as an alternative
tool in analyzing and interpreting data.
 Regression

 Test of Significance
(t-test, z-test, Chi-square,
ANOVA, H-test, etc.)

o Statistical Software as alternative



The learner demonstrates

Writing and Presenting Research Report understanding of writing a research The learner should be able to The learner...
report following the international write and present research  uses the international guidelines/format in
standard/format. paper following the international writing scientific paper.
standard/format.  presents and defends the research project
in a congress and/or other forum.


Subject Description:

Research IV for Grade 10 aims to enhance the research project conducted in Grade 9. Competencies were designed to equip students with
enhanced knowledge of conducting experimental research. Research IV may serve as an avenue for the students to demonstrate higher level of competence
in research by enhancing their previous research project, conducting a continuing research or a new research project.

In order to acquire mastery and competence in conducting sound researches, establishing a stronger linkage, collaboration and maximizing the
available resources of research institutions and the community shall be practiced. Likewise, constant coaching and consultation with experts will also be
done for robust and well-guided execution of the enhanced research project/plan.

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies

Evaluation of a Research The learner demonstrates The learner should be able to The learner...
Paper understanding of evaluating evaluate research papers.
research paper.  utilizes the standards (criteria or checklist) in
evaluating research paper.
(peer/group/expert evaluation)

 revises/ enhances the research project by

incorporating the suggestions given by the


Conduct of The learner should be able to The learner...

Enhanced/Continuing The learner demonstrates produce quality research  conducts an enhanced/continuing research
Research Project understanding of conducting project. project.
quality research. (maybe done in different research
Finalization of Enhanced/ institutions
Continuing Research Paper constant consultation with experts should
be practiced)

 finalizes the research paper.

FOURTH QUARTER: The learner...

- Research Festival The learner should be able to  presents and defends the research
present and defend the conducted in a congress.
Research Congress research conducted in a
and Exhibit congress.

A list of the written sources of information on a subject that presents systematic description of references,
authorship, publication, editions, and dates
Control A group or individual used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment

Data Factual information and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Experiment A scientific procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to test the hypotheses

Idea A formulated thought or conception in the mind as a result of awareness, understanding, or activity

Investigation A formal and systematic inquiry and examination to come up with a solution to a problem

Plagiarism The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as one's own

Replication A repeated performance of an experiment or procedure, under exactly the same conditions

Variable A measurable characteristic or factor that varies and influences the outcome of scientific research

The extension of the research conducted in Grade 9. Such study may contain similar or different
Continuing parameters, methodology and research design to revalidate results and draw/ formulate new
Study in theory/knowledge.

An improved/refined research conducted in Grade 9. It may or may not require rigorous statistical
analysis. It can be considered as quality research as a result of the collaboration with experts and
Enhanced immersion in laboratory and other institutions.

Science Process Skills or tools that are used in investigating the natural world. These skills are categorized into basic
Skills science skills and integrated science process skills.

Basic Science The primary skills that are used in conducting investigations. These skills include observing,
Process Skills measuring, inferring, classifying, predicting, and communicating.

Integrated Science Complex skills that are based on the combination of the basic science process skills. Scientists employ
Process Skills these skills to design and conduct science investigations.

Scientific Attitude A disposition of an act that is commonly observed on how scientists work.

Scientific Method The systematic process of discovering facts.


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