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Mineral Admixtures & Blended Cements: Supplementary Cementing Materials in Concrete

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Mineral Admixtures & Blended Cements

• Primary purposes of adding mineral admixtures or

supplementary cementing materials in concrete
– To replace cement (economical & technical reasons, and
environmental consideration)
– To improve the workability of fresh concrete
– To reduce heat and early temperature rise
– To enhance the durability of hardened concrete
• Mineral admixtures are divided into 3 main categories
1. Pozzolanic materials
2. Cementitious materials
 supplementary cementing materials

3. Non-reactive materials (ground lime stone, silica flour)

• May react weakly with cement under certain conditions
Pozzolanic Materials
• History and origins
– Greeks: Addition of
naturally occurring
materials from volcanic
origin to hydraulic

– Romans adopted &

extended Greek
technology (e.g.
Pozzolanic Materials
• Pozzolan
– Pozzoli, a town in the Bay of Naples that was the source
of a highly prized deposit of ash from Mt. Vesuvius
– The name “pozzolan” is now applied to any alumino-
silicate materials, of either natural or industrial origin
– Powder: naturally occurring or to be ground to cement
(Mindess et al 2003)
Pozzolanic Materials
• Natural Pozzolans
– Volcanic ash etc
• By-product materials
– Fly ash – inorganic, non combustible residue of
powdered coal after burning in power plants
– Silica fume – a by-product in the manufacture of Silicon
metal and alloys
– Rice husk ash – siliceous residue that remains after the
rice husks are burnt under controlled conditions
– Calcined clay under controlled temperatures (700-900 oC)
to produce a highly reactive amorphous aluminosilicate
(Mindess et al 2003)

OPC 20 6 3 65
– ASTM C 618 for fly ash & natural pozzolans
• Class F fly ash
– produced from bituminous and sub-bituminous coals
– (SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3)  70%
• Class C fly ash
– produced from lignitic coals
– (SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3)  50%
• Crystalline components (identified by X-ray diffraction
– A good pozzolan should
have a high fraction of
reactive glassy or
amorphous material
– Most pozzolanic materials
contain various
quantities of crystalline

– Examples
• Class F ash: quartz, mullite, hematite, magnetite
• Class C ash: free CaO, anhydrite (CaSO4), C3A, C2S, etc
Composition (cont’d)
• Minor components
– Alkali oxides
• in situations where pozzolanic materials are used to control
AAR, alkali content of the materials should be determined

– Unburnt carbon (determined by Loss on Ignition)

• In SF; 1-2%
• In FA: 0.5-3% (sometimes as high as 25%)
• In RHA: 3-8%
• Concern for air-entrainment
• Color of concrete

– SO3 and periclase (crystalline MgO)

• unsoundness
Physical Characteristics

(Mindess et al 2003)
»  silica fume
» small size  packing effect
 reduce bleeding, reduce
the size of capillary pores

(Mindess et al 2003)

fly ash 
Pozzolanic Reactions
• Primary reaction: amorphous silica reacts with CH from
cement hydration
S + CH + H  C-S-H
– Composition of C-S-H from pozzolanic reactions
• In cases of fly ashes or natural pozzolans: not very different
from that formed in regular cement hydration, C/S is slightly
lower generally
• In cases on silica fume or rice husk ash, C/S is significantly
different from that of cement hydration, ~1.0
– Kinetics of the reaction of fly ashes is similar to the slow
rate of hydration of C2S. Thus, the addition of pozzolan
has a similar effect of  C2S content
• Reduce early heat evolution and early strength, but not long-
term strength so long as water is available
• Increase the overall solid volume, reduce the porosity,
increase strength and durability
Pozzolanic Reactions
• When a pozzolan has appreciable quantities of
reactive alumina (natural pozzolans or calcined clay)
A + CH + H  C-A-H
– The composition of calcium aluminate hydrates
depends on particular pozzolan used.
Pozzolanic Reactions
• The extent of a pozzolanic reaction can be followed by
monitoring the  in CH over time

• Slow rate of pozzolanic reaction requires prolonged period

of moist curing
• Pozzolanic reaction is more temperature sensitive than
regular cement hydration
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS)
• Obtained from the production of iron
• Typical composition
– CaO = 35-45%, SiO2 = 32-38%, Al2O3 = 8-16%,
MgO = 5-15%, Fe2O3 <2%, sulfur = 1-2%
• Reactivity of slags can vary widely depends on
– Glass content, composition, and fineness
• ASTM C 989 assess slag reactivity by strength activity index
(mortar with 50% OPC and 50% slag/mortar with 100% OPC)
Slag Hydration
• GGBFS reacts slowly with water, strength development
too slow
• Activation of slag by
– Ca(OH)2
– Soluble sodium salts, NaOH, Na2CO3, NaSiO3
• Slags are commonly activated by Portland cement
• In slag-cement blends, slag also shows pozzolanic
• Products of slag hydration
– A mixture of C-S-H and AFm (monosulphoaluminate)
• The rate of hydration of activated slag is similar to that
of C2S, as is the heat of hydration
Blended Cements

- Setting time
- Strength
- Heat
- Sulfate
Effects of Mineral Admixtures
on Properties of Fresh & Hardening Concrete
• Heat of hydration (fly ash and slag)
– Reduce the overall heat of hydration
– Reduce the rate of heat liberation
– Reduce temperature rise in concrete
• Workability
– Improve cohesiveness
– Fly ash and silica fume are particularly beneficial due to their
spherical shape
– Addition of fly ash allow w/cm (water/(cement + mineral
admixtures)) to be reduced while maintaining slump
– Silica fume is more beneficial provided that a water reducing
admixture is used (spherical particles provide lubrication
among cement particles; eliminate bleeding and segregation,
but make concrete more susceptible to plastic shrinkage)
Effects on Microstructure
• Increase C-S-H & reduce CH leads to more homogenous
• Improve pore structure, reduce overall porosity & pore

(Mindess et al 2003)
Effects on Strength Development
• Develop very good strength over time
• May reduce early-age strength, can be offset by reducing
• More reactive pozzolanic materials such as silica fume
and calcined clay will reduce setting time and contribute
to early strength

(Mindess et al 2003)
Effects on Drying Shrinkage and Creep
• As an approximation, addition of mineral admixtures
does not significantly affect the drying shrinkage or
creep of concrete
• However, if volume changes are critical, test should be
made to determine the exact characteristics under the
anticipated service conditions.
Effect on Durability
• Used extensively for improving the durability of
• Improvements in durability result from the reduction in
CH, changes in pore structure, and reduction in w/c
– Increase sulfate resistance
– Control alkali-aggregate reaction
– Reduce chloride diffusion
– Reduce leaching and efflorescence
Linear expansion of concrete
exposed to standard ASTM tests
for sulphate attack or alkali-
aggregate reaction

(Mindess et al 2003)

Expansion limit
for AAR

Solid lines: w/c=0.5

Comparison of ASTM and BS-EN Standards
Portland C 150 – Spec for Portland 197-1: 2000 (SS EN 197-1: 2008)
cement cements CEM I – Portland cement
Blended C 595 – Spec for blended 197-1: 2000 (SS EN 197-1: 2008)
cements hydraulic cements CEM II – Portland comp. cem
C 1157 – Performance Spec CEM III – blastfurnace cem
for blended hydraulic CEM IV – pozzolanic cem
cements CEM V – composite cem
Mineral C 618 – Spec for coal fly ash 450-1: 2005 Fly ash for concrete
admixtures and raw or calcined natural – Definition, spec, and
pozzolans for use in concrete conformity criteria
C 989 – Spec for GGBFS for 15167-1: 2006 (SS EN 15167: 2008)
use in concrete and mortars Ground granulated blast furnace
slag for use in concrete, mortars,
and grouts
C 1240 – Spec for silica fume 13263-1: 2005 Silica fume for
used in cementitious concrete
BS-EN Cement Types
Mechanical and Physical Requirements (BS-EN 197-1)

N – ordinary early strength

R – high early strength
Chemical Requirements (BS-EN 197-1)
Reading Assignment
• Chapter 6, Water, pp. 115 – 120

• Chapter 7, Aggregates
– Section 7.1, properties required for concrete mix design,
pp. 122-140

• Electronic teaching materials

– Aggregates
Recycled Concrete Aggregates
• Produced by
– Breaking up and removing old concrete from structures
– Crushing the materials
– Removing reinforcement & embedded
– Washing and screen (other methods to
remove mortars)
• Aggregate properties
– Similar to crushed rock in particle shape
– Much higher water absorption than virgin aggregates
– Specific gravity ~ 5-10% lower than virgin aggregates
– Good quality original concrete generally produces good
quality recycled concrete aggregates
Recycled Concrete Aggregates
• Fresh concrete properties
– Higher water demand
– Higher cement content required
– Lower workability and greater slump loss
• Hardened concrete properties

Compressive strength
Tensile strength
Modulus of elasticity
Drying shrinkage
Depth of carbonation
Comparison of ASTM and BS-EN Standards
Aggregate C 33 – Spec for concrete BS-EN 12620: 2002 (SS EN 12620: 2009)
aggregates (not including (including natural, manufactured, and
lightweight, heavyweight, and recycled aggregates with density >
recycled aggregates) 2000kg/m3)

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