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Review Article: Prevention of Dementia: Focus On Lifestyle

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International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

Volume 2010, Article ID 393579, 9 pages

Review Article
Prevention of Dementia: Focus on Lifestyle

Maria Cristina Polidori,1 Gereon Nelles,2 and Ludger Pientka1

1 Department of Geriatrics, Marienhospital Herne, Ruhr University Bochum, 44627 Herne, Germany
2 Department of Neurology, St. Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Köln, 50935 Cologne, Germany

Correspondence should be addressed to Maria Cristina Polidori,

Received 8 February 2010; Accepted 10 May 2010

Academic Editor: Vincenzo Solfrizzi

Copyright © 2010 Maria Cristina Polidori et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

The objective of this paper is to summarize current knowledge on the possible advantages of lifestyle interventions, with particular
attention to physical fitness, cognitive activity, leisure and social activity as well as nutrition. There is a large amount of published
papers providing partial evidence and asserting the need for immediate, appropriate preventive lifestyle measures against dementia
and AD development. Nevertheless, there are currently great difficulties in drafting effective guidelines in this field. This depends
mainly upon lack of randomized controlled trials assessing benefits versus risks of particular lifestyle interventions strategies.
However, due to the rapid increase of dementia burden, lifestyle factors and their amelioration should be already made part of
decision making in light of their health-maintaining effects while awaiting for results of well-designed large prospective cohort
studies in dementia.

1. A Brief Update on (AD). If on one hand these numbers are impressive enough,
the Epidemiology of Dementia there is a striking possibility of underestimation, not only in
developing countries, due to factors likely prevalent among
In developed countries, the percentage of subjects aged 60 dementia patients and their relatives, such as inadequate
years and older will increase from 19% currently to almost diagnosis, lack of awareness, and low education [4].
40% in year 2050 [1]. About three-quarters of the 1.2 billion Dementia is one of the most common diseases in the
over-60 year-old subjects, however, will reside in the least elderly, with crude prevalence rates between 5.9%–9.4% for
developed and developing countries by 2025 [2]. Important subjects aged over 65 in the European Union [5]. The lowest
with this trend is that the older population itself ages, as age- and gender-specific prevalence of all-causes dementia
the group of very old people (aged 80 years and older) reported in the literature is 61.1% among women aged
is projected to grow as much as eight to ten times on 100 or greater [6], so that the question “if we live long
the global scale by 2050 [3]. These projections lead to the enough, will we all be demented?” is becoming a gravely
alarming figure of a steady, apparently unavoidable increase recurrent one [7, 8]. Dementia drastically affects daily life
of certain age-related diseases including neurodegenerative and everyday personal activities, is often associated with
diseases in general and dementia in particular. General behavioural symptoms, personality change, and numerous
practitioners, geriatricians, neurologists, and health care clinical complications, it increases the risk for urinary incon-
professionals all over the world will be facing by 2040 the tinence, hip fracture, and—most markedly—dependence on
diagnostic, therapeutic and socioeconomical challenges of nursing care. Thus, it is not surprising that the costs of care
over 80 million people with dementia, 70% of which will for patients with dementia are immense [9].
be residing in the least developed world countries. There are
currently 18 million people with dementia in Europe, Africa, 2. The Meaning of Prevention in Dementia
Asia and Latin America, and nearly 29 million demented
subject are predicted by 2020 [2]. In 2007, more than 5 Prevention is key of every public health-related policy.
million people in the US suffered from Alzheimer’s disease The impressive growth of dementia in terms of incidence
2 International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease


Early-life deleterious conditions

Genetic influence lack of early education
Dementia risk
Inborn physical attributes Environmental stress

Vascular risk factors:
Lifestyle factors:
Physical activity, cognitive activity, social activity and nutrition

Figure 1: Network of factors possibly and/or certainly influencing dementia risk. Factors specifically addressed in this paper are highlighted
in bold.

and prevalence occurred in the past recent years and its Finally, a great deal of attention is being dedicated to the
prospected epidemic mark for the immediate future are identification and modulation of those factors which have
not the only features characterizing this disease. The other a large potential to be modified before the onset (primary
imposing trait of dementia is the lack of effective curative prevention) or during the course (secondary prevention) of
and prevention strategies, made worse by the uncertain the disease. These include vascular and lifestyle factors (Fig-
diagnosis and the insufficient standardization of screening ure 1). Among vascular risk factors, considerable evidence
tools. While current therapeutic aspects of dementia were from randomized controlled trials and longitudinal cohort
recently extensively discussed elsewhere [10], the identifica- studies has established the relationship between hyper-
tion of a multimodal approach might help to balancing and tension and dementia as well as between hyperlipidemia
complementing the massive pharmacological efforts (mainly and dementia. Both systolic hypertension above 160 mmHg
focused on directly influencing the amyloidogenic pathway and serum cholesterol above 6.5 mmol/L are known to be
in the brain) usually considered as the principle antide- associated with an increased RR of 1.5 and 2.1 to develop
mentia, cognition-maintaining strategy, which however are AD (reviewed in [15]). Based on the recommendations of
associated with several major pitfalls. the Third Canadian Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and
This paper will focus on specific aspects of dementia Treatment of Dementia held in March 2006, treating systolic
prevention. Prevention appears to be particularly promi- hypertension in over 60-year-old subjects to achieve a value
nent among antidementia strategies not only—negatively of 140 mmHg and below will reduce the risk of dementia
seen—due to the lack of cure for dementia, but mainly— with a first level of evidence [15]. By contrast, the same
constructively approached—because it can be carried out Consensus agreed that acetylsalicylic acid, statin therapy and
within a multidimensional scheme with the highest chances carotid artery stenosis reopening on a first level of evidence
of success if adopted in the early adulthood. Primary as well as control of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia
prevention is directed against dementia prior to its biological and hyperhomocysteinemia on a second level of evidence
onset or against dementia’s risk factors, while secondary should not be recommended with the single specific purpose
prevention refers to the early detection of asymptomatic of reducing the risk of dementia [15].
disease, although the US Preventive Services Task Force To avoid redundancies, and in light of the large amount
suggests there is insufficient evidence to support instituting of review articles recently published on nonmodifiable and
a universal dementia screening [11]. Syndromes of cognitive vascular risk factors for dementia as well as on low-evidence
impairment in nondemented older adults have been the preventive effects of medications such as nonsteroidal anti-
focus of studies aiming to identify subjects at high risk inflammatory drugs, estrogen and vitamin supplements, and
to develop dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is single micro/macronutrients [9, 13–15], we chose to dedi-
characterized by isolated memory deficits in nondemented cate the following paragraphs to those measures generally
persons with subjective memory problems, normal general referred to as lifestyle factors. Smoking and drinking habits
cognitive functioning, and intact activities of daily living are purposefully left out for the certain negative effects of
[12]. In the attempt of avoiding dementia development, there the former and only possibly positive effects of the latter,
are several risk factors to be taken into account (Figure 1), if consumed in moderate quantities [16–18]. In contrast
some of which are nonmodifiable and include age with to the large amount of published overview and original
age-influencing early-life deleterious conditions [13], gender, articles providing partial evidence and asserting the need
and genetic influence [14]. In addition, there are several for immediate, appropriate preventive lifestyle measures
inborn physical attributes, factors such as illiteracy and lack against dementia and AD development, however, there are
of early education, environmental stress, as well as fortuitous currently great difficulties in drafting effective guidelines in
circumstances including accidents and traumas that have this field [19]. This depends mainly upon lack of randomized
been associated with increased risk for dementia [13, 15]. controlled trials assessing benefits versus risks of particular
International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 3

lifestyle interventions. In the phenomenologic continuum of (walked blocks, climbed stairs and expended total kilocalo-
later life cognitive decline leading to the very high prevalence ries) [34]. Cognitive decline occurred indeed in 17%, 18%,
of dementia, cognitive reserve plays an inescapable role. 22%, and 24% of those in the highest, third, second, and
Evolution has shaped the human brain through the use lowest quartile of blocks walked per week. After adjustment
of genes, but learning, environment and lifestyle allow the for age, educational level, comorbid conditions, smoking
necessary reserve for the brain’s multiple, complex, and status, estrogen use, and functional limitation, women in
redundant roles and functions. Nutritional, behavioural, the highest quartile remained less likely than women in the
physical, and cognitive rules are likely to be most effective lowest quartile to develop cognitive decline [34]. However,
to delay the onset of a disease whose various severity grades the self-reported nature of the performed physical exercise
typically constitute a continuum and often take decades to and the low specificity of the cognitive tests used in several
translate from normal brain aging, to subjective cognitive studies still potentially impair the reproducibility of the
impairment, to mild cognitive impairment and finally to results. This might explain the lack of benefit of physical
dementia in its mild, moderate or severe forms. exercise in preserving cognitive function observed elsewhere
The objective of this paper is therefore to summarize cur- [35]. Even in this negative study, however, dancing was
rent knowledge on the possible advantages of lifestyle inter- found to be associated with a lower risk of dementia [35].
ventions, with particular attention to physical fitness, cogni- Larson and colleagues, who reported that regular exercise is
tive activity, leisure and social activity as well as nutrition. associated with a delay in onset of dementia and AD in a
Literature retrieval was accessed through PubMed using the population of 1740 persons aged 65 years followed up for
keywords physical activity/exercise, leisure/cognitive/social over 6 years [31], saw the main limitation of their study in
activity, as well as nutrition/diet and dementia. Major studies the self-reported way to address exercise frequency by study
published after 1990 were reviewed if they included changes participants.
in cognition and a late diagnosis of dementia and AD as an An objective measure of movement such as actigraphy,
outcome and addressed physical activity, cognitive activity, which involves wearing a watch-like device that objectively
social activity, and eating behaviors. quantifies accelerometer motion, might be therefore more
appropriate to assess the influence of physical training on
cognitive measures. A recent study conducted on 2736
3. Lifestyle-Related Risk Factors for Dementia older women without evidence of dementia undergoing the
and Possible Effects of their Modification assessment of daytime movement over 3 days as assessed
by actigraphy, women in the highest movement quartiles
3.1. Physical Activity. Physical activity has been suggested to had significantly better mean cognitive test scores than those
attenuate the pathophysiology of dementia. “Physical activ- in the lowest quartile and were less likely to be cognitively
ity” refers to “usual care plus physical activity.” Patients and impaired (odds ratio (OR) = 0.61, 95% confidence interval
families often ask the physician whether exercise will improve (CI) = 0.41–0.92 for Trails B; OR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.44–1.07
their memory or prevent dementia. Regular physical exercise for MMSE) [48]. When 134 nursing home residents with AD
is an important element in overall health promotion and where divided in two groups undergoing either usual care
studies conducted since early 90’s showed that it might be or collective exercise for 60 minutes twice a week, a slower
an effective strategy to delay the onset of dementia through disability decline and increased gait speed were shown after
sustained cerebral perfusion [20]. More recently, Colcombe 12 months of intervention in the group undergoing collective
and Kramer [21] showed that reduced loss of hippocampal exercise compared to the usual care group [49].
brain tissue in the aging brain is related to the level of physical In summary, studies produced so far in the field of
fitness, in agreement with animal studies also showing physical activity and dementia prevention (either primary or
increased brain cortical thickness with voluntary exercise secondary) in the elderly are not comparable and guidelines
[22] and other positive brain changes ultimately leading for the primary and secondary prevention of dementia
to a preventive effect, with physical activity, on inflam- cannot be drafted. This is due to the self-addressed nature
matory pathways and disturbed growth factor signalling of cognitive performance and performed physical activity as
[23]. The encouraging results of these studies prompted the well as to the populations studied (mainly nursing home
performance of longitudinal and randomized trials, which residents [49], compliance, to the time-window of applied
overall confirm that physical exercise enhances cognitive physical intervention, and, in general, to the dyshomogeneity
function in older adults [24–33] (Table 1). The association of the methods applied. Physical activity training ranges
between physical and cognitive function in elderly persons from 150 min five times per week to 20 min three times per
found in several studies has been limited by their cross- week). Occupational therapies sometimes included in studies
sectional design and by the frequent lack of adjustment on physical activity and dementia prevention also confound
for potential confounding variables. In a prospective study results on the latter issue, as no or insufficient evidence is
of 5925 women aged 65 years or older without baseline present for the efficacy of counselling the primary caregiver
cognitive impairment or physical limitations, cognitive of dementia patients about maintaining the patient’s cogni-
performance measured by a modified Mini-Mental State tive or functional abilities, respectively [50]. The possibility
Examination (MMSE) at baseline and 6 to 8 years later was that physical activity may substantially enhance the brain
shown to remain substantially stable at follow-up in those reserve [51] of the individual is also a critical one which
women performing the highest degree of physical activity needs to be carefully explored. However, future research in
4 International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

Table 1: RCT and prospective cohort studies on the effects of physical activity, cognitive and social activity, and natural nutrition on
cognition and or dementia risk in healthy or demented patients aged 70 years and older.

Diagnosis Design Number Outcome Intervention/Measure Results

Mild Dementia Strength training or
Improved MMSE with
Baum et al. [24] (mean MMSE RCT 20 Cognition recreational therapy 6
physical activity
21/30) months
Severe Dementia
Van de Winkel Physical activity + music or Improved MMSE with
(mean MMSE RCT 15 Cognition
et al. [25] conversation 3 months physical activity
Prospective Better cognitive
cohort Physical activity and function/less cognitive
Weuve et al. [33] Healthy women 766 Cognition
Nerses’ walking decline with physical
Health Study activity and walking
Mild and Severe
Stevens and Physical activity or social Slower cognitive decline
Dementia (MMSE RCT 75 Clock drawing test
Killeen [26] visit or none with physical activity
Education and usual care
Lautenschlager Subjective memory (Modest) Cognitive
RCT 308 Dementia versus physical activity for
et al. [27] impairment improvement at 18 mos
6 mos
Balance versus general Cognitive improvement at
Brown et al. [28] Healthy subjects RCT 134 Cognition
training 6 months
Verghese et al. Prospective Physical activity versus Decreased risk for
Healthy subjects 469 Dementia
[29] Cohort Leisure/Cognitive Activity dementia
cohort Decreased risk for
Abbott et al. [30] Healthy subjects 2257 Dementia Physical activity, walking
Honolulu dementia
Asia Aging
Prospective Decreased risk for
Larson et al. [31] Healthy subjects 1740 Dementia Physical exercise
cohort dementia
Improvement of
Cassilhas et al. Moderate or High-level
Healthy subjects RCT 62 Cognition cognition with both levels
[32] resistance training
of resistance training
Scarmeas et al. Prospective Decreased risk for
Healthy subjects 1772 Dementia Leisure activities
[36] cohort dementia
Healthy subjects
Prospective Intellectual and social Decreased risk for
Wang et al. [37] Kungsholmen 152 Dementia
cohort stimulation dementia
Verghese et al. Prospective Decreased risk for
Healthy subjects 469 Dementia Leisure activities
[29] cohort dementia
Healthy subjects Decreased risk for
Prospective Mental, physical or social
Karp et al. [38] Kungsholmen 776 Dementia dementia with increasing
cohort activity versus two or more
project number of activities
Healthy subjects of Decreased risk for MCI
Verghese et al. Prospective
the Bronx Aging 437 Amnestic MCI Leisure activities with increasing number of
[35] cohort
Study activities
Verbal episodic memory
training versus Inductive
reasoning training versus Improved cognition with
Willis et al. [39] Healthy subjects RCT 2832 Cognition
visual search and any training type
identification training
versus no training
Helzner et al. Prospective
AD 287 Cognition Leisure activities No association
[40] cohort
Healthy subjects
Decreased risk for MCI
from Rush Prospective
Wilson et al. [41] 770 MCI Cognitive activities with increased cognitive
Memory and Aging cohort
International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 5

Table 1: Continued.
Diagnosis Design Number Outcome Intervention/Measure Results
Healthy subjects Decreased risk for
Karp et al. [42] Kungsholmen 931 Dementia Work complexity dementia with increasing
project work complexity
Decreased risk for
Healthy subjects
Prospective Neuroticism and dementia with low
Kungsholmen 506 Dementia
cohort extraversion neuroticism and high
Decreased risk for
Barberger-Gateau Prospective Fruit and vegetable intake dementia with high fruit,
Healthy subjects 8085 Dementia
et al. [43] Cohort versus fish and omega-3 fat vegetable, fish and
omega-3 fat intake
Daily intake of calories, Increased risk for AD with
Luchsinger et al. Prospective
Healthy subjects 980 AD carbohydrates, fats and increased caloric and fat
[44] Cohort
proteins intake
Prospective High versus low fruit and Slower cognitive decline
Morris et al. [45] Healthy subjects 1718 Cognition
Cohort vegetable intake with high vegetable intake
Adherence to Decreased risk for AD
Scarmeas et al. Prospective
Healthy subjects 2258 AD Mediterranean diet versus with increased adherence
[46, 47] Cohort
no adherence to Mediterranean diet
Prospective Nutritional folate, B12, B6
Morris et al. [45] Healthy subjects 1041 AD No association
Cohort vitamins

the efficacy of occupational therapy in elderly patient with subjects. Therefore, the current recommendations of regular
dementia is recommended. The type of exercise used in physical activity as a key component of successful aging
future studies should be carefully taken into account, as can be given to both healthy adults and to elderly subjects
three recent randomized exercise trials (reviewed in [51]) with and without cognitive impairment. While awaiting for
involving resistance training among seniors provide evidence the results of large ongoing randomized controlled trials in
that also resistance training, in addition to aerobic training, the coming decade, it is to recommend that persons with
may have cognitive benefits. This might be possible via MCI try to pursue a moderate but regular, variable exercise
mechanisms involving IGF-1 and homocysteine in addition program consisting of at least 30 minutes three times weekly
to those related to control of dyslipidemia, body mass index, of walking alternating with aerobically challenging exercise
and weight loss [52, 53]. and group sports.
No randomized controlled trials are available which
demonstrate that regular physical activity prevents dementia 3.2. Cognitive Activities, Leisure Activities, and Socialization.
in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Only one RCT The concept of cognitive reserve suggests that innate intel-
on 138 adults aged 50 years and older with subjective ligence or aspects of life experience like educational or
memory impairment showed that a 6-month program occupational attainments may supply reserve in the form
of physical activity provided a modest improvement in of a set of skills or repertoires that allows some people to
cognition over an 18-month follow-up period [27]. The cope with progressing AD pathology better than others [51].
issues of optimal strategy in terms of intensity, type and There is epidemiological evidence that lifestyle characterized
duration of the exercise remain matter of additional research. by engagement in leisure activities of intellectual and social
As most recently reviewed in the Cochrane Database System, nature is associated with slower cognitive decline in healthy
the results from one meta-analysis and two randomized elderly and may reduce the risk of incident dementia.
controlled trials suggest that there is insufficient evidence of There is also evidence from functional imaging studies that
the effectiveness of physical activity programs in managing or subjects engaging in such leisure activities can clinically
improving cognition, function, behaviour, depression, and tolerate more AD pathology. It is possible that aspects of life
mortality in people with dementia [54]. In addition, family experience like engagement in leisure activities may result in
caregiver outcomes and use of health care services are not functionally more efficient cognitive networks and therefore
reported in most of the studies published so far. provide a cognitive reserve that delays the onset of clinical
If on one hand there is insufficient evidence enabling to manifestations of dementia.
say whether or not physical activity programs are beneficial Intellectually challenging activity of various types has
for people with dementia, there is a wealth of relevant been associated with a reduced risk of dementia in lon-
articles on the best-designed and performed recent stud- gitudinal studies [29, 36, 38–42, 54] (Table 1), but there
ies confirming longitudinal and short-term RCT evidence are currently no published randomized controlled trials to
that physical activity improves cognitive function in older provide first level of evidence on this. Daily mental activities
6 International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

have been associated with a decreased risk (RR 0.59) of all- contained in fruits and vegetables, are important for the
cause dementia in the Kungsholmen Study [37, 42], while the protection against oxidative and nitrosative stress. These
Bronx Aging Study [35] demonstrated that a high level of processes have been associated with aging itself and the
participation in cognitive leisure activities is associated with pathophysiology of cognitive impairment and dementia [58].
a decreased risk of amnestic MCI in community dwellers. Decreased food intakes, eating behavior disturbances,
In the Washington Heights Study [36], participants who and loss of body weight are particularly significant problems
engaged in a higher level of leisure activities (self-reported among those with AD. A condition of malnutrition has been
participation in over 6 among 13 activities versus a low shown to be associated with a more rapid worsening of AD
activity level) in the previous month were less likely to [59]. However, most of the RCT and prospective cohort stud-
develop all-cause dementia. A recently published follow-up ies have focussed on dietary restriction, antioxidants, fish oil,
study of a RCT of cognitive training appeared to show sus- omega-3 fatty acid, and other supplements [60–62] rather
tained improvement in specific cognitive performance up to than on natural nutrition and diet, or are ongoing [63].
5 years after the intervention [39]. Wilson et al. [41] recently With the exception of one study [44], an association between
showed that continuous cognitive activation is associated high dietary antioxidant intake and a decreased risk for AD
with reduced evidence of MCI development and that the has been consistently reported [64]. Intervention trials of
level of cognitively stimulating activity in old age is related to antioxidant supplementation, however, have demonstrated
the risk of developing dementia. However, as in the previous no major benefit against cognitive impairment [65]. There
studies, the assessment and collection data of cognitive activ- are several reasons explaining this discrepancy [66]. One key
ity participation was performed through a pooled analysis point for it is the largely unexplored relationship between
of past and current frequency of participation in several intake of fruits and vegetables, antioxidant micronutrient
activities based upon a structured questionnaire containing status, a condition of oxidative stress, and cognitive perfor-
tens of items. The additional problem in the interpretation mance in healthy subjects. There are, however, some hints
of the results complicating the frequent inclusion of physical of biological interactions between these components after
activity among leisure activities is that the latter include evaluation of independent measurements in healthy subjects
extremely different stimuli going from reading books or [67, 68]. It is also likely that when the clinical symptoms
newspapers, to writing for pleasure, doing crossword puzzles, of AD appear a large proportion of neuronal cells might
playing board games or cards, participating in organized already be destroyed and therefore the intervention with
group discussions, and playing musical instruments, among antioxidants, especially when a single compound is used
others. Some of these activities intended as “cognitive” are instead of a micronutrient network, could come too late.
also social ones, and therefore the interpretation of their As far as dietary intervention in dementia prevention
role is biased by another important component of a good is concerned, it is now widely believed that the actions
cognitive performance, that is, socialization. of the antioxidant nutrients alone do not explain the
The effects of computer training and internet use have observed health benefits of diets rich in fruits and veg-
also been recently assessed in a randomized controlled trial etables, because taken alone, the individual antioxidants
on 240 healthy elderly participants undergoing either no and macro/micronutrients studied in clinical trials do not
training or three 4-hour training sessions over 2 weeks, appear to have consistent preventive effects [65]. Fruits
in which however no cognitive measures were taken into and vegetables are thought to represent the best source
account and no positive or negative influence on well- of antioxidant micronutrients due to synergisms of their
being measures was shown [55]. As in the case of physical components, because they may allow a better bioavailability
activity, the self-reported nature and personal interpretation of protective compounds than single vitamins, and due to
of leisure type as well as the short time of referral hinder the their low content in saturated fats. Recently, the effects of
full interpretation of the results. dietary counseling on fruit and vegetable intake as well
Once again, similarly to the preventive aspects of physical as of improved fruit and vegetable intake on the levels of
exercise, there are still a number of reasons that should circulating antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress
motivate physicians to encourage continuous cognitive were studied. One-hundred twenty-nine employees of a
stimulation in healthy and cognitively impaired subjects. University hospital followed a diet consisting of at least
These are based upon the “use it or loose it” concept and five portions of fruits and vegetables per day over three
include their role as a part of a healthy lifestyle. The latter months. Fruit and vegetable intake was monitored, counsel-
include the performance of cognitively stimulating activities ing sessions were offered and blood samples were obtained.
according to personal interests, abilities and education, Several antioxidants were measured over the course of the
and, in demented patients, the prescription of activities study along with biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and
that reduce passive behaviors and increase engagement to protein oxidation. A significant increase in several plasma
cognitive and physical activities [56]. antioxidant micronutrients in the absence of changes of
biomarkers of oxidative stress during the course of the study
3.3. Diet. There is strong epidemiologic evidence that, in this health-conscious study population (mostly females,
together with physical inactivity, a poor diet is one of the relatively young, well educated) was observed [69]. These
leading causes of death for Americans [57]. Diet therefore results suggest that a nutritional counseling program can lead
plays a crucial role in prevention of age-related chronic to improvement in plasma antioxidant status even in a health
disease. Bioactive compounds like antioxidants, mostly conscious population of professionals, in which a relevant
International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 7

decrease in biomarkers of oxidative stress is not to be importance. If effective prevention strategies could be iden-
expected. In patients with a typical age-related disease such tified and standardized, the biomarker [71] as well as the
as AD, showing increased circulating levels of biomarkers of cognitive [19] and general [72] assessment of preclinical
oxidative stress, a targeted nutritional intervention aimed at dementia pathology might be included among other screen-
increasing plasma antioxidant levels and at decreasing the ing tools in the field of preventive medicine.
ongoing condition of oxidative stress might prove beneficial Due to the rapid increase of dementia burden, lifestyle
in addition to standard therapeutic options. factors described above as well as their amelioration should
To follow the natural evolution of dietary and nutrition already be part of decision making while awaiting for results
status among elderly community-dwelling adults with AD, of large prospective cohort studies. Insufficient evidence to
Shatenstein et al. [63] prospectively studied 36 community- make a firm recommendation against dementia development
dwelling patients in early stages of AD and 58 age-matched is due to the lack of coordination of preventive strategies
cognitively intact community-based controls over a 18- and should not be used as a reason to disregard key
months period. In this study, nutrient intakes from diet and components of a healthy behaviour enabling both elderly
supplements were higher in control subjects, with significant subjects to remain cognitively fit or patients with dementia
differences in energy, the macronutrients calcium, iron, zinc, to slow disease progression. Dementia is not a destiny, and
vitamin K, vitamin A, and dietary fiber as well as n-3 and n-6 by influencing lifestyle a likely significant decrease of the
fatty acids [63]. The authors suggested that suboptimal diet number of patients (prevalence) as well as delay of the disease
is early in the onset of the disease and that AD patients would manifestation (incidence) will be achieved.
benefit from systematic dietary assessment and intervention
to prevent further deterioration in food consumption and
increased nutritional risk. Disclosure Statement for Authors
In a prospective cohort study of over 3,700 older
There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest to dis-
participants of the Chicago Health and Age Project, high
close (including any financial, personal, or other relation-
vegetable consumption was associated with a slower rate
ships with other people or organizations within three years
of cognitive decline over six years after adjusting for age,
of beginning the work).
gender, race, education, cardiovascular-related conditions
and risk factors [45]. In this study, the consumption of
green leafy vegetables, rich in antioxidant micronutrients like Acknowledgment
carotenoids, showed the strongest inverse linear association
with the rate of cognitive decline. The specific protection M. C. Polidori is a Fellow of the Robert-Bosch Foundation
shown by vegetables and particularly by the green leafy ones (Forschungskolleg Geriatrie Grant no. 32.5.1141.0016.0),
appears to be in disagreement with the concept that fruit and Stuttgart, Germany.
vegetable consumption might be beneficial in the frame of
a generally healthy lifestyle, as health-conscious individuals
tend to consume both fruits and vegetables. References
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supplements, foods, or diets for the prevention of AD [44]. comparability of burden of disease estimates: the European
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aspects of the patient about which dementia care profession- 2008.
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