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Hydrolysis and Polycondensation of Ethyl Silicates. 1. Effect of PH and Catalyst On The Hydrolysis and Polycondensation of Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, IO (1993) 239-251 239

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Hydrolysis and polycondensation of ethyl silicates.

1. Effect of pH and catalyst on the hydrolysis and
polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)

J. CihlZ
Technical University of Brno, Technickci 2,616 69 Brno, Czechoslovakia

(Received 5 June 1992; accepted 15 September 1992)


The effect of pH and of catalysts on the course of the hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) in
water-ethanol solution was studied with the aid of chromatography, potentiometry and gelation tests. Strong acids (HCI,
HCIO,, HNO,, H,SO,, p-toluenesulphonic acid), weak acids (Cl,CCOOH, (COOH),, ClCH,COOH, CH,COOH,
HCOOH) and LiOH were used as catalysts. The rate of hydrolysis depended on the pH of the solution and not on the
chemical structure of the catalyst. The hydrolysis was both acid and base catalysed and its rate was at a minimum
at pH 7.0.
The rate of condensation of the reaction products of the hydrolysis of TEOS (water-ethanol solutions of ethoxyhy-
droxysiloxanes) was at a minimum at a pH of about 2.0. The condensation was both acid and base catalysed and was
markedly accelerated by both HF and H, P04.

Keywords: Condensation; hydrolysis; kinetics; pH; tetraethoxysilane.


Reactions of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with -Si-OEt + Hz 0

water have recently attracted considerable atten- I
tion from the point of view of the sol-gel processes I
hydrolysis oi TEOS
applied in the preparation of glass ceramics. The . -Si-OH + EtOH (1)
data obtained have also led to a better understand- I
ing of the physicochemical processes taking place
during the reactions of TEOS with water, which
eventually lead to the formation of SiOz gels [l].
-Si-OEt + HO-Si-
If the transformation of TEOS into silica gel
takes place in a water-ethanol medium, the process
can be described schematically at the level of the alcohol condensation
. -Si-O-Si- + EtOH (2)
functional groups by means of Eqns (l)-(3): alcoholysis

0921-7751/93/$06.00 0 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

240 J. Cihlbf/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251

I I and the preceding formation of silanol groups by

-Si-OH + HO-Si- hydrolysis. The other very important factor is the
water-ethanol medium in which the pH of the
TEOS reaction solutions was measured.
water condensation
k -Si-O-Si- + HZ0 (3) On the basis of the above data from the literature
hydrolysis of sdoxane
I I the following aims have been set for the present
The alcohol or water hydrolysis and (poly)con- (1) to elaborate a method of measuring the pH
densation reactions presented above are included of the reaction products of TEOS hydrolysis and
in the fundamental reactions that bring about the polycondensation;
conversion of TEOS to silica gel. In the course of (2) to study the effect of pH on TEOS hydrolysis
this conversion a wide range of intermediates is and polycondensation;
formed which belong to the category of ethoxysi- (3) to study the effects of acid and base catalysts
lanes, ethoxysiloxanes or ethoxyhydroxysiloxanes on TEOS hydrolysis and polycondensation.
[2-4]. Their structures and molecular weights
determine the properties of the intermediates (SiOl
~01s) or final products (SiOZ gels). Thus the rates
of hydrolysis and polycondensation determine the
structure and instantaneous properties of the pro-
ducts of the TEOS-water reaction. These rates
Prior to application, the tetraethoxysilane
depend on the reaction conditions, especially on
(TEOS pure, Alfa) was purified by vacuum distilla-
the pH of the reaction solution. The dependence
tion. The theoretical content of SiOZ was 28.5 wt%
of condensation rate (or of gelation time) on pH
and the Si02 content established by analysis was
has been investigated thoroughly for water solu-
28.5 wt%.
tions of silicic acid and the results have been
Ethanol (EtOH) and isopropanol (i-PrOH)
summarized in the familiar Iler graph [S].
(pure, Lachema), desiccated over calcium and then
It follows from this graph that the condensation
rate in solutions of strong acids is at a maximum distilled, were used as solvents. The substances
(pure, Alfa) used as acid catalysts of the
for pH ranging from 6 to 7, and at a minimum for
the pH ranging from 1.5 to 2.0. In the alkaline TEOS reactions with water were HCl, HNO,,
HISOs, HClO,, p-toluenesulphonic acid (PTSA),
region the condensation rate of silicic acid falls
sharply and at pH above 11 it is not condensation (COOH), , Cl,CCOOH, ClCH, COOH, HF,
that takes place but a reverse reaction (depolymeri- CHJCOOH, HCOOH, H3 PO4 and HCl/LiCl
solution. The base catalyst LiOH was also used.
zation or hydrolysis of Si-0-Si bonds). It is logical
to assume that an analogous dependence of con-
densation rate on the pH of the solution also holds Techniques and methods
for the reaction solution of TEOS [l]. However,
the results obtained from an examination of the Reaction of TEOS with water
effect of pH on the condensation rate of water-al- The reaction of TEOS with water (hydrolysis)
cohol solutions of TEOS [S-S] do not agree with took place in a stirred laboratory batch reactor at
Iler’s conclusions [S]. This discrepancy may be a constant temperature of 25°C for a period of
due to the complex mechanism of the TEOS 2-5 h. Reaction conditions, i.e. initial concen-
reaction with water, which includes not only con- tration of TEOS (c&~~), initial concentration of
densation in the presence of silane groups but also water (c&o), the type (acid HA or base B) and
condensation in the presence of Si-OEt groups concentration (cuA or cg) of the catalysts, the SiO,
J. CihW/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251 241

concentration and the dissociation constant pk,, .O

are given in Table 1.

Study of hydrolysis kinetics by gas

The content of low molecular weight reaction
components (H,O and EtOH) in the reaction
solutions was determined on a Chrom 5 gas chro-
matograph (Laboratorni pfistroje) equipped with .O
a thermal conductivity detector and a stainless
steel column (2500 x 3 mm*) filled with Porapak IO0 200 300
Temperature of ln~ectton Chamber TC]
QS. The carrier gas was hydrogen or helium, with
a flow rate of 25 ml min- ‘. During the hydrolysis Fig. 1. Dependence of water and ethanol contents in the
of TEOS, samples of the reaction solutions were reaction solutions containing the hydrolysed TEOS on the
temperature of the chromatograph injection chamber.
removed and injected into the column. The water
(ethanol) content of the samples was evaluated by
the absolute calibration method [9]. The temper- in the temperature range lOO-200°C. It is only at
atures of the column and of the injection chamber higher temperatures that the contents of the two
were maintained at 140°C. The temperature of the components increase. Thus it can be assumed that
injection chamber was selected by plotting the at an injection chamber temperature of 140°C
dependence of the content of water and ethanol in there is only evaporation of water and ethanol
the reaction solutions on the injection chamber from the reaction solutions. The functional groups
temperature. It follows from the graph (Fig. 1) that (SiOH and SiOEt) bonded in the products of the
the contents of water and ethanol remain constant TEOS-water reaction were markedly liable to


Reaction conditions of TEOS hydrolysis and condensation

Reaction Catalyst cHA or cn CRos csioz c&o PKHA

no. HA or B (mol I-‘) (mol I-‘) (mol I-‘) (mol I-‘)

1 HCI 0.01 2.14 2.14 4.4 -7.0

2 H,SOb 0.01 2.14 2.14 4.4 -3.0
3 HNO, 0.01 2.14 2.14 4.4 -1.8
4 HClO, 0.01 2.14 2.14 4.4 > - 7.0
5 PTSA 0.01 2.14 2.14 4.3 ZO
6 CI,CCOOH 0.05 2.14 2.14 4.3 0.89
7 (COOH), 0.05 2.14 2.14 4.3 1.25
8 H,PO, 0.1 2.14 2.14 4.3 2.12
9 HF 0.1 2.13 2.13 4.4 3.17
10 CICH,COOH 0.1 2.13 2.13 4.4 3.17
II CH,COOH 0.15 2.13 2.13 4.3 4.16
12 HCOOH 0.24 2.17 2.17 4.4 3.75
13 HCI 0.04 2.14 2.14 4.3
14 HCl/LiCl 1~10-3/9*10-3 2.0 2.0 4.2
15 HCl/LiCl 4. 1O-4/96* IO-“ 2.0 2.0 4.2
16 HCl/LiCl 4 * lo-4/99 * 10-d 2.0 2.0 4.2
I7 HCl/LiCl 5. lo-5/995* lo-5 2.0 2.0 4.2
18 LiOH 0.01 2.19 2.19 4.4
242 J. CihlS/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251

undergo hydrolysis or condensation only at injec- Determining the pH value

tion chamber temperatures exceeding 200°C. The pH values of solutions of hydrolysed TEOS
Water concentration values at the beginning of or of water-ethanol solutions of the acids were
the reaction (c&o) and during the reaction (c&o) measured with a pH meter equipped with glass
were used to evaluate the water conversion x&o and calomel electrodes. The pH meter was cal-
and the hydrolysis rate constant kH. The conver- ibrated in the range from 1.68 to 9.2 with the aid
sion of water (as a percentage) was calculated by of aqueous standards.
using the relationship
Determining phophorus bonded in SiOz gel
c&o - c&o
xL,cJ = (4) The sample of SiOZ gel produced by TEOS
hydrolysis and condensation in the presence of
The initial hydrolysis rate t$ (mol l- ’ sp ‘) was H,P04 was extracted five times with anhydrous
calculated from the time dependence of the concen- ethanol. Phosphorus was determined by means of
tration of water in the reaction mixture by numeri- analytical microscopy (Jeol JXA 840 A).
cal differentiation
0; = dcu*o
( dt 1t=o
pH of water-ethanol solutions of hydrolysed TEOS
with subsequent calculation of the initial rate con-
stant of the hydrolysis kH (1 mall’ SiOZ SK’) The measurement of pH in non-aqueous media
is related to the choice of a standard condition
(6) that would hold for both aqueous and non-aqueous
media. The acidity scale conceived in this way (the
where so-called absolute acidity scale) assumes the poten-
tial of the standard hydrogen electrode to be zero,
cSi02 = c&OS = 4CgiOEt (7)
independent of the solvent in which the measure-
being the initial concentration of SiOEt. ment takes place, or, in other words, it assumes
the activity of dissociated particles (hydrogen ions)
Polycondensation of hydrolytic products of TEOS to be independent of the solvent [lo]. The activity
The reaction solutions obtained by TEOS of hydrogen ions in an arbitrary medium or the
hydrolysis were kept in closed bottles at a temper- value of pa, is given by the relationships
ature of 25°C. At regular weekly intervals the
solutions were checked for their water and ethanol aH = mHYH,sYH,m (9)
contents, viscosity and pH (or pH’). The gelation
paH = -log aH (10)
time t, was established from the viscosity vs time
plot. The condensation rate constant kK (1 mol-’ where mH is the molality of hydrogen ions, yH,s is
Si02 s ‘) was calculated from t, by means of the the so-called salt effect and yH,,, is the medium
relationship effect. The value of yu,$ can be determined by
means of the Debye-Hiickel equation [lo]. Deter-
kK= ’ (8) mining the value of yu,m has, however, met with
f(f - 2)c0 4 difficulties that have not yet been overcome and
where c&os is the initial concentration of TEOS which are connected with determining the solva-
(mol SiO, l- ’ ) and f is the functionality of TEOS. tion energy of the hydrogen ion [l 11. Thus the
The value f = 2.05, reported by Bechtold et al. [3], absolute acidity scale, which holds for all solvents,
has also been confirmed by our kinetic studies. cannot be applied. In amphiprotic solvents, which
J. C~hi~~/Colla~dsSurfaces A: Physicochem. Erg. Aspeets 70 (1993) 239-251 243

include not only water but also aliphatic alcohols, the value of pH differs little from that of pH* since
it is possible to use a cell made up of a glass and the two components of 6 (diffusion potential and
a reference (e.g. calomel) electrode [12] for the medium effect) compensate each other [14]. For
measurement of pH. To calibrate this cell, standard higher concentrations of EtOH the difference
buffers of the same solvent composition as the between pH and pH* increases and for pure EtOH
solution to be measured can be used. The measure- 6 is -2.36 units of pH.
ment procedure is practically the same as for the The working value of pH* in water-ethanol
measurement of pH in water solutions. Under solutions, which is an expression of the activity of
optimum conditions (when the composition and the hydrogen ions, can thus be obtained by
acidity of the solution measured are close to the subtracting 6, which corresponds to the ethanol
composition and acidity of the standard) the value content in the solution, from the pH value obtained
pH* is obtained, which is approximately equal to with the aid of a pH meter calibrated with use of
paf (i.e. the activity of hydrogen ions in non- aqueous standards.
aqueous media). The effect of water content on the pH of water-
Between the pH* and the pH of water-alcohol ethanol solutions of HCl is apparent from Fig. 2.
solutions, the following relationship holds: The pH of ethanol-water solutions with a con-
stant HCl concentration (cHc, = 1.5. lo-’ mall-‘)
pH*=pH-6 (11)
rise steeply over the concentration range
where pH* characterizes the activity of hydrogen O-15 vol.% HZ0 and it reaches a maximum value
ions, referred to standard conditions in a solvent in the concentration range 15530 vol.% H, 0. With
of the same composition as the solution measured, increasing water content the pH rises slightly and
pH corresponds to the value obtained from an with a water content exceeding 60 vol.% it remains
instrument calibrated with aqueous buffers, and 6 constant. This pH value practically corresponds to
represents the correction parameter. The parameter the Vahe -loge,,, (1.8 pH unit).
6 includes the so-called diffusion potential E, and In the ethanol/water/hydrolysed TEOS solution
the medium effect yu_, according to the relationship with an HCl concentration of 1.5. 1O-2 mol l-l the
behaviour of the pH over the water content ranges
6 = &I - log YH.m (12)
O-l 5 vol.% H, 0 and 60-100 vol.% H,O is practi-
For water-ethanol solutions of HCl, the depen-
dence of 6 on the EtOH content in the solution
was evaluated [ 131. The results are given in Table 2.
Within the range O-80 wt% EtOH in the solution


Dependence of 6 on ethanol content in water-alcohol solutions

EtOH content 6
(wt%) (pH units)

0 0 0.5 - A EtOH/H~O/HCI - H,O/HCI
20 - 0.02 . TEOSIEfGti/H,O/HCI H,O
35 0.10
50 0.2 1 L4 -
65 0.24 0 20 40 60 80
80 water conrent Iv01 %J
90 - 0.40 Fig. 2. Dependence of pH on water content in water-ethanol
100 - 2.36 solutions of HCl.
244 J. CihkifjColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251

tally the same as in the preceding case. From Fig. 2 a solution of TEOS hydrolysed in the presence
it is further apparent that the dependence of pH of oxalic acid is given in Fig. 4. In the EtOH/H,O/
on the water content is the same as in the preceding hydrolysed TEOS solution which had a constant
cases if water is added to hydrolysed TEOS up to concentration of oxalic acid (cuA = 5.1 lo-’ l

a concentration of 15 vol.%. With the water con- mol l- ‘), the pH decreased continuously with
centration in the solutions under investigation increasing water content, the minimum value being
ranging from 10 to 15 vol.% H2 0 the pH was reached when the water content was above
practically constant, having a value which, after 70 vol.%. If, instead of an aqueous solution of
deducting 0.1 pH unit, corresponded to -log cuci. (COOH),, water was added to the TEOS hydroly-
The pH value of a water-ethanol solution of TEOS sate, the two relationships were identical up to a
hydrolysate containing 12.5 vol.% H, 0 reduced by water content of 20 vol.%. Similar relationships
0.1 pH unit was designated as the pH’. Similar between the pH and the water content were also
results were also obtained for other strong acids obtained for TEOS solutions hydrolysed in the
(HClO,, HNO,, HzS04 and PTSA). presence of other weak acids (H,PO,, HF,
The relationship between the water content and Cl, CCOOH, CICHz COOH, CH, COOH and
the activity of hydrogen ions in water-ethanol HCOOH).
solutions of I-ICI (expressed with the aid of pH* The pH’ values of water-ethanol solutions of
or with the aid of Eqn (11)) can be seen in Fig. 3. TEOS hydrolysates containing weak acids given
In water-ethanol solutions of ethanol/water/hy- in Table 4 need not, in contrast to strong acids,
drolysed TEOS with a constant HCl concentration, reflect the activities of hydrogen ions in the solu-
pH* is almost constant over the whole concen- tions since they can also include the effect of the
tration range of cH,o and is approximately equal water-ethanol medium on the dissociation con-
to -log cHcI. The same also holds for hydrolysed stants of the weak acids.
TEOS with a water content of up to 20 wt%. Thus
the pH’ also represents an approximate expression Hydrolysis of TEOS
for the activity of hydrogen ions in solutions of Figure 5 gives the values of time vs water
hydrolysed TEOS containing strong acids. concentration in the course of a TEOS hydrolysis
The dependence of pH on the water content in catalysed by strong acids (HCl, HNO,, HClO, or



0 20 40 b0 80
water ctmmt peaI XI

Fig. 3. Dependence of pH* on water content in water-ethanol Fig. 4. Dependence of pH on water content in water-ethanol
solutions of HCI. solutions of (COOH),.
J. Cihl6f/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251 245

Fig. 6). Maximum water conversion values of 87%

l H,SO,
or 89% were obtained in 72 h and 192 h respec-
f~ HNO, tively. Weak acids (chloroacetic, formic and acetic
acids) proved to have little effect as catalysts of the
hydrolysis even at concentrations from 0.1 to
0.24 mol 1- ’ (Fig. 7). The hydrolysis took a very
long time and the rate constants of the hydrolysis
were low (kH = 2.4. lop5 1mol-’ SiO, s-l,
2.8 * 10e5 1mol-” SiO, s-‘, or 1.0. 10V6 1 mol-’
SiOZ s-l for chloroacetic, formic or acetic acids
respectively). In spite of that, the maximum conver-
0 20 40 60 80 100
sion of water reached values from 86% to 89%.
Reactton Ttme fm!nl
The TEOS hydrolysis catalysed with H3P04 and
Fig. 5. Dependence of water concentration on reaction time HF was sufficiently fast (kH = 1.2 - low3 1mol-’
during hydrolysis of TEOS catalysed by strong acids. SiO, s-l and 6.7. 10m41mall’ SiOZ s-i respec-
tively), but with the low degree of hydrolysis
PTSA) with a concentration of 0.01 mol 1-l.The obtained (x;$ = 46% and 70% respectively) the
concentration of water dropped abruptly about hydrolysates were liable to gelation. The effect of
10 min after the beginning of the reaction. The pH’ on the speed of TEOS hydrolysis can be seen
subsequent decrease was slow and after 2.5 h at in Fig. 8 and Tables 3 and 4. HCI and LiOH,
the most the hydrolysis was practically over concentration 0.01 mol l- ‘, and HCl/LiCl solu-
(Fig. 5). The HzO/TEOS molar ratio was 2.0 (for tions with a total concentration of HCl + LiCl=
reaction conditions see Table 1) and this theo- 0.01 mol l- ’ were used as catalysts. For pH’ 2.0
retically provided for complete reaction of all the the value of the hydrolysis constant was
water in the reaction solution. However, the 7.6. 10m3 1 mol-’ SiOZ s-l. With increasing pH’,
hydrolysis of TEOS was never complete, and the k, decreased to as little as 2.0 - lop6 1 mol-’
con~ntration at the “end” of the hydrolysis SiO, s- ’ (at pH’ 4.3). At about pH’ 7.0 the rate of
(ci!&) ranged from 0.27 to 0.97 mol 1-l (Table 3). hydrolysis was negligible. The value of kH increased
This corresponded to a maximum water conver- again to 6.0. IO-‘1 mol-’ SiOZ s-l at pH’8.8.
sion ~$6 of 78-94%. The rate constant values, k,,
for the hydrolysis catalysed with strong acids lay condensation of TEOS
within the narrow interval from 7.2 * 10m3 to The polycondensation which follows the hydro-
1.0*10-21 mol-’ SiO, s-l. The constant k, for lysis of TEOS is characterized by gelation times,
the hydrolysis catalysed with PTSA was up to two t,, and condensation rate constants, kK, given in
thirds lower (kn = 3.0. 10e3 1mol-’ SiOZ s-l) as Table 4. The values of kK for reactions catalysed
a result of the smaller dissociation constant pKHA with strong acids lay within a narrow interval from
of the above acid. With the decreasing dissociation 1.1 * lo-’ to 1.4. low7 1mol-’ SiOt s-l. Similar
constant of the catalysts used there was a marked values of kK were also found for TEOS hydrolysates
decrease in the value of the hydrolysis constants containing trichloroacetic acid and oxalic acid
and an increase in the time necessary to obtain (1.5. 10e7 1mol-’ SiO, s-l and 1.2. lo-’ 1 mol-’
maximum conversion of water (c$!$). The value of SiOZ s-l respectively). In the solutions with weak
kH for the hydrolysis catalysed with trichloroacetic acids (chloroacetic, acetic, formic acids) the rate
acid and oxalic acid at a concentration of of condensation was two to three times faster
0.05 mall-’ was 1.5. 10e3 1mol-’ SiOZ s-l and (2.2 * 10-7-4.4* 1O-7 1mall’ SiOl s-l). These
1.0 * lop3 1mol-’ SiO, SK’ respectively (Table 3, differences were related to the pH of the reaction
246 .l. CihtciF/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251


Kinetic parameters of TEOS hydrolysis

Catalyst ku rS:“o log kn

HAorB (1 mol-’ Si02 s-l) (mall-t) (%) (s)

HCl 7.6 * lo-3 0.27 94 4.3. IO3 -2.1

H,SO, 8.0. 1O-3 0.64 85 6.6 - 10’ -2.1
HNO, 7.2~ lO-3 0.35 92 8.8 +IO3 -2.1
HCIO, 1.0. lo-* 0.97 78 1.2. IO3 -2.0
PTSA 3.0. Io-3 0.80 82 6.5 * lo3 -2.5
Cl, CCOOH 1.5. 1o-3 0.58 87 2.6 * 10s -2.8
(COW, 1.0. 1o-3 OS0 89 6.9 * IO5 -3.0
H3PO4 1.2.10-s 1.32 70 7.1 . 103 -2.9
HF 6.7 * 1o-4 2.38 46 8.8 * 10’ -3.2
ClCH,COOH 2.4. 1O-5 0.60 86 5.2 * 10s -4.6
CH,COOH 1.0. 1o-6 0.58 87 1.7 1106 -6.0
HCOOH 2.8.10-s 0.50 89 1.7 * 10s -4.6
HCl 3.3. lo-2 0.40 90 4.0 * lo3 -1.5
HCl/LiCl 1.1 * lo-2 0.90 80 6.0 * 10s -3.0
HCl/LiCl 1.4. lo-4 I .20 73 2.1 - 105 -3.9
HCl/LiCl 3.9. Io-6 1.10 7.5 6.0 +IO6 - 5.4
HCl/LiCl 2.0. lo-6 1.00 77 6.5 * IO6 -5.1
LiOH 6.O*lO-5 0.60 86 4.7 * IO6 -4.2


Reaction Time paws]

Fig. 7. Dependence of water concentration on reaction time

Fig. 6. Dependence of water concentration on reaction time during hydrolysis of TEOS catalysed by weak acids.
during hydrolysis of TEOS catalysed by trichloroacetic acid
and oxalic acid.
the rate of TEOS polycondensation was given by
solutions. The dependence of kK on pH’ within the the rate of hydrolysis, which was lower than that
pH’ range 1.5-4.5, given in Fig. 9, has confirmed of condensation. The effect of pH’ on kK over the
that the rate of condensation is the lowest for pH’ whole acid range of pH’ was therefore studied
about 2.0. It can be seen at the same time that the using a two-stage method.
dependence of the condensation constant on pH TEOS was hydrolysed at about pH’ 2.0 after
under the given conditions (1 vol.% H,O in TEOS which the pH’ of the reaction solution was adjusted
reaction solution) was directly measurable up to with HCl solution or with LiOH to values ranging
about pH’ 4.5 (see Fig. 9). Above this pH’ value from 0.1 to 7.8. In all the solutions examined, the
J. Cihl&/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251 241


Kinetic parameters of TEOS condensation

Catalyst k log k PH PH’

HAorB (1 mot-’ SiO, s-l)

HCl 4.03 ’ IO’ 1.12. lo-’ -6.95 0.4 2.0

HzS0.s 3.42 * IO’ 1.33. 1o-7 -6.88 0.3 2.0
HNO, 4.32 * IO’ 1.05’ lo-’ - 6.98 0 2.0
HCIO, 3.33 * 10’ 1.37, lo-’ -6.86 0 2.0
PTSA 3.40 * 10’ 1.40. 1o-7 - 6.85 0.4 2.2
Cl,CCOOH 3.11 * 10’ 1.47.10-’ - 6.83 2.1 2.0
WOW, 3.84. 10’ l.19*lo-7 - 6.92 2.5 2.2
H3PO4 3.60 - 104 1.27. IO+ -3.90 2.2 2.1
HF 1.08 * 104 4.22. 1O-4 -3.37 3.7 3.1
ClCH,COOH 1.04 * IO’ 4.38. lO-7 -6.36 3.6 3.0
CH, COOH 2.05 * IO’ 2.22.10-7 -6.65 3.5 2.8
HCOOH 1.57 * 10’ 2.90-10-7 -6.54 3.5 3.1
HCl 5.70 * 10’ 1.58. 1o-7 - 6.80 0 1.4
HCl/LiCl 3.70 * 10’ 1.32*10-7 - 6.88 1.2 3.0
HCl/LiCl 3.00 * 10’ l.63*10-7 -6.79 I.5 3.4
HCl/LiCl 2.00 * 10’ 2.44.10-T -6.61 2.9 4.1
HCl/LiCl 1.63 * 10’ 3.OO~lo-7 -6.52 3.7 4.3
LiOH” 600 7.60-10-3 -2.12 8.8 8.8

aPrecipitation of SiOz.


-0 0

0 20 40 60 80 m
Rezctimlm @Q

Fig. 8. Dependence of water concentration on reaction time

and pH’ during TEOS hydrolysis.
Fig.9. Dependence of hydrolysis and ~ndensation rate con-
stants on pH’_
water content was adjusted to 12.5 vol.%. The
dependence of log kK on pH’ is given in Fig. 10.
In comparison with preceding reaction solutions on pH within the range 2.3-7.8 could be described
with a low water content (about 1 vol.%) the k, in by the equation log kK = - 7.14 + 0.73 pH’. This
solutions with 12.5 vol.% Hz0 increased by one to equation held for both strong and weak acids.
two orders. The lowest value of kK was established Exceptions to this behaviour were found in the
for the pH range 1-2.3. The dependence of log k, polycondensation of TEOS catalysed with HF and
248 J. Cihkif/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251

.2 /
-3 .

*-4o /

-5- O\_/

I I.__, Tome
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 12. Dependence of water con~ntration and pH of TEOS
Fig. 10. Dependence of condensation rate constant on pH’. hydrolysates containing weak acids on time.

H, P04. Their values of k, were about three orders
higher than kK values for reactions catalysed with
pH of wuter-ethanol solutions of TEOS
the other acids at a comparable pH value. With
the exception of the above acids (HF, H3P04)
the TEOS reaction solutions hydrolysed at the
The dependence of pH on water content in
HzO/TEOS molar ratio of two and a pH of about
water-ethanol solutions of HCl (or HiClOd, HNO,
2.0 are very stable (Table 4). A long-term investiga-
and HzSOs) agreed with the results reported by
tion of their pH’, pH and water contents revealed
Bates and Schwarzenbach [14]. Analogous rela-
that while the value of pH’ remained practically
tionships were also obtained for water-ethanol
constant, the value of pH in solutions with strong
solutions of hydrolysed TEOS (Fig. 2). Ethoxyhy-
acids increased (Fig. 11) and in solutions with weak
droxysiloxanes (i.e. products of TEOS hydrolysis
acids it decreased (Fig. 12). In both cases the water
and condensation) present in these solutions thus
content was slowly increasing and led to the above
had no significant effect on the value of pH. The
shift of the pH (see Figs 2 and 4).
potentiometric method of determining pH with the
aid of glass and calomel electrodes is also suitable
for water-ethanol solutions of TEOS. Even with
these solutions, the value of pH did not correspond
to the activity of H+ ions (see Introduction). Using
4 6D @J HCIO. . 1 the correction parameter 6 (which has been pub-
lished for water-ethanol solutions of- HCl [ 13]),

estimates were made of the activity of H+ ions (or
UI of pH*) in TEOS hydrolysates with a low water
content (about 1 vol.%). The values of pH*, pH
and -log cHA (HA = HCI, HC104, HzS04,
HNO,) usually did not differ by more than
I I t-O.1 unit.
0 2000 4000 6000
ii [hr) The results of determining the pH in water-etha-
Fig. 11. Dependence of water concentration and pH of TEOS nol solutions of TEOS hydrolysed in the presence
hydrolysates containing strong acids on time. of weak acids were also consistent with the results
J. CihlLiF/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251 249

reported by Bates and Schwarzenba~h [14]-pH Effect a~~~ on TEOS condensation

was increased with increasing ethanol content in
the solution. However, its value reflected not only The condensation rate constant was at its lowest
the diffusion potential and the effect of the medium at pH’ around 2.0. For PI-I’ of the hydrolysates
on the H+ ions but also the effect of the medium on above 2.0 the values of kK increased (see Table 4,
the dissociation constant of a weak acid. For the weak acids). This finding is not surprising, and it
above reason neither the pH nor the pH’ of is in agreement with the behaviour of water solu-
water-ethanol solutions of weak acids is a general tions of silicic acid [15-171. The relative stability
expression of H’ ion activity. Their appearance in of silicic acid solutions round pH 2.0 is explained
the text is only for comparison with those of by its isoelectric point (zero mobility of silicic acid
water-ethanol solutions of strong acids. particles) or by the point of zero charge at the
given pH [18]. This can also explain the stability
Efect of pH and catalysts on TEOS hydrolysis of ethoxyhydroxysiloxanes present in TEOS reac-
tion solutions which may be regarded as silicic
TEOS hydrolysis is an equilibrium reaction irre- acids partially substituted by OEt groups. The
spective of the type of catalyst and pH’ of the slow condensation of ethoxyhydroxysiloxanes
solution used (Figs 5-8, Table 3). The maximum taking place in TEOS hydrolysates at about pH 2.0
water conversion, ranging in the majority of cases was demonstrated not only by an increase in the
from 73% to 94%, shows that there is viscosity but also by an increase in the water
0.27-0.97 mol H, 0 l- ’ remaining in the reaction concentration in the hydrolysates and thus also by
solution. The hydrolysis reaction products (ethoxy-
the related changes in the pH values (Figs 11 and
hydroxysiloxanes) thus contained 6-27% of un-
12). The increase in the concentration of ethanol
reacted SiOEt groups (if re-esterification of SiOEt
in the hydrolysates was not very pronounced.
groups is excluded). The lower values of x;;&
Although esterification of Si-OH groups according
established for the hydrolysis of TEOS catalysed
to Eqn (1) cannot be excluded completely, it is
with HF and H3P0, (46% and 70% respectively)
likely that the condensation takes place mainly in
were due to the fast gelation of the two hydroly-
accordance with Eqn (3). This same conclusion
sates. The hydrolysis rate did not depend on the
was arrived at by Assink and Kay [19] in their
anion of the acid catalyst but on the activity of its
study of tetramethoxysilane condensation. The
H+ ions in the reaction solution. The dependence
condensation of TMOS according to Eqn (3) was
of ku on pH’ (Fig. 9) has shown that in the acid
region, k, decreases with increasing pH’. At pH’ 7 about six times faster than that according to
no measurable values of kH could be established. Eqn (2).
(By extrapolating the dependence in Fig. 9 we Increasing the water content in TEOS hydroly-
obtain a k,, value of lo-” 1 mall’ SiOZ s-i.) At sates to 12.5 vol.% (at pH’ 2.0) increased the value
pH greater than 7 hydrolysis again occurred of kK by about one order (Figs 9 and 10).
(Table 4, LiOH). Thus there can be both acid and The increasing water concentration in the
base catalysis of TEOS hydrolysis. The behaviour hydrolysate was accompanied by an increase in
of the dependence of kH on pH’ confirmed experi- the content of Si-OH groups in ethoxyhydroxysi-
mentally the behaviour assumed by Brinker [l]. loxanes according to Eqn (l), which favoured the
From the viewpoint of controlled TEOS hydroly- condensation according to Eqn (3), this being faster
sis, the most suitable catalysts are strong acids than the condensation of SiOH with SiOEt groups.
since they make it possible to set a defined pH’ This explanation assumes that the reaction accord-
value (within the range 1.5-4.0) and thus also the ing to Eqn (3) is shifted to the extreme right, and
rate of hydrolysis. consequently the hydrolysis of siloxane (depoly-
250 J. Cihkif/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251

merization) is not significant. This assumption In the Introduction an opinion was expressed
holds for pH around 2.0 [l]. that the study of the dependence of the TEOS
In TEOS hydrolysates with HF and H,PO, the condensation rate (at a TEOS/H20 molar ratio of
condensation was roughly three orders faster than two) on pH is complicated by TEOS hydrolysis
in the other hydrolysates. This fact was not related and by determining the pH of hydrolysates with a
to the pH’ of the above solutions, which was low water content. Figure 9 confirms that at
comparable with the pH’ of the other hydrolysates pH’ 4.5 the rate of condensation is given by the
containing weak acids. The behaviour of HF can hydrolysis rate. If first the hydrolysis is carried out
be explained by the catalytic action of F- ions at pH around 2.0, when the condensation is at its
during the condensation reactions. The catalytic slowest, and only after that is the pH adjusted, it
action of F- ions during the condensation of water is possible to arrive at a dependence of kK on pH’
solutions of silicic acid has been proved [20]. In as shown in Fig. 10. This dependence confirms that
the case of H3P04 it could be assumed that water-ethanol solutions of ethoxyhydroxysilox-
phosphoric acid participates in the formation of anes (TEOS hydrolysates) behave in the acid region
cross bonds of the type in the same way as water solutions of silicic acid
I pi I described by Iler [S]. In both types of solution the
-Si-O-P-O- Si- (13)
condensation is at its slowest at pH around 2.0,
and its rate increases with both increasing and
between adjaczt chains and thus accelerates gela- decreasing pH. F- ions catalyse the condensation
tion. Compounds with Si-O-P bonds were in fact in both cases.
prepared by the reaction of H3P04 with SiOl but
under different reaction conditions [2 11. On analy- Conclusion
sis (by analytical electron microscopy) of a TEOS
hydrolysate gelated in the presence of H,PO, we The similarity in the acido-basic behaviour of
found that the specimen practically did not contain water-ethanol solutions of strong acids and of
any phosphorus. Theoretically there could have water-ethanol solutions of TEOS hydrolysates
been as much as 20 wt% of phosphorus. Although (ethoxyhydroxysiloxanes) has become the basis for
this finding does not exclude the formation of determining the pH’ of TEOS hydrolysates. This
Si-O-P bonds by the condensation of Si-OH and made it possible to evaluate the dependence of
P-OH bonds, especially when we realize that both the hydrolysis and condensation rates of
Si-O-P bonds are easily liable to hydrolysis [22], TEOS on the pH’ and the catalyst type. The
the speeding up of the polycondensation of TEOS hydrolysis is an equilibrium reaction catalysed by
hydrolysate owing to the formation of Si-O-P acids or bases. In the acidic region the hydrolysis
bonds is not likely to be significant. More constant decreases with increasing pH’, with the
acceptable seems to be the idea that H3P0, forms minimum value at pH’ around 7.0.
non-chemically bonded bridges between adjacent The dependence of the condensation rate of
siloxane chains, e.g. hydrogen bridges (Eqn (14)) or water-ethanol solutions of ethoxyhydroxysilox-
other donor-acceptor interactions: anes on the pH’ is governed by the same relation-
H OH H ships as the dependence of condensation rate on
I I 1 I I (14)
_II si - en ___ 0 - p - 0 ___ He - si - the pH of water solutions of silicic acid, as
0 described by Iler [S]. The condensation of ethoxy-
These bridges can draw adjacent chains closer hydroxysiloxanes is acid as well as base catalysed
to each other and sterically facilitate the condensa- and is slowest at a pH of about 2.0. The catalytic
tion between Si-OH (or SiOEt) bonds. However, action of F- ions and of phosphoric acid has also
this problem deserves further investigation. been proved. The mechanism of accelerating the
J. Cih&/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 70 (1993) 239-251 251

9 0. Mike& Chromatographic and Allied Methods, Ellis

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Horwood, Chichester, 1979, p. 589.
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pp. 129-171.
II Z. StrBnski and E. Kozlikovi, Chem. Listy, 73 (1979) 337.
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W.C. LaCourse, M.M.D. Ahktar, S. Dahar, R.D. Sands 19 R.A. Assink and B.D. Kay, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 99
and J. Steinmetz, Factors Controlling the Sol-Gel Conver- (1988) 359.
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