c1b4 - Below PL
c1b4 - Below PL
c1b4 - Below PL
Input Section
Dimensions (inch) Design Parameters Design Loads
h (inch) = 13 fy (ksi) = 60 Force (kips) Moment (k.inch)
b (inch) = 13 f'c (ksi) = 3.5 62.4 55.76
Tcc = 2.375 Ast/Ag [Range: 0.01 -
0.0125 h
cc (inch) = 2 0.025] =
ps (sd) = 10(#3) 0.375
Optional Parameters cc
E (ksi) = 29000 In case not provided, use the sd
default values
εu (mm) = 0.003 rd3 R1 R2 R3
Rebar Selection
R1 R2 R3 R5
16(#5) 16(#5) 16(#5)
R4 R5 rr4
16(#5) 16(#5)
R6 R7 R8 rd4 R6 R7 R8
16(#5) 16(#5) 16(#5)
Output Section
rd1 (inch) 0.625 Gross Area, Ag (inch2) = 169 Rebar Area (inch2) Dia (inch) Total Steel Area (inch2) Ast/Ag Check
Rebar Parameters
rd2 (inch) 0.625 Required Steel Area, Ast (inch2) = 2.1125 R1 0.31 0.625
rd3 (inch) 0.625 R2 0.31 0.625
rd4 (inch) 0.625 R3 0.31 0.625
rr1 (inch) 3.5 R4 0.31 0.625
2.48 0.014674556
rr2 (inch) 3.5 R5 0.31 0.625
rr3 (inch) 3.5 R6 0.31 0.625
rr4 (inch) 3.5 R7 0.31 0.625
Pn (kips) = [0.85 f'c (Ag - Ast) + Ast fy] = 644.197 R8 0.31 0.625
ф Pn (kips) = 418.72805
αф Pn (kips) = 334.98244
All the calculations are for stirrups only
Balanced Failure Condition - Bending Moment About Y Axis
Steel Strain, єy = fy/E 0.002068966
ϵy / ϵu = 0.689655172
Distance of Steel Force from Compression Surface, a' = 10.3125
Equation: Cb + (ϵy/ϵu)Cb = a'
Variables L.H.S R.H.S
Cb 6.1035 10.31281034 10.3125
Use Solver Add-In To Find the Value of Cb [See Appendix A1 for Help]
Table YB
Force Direction Moment Direction
Total Steel Area Along Steel Stress, fs = Es Stress Force, fs x Force, f Moment, M
Row No. 2 Steel Strain, ϵy +↑ (1 = +ve, 0 = - Moment Arm (inch) Moment (kip. Inch) (anti - clock +ve) [1
the Row (inch ) x ϵy (ksi) Validity Area (kips) (kips) (kip.inch)
ve) = +ve, 0 = -ve]
1 0.93 0.002068966 60 60 55.8 0 -55.8 3.8125 212.7375 1 212.7375
2 0.62 0.000194888 5.651757188 5.65176 3.504089457 1 3.50408946 0 0 1 0
3 0.93 0.001679037 48.69206193 48.6921 45.2836176 1 45.2836176 3.8125 172.6437921 1 172.6437921
Conc. β1 = 0.875 a= 5.3405625 206.5462547 1 206.546255 3.82971875 791.0140643 1 791.0140643
∑ 199.533962 1176.395356
Cb = 0 Table YT15
Force Direction Moment Direction
Total Steel Area Along Steel Stress, fs = Es Stress Force, fs x Force, f Moment, M
Row No. Steel Strain, ϵy +↑ (1 = +ve, 0 = - Moment Arm (inch) Moment (kip. Inch) (anti - clock +ve) [1
the Row (inch2) x ϵy (ksi) Validity Area (kips) (kips) (kip.inch)
ve) = +ve, 0 = -ve]
Table XB
Force Direction Moment Direction
Total Steel Area Along Steel Stress, fs = Es Stress Force, fs x Force, f Moment, M
Row No. 2 Steel Strain, ϵy +↑ (1 = +ve, 0 = - Moment Arm (inch) Moment (kip. Inch) (anti - clock +ve) [1
the Row (inch ) x ϵy (ksi) Validity Area (kips) (kips) (kip.inch)
ve) = +ve, 0 = -ve]
1 0.93 0.002068966 60 60 55.8 0 -55.8 3.8125 212.7375 1 212.7375
2 0.62 0.000194888 5.651757188 5.65176 3.504089457 1 3.50408946 0 0 1 0
3 0.93 0.001679037 48.69206193 48.6921 45.2836176 1 45.2836176 3.8125 172.6437921 1 172.6437921
Conc. β1 = 0.875 a= 5.3405625 206.5462547 1 206.546255 3.82971875 791.0140643 1 791.0140643
∑ 199.533962 1176.395356
Cb = 0 Table XT15
Force Direction Moment Direction
Total Steel Area Along Steel Stress, fs = Es Stress Force, fs x Force, f Moment, M
Row No. Steel Strain, ϵy +↑ (1 = +ve, 0 = - Moment Arm (inch) Moment (kip. Inch) (anti - clock +ve) [1
the Row (inch2) x ϵy (ksi) Validity Area (kips) (kips) (kip.inch)
ve) = +ve, 0 = -ve]
1 0.93 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 3.8125 #DIV/0! 1 #DIV/0!
2 0.62 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 1 #DIV/0!
3 0.93 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1 #DIV/0! 3.8125 #DIV/0! 1 #DIV/0!
Conc. β1 = 0.875 a= 0 0 1 0 6.5 0 1 0
∑ #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Summary Table For Moment About X- Axis
P (kips) αP (kips) M (k.in) αM (k.in) αφPn
M-P Curve
10.196482 6.62771 719.333379 467.5667
-0.229127 -0.14893 693.9750605 451.0838 334.98244 0 ACI Factored Curve
-2.291442 -1.48944 694.941595 451.712 334.98244 150
αφPn Line
18.874525 12.2684 778.9057555 506.2887 334.98244 300
42.499467 27.6247 866.6845553 563.345 334.98244 450 Design Load
65.373149 42.4925 941.3114725 611.8525 334.98244 600 500
94.602949 61.4919 1005.064011 653.2916 334.98244 750
121.18447 78.7699 1059.391492 688.6045 334.98244 900
145.77978 94.7569 1105.260128 718.4191 334.98244 1050
168.84724 109.751 1143.338838 743.1702 334.98244 1200 400