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Hearing God by Ubert Angel

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Some of the key takeaways are that we need to tune our hearing to the spiritual realm in order to hear God's voice, and that God speaks in the spiritual language while we speak physical languages.

The four ways are to test the source by discerning if thoughts are gradual or spontaneous, compare it to scripture, compare it to God's character, and test the fruit.

The three stages of prophecy are Revelation, Interpretation, and Application.

Chapter 1

Accessing The Voice of God

“What do you do when God is not speaking”

The young man was desperate to know. I could see it in his eyes and had heard it in
the intensity and sincerity of his voice. I had just finished a prophetic ministration at
the River Church in Tampa Florida, founded by God’s general, Dr Rodney Howard
Browne. In God’s usual fashion, He had prophetically given me names, addresses,
situations, dreams and many other intimate details of complete strangers that
afternoon as I ministered to the surprise of many. Now all the young man wanted to
know was;

“What do you do when God is not speaking”

I looked him dead in the eyes and uttered the words that had changed my life way
back as a young boy of seven when I started understanding the voice of God.

“Brother, when God is not speaking, I check my hearing”

You see, to you that might be a very simplistic answer requiring a lengthy explanation
but I tell you this is the root of it all, our hearing.

Understand that I have seen the Lord with my own eyes. I am a leader of the modern
day prophetic movement. I have mentored and still mentor many prophetic people
around the world and I hear his voice as clear as day, but this very question from this
young man who had travelled 45 hours by road from Oregon to Florida just to see the
prophetic in action is what pushed me to ask the Lord why it is that many of His
children have never heard directly from Him.

I know what you are thinking right now, you are saying “but Prophet I am not a
prophet so I can’t hear.” You cannot be further from the truth and in the pages of this
book is the truth that will revolutionise your walk with God with regards to hearing
His voice.

The Secret of Hearing The Voice of God

When you hear a dog make sound, to you it is barking, but to another dog hearing the
same thing, that dog is not barking, it is speaking!

There is a distinct message being communicated by that dog and the reason you miss
the communication or lack the understanding of what is being communicated is
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because your ears are not tuned in to the dog realm. You are outside that realm, that is
why you cannot hear what the dog is saying, so to you it’s just unorganised sound but
to that dog its communicating.

Same thing when you hear a sheep bleating, to you that sound is bleating but to
another sheep it is not bleating, it is talking. You have to be in the sheep realm to hear
that they are not just bleating, they are talking.

You see even when the Lord Jesus was walking the earth and speaking the common
language that was familiar to men, many still failed to hear him. He was speaking
their own language that they taught in the schools of the day, but when he would open
his mouth to speak they would get confused. Why? The words he was speaking were
in the spirit and it took someone to hear them from that realm to understand any of it.

John 8: 43 says;

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

The Lord Jesus said His words are spirit, you cannot hear them until you become
sensitive to the spiritual, until then when he speaks to you it will be no different to the
sound of a dog barking. It will be meaningless, even though God is speaking many are
still groping in the dark clueless. As long you are outside that realm his voice will
sound like a bark or a bleat.

John 6: 63

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak
to you, they are spirit, and they are life.

You see now, trying to hear God whilst outside the spirit is like an English-only
speaking individual trying to learn English from a German-only speaking individual.
They are just not the same language and they won’t understand each other. God
speaks Spirit and we speak English or other languages and God is the sovereign Lord
and he is not changing his language for us. We have to change and learn the language
he speaks.

The advantage though is we don’t really need to learn the language. All we need to
do is to be in the realm where its spoken. In other words, we ought to be in the spirit
realm and understand words spoken by God.

Remember what John 8: 43 says;

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Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word

Those words were spoken in Greek to people who understood Greek or Aramaic to
people of Hebrew origin, who understood that language but they couldn’t understand
them for they were coated by the spirit.

All the Lord is saying in John 8 is be in the spirit to understand the words in the spirit
though they have been spoken in English or any other language.

Notice, John says,

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,


…then he heard. Notice from where he was hearing. He said,

I was in the spirit then I heard.

His ability to hear was dependant on him being in the spirit. The same rules apply to
you. You cannot hear him when you are outside that realm of the spirit. He can be
speaking to you directly, but you will not be able to decipher anything he is saying.
John could not hear that voice until he got into the spirit and today believers are busy
trying to hear God with their natural ears, when what he is speaking is coated by
something spiritual that only those who are in the spiritual realm can understand.

Revelation 1: 10

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of
a trumpet.

You cannot access the voice of God for yourself because he is speaking from one
realm and you are trying to hear him from another. This is just not possible. You
cannot hear God unless you are in the realm of the spirit.

Let me show you something, through extensive research, dog trainers have
discovered that dogs actually use vocal cues to communicate. The type of bark or
throat growl will depend on whether the situation is confrontational, playful, or
whether alerts are being sent out by other dogs in the neighborhood. For example,
sometimes when other dogs in the street are barking my dogs’ ears will prick up, but
they will not bark. Other times they’ll jump up and start barking as though they have
been alerted to an unusual occurrence in the area.

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These vocal cues are not obvious to the human ear, but even before a dog attacks you,
in its mind you have received enough warning to stay away but you won’t know it if
you don’t understand barking or dog language because you are not a dog. You don’t
live in dog realm so to you a dog attacked you without any warning but to the dog it
told you several times using ‘dog words’ not to move any further and it’s also
confused as to why you didn’t listen just as you are shocked as to why it bit you
without warning. So you see your understanding is very limited, but to another dog
these cues are apparent, and there is no confusion whatsoever. They are
communicating from the same realm, and so they understand one another clearly.

To one in that realm, all things dog make sense. To the one outside that realm, it is all
just gibberish. This is exactly where you are missing God’s attempts to communicate
with you. God speaks, but the question is from where do you hear him? A barking dog
makes a very distinct sound. The dog is very deliberate in its voice projection. It is
talking, but to you, it is just barking and you cannot tell one bark from the other. You
are not in the dog realm, so those things don’t make sense to you at all.

Christians live frustrated and empty lives, because they are trying to access the voice
of God outside that spiritual realm, and no matter how many times God speaks, they
are still in a state of confusion, because nothing they have heard makes any sense at
Being in the Spirit
God is a spirit, and when He speaks, you need to be in the spirit. If God speaks in the
spirit and you are in the flesh, you cannot hear Him. That is the condition in which we
have to place ourselves in order to hear from God. It’s interesting to note that all
through the Bible, God has required people to come out of their physical situations,
out of their affairs of this life to a solitary place, before they can hear clearly from
The question is why should they have to go all the way to the mountain before God
speaks? Why couldn’t God speak to them when they were at home? Couldn’t God
have spoken to them there? Of course, He could. God’s presence is everywhere. He
can speak anywhere, anyplace, at any time. Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying
start packing your bags and sleeping bags and make your way to the mountains. I am
not saying that going up a mountain to pray is going to make you walk in the spirit, not
at all, but there is something we can take from that.
You see, with these people it was deliberate and not something they stumbled into.
They wouldn’t just wake up and find themselves alone on the plateau of a mountain.
Just like you picking up this book, they had the mind to hear from God directly, and
decided to position themselves accordingly.
God is not the problem here. The problem is you. Many right now bible believing,
tongue talking believers are alien to the voice of God, yet God is speaking every day.
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They fail to get in the spirit where his voice is clear and distinct. God is not trying to
hide from you. In fact, the bible tells us that God speaks distinctly.

1 Tim 4: 1

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart
from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

That Greek word translated as expressly is rhetos and it means to speak distinctly or
to speak in a way that is distinguishable to the senses; clearly. So God is speaking
clearly yet you cannot hear what he is saying. To God everything he is saying to you
right now ought to be understood, He says in that scripture that he is speaking
expressly, that is to say clearly you are meant to hear it. He is not trying to hide from
Walking by the Spirit
As a born-again believer, you ought to be surprised when you come out of the spirit
not when you enter the spirit realm because this is your new nature. You ought to be
in the spirit already. For many, however, they have the opposite experience. They are
surprised when they find themselves walking in the spirit, as they are usually on the
other side. I know I have many witnesses right now, please don’t raise your hand.
This is exactly what Paul was exhorting the Galatians to do.
Galatians 5: 25 says;
If we live by the spirit, let us also walk by the spirit.
Paul was writing this letter to believers and you would have thought that it should be
automatic that believers walk by the spirit but Paul had to write and encourage them.
It is possible for you to be born again, and still live as if you are not even alive to
God. This was Paul’s cry to the Galatians, who, just like you, were born again and
speaking in tongues, but had no access to the voice of God. This is because they were
still not walking by the spirit. They were born again, so they were living by the
Spirit, but they were not walking by the Spirit.
They had the life of God in them, but it had not been translated into walking in the
Spirit and Paul had to come and teach them this subject. I love the way Paul breaks it
down in that chapter. He made it really simple and even the babes in Christ could
understand what he was teaching. Right now, when you hear ‘walking in the spirit’
you think it’s like robotic science. Well it’s not. It’s so simple. The things of God
usually are.
Let’s back up a little bit in the same chapter, and see how simple walking in the spirit
is. Paul says;
Galatians 5: 22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,

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faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law.

Paul was giving them a compass by which to know whether or not they were walking
in the Spirit. This is important, because I know right now as you are reading this
some are thinking; I’m in church every Sunday, I don’t swear, and I don’t lie, so I
must be walking in the spirit. Just hold your horses right there. Paul says the fruit of
the spirit is Love, and notice he did not say the fruits, no, but the fruit, as in one
I know many have been taught that we have many fruits of the Spirit but this is not
what the bible actually says, it only speaks of one fruit and that is love. The others
are attributes of that one fruit.
So that means when you are walking in the spirit there is a certain fruit that we ought
to begin to see in your life and Paul calls it love. He doesn’t stop there, but goes on
to describe the attributes of love that are joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, which are all part of the same fruit.

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Remember that the scripture we just read said the fruit of the spirit, not the fruits.
So the fruit is love, and it is manifested in all these other ways he goes on to list for
us. When you do not see them in you, you know you are not walking in the spirit. You
are not showing the fruits of one that is doing so, and hearing the voice of God will
still be very difficult for you.
When you study the scriptures, you will find that love is actually described, as all
these attributes are manifestations of the fruit of the Spirit. Look at what Paul says in
1 Corinthians.
1 Corinthians 13: 4–8
Love suffereth long, and is kind, love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not
puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily
provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Love never fails.
Paul is telling us right here that longsuffering, peace, joy, gentleness, goodness, and
faith are inside love. They are manifestations of the one fruit of the Spirit, which is
love and not the fruits themselves. In the scripture we have just read, the Bible tells
us that Love is not easily provoked. In other words, love is gentleness, love suffereth
long. Put the two words together and it is longsuffering. I think you are getting the
When the Bible talks about the fruit of the Spirit, there is only one, and that is love.
To master walking in the spirit you only need to do one thing, and that is to walk in
love. When you are walking in love you don’t need to think about whether or not you
are being longsuffering, gentle, or good e.t.c because these are the fruits of love.
As a believer, the Bible already tells us that the love of God is shed abroad in our
hearts, which means that love comes to you naturally, that it is your new nature and
you just need to yield yourself to it and walk in it which is tantamount walking in the
spirit. You see how walking in the spirit is easy? Yes it is!
Romans 5: 5
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our
hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.
God has already done everything to enable you to walk in the spirit and access His
voice. God wants you to walk in the Spirit where you can access His voice and bear
the fruit of the Spirit. You are able to walk in love, because He has injected His own
love into you, and it is a God-given ability. No one can put their hand up and say I
can’t do it. If you are saved, you already have the love of God inside of you. You
don’t pray to get 5 kilograms of love to see you through each day or pray for even
more depending on how many people have upset you that day! You just have it! You
can walk in the spirit where you will begin to see the manifestation of that love
through meekness, gentleness, and longsuffering. These things become a part of you.

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If you say you don’t have love then you are not born again. It is that simple.
If you look at the whole Bible, there is only one word that is used to describe who
God is, and what he is made of. That word is love. So when you walk in love, you
are walking in the realm of God. You are walking inside God and experiencing the
God life therefore hearing his voice clearly. The scripture says,
1 John 4: 8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
John is telling us that it is not possible for you to know God or relate to him, unless
you are walking in love. Now remember love is the fruit of the Spirit. Outside of
love there is no fellowship with God and you cannot access His voice. Love is the
very nature of God, and as a born-again believer, you are a partaker of His divine
nature and the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Spirit of God.
In the Old Testament Moses asked the Lord to show him His glory:
Exodus 33: 18
And he said; I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.
Here you need to understand that Moses was not just asking to see the power of God,
he wanted to know the material from which God is made, for lack of a better word.
He was asking to know the very nature of God, and what he saw will surprise you.
Let’s read from the next chapter:
Exodus 34: 6
And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord God, merciful and
gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.
Now don’t lose me here. This was the Lord showing Moses His glory, but notice that
the things he proclaims himself to be are the same aspects that are a manifestation of
the fruit of the Spirit, which is love. Graciousness, mercy, longsuffering, and
goodness are attributes of the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, and when you walk in
love you are at the wavelength God uses when he speaks.
You are not in the spirit when you are weighed down by depression and anxiety. You
are far from it. You need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot allow
circumstances to determine how you will respond in life. You will be up and down
like a yoyo emotionally, and your ability to access the voice of God will be hindered.
You hear people asking each other; “how are you doing?” and the answer is usually
“doing well under the circumstance” to which I usually respond, “what are you doing
under the circumstances” You see love makes you go above the circumstances no
matter what.
Paul writing to the Philippians instructed them to be anxious for nothing, and the next
verse describes the results of not allowing yourself to be anxious. Let’s look at it.
Philippians 4: 6
Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
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thanksgiving may your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of
God, which passeth understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
You may say, ‘But man of God you don’t understand what I’m going through’. Paul
said in everything be careful for nothing. This is a pitfall that many are getting
trapped in every day and from which they cannot access the voice of God. You are
still operating from an entirely different realm to the one in which the voice of God
can be heard. I know many people are frustrated, because they seem to do everything
right, but just don’t know why they still cannot hear directly from God.
The easiest way for you to walk in the spirit is to walk in love—remember the fruit
of the spirit is love, and God has already empowered you to do so. The Bible says
that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts and the ability of God is already in
you to enable you to walk in love. This is the reason why I don’t fight back when
attacked and I’ve had my fair share. In fact, I feel sorry for my enemies and love them
and pray for them because the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy
You just need to submit yourself to that love, and you will find yourself soaring to
greater heights. If you don’t have love, you are not born again. It’s as simple as that,
because when you are born again, you have the love of God in your heart.
In the next chapter, you will find out exactly how God speaks. Get ready. Your life is
about to turn around from here onwards.

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Chapter 2

The Voice of the Spirit

Even though it is the will of God that every believer has access to His voice, the
believer’s inability to distinguish between spirit and soul cripples his ability to hear
from God. It affects the spiritual life of a believer tremendously. It is this grave
mistake that has rendered the church of today spiritually deaf. Right. I know you think
you know where we are going, but trust me, what I am about to show you in the next
passages will revolutionize your walk with God with regards to hearing His voice.

I can assure you that many who think they know, really do not know how it works.
Stay with me.

The Bible never confuses spirit and soul as being the same, but you often hear
believers and even ministers of the gospel using them interchangeably, as if they are
one and the same. Not only are they different terms, their very natures differ from
each other.

Let’s look at the scripture;

I Thessalonians 5: 23

May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul
and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This verse clearly shows, and leaves us without a doubt, that the whole man is
divided into three parts. The Apostle Paul refers here to the complete sanctification
of believers, sanctify you wholly. How? By keeping your spirit, keeping your soul,
and keeping your body. It is clear from scripture that the whole person is comprised
of these three parts.

This verse also makes a distinction between spirit and soul; otherwise, Paul would
have said simply your soul. Since God has distinguished the human spirit from the
human soul, we can conclude that man is composed of not two, but three parts: spirit,
soul and body.

Most Christians cannot access the voice of God because they consider what is
soulical as spiritual and as a result, they remain in a soulish state and do not seek
what is really spiritual. This is why many have never heard from God directly. They
remain in the soulish realm, unable to distinguish between spiritual reality and what

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is in their soul. This is why you are admonished to stay in the word, as there is an
ability in God’s word to separate these three. Consider what Paul says in the book of

Hebrews 4: 12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The word of God has an ability to separate the spirit and the soul and if God himself
is now using His word to make this distinction, it means that it is very important for
you to know the difference between the two. You need to discern the difference
between the two, as otherwise you will never know what God is saying, and what is
coming from your soul, since both will sound the same to you.

In the Old Testament, when the priests received animal sacrifices and offerings, they
used the sword to cut and completely dissect the animal.

The animal would literally be ripped apart, and nothing inside would be hidden. This
is exactly how God uses His word to make the separation thoroughly, dividing the
spiritual from the soulical, and the soulical from the flesh. Notice he says;

…piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit…

This means these two need to be separated but they are not separate without the word
of God yet they need to be for you to hear correctly.

Also notice that if these can be separated, then they are different in nature.

Spirit and Soul

I subtitled this passage spirit and soul, because I am assuming I do not need to teach
you that you have a body. If I do, then we are in a lot deeper trouble than I first
imagined. Forget it. Let’s stick to the subject at hand.

When God created the first man Adam, he formed him out of the dust of the ground,
and the Bible says that He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. I want us to
look at this scripture very carefully.

Genesis 2: 7

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And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The Hebrew word translated as life in that passage of scripture is chay, and it is
actually in the plural when you read it in the Hebrew rendering, so if the translator of
the English version had kept the original meaning, that word would have been written
as lives. In other words, we could read it this way:

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of lives; and man became a living soul.

This is because when the breath of life, which became man’s spirit, came into contact
with man’s body, the soul was also produced. This is why the scriptures say that man
became a living soul. A living soul came into being when the breath of God touched
the physical body of Adam. Not only did he receive his spirit from God, but the soul
came into being when he received the breath that produces lives. The breath of lives,
or chay in the Hebrew.

The in-breathing of God produced a two-fold life in man, the soulical and the
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spiritual. When the breath of God entered man’s body, it became the spirit of man; but
when the spirit reacted with the body, the soul was created.

So then, according to Genesis chapter 2 verse 7, man was made up of only two
independent elements at the time, his physical body and the spiritual. But when God
placed the spirit within the earthly body, the soul was produced. The spirit of man
touching the dead body produced the soul. The body without the spirit was dead, but
with the spirit, man was made alive and the soul was produced.

The term and man became a living soul as we read in Genesis 2: 7 expresses not
merely the fact that by combining the spirit and body the soul was produced; it is also
pointing us to the fact that spirit and body were completely merged in this soul as
illustrated by the diagram above. In other words, soul and body were combined with
the spirit, and spirit and body were merged in the soul. This is exactly what the Lord
Jesus was teaching in the book of John.

John 6: 63

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I
speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

The Lord Jesus tells us that it is the spirit that gives life. That’s what the word
quickeneth means in that passage, it is literally to make alive. So until God breathed
the breath of lives Adam’s physical body was lifeless, it was quickened or made
alive by the Spirit. This breath of life comes from the Lord of Creation. However, we
must not confuse man’s spirit with God’s Holy Spirit. It is entirely different from our
human spirit, as the apostle Paul points out in the book of Romans.

Romans 8: 16

The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of

So, Apostle Paul makes mention of the fact that the Spirit of God bears witness with
your own spirit, so the two spirits he is talking about here cannot be the same. Your
human spirit came from God, and is sensitive to the voice of God, but it is not the
same as the Holy Spirit of God. The spirit is that part of you by which you commune
with God, and the only part by which you are able to apprehend and worship Him.
The spirit is the element of God-consciousness, because it tells you of your
relationship with God.

It is important that every believer knows he has a spirit, since as you are about to

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discover, every communication God has with man occurs there. If you, as a believer,
cannot even discern your own spirit, then you will never know how to hear directly
from God in the spirit. You will always, like many today, substitute the thoughts or
emotions of the soul, for the works of the spirit, and by so doing restrict yourself to
the soulish realm, unable ever to reach the spiritual realm.

Even though God is speaking to you daily, you will never hear a thing, because of
your inability to separate what is spiritual from that which is soulical.

The Human Spirit

According to the Bible, the human spirit is comprised of three parts. To put it another
way, one can say it has three main functions: conscience, intuition, and communion.

Function of the Conscience

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The conscience is the discerning organ in your spirit. It is that part of you that
distinguishes between right and wrong, but more than that, it is the emotional part of
your spirit. For example, no matter how much you were looking forward to doing
something, the moment your conscience tells you it is wrong, you are thrown into
emotional turmoil.

In your mind, you really wanted to do this thing, but when your conscience was
awakened, you found yourself in contradiction with what had seemed to be good at
first glance. Let’s study this more deeply, so you understand it. In the book of Acts,
Apostle Paul describes the state of his conscience for us.

Acts 23: 1

And Paul earnestly beholding the council, said, men and brethren, I have lived in
all good conscience before God until this day.

The apostle Paul had been brought before the same council that had previously given
him letters authorizing him to arrest and persecute Christians, but then he makes a
statement that seems rather confusing. He says, I have lived in all good conscience
before God until this day.

So Paul is claiming that up until that day, he had done all things in all good
conscience before God. Wait a minute. That means when Paul was persecuting
Christians, he was doing it in all good conscience. While killing Christians, Paul
could have put his hand up and said, my conscience is clear.

He says, until this day. Which day? The same day that he was standing before the
council, he makes the very bold statement that until that day he had lived all his life in
all good conscience before God. All this time, while he had been persecuting the
church, his conscience never highlighted to him that there was a problem. He actually
thought that he was doing God a service, so his conscience was clear. He was still in
that unregenerate state, when his spirit was not alive or sensitive to God.

He never went into that emotional turmoil you get when you set out to do something
and your conscience tells you it is wrong. This is because it is possible to have your
conscience hardened and closed to the voice of God. Just like Paul before his
encounter with the Lord on the way to Damascus, many in the church today are still
missing the voice of God, no matter how much they listen to their conscience.

Paul’s conscience was so desensitized to the voice of God that even though he knew
the scriptures, nothing in him was moved. Paul, in his own words, was a Pharisee of
Pharisees—a man who knew the scriptures and committed his life to following every
precept of the Law. The only problem was that the part of him that was able to access
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the voice of God had been hardened.

Look at Philippians 3: 4– 5

Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that
he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more; Circumcised on the eighth
day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as
touching the law, a Pharisee.

No matter how much he studied Paul had no revelation of the fact that what he was
doing was wrong. He needed the encounter on the road to Damascus, where he was
born again, and now his spirit could be sensitive, and he could hear from God. The
encounter changed him from the natural realm to the spiritual realm by the Holy Spirit
shedding the love of God abroad in his heart and that is walking in the spirit

Now I think you are getting it. You have been called to walk in the spirit, and it is
only from there that you can hear directly from God. Many believers are not even
aware of the fact that they have these senses. In that innermost recess you can rejoice,
grieve, anticipate, love, fear, approve, condemn, decide, and discern. These emotions
are sensed in the spirit, and are quite distinct from those expressed by the soul
through the body. Watch what the scripture says in the book of Luke;

Luke 1: 46

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior.

This is an expression of joy in the spirit remember, the conscience is the emotional
part of your spirit that is capable of experiencing emotions that have nothing to do
with your soul.

Your soulical or ordinary sensing is normally caused or brought out by people or

things or events. In the natural you rejoice when there is reason to rejoice, grieve if
there is justification to grieve, and so forth. Something the external causes you to
react emotionally. Even though there are a lot of similarities between the soul and the
way your conscience works, the two are extremely different.

The conscience does not wait for any outside stimulation, but emerges directly from
within the man. God has called you to walk in the spirit, and it is from there that you
can hear directly from God. It is important for you to learn how to distinguish
feelings, as to whether they are coming from the inner man, or from the outer man, if
you are going to hear from God.

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This is why the things of the spirit are foolishness to the carnal man, he is insensitive
to them. The biggest problem in the body of Christ today is that we have so many
carnal believers short circuiting the power of God because of their inability to hear
from God. The Bible says that the things of the spirit are spiritually discerned. The
natural man needs to be born again, and made alive in his spirit, before he can access
the voice of God. Watch what the scripture says;

1 Corinthians 2: 14

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are
foolishness unto him; neither can he know them for they are spiritually

The Greek word translated as know in that passage of scripture is ginosko, and it
means to know by revelation. It is knowledge that goes beyond your five natural
senses. The scripture is talking about receiving things that are beyond your mental
assent your mind cannot comprehend it, it comes as a revelation to your spirit. So the
carnal man is insensitive to the voice of God in his spirit.

Your conscience is that part of you that gives you that emotional response in your
spirit. It is also possible to harden your conscience. as Paul records in the book of

1 Timothy 4: 2

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

Paul is telling us here that you can desensitize your conscience. This is why even
though some people can listen to their conscience, they can still miss what God is
saying. You can even desensitize your conscience to the extent that it becomes evil.
The Greek word translated as conscience in the New Testament is syneidesis, which
means moral consciousness or co-perception.

Hebrews 10: 22

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts
sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Please pay close attention here. I am not saying that it distinguishes between right and
wrong based on the information stored in your mind. No! Remember this is your
spirit we are talking about so it works on the spiritual light that you have. It happens
through a spontaneous, direct judgement. It is more than just a sense of right and
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wrong, but is an emotional response to what it deems right or wrong. It is the emotion
of your spirit and in other words the voice of your spirit to you.

You need to understand that there are things right now that you can reason your way
out of, but in your conscience you know that you have not been excused, and even
though you try to convince yourself logically that, yes I was right, deep down within
you, you know very well, no matter what your reasoning, that you are wrong.

This is why you can make a calculated decision based on the intellectual information
you have been given, and act accordingly, and then it turns out that even against all
odds, it did not happen the way you had anticipated.

The normal reaction is, oh I knew I should not have done it. How did you know
that when all the information you had was giving you a green light? You knew it not
by what was in your mind, but because that part of your spirit called the conscience
was waving a red flag that you ignored at the time. There was in you that emotion
which you sensed was not in agreement with the direction you were about to take.
You are starting to understand now, that is the function of your conscience which is as
aforementioned, the voice of your spirit. Here is what Paul says in the book of

Romans 8: 16

The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of

Think about it, how do you even know that you are really saved and you are going to
heaven? Apart from the Bible and your faith you don’t have much to go on. When you
heard the good news of God’s grace that light entered into your born again spirit
that’s why it’s impossible to move you on that subject. It does not bend to outside
opinions. That information is coming from your spirit, and you know, deep inside,
that you are saved.

It is the organ for distinguishing between good and evil, which means it gives us the
knowledge of good and evil. This knowledge varies between different Christians.
Some have more, while others have less. It judges according to the light you have.

This is why the Bible says that if the light in you be darkness, then you are in
great darkness. It is possible for your conscience not to have any light at all
concerning a given issue. In that case, you will not be able to hear anything that God
has to say on that subject. You are in total darkness, but the entrance to His word
brings light.

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Psalm 119: 130

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple.

The word of God can fine-tune you to God’s frequency. It makes you sensitive to
those things that are coming directly from God. The degree of knowledge may be
determined by an individual’s environment, or perhaps by the instruction each has
received. Your conscience will judge according to the light you have. This is why
Paul had to write to the Romans, because some of them were of the opinion that they
could eat anything, and others had the conviction that they should not eat anything that
was labeled as unclean under the Law of Moses.

Each of the two sides was judging according to the light they had, with their
consciences either excusing or accusing them.

Romans 14: 15 says;

But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably
(not in love). Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

I want you to get the context for what Paul is saying here, so let’s look at the verse
previous to this one.

Romans 14: 14 - 15

I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of
itself; but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But
if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably.
Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

Paul was actually telling them that it was right for them to eat all things, but for the
sake of those with lesser light, to not eat those things that were unclean under the law.
Why? Because they would be violating their conscience, the moment they saw
someone who confessed the same faith doing what their conscience was telling them
was wrong, they were literally vexed in their spirit and eating in their presence
makes the eater not to walk in love which also means at that time the eater will not be
walking in the spirit.

But I want you to see his choice of words here when he says, if thy brother be
grieved. Grief is an emotional reaction. So when they saw someone eat what they
deemed to be unclean, that emotion rose from within them. It is that sensing of right
and wrong in their conscience, which is accusing them and not excusing the behavior
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but all based on the light in them. That part of their spirit will not let them get
comfortable with the idea.

A lack of understanding in this area has actually caused a lot of divisions in the body
of Christ. Those with lesser light think the ones with greater light are lost, and their
conviction is absolute. It is just a lack of understanding.

For example right now in the body of Christ, there are those that believe when you
get baptized you should do so in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
By that I mean they actually say; I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. That’s the level of light they have, and it is ok, but there
are those that baptize in the name of Jesus. Remember, the Bible never said to baptize
in the names as of many, but in the name of one. Father is not a name, and neither is
Son or Holy Ghost, and this is why you find John baptizing people in the name of

Acts 19: 5

When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Anyway, I do not think the Lord will hold anything against you if you are doing it the
other way round, since it is just based on the light you have and now you have greater
light. I have made my point, so let us go back to hearing the voice of God.

The Intuition

Your intuition is the brain of the inner sanctuary. It is not an emotional reaction like
the conscience, but a knowing that comes directly to your spirit from God.

1 Corinthians 2: 11

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man, which is in
him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

The apostle Paul is referring here to the intuition, that part of your spirit that senses
and knows information that is beyond what is in your mind. It is not scientific or
calculated knowledge. Unlike the mind, the intuition has full knowledge. It knows by
revelation, and it knows beyond what the mind can perceive.

Let me shock you a little bit. If I want to know the secret things concerning your life, I
do not need to get it from the Spirit of God. I can look into that part of your spirit that
knows everything about you, and I will know what your spirit knows. I will know

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what you had for lunch, where you live, and what your name is just by looking into
your intuition it has a full knowledge of who you are. This is why I always say to
people the real power of the prophetic is not in someone just telling you your name is
John, you already know that. It’s when I begin to go into the future to decree and
change things and tell you about real life situations that are affecting your life you
may not even be aware of using that prophetic office now you are seeing the power of

You see, your intuition has a full knowledge of who you are, where you live, what
you like, it is in your spirit. Remember the scripture we have just read tells us that no
one can know the things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him. So it
makes sense that to know the man you need to know his spirit that knows about him.
Your spirit has a full knowledge of everything that concerns you. So I can look into
your spirit and know exactly who you are. That information floods my spirit when I
meet you. I know some that have watched my videos when I minister prophetically
sometimes will hear me ask the question, have we met before? That is because I have
such an awareness of who you are its like I have known you for years all because my
spirit by the help of the Holy Spirit knows your spirit.

Intuition in Operation

During one of the live Missions Week broadcasts that we do every year I began to
minister prophetically live. We had people watching live on Facebook, Periscope,
television and YouTube and we were broadcasting from our studio in the UK. Now
there was a brother watching us from South Africa and all I could see was his
Facebook username on the screen which was not even his real name.

Just from that simple connection I was able to locate the fact that he was actually
watching the broadcast from a prison cell, tell him about the court hearing he was
waiting on and even mentioned his case I.D. number to the last digit, all this from our
studio in the UK and the guy was watching from Cape Town, South Africa. To the
shock and amazement of our live audience the confirmation started coming in on the
screen as the man was confirming every detail of the prophetic word including his
case number and the reason why he was in jail and also his real name not the fake
username he was using on Facebook. That part of the prophecy was me seeing into
that part of his spirit that we call the intuition, I could identify where he was, what he
was doing, his crimes and the upcoming court hearing all by my spirit’s intuition
getting the knowledge by the help of the Holy Spirit that empowered it.

It is what will happen to you in the future that I need God to reveal to me. By the
Spirit of God as a prophet, I can travel into your future and not only see what lies
ahead, but also decree what it should be. When it comes to where you are right now, I
can look into your spirit and have a full knowledge of who you are, where you are
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coming from, and everything else but the future is the direct work of the Holy Spirit.

Now, the scripture we have just read says the Spirit of God knows the things of God.
So what God has to say about you and where he is taking you to comes directly from
the Spirit of God. He knows God’s plans and purposes for your life. Your spirit
won’t have that revelation unless you can access the voice of God for yourself.

1 Corinthians 2: 9

But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Many believers only operate by what they can perceive with their five natural senses,
and because of that, never live up to what God has really called them to be. All they
know is what they can see with their physical eyes, hear with their natural ears, touch
physically with hands, and feel in their soul. You can never access the voice of God
this way.

Intuition in the life of Jesus

See what the Bible says in the book of Mark:

Mark 2: 8

And immediately when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they so reasoned within
themselves, He said unto them, why reason ye these things in your hearts?

Notice that the Bible here says, Jesus perceiving in His spirit. This is information he
was not going to get by looking at the people that were before him and trying to make
a judgement. That spiritual perception is the work of that part of your spirit we call
the intuition. The information had to come to that part of his spirit, the intuition. It
was information that was beyond his senses, and he perceived it in his spirit, and that
sensing part of you is what we call the intuition.

The question he asked there actually points us to the source of the information he
perceived in his spirit. Remember the question was, “why reason ye these things in
your hearts?” Jesus knew what they were thinking by looking into their hearts, that
part of their spirit that has a full knowledge of who they are. The bible uses the heart
and the spirit interchangeably. So when I say I can look into your spirit understand
that this is actually what the word says and how the Lord Jesus himself used to do it.

It is the spirit of a man that knows the things of man and the Spirit of God knows the

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things of God. Your intuition has the ability to hear directly from God about things
you will never know from your five natural senses or your mind.

This is the part of you that can hear the voice of the Lord. When you receive a
revelation from the Lord of His word, that information does not come from your
head. It comes directly from the Spirit of God through your intuition and then your
mind helps you to understand it.

The revelations of God and all the promptings of the Holy Spirit are made known to
the believer through his intuition. As the soul has its senses, so too has the spirit. The
spirit is intimately related to the soul, and yet is wholly unlike it. The soul possesses
various senses; but a spiritual man is able to detect another set of senses lodged in
the innermost part of his being, which are very different to soulical senses. As
illustrated by the diagram the functions of the spirit are replicated in the soulish
realm as well as in your physical body.

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Revelation in the Intuition

Knowing things in your intuition is what the Bible calls revelation. It is the Holy
Spirit that brings the reality of any particular subject to your spirit. You need to come
to terms with the fact that God cannot communicate with you through your intellect or
reasoning. You will never hear from God or understand him through reasoning. It
does not matter how high your IQ is, God never explains himself to man through his
reasoning. Information comes to you by revelation into your spirit and then the mind
tries to help you understand and decipher what has been said.

This kind of revelation is unlike what you would experience in a vision, a heavenly
voice, a dream, or an external force that shakes the man. Right now, I have many
witnesses out there who dream daily, and yes, God does speak through dreams, but
you don’t always get the revelation with the dream. They can be exposed to
something and still that information fails to register in their intuition. You can be left
wondering what you have just seen after seeing a vision, when you lack revelation. It
is possible, and in fact quite common, for the average believer to see a vision or
have a dream but still not have revelation. Revelation happens in the intuition—
quietly and yet with a message.

God reveals himself solely to the human spirit. The head is only where God’s will is
understood after the information has been received in your intuition. Every believer
acquires their first knowledge of God in their spirit, and must continue to hear him in
the same way. That is why, when the preacher made the altar call to which you
responded, your friend who was with you that day who heard the same message might
not have been moved as you were. They only received the message in their head. It
never reached their spirit as revelation.

They did not hear what you heard, and though the words being spoken were the same,
they were being received differently. In your spirit, you have the ability to soar into
the eternal unseen realm of God. This is why the bible tells us that it is with the heart
that man believes unto righteousness.

Romans 10: 10

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation.

That word translated as heart in that passage is not talking about that organ pumping
blood around your body, it is the Greek word kardia which means inner life so that is
talking about your spirit. For you to be saved right now that revelation of the
Lordship of Christ came into your intuition and when it was communicated to your
mind you then made the confession with your mouth and you were born again.
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The Unregenerate Spirit

Now when I say a man is spiritually dead, I don’t mean that he does not have a spirit,
but that his intuition is insensitive to God and spiritual realities. He is separated from
God, and incapable of receiving anything from God. That is being spiritually dead.
Many believers today are still operating from this unregenerate state of being while
their spirits are alive to God.

When the spirit controls the whole man, the soul and all members of the body adhere
closely to God‘s intuitively-known will. Man’s soulical faculties cannot perceive
God: nothing else can be a substitute for intuition. Except a man receives a new life
from God and has his intuition reborn, he is eternally separated from God, and will
never be able to access the voice of God.

I have heard believers complaining of how they even dread going to bed because of
sleep paralysis, a state in which they are conscious that they are in danger of
suffocating but are unable to move. That is a classic example of a believer that is
dominated by their body even though their spirit is alive. At that moment when you
are lying on your bed unable to move or scream your spirit is very much aware of the
danger you are in but because you flesh still dominates you it is unable to move your
flesh out of that slumber to deal with the situation.

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Even when God speaks, your spirit is still overshadowed by carnal nature to the
extent that you cannot access the voice of God. Your spirit through the soul is meant
to dominate your whole being.

Nicodemus is famous for asking the Lord, how can a man be born again? As much
as we like to make fun of his seemingly trivial question, the reality is that very few in
the body of Christ today actually understand how this works. Otherwise, it would be
easy for them to access the voice of God for themselves.

Your spirit man is meant to dominate your entire being, but the unbeliever’s soul and
flesh are clouded and overtaken to the extent that his spirit has no concept of who
God is or any way of understanding him. The unbeliever needs the life of God to
bring a new birth to his spirit, so he can be alive to God once more. See what Paul
says in the book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 2: 1

And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin.

Every single one of us needed to be born again, to be able to access the voice of
God. Paul says you were dead in trespasses but you were the life of the party in the
night clubs, he is talking about you not being alive to God in your spirit. Now your
intuition is sensitive to the leading and promptings of the Spirit of God.


When your intuition receives information from the Holy Spirit that has to do with
worship of God, that information is passed on to the third part of your spirit that we
call the communion. This is the part of you that worships God, and is why the Bible
says that they that worship him must do it in spirit and in truth.

There is a part or function of your spirit that is reserved for doing just that. It will
relay information to your emotions in the soul before your body responds. This is
when you find yourself lying prostrate on the ground or with tears running down your
cheeks as you worship. Or that moment when you think to yourself I need to pray, this
is all coming from the part of you we call the communion. It is the will of your born-
again spirit to worship God. The scripture tells us that those that worship God must
do so in spirit and in truth.

John 4: 24

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God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.

True worship of God does not originate from your intellect, even though your whole
being participates. That information originates from the Spirit of God, which
communicates it to the part of your spirit that can hear God—your intuition—and
from there, the communion takes over with the rest of your being and you begin to

In fact, it is possible for you to lift your hands up with everyone else during worship
yet you are thinking of the burger you are going to buy on your way home from
church. This is not true worship your spirit is not in it at all even though your body is
making all the right gestures. Do you realize that during the worship service the true
worshippers are not always the ones leading praise who know how to hit every note
and carry the tune? Their focus is on trying to execute the performance, it is the ones
that are weeping in the pews rolling on the floor without a care how their voices
sound that are the true worshipers.

You see, the communion is the part of your spirit that wills, this is why when Jesus
took his disciples for a prayer session and found them sleeping his remark was, the
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. He was referring to the communion function of
their spirits, it is responsible for worship and fellowship with God.

Matthew 26: 41

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.

The information to pray had been received in the communion and communicated to
the body through the soul but failed to be executed because they were weak in their

The Soul of Man

The spirit does not have the ability to act directly on the body. It needs a medium, and
that medium is the soul, which was produced by the touching of the spirit with the
body. The soul therefore stands between the spirit and the body, binding these two
together. The spirit can subdue the body through the medium of the soul, so that it will
obey God; likewise, the body has the ability to draw the spirit into loving the world
through the soul.

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In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for soul, nephesh, is used equally for soul
life. The New Testament also uses the Greek word psuche for both soul and soul
life. We know the soul not only is one of the three elements of man, but also is man’s
life, his natural life. In many places in the Bible, soul is translated as life. Man’s
soulical faculties cannot perceive God.

When you are born again, your spirit is alive to God and sensitive to His voice, and
increasingly, the soul becomes the spirit’s servant; similarly, the body, once subdued,
becomes the soul’s servant. The spirit receives God’s revelations in its faculty of
intuition, while the soul and the body are there to execute the will of the spirit.

For you to be able to access the voice of God for yourself you need to appreciate
differences between spiritual and soulical experiences; spiritual experiences are so
designated because they begin with God, and are known in our spirit. Soulical
experiences have their origin in the self, and do not come from God.

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This is why it is impossible for one who is not born again to know the Bible fully.
Many scientists and psychologists study the Bible without receiving any revelation at
all from God. They are unbelievers, and all the information they have is actually
coming from their souls. They can analyze it, but no revelation come to their spirits.
Their spirits are unable to commune with God, so they can only know what their
minds are able to deduce from the scriptures, and there is no power in that. They are
insensitive to the voice of God. This is why the Bible says that the letter killeth but
the spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3: 6

Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter,
but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

This is how even believers miss the voice of God and get caught up in meaningless
religious arguments. Their spirits are clouded by the soul, and they cannot access the
voice of God. Their zeal is misguided, and they never see the power they want to see
in their lives.

Think about it. No one can ever enter the kingdom of God through your
encouragement, persuasion, argument, inducement, excitement, or attraction; entrance
can be gained only by a new birth by nothing less than the new birth of the spirit. That
new life, which invades us at regeneration, brings with it many inherent abilities, not
the least of which is the intuitive power of knowing God and hearing from Him

Does this then mean that man’s mind or brain is totally useless? Of course not. The
mind’s role is to explain to your outward man what you now know in your spirit, and
additionally to form it into words for others to understand. There are things you know
in the spirit right now, that your brain doesn’t know. Your mind is meant to cooperate
with your spirit in communicating the revelation your intuition has received to others.
The brain is the transmitting—not the receiving—mechanism of spiritual knowledge.

The soul comprises of your intellect, your mind, your will, and the emotions that
proceed from your senses. The soul belongs to man’s own self, and reveals his

Your soul represents you and expresses your individuality. It is the organ of man’s
free will, the organ in which spirit and body are completely merged. If man’s soul
wills to obey God, it will allow the spirit to rule over man as ordered by God. The
soul, if it chooses, can also suppress the spirit, and take some other delight as lord of
the man.

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A Better Understanding…

This connection of the spirit, soul, and body may be partially illustrated by a light
bulb. Within the bulb, which can represent the total man, there is electricity, light, and
wire. The spirit is like the electricity, the soul the light, and the body the wire.
Electricity is the cause of the light, while light is the effect of the electricity. Wire is
the material substance for carrying the electricity and for manifesting the light. The
combination of spirit and body produces soul, which is unique to man. As electricity,
carried by the wire, is expressed in light, so spirit acts upon the soul and the soul, in
turn, expresses itself through the body.

Harmony of Spirit, Soul, and Body

So then, it is with your physical body that you can relate to the natural world, and as
already mentioned, the soul is the meeting point of the spirit and the body, for there
they are merged. By his spirit, man communicates with the spiritual world and with
the Spirit of God, both receiving and expressing the power and life of the spiritual

Through his body, man is in contact with the outside physical world, affecting it and
being is affected by it. The soul stands between these two worlds, yet belongs to
both. It is linked with the spiritual world through the spirit, and with the material
world through the body. It also possesses the power of free will, and has the ability
to choose from among its environments.

The soul makes it possible for the spirit and the body to communicate and cooperate.
The work of the soul is to keep these two in their proper order, so that they do not
lose their right relationship, namely, that the lowest of them, the body, may be
subjected to the spirit, and that the highest of them, the spirit, may govern the body
through the soul. This, however, is where many have put the horse before the cart,
and are being dominated by the soul instead of their spirit.

Man’s prime factor is definitely the soul. The soul is always looking to the spirit, to
convey whatever is being communicated from God, so that it can transmit the same
information to the body. This way the body can also share in the things of the spirit.

So then, your spirit transmits information to your soul, and then the soul exercises the
body to obey the spirit’s order. I always like to give this illustration at this point. The
body is the worker, the soul is the supervisor, and the spirit is the manager. The
manager should give instructions to the supervisor and then the supervisor should
make the worker perform the duties required as given to the supervisor by the
manager but what is happening with most believers these days, is that the supervisor
has become too cozy with the worker and entered into an unhealthy relationship
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where the body is now taking unending breaks and free time off and in a way
affecting production in the factory of life so to speak.

The supervisor is now taking no notice of the manager but is now colluding with the
worker to do what the manager hasn’t instructed and relaxing the rules of the manager
to suit the worker. Before the fall of man, the spirit controlled the whole being
through the soul but now the body is very much in control in a very big way stopping
the hearing capacity of the believer when it relates to the voice of God.

You see now that the power of the soul is most substantial, since the soul is the
supervisor and since the spirit and the body are merged there, and it is therefore the
site of man’s personality and influence. Before man committed sin, the power of the
soul was completely under the dominion of the spirit. Its strength was therefore the
spirit’s strength so men could hear God in the garden. Without this soul, the spirit
cannot itself act upon the body; it can only do so through the medium of the soul. Even
though the spirit has eyes it needs the soul.

The Eyes of Your Understanding

The spirit has senses or eyes so hearing God involves using all of your senses to
know what God is saying, and right now you have one pair of physical eyes, but there
is also what we call inner eyes. By inner eyes I am not referring to your spirit. Your
spirit has eyes, and they are different from what I am talking about here. There are
spiritual eyes that you can use to look into the spirit realm—remember you can only
access the voice of God from the spiritual realm. Many believers are limited in their
ability to hear from God, because they are not even aware that they possess this sense
of sight.

In other words, they are oblivious to this sense of sight that is crucial to their ability
to understand anything that is being communicated to them by God. It is very
important for you to understand what I’m about to share with you here, as this was
actually one of Paul’s prayers for the church at Ephesus and it helped many hear the
voice of God with regards to their situations.

Ephesians 1: 17–19 says;

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you
the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him; The eyes of your
understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His
calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.

Paul is praying that they may receive wisdom and revelation, but then he goes on to

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pray for the eyes of understanding. This wisdom comes upon the eyes, and we know
that he is referring to the soul, because he indicates this to us by referring to the eyes
of understanding.

The Greek word translated as understanding in that passage of scripture is dianoia,

and it refers to the eyes of your imagination. Just like your physical eyes, your eyes of
understanding have the ability to send images to your brain cells.
This is the same Greek word used by the Lord Jesus in the book of Matthew, when
Jesus speaks of the mind.
Matthew 22: 37
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (dianoia)
In all three gospels in which Jesus mentioned loving God with all of our heart, all of
our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength, Jesus used a special word for the
word mind. The word for mind that He used is the word dianoia, which refers
especially to the imagination part of our mind.
For example, when you see the dream car you have always wanted, that image is
communicated to your brain through the eyes, and you will even feel excitement or
some other emotion, because that image is also being conveyed to your soul at the
same time. Your physical eyes have a link to that spiritual realm, and there is a
connection even though it’s not a physical one. That is the same way that the eyes of
your understanding are connected to your spirit: they are not in the spirit but have the
ability to convey information to that realm.

Even though every believer has eyes of understanding, just like your physical eyes,
they require light to be able to see anything. If I put you in a dark room right now, it
doesn’t matter how great your eyesight is, you would be as blind as a bat.

So there are two things required for you to see anything: first of all a fully functional
eye, and secondly, light. If your optical nerves are damaged, you will not be able to
see anything, even though light is present. It is the same thing with the eyes of your
understanding. They require the light that comes from wisdom and revelation to be
able to form an image. So then, you need the eye of your understanding to be fully

Even Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians was that their understanding be
enlightened. The word enlightened is photizo in Greek, and it does not just mean light
it means ‘flood light’ like the stadium lights that flood the whole pitch enabling
players to see the ball, the gates, each other and supporters in the grand stands like its
day. So, Apostle Paul was praying for their understanding to be flooded with light, so
they could see beyond the natural.

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However, many believers have wounded eyes and are groping in the dark and crying
to God and asking him to speak when they are the ones whose senses are not active.
Believers do not realize that their souls can have wounds, just like their physical
bodies, and the soul can be scarred through bitterness, grief, hurtful words spoken,
and actions and can leave the human soul in a dysfunctional condition. In this
condition, even if light is present, the eyes of your understanding will be unable to
perceive anything. Remember you need the eye and you need light. You need two and
with only one you are as useless as a nonbeliever in the department of hearing God.

You need to understand that love cures the eyes of your spirit. The fruit of the Spirit
as aforementioned, the eye, is the medicine for blind eyes. Every time you allow
bitterness, hurt, or anything that is against the fruit of love, it will affect your
intelligence, and cause your soul to be dysfunctional. You then no longer bear the fruit
of the Spirit, which is love. Even when the Spirit of God tries to impart wisdom,
revelation, and ideas for your life, you will be unable to receive these
communications, and you will remain alienated from the voice of God.

People who are hurting will not react normally to certain situations, because the pain
they are experiencing causes them to create a distorted view of reality. They either
exaggerate even the smallest incidents, or they are so numb that they become
emotionally locked down, and fail to respond as they should in certain situations, and
these emotional wounds will actually affect the person’s intelligence.

When the eyes of your understanding are wounded, you will be unable to access the
voice of God as you should. To go deeper on the eyes of your understanding let me
put you in remembrance of the word dianoia I dealt with before. The dianoia is that
part of your soul that perceives, that sees the picture. You see the Greek has a lot of
words for thought. They differentiate between analytical thought and picture thought,
vision thought, and the imaginative kind of thought.
Most Christians live on the analytical side, and the demonic world is trying to get you
into that realm of the mind where occult phenomena dwell. The church of God has
neglected this realm. In fact, we should not neglect either realm. The word of God
brings understanding to our souls on the analytical side, and that is important to your
ability to understand anything that God says to your spirit. We should develop that
realm, so that we can present the gospel and understand how the word of God applies
to our lives.
The dianoia part of your soul needs to develop creativity and imagination, and the
root word of this word dianoia has been translated as behold, or see. So you can see
that the root of it actually refers back to the imagination, and imagination is a picture.
So instead of just using the analytical part of our minds and saying A = B, and B = C,
therefore C = A, we could use the imaginative part of our minds for example if I say,

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visualise yourself on a golf course in Hawaii about to tee off with your best
friends, enjoying life to the fullest. You can actually see the picture. How are you
doing it? You are using your imaginative ability. Your dianoia is working. That’s the
eye of you spirit working so to speak although in the hearing side it should be using
the Spirit of God.
You see now that the thought made by the mind are part of the sense of the spirit. That
thing you call the mind is part and parcel of the eyes of the spirit!
The Human Mind
That is the part of the mind that modern man has neglected. Some people go into the
area of the psychic. They try to move into the area of imagination. But the word of
God has been talking about all these things for a long time. God knows, because God
is the one who created your soul. Your body has different parts.

Notice, your hands are different from your eyes in the same way your soul has many
different faculties. There is a part of our soul that is used for analysing and reasoning.

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There is a part of our soul used for imagining. God did not create all these
capabilities for the devil to use. They were created because we were made in the
image of God, and He wants you to be able to access His voice using all facets of
your being. It is the image of God in you that causes you to have this ability. This is
why it is important for you to understand the function of the soul if you are going to be
able to hear directly from God. God Himself has all these faculties within Him.
The Handwriting of God
This dianoia is the same word found in Hebrews 8 and 10, where it says that God
says I will write my laws in their heart and in their mind. The word mind is that
Greek word dianoia. I will write My word in their imagination. Do you see that?

Many make the mistake of ignoring the seed of their imagination. The seed of your
imagination is vital and powerful; that seed is the seed of your future. You are going
to build on it, and God is going to use it to build your life. You may ask how does
God do that? He is writing on your imagination. How does he do it? Through His
word. The scripture says,
Hebrews 4: 12
For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged
sword piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joint and marrow and
it is the discerner of the thought and intent of the heart.
The word of God comes right between our spirit and our soul, and it begins to act on
the soul part of our imagination. A special word is used here in Hebrews 4: 12. The
words intent of the heart are from the root word noia. You see, the word of God is
meant to come into our heart and into our life and be written in the corridors of our
imagination. The word of God must come right into our imagination. This is the level
at which the word of God becomes a lamp unto your feet. It is now in you, and God
can use it to direct your paths.
Remember what Psalm 119: 105 says;
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
The word was never meant to be used just for analysis, but it is used as a word for
imagination. Let the word be written in the corridors of your imagination, so that you
begin to see the blueprint God has for your life. You access God’s direction for your
life through the word.
When you receive the word, it is the logos of God, the written word. The sword of
the Spirit discerns, judges, and removes those things that are not in line with the
word. There are a lot of imaginings in your life that are from the past, from your un-
renewed mind, from the world, from the things that you see today. It is very difficult
for God to write. You have to clean it first. So, God says to guard it. It’s the seed, and
the blueprint of your life. The word of God acts on the information that is found in the
imaginative part of our heart and converts it to you into spontaneous thoughts that then
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from the peripherals of the prophetic word. This is how the eyes of your
understanding operate they can even read the intents of the heart.
Reading the Intentions of the heart
When the eyes of your understanding are full of light, and the wisdom and direction
of God is flowing through you, you will even be able to read people’s hearts. This
was the level of wisdom and understanding that Solomon used to judge the two
women that were fighting over a baby in 1 Kings 3: 16.
Then the king said, Bring me a sword. So they brought a sword before the king.
And the king said, divide the living child in two, give half to one and half to the
other. Then the woman whose son was living spoke to the king, for she yearned
with compassion for her son; and she said, O my lord, give her the living child,
and by no means kill him. But the other said, let him be neither mine nor yours
but divide him. So, the king answered and said, Give the first woman the living
child, and by no means kill him, she is his mother’.
After he had received wisdom from God, Solomon had the ability to discern what
was in the women’s hearts. He knew exactly how the woman who was not the child’s
mother was going to respond. God had enlarged Solomon’s understanding so that his
judgment was based on his understanding of the heart. This, however, is only one
area of the understanding of the heart.
As we go deeper, you will notice some similarities between the functions of the inner
eye and the word of knowledge, and the word of wisdom or the gift of faith.
Reading the Heart In My Life
When I left my home country Britain, back to Zimbabwe for a season, way back, I
remember walking into a live service in Zimbabwe, and as I was moving through the
crowds’ people were crying out for me to minister to their needs, but there was one
lady in particular who was very animated and caught my attention.
She was wearing a maternity dress, and she looked as though she was with child
from the size of her belly. As I stood a distance from her, immediately, I picked up the
deception that was in her heart. She was a liar, she was not pregnant. I told her to
remove whatever she had stuffed into her dress immediately. To the crowd’s
amazement, this woman was actually a reporter from one of the local papers who had
come to the service that day to try and disprove my gift.
The moment I laid my eyes on this woman I could see her heart. She had fooled all
the ushers, but I wasn’t looking at her with the eyes of the flesh. I could see her with
the inner eyes. This is the growth and ability that God instils in a person’s soul and
spirit as they grow into the mind of Christ, and they develop an inherent ability to see
into the hearts of human beings. The pregnancy looked genuine to the naked eye so
much so that even nurses that work for the ministry where all fooled but God could
not be fooled. He made me look past the pregnancy and the Oscar winning type of act
and straight into the heart to see the deception. With the direction of sight, you can
understand and know what is important to people, and understand what a person
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wants in life and even their deception.
This is the same kind of wisdom that the Lord Jesus was using in the book of John.
watch what the bible says;
John 2: 23–24
Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, on the feast day, many believed
in His name, when they saw the miracles, which he did. But Jesus did not commit
himself unto them because he knew all men.
Even though the crowds were shouting amen and hallelujah to everything he was
saying, Jesus was able to see into their hearts. Everything on the outside seemed to be
as it should, but he knew better than that. Now, even in business imagine how many
deals have fallen through simply because you were unable to discern the kind of
people you were dealing with, yet this is an ability that God placed inside of you, to
enable you to see beyond the appearance of things.
I know some of you may be thinking, if everybody has that, will we be peering into
one another’s hearts all the time? God is not going to reveal people’s hearts to us just
to tickle our ears. Oh no. It’s going to be as it is relevant to your life, and it has to do
with you accessing and hearing from God directly as to which path you should take in
life. In fact, if a person’s attitude is to play judge, that person will never grow into
wisdom, because playing judge is a wrong attitude, and signifies a soul that is not
perfect and also shows a deficiency of the fruit of the spirit, love. Remember without
this you cannot prophesy. You won’t hear God’s voice without love. It’s just
A perfect soul is a soul full of love. If there is imperfection, it reveals a dysfunction
of the soul, a dysfunction of the inner eye, and a wrong perception. This is an
important truth to know because without it you cannot see into the future
Seeing In to the Future
Your physical body is limited, but your soul is never limited by time and neither is
your spirit. When man was first created his body was immortal, and he was not
confined by the boundaries of time. You were never designed to die, and one day you
will have that immortal body.
If I asked you right now what you were doing this time last week, you would be able
to tell me who you met, what you had for dinner, and everything else? Why? Your
mind has the ability to travel back into time and revisit some of the things you have
seen. Of course, your body cannot do this, but at the same time your mind alone
cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary.
This is the reason why even after years of retirement from active duty, some soldiers
will experience post-traumatic stress disorder. When they recall those dramatic
events, even their physical bodies respond as if they are back in that very situation
they experienced years ago. The mind is failing to regulate what is a memory and
what is reality. To the mind, it is real because it is seen.

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Think about it, if I can convince you that something is there even when it is not really
there, you would act as if it exists. Have you ever been stopped by a traffic light and
when the car parked on your side started moving forward you thought yours was
moving backwards and slammed on the brakes? Even though in reality your car was
not moving your mind responded to its own perceived reality.
Let me say this your mind has its own reality, yes, but it was not made to function
without your spirit. Faith attracts what you believe in, and fear draws you to what
you are afraid of. Why? Because of the mind. The mind does not know the difference
between what is imaginary and what is real. So what is real? In the book of John, the
Lord Jesus makes this statement, which very few in the body of Christ understand
John 14: 6
Jesus saith unto them, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto
the Father, but by me.
The word truth is also translated as reality. There is only one reality, Jesus Christ.
The amazing thing is that God originally created us to have this ability to see into the
future. The same soul, and the same inner eye, had the supernatural ability to see into
the future.
Speaking to His disciples Jesus said this will still happen. He said,
When he the Spirit of truth has come he will show you things to come.
He calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of reality, and you can develop the same ability to
look into the future that people use to look into the past, while knowing the future
depends on the eyes of your understanding’s ability to perceive the future. The Bible
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ.
As I said in the previous chapter you can only have the mind of Christ when you walk
in love, because walking in love is walking in the spirit. If you have that mind of
Christ you could look into somebody’s eyes, you could look into somebody’s life,
you could see their hearts, and you could see their future. I am not talking about being
a fortune-teller, I am talking about the mind that Christ Jesus had. The moment Jesus
saw Peter in the Gospel of John, He said, you are Simon. Jesus knew his heart, Jesus
knew his name, and Jesus knew his future. He could hear the voice of God so the
future was simply reduced to that present time.
Time only exists in the physical world if you don’t know how to hear the voice of
God. Your mind was never made to be limited by the physical world. It can move
into the realm of the future. The fact is it is easy to see into the future when you yield
to the love of God that is already on the inside of you as a believer.
Ability to be Objective
One of the most difficult things to do, is to see things objectively, because we are all
subjective. Everything you see is coloured by your desires. The way you interpret
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everything you see and hear is greatly influenced by your desires, goals, background,
and limitations. As you walk in love you can develop yourself to the place where the
eye of your understanding begins to see things the way God sees them. It becomes
easier for you to hear the voice of God, when you can see things the way God sees
them. That is achieved by walking in the spirit as I said in chapter one. Love cleanses
the lenses of your spiritual eye.
The eyes of your understanding, when enlightened, will give you the ability to see the
past and the present objectively. You will look at things with a sober mind.
Before the US presidential election of 2016 which was won by President Donald
Trump, during a recorded live service which is still available on my YouTube
Chanel, I began to speak prophetically. I told the masses that were watching around
the world that Donald Trump would become the next US President. I also went on to
even mention that this was going to be a two-horse race between Donald Trump and
Hilary Clinton. I even told the people that the majority of the black race was going to
vote for Hilary Clinton. Listen, all this was before these two had even been
nominated by their respective parties to represent them as presidential candidates,
and in fact as for Donald Trump, I saw other visions before he even gave his
intention to run for the presidency and that’s a full year before anything.
You see, I am black and if I had allowed the media to influence my mind I would
have missed the voice of God and went with the rest of the crowd that missed it and
thought Hilary Clinton was going to win. My ability to hear the voice of God was not
influenced by the media reports that were saying that Donald Trump was racist, I
remained the object of the Spirit because of walking in the spirit and was able to
know the mind of God concerning that election. If I wasn’t walking in the fruit of the
Spirit I would have chosen Hillary who was supporting the black race and I would
have missed the prophecy. Love cleanses your spiritual eyes. It makes you focus on
God and not your opinions.
Notice, apart from just being a prophet of God I have developed myself to the extent
that the eye of my understanding sees things exactly as God shows them. I am void of
any personal opinions that many prophecies that I have spoken and come to pass are
controversial because I am on the side of truth regardless of how it goes against my
natural desires. Love helps me see objectively in the spiritual realm.
Hindrances to Seeing into the Realm of the Spirit
When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, they could see into the realm of the
spirit in the same way they could see the natural realm. They walked with the Lord in
the cool of the day, and if an angel appeared they could see him just as well as they
could the animals in the garden. This all changed when they sinned against God, and
their understanding was darkened. They could no longer relate to the spiritual world
as they used to.
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul refers to the understanding of the Gentiles as being

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Ephesians 4: 18
Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God
through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.
That is a description of the same condition that Adam and Eve experienced when they
rebelled against God. They found themselves alienated from God, and their
understanding darkened. They could no longer relate to spiritual realities like they
used to. When Adam and Eve sinned against God for the very first time in their lives
they were afraid of their maker, and where there is fear there is no love. Like many
today they had just fallen into one of the enemy’s most effective weapons in
alienating you from the voice of God. Watch what the scripture says;
Genesis 3: 10
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because, I was
For the very first time Adam and Eve could experience fear, they had just been
moved from that position of love. Right now, many believers cannot access the voice
of God because in their hearts and minds they are always questioning whether or not
God is mad at them. They are driven into condemnation whenever they miss the mark
and can no longer fellowship with the Lord as they should. It is so easy for the enemy
to push believers into that position, it’s like taking candy from a baby, let’s read the
next verse so you can see the Lord’s response.
Genesis 3: 11
And he said, who told thee that thou wast naked?
The very first thing the Lord wanted to know is, who told you that you are naked, in
other words who planted in you the seed of fear? Fear cripples the inner sight of
every believer, that is what makes it a favourite weapon of the enemy. That fear had
not only damaged their inner senses but it also moved them from love into fear. The
scripture says that perfect love casts out fear, so when you are fearful there is no
love there.
The Lord Jesus knew no fear and when He was here on earth He was able to see the
realm of the spirit. He could see demons, and He knew when the angels were
ministering to Him. He was the epitome of love, he knew no fear. This is the same
love that was shed abroad in your heart when you received Christ and when you walk
in that love there is no room for the enemy to sow a seed of fear.
Many believers though born again still have their understanding darkened having
their inner eyes blinded by fear and anxiety. I want you to notice something else in the
scripture below, Paul was telling us that we have the mind of Christ, so God has
already made it possible for you hear from him directly but you need to walk in the
spirit and have the light of God’s word.
As we said early on in this book, walking in the spirit is simply walking in love but
the nice thing is that love is already shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost if we
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are believers, of which we are. That same love gives us the mind of Christ and when
we awake to the reality that we have this mind we then think like him, see like him
and hear in his way of hearing.
Notice what 1 Corinthians 2: 16
For who hath known the mind of the Lord that He may instruct him? But we
have the mind of Christ.
Notice here the bible is not promising that you will have the mind of Christ but that
you already have it. You possess this mind of Christ because you have love imparted
on you the time you receive salvation. What you lack right now is the enlightenment
to use it all because the devil condemns you based on the sins you committed. Sin
hinders your seeing not because God doesn’t talk to those who make mistakes, no. but
because it destroys your self-image. It makes you think God doesn’t want to talk to
you because of a mistake you made. The devil knows this so he condemns you to a
level where you start thinking God doesn’t want to talk to you, and since that will be
your belief you stop hearing the voice of God.
The understanding of grace or Good news, as we call it in our ministry here is very
paramount so you begin to see the light, that it is not what you do that makes you hear
God but what God did on the cross that gives you access. The devil attacks your mind
and tells you to condemn yourself. You see it is the devil’s trick to use many
hindrances so that believers like you and I won’t hear the voice of God but this is the
reason for this book so that you awaken to who you are and what it takes to remove
the hindrances that the devil places in your path. I call these hindrances ‘the mind
games of the devil’ because they mainly are placed in your mind.
Hindrances in the mind
You have to understand that the enemy will play with your mind to keep you in
condemnation and fear, unable to access the voice of God. I want us to quickly look
at the meaning of one of the Greek words that are translated as mind in the Greek
New Testament so that we can expose the different things that can hinder you in
accessing the voice of God. Wrong teaching and religious doctrines have actually
conditioned the minds of many believers to never hear the voice of God.
This is why when I minister prophetically many find it hard to believe the gift,
because in their minds this thing should not be. No one should be able to hear from
God as clearly as I hear according to them. And I can tell you right now that for those
who think like that, these things are truly impossible. There are things right now that
have conditioned your mind to keep you from hearing anything from God.
Imagine from Sunday school you have been told that if you wanted to go to heaven
and for God to be happy with you, you had to do good. Now whenever you make a
mistake immediately your mind tells you that you should not be hearing from God, in
fact like Adam and Eve you become afraid. This is why the apostle Paul speaks of
the weapons of our warfare being those for casting down imaginations and reasoning,
let’s look at that scripture.
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2 Corinthians 10: 4–5 says,
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Verse five describes casting down argument or reasoning. It is the Greek word
dialogismos, which refers to the reasoning part of the mind. In the Old King James
Version, it is translated as imagination, but that is not the word for imagination. That
is the word for reasoning.

Paul is telling us there, that there are certain ‘reasonings’ in man and mind-sets that
keep you from the knowledge of God. In order to have clear hearing and vision in the
eye of your spirit all human reasoning that is against the word of God is to be pulled
down. Now I am not saying that we get rid of the laws of logic and reason, because
when you study the scripture Acts 18 actually describes Paul preaching the word of
God, and reasoning using the word dialogismos with the word of God, or reasoning
with the word of God.

Acts 18: 4

And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and
the Greeks.

While he was in the synagogue and later in the school of Tyrannus, he was
expounding the word of God to them. He reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath.
The word reason here is the word dialogismai, which comes from the root word

Paul was reasoning or analysing the word of God to show that Jesus Christ is the
Messiah. He used the Old Testament scriptures to prove that Jesus fulfilled the
scriptures. He was analysing the word of God for them.

Understand that God is not limited to what your mind can process. This is why when
he speaks it is only your spirit that has the capacity to hear, but even when that
information is received in your spirit it still needs to be communicated to your
intellect and if you are already full of erroneous teaching in your intellect you will
miss the voice of God.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to align even your reasoning to
the word of God for you to be able to access the voice of God. Now we are getting
warmed up, and in this next chapter I want us to explore how it is that in scripture it
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is only those that could access the voice of God that could demonstrate the power of
God. You will never be able to exercise your God given authority until you learn how
to access the voice of God. In this next chapter shackles are about to fall off your
hands as we get into how you can begin to move into higher dimensions of God’s
power just by accessing His voice.

Chapter 3

The Original Source of Power

In chapter 1, I spoke of two ingredients that are required in hearing the voice of God
which is light and the eye. In that I spoke of how the eye, even the natural eye cannot
see anything without the presence of light and that it is scientifically proven. The
same happens in the spirit. We need the light of God and the eye of the spirit to be in
unison for us to see. Until you learn how to have the two elements that give you
spiritual insight and develop yourself to access the voice of God you can never walk
in the fullness of the power of God.

Let me explain. Many believers who are trying to tap into the power of God spend
hours reading their bibles hoping to tap into the supernatural, but the Lord Jesus
Himself told us in His word that there is no power in you memorising scripture or
just in the scriptures. I know how that statement makes you feel, even the Pharisees
wanted to stone Jesus when he said it, but allow me to explain. Let’s look at the

John 5: 39

Ye search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are
they which testify of me.

Hope you didn’t miss what Jesus said? He said many people search the scriptures
thinking that they have power. Stay with me on this before you become like the
Pharisees. Don’t jump to conclusions because many times jumping to conclusion will
make you jump in to confusion.

Before I show you what he is really saying let me give you a small background. The
Pharisees had a habit of throwing the scriptures at Jesus trying to disprove that he
was the Messiah. They were just as hungry to see the power of God just as you are,
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and made a career of studying the scriptures, but never heard from God to the extent
that when they came face to face with Lord Himself they were too blind to even
recognise the God they worshiped. Their biggest problem with the ministry of Jesus
was the miracles, signs and wonders because they themselves could not demonstrate
the power of God but Jesus confronted their ignorance head on.

They were the keepers of the Law and yet their understanding was darkened, they
could neither see into the realm of the spirit nor access the voice of God. Now notice
in the scripture we have just read the Lord actually says to them; you are searching
the scriptures because you think that is where you will find power. The word
translated as eternal life in that scripture is the Greek word zoe and it means life as
God has it, it speaks of the divine nature and extends to divine power.

Now when the Lord says for in them YOU THINK ye have eternal life, he was
simply pointing out the fact that there is power in the scriptures they were searching.
The Greek word translated as scripture in that passage is graphe and it means
written document, it is the same word that the English derives the word graph from. I
know some are now asking what about Matthew 4: 4 we will deal with that in a
minute. Now when you study the scripture you will find that this is different from
when the Lord refers to the word. If you don’t look at it in the original rendering you
can miss the whole thing, let’s look at what the Lord says in the book of Matthew.

Matthew 4: 4

But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Now the Greek word translated as word in that passage of scripture is rhema it is
not the same as what we read earlier in John 5: 39, rhema means utterance on a
particular matter or topic so it is for those that already hearing the voice of God.
When all you have is graphe it’s like having a map of the city of London and
claiming that you now know what it is to live in London. You don’t. As long as all
you have is graphe you know about God but will never know Him until you learn
how to access His voice and tap into the power of the Holy Ghost.

If I walked into a shop today and told the shop assistant I wear shoe size 10, I like a
slim fit size 36 suit and shirt size 16. That shop keeper would be very mistaken to
think that he now knows me. He might know about me but I have no relationship with
him. We have no other conversation apart from the sizes I have just given him. Jesus
said that the scriptures ‘graphe’ are they that testify of me, in other words the
scriptures give evidence of the things I tell you, that point you to me but they are not
me and cannot connect you to the power of God until you know him.

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Scriptures are just a sign post to the destination and not the destination. You can stand
in Manchester and see a sign saying LONDON 200 MILES. You can’t sit under that
sign post and declare you are now in London. You see, Jesus was trying to say all
scripture is pointing to him. He was saying scripture doesn’t contain power. The only
power the scriptures have is that of being the sign post to the son of God who is the
real word and the real power and the real destination.

So you see, we have churches claiming they don’t perform miracles signs or wonders
because they are word only churches. In short what they are doing is parading
themselves as people sitting under a sign post happy and excited thinking they are at
the destination when the real destinations is crying out;

John 5: 39

Ye search the scriptures, for in them YE THINK ye have eternal life and they
are they which testify of me.

You see if you sit by the sign post you are not yet there. At that point, you are not yet
participating with the subject. You have the word that points to who he is but until
you get to the point when that word gets into your spirit and brings light you will be
groping in the dark. Remember that all communication of God is received in the
intuition of your spirit, as long as all you have is head knowledge there is no light
reaching the inner eyes and it will be difficult for you to demonstrate the power of
God when you cannot hear him.

This is the same problem the sons of Sceva faced when they tried to cast out demons
using the name of Jesus in the book of Acts. Remember these were sons of the high
priest, so they would have grown up reciting scriptures but all they had was graphe,
it was head knowledge. They knew about Jesus, the works that he had done but did
not know Him.

Acts 19: 13 says;

Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them
which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, we adjure you by
Jesus whom Paul preacheth. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew,
and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said,
Jesus I know, and Paul I know but who are ye?

The difference between Paul and the sons of Sceva was that the sons of Sceva only

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knew about Jesus, had information that points to his power but had no access to the
voice of God so did not know him. They had graphe but didn’t have rhema or
logos. Paul knew the Lord for himself, he could hear directly from God and even
demonic powers now knew that as for Paul he can use the name of Jesus and they
would obey. In fact, Apostle Paul is the one who wrote under the inspiration of the
Spirit that;

1Corinthinas 4:20

The kingdom of God is not in word but in the demonstration of power.

You see that? He had realised that the scriptures were simply signposts to the real
word. The word as he knew it had a higher dimension where it was in the person of
Jesus Christ. The sons of Sceva thought it was the same and they soon realised their
grave mistake.

Accessing the Original Source of Power

I know I have just messed up your theology on that one but we are just getting
warmed up. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the power of God but I
submit to you that the original source of power is the voice of God and this is why it
is important for every believer to know how to access the voice of God for
themselves. I have heard many including ministers speaking of how the original
source of power is in speaking in tongues but I want to submit to you that this is not
the case.

There is no power in speaking in tongues; many of you are speaking in tongues right
now, and you are still sick, broken and depressed. Real power comes when you
discover the original source of power. I know somebody’s religion is being tampered
with right now. Hang in there, you are about to be delivered from your ignorance.

The Bible does not say that you pray in tongues so you can be healed. No! Praying in
tongues can connect you to the power that will heal you but cannot produce the
healing power. So, I am not saying that it is wrong for you to pray in tongues, no,
what I am saying is that speaking in tongues is not the original source of power. It’s
like having a power bank for your mobile phone that you take with you when you are
out and about. It has the power to charge your mobile phone, but relies on being
plugged in, to the main source of power.

So when you speak in tongues you are accessing power, but that is not the original
source of the power.

Let me break it down a bit further, according to science, the first law, also known
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as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or
destroyed in an isolated system. In other words, when you have energy it can be
transferred into another form of energy, but it cannot be destroyed. For example,
when you have a can of gasoline, it is loaded with energy as it is. When you ignite it,
that energy is transformed from its original gasoline form into heat and light energy.

You have not created or accessed anything new, but the same energy that was stored
as gasoline has just been released as heat and light energy.

The same is true in the realm of the spirit, and when we read Genesis chapter 1, we
can see the creation of the earth and how everything else came to be.

Genesis 1: 1–3

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was
without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be
light and there was light.

Now this is where I need you to pay attention. As you go through the first chapter of
Genesis you will be hearing the statement and God said…, and God said…. Creation
itself was being birthed from the very words that were coming out of His mouth. In
the scripture we have just read, the Bible says, and God said let there be light and
there was light.

Now wait a minute right there. If we take the laws that we have already proven in
science, what this means is that when God spoke and said, let there be light, there
was a force or energy in His voice that was translated into the light that He was
commanding to come into being. When he said, let there be light, the Bible says there
was light, and it came into being from the energy of His voice.

When the sound of His voice thundered into the emptiness that was there, it contained
the power to bring the light into existence. He lifted up His voice again and
commanded the firmament to come into being and the bible tells us that it was so. As
you go through the whole of Genesis Chapter 1, you will find that in putting together
all of creation as we know it today, God only had one raw material for everything
and that was His Voice. In fact, God Himself tells us He is that voice. You will never
walk in the power of God until you learn how to sharpen your spirit to hear from God
and see into the realm of the spirit.

The Voice in Christ

If you were looking for something ordinary you picked up the wrong book, but stick
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with me we are about to go deeper. I know right now when I say that the voice of
God was the source of creation some are already wondering about John 1 verse 1 but
let’s read what it says. It actually explains the same thing I am telling you right now.

John 1: 1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him;
and without him was not anything made that was made.

Then if you jump to verse 14 it says it this way;

And the word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Now right there the bible is telling us that the whole universe as we know it was
created by Jesus, if everything was created by the word and when the word became
flesh we got Jesus, then it stands to reason that we are being told that the world as we
know it was created by Jesus who is the word.

Now how do we reconcile that with the voice of God? Very complicated for the
religious mind but it’s about to drop into your spirit stay with me. For us to really
understand how this works we have to know the identity of Jesus in the beginning
who created everything as we have just read in the book of John. Watch what the
bible says in Genesis 3;

Genesis 3: 8

And they heard the voice of the Lord God WALKING IN THE GARDEN, in the
cool of the day…”

Now notice the bible says Adam and Eve, heard the VOICE WALKING, the bible is
not telling us that they heard God calling him and hid. No. We know this because
when God does call Adam to say where are you he answers immediately, but what
Adam is describing is the movement that God was making before he called. Other
translations actually say I heard your voice walking, so the entity that Adam was
describing is called the Voice. The book of John has already told us that Jesus was
there in the beginning now we know that He is the Voice that Adam was describing.
They used to walk together and fellowship in the cool of the day until that day when
Adam gave in to Satan.

This is why Adam could name each animal and never repeat himself or forget a
name, he had access to the voice of God which enabled him to walk in the power of
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God. You need to understand that man was not only made in the image of God only
but also in the likeness of God. Which means that he was not just supposed to just
look like God but that he could function like the creator and all this was possible
before the fall of Adam and the darkening of his understanding.

When man was alienated from the voice of God he was automatically removed from
the power of God and all of a sudden, he needed to labor for him to put food on the
table. Now you have to learn how to sharpen your spirit and walk in love so that your
inner vision can be clear. If we look at the ministry of the Lord Jesus you can see
clearly how the power of God is released through his voice. Let’s look at the

John 5: 6- 9

The impotent man answered him, sir, I have no man when the water is troubled,
to put me into the pool but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.
Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man
was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked:

The Lord’s instruction there actually sounds confusing, think about it. How do you
simply walk up to a man who hasn’t walked in 30 odd years and is actually trying to
be healed and say get up and walk? That means the instruction is not just an
instruction but it carries an empowerment to bring to pass the thing that has been
spoken. That is why I said that as long as you are hearing from God your life will
never be void of power. Check it for yourself right now. The reason you struggle to
even pray for a headache to go is because you have no direct access to the voice of
God and the Lord Himself is the person of that voice.

The bible has already told us that; without Him there was nothing made that was
made, but when we look back to the book of Genesis there was only one thing that
brought forth creation and that was the voice of God. Speaking to the seas,
commanding the heavens to come into being. Everything has its origin in the voice of
God, the voice of God is the original source of power.

The Holy Spirit and Power

Now before His ascension to heaven the Lord Jesus told His disciples that they
would receive power after the Holy Ghost had come.

Acts 1: 8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye

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shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria,
and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

By that scripture some may think ‘yeah I got you Angel because I have seen that the
Holy spirit has power’, Don’t rush you need to know the work of the Spirit. Watch
this; the coming of the Spirit was going to give believers access to power, but what
many have failed to understand is how this power was going to be imparted. If you
read the gospels, you will find that this is something that the Lord had already
explained to His disciples, so they knew why the Holy Ghost was coming, and they
could take full advantage of His presence. Now watch this:

John 16: 13

Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth,
for He shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He
speak and He will show you things to come.

Right there, the Lord Jesus has just given us the job description of the Holy Spirit. So
according to Jesus, when the Holy Ghost comes, He will give you access to the voice
of God, the original source of power. Look at it, the scripture says, he will not speak
of himself, so He is speaking, and the last part of that verse says, he will speak
whatsoever he shall hear. What then, will he be hearing that he can convey to you?
He will impart to you whatsoever God is speaking at that time.

The voice of God is a force; everything we know has its origin in the spoken word of
God. That’s the power of the Holy Ghost, to connect you to the voice of God.

John 14: 26 concurs

But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all thing, and bring to remembrance all that I said to

Jesus was telling His disciples that the Holy Ghost was going to remind them of what
He said, or His sayings. Why was he going to do this? That is where the power is, in
the voice of God! When those things that God has spoken are brought to your
remembrance right there is where the power of God is released.

That is why the prophetic is powerful when I stand there and prophesy all you are
hearing is the voice of God, there are words being spoken and power is being
released right there. Ancient words, long preserved coming directly from the throne
room is exactly what will be happening. Even the very power of a prophet is in his
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Many believers right now are without power, because they cannot access the voice of
God. That is the power that brought creation into being. God did not go around
looking for bricks and mortar. Instead, the Bible says he spoke and light came into
being. He spoke and His voice was translated into the existence of the heavens and
the earth.

This is exactly what the scripture tells us in the book of Isaiah, Chapter 55.

Isaiah 55: 10–11

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not
thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may
give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goeth
forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

We know from this scripture that every word that comes out of the mouth of God
carries power, and it never fails to produce the results required. Access to the voice
of God is access to power. I have seen the Lord with my own eyes, and I hear His
voice as clear as day! He is not hiding from His people. He wants you to be able to
hear from Him directly.

I know you have heard the saying; the Lord works in mysterious ways, the most
unscriptural statement if I have ever heard one. Why do I say so? Because that
scripture in Isaiah 55 vs 8 which says his ways are not our ways ends with God
saying ‘BUT’ meaning all said is now being replaced with:

Isaiah 55: 10–11

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not
thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may
give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goeth
forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

So that ends on saying God wants to speak to you today.

Now many are perishing today simply because they cannot access the voice of God,
and the widow of Zarephath very nearly joined their ranks.

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1 Kings 17: 9

Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold,
I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.

The widow of Zarephath nearly perished, simply because she could not hear the
voice of God for herself. When the prophet of God showed up, her first response was
to object to the plan of God. Elijah the prophet had to go there, and repeat the words
of God to her, before she could cooperate with the plan of God for her sustenance.

When God spoke the first time, she missed it completely, and this is why she is
surprised at the prophet’s request. Imagine how many times you have missed the
voice of God and missed your miracle. If she had heard from God then when the man
of God came asking for food she would have known that her miracle had arrived.
However, God had already told us that she had been commanded to feed the man of
God. She had already dug a grave for herself and her son, so they could eat their last
meal and die.

I Kings 17: 11–12

And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, bring me, I pray thee,
a morsel of bread in thine hand. And she said, as the Lord thy God liveth, I have
not a cake, but a handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse and behold,
I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that
we may eat it and die.

God had spoken but she did not hear anything. The Lord actually told the prophet that
I have commanded a widow. Either God lied to His own prophet, or this widow
missed His voice but as we already know, GOD DOESN’T LIE. God had a plan to
sustain her in the time of famine, and she very nearly failed to comply, simply
because she could not hear the voice of God.
I tell you God is speaking to many people today, and they are not hearing. And if you
can’t hear God’s voice, you may even die in your situation without coming out of it.
To hear God is deliverance. Some people die early or never live a prosperous life
because they don’t hear God’s voice. Now I want you to get comfortable, because
this next chapter will open you up to a dimension you never knew existed as I want us
to dig deeper into the voice of God.

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Chapter 4

The Word Without the Voice

Many of you reading this book right now will testify to the fact that hearing the word
of God does not automatically translate to hearing from God. The word of God points
us to the will of God which becomes an anchor for your faith, because faith begins
where the will of God is known. The biggest problem is that many of God’s people
have been hearing the word of God without hearing from God. You study your Bible
every day, and that is to be commended, but it doesn’t mean that you have heard the
voice of God. I know I have just confused you right now, so let me explain a little
further. Most Christians have been hearing the word, but not the voice of God.

I know many people think faith comes by hearing the word of God, it doesn’t! I know
I have provoked a lot of people right now but stay with me as we take a closer look
at the scripture. Watch what the bible says;

Romans 10: 17

So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

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So there are three things involved right there, that is faith, hearing and the word.
Now notice the bible is not saying that faith comes by hearing the word, no! It is
telling us that there is a thing called hearing that has the ability to produce faith. This
ability to hear can only be created in you by the power of the word of God, this is
why the scripture is saying that, hearing comes by the word of God. The word that
comes out of the mouth of God has a creative ability within itself, so it produces an
ability to hear that results in faith. So the faith you are trying to get is a result of the
ability to hear that is produced by the word.

Let me put that verse in a version you can understand;

Romans 10: 17 in the simplified version would say;

So then faith is produced by the ability of hearing and the ability of hearing is
produced by of the word of God.

Do you see that now? Many make the mistake of thinking that faith comes by hearing
the word of God. If it was so then the devil would be born again because he has a lot
of the word he has memorised to the extent that at one time he was even quoting
scripture to the Lord who created him. So, to cut the long story short, extra-ordinary
faith can only be attained by those that developed their hearing ability the word of
God. Now that they can hear in the realm of the spirit, it is now possible to do mighty
exploits in faith.

You see, God longs for a deeper relationship with you other than you just being able
to recite verses. He wants you to come up to that place where your inner eyes are
flooded with light to the extent that it becomes easy for you to comprehend spiritual
realities. It is only when you begin to walk in the spirit that the word of God begins
to illuminate your innermost recess and enable you to access the voice of God.

Until you start walking in the spirit the bible will be like another text book for you.
The Bible says that even the very hairs on your head are numbered. God is obsessed
with every detail of your life and when you begin to walk in the spirit the word of
God enhances your ability to hear from him. You walk in the spirit by walking in love
and when the word of God comes into you at that level in you the light of His word
brings the illumination that the inner eye requires to be able to see beyond the natural.
Hope you still remember that scientifically, just like in the spirit the eye requires light
in order to see? The word is the light.

The bible says in Psalm 119:130;

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The entrance of thy word brings light

It also concurs in Psalm 119:105;

Your word is a lamb unto my feet

You see that? The eye in order to see prophetically and hear requires light. It requires
a great entrance of light for your spiritual ear to hear the voice of God. Here there are
no shortcuts. When the word is in you, it means you now have more than what you
have just read in your bible. There is now a knowing on the inside of you that is the
ingredient for extra-ordinary faith. The eye of your spirit has already seen this thing
even though it seems impossible in the natural, you have heard the voice of God and
become fully persuaded of the reality of the unseen.

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Watch what the scripture says and let’s understand it in another way;

Romans 10: 17

So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

The Bible says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Ok. I
know we have a problem right there, so let’s divide that scripture into two parts and
put it back together again. The Bible says that you need to rightly divide the word of
truth. You are learning something, so let’s go!

So then faith cometh by hearing, before we read the second part of that scripture
tell me, how do we get faith? By hearing of course, and what do you suppose we are

It cannot be the word that we are hearing, because the scripture has already told us
that the ability to hear comes from the word. So then, the big question is, now that we
have an ability to hear through the word, what then are we hearing that produces
faith? It is hearing from God that produces faith. You can hear the word without
hearing from God if you are not walking in the spirit, and remain in the same state
you were in. You can quote the bible with the ‘thees’ and ‘thous’ of the King James
version but it will not automatically translate into faith. Jesus instructed His disciples
to have God’s kind of faith, that is to say, the same faith that God possesses, which is
what they were supposed to have.

Mark 11: 22 says;

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

I know some are already thinking that Jesus was asking for the impossible, but see
what Paul says in the book of Galatians.

Galatians 2: 20

I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ; and the life
that I now live in the flesh; I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me
and gave himself for me.

Notice here that Paul doesn’t even say that we are crucified with Christ. No. He used
I, because he knew that many had not yet gotten there. They were still living by their
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own faith, so he could not put them in there. Paul was telling the Galatians that he
now possessed God’s kind of faith, when he said, I live by the faith of the Son of
God. In other words, the same faith Jesus had is what Paul now had. Paul had access
to the voice of God the creative power in that word had produced in him the ability
to hear directly from God. Let’s back up a little bit and look at what he said in
Galatians 1.

Galatians 1: 11–12

But I certify you brethren, that the gospel, which was preached of me, is not
after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the
revelation of Jesus Christ.

Paul was telling them that he heard directly from God, how was this even possible?
The answer is in the very first scripture we read at the beginning of this chapter.
Remember the relationship between faith, hearing and the word. All Paul needed to
do is what I am teaching you in this book. That is to tap into the ultimate source of
power, the voice, which then created in him the ability to hear from God. Don’t
forget, hearing is what comes by the word and then faith is produced when you now
have the ability to hear.

Paul makes another startling claim. He says, he was not taught by any other man, but
it came to him by the revelation of Jesus Christ and there was no mediator between
Paul and the Lord Jesus. Instead, he had a direct line of communication. In fact, Paul
actually makes mention of the fact that when he received the call to the ministry he
never consulted any man, so how did he know what to do? By hearing from God!
Paul wrote most of the New Testament for us, and was mightily used by God to
perform many miracles.

Look at Galatians 1: 15–17

But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called
me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach him among the
heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: Neither went I up to
Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me.

Paul says, I conferred not with flesh and blood. In other words, he did not consult
any man to know the direction he should go. He had another counsellor who had more
wisdom than any man. He had access to the voice of God.

What produces faith in you is not just the word, but rather, the word of God is meant
to cultivate the hearing ability, which brings faith. When you begin to walk in the
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spirit, the word of God comes alive in you and I am not talking about just being
religious, the Pharisees were good at that and they never heard from God. I am
talking about you yielding to the love of God that is on the inside of you as a believer.
So then, faith comes principally by hearing from God. Most believers have been
hearing the word, but have not been hearing from God. You can have the letters of the
scripture as we described in the previous chapter and still be without the ability to
hear the voice of God.

Remember John 5: 39;

Ye search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are
they, which testify of me.

The Pharisees were students of the word, but they had no knowledge of the person of
Christ. They went to the ‘cemetery’, sorry seminary, to study the scriptures, but never
heard the voice of the one they were reading about, to the extent that when they came
face to face with him they could not recognise the Messiah they had been waiting for.
Even after a lifetime of devotion to the ministry, they still didn’t know the one they
claimed to be serving. Like many believers today, they had no access to the voice of

Jesus actually said to them, ye search the scriptures thinking in them you will find
eternal life. In other words, you are wrong. That is not where eternal life is found.

When it comes to hearing the voice of God, it is imperative that you walk in love.
Remember even the bible tells us that God Himself is love and when you begin to
walk in love, you are walking in the realm of God Himself. Giving is simply a
manifestation of love and what many don’t understand is that the prophetic is a giving
ministry because it works when you walk in the spirit by walking in love as I have
already mentioned and when you prophesy you are delivering or giving someone
something and that something is the voice of God for their lives. So it’s a giving

What pulls the prophetic out of me when I stand to minister is the selfless desire to
see somebody else’s life changed for the better. Love gives, it will be difficult for
you to prophesy if you are not a giver because you are not walking in love. There is
no desire in you to release something that will benefit someone else and not you. The
scripture we all love to quote John 3: 16 says, God so loved the world that he gave,
so giving is a manifestation of love.

You will find that many want to prophesy so that they can be the ultimate man of God
and show everyone how big they are. When you are at that level you are still
dominated by your ego and far from walking in the love of God. Love gives, so if you
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are thinking of hearing God’s voice so you can be that big guy in ministry, just stop
right now because this is not for you.

Even though God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you, you
will never relate to him as you should, until you make up your mind to walk in love
and to hear his voice with the right motive. If you do not have the right motive, you
will just be like the Samaritan woman who was told by Jesus that; you know not
what you worship. How can you know someone you have never walked with or
talked to or spoken to? It is just not possible. Psychologists today will tell you that
one of the reasons for high divorce rates in the world today is a lack of
communication. Two people can actually live together and have a communication
breakdown, while sitting every day at the same dinner table and sleeping in the same

Notice here, that as a believer if you are filled with the Holy Ghost, if Christ lives in
you but you have never heard from him directly then your relationship is
dysfunctional—not because he is not speaking, but because you do not know how to
listen. Remember what I told the guy who asked me what I do when the Lord is not
speaking? I told him ‘I check my hearing’. Listening is the problem and not God’s
talking ability. God is speaking non-stop. We just hear him rarely.

This is why Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that she didn’t know what she was
worshipping. Let’s look at the scripture.

John 4: 22

Ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the

Just because you are worshipping doesn’t mean that you know what you are
worshipping. The Samaritan had a rude awakening when she found herself face to
face with Jesus. Jesus was literally telling the woman, yes, you are in church every
Sunday and you have eight versions of the Bible, but you still don’t know the one
you are worshipping. He actually acknowledged that the woman was worshipping
somewhere, but the biggest problem was that she still did not know what she was
worshipping. However, he quickly points to the solution in the very next verse.

John 4: 23

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

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The true worshippers are those who now know who they worship. They are the ones
that know how to get in the spirit, meaning to say they are the ones who are walking
in love which is the fruit of the Spirit. They can hear the voice of God, and that is
how they know whom they are worshipping. To them His voice is distinct when He
speaks, they know exactly what He has said, and they are not waiting for a dog
whisperer to come and interpret what has just been said. They understand the
language because they are in the same realm.

Jesus said, you know not what you worship, but the Father is looking for those who
will worship in spirit, because when they get into the spirit they will know who they
are worshipping. They will be able to hear the voice of the Father and fellowship
with him in a whole new dimension. They can have a koinonia with Him, their
fellowship will be deeper, and they know him.

The Stronghold of Faith

I remember, after establishing our ministry in here in Britain where I call home, I
went to Zimbabwe to establish the second chapter of the church there. While in that
country I was invited by another man of God to minister for him in the prophetic at
his church since in those days there was no one who was really walking in the
prophetic in Southern Africa the way I was and as I walked into the auditorium there
was a big crowd, but I was drawn to one particular man. As soon as I got close to
him, I heard the unmistakable voice of my Father I’ve grown so accustomed to and he
said to me,

Tell this man to divorce his wife.

I did not know this man, and this was not even my church. In fact, I had just moved to
that country, and before my mind could object, I heard the same words echoing out of
my mouth.

Brother the Lord is ministering to me that you need to divorce your wife.

This was the voice of God I was hearing. There was no doubt in my mind that God
could back up what He had just told me to say. The whole place went quiet. You
could have heard a pin drop; I could see the hearts of the people. Some were now
thinking, but God hates divorce, what kind of a man of God will encourage such a
thing? The integrity of my whole ministry was on the line.

As the Lord continued to minister to me by the Spirit of God I began to reveal

intimate details about his life, how his wife was cheating on him and that she had
now contracted the deadly disease HIV AIDS, and was going to willingly and
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intentionally pass on the disease to him if he became intimate with her. It’s only when
we got to the point where the man started confirming all these things that the crowds
began to cheer and praise God.

You see, when I made the first statement they didn’t hear it directly from God, but I
did. I believed it, and they doubted me. They only believed after I had pointed out to
the man where his wife—whom I did not even know—was at the time, and when he
was expecting her back and a lot of other intimate details that he was now
confirming. This is why you need to hear directly from God. The voice of God is the
stronghold of faith but sometimes it won’t make sense to the hearers. You cannot hear
the voice of God and doubt him; the book of Psalms says his voice is mightier than
the voice of many waters.

It was however much to my dismay that I found out the man didn’t even listen to the
voice of God that day. Only a year later whilst ministering in the same place the man
cried out from the crowd, ‘man of God have mercy on me’. I had forgotten him but
the man of God I was ministering for remembered the man from the previous year. He
came up to me and whispered in my ear that it was the same man I had told to divorce
his wife. When he said that, I called for him to be brought to where I was standing
and his story was a sorry one. To cut the long story short he didn’t listen to me, they’d
both taken to the internet to accuse me of many things and their accusations were
taken by rogue papers as real stories. Now he was standing in front of me alone. His
wife was dead and he was now H.I.V positive. He was crying for healing when he
could have lived in health had he listened to the voice of God!

Let me say you can doubt the voice of God if your ear is not used to hearing him but if
you know his voice and hear it you can’t doubt him. No one hears the voice of God
and doubts him. Faith comes not just by hearing the word of God, but principally by
hearing from God. If you have a look at the heroes of faith as recorded in the book of
Hebrews chapter 11, you will find 80 to 90 per cent of them heard directly from God.

Abraham to this day is referred to as the father of faith, but when you study the
scriptures, you find that the stronghold of Abraham’s faith was having access to the
voice of God. Access to rhema is the bedrock for unshakable faith, as it is what God
has to say today to you personally about a particular situation that will push you to
unshakable faith.

Faith tends to be shaky when it is not rooted in what God has said. Behind every
verse of scripture is the voice of God. Every verse of scripture has the voice of God
behind it. There are situations in life where you need something extraordinary to
happen, and you need unshakable faith to see you through, but with no access to the
voice of God, you are stranded.

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Look at Genesis 12: 1

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father’s house unto a land that I will show you.

You have to admit it takes extraordinary faith to leave behind family and friends,
everything you are familiar with to go to a place that you will only be shown after
you get moving. For many right now, a pink elephant has to appear in the room
waving a white flag for anyone to convince you to leave your job, let alone to leave
all your family behind and fly abroad with no assurances of what the end result will

Hearing directly from God is the stronghold of faith. As already mentioned, most of
us have been hearing the word of God without hearing from God. No one hears from
God and doubts him. There is no room for unbelief. The voice of God is the cure for
the doubts of life. You cannot hear from God and doubt him.

Way back in olden days the angel of the Lord visited Mary and told her how she was
to conceive a child, yet she had not known any man and she was a virgin. Think about
it. Mary was just another small-town girl, and was not known for having great faith
until this point.

Luke 1: 26–28

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of
Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel
came unto her, and said, hail thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women.

This required extraordinary faith—it was unheard of to bear a child while you were
a virgin. How would she explain this to her fiancé Joseph and all the family members
that were looking forward to celebrating their union in matrimony? After all, to put it
lightly, the angel that appeared to her never made any promise that he would help her
explain this rather tricky situation to all her relatives.

Mary heard from God, and the words of the angel were as good as if God himself had
spoken them. That message carried the weight of everything that God is, when it was
delivered. Mary had encountered that irresistible voice. Mary’s response could only
have been, as she said herself:

“ so be it unto me as you have said.”

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She was pushed into the realm of extraordinary faith by hearing directly from God.

Because Mary suddenly heard that voice, in her own mind it was possible to
conceive without the seed of a man. Remember, without faith it is impossible to
please God. I don’t care where she might have read it, but I can assure you her
response would not have been the same.

The voice of God is irresistible it makes you as bold as a lion. No one in their right
mind would dare the ultimate authority of the land as Moses did, but the voice of God
will make you bold in the face of the fiercest opposition. God spoke directly to
Moses, as follows:

Exodus 4: 22

And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my
first born: And I say unto thee, let my son go that he may serve me and if thou
refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy first born.

Moses heard those words directly from God, and when you hear the voice of God, it
is irresistible and makes you break all protocol. As if that were not enough, note
what He says a little further on:

Exodus 7: 1

And the Lord said unto Moses, see, I have made thee a god unto pharaoh and
Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.

Moses knew his new status immediately, just by hearing that voice, and he did not
approach pharaoh as a man, but as a god. Even when he stood before the Red Sea
with the Egyptian armies in pursuit, the seas had to give way because he was
exercising his authority as god over pharaoh. When he cried out to God, God’s
response was, don’t look to me. March on. He knew Moses already possessed
everything he needed, to be able to overcome his enemies. There was nothing left to
give him. Moses could not resist the voice of His majesty. If you can access His
voice, you are free. God still speaks today. He wants to speak to you.

When I Started Hearing God’s Voice

Because of the prophetic call upon my own life, growing up as a child I always
thought that everyone could hear the voice of God as I did. My father was a preacher,
and when he stood before the congregation and taught the members of the

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congregation ‘what God would have told him’, I was convinced that we were
hearing the same thing I was.

So at seven years of age, I thought, let me also share with the man how the God who
speaks to him every Sunday was also speaking to me. To my surprise, I got the
beating of my life, because he thought I was crazy, and didn’t believe a word of what
I was saying. That is when I realised how even God’s own people were strangers to
his voice.
It took years for my father to understand what was happening with his son but when
he started to get the revelation boy did he believe! He was the one now pushing me to
help people everywhere and would stand and tell people about me everywhere.

It has always been my desire to prove the reality of God’s existence through his
voice. I have always wanted to share the reality of my experience and walk with the
master. This desire is still burning within me and that is why the Lord has released
me to write this book. I knew Him, and I walked with Him every day. The words of
the apostle John can best describe how I felt.

1 John 1: 1

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen
with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the
word of life.

John had first-hand experience with the things I am teaching you in this book. He had
come out of the shallow waters and could fellowship with the Lord on a deeper
dimension. He said, that which we have heard, he could hear from God for himself.
You can tell from his language that this was something he could not contain, and he
wanted to shout it from the mountaintop. Look at what the Bible says in the book of

Acts 4: 20

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

When you hear that voice it compels you, and it moves you. The apostles had been
forbidden from spreading the gospel by the authorities of the day, yet they could not
stop. They were risking lengthy prison terms, beatings and even death, but their
answer was, ‘we cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard’.

Jeremiah said it’s like a fire shut up in my bones. He could not contain it. He had to
open his mouth and proclaim those things that he had heard of him. The voice of God

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is irresistible.

Jeremiah 20: 9

Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak anymore in his name. But
his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary
with forbearing, and I could not stay.

You cannot hear God and remain the same. In the next chapter I want to take you into
an area that very few understand, that is visions. Stay with me as we delve deeper
into hearing the voice of God in visions.

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Chapter 5

While I was ministering prophetically in one of my live Sunday services, the whole
auditorium suddenly disappeared before my eyes; I knew I was still in the service,
but I was now experiencing what no one else in the room could see. I had been
ministering prophetically to a certain gentleman, and just as I was asking the Lord to
show me the details of his life, I found myself standing there while the whole
auditorium disappeared before my eyes.
All I could see was a baboon in handcuffs riding on an elephant standing right before
me, I got confused. I knew what I had seen, but what did a baboon in handcuffs riding
on an elephant have to do with the man I was ministering to? I had been taken into a
vision right there in the middle of the service, and I started to describe to him what I
was being shown in the realm of the spirit.
As a prophet, I was able to see by the Spirit of God, that the man’s surname, when
translated to English from his native language, was baboon, and that he had come to
ask for help for his brother, who was in jail for stealing ivory. This explained the
handcuffs and the elephant the Lord showed me in the vision. As I said earlier the
prophetic has the ability to interpret the language of God and speaks through visions
as well as different forms of revelation.
God speaks through visions, and yes, not just to prophets. You too can hear directly
from God through a vision. The Bible tells us that when the Spirit of God comes to
earth, young men shall see visions, and those day are upon us.
Joel 2: 28
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;

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and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions.
Now, before you disqualify yourself when the scripture speaks of young men, sons,
daughters, and old men, it is not necessarily referring to physical age. If you study the
scripture, you will find that John used the words children, young men, and fathers to
refer to different levels of spiritual maturity. So, the ability to see visions is not
really for a selected few as you might think but is based on your spiritual walk. God
is a spirit and can only be understood by those that are walking in the spirit.
1 John 2: 12
I write unto you children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His
name’s sake.
In speaking about the young men, he particularly mentioned that young men are those
who overcome the enemy, those who are strong in the Word of God. That means their
eyes are now filled with light to be able to see into the realm of the spirit. God can
now speak to them in visions because they have developed the ability to see. As you
grow in your spiritual life, you will grow from being a child to a young man and to a
spiritual father in the Lord. That is in your daily walk as a believer when you no
longer let strife and fear hold you back and have the light of the word of God
illuminating your inner eye then you are coming to that place of maturity. You cannot
be on fire for God every Sunday by the time you get to Wednesday you need
deliverance and come Friday you have backslidden and need another revival every
Sunday. At that level, it will be very difficult for you to perceive the visions of God.
I really need you to follow very closely in this chapter, as we delve into how you can
understand visions and hear directly from God. Altogether, there are five types of
visions that I will describe in this chapter, but I will only focus on the three main
ones. Your world is about to change. Let’s get right into it.
Open Vision
An open vision is one in which you can see both spiritual and physical things at the
same time. I have seen many open visions it will fill books to write them all and
other great ones that God has not even permitted me to share. For example, I was in
my house in Ashton Under Lyne in Manchester UK one summer evening and I had
waited for everyone to go to bed so I could have my quiet time. I had just settled into
my favourite sofa with my bible on my lap when the Lord Jesus himself walked into
my room. It was as if the walls of my room were announcing his presence I felt every
fibre of my being awaken. I could see him physically, I mean like I would see you if I
bumped into you in the street but at the same time I didn’t lose sight of where I was. I
could still see the couch I was sitting on, and everything else in the room remained
the same, but this was the Lord Himself in my room.
I was wide-awake, and I could see Him physically. That was an open vision. The
word open refers to your physical senses still being open to the physical world,
while at the same time open to the spiritual world. Your inner eyes can become so
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sharp to the extent that you can see into the spiritual realm just as well as you do the
natural. This is why it is important for you to stay in the word for the bible says that
the entrance of his word brings light. And as long as you are in a place where
strife and fear is not damaging the function of your inner eyes you will be able to see
into that realm.
Open visions are something that I began to experience from a young age and just
recently before the US Presidential election, I was walking in central London Oxford
street, when right in front of me Donald Trump appeared. I could see him standing
there. I knew where I was, everything else around me continued as normal. The Lord
said to me ‘you are looking at the President of the United States of America’, and I
came out of that vision. That is why you will find videos that we released on live
television prophesying about him being president way before he even declared his
interest to run for the presidency of the united states. I mean we gave the prophecy to
the world on live television before the election. I was giving that prophetic word that
I had received in that vision. You see in an open vision you can hardly tell the
difference between what is in the natural world and the spiritual, you can see both
with equal clarity.
When I say that the vision is clear you might not get it, but let me give you an
example. While ministering in Africa one of my elders who is based in the UK flew
into the country and came to the Sunday service. Now I had not been informed of his
coming and when I saw him during the service I walked past and came back again
looked and asked my assistant to ring his number. I was convinced that I was seeing a
vision when the man was actually there, that is how clearly you can see into the realm
of the spirit when your inner recess is flooded with light.
You need to understand that men live in the third-dimension world, and time is
considered to be the fourth dimension, according Albert Einstein. When we talk
about visions, we are moving into the fifth dimension. Another good example of an
open vision is prophet Elisha praying for his servant to see spiritual realities. Let’s
look at the scripture:
2 Kings 6: 17
And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray you, open his eyes that he may see.
And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the
mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
You see, the young man could see the physical enemy that had come to destroy them
with his optical eye, and became afraid, but when Elisha prayed he entered into an
open vision, and could see the angel armies that stood with him. He could see both
the physical and the natural. They were both equally real. He could now compare the
physical enemy to the heavenly armies encamped around him both became real to
When you enter into an open vision, you will see both the natural and the spiritual at
the same time. But if you look carefully at that scripture we have just read you will
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notice that as for the young man his eyes were not even open at all. He needed the
prophet to ask the Lord to open his eyes so that he could see. The problem was not
that he didn’t have eyes but his eyes were not open to that realm, just like you today
the reason you are not seeing the things that God wants to show you is not because he
has not given you the eye to see but that we need to sharpen that inner sensory system
so that it works as it should. Let’s look at another type of vision that God uses to
communicate which is the closed vision.
Closed Vision
A closed vision occurs when you can only see what is in the spiritual world, and the
natural ceases to be for a moment. This is exactly what I was experiencing in that
vision I shared with you at the beginning.
The whole room had disappeared before my eyes, and I could not see anyone else in
the room. All I could see at that moment was a baboon in handcuffs riding on an
elephant, until I came out of the vision. If somebody shook you while you were
having a closed vision, you wouldn’t be aware of it because your physical senses are
completely closed, and you are only conscious of what is in the spirit.
These first two types of visions that I have just described to you come as your inner
eyes become more sensitive and are exposed to greater light. You don’t do anything
to receive that vision. When God wants to show you a vision, He will do so but he
can only show you what you are able to see. I can impart on you today to be able to
hear from God prophetically but it does not mean that God will choose to speak to
you in that way. It is by the grace of God, but when you have no light at all even when
God chooses to speak, you won’t be able to see anything.
So, when we talk about a closed vision this is the same thing that happens when you
fall into a trance. Your physical senses are suspended, and you are only conscious of
the spiritual. However, just as in the experience I have just shared with you, it
doesn’t mean that every closed vision will put you in a trance. In fact, this occurs
rarely. Let’s look at the book of Acts 10.
Acts 10: 10
And he became hungry and desired something to eat; but while they were
preparing it, he fell into a trance, and the heaven opened and something
Peter actually fell into a trance, and in that vision, he heard a voice and saw the
animals. This happened three times. That was a closed vision, and even when he
came out of the vision he wasn’t too sure what it was all pointing to. It is very
important to understand the vision’s interpretation and we will get into that a bit more
in the following chapters.
You can come to a point where you are so sensitive to the spiritual world to the
extent that your natural senses can actually be suspended while you focus only on that
which is spiritual. The only problem is that many are so much into the natural and are
insensitive to the spiritual that they never get to that point where God can speak to
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them in this manner. If you are a carnal believer who is still dominated by the flesh it
will be very difficult for you to receive such visions.
I know when I say that it sounds a lot more difficult than what it is, so let me break it
down a little bit. Have you ever really felt the urge to go and pray knowing in your
heart that you need to do this and then just before you get up to go and pray a thought
occurs saying, why don’t you just finish watching this episode of Scandal?
Immediately the prayer goes to the back of the queue and we do Scandal, that is being
dominated by the flesh. You just made a decision in favour of what your flesh wanted
to do over the will of the spirit.
Remember as we said earlier that information would have been received from the
Spirit of God through the intuition function of your spirit and passed on to the
communion function of the spirit which is responsible for worship and then you
would have overridden everything. Now you are getting the point, by the way I just
prophesied that Scandal bit I have never watched any television program like it. If
you are slow, that Scandal bit not ever being watched was a joke. Forget it, let’s
move on to the next type of vision.
Inner Vision
The inner vision is the vision you see in your innermost being in your spirit. You can
be consciously awake and if somebody touches you, you would know it. Contrary to
what most people would think the highest form of revelation comes from this third
kind of vision, and the lowest type of revelation is the open vision even though the
inner vision might seem less spectacular.
This has happened to me many times as I ministered. The lord would take me to a
different location from where I had been standing at the time. I can describe to you
what I am seeing there, whilst being with you here. This kind of vision you see inside
the corridors of the canvas of your spirit. Some of you would have watched one of
the live service broadcasts where I was ministering to one lady and by the spirit of
God navigating to her house which I had no way of knowing where it was in the
natural by just standing there. I mean going street by street and describing the
surrounding areas of a place I have never visited in my life.
This comes naturally to me as prophet but you can develop yourself to that place
where the inner vision becomes as clear as your normal sight just by putting those
two things I mentioned earlier on together. Walking in the spirit and the light of God’s
word illuminating the corridors of your spirit. God already speaks to you this way
and the only problem is just that you are not sensitive to see and hear what is being
Spiritual Radio Waves
I always like to give the example of how radio waves work, how where you are
sitting right now there are waves passing through but unless you have a receiver that
is able to tap into that wavelength it would just be as if there is nothing happening.
But if radio waves could be seen you would be amazed by the hive of activity around
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you. It is exactly the same in the spirit, God is already speaking, we just need to get
you onto the right wavelength to be able to hear him.
Now let us revisit the vision of Peter and look at another type of vision.
When Peter received the vision from the Lord in Acts, after he came out of the vision,
the Bible says that he DOUBTED. The same vision had to be repeated three times,
and still the man was confused as to what was being communicated.
Acts 10: 17
Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision he had seen should mean,
behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon’s
house, and stood before the gate.
Peter had been shown the same vision three times, and was still struggling to find its
meaning. You see it’s possible to see a vision and still not know what the Lord is
communicating to you. When I had the closed vision I related to you, all I could see
was a baboon in handcuffs riding on an elephant. What it had to do with the man I
was ministering to at the time was not apparent. I needed the Holy Spirit to give me
the meaning of it, so my mind would know the application of it.
There are many Christians who have seen visions, and instead of running with the
message that God brought to them through the vision, are still void of understanding.
We are going to be dealing with how you can interpret and apply the revelation that
God gives you but before we get to that lets deal with the message vision. It is not as
the three main ones but one of many other types that we will not concentrate on in this
book, seeing that this book is only part 1 (book one) of the series on hearing the voice
of God.
Message Vision
In the book of Acts 16, Paul received a message vision with the instruction to go to
Acts 16: 9
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; there stood a man of Macedonia, and
prayed him, saying, come over into Macedonia, and help us.
This type of vision that can come to people is what we call a message vision. When
Paul saw this vision, he knew he had to go to Macedonia and preach the gospel. You
will notice that when Paul arrived in Macedonia he did not go around looking for the
man he had seen in the vision. He knew the most important thing in that vision was
the instruction to go to Macedonia.
There were many things in the vision, but only one message, and that was to go to
Macedonia. God wants to be able to lead you and guide you in this way so you do not
miss the times and seasons of your life. This is why it is important for you to be able
to now recognise a message vision and note the instruction inside the vision. This
becomes easy to do once your inner eye is in a good state and not clouded by strife
and anxiety. Let’s move on to Clear cut visions which are the most easily understood
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Clear-cut Vision
A clear-cut vision, as its name suggests, is one that doesn’t need any interpretation,
such as the one Ananias received in the book of Acts that instructed him to go and
pray for Paul.
Acts 9: 10
And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said
the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And He said, behold, I am here Lord. And the Lord
said unto him, arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in
the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he prayeth.
The vision was clear, and no interpretation was required. Everything was clearly
explained in the vision. In every type of vision we have dealt with, there is a way for
you to develop your ability to hear and access the voice of God in visions. I want us
to look at an ability in man that our educational institutes often ignore and as result
we never develop and that is the ability to see picture in your mind.
Developing Spiritual or Inner Vision
God made you in such a way that you rely very much on visualisation, and everybody
thinks in pictures. If I say to you post, immediately your mind is flooded with pictures
linked to the word I have just given you.
Some will see images of the postman’s van or bicycle, the post box or even letters.
But if I say post office, the images in your mind will change accordingly, since your
inner vision has just changed. Some might be seeing their local post office, or the
main sorting office in your city.
The biggest problem as we have already covered is that, when man fell, the mind of
man became darkened. A part of the life in him was darkened. Paul describes man’s
fallen nature in the book of Ephesians:
Ephesians 4: 18
They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God
because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.
When the spiritual life of man was cut off, his mind became darkened. Life was cut
off from Adam when he sinned, and darkness came, and man didn’t know what he had
known before. Before he fell, Adam looked at the animals and straightaway knew
what they were. He could name every single one of them, and never forgot which
animal was which. He was never the same after he sinned.
In today’s world, scientists use equipment that Adam didn’t have in the Garden of
Eden, and they still cannot attain the same knowledge that Adam had just by using his
mind, before his understanding was darkened.
As a believer in this world right now, you have a partial restoration, because if the
removal of spiritual life resulted in the darkened understanding, then it would make

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sense that the reintroduction of spiritual life would result in the enlightenment of your
So now you have to train and reprogram your mind on how to see into the spirit. The
biggest disadvantage you have is that this is one area that all human institutions of
learning have completely ignored. When you go to university you are taught to think
scientifically, logically, and analytically. Every assignment is meant to sharpen just
one part of your mind, and completely ignores the dianoia, the imaginative ability of
your mind. As much as you can spend years at university educating your analytical
mind very little is invested into your imaginative ability, yet this is one of the biggest
thing that God can use to communicate with you.
The level at which you are able to see visions using that imaginative ability depends
on the degree and intensity of the spiritual light that you have. The good news is that
you can develop the spiritual nerve cells and grow into the spirit realm and develop
your dianoia even when you have only developed your dialogismos and be a very
logical person. It is important for you to know how to develop that imaginative
ability in you, it’s not just your physical eyes that God has given you to see but you
need to sharpen your inner senses to be able to see into the spirit. The cure is hidden
in feeding on the word of God. The problem is many believers feed their bodies a hot
breakfast, lunch and supper and if there is time they feed their spirit just one cold
sandwich so to speak!
Seeing in the Spirit
There are three ways you can see. One is the natural way, with your physical eyes.
The second is through your soul. The third is through your spirit. Similarly, there are
three ways you can hear. You can hear in the natural. You can hear in your mind, and
you can hear in your spirit.
There are three ways you can see. You can see with your eyes. You can see with your
mind. You can see with your spirit. Spiritual vision is given with the eyes of the
spirit. But the eyes of the spirit are connected to the eyes of the mind, and they are
connected to the eyes of the flesh.
Knowing this, the devil also tries, through the eyes of the flesh, to make an image for
the eyes of your soul, so that the eyes of your spirit will be blurred. When the serpent
was tempting Eve, he told her about the fruit and what it was supposed to do for
them, which was all lies anyway. Eve fell not only because of the serpent’s
reasoning, but also because of what she saw in Genesis 3:
Genesis 3: 6
And the woman SAW that the tree was good for food, and it was pleasant to the
eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise. She took the fruit thereof, and
did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
Eve fell because she saw with her physical eyes. When she saw with her physical
eyes, that image got into her soul and it affected the reasoning of her soul, and led her
to a decision that caused the spiritual fall. Information is passed from your physical
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visual faculties to your inner being. The same thing happened when David saw
Bathsheba from the roof of his palace.
See it here in 2 Samuel 11: 2;
And it came to pass in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, and
walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman
washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.
What David saw with his physical eyes produced lust in his soul, and clouded his
judgement. It led him to make a decision that cost him dearly, but understand that in
his right mind David would never have entertained the thought. He was outraged
when Nathan the Prophet came and presented the same scenario to him.
2 Samuel 12: 1–5
And the Lord sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him,
there were two men in one city: the one rich, and the other poor. The rich man
had exceeding many flocks and herds: But the poor man had nothing, save one
little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together
with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own
cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter. And there came a
traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his
own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the
poor man’s lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him. And David’s
anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As
the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die.

Had he been in his right mind, David would have never taken Bathsheba for himself,
but the enemy knew that he could influence what was in his soul through the physical
eye, and it clouded his judgement.
Now the devil works from the outside. He tries to get your eyes to see the wrong
thing, hoping to impress a wrong image into your soul, and lead you to make a
decision that will cause you to fall in the spirit. He knows the connection, but very
few believers understand that there is a connection between what they see physically
and the soulish and spiritual realms.
Now the key to understanding inner and spiritual vision is to understand the
connection between the spirit and the soul, just as Satan understood the connection
between the soul and the physical in order to deceive Eve. You must understand the
relationship and know how to deal with that area, to help you to really know what
God is saying and what is coming from the devil or self.
As mentioned in a previous chapter, many can differentiate the body from their soul
to a certain extent. You know that there is a part of you that thinks, called the mind.
There is also a bodily part called the brain. These parts are related, but you don’t
quite know how they are related. They can dissect your body in a laboratory and they

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will still not find your soul. They only find your brain because the soul is invisible.
So, there is a relationship between the soul and the body yet there is an inner
consciousness in you that is outside of the body, feelings, and affection. We have
dealt with this differentiation if you still remember but I need to you to go there often
and re-learn it because it is very paramount in your journey to hearing the voice of
God and I mean very important!
These things are not necessarily caused by the body. But they are real. They are
inside us. Human beings feel hurt, jealousy, envy, and other emotions. You don’t see
the animals feeling all these things. You don’t see animals experiencing the extent of
human experiences. Human beings also know right from wrong to a certain extent.
Animals don’t know right and wrong. Animals don’t have moral laws. Only man has.
Now I want us to look a little bit deeper into the role of the mind when it comes to
The Mind and Visualisation

When you are asleep and dream, you are not aware of your physical body at all. Your
consciousness resides in the realm of your sub-conscious. So, you have the sub-
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conscious realm as well as the conscious part of your mind which is called the nous.
This conscious part of your mind relates to the physical world and to the soul realm.
The nous represents the consciousness of your soul that is in contact with the
physical world, and yet it’s in contact with the other world inside you, your soul, and
indirectly the spirit world at the same time.
Your consciousness is what stands as this veil between the body and the soul. You
are relating to two realms. You are relating to the physical world and the inner realm
of your spirit and your soul indirectly. When you are asleep, your consciousness
moves out from the conscious realm, and goes into the level of your subconscious.
That is where your nous is sort of closed up. The physical world is still there, but
you are not conscious of the physical world at all at this stage, your consciousness
would have moved deeper.
Now the clarity in your inner vision is affected by where your consciousness is. If
you happen to be active in the physical realm, then your consciousness is not that
much a part of the inner realm of your soul; you are more conscious of the physical
realm. That is why when the Holy Spirit is giving you an inner vision, sometimes you
have to possibly close up your body realm. You may even need to close your eyes, so
that you can concentrate in order to see clearly what you are receiving in the spirit.
Watching too much T.V. or reading too many wrong things can affect the inner vision
that the Holy Spirit is giving you. As you close your eyes, right now, you will see
some of those things from your memory echoing through your soul realm. Right now,
you could actually see some things in the corridors of your nous. Your consciousness
right now is at your nous.
Some Practical Training For You Now
If you close your eyes right now, don’t try to think of anything, but let your inner
consciousness hang loose. As your inner consciousness hangs loose, you may just see
a dark screen inside you and if you have been watching too much T.V., then a bit of
that is coming up. If you have been reading a book recently or whatever things,
whatever is your latest impression, comes up on the corridors of your screen. If you
have been reading the Bible regularly and praying often, that also comes to your
consciousness. That means you see whatever your latest experience is. When you
close your eyes, your latest experience is the latest picture to come out. The most
recent picture comes to your mind, whether in the spirit, soul, or body realm of your
With all this information coming to you at once you need to be able to quiet your
spirit and be sensitive enough to know what is coming from the Spirit of God.
When I minister in the prophetic I have to quieten my spirit so that I can pick
whatever God is communicating at the time, it is easy to miss those signals when your
spirit is being dominated by your flesh that information will not be clear and it will
be difficult for you to know the source of what you are receiving. In this next chapter
I want us to go deeper into visions in the prophetic so stay with me.

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Chapter 6
Visions in the Prophetic
Not all prophets are the same, there are two Hebrew words for prophet used in the
old testament: hazon and nabi. Nabi speaks about a bringing forth of the Word, a
bubbling forth. Hazon speaks about the seeing of visions. In the Old Testament, a
prophet is called a hazon and a nabi. When you study the Old Testament, you will
find that in the book of Samuel the two words are used interchangeably to refer to
Samuel as a prophet. So, Samuel was both a hazon and nabi type of prophet. A nabi
can prophesy but doesn’t really see visions. When you study the prophets, you will
find that this is how Daniel started his prophetic ministry. He only got to see visions
at a much later stage in his ministry. He would focus in the area of wisdom, but
moved into hazon and started seeing visions.
We have already covered the three types of vision, but right now I want us to look at
two levels of vision. There are basically two Hebrew words for the word vision.
There are also two Greek words for vision, which we will look at later.
One of the Hebrew words for vision is the word hazah, which means to see, behold,
select for oneself. It is the development of the word hozeh, or the seer. Then there
are developments like hizzayon, which means vision. All these are different
developments of the root word haz or hazo or hazah. So there is a usage of the word
hazah, which is one of the words that means to see, to behold. Let’s look at the
experiences of Daniel for as minute.
Daniel 7: 1–2
In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions
of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the
matters. Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four
winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
The Hebrew word translated above as visions in the first verse is hazah, but when
we go to the very next verse, Daniel says, I saw in my vision of the night, and he
uses a different Hebrew word hazo.

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Again, if you look at Daniel 8: 1–2,
In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision (hazon) appeared to me
—to me Daniel—after the one that appeared to me the first time. I saw in the
vision (hazon), and it so happened while I was looking, that I was in Shushan, the
Everything is very consistent in the Hebrew hazah, hazo, hazon, and these words
continue to be used in the same manner until suddenly in chapter 10 there was a
different degree of vision. Daniel had an entirely different experience, and this was a
different level of vision. Note what the Bible says in Daniel chapter 10:
Daniel 10: 7
And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision (mara), for the men who were with me did
not see the vision. But a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide
This kind of vision was not the same as he had seen before when he had entered into
the vision. Even those that were with him who could not see the vision were
exceedingly afraid and trembling, to the extent that they ran away and hid themselves.
Daniel uses a different word for vision in that scripture, namely mara, not haza.
Things had just shifted.
Before that he had had visions, but the people around him had never reacted as they
did that day. Just cross-reference this reaction to the one he had earlier. In Chapter 8
when he saw the angel Gabriel in verse 16.
And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said,
Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.
As he saw the vision there, the Bible never makes mention of the people around him
being affected at all. There would probably be people walking around that day.
However, there is no record that the people around him were affected. All he had
was a personal vision.
But in Daniel 10: 7, nobody else saw the vision, yet everyone around felt something.
We are touching on two levels of vision here that are hazon and mara. The other
words are just deviations. Like the testimony I shared in the previous chapter, I was
in a hazon, and it was a closed vision. The people around me were not affected by
what I was seeing in the vision, and most did not even know what was happening. I
just stood there ministering to this guy, and immediately I was taken into the vision
and the whole church disappeared. For a moment, all I could see was a baboon in
handcuffs riding on an elephant.
We have this on video, and the people who were attending the service were not even
affected by the vision. Apart from me telling them, they’d never have known that I
was seeing a vision. It was a hazon. This was a completely different experience than
the one I had at my house in Ashton Under Lyne, Manchester in Great Britain. It was a
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Saturday evening, and I had gone into my room to pray. I asked my wife to come and
get me after an hour, because I don’t keep time when I pray.
As I was praying and waiting on the Lord, all of a sudden, the walls of the room
disappeared, the Lord himself stood before me, and I had to hide my face from him
because there was a bright light in the room. At the exact same time, my wife was at
the door trying to let me know the hour was up. She tried to open the door, but no
matter how hard she tried, she could not get past the entrance into the room. She
could feel her own flesh trying to run from her bones. One of my sons who was
downstairs could hear the sound and the power at the same time yet he was
downstairs and we were upstairs. It was so real and the presence was tangible and
light and the sounds we immense but she just couldn’t pass a certain point. It was as
though someone had put an invisible barrier that was unsurpassable. She stood there
for 20 minutes until the presence of the Lord subsided and the mara left.
I was the one in the vision, but it was affecting even those who were around me at the
time, so that was a mara. It is a higher degree of vision than a haza. When you get
into a mara, spiritual realities become tangible to you. You can bump into an angel
and he will not go through you like a spirit. You will feel his solid body touching
Notice when Daniel had the vision in chapter 10, that this was not the first time he
saw the angel Gabriel, but this time even what he saw was different and there was a
greater measure of glory.
Daniel 10: 5
I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a certain man clothed in linen, whose
waist was girded with gold of Uphaz. His body was like beryl, his face like the
appearance of lightning, his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and feet like
burnished bronze in colour, and the sound of his words like the voice of a
It’s the same Gabriel the Archangel whom Daniel saw in his earlier vision. By now
Daniel should be very familiar with Gabriel. He had seen Gabriel in the spirit realm
before. He had seen Gabriel earlier on, and Gabriel had spoken to him in chapter 8
in verse 16.
And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said,
Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.
So, he had seen Gabriel before. Then in chapter 9, it was still Gabriel—the same
angel as he had seen before—who came to him. Daniel called him a man, because
angel Gabriel looked like a man. In chapter 10 the same angel looked different, he
sounded different, his voice was like the voice of many waters, and he was full of
glory. When you get into a mara the spiritual is no longer in a spiritual form to you it
is solid you can relate to it as you do natural objects. In Mara stage, you can eat an
orange inside out and bump into angels as if they are made of physical matter. It is
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Most people’s visions are of the first degree. A mara is a higher and greater degree
of vision and revelation and actually affects your natural body. We need to understand
that when they start having visions, most people have an inner vision or a spiritual
vision. As they grow in God, their type of vision may change to a closed vision, and
sometimes to an open vision. However, it is all of the first degree, which is haza.
The mara is a level in which you enter a realm where the vision has you, and it’s like
you are possessed by a vision. It controls your very life, and you live for that vision
that God has shown you. At the mara stage, the spiritual has materialized into the
natural realm. There is a small degree of hazon when having this materialization of
the spiritual. Just like the angel had earlier on had some contact in the physical sense
with Daniel, there had been no contact made such as the one made in chapter 10 in
his full glory.
Then there is an area in which you are having a vision and the vision grows in you
day by day. You still have your free choice to meditate, and to think over that vision.
When you reach mara, however, you are bound to that vision. It’s like you are a
captive audience of that vision. It has a greater controlling power over your being.
Now God doesn’t move us straight into mara, but if we don’t teach people about it
they will not know about it, therefore they will never ever experience it. At least
when you know about it you can be ready for it.
Getting into a mara kind of vision often can actually be dangerous, one of the reasons
why Enoch was translated was because he moved so far into mara. You cannot move
into mara for too long, because your physical body cannot take it anymore. It will
either have to be renewed, or your physical body will have to die or be transformed.
Our physical bodies are not made to sustain mara. It is too powerful for your
physical frame. Mortal bodies cannot take on this immortal experience without giving
up. This is why people like Enoch moved so far into mara, until his physical body
was virtually transformed and he was translated.
Genesis 5: 24
And Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him.
The prophet Elijah moved so far into mara that it was hard to tell the difference
between the natural and the spiritual. He moved so far into the spiritual that the
spiritual was like the natural. I mean the man just moved into the heavenly realm as if
it was natural and in moment of time he was taken up to heaven, watch what the
scripture says;
2 Kings 2: 11
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there
appeared a chariot of fire, and parted them both asunder, and Elijah went up by
a whirlwind to heaven.
The man had stayed too long in mara and ended up checking into heaven early. Mara
is a manifestation of the highest degree, and when we talk about visions it is so great
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that it is impossible to come out of the mara vision the same as we went into it. When
you come out of a mara vision, something physically takes place in your natural
body. I know we have been talking about the Old Testament prophets, but this is not
just about the Old Testament. Let me illustrate what I am saying with the New
Testament too.
In the New Testament, there are two Greek words for visions. One is the word
optasia, which means an apparition, and the other is horasis, which means to see. In
the New Testament, there are different places where optasia takes place and where
horasis takes place.
For example, in the book of Acts 10: 3,
About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision (horasis) an angel of
God coming in and saying to him, Cornelius.
So he saw a horasis kind of vision.
Now compare it to the book of Acts 26: 19.
Wherefore, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision
The Hebrew hazon vision is like horasis in the Greek, and Mara is a kind of vision
like optasia. Paul was talking about his vision in Acts chapter 9 when he met the
Lord Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus. It was a mara or an optasia kind of
vision. As we said, when you have a mara or optasia, something physical happens.
Paul was riding on his transportation. As he came near, suddenly the windows of
heaven opened, Paul was knocked off his ride.
Mara can be dangerous, because if you have a very deep mara we may never see
you again. Things can happen in a mara kind of vision. There is a physical encounter.
Paul got knocked off his horse, and the light he saw was so bright that his natural eyes
could not see for three days and three nights. He was totally blind. His physical body
was affected by the vision. And also, you will note that even those around him who
did not see the vision were affected by the mara. They knew something was taking
place and even their natural senses could pick it up.
I have had many visions of the Lord and some of which I have already shared with
you but some I am not permitted to relate to you and only the Lord knows the reasons
and in this book, I want you to follow this one closely.
A few years ago, while I was in my private quarters at my then home in Ashton
Under- Lyne, Manchester at about 12:30am one morning, I had just gone in there to
pray by myself. The whole house was quiet and my wife and kids had long settled in
bed and I thought this was the perfect time for me to study the word. So, the whole
house was on lock down and I was the only one still up, just a few minutes into my
quiet time the Lord Jesus walked into the room. I mean real walking into the room
and it was not as if a shaft of light just appeared. I saw him and heard his footsteps
and he took me outside the house in that vision through the wall of the house to the
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back garden and began to talk to me about the different things he wanted us to do in
Understand that at this point in my life, visions were not a rare occurrence so I just
assumed that this was just another haza. I thought to myself, when the Lord finishing
instructing me, I will just be exactly where I was in the house. When he was about to
leave, I walked with him as we continued to talk until we were a few yards from the
house and he disappeared right before my eyes. To my complete and utter surprise,
even though the vision had ended I was still outside. I didn’t even know how we got
outside in the real physical world for everything happened when I was in a vision.
Standing there, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I was locked outside the
house. I mean my physical body got out of a locked house in a vision through a wall
and I was just thinking it was a vision and when I came to myself I realised I couldn’t
get back in. Even the key to the front door was still in the lock on the inside.
That means I had come out of that house through the physical wall. I had to call for
my wife and after endless knocks on the door to let me back into the house who was
just as puzzled. This was another level of vision. It had affected my physical being in
the natural. When you get to that level of mara kind of vision that is when you can be
translated from one location to another in an instance.
Back in 2012 during one of my Sunday services in Harare as I was ministering on
stage the whole church disappeared and I began to see myself standing in the London
branch of the ministry and I could see people falling under the power some were
screaming and shouting for joy and as I came out of that vision trying to enquire of the
Lord what it all meant, my church media phone rang and it is the pastor of the London
branch on the other side hysterical telling the team that they can’t understand because
as they were watching me , yet I also appeared in London and was preaching live.
You see, they had just seen me in London on stage ministering while I was still in
Harare and the church there was seeing me. That’s when I realised I had just been in
mara kind of vision.
At one time, I attended a conference where they had video recording of me doing a
healing service in their church which I had never visited. When I arrived on a
Saturday for my speaking engagement the people were thanking me for the service I
apparently had contacted on the previous day and yet that day I was in my church
having a prayer meeting with my church. Some thanked me for the healing service and
two people who had been healed among the scores that were healed came to me to
thank me. This happened in the summer of 2009 in Rotherham here in the United
God wants to reach out to you in a mara vision so you can access his voice. This is
why it is important for you as a believer to develop yourself to a place where your
spirit is the one that dominates your entire being and you are no longer confined to the
soulish realm by the desires of your flesh. Mara will not be possible for you until
you get the light of the word in you and you have your inner sensory perception
sharpened by walking in the spirit.
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The Lord wants to move you to another dimension where you can hear him clearly
and in this next chapter I want to show exactly how God has been speaking to you, yet
you didn’t even know about. This is a revelation that will change your life, let’s

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Chapter 7
One of the ways by which we can access the voice of God is through dreams, but
many really don’t understand how this works. In the following pages, you will
discover how God has been reaching out to you in dreams. To let you in on a secret
that eludes many let me say; the dream realm is the greatest form of revelation and a
vision is the greatest form of sight.
The average man spends about a third of their lifetime sleeping, and if you cannot
access the voice of God in your dreams that means you will live a third of your life
without ever hearing from God. Think about it. All that we have been learning so far
only teaches us how to hear the voice of God two-thirds of the time, so what about
the rest of the time? This is why it is important for us to talk about dreams.
God can speak to you when you are awake but He is still speaking even when you are
asleep, and this is why it is important for you to understand dreams as well as
visions. Dreams are so important in your daily life as a believer.
If you look at the word ‘dreams’, you will find that there are two Greek words for
dreams. One is the word onar, which is the ordinary word for dreams. But this word
for dreams is only used three times in the Bible in the New Testament. One of those
few times was in the book of Acts.
Acts 2: 17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit
upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men
shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
Now when the Bible talks about old men in that scripture, it is not necessarily
referring to those who are now grey-haired and we dealt with that already, but those
that have come to maturity. You will notice also that the Greek word used for dreams
here is enupnion. So in this particular area, when He talks about these old men
dreaming dreams, the Greek word used is so special that it refers to a message, a
vision, or a spiritual conscious experience in which God directs and leads in the
subconscious stage.
God can give you a vision, but it will only touch your conscious mind. It is only the
beginning, and as that vision grows in you it becomes a part of your subconscious.
There is also a negative sense of the word which is used in the book of Jude chapter
8, in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah. Let’s look at that scripture.
Jude 8
Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak
evil of dignities.
I know when we talk about dreams it is normally in reference to what you experience

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when you are sleeping, but here the Bible is talking about people who are very
conscious. They are speaking evil of dignitaries and others, and they are just carrying
on, not knowing the source of or the influences behind their actions.
You see this is a group of people that had been led by the flesh to the extent that they
were now following the flesh subconsciously. It is not only your conscious mind that
needs to be renewed but your subconscious mind as well. You need the word not just
in your conscious mind, but also in your subconscious mind.
Romans 12: 2
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable and perfect to the
will of God.
Your subconscious mind is not in your spirit. It is a part of your soul, so these people
were just going along with whatever was coming from their soul. They were far from
being sensitive to the voice of the spirit.
The actual Greek definition of shall dream dreams is enupniazo enupnion. It is a
combination of two Greek words en and upniazo, which means simply something
being presented during your subconscious state, which is usually your sleeping state.
This is the definition of a supernatural suggestion or impression received during a
subconscious state. They are the supernatural leadings of the Lord and it is important
for you to know how God speaks to you in a dream.
The Formation of a Dream
When you look around right now, wherever you are, images are being recorded in
your mind. You might be looking at someone wearing a blue suit and a red tie.
Another is perhaps wearing green. All those images are taken and recorded in your
mind. Your mind has a record of all the different things you come across so when a
thought enters your mind it goes back to the information you already have recorded in
your mind, in order to make a visual impression of that thought.
For example, if I started talking to you about angels, even though you have never seen
one, there are images that come into your mind and you can imagine what angels wear
and what sort of hairstyle they might have. How is this possible when you have never
seen one? Your mind has just used the different images you already have stored in
your mind to create a visual impression of that thought.
If I said to you, oh your friend Ray Ray was chased by a dog today, and ran so fast
he even went past his own house. Even though you did not witness this event for
yourself, in your mind you can actually see how he could have taken off with that dog
behind him. You can even see what he was wearing. That is because your mind has
the ability to join different images in you together, to create a picture of what I have
just said. He may not even have run the way you are imagining it in your mind or
worn what you saw him wearing but it can only use the images in you. Since you have
seen someone running before, and you have seen a dog before, your imagination puts
them together, and now you can see in your mind how it could have happened.
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When it comes to dreams, God speaks to your intuition in the same way as every
other revelation from the Spirit, and then your conscience whispers the information
that is being received from your intuition to your mind. If it is about people giving
you money, then the mind juggles all the images it has to depict the information that is
being given. So the pictures in your mind become actors, using the script that is being
whispered to your mind from the intuition through your conscience.
This is why you can see a person you have nothing against, chasing you in a dream. It
has nothing to do with that particular individual. It is just that those are the images
that your mind has managed to piece together to portray the message to you in the
I have heard many people tell me about dreams such as, I saw my mother-in-law in
my dream and she was trying to stop everything I was trying to do in my family.
Immediately one would think that this dream has wicked mother-in-law written all
over it, when the dream is actually pointing to the person having the dream, trying to
show them something they are doing is hindering their own progress. It has nothing to
do with the poor mother-in-law, and is just your mind using what it deems most
appropriate to convey the message.
Three Sources of Dreams
Dreams can come from different sources, I have had people ask me things like, what
does it mean when I am eating in a dream, and my answer is always the same. Do
you eat in the natural? You probably enjoyed your last meal very much, and it just
came from your mind. Dreams can also come from the devil or from God, as we have
already proven.
We know from scripture that God speaks to man through dreams as well.
Job 33: 14–16
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in
slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their
In everything that God does, it is influenced by love and every dream that comes from
Him should point to a solution. This is why we always say that in the prophetic God
reveals in order to redeem. If all you ever dream of is snakes chasing you and you
wake up in a cold sweat each time you have to question the source of that dream.
There is no solution or answer in that dream you can’t be having a bad dream every
You have to be able to distinguish between which dreams are coming from the self,
the devil, or from God. If you are having the worst nightmare of your life and you
wake up in cold sweat, chances are that that dream did not come from God.
Symbolic Dreams
A dream from God can come in three ways. A dream can come as symbolic dream,
and this may be the most difficult to understand because it requires interpretation.

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The dream of Pharaoh in Genesis 41 was a symbolic one, and required an interpreter
to tell you what was being said.
Genesis 41: 1–6
And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and,
behold, he stood by the river. And, behold, there came up out of the river seven
well-favoured kine and fat-fleshed; and they fed in a meadow. And, behold,
seven other kine came up after them out of the river, ill-favoured and lean-
fleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river. And the ill
favoured and lean-fleshed kine did eat up the seven well-favoured and fat kine.
So Pharaoh awoke. And he slept and dreamed the second time: and, behold,
seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good. And, behold, seven
thin ears blasted with the east wind sprung up after them. And the seven thin
ears devoured the seven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it
was a dream.
Pharaoh had no idea what this dream meant and he needed someone to come and
interpret it. There was no way for him to just take the dream literally and decipher
the meaning of the things he had seen since they were symbolic. Joseph had to be
called in to decode the whole thing, so to speak.
King Nebuchadnezzar also had a symbolic dream and had to call for Daniel to give
him the interpretation of it. These are the most difficult dreams to interpret.
Reality Dreams
There are dreams that point to real-life situations, and in the book of Matthew, Joseph
receives instructions from an angel of the Lord through a dream, and again later on,
when the child Jesus was born he was warned in a dream to flee for safety, because
Herod intended to kill every male child.
Matthew 2: 13
And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to
Joseph in a dream saying, arise, and take the young child and his mother, and
flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word, for Herod will seek
the young child to destroy him.
This is the easiest dream to understand, because the meaning of it is stated very
clearly, and there is no need for any interpretation. Many people make the mistake of
ignoring their dreams but if you think about the fact that Joseph was warned by God
to flee with the baby Jesus and this all happened in a dream then you would know
how important dreams are in hearing the voice of God.
I have had occasions where the Lord would minister to me in a dream all the things I
was going to do during ministration including the names of people and what
conditions they are suffering from and I just walk into the church service and follow
the script the Lord would have shown me. This of course requires you to be sensitive
to the communications that are coming to you in the realm of the spirit even in your
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subconscious state.
When Solomon received wisdom and wealth from the Lord it all happened in a
dream but he had no doubt in his mind that thing that he had seen in the dream was
actually reality. Many miss it because they are more sensitive to the natural world
and cannot perceive spiritual realities when they present themselves. Their
understanding is still darkened lacking spiritual light of the word.
Message Dream
The message dream will have many things involved in it, but only one message.
Some dreams come from your inner subconscious thinking, and they need to be dealt
with. They are not a message from God, but from yourself. They are your own dreams
that come forth. It’s funny that you cannot lie to yourself in your dream. Your
conscience affects it. Your feelings and your personal attitudes color your dreams.
So, to interpret dreams, check the attitudes of the people that received the dream.
Sometimes the prayer life is not there, and the Word is not enough and the attitudes
are wrong and colored the dreams. The second rule is to remember—in whichever of
the three types of dreams you have—to check your personal attitude and feelings, and
ask whether they are coloring the dreams. In helping another person understand their
dreams, check their attitudes too. Discern them by the Holy Spirit, in order to get an
accurate picture of what God is saying.
Even the fear you have of something can bring dreams concerning that thing. This is
why those of you who just fall in love and are praying to God, God is that man (or
woman) Your will for me? Then you dream about you and her or him at a wedding.
You cannot trust that dream. Do you know why? The reason is because your feelings
are involved.
It is very hard to hear God’s dream when your own feelings are involved. We don’t
go by feelings but by the word. You see it all comes down to this, there are the times
where you should trust your dreams the least, especially dreams in the area of
marriage and life partners. Your own feelings, your own desires are coming out. You
have to examine them so you cannot say after you wake up from that dream, Bless
God, I have the confirmation. When your feelings come into play, it is not
necessarily the Lord who has sent you that dream.
God also warns you in your dreams, and sometimes He will even warn you in your
business and give you direction. He tells you of situations not to enter. Many get
confused when they see something disturbing in a dream that has not yet occurred in
the natural, but this is a warning showing you the things you need to prevent. It
doesn’t mean that things have to happen that way. The interpretation must always be
positive. It must not bring fear or grief into people’s lives.
Interpretation of Dreams
You need to understand that in the spiritual realm a dream is the greatest form of
revelation, and an open vision is the greatest form of sight. A dream requires an
additional form of revelation that is why most of the time you need an interpreter to
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tell you the meaning of the dream.
When it comes to the interpretation of dreams it is not just a Spirit gift but a skill that
one can learn and know. Of course, the skill also comes as a gift from God but it is
something that you can learn and know what the Lord is saying when he speaks to you
in dreams. Daniel was a prophet but was also skilled in the interpretation of dreams,
watch what the scripture says;
Daniel 1: 17
As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and
wisdom and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
So, Daniel was given a skill to interpret dreams and notice the bible does not say a
gift but skill. That Hebrew word translated as skill there is sakal it simply means the
intelligence to know what the dream means, so some people are not given the
intelligence to know how interpret dreams and you can’t pray for it you need to be
schooled on the subject.
The sakal or skill to interpret dreams is something out of the supernatural it is an
ability that is given. It is the ability to know how to go around the technicalities of a
dream. It means to separate mentally, so Daniel had the skill to decipher the message
in your dream. As a prophet that ability and skill is a part of my gift but it is
something that you can learn to do like any other skill that you can be taught out there.
This is different from the interpretation of tongues which not a skill but a gift of the
Holy Ghost.
The Voice of God Through Tongues
Whilst the gift of tongues is the result of a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, praying in
tongues is the spiritual development of the spirit man. When you pray in tongues, it is
actually your spirit man who prays. In other words, if you never pray in tongues that
means your spirit man never prays, and your spiritual growth will be little or
nonexistent. See what Paul says:
1 Corinthians 14: 14
For if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays, but my understanding is
This is different to the gift of speaking in tongues, and every born-again believer is
endowed with the ability to pray in tongues. If you are saved, then the Spirit of God
is living in you, and He is the one that gives you utterance. Remember, the scripture
says that they that believe in my name shall speak with new tongues.
Mark 16: 17
And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out
devils; they shall speak with new tongues.
You see now that the only qualification you need to be able to speak in tongues,
according to the scripture we have just read, is for you to believe in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Many people fail to differentiate between the gift of tongues and praying
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in tongues. As a result, they think that when Paul said that not all speak with tongues,
he was referring to praying in tongues.
1 Corinthians 12: 30
Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?
Paul was talking about the gift of tongues and not praying in tongues, which is the
right and privilege of every born-again believer. When the newborn spirit prays, it
prays in tongues. You can tap into the voice of God simply by the ability to interpret
tongues, the same message can be communicated through the prophetic gift as through
tongues. This is why it is important for you to learn how the interpretation of tongues
The Interpretation of Tongues
The interpretation of tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit to help interpret a message
that has been delivered in an unknown tongue. Please don’t get mixed up. This is the
interpretation and not the translation of tongues. The two are very different. The
person who interprets the tongues does not understand the tongue, but he receives the
interpretation as a message from the Holy Spirit. This is a gift that you can pray about
and ask God for.
In fact, the interpretation of tongues is equated to prophecy, and the gift of tongues
gives you the ability to receive and deliver a prophetic word in tongues, but then
needs interpretation.
1 Corinthians 14: 5
I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for
greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he
interpret, that the church may receive edifying.

It is important for you to understand that it is an interpretation of tongues and not a

translation. As such, the amount of time required to interpret a message in tongues
may sometimes be longer than the message in tongues. Someone can be giving a
message in tongues for two minutes, and when the interpretation comes it may only be
a single sentence. That is because we do not translate tongues, we interpret them.
Most times retrace what your emotions were at the time the tongues were spoken and
there is the meaning of those tongues. Emotions are the vehicle that carries the
anointing out of a person to the area its needed and there is the secret to interpret
tongues or dreams. If it’s a dream try to see whether you were happy seeing what you
were seeing or what and there is your greatest weapon to interpretation of that dream!

Sometimes only the gist of the message in tongues is given, which would make it
shorter than the message in tongues, and different people receiving the same
interpretation may sometimes convey it using different words.
For example, the interpretation of a tongue may be Fear not, I am with you. Another
highly educated person may interpret it as God says do not hold on to any phobias
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for His presence is with you. A young person who receives the same interpretation
may interpret it as Don’t be scared for He is near us. The gist of the message is
Daniel interpreted the four words Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Upharsin in three long
sentences. A strict translation would have been Number, Number, Weigh, Divide. The
interpretation of tongues brings forth an application of the message of God that makes
it the same as a prophecy, and you do not need to be a prophet to interpret tongues. It
is a gift that every believer can pray for, and then access the voice of God through
that gift. It boils down to your own desire to access the voice of God through tongues
as well as the development of your inner senses in picking and perceiving what is
being communicated in the realm of the spirit.
Daniel 5: 25- 28
And this is the handwriting that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL,
UPHARSIN. This in the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered
thy kingdom and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art
found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and
You can pray for the ability to interpret your tongues according to the scriptures.
1 Corinthians 14: 13
Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may
God does not require us to understand everything that we pray about in tongues, but
as you develop and grow in the things of the Spirit, you can receive an understanding
of the gist of what you are praying about.
By walking in the spirit and allowing the light of God’s word to enlighten your
understanding this spiritual sensitivity can be nurtured and developed. It is an
outworking of the anointing within, whereas the interpretation of tongues is an
outworking of the anointing upon. As we bring this whole matter to a conclusion in
this last chapter I need you follow very closely as we get into how you can hear the
audible voice of God.

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Chapter 8
The Audible Voice of God
I wonder how many times God has spoken to you and you never heard a thing. There
are conditions to hearing the voice of God and many Christians never position
themselves to access the voice of God simply because they have never been taught
how to. It is most important that you understand that of all the things we have looked
at in this book, that God is not limited to one particular way of doing things. You
cannot take him and put him in a box, like, ‘yeah I have got him all figured out now’.
If you do so, you will be in for a very big surprise because the more you know God,
the more you understand you don’t know him the more!
God does not change, but his methods can change at any time. In the book of Mark,
Jesus healed a man that had been sick of the palsy, and the people who were there
were amazed, because they had never seen it done in that manner before.
Mark 2: 12
And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all;
insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God saying, we never saw it
in this fashion.
You see they were not saying that they had never witnessed any miracle of the same
kind, but it was the manner in which it was done that was different. It was the same
healing power and the same God, but an entirely different healing method. This is
why it is so important for you to be in the right place at the right time, doing the right
thing. Don’t assume that just because that’s the way it happened yesterday that is how
God wants to do it today.
As already mentioned, Elijah the prophet was sustained by God during a time of
famine, when ravens would bring him food every day, and he would drink water from
the brook. Then the brook dried up, and the ravens no longer brought food. He didn’t
start looking for another brook to move to, no. He had to hear from God, because the
method of bringing provisions had just changed.
1 Kings 17: 6–7
And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh
in the evening; and he drank of the brook. And it came to pass after a while that
the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.
See what the very next verse says:
And the word of the Lord came unto him saying, arise, get thee to Zarephath,
which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there. Behold I have commanded a widow
woman there to sustain thee.
Without access to the voice of God, Elijah would have perished right there, but then
the Lord said to him, I have commanded a widow to sustain thee, so in the mind of
the prophet, this widow should be expecting him according to the word of the Lord.
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But see what happened next.
So he arose and went to Zarephath; and when he came to the gate of the city,
behold, a widow was there gathering sticks; and he called to her and said, Bring
me a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as she was going to bring it,
he called to her and said, Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand. And she said,
As the Lord God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar and
a little oil in a cruse; and now, I am gathering a couple of sticks, that I may go
in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.
Many are like this poor widow who was looking at herself and her condition. She
was looking at her little bit of flour and her little bit of oil. Her eyes and her soul
were tied to this life. She was tied to the cares of this life. She was tied to the things
of this world. As a result of that, she could not hear God.
Hearing the Audible Voice of God
When we talk about the audible voice of God, however, it is more or less a spiritual
voice that has a side effect on the natural sound waves, or that produces certain sound
waves in the natural that your natural ears can decipher. At times the audible voice is
discernable, but at times you may not even be able to discern what was spoken
depending on your spiritual disposition. Remember when God speaks, he intends for
you to hear what He is saying so the problem is never with the transmitter but the one
receiving who is not tuned in to the right wavelength.
Please understand that when I talk about the audible voice of God that there are 144
ways to hear from God and this is only one of them and I will not cover them in this
part one of the series or even in the whole series unless I am ready to write hundreds
of books. The Lord can choose to speak to you in a spectacular way, but most of the
time the Holy Spirit speaks through the inward witness, and the inward voice of the
Holy Spirit. Don’t get me wrong here. Whenever God speaks He is demonstrating the
supernatural. For example, even though you speak in tongues, which are supernatural,
it is not very spectacular. In the same way, there are certain things that God will let
you experience that are very spectacular, and hearing the audible voice of God is one
of those things.
It’s not every day that God will speak to the ordinary believer with His ‘audible’
voice, lightning flashing, thunder roaring, earth shaking, angels singing, and His
booming voice comes down and says, Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
It’s not every day, and yet even the audible voice of God can be heard but not
understood unless your understanding is enlightened. That is the amazing thing, if you
understand that the audible voice of God can occur and understand how audible is
audible? When we talk about the prophetic it carries the gift to know the language of
God and communicate it in words that the intellect of man can understand so I do
have a bit of an advantage there.
When God speaks, there is a spiritual vibration caused by the spiritual voice
speaking, and it has an effect on the natural realm. You can even hear it in the natural
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and fail to understand it. Some can hear it and think it must be something else. This
does not happen every day, and most of the time when someone tells me they have
heard the audible voice of God I know definitely they haven’t, that is how uncommon
it can be. On the other hand, when God does choose to speak to you in this way, I
don’t want you to miss it.
As we read earlier in the book of Acts, chapter 9, we have Paul, who was not an
apostle yet, but called to be an apostle. Saul had an encounter with the Lord on his
way to Damascus to persecute Christians that changed his life forever. Let’s look at it
one more time.
Acts 9: 3–4
And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus and suddenly there shined round
about him a light from heaven. And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying
unto him, Saul, why persecutes thou me?
Saul heard the audible voice of God saying, Saul, why persecutes thou me? With
just a little bit of God’s glory Saul was thrown from his donkey. While he was down
on the ground, he heard the voice of Jesus.
Then Saul said, Who are you, Lord? The Lord said, I am Jesus. That was a very
frightening experience for Saul. After all, this was the same Jesus he was fighting
against. Paul was commissioned into the ministry at the same time he was born again
during that encounter with the Lord, and his life was never the same.
As he heard this audible voice of God, there were other people with Saul however
their experience of the whole event was a little bit different, let’s read it from the
Acts 9: 7
The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but
seeing no one.
They had heard a voice, but they saw no one, and in the book of Acts 22 we read the
testimony of Paul’s conversion.
Acts 22: 7
And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you
persecute me? And I answered, Who are you, Lord? And He said to me, I am
Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting. Now those who were with me saw
the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me.
Now understand that this was about midday, when the sun was at its peak, and yet
right there a greater light shone down upon them.
This is when things get confusing, however, when you compare it to Acts 9. Verse 9
says, now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the
One who was speaking to me. When you read Acts 22, however, the Bible says that
they did not hear the voice. Before you rush to any conclusion, this is not a

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contradiction. Every time you think there is a contradiction, it is more likely because
there is a revelation. When you find the revelation that is involved, it will harmonize
the seemingly contradictory scriptures. The scriptures do not contradict each other at
There is a play of words here, and to get the real meaning of what was being said we
need to look at the Greek translation of the two scriptures. In the Greek, the word
translated as voice is phone, and the word translated as heard is akouo. What has
happened is that they used a special ending in the akouo in Acts 9, which means they
heard something without understanding. When you tie it back to Acts 22, where it
says they did not hear the voice, it means that they did not discern the voice and what
He was saying. They could hear a sound without discerning what it meant.
It could have been a voice speaking in a discernable language, but you did not hear it
and how the words were enunciated properly. Therefore, you could not comprehend
and understand. The audible voice of Jesus just sounded like a sound to them. Of
course they heard Paul’s conversation. They never heard the voice in a true sense,
though. They may not even have known that it was somebody talking.
We see the same thing that happening with the disciples in the book of John. Let’s
read it next.
John 12: 28
Father, glorify Thy name. Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it,
and I will glorify it again. The crowd standing by heard it and said that it had
They didn’t hear any voice, and only heard the thunder. That’s all they heard. They
just heard some sound, and they possibly wouldn’t know that it was a voice speaking.
Some of them could have heard some sort of words. You see God’s audible voice
doesn’t sound like the audible voice of the natural man for it even requires
interpretation and spiritual level to know it.
This was the other statement some of them made when they said, An angel has
spoken to Him. Jesus and His disciples heard the actual voice. That’s how they
were able to record it but to the rest of the crowd whose understanding was darkened
even though the voice of God spoke they could not discern anything that was said.
They were not at the same wavelength with the disciples. These were just people
following the Lord looking for a miracle but no relationship with the miracle worker
to know His voice.
One more thing I want you to see is what the bible says about what you think Paul’s
eyes saw.
Look at this revelation in Acts 9:8;
“When he OPENED HIS EYES saw no man…”
Do you see what the bible says? All along you thought Paul saw Jesus using his
naked eye but no he didn’t because the bible says when he opened his eyes he saw no
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man, so all this happened while he closed his eyes. However, don’t get it twisted, his
spiritual eyes were opened but his natural eyes were closed. The spiritual always
trumps the natural no matter what.
Spiritual Condition to Hear the Audible Voice
It seems strange to us because it is the same voice, and how can people hear it
differently? The audible voice of God is still a spiritual voice. Because it’s still a
spiritual voice, depending on the spiritual condition or state of the hearer, they may
not be able to discern it. Some people think that you will always be able to pick up
the audible voice and discern it with the natural hearing. No. There still needs to be a
spiritual state or condition to be able to hear.
You need to hear from the realm of the spirit otherwise even though it’s audible you
will miss it completely. Remember the illustration I gave you earlier about how you
cannot decipher the barking of a dog, yet other dogs actually understand what is being
communicated simply because they are speaking and hearing from the same realm.
You also need to be in the spirit in order to be able to hear the audible voice of God.
I remember taking some of our pastors to our prayer mountain in Southern Africa on
my many visits to the branches there. While we were sitting around a fire, an angel of
the Lord appeared before us. He actually stood there for a good ten minutes or so.
Everyone could see him, at least 17 people could see him apart from one of my
relatives who had accompanied us. He could not see a thing. I even took him by the
hand and stood in front of the angel, and said here is the angel can you see him? and
still he could not see anything. He had no spiritual perception whatsoever. My father
wept for a good hour after that. It was his first time to see an angel but only one guy
had a problem in seeing.
His inner eyes could not perceive anything at all, his understanding was so darkened
to the extent that even the blessing that was for everyone who was there to enjoy he
could not receive it. It is the same thing with the audible voice of God, just because
you are not hearing it does not mean that the ones who are hearing are making it up.
When you read the bible, you will often find that when people wanted to hear God
they would go up a mountain or separate themselves from the daily routines
somehow. They were trying to escape the cares of life that can cloud your hearing.
Anxiety and Worry cancel out the hearing ability
When most people pray and seek answers from God they are already in a state of
anxiety and worry. They stand no chance of hearing anything that God is saying. This
is why even when you watch me prophesy the first thing I will do is to quieten my
spirit, I control my environment so that I can hear that voice when he speaks. The
oldest trick of the enemy is to push you straight into the place of fear, anger or strife
and once you fall into that one even if God spoke to you audibly you will not hear
If God were to speak audibly right now, some of you will still not hear it. Although
it’s called the audible voice of God, it’s still the spiritual voice that needs spiritual
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discernment, spiritual perception, and spiritual position to hear that voice.
Otherwise, we may just say it thundered, or just think that maybe it’s your
If you are not in the spiritual position, even though the audible voice comes, you will
not be able to understand it. You will not be able to discern it. You will think maybe
it thundered, and those who heard it are imagining things.
Many times, I have stood in a live service telling people what God is ministering to
me at that time, and even when He speaks audibly they can never hear it. I still need
to repeat the whole thing, even though the message was meant for them.
The audible voice of God can only be discerned based on your spiritual position.
You can only hear God in the spirit. You can only position yourself to hear the
audible voice of God when you begin to walk in the spirit and your understanding has
been enlightened through the light of God’s word.
Even when I minister with angels you have to understand that the same rules apply.
Angels are attracted to light. If you don’t have that light that comes from the word,
you are not visible to them. You cannot see them and they can’t see you either and
cannot come to your aid. The spiritual realm remains inaccessible to you as long as
you are led and dominated by the desires of your flesh.
You need to develop in you the ability to drown out every other distraction apart from
the voice of God concerning any situation. This is only possible when you begin to
walk in the spirit with the light of the word helping you to comprehend what the
Spirit of God is saying. In the Old Testament, Samuel was one of the people that
heard directly from God for the very first time audibly, and he could not understand
what was happening. Let’s look at the scripture.
I Samuel 3: 2
At that time Eli, whose eyesight had began to grow dim, so that he could not see,
was lying down in his own place; the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and
Samuel was lying down within the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God
was. The Lord called, Samuel, Samuel. And he said, Here I am, and ran to Eli
and said, Here I am, for you called me. But he said, I did not call you; lie down
again. So, he went and lay down. And the Lord called again, Samuel, Samuel,
And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here I am for you called me. But he
said, I did not call, my son; lie down again. Now Samuel did not yet know the
Lord, and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. And the Lord
called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here
I am, for you called me. Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling the boy.
Samuel heard the audible voice of God calling. Here the Lord is calling Samuel,
and in verse 10, And the Lord came and stood forth, calling as at other times,
Samuel, Samuel. This was in the middle of the night. Samuel was sleeping, and he
had never before heard the audible voice of God before. Here, he heard God audibly

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calling him. He could hear his name, but there was a little bit of muddling. He heard
the voice as if it were Eli’s voice. We are all are experienced enough to know a
person’s voice.
Samuel heard it, and thought that it was Eli. He must have been so convinced to come
to him three times. Remember all of Eli’s other sons were also there. Of all the
people that were in that place, why would Samuel run to Eli unless the voice he
heard distinctly sounded like that of Eli? When you actually hear it, the audible voice
of God sometimes sounds like somebody else’s voice you know.
You will also find sometimes that it will be the voice of someone you look up to in
the things of God. A lot of people have said to me, oh I dreamt of you, and their
dream has to do with the things of God. I did not necessarily visit them in their
dream, but because of their connection with me, God is able to use that image and the
voice that you already associate with him to give you direction not that this is how it
works all the time.
So when you hear the audible voice of God, it can sound like some natural sounds
that you have heard. When the audible voice of God is speaking to you, because of all
these experiences and the natural knowledge we have, you would hear it to a certain
extent because your mind associates the new experience with the old.
Think about how you learn something new. By using examples of the things you
already have an understanding of to illustrate the new. In that way, you are building
on what you already know, and it becomes easier to grasp. For example, if I wanted
to describe to you the way a rotor blade propeller works on a helicopter, and you
have never seen one before, I would try to find something you know that is similar.
Maybe a fan, since it works in exactly the same way, except that the rotor blade
works at a much larger scale and has a different effect.
That is how your natural mind learns. You take about two or three things of the old,
and form something new. Then the new thing that we learned is added to our
knowledge, and we have more things to compare now.
When you hear the audible voice of God, you will associate it with sounds that you
have heard before. When Samuel heard the audible voice of God he thought that it
was Eli, because it was within his experience.
He heard an actual voice speaking to him, and he ran to Eli. Apparently, he was in a
position where he could hear quite discernibly. The main reason that it was easy for
Samuel to hear the voice of God is that he was in the center of God’s will for his life,
the bible says: Samuel continually ministered before the Lord. It’s easier to
discern God’s voice when you are in the midst of doing the will of God.
A young Christian can hear the audible voice of God, provided he or she is right
where God wants him or her to be. Samuel was a little boy, and he was faithful as far
as he was concerned.
Responding to the Voice of God
If you respond to the audible voice of God in some way, He will keep on speaking.
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Samuel did respond, but he responded to the wrong person. Notice he never heard
anything else until he recognized the one who was speaking to him. In other words,
it’s like a phone ringing and you don’t hear anything until you pick up the phone. So,
when you hear the audible voice of God, you won’t just suddenly get a message until
you give a response.
Now notice that Samuel has to say, Speak Lord for thy servant hears. Only then
does the voice start speaking to him. He demands a response. Let me tell you,
sometimes people have heard the audible voice of God and not discerned it, and they
have missed the message. Of course, you don’t respond to every sound. Remember
all the spectacular things that are confirmed by the inward witness. Any time God
speaks in a spectacular way, you will sense a bubbling in your spirit man.
Think about it, how did Elijah discern all the sounds in I Kings 19? The winds were
howling, the rocks were falling, the earth was quaking, the fires were burning, and he
heard a still small voice. There was a sound that created a response in his spiritual
perception. You can discern the voice of God, the sound, with your spirit man. You
need to respond before we receive the rest of the revelation.
God’s desire from the beginning of time was to be able to fellowship with man, and
today He still reaches out to his creation in more ways than you have ever imagined.
He wants you to hear directly from him the revelation that he has released me to
share with you in this book is evidence of that truth. You can begin that exciting
journey today and know the mind of Christ concerning every situation in your life.

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Chapter 9

Hearing God in the Prophetic

So now that we have dealt with how you can walk in the spirit by walking in love
and you have no strife, grief or fear affecting the functioning of your inner sight as
well as the light of God’s word illuminating your inner recesses by making his word
the standard for your life and living by it with no reservation. We can now get into
how you can actually start to tune into the prophetic. You have to understand that this
is not the way I hear. It is just the basics of it but it will go a long way into hearing
the voice of God and if you get it sharpened you will shock your world. You see
these are the basics that I don’t use in this way because I was born like this and
before you start arguing with that let me give you biblical proof that prophets are
born prophets.

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee and made you a prophet

This happened while the man was still a thought in God’s realm of thought. Way
before his mother met his father.

Now without taking much of your time, the prophetic is not as complicated as you
might have imagined. That is because God wants you to hear from Him directly and
he is not hiding from you. As you begin to walk in the Spirit as I have been teaching
in this book it will become easier and easier for you to access the voice of God.

In this last chapter I want to show you what you need to do now that you are walking
in the spirit and have the light of God’s word illuminating your inner recesses. I
really need you to follow very closely, and please try not to over think what I am
saying just take it as it is.

Seeing what is said

Now I want to first of all look at the keys to the prophetic that were given by the
prophet Habakkuk, watch what the scripture says;

Habakkuk 2: 1
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I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

If you have ever watched me prophesy you might have noticed that I can stand there
in front of someone as if I am fixing my gaze on something. As a prophet, I can hear
from God in many ways. I have seen the Lord but what I am about to teach you, to me
are the baby steps into the prophetic but most prophets maybe not at my level still use
to the amazement of many.

You need to understand that I have been hearing from God since I was seven years
old and you cannot expect just to wake up and start walking in prophetic visions or
hearing the audible voice of God as I do, so I will try to make it easier at your level
in this first part of How to Hear the Voice of God.

You need to understand that as you start to walk in the spirit and sharpen your senses
you may not necessarily start by hearing the audible voice of God or entering into
open and closed visions that I described to you. The easiest way for you to pick up
those signals in the realm of the spirit will be in picture form.

If you notice the scripture we have just read Habakkuk says that; I will watch to see
what he will say. So how do you watch to see something that is being spoken if it is
words that are being released? You cannot see words. That means Habakkuk was
seeing pictures that were showing him what God was actually communicating. This is
why I have been teaching you how to get the light of God into your spirit and sharpen
your inner sight because God will show you what he is saying most of the time, rather
than speak to you with the audible voice. So when you see you will know what God
is saying. Now you are getting it.

Positioning yourself to hear

Now we are getting into how you can see what is being said. So the first thing that
Habakkuk says is to; stand upon my watch. What that means is you need to calm
your spirit clear your mind and control your environment.

If you have ever seen the people I imparted the prophetic on, you will notice that they
are very particular about where you stand, what they are singing in that place and
who is allowed to move around, why? They are controlling the environment. You
will not be able to tell what is coming from God if you are all over the place. You
are trying to prophesy and at the same time you are thinking about your lunch meeting
after church. Your will be too clouded and even if God tries to show you anything
you will not be able to get it.

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When you stand clear your mind, relax and quieten your spirit. All this however will
only work when you have the light of God’s word and your inner eye is functioning as
it should do because you are walking in love. Now the information you are about to
receive will drop into your spirit but remember it is of no use until your mind catches
the revelation in your spirit.

Now this is where most people miss it so I need you to follow closely. When you are
stood in front of someone remember the one who is giving you this information is
God and you are not fishing it out of some unknown source. It is important that your
mind has this fact settled and I know I said mind not spirit, that is exactly what I

The mind of Christ

To do that, you have to put in your mind the image you associate with the person of
the Lord. Whatever you have in your mind when you think of the Lord, whatever you
think he looks like, that is the image I want to be in your mind. Now I know you have
never seen his face, but whenever you hear his name your mind has already pieced
together images in your head to represent him.

And because it is your mind that we are trying to educate that we are hearing from
God that image is important and has to be there if you are going to see anything. You
place that envisioning of his image between you and the thing you want to know
about. It might be just a bill. Remember this book is mainly for you to know about
things that affect you not for you to control people’s lives. I wrote this book for you to
hear the voice of God and not you moving around claiming you are some sort of
predicting machine.

So let’s go back to our scripture now that we have established the ground rules.

Habakkuk 2: 1

I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

Habakkuk says; I will set me upon the tower, so now you are standing there with the
thing you are ministering to or about in front of you but in your mind the image you
have of Christ is between the two of you. I know right now some are thinking what I
am saying is too simple but remember I am the one who can prophesy and you bought
this book to learn from me. Don’t try to figure out what I’m about to say before I say
it you will only confuse yourself.

Ok back to hearing from God, so now that you have quietened your spirit and cleared
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your mind and the thing you want to know about or you are ministering to or about is
in front of you with the image of Christ between you and that thing, now wait for
spontaneous thoughts to come to your mind. Remember, this whole exercise is
pointless unless your mind knows that we are hearing from God, so if you forget what
I am telling you about placing that image of Christ between you and the person in
front of you nothing will work.

As you are standing there you are now doing what Habakkuk calls, ‘watching to see
what he will say’ and in this part you can actually start waiting to hear spontaneous
thoughts and that is how the Lord speaks in a basic form before he moves to audible.
However, if you learn this no one will tell the difference. We need to know how to
test if the spontaneous thought we have received or spontaneous sight is coming from
God and there are four ways to know that;

Four ways to be sure what you’re hearing is from Him:

1) Test the Source
So here it is; thoughts from our own minds are gradual. We have one thought leading
to the next but thoughts from the spirit are spontaneous. The Hebrew word for true
prophecy is naba, which means to bubble up, whereas false prophecy
is ziyd meaning to boil up. True words from the Lord will bubble up from our
innermost being. You don’t try to manufacture them or think too hard on what he could
be saying. They bubble up effortlessly.
2) Compare It to the Word of God
God will never tell you something that is contrary to His Scriptures. Whatever
‘bubbles up’ from the inside of you should always be in line with God’s word.
Anything that is not backed up by scripture is not of Him. There may be things that are
not specifically addressed in the Bible, still, biblical principles ought to be followed
regarding that particular matter.
3) Compare It to the Character of God
Anything God says to you will line up with his nature. Get into the word and get to
know what the Bible says about Him. It will help you discern what words are from
Him. Remember I mentioned earlier the difference between reading about him (or
just knowing scriptures) and actually getting to know Him personally (knowing His
voice). Once you do this it becomes easier. Make sure what you are hearing lines up
with the character of God.
4) Test the Fruit
Check the effect of what you are hearing in your spirit. Remember how I mentioned
earlier about how important it is for your spirit to be in charge? If it doesn’t sit right
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with your spirit it will affect your body and your world is suddenly thrown into
turmoil. Words from the Lord will quicken your faith and increase your love, peace
and joy. On the other hand, any words you receive which cause you to fear, doubt,
cause confusion or anxiety, or which caress your ego must be immediately rebuked as
lies of the enemy.
The quickest way to launch into the prophetic and here God is to see that the three
stages of prophecy are met which are:
Whenever you sense the spontaneous words or naba or bubbling forth coming you
know you are getting revelation. The revelation can be given in the form of dreams,
visions or impressions or a knowledge. That needs the second stage which is
Interpretation. This is the receiving of an understanding of what God gives you.
However, that interpretation requires a way to apply it which takes us to the
application stage because you can get the right revelation and mess up the
interpretation and ultimately mess up the application.
You can even get the revelation correctly as most people do but mess up the
interpretation maybe because they hurry into wanting what they got to be heard and by
so doing mess it up or get the first two correct and mess up the whole prophecy and
run the risk of being called a false prophet. However, understand this book is not
here to make you change your title and call yourself a prophet. It’s here to help hear
God for yourself as one of his own children and not go around claiming to know
about other people when you don’t know nothing about yourself
In Conclusion of this part 1 of the hearing from God series, I would like you to
understand that most importantly, it is the eyes and the light that need to be dealt with
when you want to hear God. It is also the listening ability that needs to be developed
by walking in the spirit which is walking in love. Simply that. Like I said, the
prophetic is not as complicated as you might have imagined that is because God
wants you to hear from Him directly and he is not hiding from you. As you begin to
walk in the Spirit as I have been teaching in this book it will become easier and
easier for you to access the voice of God and I pray that the voice of God be so
available to you that you speak to him daily.

In this Chapter, we dealt with hearing but mainly in the spirit. In the coming parts of
this series we will deal with how to be sensitive to angels and also how to see in the
Spirit as you see in the natural. God gave me this mandate and I will fulfil it as best I
can. I know his love for you is endless. Go and change your world with this truth!

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