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In the Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) the dye sensitizer carries out the light harvesting function
and is therefore crucial in determining overall cell efficiency. In addition, the dye sensitizer can
influence many of the key electron transfer processes occurring at the TiO2/dye/electrolyte
interface which also determine efficiency. Dye structure can influence and drive forward electron
injection into the conduction band of the TiO2. Conversely, dye structure can help retard loss
electron transfer processes such as charge recombination of injected electrons in the TiO2 with dye
cations and also recombination of these electrons with the electrolyte. Therefore tuning dye
sensitizer light absorbing properties and control of the aforementioned electron transfer processes
through structural design of the dye sensitizer is an important avenue through which optimization
of DSSC efficiency should be pursued. In this critical review the latest work focusing on the design
of dyes for efficient DSSCs is revised (111 references).
1. Introduction economic and political stability. The fact that these resources
are still largely based on non-renewable fossil fuels such as oil
Modern society is heavily dependent upon energy resources and gas and growing public concern over the environmental
and their continued supply is crucial towards long term global damage that the use of such materials may be causing has
encouraged the development and exploitation of renewable
forms of energy. The abundance of solar energy which bathes
ICREA and Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Av. Paı¨sos
Catalans 16, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: epalomares@iciq.es, the earths surface in 120 000 terawatts of energy makes it
jnclifford@iciq.es; Fax: +34 977 920 224; Tel: +34 977 920 200 extremely attractive for harnessing as a renewable energy
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700 nm due to the smaller band gap for these highly conjugated electron donation to Ru causing the red shift of the MLCT
p-aromatic systems. As discussed in section 2.2, porphyrins bands by decreasing the p* level of the 4,4 0 ,4 0 0 -tricarboxy-
and phthalocyanines display certain limitations for use in 2,2 0 : 6 0 ,2 0 0 -terpyridine ligand and an increase in the energy of
DSSCs such as an inherent lack of directionality in the the t2g metal orbital. The resulting photovoltaic devices using
excited state for symmetrical structures and a tendency N749 exhibit impressive near-IR photoresponse with an
towards aggregation. Achieving better excited state absorption threshold of 920 nm and a plateau higher than
directionality can be overcome by breaking the symmetry of 70% between 400 and 700 nm. However the overall efficiencies
these large planar p-aromatic systems and designing of these devices are not significantly better than cells made with
Published on 12 November 2010. Downloaded by University of Wollongong on 11/2/2018 9:31:18 AM.
unsymmetrical complexes such as Zn–TP–(COOH)287 and N719. More recently a new Ru(II) polypyridyl complex with
TT125 (Fig. 9) which are currently two of the most efficient the ligand 2,6-bis-(4-carboxyquinolin-2-yl)pyridine has shown
porphyrin and phthalocyanine dyes utilized in DSSCs with 35% IPCE at 900 nm.89 Although overall efficiencies of devices
efficiencies of 7.1% and 3.5% respectively. In addition, made with this sensitizer are lower than for N749, to date this is
substitution of Zn–TP–(COOH)2 at the b position of the the highest IPCE value reported in the near IR region for a
porphyrin ring with the conjugated diethenyl linker and Ru(II) polypyridyl dye. Panchromatic organic sensitizers are
carboxylic acid groups results in a red shift in the Soret and also being developed, for example the phenoxazine dye
Q-bands giving better absorption in the UV-visible. The TH30490 (Fig. 10) which contains a thiophene p-bridge that
staggered aryl substituents at the a positions of the extends the absorption spectrum allowing for a broad IPCE
porphyrin ring of Zn–TP–(COOH)2 and the bulky tert-butyl from 300 to 920 nm with a maximum of 67% at 580 nm.
groups on TT1 help to minimize aggregation in these Although the final efficiency is only 3%, the extension of its
complexes when bound to TiO2. light harvesting capability to the near-IR is very promising.
Near-IR absorbing squarine dyes such as SQ188 (Fig. 9) are An altogether different approach to achieve panchromatic
also under investigation as sensitizers for DSSCs. Similar to absorption of DSSCs involves the co-sensitization of two or
phthalocyanines they also show intense absorption bands but more dyes with complementary absorption spectra.
efficiencies have so far not greatly exceeded those of the Porphyrins, phthalocyanines, naphthalocyanines, cyanines
phthalocyanines such as TT1. and squarines all display intense absorption bands at lower
energies making them excellent candidates for co-sensitization
studies since they show an optical window over a large region
4. Towards panchromatic sensitization of the visible spectrum allowing them to be combined with
As already mentioned in section 1, one of the properties that an sensitizers that absorb in this part of the spectrum. Despite the
ideal dye sensitizer should possess is a broad absorption band many studies present in the literature and though co-sensitized
with optimum overlap with that of the solar spectrum. The DSSC devices generally show improved light-harvesting, they
most efficient Ru(II) polypyridyl sensitizers are noticeably poor also usually show poorer overall efficiencies when compared to
light-harvesters at longer wavelengths. For example, the reference devices made from the individual sensitizers alone.
incident-photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) of C101 ranges One reason for this seems rather straightforward in that there
from 400 to 800 nm, only exceeding 80% from 480 to 660 nm.71 is only a finite number of anchoring sites on the TiO2 surface so
The development of panchromatic single sensitizers is however any improvement in IPCE in one part of the spectrum by the
rather challenging as absorption of lower energy photons introduction of a given sensitizer may be offset by poorer
towards the near-IR means the sensitizer band gap will have performance in IPCE in another part due to the removal of
to be sufficiently small. Such a small band gap may the other sensitizer dye(s). Another reason for poor
compromise other properties of the dye such as, for example, performance of co-sensitized DSSCs is the deactivation of
ground and excited state red–ox properties which are already dye excited states due to energy or electron transfer processes
tuned for efficient electron injection into the TiO2 and between the different sensitizers.
regeneration of the oxidized form of the sensitizer by the In spite of this, there are some examples of successful
iodide/tri-iodide re–dox couple. combinations of dyes resulting in both increased light
The first notable attempt to develop a panchromatic harvesting and improved cell efficiencies. In a study by
sensitizer for DSSCs was the Ru(II) polypyridyl dye Torres and co-workers91 involving the phthalocyanine TT1
N749,67,68 or ‘‘black dye’’ (Fig. 10) containing a carboxylated and the organic dye JK2, co-sensitized devices yielded an
terpyridyl ligand and three thiocianate groups. The three overall cell efficiency of 7.74%, which was higher than the
thyocianato anionic ligands stabilize the excited states by reference devices, with photoresponse extending up to 750 nm
and with an IPCE of 72% at 690 nm corresponding to the
Q-band of TT1. Wang and Zhang92 combined three organic
sensitizers absorbing in different regions of the UV-visible: a
yellow merocyanine dye (lmax at 380 nm), a red hemicyanine
dye (lmax at 535 nm) and a blue squarylium cyanine dye (lmax
at 642 nm). Co-sensitized devices showed a broad absorption
from 350 to 750 nm giving an overall efficiency of 6.5%, which
was higher than reference devices made with each individual
sensitizer only. Co-sensitization of these three dyes resulted in
Fig. 10 Chemical structure of dyes TH304 and N749. reduced aggregation and improvements in injection efficiencies
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TiO2 with black dye N749 and the organic dye NK3705. Under
pressurized CO2 conditions and controlled time, N749 uptake
occurs faster than the normal dipping sensitization procedure,
and so the dye occupies the upper microns of the TiO2 film.
Subsequent dipping with NK3705 sensitizes the dye-free lower
microns of the film next to the glass contact, producing a
Fig. 11 Schematic view of the energy transfer relay based DSSC using
bilayer structure. The resulting device shows a broad IPCE
the perylene PTCDI and phthalocyanine dye TT1.
curve from 300 to 900 nm, exceeding 70% from 400 to 650 nm,
and an improved overall efficiency of 9.16% when compared to
the reference devices. In another study Park and co-workers95 Siegers and co-workers97 used just such a strategy by
applied a column chromatography method to achieve similar employing a dyad sensitizer which consisted of the organic
selective positioning of dyes on nanocrystalline TiO2. The dye Fluorol 7GA acting as the relay dye which is covalently
insertion of polystyrene into the pores of the TiO2 retards linked to the Ru(II) polypyridyl complex [Ru(dcbpy)2(acac)]Cl
the flow rate of the mobile phase (the dye solution for that is itself attached to the TiO2 surface. Devices made with
adsorption and an aqueous solution of NaOH and this dyad sensitizer show enhanced IPCE spectra when
polypropyleneglycol for desorption) and thus, allows the compared to reference cells consisting of the polypyridyl
selective positioning of three dyes (an organic dye P5, N719 complex only. However only a negligible increase in overall
and N749) at different depths of the film. The resulting triple- device efficiency was observed. More recently McGehee and
dye-layer devices show a broad IPCE from 400 to 840 nm and coworkers98 presented a novel design where the higher energy
improved overall efficiencies of 4.8% when compared to photons are absorbed by the perylene dye PTCDI which is
reference devices. dissolved in the cell electrolyte and undergoes FRET to the
The problem of limited anchoring sites for sensitizers on the phthalocyanine TT1 which is anchored to the TiO2 surface
TiO2 electrode is a significant one for co-sensitization studies. (Fig. 11). The presence of the relay dye in the electrolyte allows
Several strategies have been used to overcome this. One for a full monolayer of TT1 to anchor to the TiO2 electrode.
method is based on the controlled sensitization of TiO2 in Devices made in this way show improved IPCE spectra when
which dye sensitized films are covered with a layer of Al2O3 compared to reference devices with an increase in overall cell
and onto which a secondary monolayer of dye is deposited.88,96 efficiency. The same concept has been applied in solid state
The layer of Al2O3 has duel functionality: it allows for solar cells with N877 as the donor and SQ1 as the acceptor.99
increased dye adsorption onto the TiO2 electrode and with
the selection of suitable sensitizers with suitable re–dox
properties it also facilitates the formation of a hole-transfer 5. Supramolecular sensitizers
cascade in which holes are shuttled from the inner dye layer to
the outer dye layer, increasing the distance between charge Supramolecular interactions involving sensitizer dyes
separated species and retarding charge recombination. The immobilized onto nanocyrstalline TiO2 electrodes can be
best results have been obtained using the sensitizer JK2 and a exploited in DSSCs offering further exciting possibilities for
squarine dye SQ1 in the configuration TiO2/JK2/Al2O3/SQ188 optimization of these devices. Despite this however, there are
whose IPCE extends from 350 to 700 nm and reaches 85% at surprisingly few examples in the literature. The few studies
453 nm (absorption band of JK2) and 79% at 660 nm conducted can be divided into the following categories: (i) dye
(absorption band of SQ1) and an overall cell efficiency of sensitizer encapsulation by macrocycles, (ii) host–guest ion
8.65% which is higher than the reference devices. binding dye sensitizers and (iii) self assembly of dye
Another strategy which tries to solve the problem of limited monolayers onto the TiO2 surface via supramolecular
space on the TiO2 surface involves Förster resonance energy interactions.
transfer (FRET) from a ‘‘relay’’ dye to a secondary
5.1 Rotaxane-encapsulated dye structures
‘‘sensitizing’’ dye which utilizes this energy to inject electrons
into the TiO2 (Fig. 11). This requires the strong overlap of the Haque and co-workers100 employed an azobenzene based dye
emission spectrum of the relay dye with the absorption which was threaded through an a-cyclodextrin ring (Fig. 12a).
spectrum of the sensitizing dye for effective FRET. In this The formation of this rotaxane was carried out in solution and
way panchromatic sensitization is possible with the relay dye the entire structure was then immobilized onto nanocrystalline
absorbing photons at shorter wavelengths (the blue/green part TiO2 film through the cyclodextrin macrocycle. Transient
of the spectrum) and transferring this energy to the sensitizer absorption spectroscopy studies demonstrated that charge
dye that absorbs in the red/near-IR region of the spectrum. recombination is significantly retarded in TiO2 films
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We would like to thank financial support from ICIQ, ICREA
and Spanish MICINN for projects CONSOLIDER-HOPE
0007-2007 and CTQ-2007-60746-BQU projects. EP thanks
the European Research Council for the ERC starting grant
Polydot and the EU for the FP7-ROBUST project. JNC
thanks the Spanish MICINN for the Juan de la Cierva
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